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Nitish Prakash

Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:54 AM / Scored 25/27 (93%)
Test taker's answer a Correct r Incorrect = Partial Credit
a 1) Flight plan must be filed
a) For all flights
b) For IFR Flights only
c) For scheduled flights only
d) For training flights only

a 2) VFR flights outside controlled airspace above 3000ft msl can be conducted provided
a) Flight visibility is 1mile(1.5km)
b) Flight visibility is 3 mile(5km)
c) Flight visibility is 2mile(3 km)
d) Flight visibility is 5mile(8km)

a 3) Prohibited area means an area over which

a) Flight within 2miles is prohibited
b) Low flying is prohibited
c) Flight of aircraft is totally prohibited
d) Only instrument flying can be carried out.

a 4) When two aircrafts are on a crossing track so as to involve risk of collision, the following will
give way
a) The one which has the other on its starboard
b) The one which has the other on its portside
c) The bigger aircraft
d) The faster aircraft

a 5) The air space over Mathura refinery is a

a) Restricted area
b) Prohibited area
c) Danger area
d) None

a 6) A horizontal red square panel with one yellow diagonal means

a) All VFR are suspended and IFR have been declared compulsory
b) Landings Prohibited
c) Aircraft are to land Take off & Taxi on runways and taxi ways only.
d) Special precaution while landing should be taken because of the bad state of the
Maneuvering area.
Nitish Prakash
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:54 AM / Scored 25/27 (93%)
a 7) On the ground a red square with two yellow diagonals means
a) Exercise caution while landing
b) Take, off is-prohibited
c) Landing prohibited
d) Landing prohibited and prohibitions is likely to be prolonged

a 8) Letter "C" in black against yellow background means

a) Accident reports to be made here
b) Flight plans to be collected from here
c) Reports concerning air traffic services to be made here
d) All the above are correct

a 9) Series of projectiles fired at an interval of 10 second, or 10 second on bursting showing red

& green stars or lights indicate.
a) Aircraft is in distress but no immediate assistance is required
b) Aircraft is flying over or in the vicinity of s prohibited area
c) Aircraft is in distress and immediate assistance is required
d) Aircraft is flying over or in the vicinity of s prohibited area, restricated area or danger

a 10) The navigation lights on an aircraft are

a) Right - green 110 deg, left red 110 deg
b) Right - green 110 deg, left red 110 deg & rear light white 70 deg
c) Right - green 110 deg, left red 110 deg & rear light white 140 deg
d) None

a 11) An aircraft wants to indicate the difficulties which compel it to land without requiring
assistance will do so by
a) Firing red pyrotechnical lights
b) Firing red & green pyrotechnical lights
c) Firing white pyrotechnical lights or by repeated switching on & off of the landing
d) None

a 12) Flying in an aircraft, below 3000 feet AMSL in a controlled airspace, the minimum horizontal
separation from clouds is
a) 300 meters.
b) 500 meters.
c) 1500 meters.
d) 1500 feet.
Nitish Prakash
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:54 AM / Scored 25/27 (93%)
a 13) A portion of the airport reserved for loading, off loading of cargo, passengers, parking of
aircraft & for small maintenance except for taxiing is called
a) Movement area
b) Apron
c) Maneuvering area
d) Taxi way

a 14) Series of green flashes directed towards an aircraft means

a) Clear to Take Off
b) Clear for landing
c) Cleared to climb
d) Clear to Taxi

a 15) UTC means

a) Coordinated universal time
b) none
c) Universal coordinated time
d) Universal time coordinated

a 16) A pilot not having an instrument rating cannot fly :

a) During hours of night.
b) Without permission of aerodrome officer.
c) Without permission from the DGCA.
d) At any time.

a 17) Instrument flying means

a) The time during which the pilot is flying with reference to instruments with external
visual reference
b) Flying time during night
c) The time during which the pilot is flying with reference to instruments without any
external visual reference.
d) any simulated flying condition

r 18) Aerobatics are permitted to be done below an altitude of 6000ft at least at a distance of :
a) 2 miles from an aerodrome
b) 4 miles from the centre of the aerodrome
c) 2 miles from the nearest point of the perimeter of aerodrome
d) 4 miles from the nearest point of the perimeter of an aerodrome
Nitish Prakash
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:54 AM / Scored 25/27 (93%)
a 19) Flight over danger area is:-
a) Prohibited altogether
b) Prohibited except under VFR
c) Permitted with due exercise of conditions
d) Permitted if permission of DGCA is granted

a 20) VFR flights shall not be operated ...... Mark the correct statement
a) Above FL150
b) At transonic and supersonic speeds
c) Over congested areas of city, town or settlements or over an open-air assembly of
persons at a height less than 300M (1000 Ft) above the highest obstacle within a radius
of 600M from the aircraft
d) all the above

r 21) Mark the correct statement

1. An aircraft equipped with an SSR transponder is expected to operate the transponder on
Mode A Code 7500 to indicate specifically that it is the subject of unlawful interference.
2. The aircraft may operate the transponder on Mode A Code 7700, to indicate that it is
threatened by grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance.
3. An aircraft equipped with an SSR transponder is expected to operate the transponder on
Mode A Code 7600 to indicate specifically that it is the subject of unlawful interference.
4. The aircraft may operate the transponder on Mode A Code 7500, to indicate that it is
threatened by grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance.
a) only 3 and 4 are correct
b) only 1 and 2 are correct
c) only 2 and 3 are correct
d) only 1 and 4 are correct

a 22) An airspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft
exist at the specified times. The effect of the notification of the this Area is to caution aircraft
operators/pilots that it is necessary for them to avoid it for the safety of the aircraft when the
areas are active.
a) Danger areas
b) Restricted areas
c) prohibited areas
d) manuevering area
Nitish Prakash
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:54 AM / Scored 25/27 (93%)
a 23) Write any 8 documents to be carried on board
1-certifcate of registration
2-certificate of airworthiness
3-flight crew license
4-opertaion manual
5-load and trim sheet
6-minimum equipment list
7-noise certification list
8-journey log book
Correct answer not provided.
Rishabh kumar
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:59 AM / Scored 24/27 (89%)
Test taker's answer a Correct r Incorrect = Partial Credit
a 1) Flight plan must be filed
a) For all flights
b) For IFR Flights only
c) For scheduled flights only
d) For training flights only

a 2) VFR flights outside controlled airspace above 3000ft msl can be conducted provided
a) Flight visibility is 1mile(1.5km)
b) Flight visibility is 3 mile(5km)
c) Flight visibility is 2mile(3 km)
d) Flight visibility is 5mile(8km)

a 3) Prohibited area means an area over which

a) Flight within 2miles is prohibited
b) Low flying is prohibited
c) Flight of aircraft is totally prohibited
d) Only instrument flying can be carried out.

r 4) When two aircrafts are on a crossing track so as to involve risk of collision, the following will
give way
a) The one which has the other on its starboard
b) The one which has the other on its portside
c) The bigger aircraft
d) The faster aircraft

a 5) The air space over Mathura refinery is a

a) Restricted area
b) Prohibited area
c) Danger area
d) None

a 6) A horizontal red square panel with one yellow diagonal means

a) All VFR are suspended and IFR have been declared compulsory
b) Landings Prohibited
c) Aircraft are to land Take off & Taxi on runways and taxi ways only.
d) Special precaution while landing should be taken because of the bad state of the
Maneuvering area.
Rishabh kumar
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:59 AM / Scored 24/27 (89%)
a 7) On the ground a red square with two yellow diagonals means
a) Exercise caution while landing
b) Take, off is-prohibited
c) Landing prohibited
d) Landing prohibited and prohibitions is likely to be prolonged

a 8) Letter "C" in black against yellow background means

a) Accident reports to be made here
b) Flight plans to be collected from here
c) Reports concerning air traffic services to be made here
d) All the above are correct

a 9) Series of projectiles fired at an interval of 10 second, or 10 second on bursting showing red

& green stars or lights indicate.
a) Aircraft is in distress but no immediate assistance is required
b) Aircraft is flying over or in the vicinity of s prohibited area
c) Aircraft is in distress and immediate assistance is required
d) Aircraft is flying over or in the vicinity of s prohibited area, restricated area or danger

a 10) The navigation lights on an aircraft are

a) Right - green 110 deg, left red 110 deg
b) Right - green 110 deg, left red 110 deg & rear light white 70 deg
c) Right - green 110 deg, left red 110 deg & rear light white 140 deg
d) None

a 11) An aircraft wants to indicate the difficulties which compel it to land without requiring
assistance will do so by
a) Firing red pyrotechnical lights
b) Firing red & green pyrotechnical lights
c) Firing white pyrotechnical lights or by repeated switching on & off of the landing
d) None

a 12) Flying in an aircraft, below 3000 feet AMSL in a controlled airspace, the minimum horizontal
separation from clouds is
a) 300 meters.
b) 500 meters.
c) 1500 meters.
d) 1500 feet.
Rishabh kumar
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:59 AM / Scored 24/27 (89%)
a 13) A portion of the airport reserved for loading, off loading of cargo, passengers, parking of
aircraft & for small maintenance except for taxiing is called
a) Movement area
b) Apron
c) Maneuvering area
d) Taxi way

a 14) Series of green flashes directed towards an aircraft means

a) Clear to Take Off
b) Clear for landing
c) Cleared to climb
d) Clear to Taxi

a 15) UTC means

a) Coordinated universal time
b) none
c) Universal coordinated time
d) Universal time coordinated

a 16) A pilot not having an instrument rating cannot fly :

a) During hours of night.
b) Without permission of aerodrome officer.
c) Without permission from the DGCA.
d) At any time.

a 17) Instrument flying means

a) The time during which the pilot is flying with reference to instruments with external
visual reference
b) Flying time during night
c) The time during which the pilot is flying with reference to instruments without any
external visual reference.
d) any simulated flying condition

r 18) Aerobatics are permitted to be done below an altitude of 6000ft at least at a distance of :
a) 2 miles from an aerodrome
b) 4 miles from the centre of the aerodrome
c) 2 miles from the nearest point of the perimeter of aerodrome
d) 4 miles from the nearest point of the perimeter of an aerodrome
Rishabh kumar
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:59 AM / Scored 24/27 (89%)
a 19) Flight over danger area is:-
a) Prohibited altogether
b) Prohibited except under VFR
c) Permitted with due exercise of conditions
d) Permitted if permission of DGCA is granted

a 20) VFR flights shall not be operated ...... Mark the correct statement
a) Above FL150
b) At transonic and supersonic speeds
c) Over congested areas of city, town or settlements or over an open-air assembly of
persons at a height less than 300M (1000 Ft) above the highest obstacle within a radius
of 600M from the aircraft
d) all the above

r 21) Mark the correct statement

1. An aircraft equipped with an SSR transponder is expected to operate the transponder on
Mode A Code 7500 to indicate specifically that it is the subject of unlawful interference.
2. The aircraft may operate the transponder on Mode A Code 7700, to indicate that it is
threatened by grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance.
3. An aircraft equipped with an SSR transponder is expected to operate the transponder on
Mode A Code 7600 to indicate specifically that it is the subject of unlawful interference.
4. The aircraft may operate the transponder on Mode A Code 7500, to indicate that it is
threatened by grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance.
a) only 3 and 4 are correct
b) only 1 and 2 are correct
c) only 2 and 3 are correct
d) only 1 and 4 are correct

a 22) An airspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft
exist at the specified times. The effect of the notification of the this Area is to caution aircraft
operators/pilots that it is necessary for them to avoid it for the safety of the aircraft when the
areas are active.
a) Danger areas
b) Restricted areas
c) prohibited areas
d) manuevering area
Rishabh kumar
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:59 AM / Scored 24/27 (89%)
a 23) Write any 8 documents to be carried on board
Certificate of registration
Certificate of airworthiness
Airworthiness review certificate
Air operator certificate
Flight manual
Maintainance release certificate
Minimum equipment list
Load and trim sheet
Correct answer not provided.
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:55 AM / Scored 21/27 (78%)
Test taker's answer a Correct r Incorrect = Partial Credit
r 1) Flight plan must be filed
a) For all flights
b) For IFR Flights only
c) For scheduled flights only
d) For training flights only

r 2) VFR flights outside controlled airspace above 3000ft msl can be conducted provided
a) Flight visibility is 1mile(1.5km)
b) Flight visibility is 3 mile(5km)
c) Flight visibility is 2mile(3 km)
d) Flight visibility is 5mile(8km)

a 3) Prohibited area means an area over which

a) Flight within 2miles is prohibited
b) Low flying is prohibited
c) Flight of aircraft is totally prohibited
d) Only instrument flying can be carried out.

a 4) When two aircrafts are on a crossing track so as to involve risk of collision, the following will
give way
a) The one which has the other on its starboard
b) The one which has the other on its portside
c) The bigger aircraft
d) The faster aircraft

a 5) The air space over Mathura refinery is a

a) Restricted area
b) Prohibited area
c) Danger area
d) None

a 6) A horizontal red square panel with one yellow diagonal means

a) All VFR are suspended and IFR have been declared compulsory
b) Landings Prohibited
c) Aircraft are to land Take off & Taxi on runways and taxi ways only.
d) Special precaution while landing should be taken because of the bad state of the
Maneuvering area.
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:55 AM / Scored 21/27 (78%)
r 7) On the ground a red square with two yellow diagonals means
a) Exercise caution while landing
b) Take, off is-prohibited
c) Landing prohibited
d) Landing prohibited and prohibitions is likely to be prolonged

r 8) Letter "C" in black against yellow background means

a) Accident reports to be made here
b) Flight plans to be collected from here
c) Reports concerning air traffic services to be made here
d) All the above are correct

a 9) Series of projectiles fired at an interval of 10 second, or 10 second on bursting showing red

& green stars or lights indicate.
a) Aircraft is in distress but no immediate assistance is required
b) Aircraft is flying over or in the vicinity of s prohibited area
c) Aircraft is in distress and immediate assistance is required
d) Aircraft is flying over or in the vicinity of s prohibited area, restricated area or danger

a 10) The navigation lights on an aircraft are

a) Right - green 110 deg, left red 110 deg
b) Right - green 110 deg, left red 110 deg & rear light white 70 deg
c) Right - green 110 deg, left red 110 deg & rear light white 140 deg
d) None

r 11) An aircraft wants to indicate the difficulties which compel it to land without requiring
assistance will do so by
a) Firing red pyrotechnical lights
b) Firing red & green pyrotechnical lights
c) Firing white pyrotechnical lights or by repeated switching on & off of the landing
d) None

a 12) Flying in an aircraft, below 3000 feet AMSL in a controlled airspace, the minimum horizontal
separation from clouds is
a) 300 meters.
b) 500 meters.
c) 1500 meters.
d) 1500 feet.
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:55 AM / Scored 21/27 (78%)
a 13) A portion of the airport reserved for loading, off loading of cargo, passengers, parking of
aircraft & for small maintenance except for taxiing is called
a) Movement area
b) Apron
c) Maneuvering area
d) Taxi way

r 14) Series of green flashes directed towards an aircraft means

a) Clear to Take Off
b) Clear for landing
c) Cleared to climb
d) Clear to Taxi

a 15) UTC means

a) Coordinated universal time
b) none
c) Universal coordinated time
d) Universal time coordinated

a 16) A pilot not having an instrument rating cannot fly :

a) During hours of night.
b) Without permission of aerodrome officer.
c) Without permission from the DGCA.
d) At any time.

a 17) Instrument flying means

a) The time during which the pilot is flying with reference to instruments with external
visual reference
b) Flying time during night
c) The time during which the pilot is flying with reference to instruments without any
external visual reference.
d) any simulated flying condition

a 18) Aerobatics are permitted to be done below an altitude of 6000ft at least at a distance of :
a) 2 miles from an aerodrome
b) 4 miles from the centre of the aerodrome
c) 2 miles from the nearest point of the perimeter of aerodrome
d) 4 miles from the nearest point of the perimeter of an aerodrome
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:55 AM / Scored 21/27 (78%)
a 19) Flight over danger area is:-
a) Prohibited altogether
b) Prohibited except under VFR
c) Permitted with due exercise of conditions
d) Permitted if permission of DGCA is granted

a 20) VFR flights shall not be operated ...... Mark the correct statement
a) Above FL150
b) At transonic and supersonic speeds
c) Over congested areas of city, town or settlements or over an open-air assembly of
persons at a height less than 300M (1000 Ft) above the highest obstacle within a radius
of 600M from the aircraft
d) all the above

a 21) Mark the correct statement

1. An aircraft equipped with an SSR transponder is expected to operate the transponder on
Mode A Code 7500 to indicate specifically that it is the subject of unlawful interference.
2. The aircraft may operate the transponder on Mode A Code 7700, to indicate that it is
threatened by grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance.
3. An aircraft equipped with an SSR transponder is expected to operate the transponder on
Mode A Code 7600 to indicate specifically that it is the subject of unlawful interference.
4. The aircraft may operate the transponder on Mode A Code 7500, to indicate that it is
threatened by grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance.
a) only 3 and 4 are correct
b) only 1 and 2 are correct
c) only 2 and 3 are correct
d) only 1 and 4 are correct

a 22) An airspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft
exist at the specified times. The effect of the notification of the this Area is to caution aircraft
operators/pilots that it is necessary for them to avoid it for the safety of the aircraft when the
areas are active.
a) Danger areas
b) Restricted areas
c) prohibited areas
d) manuevering area
Regulations_Rulesoftheair (v1)
Finished 8/2/2021 12:55 AM / Scored 21/27 (78%)
a 23) Write any 8 documents to be carried on board
1. certificate of registration
2. certificate of airworthiness
3. airworthiness review certificate
4.load and trim sheet
6. document attesting noise certification
7. licences of each member of crew
8. operations manuel

Correct answer not provided.

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