NSTP Task 4

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Task #4.

The Impossible Dream

Watch the short film using the link, if it will not open, just type “The Impossible Dream” short
film. Then reflect by answering the following questions. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
1. What is the video clip all about?
The video portrays the reality of today's gender issues. The video depicts the character's
evolution. Women have become increasingly responsible over time, despite the fact that
men should be in charge. This exemplifies how challenging it is to be a parent. notably
parenthood, which no one has ever witnessed or experienced In most videos, the early
and middle sections depict what a man or woman should be. The video's closing segment
depicts her mother's unachievable ambition. I want my entire family to work together, not
just myself. The family is content because they are responsible for all of the household
chores. Another wish is for the family to be aware of each other's responsibilities. After
all, he may be well aware that this is not an option for his family. Because he stated in the
video that he would return to work once he had fallen asleep.
2. What are your comments about the video clip?
I want my entire family to work together, not just myself. The family is content because
they are responsible for all of the household chores. Another wish is for the family to be
aware of each other's responsibilities. After all, he may be well aware that this is not an
option for his family. Because he stated in the video that he would return to work once he
had fallen asleep. In terms of labour, we can see in the video that they do not all earn the
same amount of money, but they all do the same job. I was annoyed because everyone
works, but why are there those who can't tell the truth? Finally, I felt terrible for the
mother in the film, because what she wished for / desired / desired had to take place
within the house, which is no longer acceptable. After watching the video, I was terrified
that one day I would find myself in the same scenario as the woman in the video.

3. What are the gender issues that you have identified in the video clip?
Female (Mother) Male (Father)
• Female women do all of the housework, such as cooking, cleaning, serving, and
doing everything, as well as washing dishes, doing laundry, and caring for the family,
particularly the children, and they are like helpers.
• Both men and women are permitted to work, with the exception that they are not
compensated equally.
• Women spend their money on essential family requirements, whereas males spend it
on leisure and lust.
• When there are no females, there is enough space for the male to relax.

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