Alternative Employment For Low Income People in Bangladesh in COVID-19

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Alternative Employment for Low Income People in

Bangladesh in COVID-19
MD Fazle Rabbi Raiyan
ID No 2023031045

The effect of COVID-19 on lower income people in Bangladesh was devastating. Till date,
Bangladesh has seen total 11,79,827 COVID positive cases including 19,521 deaths.1 The
unofficial statistics show even higher positive and death cases. As per surveys conducted by
different NGOs, it is estimated that COVID-19 has pushed 16.5 million people like rickshaw-
pullers, transport workers, day laborers, street-vendors, hawkers, construction laborers and the
employees of hotel, motel and restaurants back into poverty.2 The nationwide lockdown has
pushed the percentage of people living under poverty line from 23% to 34%. In such situation, a
guideline and policy about alternative employment for low income people in Bangladesh is a dire

There is no specific actions the government can undertake. It is not like a Mathematics formula by
solving which government will get the solution of the problem. Despite, I have suggested some
measures which can help the low income people to find an alternative employment solution if

 During lockdown, only few services which are available are delivery services. There are
many delivery services available in our company like Uber, Shohoz, Pathao, Foodpanda.
Some courier services like Sundarban and Continental are available too. These delivery nd
parcel services can be an alternative solution for low income people.
 Our government is running with tremendous shortage of resources in health sector in terms
of skilled manpower. Our lower income people can be a great solution to this problem.
They can provide assistance by supporting in activities which do not require expertise.
 Because of COVID-19, many of our farmers are leaving agricultural fields. Due to lack of
storage & transportation facilities, they can not store their goods. But, for the sustainability
of the country, agriculture is a must. As long as people are alive, they will consume food.

Worldometer, , Accessed on 27 July 21.

2 Hossain, M.I., “COVID-19 Impacts on Employment and Livelihood of Marginal People in Bangladesh: Lessons
Learned and Way Forward”, ,Accessed on 27
July 21.
So, the government needs to take initiative and provide sufficient storage and transportation
facilities to the farmers. If required, subsidies in agricultural goods should be provided.
 The labor-intensive infrastructure projects and RMG sector should be resumed at the
earliest possible as there is a huge workforce under this two industries and it is very hard
to replace them in such situation.
 Skilled development programs for people is a must in such situation. The government
should conduct different skill development training programs around the country to
develop the workforce.
 The remittance provided by Bangladeshi expatriates living around the world has been a
major source of revenue for the government. Due to the high spread of COVID-19, many
countries denied to take Bangladeshi expatriates. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs can play
a vital role in resolving the situation and creating alternative employment opportunity for
 The ‘Amar Gram Amar Shohor’ initiative can be resurfaced to create employment
opportunities for rural as well as urban people.3

Thus the government can help the low income people by creating alternative employment
opportunity. But, it is all a part of long term planning. Right now, what the government needs to
do is to make sure that their stimuli package reaches to the people who actually deserve.


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