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Rizza Mermejo

Educational Technology


3000 BC Abacus
1500 Calculator
19th century Punch Card
1906 Vacuum tube Lee de Forest
1910 Used film as a medium of instruction
1914 Visual Learning
1923 Division of Visual Instruction formed National Education
1920 Mechanical teaching Machine Sydney Pressey
1940 First electronic computers appear
1945 Vannevar Bush envsisioned The memex “Hypertext”
1940’s Overhead projectors
1946 Edgar Dale published audio visual methods in teaching
1940’s Calculator called ENIAC
1947 Transistor
1955 Computer to use the transistor technology appeared
1956 Bloom’s Taxonomy
Programme Instruction B.F. Skinner
1963 Devised the logo programming language Seymour Papert
1906 Magnetic tape and recording tape machines
1958 Foreign Language Laboratories
1970’s Cassette tape
1983 Computer Assisted Language Learning and Instruction

3300 BC Use of sticks and stones

3100 Cuneiform was developed
3000 B.C Hieroglyphics and papyrus in Egypt
600 A.D. Use of Quill Pen
888 A.D. Diamond SUtra
1440 Printing Press Johann Gutenberg
1790 Pencil
1801 Blackboards in Military School
1805 Use of real object Pestalozzi
1826 Camera Obscura
1840 Actual Objects could manipulate by class froebel
1884 First proper fountain pen invented
1907 Use of multi-sensory in teaching Maria Montesori
1920 Teaching Machine, use of educational film Sidney Pressey
1930 Instructional TV
1940 Ballpoint and Hypertext
1960 Whiteboard
1970 Instructional Design
1990 Learning Management System
2000 Internet Technologies

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