Walker Del Moral Elson Prim Succ 2011

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Primary Succession

Chapter · August 2011

DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0003181.pub2


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Roger Del Moral

University of Washington Seattle


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Primary Succession Advanced article

Lawrence R Walker, School of Life Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Article Contents
. Introduction
Roger del Moral, University of Washington, Washington, USA . Disturbances that Initiate Primary Succession

. Models of Succession

. Development of Soils

. Factors Influencing Colonisation

. Species Interactions

. Successional Patterns

. Applications

Online posting date: 15th August 2011

Primary succession is the assembly of ecosystems on bar- et al., 1995) and contributing to global warming by trans-
ren landscapes following severe disturbances that leave ferring organic matter to the atmosphere (Conant et al.,
little or no biological legacy (lava flows, landslides and 2011). Human activities are also causing other forms of
mine wastes). The assembly process involves colonisation land degradation. Urbanisation destabilises slopes, creates
of newly exposed substrates and subsequent interactions
more runoff, lowers water tables and covers the landscape
with impervious surfaces. Construction of transportation
among the colonising plants, animals and soil microbes.
corridors has similar effects and further fragments the
Successional trajectories of sequential community landscape. Channelisation of rivers increases the frequency
replacement then develop, but some may diverge from of their catastrophic flooding. Mining creates extreme
nearby trajectories, making succession a challenging conditions for primary succession by removing topsoil or
process to predict. Understanding how plant, animal and forming toxic wastes. Humans also damage freshwater and
microbial communities develop under such extreme con- marine environments directly through dredging and filling
ditions is essential for restoration of damaged lands, as and indirectly through pollution. Global warming may
restoration is fundamentally the manipulation of succes- intensify hurricanes and coastal flooding and alter climate
sional trajectories by humans. Successional studies also patterns. Natural disturbances such as volcanoes, earth-
provide insights into loss of biodiversity, climate change quakes and dune formation also continue to shape the
landscape and create conditions for primary succession.
and the influences of invasive species on community
Primary succession measures changes that occur over
about 2–1000 years, so it falls between studies of changes in
the fossil record and seasonal fluctuations in plants and
animals (Walker and del Moral, 2003). However, this time
Introduction frame indicates a bias towards trees that live several cen-
turies. Succession of short-lived microbes or insects can
Primary succession is a sequential change in species com- occur within hours or weeks. Therefore, change is relative
position and other ecosystem characteristics on surfaces to the life span of the species of interest. Spatial scales vary,
with little or no biological legacy. It can occur following encompassing the range from test tubes to biomes. Primary
disturbances such as volcanoes, landslides or mining and succession also occupies one extreme of a continuum of
also can occur in aquatic environments on newly exposed disturbance severity and may transition gradually into
rocks, reefs and shorelines (Walker, in press). Primary secondary succession if soils and some species survive the
succession concerns humans because it addresses such disturbance intact. A forest fire may destroy the trees and
fundamental issues as the recovery of plants and animals understory plants whereas seeds survive, resulting in sec-
and the development of soils following severe disturbances. ondary succession. But if the fire also destroys all the soil
Soil erosion is a worldwide phenomenon exacerbated by organisms and burns the organic matter, the situation is
human activities that continue to remove essential topsoils best categorised as primary succession. Similarly, a land-
thus threatening the sustainability of agriculture (Pimentel slide normally removes the topsoil, but if a patch of intact
soil rafts down, settling in the middle of the landslide, a
eLS subject area: Ecology mosaic of habitats develops (Figure 1). This kind of
patchiness is normal, even with lava, which is perhaps the
How to cite: most severe disturbance type. Lava flows can leave islands
Walker, Lawrence R; and Moral, Roger del (August 2011) Primary of intact vegetation or kipukas untouched. It is most useful
Succession. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.
to simply describe the levels of soil nutrients and organic
DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0003181.pub2
matter, the presence of seeds and vegetative propagules or

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Primary Succession

disturbance. Disturbances often interact, creating a patchy

landscape caused by variations in disturbance severity or
frequency. For example, disturbances such as earthquakes,
volcanoes or road construction destabilise slopes and can
trigger landslides. Landslides can dam rivers and promote
flooding. Volcanoes can melt glaciers and cause flooding
and block rivers to form lakes. The study of primary suc-
cession is best considered at a landscape scale where
establishment is the net result of the disturbance regime on
populations of plants and animals.
Disturbances that create conditions for primary suc-
cession can be grouped by what causes them (e.g. the
classical elements of earth, air, fire and water, (in addition
to those caused by humans). A variety of substrates result
and these vary in stability, texture and fertility. Earth
movements that expose barren substrates include earth-
quakes, volcanoes, landslides, uprooting of trees and
exposure of rock outcrops (Walker, 1999). Fascination
with volcanoes has led to many studies of primary suc-
cession, particularly following eruptions of Krakatau in
1883 and Mount St Helens in 1980 (del Moral and Grishin,
1999). These studies suggest that the trajectories of primary
succession on volcanoes are determined largely by chance
events in a specific context, making outcomes difficult to
predict (del Moral et al., 2009). Landslides and more
gradual forms of soil erosion result from natural disturb-
ances and human activities such as overgrazing. Primary
succession on landslides depends on substrate stability and
organic matter. Air movement can uproot trees and expose
Figure 1 A 6-month-old landslide in the tropical rainforest of the Luquillo mineral soil for primary succession. Hurricanes disrupt
Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico. Photo by Lawrence R Walker.
large areas by direct wind damage, flooding, erosion and
wave damage to coral reefs and shorelines. Dunes also are
other physical or biotic conditions rather than worry about wind-derived surfaces where primary succession is limited
defining the type of succession. Likewise, subsequent dis- by instability, infertility or drought. Fire usually causes
turbances can alter primary succession in ways that are not secondary succession unless damage to soils is complete, as
severe enough to restart primary succession, so confusion may result from searing volcanic blasts. Water creates
as to when primary succession actually ends and secondary primary surfaces as a liquid and as a solid. Flooding dis-
succession begins is best avoided by simply explaining the tributes silts and sands over floodplains where primary
effects of the relevant disturbances. succession is again dependent primarily on substrate sta-
bility and water availability. Glaciers scour the earth’s
surface and when they melt, moraines are subject to pri-
mary succession. Intriguingly, glacial moraines may not
Disturbances that Initiate Primary begin as sterile substrates because of active microbial
Succession communities that survived under, in or on top of the ice
(Matthews, 1992).
Disturbances are relatively discrete events in time and
space that alter the structure of populations, communities
and ecosystems. They can alter the distribution and Models of Succession
amount of biomass or the physical environment (Pickett
and White, 1985; Willig and Walker, 1999). Disturbance, Studies of succession have evolved along several con-
like primary succession, is a relative term, best defined trasting themes. Clements (1928) saw succession as a
within the temporal and spatial scales of interest. It has deterministic process of development with a predictable
characteristics such as origin (from within or outside the trajectory and a stable endpoint or climax. He clearly
system of interest), frequency, extent (area affected) and linked succession and abiotic disturbances, but thought
magnitude (intensity of physical force and severity of that the effects of species on their environment (reaction)
damage). The disturbance regime is the combination of all along with other biotic interactions such as competition
disturbances within a given area and time and is a function were most important once succession began (Walker and
of the probability of occurrence of each type of del Moral, 2003). His views were widely influential and

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Primary Succession

helped establish succession as a central theme in ecology. sequence of stages in succession) begin without soil. Soil
However, his analogy of the development of successional formation depends on complex interaction of climate,
communities with the development of an organism was parent material, topography, organisms and time. Yet
sharply criticised. Nevertheless, a holistic view that stems because soil forms slowly relative to the length of human
from Clements is reflected in later efforts to compare suc- life spans, few of these variables can be measured directly so
cession to cybernetic systems or derive general principles to space-for-time substitutions called chronosequences must
predict temporal change in ecosystem variables (Odum, be used. However, the assumption in using a chronose-
1969). quence is that the older sites had the same history as the
Several contemporaries of Clements (Warming, Cowles younger sites. This assumption is often wrong (Johnson
and Gleason) considered succession an indeterminate and Miyanishi, 2008), so direct observations over time are
process whereby the success of individuals to colonise and best. Chronosequences are, nevertheless, an important tool
grow at a new site determined the course of succession. This for understanding plant succession at decadal to millennial
reductionistic approach arose from an emphasis on the time-scales when clear evidence is present that sites of dif-
spatial variability seen in nature and a refusal to generalise ferent ages are following the same trajectory. This situation
across sites and attribute emergent properties to com- is most likely when successional trajectories are con-
munities (McIntosh, 1985; Glenn-Lewin et al., 1992). This vergent, have low biodiversity, rapid species turnover and
approach currently has the most support. However, low frequency and severity of disturbance (Walker et al.,
Clements’ emphases on the role of disturbance and species 2010). Trajectories that are divergent, species-rich, highly
effects on the environment remain important and there is disturbed or arrested are less appropriate for chronose-
renewed support for these aspects of succession. quence studies.
Models of succession are both conceptual and math- Soils form most quickly in warm and wet climates where
ematical and most apply to both secondary and primary high primary productivity leads to rapid accumulation of
succession (Glenn-Lewin et al., 1992). Conceptual models nutrients and organic matter. Such conditions also favour
focus on the relative importance of several processes in rapid decomposition by soil invertebrates, fungi and bac-
determining species change. The successional effects of life teria. Plants influence soil formation through root exud-
history characteristics such as arrival times, growth rates ates, root growth, nutrient cycling, water uptake, mineral
and longevities can be modelled for individual plant and weathering, soil aeration and their effects on soil water
animal species. Interspecific interactions may accelerate content (Bardgett, 2005). Recent advances in measure-
(facilitate) or delay (inhibit) the rate of succession. Some ments of soil microbial function, biomass, respiration and
models attempt to predict succession by using transit- taxonomy have shown that bacteria usually dominate early
ion probabilities from prior conditions (e.g. Markov primary succession and fungi dominate later stages
models), although such models do not address ongoing (Ohtonen et al., 1999). Soil microbes may control the
environmental fluctuations (Gibson et al., 1997). Models of decline in productivity in late stages of primary succession
forest succession that depend on the properties of indi- (retrogression) by their influence on nutrient availability
vidual trees mostly have been applied to secondary suc- (Peltzer et al., 2010). Bacteria and fungi, as well as other soil
cession, but are relevant to later stages of primary organisms undergo succession at generally shorter time
succession. Models have been published that address par- scales than plants and are major determinants of the type
ticular types of primary succession (Walker and del Moral, and rate of response of soil formation to subsequent
2003) but few attempts have been made to compare pro- disturbances.
cesses among them. Some progress is being made using The accumulation of soil nutrients is closely linked to
models of alternative stable states that are separated tem- overall site fertility that determines the quality of leaf litter.
porally by relatively abrupt transitions (Suding and Hobbs, Bacterial fixation of atmospheric nitrogen is especially
2009; Walker and del Moral, 2009). Other recent advances important in primary succession where nitrogen levels may
include the examination of nutrient ratios during suc- initially be very low. Free-living nitrogen fixers are
cession (stoichiometric models; Marleau et al., 2011) that important in severe habitats such as polar and temperate
simplify complex issues including spatial heterogeneity of deserts, on recent lava flows, sand dunes or on glacial
nutrients and changing patterns of nutrient uptake (Bishop moraines. Cryptogamic crusts containing mosses, lichens,
et al., 2010). Prediction of successional trajectories still fungi, algae and bacteria can be important stabilisers of
remains most accurate at specific locations, but the young soils and provide a source of nitrogen (Miles and
importance of chance events and high spatial variability Walton, 1993). The largest input of nitrogen is from bac-
confound efforts to generalise about primary succession teria living in symbiotic association with roots of vascular
(Marteinsdottir et al., 2010). plants. These symbiotic relationships often increase the
rate of soil formation (Walker, 1993). Animal parts and
particularly insect feces can provide a significant fraction of
Development of Soils the nitrogen entering the soil during insect outbreaks and
there can be substantial abiotic sources of N as in precipi-
The study of primary succession encompasses soil for- tation. Nitrogen accumulation rates vary from 27 to
mation and change because most primary seres (a sere is the 163 kg N ha21 year21 and nitrogen levels generally reach a

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Primary Succession

plateau after 100–1000 years at levels between 2000 and Plants that survive the disturbance in situ have a jump on
5000 kg N ha21 (Walker, 1993). In contrast, soil phos- colonisation. Even volcanic disturbances may leave some
phorus is highest early in succession when phosphate is plants intact, only lightly buried or with viable seeds.
exposed through erosion or uplift but both available and Vegetative reproduction can result in rapid expansion by
total pools decline over time as phosphorus is weathered diffusion onto landslides, floodplains, dunes or other
and bound in forms unavailable to plants (Crews et al., unstable surfaces by plants rooted in stable substrates at
1995). the periphery. Few species are adapted to long distance
Soil organic matter accumulates through succession in dispersal, although large disturbance gaps must initially be
conjunction with soil nitrogen, typically reaching values colonised by such infrequent events. Once a surface is
45% about 60 years after a disturbance that initiates colonised, future generations of colonists are likely to be
primary succession (Matthews, 1992; Walker and del controlled by local seed production or vegetative expan-
Moral, 2003). The balance between primary productivity sion and the disturbance may be colonised in successively
and decomposition regulates the accumulation of organic expanding nuclei of plants. This combination of initial long
matter. Warm and wet climates promote both productivity distance dispersal followed by local diffusion appears to be
and decomposition, decreasing the rate of organic matter the most common method of colonisation in primary suc-
accumulation. Cool but wet climates promote accumu- cession (Walker and del Moral, 2003).
lation because of slower decomposition, but when many Germination and growth must occur for successful col-
primary seres are compared, there is not always a clear onisation. The extreme conditions in primary succession
relation to climatic parameters (Wardle et al., 2004). prevent most dispersed plants from establishing. However,
dispersal of any organic matter including wind-dispersed
arthropods and seeds promotes soil development and
habitat amelioration. Safe microsites for germination
Factors Influencing Colonisation increase over time from both biotic inputs and physical
weathering that provides heterogeneity to the primary
Many of the patterns of primary succession can be surface. Safe sites can also decline in number as they
explained by understanding the life histories of the species become occupied by successful colonists. A safe site must
involved. Much of the uncertainty in predicting succes- provide relief from drought or flooding, extreme tem-
sional trajectories occurs during colonisation. Predict- peratures and wind and provide nutrients for growth.
ability of colonisation is greatest for small, infrequent Substrate stability is also critical but colonisation of pri-
disturbances that are not too severe. Events after colon- mary seres may still take decades. When subsequent dis-
isation are usually more predictable because once estab- turbances occur, succession may be delayed indefinitely.
lished, early colonists tend to grow (subject to species
interactions and recurrent disturbances) until they are
either crowded out or die. Any biological legacy due to Species Interactions
survival of seeds, plants and safe sites for establishment
increases predictability (Walker and del Moral, 2003; del The interactions of species alter trajectories and rates of
Moral and Eckert, 2005). succession, and primary succession provides a good
Colonisation of newly exposed substrates depends on opportunity to study the effects of interactions without the
landscape factors such as the size and shape of the dis- encumbrances of species from previous communities
turbance as well as biotic factors. These include the com- (Walker and del Moral, 2003). Species interactions are
position of vegetation surrounding the areas of the new probably unimportant only in habitats with persistent and
disturbance and the dispersal abilities of those species severe disturbances. Species interact along a continuum
(Glenn-Lewin et al., 1992). Barriers to dispersal include from mutualism that provides reciprocal benefits to com-
mere distance (Lanta and Lepš, 2009) and lack of effective petition that provides reciprocal harm. One-way effects are
dispersal mechanisms, particularly if widely dispersed also common, as when species A harms species B but B has
pioneer species are absent from the local flora. If disturb- no effect on A. Indirect effects can also influence succession,
ances have been frequent or locally common, pioneer as when species A harms C that had harmed B, so B benefits
species may still be well represented and colonisation of the from the presence of A. Plant species are the most common
newly disturbed site will be relatively prompt. The timing of focus of succession studies, but plant interactions with soil
a gap relative to the production of seeds or vegetative organisms determine soil formation and plant interactions
propagules will also determine which species arrive. Wind, with animals such as herbivores also impact both plant and
water or animals can passively carry out dispersal. Birds animal succession.
and bats are responsible for colonisation to remote areas, Connell and Slatyer (1977) described three models of
whereas ants and mammals are more important locally. succession that addressed the importance of species inter-
Humans now provide a nearly global mixing of plants, actions to species replacements. Their tolerance model
especially through introductions for horticulture, agri- emphasised the lack of interactions early in succession,
culture and forestry but also through inadvertent intro- followed by survival of species with the most tolerance of
ductions in ballast or cargo on ships and airplanes. declining fertility and light. Their facilitation model

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Primary Succession

followed Clements’ idea that the first colonists improved Divergence occurs when the random events of colon-
the habitat for successive colonists but not for self-repro- isation lead to differences in vegetation that in turn persist
duction. There is much support for this from primary by competitive inhibition. Heterogeneity of local soil or
succession, where the initial environment is too harsh for environmental conditions can also produce divergence,
many species to colonise. However, the facilitation is not particularly if it develops after the initial disturbance (del
considered obligatory because many species do well in Moral et al., 2010). Divergence may also arise if there is a
certain favourable microsites (Callaway and Walker, large species pool available for colonisation of later stages
1997). Their inhibition model suggested that early colonists of succession. Spatial patchiness or a mosaic of land use
inhibited later arrivals by monopolising available patterns and disturbances can lead to divergence because
resources. Connell and Slatyer (1977) found most support both physical and biological processes are rarely syn-
for this model in secondary succession, but further studies chronous across the landscape. Local convergence may
have confirmed that competitive inhibition is also common arise from dominance by a competitive species, but diver-
in primary succession (Matthews, 1992). Even large vas- gence can still exist at larger scales (Lepš and Rejmánek,
cular plants with nitrogen-fixing bacterial symbionts that 1991). Other types of trajectories include parallel,
are considered potential facilitators because of their con- deflected, arrested, retrogressive or cyclical trajectories, but
tribution of nitrogen and high quality litter can form dense convergence and divergence are most likely (Matthews,
thickets that inhibit successive colonists (Walker, 1993). 1992; Walker and del Moral, 2003).
During the life span of a single plant there can be both The rate of succession determines when the landscape
facilitative and inhibitory interactions with other plants regains its pre-disturbance functions (Anderson, 2007).
(Walker et al., 2003). The net effect on succession comes Restorationists, farmers and wildlife managers are all
from the sum of all possible interactions in any successional concerned with ecosystem function for different reasons.
stage and has not yet been determined effectively for any Rates can be measured as the accumulation of vegetative
single case. cover, biomass or species richness, as the rate of change of
The relative importance of facilitation and inhibition species (turnover) or by the time required to reach a certain
varies along stress and productivity gradients. In severe stage. Both abiotic and biotic factors control the rate of
environments, large plants may benefit smaller plants or successional change. When physical resources such as light,
later colonists by providing protection from wind, desic- water and nutrients are adequate, biotic interactions
cation, strong light or herbivory. In less severe environ- determine rates of change. The initial conditions of the site,
ments, the net effect of the larger nurse plant may actually subsequent disturbances and the vagaries of colonisation
be inhibitory by competing with the smaller plant for also affect successional development.
nutrients, light or water (Callaway and Walker, 1997). The Patterns of community and ecosystem development
relationship of competition and facilitation to productivity during primary succession are as varied as those of sec-
is less clear, with evidence that competition and facilitation ondary succession. To move beyond simple generalisations
increase, decrease or remain constant with increases in that soils develop, nutrients and organic matter accumu-
productivity in different cases (Walker and del Moral, late, biomass accumulates and structural complexity
2003). Comparative studies of primary seres along prod- increases, we need more studies that use comparable
uctivity gradients will help determine whether any patterns methods to evaluate difference among and between types of
exist for this relationship. However, because competition primary succession. Predictability of trajectories and rates
and facilitation can have different effects on the various life remains elusive, but the expansion of long-term permanent
history stages of a plant, the focus must remain on the net plot studies will allow direct measurements of the par-
effect of the myriad interactions. ameters of successional change and lessen reliance on
indirect chronosequence methods.

Successional Patterns
The consequence of colonisation and species interactions
on developing soils is a particular trajectory of species Primary succession provides a model for guiding restor-
change that occurs at a given rate. Trajectories can con- ation of damaged lands and can provide insights into loss
verge towards or diverge from the species composition of of biodiversity, climate change and the role of invasive
the mature, undisturbed vegetation or from patterns species (Prach and Walker, 2011). Natural processes of
occurring on similar disturbances. Convergence occurs recovery can take longer than is desirable for restoration
when initial differences due to the stochastic nature of programs and conditions may have become so degraded
colonisation and environmental heterogeneity are over- that thresholds of irreversibility have been crossed so that
ruled by biologically based processes or there is a signifi- succession will not occur without intervention. Therefore,
cant biological legacy (del Moral, 2007). Where integration of both scientific and management concerns is
competitive inhibition is strong or where species pools are needed, the former for an understanding of basic mech-
small due to a stressful environment, convergence is likely. anisms and generalities, the latter for practical knowledge

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Primary Succession

about methods, local concerns and societal issues (Walker 2006; Prach et al., 2010). Finally, successional studies can
et al., 2007). elucidate effects of invasive species through analyses of
Because successional trajectories remain substantially colonisation (invasion) patterns across disturbance and
unpredictable, restoration goals will often go unmet if they fertility gradients (Meiners et al., 2007), examination of
focus on particular sequences of species replacements. competitive interactions among species (Yurkonis et al.,
Instead, more general expectations of increased soil 2005), and clarification of the role of invasive species in
organic matter, plant biomass or plant cover can be sub- creating novel ecosystems (Hobbs et al., 2006).
stituted. In areas of low biodiversity or harsh environments
species able to colonise may be limited and succession more
predictable. However, attempts to repeat natural suc-
cession are unlikely to succeed. One problem is that in References
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the role of soil biota, understory plants, animal pollinators of primary production and response of arthropods to N and P in
and herbivores make simple replacement of a few plant early primary succession on Mount St. Helens volcano. PLoS
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