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International Journal of Food Microbiology
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Comparison of four routine methods for the confirmation of View more related articles
Clostridium perfringens in food
H. Eisgruber , B. Schalch, B. Sperner and A. Stolle Purchase SciClick
Institute for Hygiene and Technology of Food of Animal Origin, Faculty of Veterinary $ 31.50
Medicine, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Veterinärstr. 13, 80539 Munich,
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ScienceDirect - International Journal of Food Microbiology : Comparison of four routine methods for t...

Accepted 17 January 2000. Available online 22 May 2000.
In order to compare methods for the confirmation of C. perfringens 52 isolates from strain collections and food
samples were examined using four different techniques including the detection of lactose degradation and sulfite
reduction in lactose sulfite medium (European Standard EN 13401), examination of nitrate reduction, motility,
lactose degradation and gelatine liquefaction in motility–nitrate and lactose–gelatine medium (EN 13401), the
reverse CAMP test (German Standard DIN 10103) and the acid phosphatase reaction according to Ueno et al.
[Ueno, K., Fujii, H., Marui, T., Takahshi, J., Sugitani, T., Ushijima, T., Suzuki, S. 1970. Acid phosphatase in
Clostridium perfringens — A new rapid and simple identification method. Jpn. J. Microbiol. 14, 171–173]. Pure
cultures of the test strains were suspended in sterile physiological saline and decimal dilutions inoculated into
modified SC agar according to Hauschild and Hilsheimer [Hauschild, A.H.W., Hilsheimer, R., 1974. Evaluation and
modifications of media for enumeration of Clostridium perfringens. Appl. Microbiol. 27, 521–526] and Eisgruber
and Reuter [Eisgruber, H., Reuter, G., 1995. A selective medium for the detection and enumeration of mesophilic
sulphite-reducing clostridia in food monitoring programs. Food Res. Internat. 28, 219–226] by pour-plating. Five
individual colonies per test strain (in total 260 colonies) were examined. Using either the reverse CAMP test or the
acid phosphatase reaction 94.2% of the colonies were confirmed as C. perfringens. The detection of nitratase and
motility in combination with lactose and gelatine degradation enabled the identification of C. perfringens in 88.8%
of the colonies. The lowest percentage of C. perfringens colonies was detected via lactose sulfite medium: only
42.7% of the tested colonies showed typical sulfite reduction with gas formation from lactose.
Author Keywords: Clostridium perfringens; Food; EN 13401
Article Outline
1. Introduction

2. Material and methods

2.1. Isolates
2.2. Confirmation via motility–nitrate medium in combination with lactose–gelatine medium
2.3. Confirmation via lactose sulfite medium
2.4. Confirmation via reverse CAMP test
2.5. Confirmation via the acid phosphatase reaction

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Confirmation via motility–nitrate medium in combination with lactose–gelatine medium
3.2. Confirmation via lactose sulfite medium
3.3. Confirmation via reverse CAMP test
3.4. Confirmation via acid phosphatase reaction


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ScienceDirect - International Journal of Food Microbiology : Comparison of four routine methods for t...

Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-89-2180-3834; fax: +49-89-2180-3872; email: sekretariat@lmhyg.vetmed.uni-

$ 31.50

International Journal of Food Microbiology

Volume 57, Issues 1-2, 10 June 2000, Pages 135-140

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