Assessment Type: Formative Assessments: Embedded Questions in Video

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<22509>: <MAN>: <Management>: <Directing and controlling at supervisory level >: <LO3 - Predict

the possible mistake for completing the activities and Elaborating the decision >: <Assessments>:

<Pravin Pathak >

Assessment Type: Formative Assessments: Embedded questions in video

Set 1: Question No 1 Set 1: Question No 2 Set 1: Question No 3

Set 1- No1: How decision can be Set 1- No2: Why counselling by supervisor Set 1- No3: To avoid confusion taken by
elaborated is needed higher management, decision must

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application

a) By written document a) Loss of confidence a) Elaborated

b) By conducting meeting b) Dull working conditions b) Canceled

c) By counselling c) Need support c) Forced

d) All d) All d) Reversed

Ans: <d> Ans: <d> Ans: <a>

Set 2: Question No 1 Set 2: Question No 2 Set 2: Question No 3

Set 2- No1: How decision can be Set 2- No2: What are not ways to lay Set 2- No3: What are the benefits to
elaborated disciplinary standards supervisor of understanding team.

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application

a) By written document a) Disciplinary actions a) To take perfect decision

b) By conducting meeting b) Training for discipline b) Promotion

c) By counselling c) Policy decisions in discipline c) Status

d) All d) Forgiving for few times d) Increments

Ans: <d > Ans: <d> Ans: <a>

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