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15 April 2020

EY Alert
New labor codes, provident fund and other
employment related updates on account of

EY Alerts cover significant Executive summary

tax, social security and This Alert summarizes various new proposed labor codes, provident fund and other
employment related updates on account of COVID-19.
regulatory related news,
The Government of India is in the process of introducing the following four new labor codes
developments and changes in which will replace the current multiple central labor laws relating to wages, social security,
legislation that affect Indian industrial disputes, etc.:
businesses. They act as ► The Code on Wages, 2019
technical summaries to ► The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2019
► The Industrial Relations Code, 2019
keep you on top of the latest ► The Code on Social Security, 2019
issues. For more information,
The Code on Wages, 2019 has already been approved by both houses of Parliament and has
please contact your EY advisor. received Presidential assent on 8 August 2019. However, the central government is yet to
notify the date of its entry into force.
The other three labor codes are pending before the lower house of Parliament (Lok Sabha).
As per a media report1, the government may issue an ordinance to bring these labor codes
into effect.
Once in force, the new labor codes might have a significant impact on employment costs,
payroll policies and processes as well as on employment related conditions.
Certain other measures taken by the government for employees in organized sector are:
► Extension in the due date for payment of Provident Fund contributions for March
► Non-refundable advance available to provident fund members
► Partial withdrawal for National Pension System members
► Central government’s contribution to provident fund accounts of low-wage
earners of eligible establishments under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana
► Extension in the due date for payment of Employees’ State Insurance
contributions and facilitating medical benefits for members
► Issuance of advisory on termination of employment/reduction of wages

New Labor Codes on the anvil Measures taken by the
► The Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government for employees
Government of India is in the process of
introducing the following four labor codes which
in organized sector
will replace current multiple central labor laws
relating to wages, social security, industrial Extension in due date for payment of Provident
disputes etc.: Fund contributions
► The Code on Wages, 2019 ► The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
(EPFO) has through its circulars dated 15 April
► The Occupational Safety, Health and Working 2020 extended the due date for filling of
Conditions Code, 2019
Electronic Challan cum Return (ECR) and
► The Industrial Relations Code, 2019 payment of contributions and administrative
charges for the month of March 2020 to 15 May
► The Code on Social Security, 2019 2020 (instead of 15 April 2020).
► The Code on Wages, 2019 has already been Thus, employers may deposit Provident Fund
approved by both houses of Parliament and has contributions for March 2020 by the extended
received Presidential assent on 8 August 2019. due date.
The other three labor codes are pending before
the lower house of Parliament (Lok Sabha).
Non-refundable advance from Employees’
► The Government has also issued a draft Code on Provident Funds Scheme
Wages (Central) Rules, 2019 for public comments
on 1 November 2019. However, the final rules are ► The Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952
yet to be rolled out. Also, the schemes and rules has been amended through a notification dated
under the other codes are pending to be released. 27 March 2020 to allow any provident fund
► As per a media report, the Government may fast- member, who is employed in any establishment
located in an area declared as affected by
track the implementation of these labor codes
outbreak of any epidemic or pandemic by the
through the ordinance route. Once in force, the new
appropriate Government, to claim non-
labor codes will have a significant impact on
refundable advance from the provident fund
employment costs, payroll policies and processes as
account of such member to the extent of lower
well as on employment related conditions.
of the following:
► Some key aspects of the new labor codes that
may be relevant to note are:
► 3 months basic wages and dearness
allowance; or
► Full and final settlement on termination of
employment - Under the Code on Wages,
► Up to 75% of the corpus in the member’s
2019, the employer is required to pay wages provident fund account (which covers
employer’s contribution, employee’s
to the employee within two working days of his
contribution and interest accrued till date)
/ her removal, dismissal, retrenchment or
resignation. ► The EPFO has issued Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) on 31 March 2020 and 4 April
► Overtime pay - Where an employee, whose
minimum rate of wages has been fixed under 2020 on the provisions relating to non-
the Code on Wages, 2019, works on any day in refundable advance. FAQs clarify the following:
excess of the number of hours constituting a ► Employees working in establishments across
normal working day, the employer is required India, who are provident fund members, are
to pay overtime at twice the normal rate of eligible for the advance.
► No certificate or documents are to be
► Gratuity payable to eligible employees on submitted by member or his/her employer
termination of employment - Under the Code for availing the advance.
on Social Security, 2019, gratuity is to be
calculated basis ‘wages’ as defined under the ► The claim for advance can be made online on
labor codes. The current practice is to the EPFO portal once employee’s Universal
calculate gratuity on basic salary only. Account Number (UAN) is validated with
Aadhaar and KYC of bank account and
► The four labor codes will come into force once the mobile number is seeded in UAN.
Central Government has issued a notification to
that effect. ► The claim for advance can also be made
through UMANG (Unified Mobile Application
for New-age Governance) mobile application.
► Employees covered under recognized private
provident fund trusts are also eligible for the
► Advance can be claimed irrespective of the
advances claimed earlier.
► The EPFO has in its circular dated 28 March 2020 employees with wages below INR 15,000 per
instructed its regional offices to process such month, who are employed in establishments
applications for advance promptly so that the having up to 100 employees, with 90% or more
intended relief reaches the employee and family of such employees earning monthly wages less
to help them fight with COVID-19. than INR 15,000.
Also, through a press release dated 9 April 2020, ► The Scheme, which is subject to various
the EPFO has communicated that it has processed conditions, will be in operation for the wage
about 137,000 claim applications disbursing an months - March 2020, April 2020 and May
amount of INR 2.79 Billion. 2020.

Partial withdrawal from National Pension System Extension in due date for payment of
Employees’ State Insurance contributions and
► Under Regulation 8 of the Pension Fund facilitating medical benefits for members
Regulatory and Development Authority (Exits and
Withdrawal under the National Pension System) ► The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation has
Regulation, a member is permitted to withdraw up through its circulars dated 16 March 2020 and
to 25% of member’s own contributions made 13 April 2020 extended the due dates for
under National Pension System (NPS) for payment of Employees’ State Insurance (ESI)
specified purposes. One of the purposes for which contributions as under:
such partial withdrawal is available is if the ► For the month of February 2020: To 15 May
member, his / her spouse, children including 2020 (instead of 15 March 2020)
adopted child or dependent parents suffer from
specified illness which requires hospitalization and ► For the month of March 2020: To 15 May
treatment in respect of specified diseases 2020 (instead of 15 April 2020)
including any critical illness of a life-threatening
Thus, employers may deposit ESI contributions
nature as prescribed by the authority.
for February 2020 and March 2020 by the
► The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development extended due dates. No interest or penalty will
Authority, which is responsible for regulating NPS, be levied on employer for deposit of ESI
has in its circular dated 9 April 2020 declared contributions during the extended period.
COVID-19 as a critical illness which is life
threatening in nature. Accordingly, partial
► The ESI Corporation in its circular dated 8 April
2020 has acknowledged that hardships are
withdrawal will be permitted from NPS to fulfill
faced by some ESI beneficiaries as certain ESI
financial needs towards treatment of COVID-19
hospitals across the country have been
illness of member, his / her spouse, children
converted to function as dedicated COVID-19
including adopted child or dependent parents.
hospitals. In such cases, it has been clarified
that the ESI beneficiaries may avail emergency /
The following documents are required to be
non-emergency medical treatment through
provided to claim partial withdrawal:
other hospitals with which ESI Corporation has
► Medical certificate as a tie-up.

► Formal request for partial withdrawal ► Through a press release issued on 14 April
2020, it has been confirmed that in order to
► As per the regulation, such partial withdrawal ease hardship of ESI beneficiaries, purchase of
from NPS is subject to the following conditions: medicines by ESI beneficiaries from private
► The individual should be a NPS member for at chemists during the lockdown period and its
subsequent reimbursement by ESI Corporation
least 3 years;
has been permitted.
► Maximum amount that can be withdrawn for
specific purposes cannot exceed 25% of
member’s own contribution (not including Central Government advisory on termination of
employer’s contribution) employment / reduction of wages
► The withdrawal will be permitted for maximum ► On 20 March 2020, the Ministry of Labour and
3 times during the entire tenure of Employment, Government of India has issued an
subscription under the NPS. advisory to all employers of public / private
establishments to protect interests of
employees employed by such establishments on
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana account of COVID-19. As per the advisory
► On 26 March 2020, the Government of India
announced a relief package under the Pradhan ► Employers are advised to extend their
Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana (PMGKY) for the poor cooperation by not terminating their
to help them fight the battle against COVID-19 employees, particularly casual or contractual
pandemic. workers, from jobs or reduce their wages.
As part of the said package, the Central ► If any worker takes leave, he / she should be
Government will pay 24% of the monthly wages deemed to be on duty without any
into provident fund accounts for 3 months for
consequential deduction of wages for this
► If place of employment is made non- Comments
operational due to COVID-19, the employees a. The new labor codes might have a significant
of such unit will be deemed to be on duty. impact on employment costs, payroll policies
► On 29 March 2020, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and processes as well as on employment-
Government of India has issued an order stating related conditions. While the government is
that all employers, be it in the industry or yet to roll out various schemes and rules
commercial establishments, shall make payment under the four codes, employers may need to
of wages to their workers on the due date without be future-ready in implementing the new
any deduction for the period their establishments labor codes.
are under closure during the lockdown.
Implementation of the new codes will require:
► Further to this, on 10 April 2020, the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs, Government of India has issued i. Analysis of the impact on cost to
COVID-19 related FAQs on Corporate Social company
Responsibility (CSR). In relation to salary payable ii. Analysis of the impact on benefit for
to employees, the FAQs clarify the following: employees
► Payment of salary/ wages in normal iii. Review and implementation of changes
circumstances is a contractual and statutory required in various policies, processes
obligation of the company. Similarly, payment and technology systems to ensure
of salary/ wages to employees and workers appropriate compliance.
even during the lockdown period is a moral
obligation of the employers, as they have no b. With regard to the availability of non-
alternative source of employment or livelihood refundable advance under the Employees’
during this period. Thus, payment of salary/ Provident Funds Scheme, employers should
wages to employees and workers during the support employees by ensuring that
lockdown period (including imposition of other employees’ UAN are validated with Aadhaar,
social distancing requirements) shall not
and KYC of bank account and mobile number
qualify as admissible CSR expenditure.
is seeded in UAN. EPFO has issued detailed
► Payment of wages to temporary or casual or FAQs on the UAN and KYC requirements on
daily wage workers during the lockdown period 13 April 2020. This will help employees in
is part of the moral/ humanitarian/ contractual making online applications for the advance.
obligations of the company and is applicable to
all companies irrespective of whether they c. Eligible employers may also avail the benefits
have any legal obligation for CSR contribution of PMGKY under which the central
under Section 135 of the Companies Act government will contribute both employers’
2013. Hence, payment of wages to temporary and employees’ share of provident fund
or casual or daily wage workers during the contribution for three months.
lockdown period shall not count towards CSR
► If any ex-gratia payment is made to temporary
/ casual workers/ daily wage workers over and
above the disbursement of wages, specifically
for the purpose of fighting COVID 19, the
same shall be admissible towards CSR
expenditure as a one-time exception provided
there is an explicit declaration to that effect by
the Board of the company, which is duly
certified by the statutory auditor.
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