Earth and The Sky

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CLASS: III (EVS) Earth and the Sky

Subject: EVS Session 2021-22 (TERM-1 PORTION)

Class III
Chapter-22 Earth and the Sky

E-Book link

Day-1 Students to revise the following topics thoroughly from the text book and
bullet points attached.
 Introduction
 Unique features of our planet Earth.

Refer to bullet points.

Learn the following Term: Planet, unique, marble, fertile, atmosphere

Day-2 & 3 Pg-151

 Sun as the ultimate source of energy.
 Moon as a natural satellite of Earth.

Refer to bullet points.

Learn the following Terms: temperature, ultimate, energy,

Day-4 & 5 Pg-152,153

 Phases of the moon (New moon, crescent moon, half moon,
gibbous moon)
 Stars and where do stars go during the day time?

Refer to bullet points.

Learn the following Term: satellite, barren, phases, revolves, Amavasya,

Day- 6 & 7 Pg- 154,155

 What are stars made up of?
 Star Constellations.

Refer to bullet points.

Learn the following terms: twinkling, constellations, Big dipper

Day-8, 9 &  Draw, colour and label any three constellations.

 Learn the following words:

Planet, unique, marble, fertile, atmosphere, temperature, ultimate, energy,

distance, satellite, barren, reversed, phases, revolves, Amavasya, Purnima,
astronomers, Aryabhatta, cloudless, twinkling, constellations, Big dipper,
Saptarishi Mandal, Scorpio, Orion, Ursa major, rotation, movement, pattern.

Day- 11, 12 Back Exercise:

& 13
Page No: 156
1)Tick the correct option:
a) Sun b) Life c) Constellation d) Water bodies e) Yellow star

Page No: 157

2)Match the following:
a) Sun b) Moon c) Big Dipper d) Stars e) Constellations

3)State True or false:

a) False b) False c) True d) False e) True

4)Fill in the blanks:

a) Energy b) Moon c) Air, water d) Stars e) Full moon /Purnima

5) Give one word answer:

a) New moon/ Amavasya b) Star c) Sun d) New moon/ Amavasya
e) Atmosphere.

Homework to be done in EVS Copy.

I) Answer the following questions:

1. What is a planet?
2. Why Earth is called a unique planet?
3. How many constellations are known to us?

II) Activity:
 Make a constellation on an A4 size hard board with the help of
modeling clay and match sticks and label it.

Video e- Phases of moon:


Stars and constellations:


➢ A natural object that revolves around the sun is called a planet.

➢ Our planet Earth is called unique because it is the only planet known to have life.
➢ Feature of the earth
✓ Earth is a giant ball of rocks.
✓ It looks like a big blue marble from space because of the large water bodies we
have on Earth.
✓ There are mountains, valleys, deserts, oceans, seas, rivers , lakes and ponds.
✓ It is surrounded by a layer of air called the atmosphere
➢ Sun
✓ It is the ultimate source of almost all kinds of energy we have on Earth.
✓ It gives us heat and light.
✓ Our Earth is 150 million kilometers away from the sun.
✓ Light from the sun takes about 8 ¼ minutes to reach us.
➢ Moon
✓ Moon is the nearest neighbour in the sky.
✓ A heavenly body that revolves around a planet is called a satellite.
✓ We call moon a satellite of Earth because it moves around the Earth.
✓ It is dry, barren, has no air or water and no light of its own .
✓ It reflects the sun’s light.
✓ The different shapes of the moon that we see are known as phases of the moon.
✓ The moon revolves around the Earth, hence the side of the moon getting sunlight
also changes .This results in different shapes and phases of the moon.
➢ Phases of the moon
✓ The phases of the Moon are the different ways the Moon looks from Earth over
about a month.
✓ The different phases of the moon are new moon, crescent moon, gibbous moon
and full moon.
✓ NEW MOON or AMAVASYA- When the moon is between the earth and the
sun, we cannot see its lit side at all. This phase is New Moon and the night is
called as New Moon night or Amavasya.
✓ FULL MOON or PURNIMA- When the Earth is in between the sun and the
moon, we can see the full lit surface of the moon which is like a disc. This phase
is called Full Moon and the night is called the Full Moon night or Purnima.

➢ Stars
✓ There are millions of stars in the sky which are very far away from us.
✓ They have their own light.
✓ They are made up of huge ball of gases and dust which react with each other to
produce heat and light.
✓ We cannot see them during the day because of the bright light of the sun.
✓ Sun is also a star which is close to the Earth.
✓ Very hot stars look blue and less hot stars look yellow, while cold stars appear
✓ Our sun is a yellow star.
✓ Sun is the brightest star in the sky.
➢ Constellations
✓ A group of stars forming a certain pattern is called constellation.
✓ There are 88 known constellations.
✓ Some of the popularly known constellations are Saptarishi Mandal, Scorpio,
Orion, Ursa Major etc.
➢ Rotation
✓ Our Earth spins like a top. This movement of the Earth is called rotation.

 Class work Questions will be shared in the WhatsApp group of each class as PDF.

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