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Good morning to one and all preset here.

Today I’m here to speak about a very

serious matter of Data Theft by the social media platforms. As we all know that
social media has become an indispensable part of our lives and that there are large
numbers of people using these platforms for communication with their families and
friends. But despite of having many advantages of such platforms, there are various
risks related to it also. The major risk is of identify theft in which a person or
a hacker could hack our personal information without our knowledge and will use
this to commit fraud. There has been several accusations on social media giants
like Facebook for selling our personal data to companies for various purposes. This
is a clear breach in the policies, but none of this accusations are proved so
actions cannot be taken against them. But for our part we can control the amount of
information we can share with people in social media platforms and try to be safe
from such identity thefts and data thefts.

Social Media sites generate revenue by using targeted ad and for targeting a
particular section society they need their information Which they write in their
privacy policy but due to less awareness among the masses and lower standards of
government in developing countries like India users are prone to data theft by
social medias company like Facebook and Instagram

So first of all we need to understand why social media company stores personal
data? They do it for sort us out on our interest and then do target advertising
like for an ad of hair transplantation they will only target bald person creating
a list of bald person is very easy for them because they have all the data of all
the persons that uses their particular platform of social media

Recent Example what is data theft what is data theft

Recent example of data theft is Cambridge analytica where Facebook sold its data
to political parties for running election campaign ads targeting and exploiting
user's information that is ethically wrong It is like they have created online
version of its user that works as a voodoo doll for them and for them that would
represent us they can take any work by it, by just picking the right strings on it
to perform a certain task

So what we can do? what is data theft what is data theft

we can create awareness among the masses about all these things and we should also
encourage people to put minimal personal information on social media and to use
less social media as it just wants attention, in the last I would recommend my
friends to watch the documentries the black mirror and the social dilemma on the
Netflix platform to learn more about this and here is a great news Netflix is free
for 5 and 6 December the social dilemma is a very short documentary and black
mirror is also a short documentary of 1 episode so you can watch it today Cheers!

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