Isomorphic and Types of Graphs

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Isomorphic Graphs

 When do we say two graphs are similar? The concept of isomorphism is

central to all branches of mathematics.


 Two graphs G = (V, E) and H= (W, F) are said to be isomorphic if there

exist two bijections and such that an edge e joins u and
v in G if and only if the edge g(e) joins f(u) and f(v) in H:
 If G and H are isomorphic, we write G H
 If G = H, then (f; g) is called an automorphism.
Thus, two graphs are isomorphic if there is one-one correspondence between
the vertices of G and those of H with the property that the number of edges
joining any two vertices of G is equal to the number of edges joining the
corresponding vertices in H. For e.g., in the following Figure 1, two graphs are
isomorphic under the correspondence,

Figure 1
Check, which of the following graphs are isomorphic.
 Complete Graph
A simple graph that contains every possible edge between all the vertices is
called a complete graph. A complete graph with n vertices is denoted as
. The first four complete graphs are given as examples:

 Subgraphs

The graph is a subgraph of if

a. .
b. Every edge of is also an edge of G.
For e.g,
Let us consider a graph G as follows:
The following graphs and are the subgraphs of G,

 BipartiteGraphs
A simple graph is called a bipartite if the vertex set V can be
partitioned into two disjoint nonempty sets and & such that every edge
connects a vertex in to a vertex in . In other way, no edges in are
connected to each other, and no edges in are connected to each other.
 Complete Bipartite Graphs

If in a bipartite graph each vertex of set is connected to each vertex

of set , then the graph is complete bipartite graph. It is denoted as
where m and n are the no. of vertices in the sets and

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