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PNR No.: …………………… Roll no :- 69

1. Name of the Student :

Omkar Pravin Govekar

2. Title of the Project :

Voice-over Command Speaker using Raspberry Pi

3. Name of the Guide :

Mr. Manoj Yadav

4. Teaching experience of the Guide :

5. Is this your first submission? Yes No

Signature of the Student Signature of the Guide

Date: ………………… Date:


Signature of the Coordinator

Date: …………………

Voice-Over Command Speaker using Raspberry Pi

A Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the
Requirements for the award of the Degree of


Omkar Pravin Govekar

Seat Number -

Under the esteemed guidance of

Mrs. Manoj Yadav


(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
MUMBAI, 400 071


(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)



This is to certify that the project entitled, "Voice-over Command Speaker", is bonafied
work of “OMKAR PRAVIN GOVEKAR” bearing Seat.No: (NUMBER) submitted in
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE
in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY from University of Mumbai.

Internal Guide Coordinator

External Examiner

Date: College Seal

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1: Background
1.2: Objectives
1.3: Purpose & Scope
1.3.1: Purpose
1.3.2: Scope
1.3.3: Applicability
1.4: Achievements
1.5: Organization of Report

Chapter 2: System Analysis

2.1: Awareness
2.2: Existing System
2.3: Proposed System
2.4: Requirement Analysis
2.5: Hardware Requirements
2.6: Software Requirements
2.7: Justification of Selection of Technology

Chapter 3: Requirement & Analysis

3.1: Problem Definition
3.2: Requirement Specification
3.3: Software & Hardware Requirements
3.3.1: Software Requirements
3.3.2: Hardware Requirements
3.4: Circuit Diagram

Chapter 4: Implementation & Testing

4.1: Basic Modules
4.2: Security Issues
4.3: Data Design
4.3.1: Logical Diagram
4.4 User Interface Design
(Project Synopsis)

1.1: About the Proposed System:

The voice over command speaker will allow users to listen to information
without any type of actual physical interaction with the speaker itself, they just need
to voice command the speaker and it would fulfil their query. It would be very useful
for aged people to access it without efforts, and a beneficial device for the listeners.
1.2: Objectives:

The objective of this project is to create a speaker which responds to our

voice command and does the needful, the system is integrated on a Raspberry Pi
with modifications and some visuals.

1.3: Purpose:
The main purpose of the project is to provide the users the ease of access,
and a hands free experience with the speaker and listen to the needed information.

1.4: Software & Hardware Requirements:

1) A Raspberry Pi
2) SD card with loaded Raspbian OS
3) External Speaker / Earphones
4) USB Microphone
5) Keyboard, Mouse
6) Heatsink

1.5: References:

The project is basically based on a pre-existing device which goes by the name
“ALEXA”. A little upgraded version of the same with its integration on a Raspberry Pi
had been performed by us, this speaker responds to voice commands and is a
attractive device for the youngsters to look at because of its hands free operation.
In this fast growing world of technology one needs something very easy, efficient &
portable kind of device to fulfil their tasks, at such times this speaker gets into action.
Its way of operation via the voice over commands makes its hands free for the user
to use. Providing information verbally is its task which it fulfils accordingly.
1.1: Background:
This whole project is based on a “Raspberry Pi” which is the base of this project. It is
a series of small single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by
the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in
schools and in developing countries. The original model became far more popular
than anticipated, selling outside its target market for uses such as robotics. It does
not include peripherals such as keyboards, mice.
The Raspberry Pi can be easily operated with the help of any generic USB computer
keyboard and mouse. Other peripherals can be attached through the various pins
and connectors on the surface of the Raspberry Pi.
1.2: Objectives:
The objective of this whole project is to provide listeners a hands free experience to
the system. It reduces the manual work as it is controlled via voice which is received
by the microphone on the system. Due to its ability it will stand long in the growing
world of technology. Its application and functioning is easy to understand and is
enough to grab attention by its features. Implementing such products at workplace or
home will be more beneficial in every way.

1.3: Purpose & Scope.

1.3.1: Purpose
The purpose of this project is to attain a device which gives you a hands-free
experience on the speakers, this device can provide information on the command
which you give via speaking the needed query, stepping forward in the technology
world this device will attain good ground if applied logically and used efficiently.

1.3.2: Scope.
Voice is the future. The world’s technology giants are predicting that “50% of all
searches will be voice searches by 2020.” Speech recognition technology entered the
public consciousness rather recently, with the glossy launch events from the tech
giants making worldwide headlines. In fact, communicating with technological devices
via voice has become so popular and natural that we may be justified in wondering
why the world’s richest companies are only bringing these services to us now. This
will enhance our view and the project will be highly appreciated.
1.3.3: Applicability.

In the provided setup of Raspberry Pi kit the user must boot the system and then wait
for it to start its service, it can also be done by the provided command. After doing
these steps the user can simply get the information from the kit, by providing it the
proper voice input along with the wake word. It would search for the information
online and make it audible for the user through the earphones or speaker.

1.4: Achievements.

This project can be easily used by an individual if implemented properly, as it is built

on a Raspberry Pi it has a wide scope towards legal modifications. The existing
system gets your query and searches on the internet by itself and provides you the
needed output efficiently. It is a project which has been performed and built via open
source codes, which are available legally over the internet. Open source codes make
it more agile and flexible in terms of changes.

1.5: Organization of Report.

In chapter 2, I’ll demonstrate the available technologies related to the topic of the
project, I’ll also give all the details of related technologies that are necessary to
complete the project. In chapter 3, overall problems, planning and scheduling,
software hardware requirements, & diagrams would be discussed. In chapter 4 I’ll
describe the Diagrams & System Issues. Chapter 5 would be of testing.

2.1: Awareness:

Raspberry Pi: It is a kit which provides many abilities, and is a vital

component in the “Internet Of Things” world. It is basically a kit which has inbuilt WiFi
& Bluetooth. It has USB ports for connection of peripheral devices. It performs and
designs the code on its own Raspbian OS. This kit in general uses open source
codes most of the times, by fetching and linking the data to the accurate directories.

2.2: Existing System:

The project is based on a pre-existing device named “ALEXA” which is a end
product by Amazon developer, it uses FIRE OS- which is a combination of “C”
&”JAVA” languages of coding it is used to play music and give us information which
we ask, the whole product is controlled by voice commands which attracted us so we
chose this project.

2.3: Proposed System:

Integrating the available API on our Raspberry Pi kit and making a device
which will perform some function is the primary motto of our project. We have used
the Alexa API for the same along with the AVS-(Alexa Voice Service) which helps us
communicate with the system. This project will provide every asked query in the form
of an audible audio.

2.4: Requirement Analysis

Raspberry Pi kit with loaded Raspbian OS.
Proper connection of peripherals.
VNC Viewer configuration.
Configured MIC & Speaker.
Internet access.

2.5: Hardware Requirements:

1) Raspberry Pi Kit.
2) USB Microphone
3) Keyboard / Mouse.
4) Earphones / Speaker.
5) Heatsink.
2.6: Software Requirements:
1) Raspbian OS.
2) VNC Viewer.

2.7: Justification of Selection of Technology:

The above project was selected by us because the existing system was a
product based on Fire OS which won’t allow users to change or modify the settings
and configuration, so we integrated the project on a Raspberry Pi kit which is
governed by Raspbian OS and which will also allow users to change the
performance if the user implies the changes perfectly. We can also secure our
Raspberry Pi kit with proper authentication which makes it secure
Chapter 3: Requirement & Analysis

3.1: Problem Definition:

In today’s hectic world to relax and make yourself comfortable people listen to
music, taking a step further in the current situation providing the user a hands-free
experience is the ultimate goal of the project. Providing the user access to the
speaker by just a voice command is achieved by the project, so you can also use it
while you’re busy doing some work or writing any assignments, just voice command
it and it would provide you the information needed at he very moment of time as per
your wish!

3.2: Requirement Specifications:

Functional Requirements
1) To gather the voice input and provide the needed voice output in a single
session of deployment.
2) Strong authentication for the access & security of the data.
3) User friendly front end.

Non-functional Requirements
1) Secured internet access to fetch data from web.
2) Better design and flow of commands.
3) Allowance to changes.

3.3: Software and Hardware Requirements:

3.3.1: Hardware Requirement:- Raspberry Pi Kit:-
The Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers developed in
the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of
basic computer science in schools and in developing countries. The original model
became far more popular than anticipated, selling outside its target market for uses
such as robotics. It does not include peripherals (such as keyboards and mice) and
cases. However, some accessories have been included in several official and
unofficial bundles. USB Speaker:-

USB Speaker is an Output Device used to generate sound. It is Portable and can be
attached to any electrical device and in our project we use the same. USB Microphone:-
USB Microphone is an Input Device used to capture sound. It is a single cable that's
needed to turn your laptop or desktop computer into a full-blown recording studio.

3.3.2: Software Requirement: Raspbian OS:
Raspbian is a Debian based system for Raspberry Pi. There are several versions of
Raspbian including Raspbian Stretch and Raspbian Jessie. Since 2015 it has been
officially provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation as the primary operating system
for the family of Raspberry Pi single-board computers. Raspbian was created by
Mike Thompson and Peter Green as an independent project. The initial build was
completed in June 2012. The operating system is still under active development.
Raspbian is highly optimized for the Raspberry Pi line's low-
performance ARM CPUs.
Raspbian uses PIXEL, Pi Improved Xwindows Environment, Lightweight as its main
desktop environment as of the latest update. VNC viewer:

It is a software used to connect to a display using the IP address of the device
which would help us perform the operations.

3.4:Circuit Diagram:
Chapter 4: Implementation & Testing:

4.1 Basic Modules:

Raspberry Pi:-
The Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers
developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote
the teaching of basic computer science in schools and in developing
countries. The original model became far more popular than anticipated,
selling outside its target market for uses such as robotics.

4.2 Security Issues:

The project as such doesn’t have any security issues as it is secured
and the kit has authentication password. Every major change will require the

4.3 Data Design:-


The Project is little integration of an existing system for e.g. Alexa. In this
project the user’s voice is considered as Input through USB Microphone and
output is given through USB Speaker.
4.3.1 Logical Diagram:

4.4 User Interface Design:-

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