Grade VI Grade VI-Social Science: Activity - Cultural Day' (Group Activity)

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Delhi Public School Nashik

Yearly Syllabus for the year 2019-20

Grade VI
VI- Social Science
Month Topic/Chapter Academic Activity
History Ch.1-What, Civics: Ch 2- Diversity and
Where, How and When? discrimination
Activity- ‘Cultural Day’
April Civics: Ch 2- Diversity [Group activity]
and discrimination Each class is given 1 state of India to
prepare for the day. Students are
Geography:Ch.1-The divided into 4 groups. Every group
Earth in the solar system gets information related to the state
and display it group wise.
Civics: Ch.3- What is Civics: Ch.3- What is government?
government? Activity: Quiz (Current Ministers Pre Mid
and their Term
June departments)- [Group activity] History-1
4 students from each house are Civics-2
selected.Students have to prepare for Geography –
the quiz on their own. The activity 1
will be conducted in the class.
Revision All topics
July Geography: Ch.2- Globe: Geography: Ch.2- Globe: Latitudes
Latitudes and longitudes and longitudes
History: Ch 3- From Activity: Model making – Globe
gathering to growing [Individual activity]
food Students are divided into 3 groups.
Civics:Ch.4- Key The groups have to sketch latitudes,
elements of a democratic longitudes and grid on the ball
government respectively.
History: Ch4- In the History: Ch4- In the earliest cities
earliest cities Activity:- PPT presentation. [Group
Students are divided into 4 groups.
They present at least 5 slides related
to the culture followed in Harappan
Civilization, life of people, toys, food,
clothes, pattern of houses, drainage
system, bathing areas, ring wells,
excavations etc.
Geography: Ch 7 Our
Country: India
EXAM-History - 1, 3, 4-Civics - 2, 3, 4Geography-- 1, 2, 7
October History: Ch 7- Civics: Ch 5- Panchayati Raj

New questions and ideas Activity:- Field visit
Civics: Ch 5- Panchayati Students are taken to the nearby
Raj village to understand the working of
local government at village level.
[concepts covered- Sarpanch, gram
sabha, gram sewak, panch]
Geography Ch 5- History : Ch 8- Ashoka, the emperor
Major domains of the who gave up war
November Activity:- Role play [Group activity]
History : Ch 8- Students enact a scene from the court
Ashoka, the emperor who of Ashoka showing Ashoka, his
gave up war subjects, dhammamahamatta
Geography: Ch 6- Major landforms
of the Earth
Activity:- Model making –Types of
mountains Post
[Group activity] Midterm
Students are divided into groups of 8. History- 7, 8
They make model on the following Civics- 5
Geography: Ch 6- Major topics:- Geography-
landforms of the Earth 1] Fold mountains 5 and 6
2] Block mountains
3] Volcanic mountains [Volcano
Revision-Post Midterm
January History: Chapter:10- Civics Ch 7-Urban Administration
Traders, kings and
pilgrims Activity:- Field visit to Nashik
Civics Ch 6- Rural Municipal
Administration Corporation
Civics Ch 7-Urban
History: Ch:11- New Geography: Ch. 8- India: Climate,
February empires and kingdoms vegetation and wildlife
Activity:- Map work
Geography: Ch 8- India:
Students show different types of
Climate, vegetation and
wildlife vegetation in various regions of India
on an outline map [India]
March ANNUAL EXAM-History-7, 8, 10, 11Civics- 5, 6, 7Geography- 5, 6, 8, 7 [From
Term I:Ch.7]


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