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Potential Secang (Caesalpinia sappan), Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea

batatas L), Garlic (Allium sativum L.). As a Covid-19 inhibitor drug

17 August 1945 University Jakarta
Alwan Rizal Hilmy1, Prof. Andrianov Syah, S.farm, MS2
Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease of 2019) is a disease that infects the respiratory
tract in humans. This epidemic spreads almost all over the country. This virus spreads
very quickly through human-to-human contact and has become a troubling epidemic
because until now there is no drug and vaccine against the sars-CoV-2 virus that has
been in clinical trials to overcome the spread of this virus. One of the efforts to prevent
the spread of this epidemic is by increasing the body's immune system and
antimicrobials by supplementing and intake of foods containing antimicrobial
compounds and immune stimulation. Based on the literature study that has been done,
it is estimated that Indonesian plants have the potential to prevent and inhibit Covid-19.
Plants that have potential include Benalu (Dendrophtoe Sp.), Secang (Caesalpinia

Keywords: Covid-19, Sars-cov-2, Garlic (Allium sativum L.), Secang (Caesalpinia sappan), Purple
Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L)

Covid-19 (corona virus Diseases of 2019) is epidemic disease infact human

respiratory system. Epidemic have been spreads all most in every country. The virus
spreads by contact with humans to humans transmission, accordingly this epidemic has
been troubling because no one clinically published drug and vaccine againt the sars-cov-
2 virus to prevent this virus. One step to prevention increase system immunity and
antimicrobial by supplement and intake food which contains antioxidant and
antimicrobial. Based on the study of literature predicted plant in Indonesia as the
prevent and obstruct covid-19. The plant which are potential is; Benalu (Dendrophtoe
Sp.), Secang (Caesalpinia sappan), and Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L).

Keywords: Covid-19, Sars-cov-2, Garlic (Allium sativum L.), Secang (Caesalpinia sappan), Purple
Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L)

Corona Virus disesease 2019 (COVID- Based on the results and evolutionary
19) is a disease outbreak that has raged in analysis, bats are thought to be the host of
almost all countries, according to WHO SARS-CoV-2, which is transmitted
(World Health Organization) data that through an intermediate host not yet
reported Indonesia as of 30 November known to infect humans. It is known that
2020 experiencing an increase in the this virus infects Angiotensin-Converting
Covid-19 outbreak in the past 1 year, Enzym 2 (ACE2) in humans (Guo et all,
there were 527,999 cases, 16,646 deaths, 2020). The COVID-19 life cycle utilizes
and the global situation there were S (spike), a protein that can bind to ACE2
61,869,330 cases, deaths reached in host cells and start the life cycle with
1,448,896 (CFR 2.3%) over time Mine Protease (MPro) at the replication
confirmed in 220 countries and 178 local stage (Ahkam et all, 2020). The Chinese
transmissions affected by the Covid-19 government in January 2020 confirmed
outbreak. The Ministry of Health of the that this virus spreads from person to
Republic of Indonesia reported that as of person. Can be transmitted through
29 November 2020, there were 527,999 airborne, droplets from coughing,
confirmed cases of 16,646 people who sneezing and contact (Lie et all, 2020).
died due to the Covid-19 outbreak The ability to survive the virus is quite
(Ministry of Health of the Republic of good in dry conditions, even this virus
Indonesia 2020). mutates in the body and can spread in the
body, causing infection (Burhan et all,
It was reported that the first COVID-19
outbreak in Wuhan China in December
2019, has killed around 1,800 people and SARS-CoV-2 comes from the genus
infected 70,000 on the first day of the Bethacoronavirus. Initially it was known
pandemic (Shereen et all, 2020). WHO to have strains of HKU1, MERS-CoV,
officially declared COVID-19 as a global OC43, and SARS-CoV. However, it was
pandemic with international emergency confirmed that the fifth strain of this
status in March 2020 (Sathel, 2020). The genus can cause pneumonia (Yu et all,
World Helth Organization states that this 2020). Infected patients have symptoms
outbreak was caused by the Corona Virus such as dry cough, sore throat, fever and
with a new starin called SARS-CoV-2 shortness of breath (Sohrabin et all,
(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2020). Viruses have the ability to mutate
Corona Virus-2) (Lai et all, 2020). significantly to cause infection, therefore
alternative prevention with vaccine Thaha, 2010). Food and supplements
development requires a long period of derived from animals or plants have
time, so far no vaccine has been found become the main source of medicines in
that has been clinically tested as a the health sector due to the use of synthetic
preventive solution (Supriyatna et all, chemical drugs. Global demand is
2020). increasing for herbal-based medicines
which allow for the cultivation of local
The troubling COVID-19 outbreak results
medicinal plants (Oladunmoye & Kahinde,
from rapid spread through human-human
contact. So that the number of sufferers
increases drastically in a short period of Therefore, this journal review
time, but the Ministry of Health states that emphasizes local Indonesian plants as
recovery of viral infections can be done medicinal plants that have the potential to
without special treatment because the be used in preventing the spread of
virus is self-medication (Syahrir et all, COVID-19 which have the ability to act as
2020). The body's defense mechanism an immune booster, immunomodulator,
will protect the body from infections, antimicrobial and antiviral which can
bacteria, viruses, and parasites, thereby correlate with ACE2 or components of the
eliminating foreign substances from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. . These plants include;
body (Aripin, et al, 2019). At this time it Secang (Caesalpinia sappan), Purple Sweet
is very important for people to keep the Potato (Ipomoea batatas L), Garlic (Allium
immune system strong to protect the body sativum L.).
from viral infections (Susilo et all, 2020).
Secang (Caesalpinia sappan) is a
One attempt toprevent the spread of the plant that grows in tropical areas at an
COVID-19 outbreak by increasing the altitude of 1000 m above the water surface.
body's immune system from antimicrobials Traditionally by the community since time
with supplements and intake of foods that immemorial as an anti-bacterial ingredient,
contain vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant anti-inflammatory ingredient, natural
compounds. The role of vitamins can help coloring agent, herbal formula or health
the smooth absorption of nutrients and drink ingredients, preservatives in chili
metabolism in the body, while minerals act paste and additional ingredients in skin
as coenzymes or cofactors and care and body care formulations.
antioxidants that strengthen the immune
system (Siswanto & Ernawati, 2013;
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L) The method used in this article is an online
is a good source of energy in the form of literary study obtained by accessing
carbohydrates, as well as a source of national and international scientific
vitamins and minerals. The content of journals as well as scientific articles
sweet potatoes in the form of provitamin A related to COVID-19 and the
reaches 9000 SI / 100 g, especially sweet pharmacological activities of plants in
potatoes whose tuber flesh is orange or Indonesia.
orange. The content of vitamin B1, B6,
Niacin and vitamin C in sweet potatoes is
also quite adequate. Sweet potatoes also A. Secang wood contains active
contain bioactive compounds that function compounds in the form of phenolic
for health, namely anthocyanins, beta with chemical structures in the form of
carotene, and sera. Purple sweet potato is brazilin, chalcone, protosapanin and
especially high in anthocyanins and flavonoids. The content of secang
phenolic compounds. compounds is very high, namely
220.52 mM gallic acid equivalent / g
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a
(Kusuma IW 2007)
commodity that is widely used as a
The brazilin compound which has
cooking spice because it has a specific
low energy will interact strongly with
preferred flavor. Garlic is also known to
the viral protein target so that the viral
have health benefits so it is used in
replication process will be disrupted
medicinal herbs. Garlic contains 58.58%
and inhibited. Other studies have also
water, 6.36% protein, 0.40% fat, 33.06%
found that secang extract is very
carbohydrates, 2.1% total dietary fiber, 1%
effective in inhibiting the replication of
sugar, 0.09% saturated fatty acids, and
Procin reproductive and respiratory
fatty acids unsaturated 0.25%.
syndrome virus (PRRSV) in MARC-
METHOD 145 cells that have been tested in vitro
in livestock. (Sunith VS, et all 2014).
The results showed the
recommended dose at susceptible to
10-50 mg / kg for body weight. While
the recommended dosage as anti-
oxidant is 60.5 g / mL and as anti-
inflammatory is 0.1 g / mL, assuming
the brazilin compound in secang did not show any abnormalities for the
extract has high purity. The liver, kidneys and spleen (Pertamawati,
administration of secang wood extract et all 2017).
at a dose of 875 mg / oak for 3 months

B. Purple Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea provide mild inhibition in the early

batatas L) The high anthocyanin stages of the influenza virus cycle and
content in purple sweet potatoes causes provide a faster recovery effect after
the sweet potatoes to have a purple infection. This is due to the role of
color which is quite stable during anthocyanins in blocking viral
storage. Anthocyanins are phenolic glycoproteins and increasing the
components of the flavonoid group that expression of the genes interleuikin-6,
are water soluble, play a role in color interleukin-8, and tumor necrosis
formation and have antioxidant factor in the immune system.
activity. Anthocyanins can function as C. Garlic (Allium Sativum) The active
immunodulators and can reduce the components in garlic are allisin
risk of degenerative diseases such as (organosulfur group), diallyl trisulfide
cardiovascular disease, (organosulfur group), ajoene
antherosclorosis and cancer. (organosulfur group) and quercetin
Anthocyanins as antioxidants play (flavonoid group). The allisin
a role in counteracting free radicals by compound is obtained from the allin
inhibiting the production of free component (S-allil-cysteine) which is
radicals or inactivating free radicals broken down by the allinase enzyme
that have been formed so that they do into allisin. Quercetin plays a role in
not damage the immune system or inhibiting the formation of RNA
lymphocytes. In vivo studies have polymerase which is needed in viral
shown that proanthocyanidin replication in body cells. Allisin and
induction can significantly increase quercetin also alter the transcript and
immunity, carbon-clearing ability and translation of the viral genome in host
T lymphocyte activity, and promote cells and inhibit viral growth. Some
hemolysin formation in mice. literature states that these two active
Anthocyanins as cyanidine 3 components are effective in inhibiting
glucosides can increase the immune the Ebola virus, influenza A, influenza
system and act as anthocyanins to B, rhinovirus, HIV, herpes simplex
virus 1, herpes simplex virus, and plants have the potential to inhibit
potato virus Y. The active components COVID-19.
in garlic also function as antibacterial,
The flavonoids in garlic are effective in
inhibiting viral multiplication. These
compounds can inhibit the formation Sunitha VS., Sunil MA.,
of proteins and genetic material in the Radhakrishnan EK, Tyothis M.
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