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Principles of Christian Leadership Rizza Mermejo

Sir Mark Ephraim Ayano January 29, 2021

Leadership and Values


Values is a topic not that often talked about but one that plays a huge role in
behavior and results. Because values are personal, and not always clearly defined,
they remain an important but under-discussed and under-appreciated part of who
you are as a person and as a leader (Kevin Eikenberry, Leadership and Learning).

Personally I believe that our values are significant and crucial as leaders. This
values we hold on to reflects in the way we make decisions and act upon our decisions.
Thus, we have to cultivate our inner self—character, values etc. to be an effective a
leader and that we can influence others with good things. These are the things we
should invest more because it will be of great value to us.

In my experiences as a leader it is true that our values guide our decisions. The
more you are clear with your set of values the clearer your decisions will be. A double
minded man is unstable in all his ways according to proverbs and no one wants a
double minded leader.

According to the article “When you communicate from your values you connect to
your passions. When you speak with passion, people are drawn to you, are more likely
to hear your message and you will be more successful in persuading and influencing.
As a leader it should be self-evident why your values matter in this way.” Our values
strengthen our ability to influence. I had experiences with leaders who led poorly
because of bad values and character as well.

Values reduce stress. Who does want stress? As a leader it is doubly important
because your stress is contagious – it infects those around you. I’ve been around
people are so stressed with life that it drains your energy too. Yes, it’s contagious and
nobody wants to be with someone who drains out the life of you. Thus, managing your
values could lessen your stress of things and perspective too I believe. When a leader
is stressed, everybody is also stressed-out and that is really a bad sight to behold.

Values guide your actions. It is one thing to know and understand your values. It
is another thing to behave in accordance with them. I think you have not truly
understood your values if you aren’t behaving in accordance to them because your
actions reflect your values, what’s inside goes out and it’s not the other way around.
Biblically, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. What you show people
is who you are inside, none can fake that though one may think he’s just faking it for
whatever purposes.

As a leader our values are of great importance that is why we have to cultivate
first our relationship with the Lord and pray for these values God wants us to possess.
He wants us to be someone like Christ and that should be our greatest aim in as we live
this life on earth. Glorify God in whatever we do and do all out of love to Him.

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