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When I get ideas for D&D I sometimes put them here :D

What be this? Well, I had the greatest idea of all time and decided to make the relics
from Shovel Knight into magic items. Here goes!

Flare Wand. You can cast firebolt from this wand (+5 or your spell attack modifier to
hit, whichever is higher). When you do so, the range of the spell is doubled.

Phase Locket. This magical amulet has 7 charges and regains 1d4 daily at dawn.
As an action, you can grasp the amulet in your hand and expend 1 charge from it to
become immune to all damage until the end of your next turn.

Alchemy Coin. This bizarre electrum coin, roughly the size of a stopwatch, has
markings on it that betray its unusual origin. You can attempt to throw this coin at a
creature. If you do so, make a ranged weapon attack. On a hit, this attack deals 1
point of force damage, which can not be reduced in any way. If this damage reduces
a creature to 0 hit points, it is transmuted into gold and killed outright.

Dust Knuckles. I have no fucking idea dude.

Shadow Vat. This tiny bottle, roughly the size of an apple, is filled with a bubbly
purple liquid. As a bonus action, you can cause the vat to grow in size until it
becomes the size of a barrel, but only if there is enough space for its full form to take
place. When this happens, it is frozen in place until the end of your next turn. After
that, it can be moved or fall like any other object. It remains enlarged for 1 minute,
after which it returns to its original size and teleports to your person.

Infinidagger. Dagger, Legendary (requires attunement)

This magical dagger has a mysterious charm to it, as if it has a force of personality
all of its own. When you throw this dagger, it will never stop moving until it collides
with something that would cause a normal dagger to stop. For example, throwing the
dagger into a curtain would cause the dagger to pierce the curtain and keep flying,
but throwing it into a wall would cause it to stop. Holding on to the dagger or tying it
to something does not affect its trajectory; instead, whatever is attached to it is pulled
along for as long as the grip is maintained. Something that is attached to the dagger
can also not stop it, even if, for example, a person would hold the flying dagger with
one hand and place a solid object in front of it with the other, even if the supposed
object is let go. The dagger only stops upon collision with an object independent of
its load.
A fighter can be almost anything. The base class is a little bit of everything (except
spellcasting) with its self heal, burst damage, armor options and extra ASI. The
fighter is kind of the ultimate glue in tying together odd class ideas, which is why it
has so many archetypes.

Death Knight
The Death Knight is a martial archetype based on the WoW class of the same name.
As a Death Knight, you have abandoned the comforting heat of your mortal body and
become something else, something sinister. The Death Knight is unnaturally tough
and can take serious punishment without slowing down. It is death incarnate, stilling
creatures and pulling them into their graves.

Fighter level Features

3rd icebound fortitude, runic weapon

7th death grip

10th on a pale horse

15th vampiric blood

18th asphyxiate

Icebound Fortitude. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your second wind feature
twice in-between rests.

Runic Weapon. Over the course of 1 hour short rest, you can inscribe a weapon
with a magical rune. While wielding a runic weapon, you cannot be disarmed unless
you are incapacitated and the damage dealt by the weapon counts as magical for
the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity. If your runic weapon is on the
same plane of existence as you, you can summon it to your hand as a bonus action.
You can have up to two weapons inscribed with runes at once.

Death Grip. Starting at 7th level, you can extend the cold tendrils of death to beckon
others to their grave. As an action, you choose a creature within 10m of you that you
can see. It must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your Strength
modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be pulled to a point you choose within 1,5m of
you. Whether it succeeds on its saving throw or not, it has disadvantage on attack
rolls against all creatures except you until the end of your next turn.
On a Pale Horse. At 10th level, you gain the ability to summon and control an
undead mount. Using this feature, you can cast find steed without using a spell slot.
Starting at 18th level when you use this feature, you can cast find greater steed
instead. The mount you summon takes on a skeletal appearance and counts as
undead instead of its normal type. The mount has immunity to poison damage. It is
immune to the poisoned conditioned as well as the charmed condition. The mount
has vulnerability to radiant damage and it has resistance to cold damage, necrotic
damage; and bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from non-magical
weapons. Additionally, magic can not put the mount to sleep.

Vampiric Blood. At 15th level, you learn to channel necrotic energies through
yourself to bolster yourself against damage. As an action, you make your blood turn
cold and force your wounds to close, gaining 10d10 temporary hit points. While
these temporary hit points remain, you have advantage on all saving throws. After
you use this feature, all healing you receive until the start of your next turn is
doubled. Once you use this feature, you can not do so again until you finish a long

Asphyxiate. At 18th level, you can focus your dark powers to telekinetically strangle
a creature and lift it off the ground. As an action, make a grapple check against a
creature within 10m of you. If you succeed, the creature is restrained and lifted 0,3m
off the ground, and unable to complete verbal components for spells. A creature that
is restrained in this way can use its action to attempt to break free as if breaking free
from a grapple. This effect lasts on a creature until it manages to break free or it is
more than 10m away from you. As part of your move, you can make creatures
restrained in this way move along with you as if dragging them. You choose which
creatures are moved.

Vampire Hunter
Great at hunting monsters! This archetype is inspired by the classic Castlevania
games and while it originally emerged to hunt vampires, it is plenty good against
other types of monsters as well. It gains the classic subweapons, as well as the
ability to create weapons that specialize in slaying the chosen foe. Hunter’s recovery
is mostly a ribbon but also a reference to the fact that Dracula can only come back
once every century. Superior hunter hammers home the unique fighting style; you’ll
want to approach with your subweapon, then melee attack with your holy weapon
and back away without triggering opportunity attacks. Weapon crash is a kind of
ultimate ability that is best used against a horde of weaker enemies.
This archetype is unique in that it relies on thrown weapons. It gains a unique bonus
to them with hunter weapons (including alchemist’s fire!) and superior hunter.

Fighter level Features

3rd bonus proficiencies, hunter weapons

7th slayer weapon

10th superior hunter

15th hunter’s recovery

18th weapon crash

Bonus proficiencies. When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency with alchemist’s supplies and alchemist’s fire. When you use your
alchemist’s supplies to craft alchemist’s fire, the gold cost is halved.

Hunter weapons. Starting at 3rd level, you gain the following benefits:
● When throwing a dagger or handaxe, you do not have disadvantage on the
attack roll even if you’re using the long range of the weapon.
● After you throw a weapon, you can use your bonus action to cause the
weapon to violently fly back to your hand. All other creatures within 1,5m of
the line between you and the weapon must make a Dexterity saving throw
(DC = 8 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be
hit by the weapon, taking its damage as if hit by a ranged weapon attack. This
counts as hitting a creature with a ranged weapon attack for you.
● On your turn, you can use a bonus action to throw a flask of alchemist’s fire or
a vial of holy water.
● When you use your action surge, your speed is doubled until the end of your

Slayer weapon. At 7th level, you learn a ritual to consecrate your weapon to destroy
monsters. Over the course of a long rest, you can consecrate one weapon that you
are proficient with.
Choose two of the following creature types: aberration, dragon, elemental, fey, fiend,
monstrosity, or undead. When you deal damage to a creature belonging to one of the
chosen types using the consecrated weapon, the damage type becomes force or
radiant (your choice when you consecrate the weapon) and you may add 1d6 to the
damage roll.
You can have a maximum of two consecrated weapons at any given time. If you
consecrate a third one, one of your currently consecrated weapons loses its magic
(you can choose which one).

Superior hunter. Starting at 10th level, you can catch your enemies off-guard with
your unorthodox fighting style. When you hit a creature with a thrown weapon, it
can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn and the next melee attack you make
against it has advantage.

Hunter’s recovery. Once you reach 15th level, you can absorb some vitality from
the monsters you slay. When you kill a creature, you can use your reaction to regain
hit points equal to twice your fighter level. Some of the creature’s essence is
consumed by you, and it can not be revived by anything short of a wish or true
resurrection spell for 100 years. Once you use this feature, you can not do so again
until you finish a short or long rest.

Weapon crash. At 18th level you can channel holy power to assault all nearby
enemies. This allows some vampire hunters to move at incredible speeds, while
others unleash a blash of holy energy from their weapon. As an action, you make a
weapon attack against all creatures of your choice within 10m. You must use the
same weapon for each attack and the same damage roll for all creatures that were
hit by the attack. Once you use this feature, you can not do so again until you finish a
short or long rest.
At 3rd level, a paladin swears an oath that binds them forever. Unless they break it,
becoming an Oathbreaker. If that happens, they can get back on track by swearing
the Oath of Redemption and then substitute that for another one. If they break that
oath, though, they’re an Oathbreaker for keeps. Turns out that Paladins have the
most leeway with their choice of subclass, despite the books implying that oaths tie
you up for life. Anyway, this is where I detail oaths that I thought necessary to realize
certain character concepts.

Oath of the Hero

Swearing the Oath of the Hero

Hero spells:
Paladin level Spell

3rd thunderwave

5th shatter

9th haste

13th protection from energy

17th hold monster

Instead of oath spells, swearing the Oath of the Hero gives you access to hero
spells. Hero spells function like oath spells with the following changes:
● Casting a hero spell does not require a spell slot, nor can one be cast by
expending a spell slot. You can cast a number of hero spells equal to your
Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 spell). You regain all castings of hero spells
upon finishing a long rest.
● A hero spell is always cast at the highest level that you can cast spells.
● Hero spells are cast innately and do not require components.
● Each hero spell has one or more properties unique to it as a hero spell.

● You may only cast this spell as a bonus action immediately after making an
unarmed strike. The area of effect for this spell is a 5m sphere centered on
the target of your unarmed strike.
● You can choose for this spell to affect only the creature that was targeted by
your unarmed strike. If you do, you may add your Strength score to the
knockback of the spell if the creature fails its saving throw.
● You can choose to be affected or unaffected by this spell if you are within its
area of effect.
● You need at least one free hand to cast this spell, as you do so by striking the
air with such force that a powerful shockwave extends from your attack.
● The area of effect for this spell is a 10m long, 1,5m wide line.

● You may only target yourself with this spell.
● For the duration of this spell, your jump distance is tripled.
● This spell does not require concentration and lasts for its full duration, unless
you choose to end it earlier.

Protection from energy:

● You may only target yourself with this spell.
● For the duration of this spell, you can use a bonus action on your turn to
change the damage type that this spell makes you resistant to, picking from
the list of damage types in the spell’s description.

Hold monster:
● You may only cast this spell as a bonus action immediately after hitting a
creature with an unarmed strike, targeting that creature with the spell.
● This spell enforces a Constitution saving throw rather than Wisdom.
● This spell does not require concentration and lasts for the duration or until the
affected creature succeeds on its saving throw.

Fists of Justice
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the following benefits when not using a weapon:
● Your unarmed strike uses a d4 for damage.
● When you make an unarmed strike on your turn and both your hands are free,
you can make an additional unarmed strike as a bonus action.
● You can cast your smite spells whether they are prepared or not.
You can use a shield and still gain these benefits.

Channel Divinity
Plus Ultra. When making an unarmed strike, you can use your Channel Divinity to
give yourself +5 to the attack roll. If this attack hits, it deals an additional 2d10 radiant
damage and ignores all damage resistances (but not immunities).
I Am Here. As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to augment your heroic
presence and inspire your allies. As an action, you make a heroic statement, ending
all effects causing charm or fear on allied creatures within 20m that can see or hear
you, also giving them temporary hit points equal to your paladin level. When you use
this feature, you can designate one creature within 20m and force it to make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving throw, it is frightened of you for 1 minute;
on a successful saving throw, it is unaffected.

Symbol of Peace. Starting at 7th level, you are always ready to protect those
around you. When a creature that you can see is attacked or makes a saving throw,
you can use your reaction to move up to half your speed towards the creature (if you
have a readied action, you can move as much as your full speed). If you reach it, you
can take on the full force of the attack or effect, leaving the targeted creature
completely unaffected. You are able to do this by either interposing yourself between
the target and the source of the effect or magically shifting it unto yourself.

Go Beyond. From 15th level onward, your drive to do good lets you push yourself
far beyond your natural limits. Whenever you drop to 0 hit points and don’t die
outright, you can choose to drop to 1 hit point instead if you either suffer 1 level of
exhaustion, or mark 1 failed death saving throw. Any death saving throw marked this
way is removed upon finishing a long rest. If you have 3 failed death saving throws
and fall unconscious due to dropping to 0 hit points, you die instantly.

One For All. At 20th level, you fully embody your heroic ideal. As an action, you can
enter a state of incredible strength and presence. For 1 minute, you gain the
following benefits:
● You have advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
● Other creatures have disadvantage on attacks against you.
● Your damage dealt by your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purposes
of overcoming resistance and immunity. Additionally, your unarmed strikes
gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
● You can not be surprised.
Additionally, if you are surprised at the start of combat and aren’t incapacitated, you
can act normally on your first turn, but only if you either use this feature or cast your
haste hero spell before doing anything else on that turn.
Once you use this feature, you can not do so again until you finish a long rest.
Roguish archetypes are interesting in that they make their pick at 3rd level and then
don’t get anything else until way later at 9th level. As a result of this, the first feature
gained in a roguish archetype is traditionally incredibly powerful, with all the others
being quite mediocre, until the last one at 17th level.

The Shadow

Rogue level Features

3rd channel darkness, darkvision

9th shroud of shadows

13th dark arcanum

17th everything into the dark

Channel Darkness. You can innately channel the power of the lower planes to
replicate the effects of some spells. You can cast spells with this feature a number of
times equal to your Charisma modifier. When you cast a spell in this way, you ignore
all material components. You regain all uses of this feature upon finishing a short or
long rest. You can cast the following spells:
● Darkness
● Invisibility
● Misty Step
● Pass Without Trace
● Phantasmal Force
● Shadow Blade
Your spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma, as your force of personality
commands the dark energies. Your spell save DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Charisma modifier and your spell attack bonus is equal to your
proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

Darkvision. At 3rd level, you gain darkvision to a range of 20m. This range
increases to 30m at 9th level, and to 40m at 13th level.

Shroud of Shadows. Starting at 9th level, you can draw nearby shadows into a
protective cowl around yourself. Whenever you use your uncanny dodge feature to
reduce damage and are not in bright light, you take no damage instead of half.
Dark Arcanum. Beginning at 13th level, you can draw upon greater powers to
access the effects of higher-level spells. Choose two spells to learn from the
following list:
● Freedom of Movement
● Greater Invisibility
● Hallucinatory Terrain
● Phantasmal Killer
● Shadow of Moil
You can cast the chosen spells using your channel darkness feature, ignoring
material components. Casting a dark arcanum spell does not count toward the
maximum number of channel darkness spells you can cast. Instead, you can cast
each dark arcanum spell that you know once each, and you regain the ability to cast
them upon finishing a long rest.

Everything Into the Dark. At 17th level, you embody the dark powers that flow
through you, making you hard to pin down and extraordinarily swift. On each round
in combat, you gain the use of an extra reaction. This extra reaction can only be
used for uncanny dodge or making opportunity attacks, or you can use it on your
own turn to perform one of the actions allowed by your cunning action feature.
There are plenty of origins available to the sorcerer, from elemental masters and
draconic destroyers to the creepy shadows and insane wild mages. Yet there’s
nothing that quite scratches that itch of “sorcerer, but better”. There’s no origin that
lets you just be better at spellcasting without attaching crazy strings like dragon
scales or really - really - weird RNG.

The mageborn has an innate magical power. This power has no preferred mode of
manifestation and instead behaves like more of a power boost at the sorcerer's

Sorcerer level Features

1st unleash magic

6th corpus arcanum

14th depth of magic

18th mageborn

Unleash Magic. As a bonus action on your turn, you can channel your innate magic
to enter a state of heightened power. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:
● When you deal damage with a sorcerer spell, you can change the type to
● Your sorcerer spells gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and save DC. At 11th
level, this bonus increases to +2.
You can use this feature once in-between long rests without penalty. If you use this
feature again before finishing a long rest, however, you suffer one level of exhaustion
once the heightened state ends.

Corpus Arcanum. Beginning at 6th level, the gravity of your magical essence lets
you shrug off hurtful magics. You have resistance against magical damage and
damage from spells. When you unleash your magic, a disruptive swirl of energy
cascades around you. While your unleash magic feature is active, you have
advantage on saving throws against spells, and spell attacks made against you have
When you cast a spell that requires a material component that has no given cost,
you can forego providing that component by supplying additional magic from your
own body. Once you do, you can not do so again for 1 minute, during which time the
entirety of this feature is disabled.
Depth of Magic. When your consciousness fades, you lose control but drift closer to
the vast energies of the weave of magic. Starting at 14th level, you can let the
overpowering strength of your unconscious guide you when you are exhausted and
cast a spell that deals damage. For each level of exhaustion, the damage dealt by
the spell increases by 2d6. Once you use this feature, you can not do so again until
you finish a long rest.

Mageborn. At 18th level, your innate magic has grown so strong that you can tap
into it to effortlessly produce the effects of some lesser spells. Choose a 1st level
spell that you know, as well as a spell you know that is of either 1st or 2nd level.
These spells must be sorcerer spells. You can cast these spells at their lowest level
without using a spell slot. When you cast a spell in this way, it counts as casting a
In the PHB there are 8 subclasses available to Wizards, one for each school of
magic. In addition to these, the Bladesinger and War Magic schools have been
officially released. The Theurgy and Lore Mastery schools are also available, but
only through Unearthed Arcana. This leaves the Wizard with a whole bunch of
subclasses to choose from.

Lore Mastery
Since the original Lore Mastery subclass from UA is stupidly overpowered and
seemingly abandoned, I’ll attempt to create a more balanced version of it here, while
maintaining the flavor of it.

Wizard level features

2 spell secrets

6 lore master

10 prodigous memory

14 master of magic

Spell Secrets. As a wizard of the school of lore mastery, you can empower your
spells with the raw stuff of magic by spending additional spell slots during their
casting. You can use only one spell secret per casting of a spell. You can substitute
the extra spell slot used by a spell secret for a spell slot of a higher level, though
doing so gives no additional benefits.
The spell secrets represent arcane mysteries that you have uncovered during your
extensive research. Some spell secrets also have Wizard level requirements
(marked in parentheses) that you must fulfill, even if you have the necessary spell
● Alchemical Spell: When you cast a spell that deals fire, cold, lightning,
thunder, or acid damage, you can use your reaction to change the type for
one of the others mentioned above.
● (3rd level) Raw Spell: When you cast a spell that deals damage, you can
expend a 1st level spell slots to change the damage type to force. If the spell
deals damage more than once, all instances of it deal force damage.
● (3rd level) Warping Spell: When you cast a spell with a range of at least 10m,
you can expend a 2nd level spell slot to increase the range to 1600m.
● (5th level) Forceful Spell: When you cast a spell that requires you to make a
damage roll, you can expend a 2nd level spell slot to increase the damage
against all targets by 2d10. If the spell can deal damage on more than one
turn, it deals this extra damage only on the turn that you cast the spell.
● (7th level) Intense Spell: When you cast a spell that enforces a saving throw,
you can expend a 3rd level spell slot to increase the spell’s save DC by 2.

Lore Master. Starting at 6th level, your studies give you a greater knowledge of one
subject of your choice. Choose one of the following skills: arcana, history, nature,
religion. You become proficient in that skill. If you are already proficient in it, you
double your proficiency bonus to any roll using the chosen skill. Additionally, your
analytical mind lets you use Intelligence instead of Dexterity for initiative rolls.

Prodigious Memory. At 10th level, you have achieved a greater mastery of spell
preparation. When you prepare your spells, you can choose two additional spells
from your spellbook. These two spells are not prepared, but you recall them more
easily for the rest of the day. As a bonus action on your turn, you can add one of the
chosen spells to your list of prepared spells until the end of your turn. Once you
recall a spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Master of Magic. Once you reach 14th level, your knowledge of magic allows you to
duplicate some spells not traditionally associated with wizardry. As a bonus action on
your turn, you can prepare a spell of at most 5th level from any class’ spell list. You
have this spell prepared until the end of your turn and it counts as a Wizard spell for
you. Once you prepare a spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a
long rest.
The flavor of this class is somewhat similar to that of an Artificer. You can create
magic weapons, but they’re not the real deal; they’re fakes. You can copy spells and
attacks from other people, but they’re not the genuine article. A bizarre mirror of
whoever he faces, the Faker is always ready to strike back at an opponent with their
own strongest attack.
The Faker can be a very destructive class with its high damage potential and low
defensive capabilities. I want the Faker to invoke the same feeling you get when you
see a low level Link in BotW, recklessly pulling out weapons to have them break and
explode in the opponent’s face. To the Faker, a weapon is ammunition, and utterly
Part of growing as a Faker involves learning about powerful magic weapons, that
can be copied.

Armor: Light Armor

Weapons: Simple Weapons, Projections
Tools: none
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, History, Insight, Perception,
Religion, and Survival.
Saves: Wisdom, Intelligence

Starting equipment:
● Leather armor
● Longbow and 20 arrows
● One simple weapon
● (a) a Dungeoneer's Pack or (b) an Explorer's Pack

Features per level:

Proficiency Spells
Level Bonus Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

1 +2 Counterfeit, Spellcasting 2 2 — — —

2 +2 Mana, Reinforcement 3 2 — — —

3 +2 Subclass, Arcane Projection (Common) 3 2 — — —

4 +2 ASI 4 3 — — —

5 +3 Extra Attack, Arcane Projection 4 3 — — —


6 +3 Weapon Lore 4 3 — — —
7 +3 Subclass 5 4 2 — —

8 +3 ASI, Arcane Projection (Rare) 6 4 2 — —

9 +4 Noble Phantasm 6 4 2 — —

10 +4 Limit Break 7 4 3 — —

11 +4 Improved Projection, Arcane Projection 8 4 3 — —

(Very Rare)

12 +4 ASI 8 4 3 — —

13 +5 —breather: new spell levels— 9 4 3 2 —

14 +5 Subclass, Improved Projection 10 4 3 2 —


15 +5 Dancing Blades 10 4 3 2 —

16 +5 ASI 11 4 3 3 —

17 +6 Subclass, Arcane Projection (Artifact) 11 4 3 3 —

18 +6 Improved Reinforcement 11 4 3 3 —

19 +6 ASI 12 4 3 3 1

20 +6 13 4 3 3 1

Both spell types get a new level at 13th level (3rd and 4th level respectively), so 13th
level makes the most sense to leave blank. 17th level should be subclass, because
half caster gets their 5th level spells at that level while third caster gets no new spell
levels until 19th. The step to 4th level spells for third casters is pretty small, so it’s
fine that it coincides with an ASI.

So, 5 levels are covered by ASI, 1 is covered by Extra Attack, 3-4 are covered by
subclass. That leaves 10-11 levels blank. The first 2 levels should form the core of
the class, and the 3rd level should give you the main subclass feature.

Counterfeit. As a faker, you have an uncanny ability to understand and remember

weapons. As an action, you can magically trace a nonmagical weapon you can see.
As you do this, information of the weapon’s origin, true name, special abilities,
history, and current condition all flow into your mind, and is stored forever within your

At the start of your turn, you can project any weapon that you have traced. The
projection materializes in your hand and for all intents and purposes appears to be a
perfect replica of the original weapon. If both your hands are free, you can project
one weapon in each hand at the same time. The projection, however, exists as
something in-between the genuine article and an illusion, inheriting properties of the
original but lacking its staying power. The projection lasts for 1 minute or until you
dismiss it (no action required), at which point it silently shatters and vanishes. The
projection inherits all the properties of the original weapon. You are proficient with
your projected weapons.

Spellcasting. As a Faker, you have some understanding of magic and can cast
spells. See the Player’s Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting. The Faker
spell list is below.

Spell Slots. The Faker table shows how many spell slots you have. To cast a spell,
you must expend a spell slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended
spell slots when you finish a long rest.

Spells known of 1st level and higher. You know two 1st-level spells of your choice
from the Faker spell list. The Spells Known column of the Faker table shows when
you learn more Faker spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level
for which you have spell slots. Additionally, whenever you gain a level, you can
replace one of your known Faker spells with another Faker spell, which must also be
of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Faker spells,
since your magic comes from study of the arcane. You use your Intelligence
whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Faker spell you cast and
when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell List

1st level 2nd level 3rd level 4th level

absorb elements branding smite blinding smite fabricate

detect magic cloud of daggers conjure barrage freedom of movement

ensnaring strike cordon of arrows elemental weapon stoneskin

hail of thorns flame blade feign death staggering smite

ice knife locate object flame arrows

identify magic weapon haste

jump shadow blade lightning arrow


searing smite

thunderous smite

wrathful smite

zephyr strike

Mana. Starting at 2nd level, you are able to tap into an inner source of magical
energy known as Mana. You have an amount of Mana equal to your Faker level,
which you can use for some Faker features. You regain all your Mana upon finishing
a long rest. As an action, you can regain an expended spell slot by spending Mana
equal to its level.

Weapon Reinforcement. As an action, you can touch a weapon (including projected

weapons) to bestow it with additional power. The reinforcements you have access to
depend on your faker level. A weapon can hold only one reinforcement at a time,
and giving it another one will remove any previously bestowed reinforcement. A
reinforcement’s effect and duration is specified below. You can use this feature a
number of times equal to twice your Intelligence modifier, and regain all uses of it
upon finishing a long rest.

Alchemical Weapon. Choose a damage type from acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
thunder. For 1 minute, the weapon’s bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage is
replaced by the type you chose. Starting at 11th level, you can choose force,
necrotic, or radiant as damage types.

Arcane Weapon. For 1 hour, damage dealt by the weapon is considered magical for
the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities. Starting at 11th level, the
weapon ignores damage resistances (but not immunities).

Radiant Weapon. For 1 minute, the weapons deals an additional 1d4 radiant
damage on a hit. Starting at 11th level, this increases to 1d8 radiant damage.

Warping Weapon. For 1 hour, the weapon gains the reach property. Starting at 11th
level, the weapon’s range is 30 ft. on your turn.
Nimble Enhancement. For 1 minute, the weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

Power Enhancement. For 1 minute, the weapon gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls.

Strengthen. For 1 minute, an improvised weapon becomes a simple weapon with the
finesse, light, and thrown (20/60) properties. For this duration, its damage die is a d8,
and the weapon’s physical form is nigh-indestructible as the magic strengthens its

Lethal Weapon. For 1 minute, attacks with the weapon ignore disadvantage. If an
attack roll with the weapon would normally have disadvantage, it can also not benefit
from advantage.

True Shot. For 1 minute, attacking at long range with the weapon doesn’t impose
disadvantage on ranged attack rolls. If it is a thrown weapon, you can choose to
have it teleport back to your hand at the end of your turn, no action required.
This class is based on the Hamon martial arts techniques seen primarily in parts 1
and 2 of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. I came up with this concept after trying to make a
Hamon character in 5E by multiclassing Sun Soul Monk and Light Domain Cleric. It
turned out to be a mess without really accomplishing what I wanted, so I decided to
make it its own class instead.
The action economy of this class assumes that if something can be done as a bonus
action, it can also be done as a regular action. If a Hamon Skill requires a bonus
action, you can choose to use it as a regular action instead.

Armor: Light Armor

Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: none
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Deception, History, Insight,
Intimidation, Nature, Perception, and Performance.
Saves: Constitution, Charisma

Starting equipment:

● One simple weapon

Features per level:

Level Hamon Features Overdrives

1 3 Hamon Breathing, Hamon Combat Training ----

2 5 Hamon Overdrive 2

3 7 Ripple Discipline 2

4 9 Ability Score Increase 2

5 10 Extra Attack 3

6 11 Speedwagon’s Insight, Lisa Lisa’s Lesson 3

7 12 Ripple Discipline Overdrives 3

8 13 Ability Score Increase, Hamon Improvement 3

9 14 Tonpetty’s Training, Easy Flow 3

10 15 Ripple Discipline Feature 3

11 16 Spontaneous Overdrive (1/day) 4

12 17 Ability Score Increase 4

13 18 Golden Skill, Focused Breathing 4

14 19 Unending Story 4

15 20 Spirit of Stardust, Effortless Flow 4

16 21 Ability Score Increase, Hamon Improvement 4

17 22 Ripple Discipline Feature 5

18 23 Spontaneous Overdrive (2/day) 5

19 24 Ability Score Increase 5

20 25 Ripple Master 5

Hamon Breathing
By controlling your breathing and precisely matching it to your heart rate, you can
generate an energy known as Hamon. You can generate 2 points of Hamon as an
action, or 1 point as a bonus action. You must be able to breathe to generate
Hamon. Hamon can be spent on Hamon Skills and Hamon Overdrives which are
unlocked by progressing in the Ripple Warrior Class.
Hamon is an energy that can be conducted through water (including ice and steam),
oil, organic matter, and metal. When you use a Hamon Skill, there must be an
unobstructed path for the energy to travel from you to the target of that skill. The path
can be at most 10m long. If the path is broken or longer than 10m, the skill fails and
the Hamon spent on it is wasted. This path is referred to as the Hamon path in skill
descriptions. It doesn’t matter if the Hamon path is broken while the effect of a skill is
active unless that skill specifically demands a maintained path. Any object that is part
of the Hamon path or the target of a Hamon effect is treated as being in direct
sunlight for the duration and for 1 round after the effect ends. You must have at least
1 point of Hamon in order to use a Hamon Skill, even if it doesn’t require you to
spend any.
Because Hamon is generated by the breath and the heart, Constitution is the ability
used for skills and Overdrives. When a Hamon skill or Overdrive calls for a spell
attack, you use your Hamon Attack Bonus, and when a saving throw is called for, the
DC is your Hamon Save DC.
Hamon Attack Bonus: your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus
Hamon Save DC: 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus
You know all the following Hamon Skills:

Hamon Burst. You focus your Hamon through your extremities and blast it into your
foes. When you make a successful unarmed strike, you can spend 1 Hamon to have
it deal 1d4 + Str Mod radiant damage instead of its normal damage. This damage
increases by 1d4 at 8th level and again at 16th level in this class.
Connect Objects. As a bonus action, you can spend 2 Hamon to cause any objects
you choose out of the ones that make out your Hamon path to become stuck
together for the duration. If the objects you choose are not already touching, they
gravitate toward each other. The force that holds the objects together is strong
enough to carry (or catch, if it’s falling) 100kg but any more than that will cause the
effect of this skill to end. The effect lasts for 1 round. When you use this Hamon skill,
you can designate a creature that touches at least one object along the Hamon path.
It must make a Strength saving throw or be restrained for the duration. A creature
can attempt to break apart the connected objects by using its action. It must then
make a Strength check against your Hamon Save DC, ending its effects and letting
the connected objects loose on a success. Starting at 8th level, the duration
increases to 2 rounds and starting at 16th level, the maximum weight increases to
Energize. As a bonus action, you extend your Hamon as a searing presence.
Choose any amount of objects along your Hamon path and spend 1 Hamon for each
of them. The chosen objects shed dim light in a radius of 1m for 1 round and take 1
point of radiant damage. This damage increases to 1d6 at 8th level and 1d12 at 16th
Manipulate Water. By channeling your Hamon through water, you can make it
behave in different ways. Any effect caused by this skill lasts for 1 round. This
duration increases to 2 rounds at 8th level and 3 rounds at 16th level.
● Strengthen surface: As a bonus action, you strengthen the surface of water
enough that it is unable to flow in that direction, though creatures can still
pass through it. This Skill costs 1 Hamon per 2.25m^2 of surface you affect.
● Water walk: As part of your movement, you reinforce a small area on the
water’s surface. As long as this effect is active, you can move across water as
if it were solid ground. If you end your turn on water, you must spend 2 points
of Hamon or fall through it.
Manipulate Plant. As a bonus action, you temporarily animate a plant. You can
cause it to bloom, or cause it to grapple or attack a creature within 1.5m of it. The
plant’s grapple bonus equals your Hamon Attack Bonus. The plant’s attack deals the
same amount of damage as your Hamon Burst. The damage’s type is bludgeoning,
piercing or slashing as appropriate.
Tread Lightly. You can ignore difficult terrain by spending 1 Hamon per 1.5m moved
across it. Additionally, you can climb (even on walls and ceilings) without having to
make a check by spending 2 Hamon per 1.5m of movement.
Set Fire. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Hamon to ignite a flammable object. If
the object is being worn or carried by another creature, that creature makes a
Dexterity saving throw, avoiding the effect on a success. From 8th level onward, you
can ignite 2 objects when you use this skill, and 3 objects starting at 16th level.

Hamon Combat Training

During your training with Hamon, you have learned to defend yourself even when
completely unarmed.
When you make an unarmed strike on your turn, you can make an additional
unarmed strike as a bonus action.
While not wearing any armor, your AC equals 10 + your dexterity modifier + your
constitution modifier. You can wear a shield and still gain this benefit.

Hamon Overdrive
Starting at 2nd level, you are able to focus your Hamon into powerful techniques
called Overdrives. You know 2 Overdrives, chosen from the list further down. You
learn an additional Overdrive at 5th, 11th, and 17th level. When you gain a level in
this class, you may swap one of your known Overdrives for another one that you can
Using an Overdrive costs Hamon. You may spend additional Hamon on an Overdrive
to improve its effect, as detailed in the “Extra Hamon” part of its description. If using
an Overdrive brings your total Hamon to 0, it counts as a Finisher and gains the
“Finisher” effect specified in its description.
The effects of an Overdrive last for the duration specified in its description, including
those generated by “Extra Hamon” and “Finisher” effects.

Righteous Triumph Overdrive. As an action, you charge your hand with Hamon
and thrust it forward with all your might. Spend 3 Hamon and make a melee spell
attack. On a hit, you deal 2d8 radiant damage. This damage increases to 3d8 at 8th
level and 4d8 at 16th level.
Extra Hamon: The damage increases by 2 for each point of extra Hamon spent on
this Overdrive.
Finisher: All creatures in a 5m cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking fire
damage equal to the radiant damage dealt by the spell attack on a failed save or half
as much on a successful one. You can aim the cone however you want, as long as
the target of the spell attack is within it.
Bubble Wrap Overdrive. As an action, you project you Hamon in the shape of a
bubble and attempt to trap a creature in it. Spend 5 Hamon and choose a creature
within 10m of you. The creature must make a Strength saving throw, becoming
trapped in the bubble for up to 1 minute on a failed save. While the creature is
trapped in the bubble, it is considered restrained. A restrained creature can use its
action to repeat the saving throw, breaking free and ending the effect on itself on a
success. Starting at 8th level, you can target an additional creature with this
Overdrive. Starting at 16th level, you can target up to 3 creatures with this Overdrive.
Extra Hamon: The initial DC is increased by an amount equal to half the extra
Hamon spent on this Overdrive (rounded down).
Finisher: A creature that is restrained by this Overdrive can not repeat the saving
throw and is instead trapped for the full duration.
Empowered Protection Overdrive. As an action, you focus your Hamon into a
protective shroud. Spend 5 Hamon and touch a creature. That creature regains 1 HP
and gains temporary HP equal to twice your Ripple Warrior level.
Extra Hamon: The temporary HP increases by twice the amount of extra Hamon
spent on this Overdrive.
Finisher: You cancel a negative status effect on the creature, as if you had cast
lesser restoration on it.
Second Chance Overdrive. As a reaction to taking damage, you send out a burst of
Hamon to protect you from it. Spend 5 Hamon to reduce the damage to 0.
Extra Hamon: The source of the damage takes radiant damage equal to the amount
of extra Hamon spent on this Overdrive.
Finisher: All the damage you would have taken is reflected back to the source as
radiant damage. Your damage resistances and vulnerabilities do not affect the
amount of damage reflected.
Unbreakable Spirit Overdrive. As an action, you charge your skin with Hamon to
prepare against a certain kind of damage. Spend 5 Hamon. You gain resistance to
one damage type of your choice for 1 minute. The duration increases to 5 minutes at
8th level and 10 minutes at 16th level. If you use this Overdrive again while it is still
active, the old effect is replaced by the new one.
Extra Hamon: You gain temporary HP equal to the amount of extra Hamon spent on
this Overdrive.
Finisher: You gain immunity to the chosen damage type instead of resistance.
Needle Barrier Overdrive. As an action, you project a barrier of Hamon. Spend 5
Hamon to create a wall on a point you can see within 10m of you. The wall is made
up of 5 cubes, each one with a side of 1.5m. You can place the cubes however you
want, as long as they are adjacent to each other. The barrier lasts for 1 minute. A
creature moving into the barrier for the first time on a turn or that starts its turn there
must make a Constitution saving throw, taking radiant damage equal to your Ripple
Warrior level on a failed save or half as much on successful one. Ranged attacks
made through the barrier have disadvantage. You need at least one free hand for
this Overdrive.
Extra Hamon: The damage dealt to a creature moving through the barrier increases
by an amount equal to the extra Hamon spent on this Overdrive.
Finisher: The barrier counts as three quarters cover and difficult terrain.
Heroic Moment Overdrive. As an action, you focus your Hamon into a brilliant flash
of light. Spend 5 Hamon and choose any number of creatures within 10m of you.
The chosen creatures must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 2d8 radiant
damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. The damage
increases to 3d8 at 8th level and 4d8 at 16th level.
Extra Hamon: The damage dealt increases by an amount equal to the extra Hamon
spent on this Overdrive.
Finisher: Creatures that fail their saving throw are also blinded for 1 minute. An
affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on itself on a success.
Rebuff Overdrive. As an action, you attempt to push a creature with your Hamon.
Spend 3 Hamon and choose a creature within 1.5m of you. It must make a Strength
saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 2d8 radiant damage and is knocked back 3m.
The damage increases to 3d8 at 8th level and 4d8 at 16th level. You need at least
one free hand for this Overdrive.
Extra Hamon: The knockback increases by 1/3m for each extra Hamon spent on this
Finisher: You can increase the knockback as much as you want, to a maximum of
triple the distance determined by the amount of Hamon you spent.
Brain Frier Overdrive. As an action, you grab a creature and attempt to overcharge
its brain. Spend 5 Hamon and make a grapple check against a creature within 1.5m
of you. It takes 2d8 radiant damage and must make a Constitution saving throw,
taking the same amount of damage to its Intelligence score on a failed save. The
damage increases to 3d8 at 8th level and 4d8 at 16th level. You need both hands
free to use this Overdrive.
Extra Hamon: The damage increases by an amount equal to the extra Hamon spent
on this Overdrive.
Finisher: The creature does not make a saving throw. It automatically takes the
Intelligence damage.

Ripple Discipline
At 3rd level, you choose one of three Ripple Disciplines. Your choice of Ripple
Discipline gives you features at 3rd, 7th, 10th, and 17th level.

Speedwagon’s Insight
From 6th level and onward, your insight into the human soul lets you read people’s
deepest motivations. Whenever you make a successful Insight check against a
creature, you also learn its alignment.

Lisa Lisa’s Lesson

Choose one skill that you are proficient in. You gain expertise in that skill.

Tonpetty’s Training
Starting at 9th level, your inner Hamon makes you immune to poison and disease.
Additionally, you gain resistance to radiant damage.

Easy Flow
Hamon comes more easily to you. Starting at 9th level, the first time you spend
Hamon on a Hamon Skill on a turn, it costs 1 less.

Spontaneous Overdrive
After countless hours of training with Hamon and learning how to make the most of
your limited energy, you are able to reach a new level of efficiency. Starting at 11th
level, you can use the Finisher version of an Overdrive without depleting your
Hamon. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you
are able to do so again.
Starting at 18th level, you can use this feature twice in-between rests.

Golden Skill
Choose 2 skills that you are proficient in. Whenever you make a roll with one of
those 2 skills or the one chosen for Lisa Lisa’s Lesson, you may spend 5 Hamon to
make the check with advantage. You can use this feature after making the roll but
you must do so before the DM tells you the result.

Focused Breathing
You have learned to control your breath for extended periods of time. Starting at 13th
level, you can extend the duration of the effects caused by your Hamon Skills (but
not Overdrives). When the duration of one of these effects runs out, you can spend 1
Hamon (this cost can not be reduced) to extend the duration by 1 round, as long as
you still have a Hamon path to the target.

Unending Story
Hamon is life energy, and it flows through you, strengthening your body and slowing
down the aging process. From 14th level and onward, your body ages at 10% speed.

Spirit of Stardust
You have faced many dangers and learned to stay calm in the face of the worst of
them. Starting at 15th level, you can not be frightened. Additionally, you have
advantage on any Intimidation check you make against a creature that does not
have full HP.

Effortless Flow
Starting at 15th level, your Hamon flows even more naturally through you. Whenever
you spend Hamon on a Hamon Skill (not just the first time on a turn) it costs 1 less.
Ripple Master
You have reached the pinnacle of your training. You understand the nature of Hamon
and can feel its flow. At 20th level, you can instinctively move like ripple reacting to
your opponents. When a creature within 10m of you takes an action, you can use
your reaction to immediately take an action (or bonus action) of your own. Your
action occurs before the other creature’s action. Once you use this feature, you must
finish a short or long rest before you can do so again.

Ripple Discipline: Trickster

The trickster utilizes cunning and the sheer versatility of Hamon to deceive and
outmaneuver enemies.

Zoom Punch
You can use your Hamon to temporarily and harmlessly disjoint your limbs,
extending the reach of your unarmed strikes. As a Trickster, you know this Hamon
At the start of your turn, you can spend 1 Hamon to extend the range of your
unarmed strikes to 3m for 1 round. This duration increases to 2 rounds at 8th level
and 3 rounds at 16th level.

Battle Foresight
As a bonus action on your turn, you can attempt to get a read on a creature. Make a
Wisdom(Insight) check contested by the creature’s Charisma(Deception) check. If
you succeed, you gain the following benefits:
● Roll 1d20 and keep the result. Whenever the targeted creature makes a
saving throw against an effect caused by you or makes an attack roll against
you, you can choose to use the result of your kept d20 instead. Additionally,
whenever you make a saving throw against an effect caused by the targeted
creature or make an attack roll against it, you can choose to use the result of
your kept d20 instead. Each kept d20 can only be used once. If it is not used
in 1 minute, it is wasted.
● If the creature is about to say something, you learn what it is about to say. You
can proclaim what it is about to say as part of the same bonus action used for
this feature.

Trickster Overdrives
At 7th level as a Trickster, you learn the following Overdrives.
Ceasar’s Charm. As an action, you attempt to beguile and influence someone with
your Hamon. Spend 3 Hamon and make a Charisma(Persuasion) check against a
creature, contested by its Wisdom(Insight) check. If you are successful, the creature
is charmed by you for 1 minute and considers you a trusted ally for the duration. If
you fail your check, the target creature is aware that you tried to tamper with its mind
and becomes hostile to you, and can not be affected by this Overdrive for 1 hour.
Extra Hamon: For each point of extra Hamon spent on this Overdrive, the duration
increases by 1 minute.
Finisher: If you successfully charm the creature, it gains temporary HP equal to twice
your Ripple Warrior level and is willing to fight for you for the duration.
Sunlight Yellow Overdrive. As an action, you charge your fists with glowing Hamon
and unleash a barrage of punches. Spend 5 Hamon and make up to 3 melee spell
attacks. On a hit, these attacks deal 2d8 radiant damage. The damage increases to
3d8 at 8th level and 4d8 at 16th level. You must have both your hands free to use
this Overdrive.
Extra Hamon: The damage dealt increases by an amount equal to the extra Hamon
spent on this Overdrive.
Finisher: You can move up to half your speed before each of the attacks made by
this Overdrive.

Platinum Persona
Your personality is overwhelmingly hard to read. Starting at 10th level, all Insight
checks made against you have disadvantage.
Additionally, you are considered proficient in any saving throw made to avoid
someone gaining information from or about you.

You have gained greater control over your Hamon and can utilize it to execute
complicated plans. Whenever you use one of your Hamon Skills, you can choose to
delay the effect until a trigger occurs. The trigger can be anything you choose, as
long as it occurs within 10m of the effect’s target. If the effect has not been triggered
after 10 minutes, it dispearses and has no effect at all.

Ripple Discipline: Knight

The Ripple Knight wields weapons and armor through which they channel their

Bonus Proficiencies
As a Ripple Knight, you are proficient with medium armor and martial weapons.

Hamon Weaponry
You are able to channel your Hamon through your weapons. As a Knight, you know
this Hamon Skill.
When you make a successful weapon attack, you can spend 1 Hamon to deal an
additional 1d4 radiant damage. This damage increases to 2d4 at 8th level and 3d4 at
16th level. Your weapon must be made of a material that conducts Hamon.

Knight Overdrives
At 7th level as a Knight, you learn the following Overdrives:
Metal Silver Overdrive. As an action, you spend 5 Hamon to charge your weapon.
For 1 minute, it counts as a magic weapon for the purposes of overcoming
resistance, deals radiant damage instead of its normal type, and gains a +1 bonus to
attack and damage rolls. The bonus increases to +2 at 8th level and +3 at 16th level.
The weapon must be made of a material that conducts Hamon.
Extra Hamon: When you make a successful attack with the charged weapon, you
can deal an additional 2 points of radiant damage for each point of extra Hamon
spent on this Overdrive. Once you do this, you can not do so again until you use the
Overdrive again.
Finisher: When you make a successful attack with the charged weapon, you can
force the target to make a Constitution saving throw, becoming paralyzed for 1
minute on a failed save. The target may repeat the saving throw on each of its turns,
ending the effect on a success. Once you do this, you can not do so again until you
use the Overdrive again.
Unbreakable Diamond Overdrive. As an action, you spend 5 Hamon to charge
your armor. For 1 minute, it counts as a magic armor that gives you a +1 bonus to
AC. This bonus increases to +2 at 8th level and +3 at 16th level. The armor must be
of a material that conducts Hamon.
Extra Hamon: You gain temporary HP equal to twice the amount of extra Hamon you
spent on this Overdrive.
Finisher: The AC bonus also applies to all of your saving throws for the duration.

Hamon Boomerang
Weapons you are wielding that you are proficient with and are eligible for Hamon
Weaponry are considered to have the thrown property, with a range of 6.5m/20m.
After you throw a weapon this way, you can use a bonus action and spend 2 Hamon
to cause it to fly back to your hand in a straight line. All creatures along this line must
make a Dexterity saving throw, taking the weapon’s damage on a failed save. The
line is 3m wide if the weapon has the versatile or two-handed property, otherwise it is
1.5m wide.

Hamon Armor
Starting at 17th level, you can channel Hamon through your armor to increase its
efficiency. If you are wearing armor that you are proficient with, you gain the following
● When you take damage from an attack, you can use your reaction to nullify
that damage.
● When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw to
take only half damage, you can use your reaction to take no damage on a
successful save and half damage on a failed save. You can decide to use this
ability after you roll but not after the DM has told you whether or not you

Ripple Discipline: Sage

The sage is able to project their Hamon into shapes and attack at range.

Hamon Cutter
You can project your Hamon as sharp rotating discs. As a Sage, you know this
Hamon Skill.
You have a ranged spell attack that you can use as an action or bonus action on
your turn. This attack uses your Hamon attack bonus. On a hit, this attack deals 1d4
slashing damage plus radiant damage equal to 1d4 plus your Constitution modifier.
The damage dice become d8 at 8th level and d12 at 16th level.

Sage Overdrives
At 7th level as a Sage, you learn the following Overdrives.
Rainbow Cutter Overdrive. As an action, you generate several Hamon discs at
once, throwing them out as deadly weapons. Spend 5 Hamon and make up to 2
ranged spell attacks against creatures within 10m of you. On a hit, these attacks deal
1d8 slashing damage and 1d8 radiant damage. Starting at 8th level, you can make
up to 3 attacks and starting at 16th level, you can make up to 4 attacks. You must
have both your hands free to use this Overdrive.
Extra Hamon: The radiant damage dealt by one of the attacks (your choice as to
which one) increases by an amount equal to the extra Hamon spent on this
Finisher: The Hamon discs generated by this Overdrive act as lenses and focus light
onto a single point. Choose a creature within 10m of you. That creature must make a
Constitution saving throw, taking 4d8 radiant damage on a failed save or half as
much on a successful one.
Spellbreak Overdrive. As an action, you spend 5 Hamon to coat yourself in it to
protect against magic. For 1 minute, you gain advantage on saving throws against
spells and resistance to damage from them.
Extra Hamon: Half of the extra Hamon spent on this Overdrive (rounded down) goes
into a special pool of protective energy. When you are affected by a spell whose level
is equal to or less than the pool of protective energy, you can choose to be
unaffected by it if you reduce the pool by an amount equal to the spell’s level.
Finisher: For the duration, whenever you force a creature to make a concentration
check, the DC of that check is increased by an amount equal to your proficiency

[10th level ability placeholder]

Flash Step
You have learned to use your Hamon to improve your mobility and quickly dart
around the battlefield. Starting at 17th level, when you are attacked or forced to
make a saving throw, you can use your reaction to move up to half your speed
without provoking opportunity attacks.

Asmodeus’ Deck of Uno Cards. This magical deck of cards was created by
Asmodeus himself. It is used to play a game of Uno with 2-4 players. Once a player
willingly joins a game using these cards, that person is forced to keep playing until
the game’s conclusion. A player that is unable to finish their turn in less than 1
minute takes 10d10 psychic damage and instantly skips their turn. Each card has a
unique effect, as described below:
● Number cards: each time a number card is played, the next player takes
damage of a type depending on the card’s color. Red deals fire damage,
yellow acid, green poison, and blue cold. The amount of damage equals 1d10
per the number on the card.
● Zero cards: zero cards are unique and not counted as numbers. When a zero
card is played, all other players must draw 1 card, each one taking damage
according to any number card they draw.
● Skip cards: the person who plays this card rapidly ages an amount equal to
10% of the age of the oldest person of their race that they know.
● Reverse cards: this card can be played as a reaction to taking damage from
an Uno card, assuming that it is eligible to be played. When this card is played
in this way, the damage is reflected back to the previous player.
● Plus two cards: when a plus two card is played, the next player takes the
combined damage of any number cards they draw.
● Color choice cards: when you play this card, you gain immunity to the damage
type associated with the chosen color until the end of your next Uno turn.
● Plus four cards: when a plus four card is played, the next player takes the
combined damage of any number cards they draw.

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