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PROGRAMME Ordinary Diploma in information technology

YEAR OF STUDY 2017/2018




Firstly I would like thank god to make me alive and healthy up now also I would like to allocate
my special thanks and respect goes to my lovely parents as well as my family in general for their
valuable contributions in my education enables me to accomplish this work and their great
support which insist to concentrate and accomplish this training.

Secondly I am grateful to my field supervisor Mr. Raymond Matovu for his guidance and helpful
criticisms as he tried his level best to assure that I meet my field practice objectives in time.

Again I take this opportunity to thank god to make me healthy for period of six weeks a
Tanesco Mwanza regional for trained ,also I may take this opportunity to thank you IAA
organization to allow me to get opportunity to go to field and the management of the Tanesco
for the support of my training of six weeks, and opportunities I have received during the period
of six weeks from 16th July to 24th August , also I would like to thank too Business application
officer departments member for showing me love and treat me good to be able to help me when I
got problems

Field is a practical training in which students are required to implement practically the theories
they have assimilated in the classes. At the end of the field session every student is supposed to
fill up a field logbook as well as to write report for the training he/she has done. The report
covers tasks and duties performed at the TANESCO MWANZA Regional office in Business
application officer (IT department).

Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) is a public utility company which deals with
generation, transmission, supply and selling of electricity to the people of Tanzania. Also post
Mwanza Regional Office is among of the regional office in Tanzania which deals with supply
and selling of electricity in Mwanza.

A report consists of three different chapter which are chapter one for Introduction, chapter two
for work done and lessons learnt and chapter three for making conclusion and recommendations
of field work training. The weekly report gives in briefly explanation collection of all work
performed in 6 weeks of practical training period.

Department of information technology dealing with all computer and office machines such as
repairing, troubleshooting, network system, software installation, computer maintenance and
computer services and explanation of how computer communicate and its maintenance,
management of Local network to the computer, installation of Microsoft software, installation of
drivers, upgrading of all windows, hardware installation and updating and installation of
Microsoft ant viruses.

Hence field practical training is the best way to apply class theory into practice although time is
very limited. Therefore the Institute should increase time for taking practical working and giving
students close supervision.




CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1

1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................1

1.1 THE VISION.........................................................................................................................1

1.2 MISSION STATEMENT......................................................................................................1

1.3 COMPANY VALUES...........................................................................................................1

1.4 To realize the vision and mission, TANESCO’S business imperatives are...........................1

1.5 Historical Background of Tanzania Electric Supply Company.............................................2

1.6 Organization Structure...........................................................................................................2

1.7 CORE BUSINESS.................................................................................................................5

1.7.1 Generation.......................................................................................................................5

1.7.2 Transmission...................................................................................................................5

1.7.3 Distribution and Customer Service Business Unit..........................................................6

1.8 Type of Business /Organization.............................................................................................8

1.9 Major Products/Service..........................................................................................................8

1.10 Activities..................................................................................................................................8

1.11 Number of Employees,........................................................................................................8

1.12 Customers.............................................................................................................................9

1.13 Objectives of the field attachment.......................................................................................9

CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................11

2.0 Experiences...........................................................................................................................11

2.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................11

2.2 Duties and responsibilities...................................................................................................11

2.2.1 The duties and responsibility assigned to me was perform task such as.......................11

2.2.2 Software downloading and windows installations........................................................11

2.2.3 Network troubleshooting and cable connections...........................................................11

2.2.4 Device maintenance......................................................................................................12

2.2.5 Server Administration and system data entry................................................................12

2.2.6 New knowledge and skills gained in each duty and responsibility assigned................12

2.3 Things enjoyed most and why.............................................................................................13

2.4 Things that I was interested.................................................................................................13

2.5 Things that I was not Interested with...................................................................................13

2.6 Problem Experienced and How Handled.............................................................................14

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................15

3.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................15

3.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................15

3.2 Recommendations at the Institute and at the Organization..................................................15

3.2.1 To the Institute of Accountancy Arusha........................................................................15

3.2.2 To the Tanzania Electric Supply Company...................................................................16




HR Human Resources
CRO Customer Relation Officer
RFO Regional Financial Officer

LAN Local area Network

WAN Wide area Network

FTP File transfer protocol

OS Operating System

UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

IM Information Management
IT Information Technology
LTD Limited
RBAO Regional Business Application Officer
RHRO Regional Human Resources
SRA Senior Revenue Accountant
TANESCO Tanzania electric supply company




TANESCO Vision is to be an efficient and commercially focused electricity utility supporting

the development of Tanzania and to be the power house of East Africa.

TANESCO Mission is to generate, purchase, transmit, supply and sell electricity in the most
effective, competitive and sustainable manner.

TANESCO believes in the values listed below and will strive to uphold those. These values are.
 Ethical
 Excellence
 Receptiveness
1.4 To realize the vision and mission, TANESCO’S business imperatives are.

 Ensure financial viability through revenue improvement and reduction of

energy losses.

 Increase customer satisfaction by putting in place processes that meet
customer care needs.
 Employee’s satisfaction through competitive package and good working
 Support the National Energy Policy through appropriate Company policies.
 Accelerate the pace of electrification for economic growth.
 Strive to increase generation capacity so as to avoid load shedding and power
1.5 Historical Background of Tanzania Electric Supply Company

Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited [TANESCO] is a parastatal organization under the
Ministry of Energy and Minerals. The Company generates, transmits, distributes and sells
electricity to Tanzania Mainland and sells bulk power to the Zanzibar Electric Corporation
ZESCO, which in turn sells it to the public in islands Unguja and Pemba. TANESCO owns most
of the electricity generating, transmitting, and distributing facilities in Tanzania Mainland with
an estimated population of 50 million.
The German colonialists established the first public electricity supply in Tanzania, which was
then called Tanganyika in 1908 at Dar es Salaam. It served the railway workshops and a part of
the town where the colonialists were mostly staying. When the Tanganyika territory was
mandated to Great Britain in 1920, a Government Electricity Department was formed to take
over and operate the public supplies left by the Germans.
In 1931, the Government handed over the undertaking at Dar es Salaam and those elsewhere
upcountry Dodoma, Tabora and Kigoma to private enterprises and later expanded to Mwanza,
Moshi, Mbeya, Morogoro, Mtwara and other townships. One of these companies was the
Tanganyika Electric Supply Company Ltd TANESCO which was established on 26th November
1931 and the other company was the Dar es Salaam and District Electric Supply Company Ltd
DARESCO. The two companies merged in 1964 and later changed its name into Tanzania
Electric Supply Company, which exists today.
1.6 Organization Structure

The Board of Directors followed by the Managing director heads Tanzania Electric Supply
Limited (TANESCO). The Board of Directors comprises of 8 members who are headed by the

Chairperson of the Board. The President of the United Republic of Tanzania appoints the
chairperson and the Minister of Energy and Minerals appoints other members of the board.
However, TANESCO Mwanza Regional Office has the following management structure:-








Figure 1.1 TANESCO Organization Structure


RM Regional Manager

RBAO Regional Business Application Officer

RFO Regional Financial Officer

RHRO Regional Human Resource Officer

RCRO Regional Customer Relation Officer

RSO Regional Security Officer

ARBAO Assistant Regional Business Application Officer

SRO Senior Revenue Officer

HRO Human Resource Officer

SFA Senior Finance Accountant

PE Planning Engineer

ME Maintenance Engineer

SSTO Senior Sells Transport Officer

CC Credit Controller

SA Senior Accountant

BA Billing Accountant

DA District Accountant

SSTO Senior supplies and Transport officer

SRA Senior Revenue Accountant

SFA Senior financial accountant

RPE Revenue Protection engineer


1.7.1 Generation

TANESCO’s generation division is responsible for all power generation functions owned by
TANESCO, both National grid connected and off-grid stations. Other sources of generation are
from independent power producers IPPs and EPPs, which feed the National grid and isolated
areas as well as SPPs.
TANESCO’s own generation system consists mainly Hydro and Thermal based generation.
Whereby Hydro contributes the largest share of TANESCO’s grid power generation. Hydro
power plants comprise 65% total installed capacity while Thermal plants contributes 35%.
The Hydro-plants are all interconnected with National Grid System and their installed capacity
for each station is as follows.
Kidatu-204MW; Kihansi-180MW; Mtera-80MW; Pangani-68MW; Hale-21MW; Uwemba-
O.845MW; and Nyumba ya Mungu-8MW totaling to 561.845MW.
Thermal generation totaling 472.4MW which is from Kinyerezi-1 Gas plant -150MW; Ubungo-1
Gas plant-102MW; Ubungo-2 Gas plant-105MW; Tegeta Gas plant-45MW; Dodoma Diesel-
7.4MW; Nyakato plant-63MW. Off-Grid station total capacity is 82MW contributed by 16
isolated small diesel plants ranging from 250kW to 8000kW and two Gas plants of total 25MW
which are Somanga-7,500Kw and 17,750kW.
1.7.2 Transmission

TANESCO owns interconnected power grid made up of generation system, transmission and
Distribution system. Transmission system comprises of forty-eight 48 grid substations
interconnected by transmission lines. The transmission lines comprise of 2748.36km of system
voltages 220kV; 1625.79km of 132kV and 578.7km of 66kV, totaling 4952.85km by September,
2015. However, there are some ongoing projects which when completed in 2016/2017 shall add
to the system 670km of 400kV, 250km of 220kV, and 50km of 132kV that will make a total of
5922.85km of transmission lines.

Transmission lines use pylons made of steel and wooden poles. Almost all the transmission lines
are radial single circuit lines. The system is all alternating current AC and the system frequency
is 50 Hz.
The total installed capacity in the Main Grid System amounts to 1246MW. The system is hydro-
thermal mix, constituting hydro 561.84MW- 45.1% which is owned by TANESCO and
684.40MW-54.9% from thermal plants constituted by Gas-441MW and liquid fuel 243.4MW.
Out of the gas plants installed capacity, TANESCO owns 57.1% while IPPs constitute 42.9%, of
the liquid fuel TANESCO owns 29% while the rest 71% are owned by IPPs and EPPs.
The Main grid system maximum demand for 2014 was 934.62MW as was recorded on 12 th
December, 2014 at 21hrs. The highest grid system demand recorded up to the near end of third
quarter August of 2015 was 933.14MW which occurred on 11 th March 2015 at 20hrs. The
Transmission system losses recorded in 2014 was 6.13% and 6.17% as recorded up to second
quarter of the year 2015.
1.7.3 Distribution and Customer Service Business Unit Operations
The Distribution System Network Supply Voltage are 33kV and 11kV which serve as the back
bone stepped down by distribution transformers to 400/230 Volts for residential, light
commercial and light industrial supply. There are big commercial and heavy industries supplied
directly at 33kV and 11kV. Distribution activities are the most intensive in terms of geographical
coverage. There are more than 1,519,528 customers linked by these distribution lines. By the end
of July 2015, there were 15,224km of 33kV, 5,742km of 11kV lines, 41,558km of 400V and
230V. Safety

Health and Safety department’s primary role is to ensure a sound Occupational Health and Safety
in the company and the general public as regard to the company activities i.e. generation,
transmission and distribution of electricity; commencing by the fundamental goal of developing
and implementing a process to identify Occupational Health and Safety hazards, asses the risks
and implement necessary controls to manage the risks. Generally, it ensures that the Company
Occupational Health and Safety Policy is maintained, updated and adhered to by all employees
in the company. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the Company achieves and maintains a zero

accident tolerance program and the members of the public are safe from the company activities
and usage of electricity. Electrification

Electrification section monitors implementation of local and donor funded electrification projects
focusing initially on electrifying district headquarters, urban areas, agro based industries, small
townships, East Africa Community cross –border centers, development centers, settlement and
eventually rural villages.
The main objective of electrification section is to guide the company to achieve its goals on
increasing the pace of electrification for economic growth, improve people’s standard of life,
reduction of migration to urban centers and protecting the environment by reducing tree felling
for charcoal and firewood. To date all regional headquarters and 95% of district headquarters in
Tanzania have electricity. The remaining district headquarters were expected to be electrified by
end of 2015 through implementation of the ongoing electrification projects funded by
Government of Tanzania through Rural Energy Fund. The projects are closely supervised by
TANESCO through Electrification section. Marketing

We ensure sales effectiveness and efficiency; review and coach top sales performance; ensure
Sales channel management and optimization; track and analyze market development; manage
and forecast sales pipeline; and implement, run and improve incentive programs. This section
also continuously monitors and improves all processes impacting both internal and external
customers including development of customer insight, implementation of continuous
improvement of processes and assessment of operations at all customer touch points. Planning and Design

The section deals with Planning and Designing of Medium of low voltage network say
33/11/0.4kV to ensure quality and reliability of power supply. Develop, administer and maintain
Geographical Information System GIS database for effective and efficient handling of existing
network information as well as for identification and planning of new areas for power
distribution network.

The main objectives of planning and designing are to prepare designs of distribution networks
using international standards and TANESCO specifications to minimize, distribution losses,
outages and accidents. Undertakes Land Surveys works for purpose of identification and
planning of new areas for power distribution networks in order to meet present and future
demand for power.
1.8Type of Business /Organization

Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) is a parastatal organization under the
Ministry of Energy and Minerals. The Company generates, transmits, distributes and sells
electricity to Tanzania Mainland and sells bulk power to the Zanzibar Electricity Corporation
(ZECO) which in turn sells it to the public in islands_ Unguja and Pemba. TANESCO owns
most of the electricity generating, transmitting and distributing facilities in Tanzania Mainland,
which has an estimated population of 40.2 million people by July 2008 (World Fact Book).

1.9 Major Products/Service

The main service at TANESCO the Company generates, transmits, distributes and sells
electricity to Tanzania Monitoring the implementation and performance of electric supply.

1.10 Activities

Tanesco will secure various required Electric supply services from the highly recognized
professional bodies in order to help the Company to make proper decisions.  The aim is to ensure
that Tanesco are provided with reliable professional advisory services for the sustainability of the
company.  These services include:

- planning engineer (Technical) advisory

- Legal Services

- Financial Services

- Management Advisory

- Business Advisory

1.11Number of Employees

TANESCO Mwanza region has been restructured in terms of organization structure and has
increased number of employees from about 245 to about 300 in order to increase efficiency.
Currently Tanesco actual employees’ number is 400 people.

1.12 Customers

TANESCO customers are all those who benefit from services provided by TANESCO and
everyone who has a stake in electric supply by Tanesco Mwanza region. They include the

Which is Individual and Companies.

Government ministries, departments and its agencies.

Financial institutions like (banks).

Private sector institutions.

General public.

Staff members

1.13 Objectives of the field attachment

The field attachment which lasted for a period of six weeks, started on 16 th JULY 2018 and
ended 24th AUGUST 2018 the purpose of my field is to give opportunity to apply the knowledge
and skills learnt in the classroom into real situation of the work (practical)

The following below are the objectives of field attachment

 To provide students with an opportunity to apply the principles and techniques

theoretically learnt into real-life problem solving situation.
 To improve students self- confidence on performing professional duties on his or her
areas of concern.
 To help students understand work ethics, responsibility, employments demands an
 To develop and enhance the students skills or professional practice and conduct.

 To enable students get hands on experiences in real life situation they are expected to
encounter when they graduate.


2.1 Overview

This chapter presents duties and responsibilities, new knowledge and skills gained in each of the
duties and responsibilities assigned, things enjoyed most and why, things enjoyed least and why
and problem experienced and how handled.

2.2 Duties and responsibilities

During field program there at TANESCO Mwanza I was assigned in RBAO (Regional business
application officer) respectively for the six weeks.

The field program started from 16 July 2018 to 24 August 2018.

2.2.1 The duties and responsibility assigned to me was perform task such as

 Windows installations
 Software downloading and installations
 Network troubleshooting
 Network cable connections
 Minor devices maintenance
 Server administration
 System data entry
 Data recovery

2.2.2 Software downloading and windows installations

I performed software downloading and windows installation, but I didn’t installed window XP
because it is not much used in today’s industry of IT. I also gained the knowledge after
confronting a challenge while I was installing the windows7 in a system with RAM of 512 MB
but I could not be able to install it until we upgrade the RAM from 512MB to 2 GB.

2.2.3 Network troubleshooting and cable connections

In network troubleshooting and network cable connection I was able to know various network
layers as the network system administrator should be aware of in order to perform
troubleshooting easily, layer such as layer 1(physical layer ) that involves physical components
such as cables RJ’S 45 and so on, layer 7 that involve applications such as web browsers.

2.2.4Device maintenance

Due to the expenses that are accompanied by the IT technology it, is very difficult to manage the
purchase of the new components or devices whenever damage or defect occurs to devices,asthe
IT officer you should use everything you have in your power to avoid it. I realized that while we
were performing components or device swapping that we were able to exchange the non-
defective power supply from one SUC which was not working to another SUC that was
functioning but its power supply failed (Yarnold S. 2013) so for that experiences, I finally
realized that there is no need to incur cost whenever a devices failure occurs.

2.2.5 Server Administration and system data entry

Even though I was not allowed to interact directly with server due to low level of knowledge
about it, but somehow I participate in some activities involving server such as switch on the
server every morning in system data entry. I was able to interact directly with the system of the
server under close supervision from the company IT officers.

2.2.6New knowledge and skills gained in each duty and responsibility assigned

I learnt that teamwork is what can be derived from the organization. This shows how members
are working together to achieve their targets in their organization. Due to that it simplifies the
work hence activities goes as planned.

I learnt things include normal discipline which is a good conduct while expecting to be future
employee, example how to respect each other, how to performs activities through collaboration.

I learnt the Control of activities have been made an integral part of the daily activities. Because
effective internal control system requires that an appropriate control structure is set up, with
control activities defined at every business level then the organization has included: top level
reviews; appropriate activity controls for different departments or divisions; physical controls;

checking for compliance with exposure limits and follow-up on non-compliance; a system of
approvals and authorizations.

I learn to troubleshooting peripherals devices like printers, scanners and photocopy machines
how they work and how to solve the problem of peripherals devices.

I learn the uses of business application system of Tanesco how the help the company to work
efficient and to solve the problem of customer on time that system are E-services (emergency
services system), customer services.

2.3 Things enjoyed most and why

Cooperation and unity from the staff of ICT unit as whole and the head of RBAO department for
their contribution brought about the successfully field attachment program. This is because most
people there at TANESCO know their responsibility and they are very flexible when needed to
do things even which are not concerning with their department. Doing things practically.
2.4 Things that I was interested

In general I have enjoyed every moment that I had at TANESCO during my field attachment
training, because it was the platform that helped me to realized in practice what I rearm in the
lecture room and leave me with minor uncertainty of the concepts that I had before. But mostly I
enjoyed seeing myself as part of the organization working with other employed staffs and get the
feeling that even though I am still a student but I can perform duties like any other experience
staff and my efforts directly or indirectly adds something’s in the organization and contribute in
serving the Mwanza community at larger .
2.5Things that I was not interested with

Even in general the field attachment was interesting but there were something thatI was not
pleased with, among of those were the repetition of tasks. Since there were no special program to
arrange and perform day to day activities especially for the students who are attached to field
practical training ,duties and tasks are performed whenever they arise that lead to the frequently
repetition of the task hence poor of ranging of activities.
Customer’s complaints is the only thing enjoyed least because most of them sometimes do not
understand how things are supposed to be handled in and at what time. This is because customers

always wants their issue to be handled immediately without looking of service provision time,
for example a customer arrive at the station where the time is not allowing for service provision
like the time when workers prepare themselves especial for meals .

2.6Problem Experienced and How Handled

In fact in each successful measure there is a problem which faced me and reduces success or
makes the objective unsuccessful.

The issue of poor network at the office when working since most of works in TANESCO are
done within the computerized machines in which they made some delay of provision of service
to customer, handling this problem manually means were used to solve problems.
Lack of staff members which lead to poor gaining of practical education since the members are
so tight with the works and listening to customer handling this by solved via rotation of workers.
The equipment such as computer was not extracting well activities which led inefficiency
towards the organizational works. Therefore, the organization should increase number of
computer in the workplace that can help the trainee to have access towards their works; this will
increases effectiveness towards the organization.



3.1 Conclusion

Field work has made many changes to the students including increased skills, knowledge and
how to behave in working area. The practical training is very important for students because it is
essential for knowledge and skills development. Also encourages students to apply those theory
obtained from the class into practice.
On other hand, TANESCO is the monopolistic company in the supply of electricity to the
people. Hence, there are various difficulties occurred like severe network failure, lack newly
machinery, failure to connect rural areas with electricity and other factors such as politics from
the member of political parties.
In the end, TANESCO is very good company for students take their training because I cover the
entire country up to the district level. Though training time was very limited but one enjoy a lot
because you are participating directly as one of the company staff and you are able to integrate
between theory and practice by getting knowledge and experience of doing work. Hence field
practical training is the vital tool in developing students’ skills, knowledge and experience.
3.2 Recommendations at the Institute and at the Organization

3.2.1 To the Institute of Accountancy Arusha

 The time of field work should be increased so that the student can know a lot of things
because the nature of the education does not give time for doing practical’s six weeks are
not enough for field work.
 The government should give fully support to the training industries for example
supplying the difference devices for field work such as computers and other
 To improve the interrelationship between institute and the companies which are
concerned for providing practical training opportunities, so that in future we could have
more opportunities for practical training. This helps the student to get area for practical
training and the program to be improved and when opportunities are requested by the
institute they should make sure that they get letters of recognition from the particular,

organization a particular problem occurred during this field duration where most if not all
students were denied at first since the university requested positions but never made
effort to make sure the positions were claimed.

3.2.2 To the Tanzania Electric Supply Company

 The company should find newer machinery to have stable power throughout the country
and its offices should have power backup or generators in order to continue with their
normal services even if the main power source is down.
 The company should rotate students in various IT departments and sections so that they
will be aware with various activities performed by the company. It will help students to
acquire different skills from them especially IT STUDENT.
 The government should establish close relationship and cooperation between district
management and agents at district level.


Tanzania electric supply company website – retrieved on Monday 21th

November 2016.

Thompson R. B. And Thompson B. F. (2006) Repairing and Upgrading your PC

Yarnold, s 2013,building a PC easy steps 4th Edition .available from;


Rhodes, C &Bettany A 2016, windows installation an update troubleshooting available from

Hppts;// .tz/books /about /windows installation and update troubles [11 September


Appendix 1 - Log Book

Appendix 3 - Certificate of Completion of the field

Appendix 4 - Onsite Supervisor’s Assessment Form


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