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"Over the shadowy hills and windy peaks she draws her golden bow . . . The tops of the high
mountains tremble and the tangled wood echoes awesomely with the outcry of beasts."
The goddess of hunt, wilderness, moon, and chastity, here we have Artemis, one of the 12
Olympians. The daughter of Zeus and Leto and the twin sister of Apollo. She is the favorite
goddess. Artemis alongside Athena and Hestia are virgin goddesses who swear for their eternal
virginity and purity. Making Artemis one of the strongest because she was able to sway herself
from temptation.
Artemis is a good representation of a modern woman. Independent, courageous, and confident.
But what makes her more relatable is her (allegedly) falling in love. Despite her 'dislike' to men,
she still manages to fall in love with Orion a hunter, whose also her 'best friend', 'hunting
companion'. When clouds aren't blocking the view, Artemis gazed down on Orion as he roamed
around his deserted island, and she fell in love with him. Unfortunately, it becomes an
unrequited love because Orion is in love with someone else.
Artemis is definitely a favorite as she is very exceptional. She is one of the gods who break
many gender norms. Artemis appears to be very athletic, she is good with bow and arrow, she's
strong and self-sufficient. It is also evident in Artemis's clothing, as she is often wearing short
costumes leaving her legs free. Artemis is beautiful and she knows that she's beautiful and she
does not need men to compliment her with her beauty. We stan a confident queen. However,
Artemis would be rated 8 out of 10 stars. She is a great goddess, powerful and beautiful but her
prejudice against men and her being vengeful for no reason is a downside of her being a good
goddess. You can be a feminist without misandry.
The prevalence of Artemis is still on the stream all the rage lurking on the manifold facets of the
society. She was used in important symbolism throughout our world. The references entail in
the NASA program which was named after her, product brands, sports, art inspiration, and
many of various sorts. We might not see Artemis, but we could feel her. She might just be up
there settling on the moon, watching over us. Drawing her bow with an arrow, ready to bullseye
those who need her essence. We need goddess Artemis nowadays. She's the quintessence of
a woman we should look up to. Better know her yet, 'cause there would come a time, you might
need calling her out.
Now, if you are asked, in what ways you think Artemis could manifest in this trying time?

Members: BSED English SE21

Angelo T. Navidad
Iony Vi Balbuena
Noemdrech Acebedo

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