Graph Theory Lecture-I

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Graph (undirected)

A graph consists of a nonempty set V of vertices and a set E of edges,

where each edge in E connects two unordered vertices in V. Thus, a graph
associated with a vertex set V and an edge set E is denoted as G = (V, E).

Simple and Multigraph

A simple graph G can be represented as a plane figure by drawing a line
(or a curve) between the points u and v (representing vertices) if e = {u, v}
simply written as uv is an edge of G. Here u and v are called the end
vertices where uv = vu.
Figure 1.1 is the geometric representation of the simple graph G with
vertex set V={u, v, w, z} and edge set E = {uv, vw, wz,uw}


In simple graphs, there is no more than one edge between any pair of
vertices, but simple graphs may be extended without difficulty to more
general graphs in which two vertices may have more than one edge
between them. Thus, simple graphs can be generalized by allowing loops
and parallel (or multiple) edges between vertices to obtain a multigraph
(Fig. 1.2).

Fig 1.2
We have the following terminologies:
 Two vertices u and v are called the end vertices of an edge e = {u, v}
 A loop is an edge of the form {v, v}. Each loop join the vertex v to itself.
 Edges that have same end vertices are called parallel or multiple edges.
 A graph is said to be simple if it has no parallel edges and loops.
 A graph with no edges is called empty.
 A graph with no vertex is called a null graph.
 Two vertices u and v are said to be adjacent if they are connected by an
edge {u, v}.
 An edge is said to be incident with the vertices it joins.
 The degree of the vertex v denoted as d(v) is the number of edges incident
to v.
 The degree of loop is two and the parallel edges contributes separately.
 A pendant vertex is a vertex whose degree is 1.
 A vertex is said to be isolated if it has no edge incident on it.

Fig 1.3

In Figure 1.3
 v4 and v5 are end vertices of e5 and e4 , v1 and v2 are end vertices of
e1, v2 and v5 are end vertices of e5.
 e4 and e5 are parallel edges.
 e3 is a loop.
 The graph is not simple.
 e1 is incident on v1 and v2.
 v3 is isolated vertex and its degree is zero.
 v1 is the pendant vertex.
 Degree of v5 is 5 and of v5 and v5 is 2.
Directed Graphs

Sometimes, we may want to specify a direction on each edge in a graph.

A directed graph also called digraphs, G consists of a nonempty set V of
vertices and a set E of directed edges, where each edge is associated with
an ordered pair of vertices. In the directed graphs, the edges are drawn as
arrows. A digraph can contain edges {u,v} and {v,u} of opposite directions
i.e. the edge uv # vu. Fig 1.4 is an example of digraph

Fig 1.4

Terminology (Directed Graphs)

Let e be an edge that connects vertices from u to v

i. u = initial vertex, v = terminal vertex ;
ii. u is adjacent to v;
iii. v is adjacent from u;
iv. if u = v, the edge e is called a loop;
v. The in-degree of a vertex v, denoted by , is the number of edges
with v as terminal vertex;
vi. The out-degree of a vertex u, denoted by , is the number of
edges with u as initial vertex

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