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BS"D Parshas Bamidbar - Shavuos 5781

By Rabbi Dovid Caro

Candle Motzaei Rabbeinu The Midrash Rabba in this week's Parsha writes that the Torah was given
lighting Shabbos Tam
with three things, with fire, water and in the dessert.
Atlanta, GA 8:13pm 9:14pm 9:44pm There are many explanations on the uniqueness of these three things.
Boca Racon, FL. 7:41pm 8:38pm 9:13pm The Kesav Sofer explains that these three things represent three important
factors regarding Torah Study.
Brooklyn, NY 7:47pm 8:54pm 9:19pm
Water naturally always flows to the lowest spot. The same is with those that
Chicago, IL 7:43pm 8:53pm 9:17pm learn Torah. Torah naturally finds its home in the hearts of those that are
Lakewood, NJ 7:46pm 8:53pm 9:18pm humble.
Fire has two opposite factors. On one hand it lights up the darkness and
Leeds, UK 8:42pm 10:13pm 10:15pm
warms cold areas, on the other hand if not kept under control fire burns. The
Liverpool, UK 8:46pm 10:16pm 10:19pm same is with Torah if learnt properly it lightens. However, Torah Scholars
London, UK 8:29pm 9:51pm 9:59pm have a greater responsibility and if they misbehave or misuse their Torah
studies the Torah may burn them.
Los Angeles, CA 7:29pm 8:30pm 9:00pm
Thirdly, the Torah was given in the dessert. In the dessert there is shortage
Manchester, UK 8:46pm 10:13pm 10:16pm of food, drink and extras. So someone who wants to succeed in Torah must be
willing to sacrifice extras and be willing to manage with the minimum.
Melbourne, AU 5:02pm 6:01pm 6:32pm

Miami, FL 7:41pm 8:37pm 9:12pm

Rabbi Meir Schapiro zt"l the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin
Montreal, QC 7:59pm 9:12pm 9:31pm gives the following explanation.
New York, NY 7:47pm 8:54pm 9:19pm We find that Jews in all generations were willing to sacrifice their lives
whether being killed, burnt, drowned or tortured whenever they were put to
Panama City, PA 6:12pm 7:04pm 7:43pm
test and forced to go against the Torah or to abandon their faith in Hashem.
Seattle, WA 8:21pm 9:37pm 9:53pm From where did the Jews receive this amazing strength to withstand such
Sydney, AU 4:45pm 5:42pm 6:15pm
The answer is, that there were three major incidents in Jewish history of
Toronto, ON 8:17pm 9:27pm 9:49pm
which the Jews had Mesirus Nefesh for Emunah in Hashem and His Torah.
Yerushalaim, EY 6:53pm 8:10pm 8:47pm The first was when Avraham Avinu was thrown into the furnace by Nimrod
for not willing to abandon his faith and believe in idol worship.
For questions, comments, or to sponsor, The second time when the whole Klal Yisroel marched into the sea by Kriyas
dedicate or subscribe please email to: Yam Suf, following the command of Hashem, although it looked like a suicidal move.
The third was when the Jews all entered the desert, a followers started thing to himself, the Rebbe is no different to
place of danger, where there is plenty of snakes and him. Even though he is so great, he eats, drinks, sleeps and is
dangerous animals. Furthermore, went into the desert having an apple just like him.
2 with nearly no food and took nearly nothing with them. The holy Rebbe sensed what he was thinking, turned his
These three incidents implanted the power of Mesirus head towards him and started saying aloud.
Nefesh into all of Klal Yisroel that they will forever be "I am thinking to myself, what is the difference between you
able to be Moser Nefesh for Torah and Mitzvos. and me. I eat an apple, you eat an apple. I make a Beracha and
Jews in all generations were forced to give up their so do you. So what is the difference between us?
Emunah and Torah studies. Even today Torah students There is a person, he walks on the street and he sees a
and their studies are under threat. But the Mesirus beautiful apple tree, full of fresh, big delicious sweet apples.
Nefesh from then, still continues and exists today and He is so taken aback by the amazing tree and thinks to
however hard and difficult it may be. They will not be himself, "Ma rabbu ma'asecha Hashem" - "how great are the
deterred. doings of Hashem." But the Tzaddik hasn't calmed down, he
The Rebbe Reb Shmelke from Nikilsbourgh when he desperately wants to express himself and say a Beracha.
was tired he would go to sleep sitting on his chair However he knows that one must not say a Beracha in vein so
holding a burning candle between his fingers in order he takes an apple and with great concentration he makes a
that he shouldn't over sleep and wake up as the fire Beracha to thank Hashem for such a wonderful creation.
reached his fingers. You also go out in the morning and see the same delicious
Once when Rebbe Elimelech from Lizhensk came to apples on the tree. You turn to Hashem and say "Hashem I
visit him, he convinced him to rest a bit on a bed. When really want to taste and enjoy such fresh juicy apple!"
Reb Shmelke fell asleep, Reb Elimelech closed the However, you don't have any money on you, so you go to work
window, put a blanket over him, and Reb Shmelke slept and earn some money. At the end of the day you buy the food
till the morning. When he woke up fresh and with a clear for your family and ten apples. You come home, put the
mind he said "from now I have learnt that one can serve apples on the table and prepare yourself to enjoy the delicious
Hashem with sleep too!" fruit. However, as my follower you know that you may not eat
This story can be understood a lot better with the without making a Beracha, so you make a Beracha.
following story. So the difference between us is that I eat to be able to make
The Great Rabbi Aharon from Karlin was sitting at the a Beracha and thank Hashem and you eat make a Beracha to
table, surrounded by many of his followers. He took an be able to enjoy the apple!"
apple, made a Beracha and started eating. One of his

Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Alter zt"l

Grand Rabbi of Gur

Author: Imrei Emmes
7 Sivan 5708 (1948)

One day in the years between the first and second world profit. But I recently received a letter from them,
war, a Chassid of the Imrei Emmes visited his Rebbe, to stating that they won't be selling to me anymore. Now
consult about his financial worries. He said, "For years, I don't know how I will earn a living.…"
I've been buying merchandise at a good price from a The Imrei Emmes asked, "What can I do to help?"
Jewish company in Berlin, which I then sold for a nice and the man had to admit that he didn't know what the
the Rebbe could do.
The Imrei Emmes was quiet for a few moments, and then
3 he said, "Soon, I will be traveling with my brother-in-law,
Finally, one of the partners explained, "We are also
brothers-in-law. I have a daughter, he has a son, and
the Rav of Bendin, to the resort in Marienbad. En route,
we thought that it would be nice if the children marry
we will pass Berlin. Ask my brother-in-law whether he is
each other. But on second thought, we were concerned
willing to make a stop in Berlin, to visit this company. If
that perhaps it isn't proper for cousins to marry each
my brother-in-law agrees to take this detour, I also agree.
other. So we pushed away the idea to the back of our
We will speak with the heads of the company. Perhaps
minds. But this caused a problem, because to run our
that will help you."
busy business, we need to speak with each other often.
The man thanked the Imrei Emmes, and went to the Rav Due to our decision, an uncomfortable tension rose
of Bendin. His response was, "If this is what the Gerer between us and we hardly spoke. We weren't able to
Rebbe desires, of course I agree." run a business successfully this way, and contemplated
So the Imrei Emmes and his brother-in-law stopped in closing it.
Berlin, and went to the company. The proprietor didn't But now you came to our store and told us that you
recognize them, but was impressed by their scholarly and are brothers-in-law and also mechutanim. That means
Rabbinic appearance. The Imrei Emmes introduced our children can marry one another, if you did it, so can
himself, "My name is Avraham Mordechai Alter. In we! Our dancing was kind of an advance engagement
Poland people call me the Gerrer Rebbe. And this is my celebration, because we are so happy. In addition, we
brother-in-law, Chanoch Zvi HaKohen Levin, the Rav of won't lose our livelihood either. We will be able to
Bendin. We are also mechutanim (relatives through speak normally with each other, and remain in
marriage. The daughter of one is married to the son of the business. It is like a miracle!"
When the partners calmed down, the first
The owner jumped from excitement. "Can you repeat businessman said, "I'm sorry for carrying on. I didn't
what you just said?" even give you a chance to tell me why you came."
The Rebbe repeated, "I am the Rebbe of Gur, and this is The Imrei Emmes explained that he came to help
my brother-in-law and mechutan, the Rabbi of Bendin." one of his Chassidim. "He used to buy from you, but he
For some reason, these words made him very happy. His received a letter stating that you won't be selling to him
partner was upstairs. He called him down. The partner anymore."
came down, and the proprietor asked the Imrei The proprietor replied, "There is nothing to worry
Emmes to repeat what he said a third time. about. I will write another letter, stating that he is
The Imrei Emmes obliged, "I am the Rebbe of Gur," he welcome to do business with us as before, and you can
said, "and this is my brother-in-law and mechutan, the bring it to him. We only sent that last letter because we
Rabbi of Bendin." thought we were closing shop. But now that we know
The two business partners looked at each other, smiled that our children can marry, our business can continue.
broadly, and began to dance energetically. The Imrei
Emmes and his brother-in-law stood there astounded,
wondering what this was all about.

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