Explain How OLAP Provides Access To Powerful Models in A Spreadsheet Structure. Answer Olap

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Explain how OLAP provides access to powerful models in a spreadsheet structure.



OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) is the technology behind many business intelligence
(BI) applications. OLAP is a powerful technique for retrieving data, including unlimited
report display, complex analytical calculations and features for forecasting "house" scenario
(budget, forecast) planning.

How it provide access:

Effective OLAP solutions solve problems for both business users and IT departments. For
business users, it provides fast, intuitive access to calculations involving centralized data for
analysis and reporting. If you are IT, OLAP solutions power your data warehouse or other
relational database from aggregate data and business computations. Also by allowing
business users to do their own analysis and reporting, OLAP systems can reduce demands on
IT resources.

OLAP data is incorporated into structures that enable advanced analysis derived from this
historical data. OLAP data is also organized hierarchically and is stored in cubes instead of
tables. This is an advanced technique that uses multidimensional structures to provide fast
access to data for analysis.

Explain how decision trees work. How can a complex problem be solved by using a
decision tree?


Decision tree:

Decision Tree A decision support tool that uses a tree-like decision model and possible
outcomes that include accidental event results, resource costs and utilities. One way to
display an algorithm that contains only conditional control statements.

How it works:

Decision Tree Use multiple algorithms to decide to divide a node into multiple subordinate
nodes. Generating child nodes increases the homogeneity of the resulting subnodes. In other
words, the purity of the node of the target variable can be increased. Divide the node by all
available variables in the decision tree and choose the partition that produces the most
homogeneous child nodes.

The algorithm selection is based on the type of variable of interest.

 ID3 → (D3 extension)

 C4.5 → (following ID3)
 CART → (classification and regression tree)
 CHAID → (Chisquare automatic interaction detection, split when calculating
classification tree for multiple levels of execution )
 MARS → (multivariate adaptive regression spline)

How it solve complex problem:

With a crucial tree, the population or sample can be divided into two or more homogeneous
sets. These houses are built on the most important difference to entrance variables. Decisions
provide an effective crucial method because it: clearly identify the problem so that all options
can be demanding. Allow us to completely analyze possible consequences of a decision.
Provide a frame to quantify the values of the results and the likelihood of achieving it. .

Explain how LP can solve allocation problems.


Linear programming is a mathematical method that determines the best way to use the
available resources. Administrators can use this process to make decisions about how to use
limited resources most efficiently, such as money, time, materials and machinery. The
standard approach to solving such decision problems, including many decision variables, is
through optimization. As with the resource allocation problem above, this is the simplest
version of the linear function optimization problem. The solution approach to these problems
is called linear programming.

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