Quiz Psychopharmacology

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Which of the following drugs exerts its anxiolytic effect by acting as partial agonist at serotonin

receptors? Buspirone

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding the use of medications in the
treatment of psychiatric disorders? To experience therapeutic effects, younger clients require
lower dosages than adults

Which of the following agents increase the effects of TCAs? Antihistamines

The nurse should instruct the client who is taking fluvoxamine (Luvox) to avoid which of the
following: grapefruit juice

Benzodiazepines are given to: increase serotonin and epinephrine availability

A client who has been taking TCA for the past the past week reports no improvement from this
drug and wonders if it should be discontinued. The nurse's response would be on which of the
following data? The drug's onset of action is 2-3 weeks

The nurse should instruct the client who is taking Benzodiazepine to avoid ingesting a large
amount of which of the following because it can decrease its effects? Coffee

A physician orders SSRI to a patient with major depressive disorder and who has been taking
herbal medications. When discussing this medication with the client, the nurse should determine
if the client has been taking: St. John's wort

Terry, a 45 years-old patient who has just taken for about 48 hours her first dose of
antipsychotic drug, experiences severe muscle rigidity and er temperature is 39.8 degrees
celsius. Terry is suspected to be having: neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Which of the folowing antipsychotic drugs which when taken with Benadryl causes delirium or
toxicity? Haloperidol (Haldol)

Lithium toxicity occurs when: serum lithium levels exceed 1.5-2.0mEq/L

The nurse should instruct the client who is on lithium therapy to avoid taking which of the
following medications? Diuretics

The following are the major side effects of antipsychotic drugs EXCEPT: urticaria and
pigmentation of the skin

For the client receiving the antipsychotic medication clozapine (Clozaril), which laboratory study
would be MOST important for the nurse to monitor? Complete blood count

Which of the following statements of the client indicates further teaching regarding the use of
antipsychotic medications? "I can go to the beach during daytime even without wearing hat"

Which of the following would alert the nurse to an adverse effect if seen on a patient taking
Clozapine (Clozaril) as part of the treatment regimen? Fever and sorethroat

A depressed client who is on MAOI has been instructed on diet. The client understands the diet
when, given a choice of foods at a restaurant, the client selects:
lasagna, tofu, avocado

What is the mechanism of action of tricyclic agents? It blocks the reuptake of of norepinephrine

The potential life threatening advere effect of MAOI is: Hypertensive crisis

Which of the following statements accurately explain the reason for BP monitoring in clients
taking antipsychotic drugs? Orthostatic hypotension is a common side effect

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