Places and Landscape Module

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Northeast Luzon Adventist

Mabini, Alicia, Isabela
College Department
SY 2020-2021

Course Title Places and Landscape Number of Units 2

Teacher Bryan Jude Sulio Grade Level 12
Contact No. Time Allotment 40 hours/2 hours per week
E-mail address Semester 1st 2020

To restore in man the lost image of His Maker through a harmonious development of the mental, physical, social and
spiritual faculties.


Northeast Luzon Adventist College is a Christ-centered training institution that provides a well-balanced Christian
education to ensure its graduates succeed in life. The school aims to pursue higher education programs anchored on
desirable core values and unwavering faith in God.

Passion for quality and excellence. Recognized professional leadership in the education industry.


Overview of the diversity of interconnections of people and places in a globalizing world as mediated bu cultures, olitics and
historical development.

Grading Period Most Essential Learning Competencies

Week 1-2 Places and Landscapes

Week 3-4 Landscape of Primary Activities-Agriculture

Week 5-6 Landscapes of Secondary Activities-Industrial Revolution; Industrial Location

Week 7-8 Cultures, Landscapes, Identities and Places

Week 9-10 Asia, North America, and South America: Physical and Cultural Perspective.

Week 11-12 Europe, Africa, and Australia: Physical and Cultural Perspective

Week 13-14 Factors that cause the changes on the landscapes

Week 15-16 Different threats to Nature

Week 17-18 Ways of preserving the endangered Natural landscapes and Places.


Topic Places and Landscape

Topic Opener Opening prayer

On your subject notebook answer: Imagine you are lost in a forest with no map and no gps, without signal and
internet connection, What will you do?

Studying Places and Landscapes creates an awareness of place.

Objectives 1. Discuss why the need to study places and landscapes;
2. Explain why people value landscapes and places
3. Identify reasons for knowing the different places and landscapes in the world
Values and Faith We are all unique in our own ways
Suggested Activities 1. Online PPT presentation
2. Using maps, Philosophical options, geographic concepts
3. Picture showing
 Famous Places and Landscapes in the world (
 Famous Places and Landscapes in our country (
4. Video viewing
5. Online quiz and Online recitation
6. Promotion Video ( Pick a potential tourist attraction landscape in your barangay and promote it by making a 5 minute
video about it)
Materials/ Visuals Internet, PPT
Evaluation Download on our GC
Parent/Guardian's Using a rubric, the parent/guardian rate the student's performance in the activities and the paragraph written.
Assessment Rubric:
20 pts- work on the activities independently and diligently
15 pts- work on the activities with little help and diligently
10 pts- work on the activities with difficulty but trying his/her best
5 pts- work on the activities with much difficulty and help.
Requirements Download the 4 pics 1 word on our GC
Student's Feedback

Week 3-4

Topic Landscape of Primary Activities-Agriculture

Topic Opener Note: Start with an Opening prayer
What did you eat today? Last Christmas? Last date with your special one? Did you get full? Before we start, on
your Subject Notebook, write a letter to all the people in the agricultural sector for all the sacrifices they did.

Objectives 1. Explain the significant role of agriculture in the early realization of social and economic development; and
2. Discuss the different significant agricultural practices in different parts of the world

Values and Faith Respect to the agriculture sector

Suggested 1. Online PPT presentation
Activities 2. Timeline making: create a timeline on the different significant agricultural practices in the different parts of
the world
3. Interview: Pick one farmer or land owner in your barangay and ask what are the reason they are farming Is
farming easier now because of the technology? Ask what are the different traditional ways they still use?
4. Reflection paper: reflection paper on the interview
5. Interview presentation(Video of the interview)
6. Quiz

Materials/ Visuals PPT. Internet

Evaluation Download on the GC
References Internet
Requirements Make an advocacy video empowering your local farmers.
Student's Feedback

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