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Diambra, A. et al. (2014) Géotechnique Letters 4, 230–237,


Performance of cyclic cone penetration tests in chalk


This paper presents results from a preliminary testing campaign to explore the feasibility and benefits
of performing cyclic cone penetration tests with measurement of pore pressure (CPTu) in chalk. The
CPTu’s cone is a miniature driven pile and this technique permits the monitoring of degradation of
sleeve friction and pore pressure development during cyclic loading. It was found that while
consistent degradation of measured sleeve friction takes place within a few cycles, this was not
associated with an observed pore pressure build up. However, uncertainties about the pore pressure
measurements arose because the remoulded chalk next to the cone was probably unsaturated and
also the pore pressure transducer was positioned close to the tip of the cone. Analysis of the results
suggests that the technique may have promising potential to increase understanding of the
underlying mechanisms and aid the design of axially loaded driven piles in chalk. Nevertheless further
validation and development would be necessary in the future.

KEYWORDS: chalk; friction; penetrometers; piles; site investigators

ICE Publishing: all rights reserved

NOTATION appropriate for the design of driven large-displacement piles

because of the scale effect, it also suggests that the stress and
fs sleeve friction flow conditions around the CPT sleeve are analogous to
fs,init sleeve friction at the first cycle small-displacement piles. Jardine et al. (2012) and Puech
fs,res residual sleeve friction et al. (2012) also suggested that degradation of soil proper-
qt cone tip resistance ties under cyclic axial pile loading could be explored using
Rf friction ratio
specially devised in-situ tests such as the cyclic CPT. The
u pore water pressure
v nominal cone speed
cyclic CPTu test may offer information about both
Dd cyclic amplitude degradation of shaft resistance and pore pressure develop-
ment during cyclic loading. The results of a trial campaign in
chalk will be discussed here and compared with data from
INTRODUCTION both tension pile tests (from Ciria report C574) and cyclic
Axial load cycling can have a significant detrimental effect laboratory element tests (Carrington et al., 2011). The
on the capacity of piled foundations (e.g. Poulos, 1988; potential of the technique will be evaluated and some
Jardine & Standing, 2012). For offshore structures, which guidance for its potential development will be attempted.
are invariably subjected to cyclic motion induced by wind
and wave loading, the assessment of the piled foundation
performances under cyclic loading is often the leading SITE CONDITIONS
aspect of the design process. While cyclic degradation of The test site is in a disused chalk pit located in the Upper
pile capacity in sands and clays has received considerable Chalk in Kent, southern England. When the chalk pit was
interest among the research community, less interest has excavated, all the weathered chalk was removed. The chalk
been addressed towards piled foundations in soft rocks has been classified as Ciria Grade A/B (Lord et al., 2002),
such as chalk. based on typical discontinuity apertures varying between
This research explores the feasibility and advantages of closed (Grade A) and less that 3 mm (Grade B). The chalk
a new technique for cyclic cone penetration testing with is within 0?5% of a fully saturated state, even though the
measurement of pore pressure (CPTu) in order to increase groundwater level is about 10–11 m below the current
the understanding and potentially aid the design of driven ground level. The characteristic of the chalk in samples
low-displacement piles in chalk subjected to axial cyclic taken by rotary coring from up to about 20 m depth are
loading. There are several pile design procedures which are summarised in Table 1. The soil profile from chalk core
based on ‘in-situ’ test data and the CPTu offers the logging in Fig. 1 shows a succession of the Margate Chalk
advantage of being a real miniature driven pile. While the overlying the Seaford Chalk formation (Mortimore, 2007).
Ciria report C574 on Engineering in Chalk (Lord et al., 2002)
mentions that cone penetration test (CPT) data may not be
Modified CPT testing equipment
The traditional set-up of a CPT cone truck with 20-t thrust
Manuscript received 7 July 2014; first decision 30 July 2014; capacity has been modified to allow the performance of
accepted 11 August 2014.
Published online at on 12 cyclic CPTus at target depths. Two switches are mounted
September 2014. on the loading frame inside the truck to control the
*University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. amplitude of the cycles and to permit the reversal of the
{WindSupport Ltd, Bath, UK. cone travel. The minimum amplitude of the cycles is about
{Lankelma Ltd, Iden, UK. 1 cm, while the cone can be pushed at a nominal speed


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Performance of cyclic cone penetration tests in chalk 231

Table 1. Characteristics of the chalk at the site

Property Minimum Maximum Average

Moisture content: % 20 33 29
Bulk density: Mg/m3 1?88 2?09 1?94
Dry density: Mg/m3 1?42 1?73 1?5
Saturated moisture content: % 21 33 29?5
Porosity: % 36 47 44
Unconfined compressive 2?1 3?59 2?8
strength: MPa

varying between 1 and 4 cm/s. A 15 cm2 cone with an apex upwards by 50 mm and a pore water dissipation test
angle of 60u and pore pressure transducer in position U2 is performed (stage 1.2). The cyclic test is finally
was used. The acquisition system had a sampling frequency performed with the first cycle in the upward direction
of 100 Hz. (stage 1.3). No cone tip resistance is developed during
the cyclic test.
(b) P2: the cone is statically pushed to target depth
Testing procedure and programme followed by a pore water dissipation test (stage 2.1 in
The cyclic CPTus were performed at two locations at the Fig. 2(b)). Then the cyclic test is initiated in the
chalk site, called CPTC1 and CPTC2 respectively. For each downward direction in the virgin chalk (stage 2.2).
location, the cone was statically pushed to a number of
Cone tip resistance (qt) is monitored during the cyclic
depths and the cyclic procedure was then performed.
tests but generally becomes negligible after about 3–4
Table 2 presents a summary of the tests.
Two different procedures were adopted to initiate the
No significant differences in the observed evolution of
cyclic loading stage (Fig. 2).
sleeve friction and excess pore pressure were noticed
(a) P1: the cone is statically pushed to target depth plus between the procedures. However, procedure P2 records
50 mm (stage 1.1 in Fig. 2(a)). The cone is then pulled the sleeve friction during the first virgin loading as part of

Core recovery and quality data

Biostratigraphy Litholog Rock description TCR/RQD/SCR and AFS Ciria grade

2.60 m start
3 Well-structured, 2.60–4.10 m, TCR=93%, SCR=35%, RQD=31%, Closed to slightly open stained
3.30 m small (< 33 mm thick) flint clean, low to medium AFS=150 mm (subhorizontal and vertical joints B3
density white chalk moderately speckled/stained joints)
Patchy, red, iron-stained sponge bed with few flints
4.10–5.80 m, TCR=60%, SCR=17%, RQD=17%,
AFS=250 mm (subhorizontal and vertical
5 moderately speckled/stained joints); lot of core loss
Flint at base of core-run
(Unitacrinus zone type) 5.60–7.10 m, TCR=100%, SCR=79%, RQD=53%,
Fossil echinoid shell AFS=214 mm (subhorizontal and vertical Closed to slightly open stained
Well–developed, red, iron-stained sponge moderately speckled/stained joints) joints B2
Micraster bed with round, ball-flints on top
7.10–8.80 m, TCR=93%, SCR=53%, RQD=50%,
7.60–68 large spiky flints AFS=250 mm (subhorizontal and vertical
8.03–10 medium-sized flints moderately speckled/stained joints)
Well-structured, clean,
8.60 medium-sized flints low to medium density
white chalk with regular 8.80–10.10 m, TCR=100%, SCR=67%, RQD=55%,
Patchy sponge bed flint bands Closed to slightly open stained
AFS=167 mm (subhorizontal and vertical
9.55 shells moderately speckled/stained joints)
joints B3
Patchy sponge bed
10.10–11.60 m, TCR=90%, SCR=63%, RQD=43%,
10.70 medium-sized flints AFS=300 mm (subhorizontal and vertical moderately
11.00–05 medium-sized flints
speckled/stained joints)
11.60 medium-sized flints in tube cap at
top of core-run
12.00–05 medium-sized flints 11.60–13.10 m, TCR=100%, SCR=73%, RQD=70%,
AFS=375 mm (4 × subhorizontal and vertical
12.55 medium-sized flints moderately speckled/stained joints)
13.00–10 medium-sized flints
13.10–14.60 m, TCR=83%, SCR=83%, RQD=80%,
13.70 medium-sized flints AFS=500 mm (3 × subhorizontal and vertical
14.00 small finger flints moderately speckled/stained joints)
14.40–60 large (> 100 mm thick) spiky flints
14.60–80 Well-developed, red, iron-
15 stained sponge bed 14.60–16.10 m, TCR=87%, SCR=83%, RQD=63%,
15.10 medium-sized flints AFS=375 mm (3 × subhorizontal and vertical Closed to slightly open stained
moderately speckled/stained joints) joints B2 becoming closed A2
16.30–40 medium-sized flints 16.10–17.60 m, TCR=80%, SCR=20%, RQD=20%,
16.60 medium-sized flints AFS=300 mm (subhorizontal and vertical moderately
speckled/stained joints: lot of core loss with flints)
17.60 medium-sized flints
17.88 fossil inoceramid bivalve 17.60–19.10 m, TCR=93%, SCR=61%, RQD=58%,
shells (Platyceramus) AFS=250 mm (6 × subhorizontal and vertical
18.30 medium-sized flints
moderately speckled/stained joints)
Patchy sponge bed
19.30 large (> 100 mm) sized, solid flints
19.10–20.60 m, TCR=100%, SCR=55%, RQD=55%,
19.60, 20.00, 20.25 fossil Bands of inoceramid
20 AFS=500 mm (3 × subhorizontal and vertical moderately
inoceramid bivalve shells
shells (Platyceramus)
speckled/stained joints); lot of core damage
20.30 EoB
Where TCR= total core recovery, RQD= rock quality designation,
SCR= solid core recovery, AFS= average fracture spacing

Fig. 1. Logging from rotary cored borehole (after Mortimore, 2007). The light blue colour indicates the Margate Chalk while the
green colour the Seaford Chalk formation

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232 Diambra, Ciavaglia, Harman, Dimelow, Carey and Nash

Table 2. Cyclic CPTus in chalk: summary of tests

Actual depth Cyclic Nominal Initial shaft

(start–end): Cyclic amplitude No. cone rate, v: friction: Residual shaft
Location Test type m bgl procedure Dd: mm cycles cm/s kPa friction: kPa
CPTC1 Static 1 0–1?3
Cyclic 1 1?3 P1 40 50 2 90 5
Static 2 1?3–2?3
Cyclic 2 2?3 P1 40 50 2 220 11
Static 3 2?3–3?8
Cyclic 3 3?8 P1 40 100 2 150 5
Static 4 3?8–5?3
Cyclic 4 5?3 P1 40 50 2 300 12
Static 5 5?3–6?3
Cyclic 5 6?3 P1 40 50 2 150 7
Static 6 6?3–7?3
Cyclic 6 7?3 P2 40 50 2 400 20
Static 7 7?3–8?3
Cyclic 7 8?3 P2 20 50 2 300 5
Static 8 8?3–10?3
Cyclic 8 10?3 P2 20 50 2 500 35
CPTC2 Static 1 0–2?3
Cyclic 1 2?3 P2 10 52 2 90 10
Static 2 2?3–3?8
Cyclic 2 3?8 P2 10 50 2 300 15
Static 3 3?8–6?3
Cyclic 3 6?3 P2 20 50 2 300 8
Static 4 6?3–7?3
Cyclic 4 7?3 P2 20 120 4 300 20
Static 5 7?3–8?3
Cyclic 5 8?3 P2 20 50 1 500 50
Static 6 8?3–10?3
Cyclic 6 10?3 P2 40 50 1 400 40

the cyclic test, while in procedure P1 the virgin loading should also be noted that the cyclic amplitude was
procedure was applied during the static push to target measured at the top of the push rod, not at the cone tip,
depth. During the experimental campaign it was recognised and the compression of the rod may have slightly affected
that procedure P2 was actually more suited to monitor the the measurement of cone travel, especially during the first
changes (degradation) of sleeve friction and it has been downward stroke into undisturbed ground for procedure
preferred from test CPTC1_cyclic 7 onwards (Table 2). It P2.

Procedure P1 Procedure P2

1.2 Pull-up to 2.1 Static CPTu to

1.1 Static CPTu target depth and 1.3 Cyclic CPTu
to 50 mm target depth and pore 2.1 Cyclic CPTu with
pore pressure with amplitude Dd
below target pressure dissipation test amplitude Dd
dissipation test


Target depth
50 mm Target depth

(a) (b)

Fig. 2. Adopted test procedures for the cyclic CPTus: (a) P1; (b) P2

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Performance of cyclic cone penetration tests in chalk 233

0 0 0 0

Cycle 1

2 2 2 2
Cycle 2

Cycle 3
4 4 4 4

Cycle 4

Depth: m

Depth: m
Depth: m

Depth: m
6 6 6 6
Cycle 5

Cycle 6

8 8 8 8
Cycle 7

10 10 10 10
Cycle 8

12 12 12 12
0 20 40 0 200 400 600 800 0 2000 4000 6000 0 5 10
qt: MPa fs: kPa u: kPa Rf: %
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 3. Logs of: (a) cone tip resistance (qt); (b) sleeve friction (fs); (c) pore pressure (u); (d) friction ratio (Rf) for static CPTC1. Depths
of performed cyclic CPTus are also indicated

TEST RESULTS respectively, and then increases with values ranging up to

Static CPTu results about 600 kPa, which suggests an improvement of chalk
The profiles of recorded cone tip resistance (qt), sleeve properties with depth. The pore pressure and friction ratio
friction (fs), pore water pressure (u) and friction ratio (Rf) are also show similar increasing trends. During static pushing of
reported in Figs 3 and 4. The tip resistance (qt) appears to the cone, a consistent pore pressure build up was observed
increase slightly with depth from about 10 MPa at the with pressures that often exceeded 2 MPa. However, the
surface to about 20–30 MPa at 10 m below ground level. pore pressure dissipation tests performed before each cyclic
The sleeve friction shows values between 100 and 200 kPa test were actually very quick and 50% of dissipation was
down to 6?5 and 5?5 m depth in CPTC1 and CPTC2, reached in about 4–8 s for all tests with the exception of tests

0 0 0 0

2 2 2 2
Cycle 1

Cycle 2
4 4 4 4
Depth: m

Depth: m

Depth: m

Depth: m

6 6 6 6
Cycle 3

Cycle 4

8 8 8 8
Cycle 5

10 10 10 10
Cycle 6

12 12 12 12
0 20 40 0 200 400 600 800 0 2000 4000 6000 0 5 10
qt: MPa fs: kPa u: kPa Rf: %
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 4. Logs of: (a) cone tip resistance (qt); (b) sleeve friction (fs); (c) pore pressure (u); (d) friction ratio (Rf) for static CPTC2. Depths
of performed cyclic CPTus are also indicated

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234 Diambra, Ciavaglia, Harman, Dimelow, Carey and Nash

600 600
CPTC1 v=2 cm/s, Dd=40 mm, Depth=2.3 m CPTC2 v=2 cm/s, Dd=10 mm, Depth=2.3 m
400 400

fs, u: kPa
fs, u: kPa
200 200
0 0
–200 fs –200 fs
–400 u –400 u
–600 –600
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Cumulative travel: m Cumulative travel: m
(a) (b)
600 600
CPTC1 v=2 cm/s, Dd=40 mm, Depth=7.3 m CPTC2 v=4 cm/s, Dd=20 mm, Depth=7.3 m
400 400
fs, u: kPa

fs, u: kPa
200 200
0 0
–200 fs –200 fs
–400 u –400 u
–600 –600
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Cumulative travel: m Cumulative travel: m
(c) (d)
600 600
CPTC1 v=2 cm/s, Dd=20 mm, Depth=10.3 m CPTC2 v=1 cm/s, Dd=40 mm, Depth=10.3 m
400 400

fs, u: kPa
200 200
fs, u: kPa

0 0
–200 fs –200 fs
–400 u –400 u
–600 –600
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Cumulative travel: m Cumulative travel: m
(e) (f)

Fig. 5. Trends of sleeve friction (fs), and pore pressure (u) plotted against cumulative displacement (or travel) of the cone tip for
depths of 2?3 m, 7?3 m and 10?3 m in both CPTC1 and CPTC2 locations

no. 2 and no. 5 in CPTC1 location, for which about 30 s below the cone tip and the recorded suctions may have also
were necessary. The depths of the cyclic CPTus are also been limited by the onset of cavitation at about 260 kPa.
shown on the static CPTu profiles in Figs 3 and 4. For future attempts at cyclic CPTu, it may be preferable to
locate the pore pressure transducer in position U3, which is
above the friction sleeve and away from the cone tip.
Cyclic CPTu results On the other hand, if the reliability of pore pressure
Typical trends of measured sleeve friction and pore water measurements is taken for granted, the presence of some
pressure during the cyclic procedure are plotted against the suction may be related to the low water table at the site.
cumulative travel of the cone in Fig. 5. The sleeve friction The lack of a consistent build-up of pore pressure (which
(fs) is shown as positive during downward movements and could have been induced by the repeated cycling) agrees
negative for upward movements of the cone. For those tests also with the very quick drop of pore water pressures
performed with procedure P1, the sleeve friction during observed during the dissipation tests. This observation
virgin loading (first virgin cycle) has been included in suggests that the sleeve friction degradation is related to
Fig. 5. For the range of cyclic amplitudes and cone progressive remoulding of the chalk, due to the progressive
displacement speeds employed, a consistent degradation breakdown of the high-porosity structure of the material.
of sleeve friction within a very few loading cycles was This was also suggested by Jewell & Andrews (1988) for
observed in all tests. The largest rate of degradation can be piles driven in carbonate soils and reiterated by Burland &
observed in the first couple of cycles, after which the sleeve French (1990) for piles in chalk.
friction progressively approaches an asymptotic (residual)
value which is generally reached within about 5–10 cycles.
A complete shear stress reversal takes place during the Residual sleeve friction
cyclic tests and this may favour the degradation of sleeve The actual and normalised (by the vertical effective stress)
resistance. Very similar trends of strength degradation residual sleeve friction at the end of each cyclic stage has
within a few cycles have been observed by Carrington et al. been plotted against actual depth for both CPTC1 (square
(2011) during strain-controlled cyclic simple shear tests on symbols) and CPTC2 (circle symbols) in Figs 6(a) and 6(b),
low- to medium-density chalk. Carrington et al. (2011) respectively. It appears that the residual sleeve friction
observed that failure occurred at the chalk–platen interface is about 5–15 kPa in the top 7 m, while it increases up to
to reach a residual shear stress of between 4 and 6 kPa. 35–50 kPa below 8 m depth (Fig. 6(a)). Interestingly, the
The pore water pressure shows generally a rapid positive change in residual friction follows the improvement in
increase in the first cycle. Then the average value quickly chalk properties observed from the static CPTu logs in
drops but continues to fluctuate in response to the imposed Figs 3 and 4. The normalised residual sleeve friction shows
cycling. Downward cyclic reversals of displacement create instead a constant trend with depth, suggesting a potential
a sudden increase in pore pressure (see for example the dependence on the vertical effective stress (Fig. 6(b)).
last few cycles of test CPTC1 at 7?3 m shown in Fig. 5) Further studies are needed to understand how the residual
followed by a slow recovery of suction until the next cycle sleeve friction is affected by chalk properties and/or
downward reversal is applied. It is unsure whether the effective stresses.
measurements of the pore pressure transducer in the U2 The residual sleeve friction has also been plotted against
position are affected by any vacuum created in the cavity the initial sleeve friction (at the start of each cyclic stage)

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Performance of cyclic cone penetration tests in chalk 235

0 0

2 2

4 4

Depth: m
Depth: m

6 6

8 8

10 10

12 12
0 20 40 60 80 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
fs,res: kPa fs,res/s′v
(a) (b)

Fig. 6. (a) Actual and (b) normalised (by vertical effective stress) residual cone sleeve friction (fs,res) plotted against actual depth for
both CPTC1 (square symbols) and CPTC2 (circle symbols)

for both CPTC locations in Fig. 7. It may be argued that displacement after 21 cycles and was not showing any signs
there is indeed a sort of positive relationship between initial of stabilising. Cyclic tests on driven cruciform piles by
and residual sleeve friction. Burland & French (1990) showed a similar degradation of
Finally, the possible influence of the amplitude of the capacity with increased upward displacement during cyclic
cycles and the cone displacement rate is explored in tensile loading and a decrease in shaft resistance in a
Figs 8(a) and 8(b), where the residual sleeve friction is subsequent monotonic load test. Burland & French (1990)
plotted against these two variables; no apparent trend can suggested that cyclic degradation is typical of low-
be clearly identified and this requires further research. displacement piles which do not completely disturb the
surrounding chalk during first driving because of their
small cross-sectional area. Similarly the CPTu showed a
Comparison with pile tests progressive cyclic degradation.
Unfortunately, there is limited literature on cyclic axial It may be worth noting that based on a set of four tests
load tests on piles in chalk. Results from tests on bored on driven piles (Hobbs & Robins, 1979; Lord & Davies,
piles presented by Fort & Martin (1990) showed that the 1979; Burland & French, 1990; Hobbs & Atkinson, 1993),
cyclic displacement was 30% higher than the monotonic Ciria report C574 (Lord et al., 2002) recommends



fs,res: kPa





0 100 200 300 400 500 600
fs,init: kPa

Fig. 7. Residual cone sleeve friction (fs,res) plotted against Initial cone sleeve friction (fs,init) for both CPTC1 (square symbols) and
CPTC2 (circle symbols)

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236 Diambra, Ciavaglia, Harman, Dimelow, Carey and Nash
80 80
CPTC2 Filled marker for v=2 cm/s CPTC2
70 70

60 60

50 50
fs,res: kPa

fs,res: kPa
40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cyclic amplitude: mm v: cm/s
(a) (b)

Fig. 8. Residual cone sleeve friction (fs,res) plotted against (a) cyclic amplitude (Dd) and (b) cyclic displacement speed (v) for both
CPTC1 (square symbols) and CPTC2 (circle symbols)

conservative values of ultimate shaft friction of 20 kPa REFERENCES

for steel tubular piles in grade B–C–D chalk and 120 kPa Burland, J. B. & French, D. J. (1990). Results of trials in
in grade A chalk. These values are not only similar to weathered chalk of a novel piling system – the wedge pile. Proc.
those found in this research but they also suggest a Int. Symp. on chalk, Brighton, pp. 375–383. London, UK:
Thomas Telford.
relationship between shaft friction and chalk type which
Carrington, T. M., Li, G. & Rattley, M. J. (2011). A new
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shown here. medium density chalk. Proc. 15th European Conf. on Soil
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A., Pachakis, M. & Tsatsanifos, C. (eds)), pp. 825–830, http://
CONCLUSIONS Amsterdam, the
The preliminary experimental campaign to explore the Netherlands: IOS Press.
feasibility and benefit of performing cyclic CPTu tests in Fort, D. S. & Martin, P. L. (1990). The installation, instrumenta-
chalk has led to the following conclusions. tion and load testing of a large diameter bored pile in Upper
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(a) The measurements of cone sleeve friction during cyclic London, UK: Thomas Telford.
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from published cyclic simple shear element tests and No. 3, 30–34.
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(b) The observed pore pressure trends do not show a Jardine, R. J. & Standing, R. J. (2012). Field axial cyclic loading
progressive build-up during cyclic loading. However, it experiments on piles driven in sand. Soils Found. 52, No. 4,
is unclear whether the measurements from a pressure 723–773,
transducer in location U2 are affected by suction Jardine, R. J., Puech, A. & Andersen, K. H. (2012). Cyclic loading
created below the cone tip and the use of a transducer of offshore piles: potential effects and practical design. Proc.
in position U3 should be considered in future work. SUT 7th Int. Conf. on Offshore Site Investigation and
(c) The residual value of sleeve friction varies between Geotechnics, London (Allan, P., Arthur, J., Barwise, A.,
Carrington, T., Cook, M., Hobbs, R., Osborne, J., Powell,
5 and 20 kPa in the top 7 m and between 35 and 50 kPa
T., Salisbury, R. & des Vallieres, T. (eds)), pp. 59–97. London,
at greater depths, which follows both the improvement UK: Society for Underwater Technology.
of chalk properties and the increase of vertical effective Jewell, R. J. & Andrews, D. C. (1988). Engineering for calcareous
stresses with depth. A positive relationship between sediments. Proc. Int. Conf. on Calcareous Sediments, Perth
static and residual sleeve friction also seems to exist. (Jewell, R. J. & Andrews, D. C. (eds)), vol. 1. Rotterdam, The
(d) While cyclic frequency and amplitude may affect the Netherlands: Balkema.
degradation rate and residual value of sleeve friction, Lord, J. A. & Davies, J. A. G. (1979). Lateral loading and tension
no relationship could be observed in this research. tests on a driven cased pile in chalk. Proc. Conf. on Recent
Developments in the Design and Construction of Piles, pp. 113–
(e) These preliminary tests confirm the feasibility of perform-
120. London, UK: Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).
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design in chalk, and also perhaps in other granular and Engineering in chalk, Report C574. London, UK: Construction
cohesive materials. Nevertheless, comparison with pile Industry Research and Information Association (Ciria).
load tests on the same site would be needed for validation Mortimore, R. N. (2007). Chalk pit experimental site: chalk core
of the technique. logging, document 12, pp. 1–11. Lewes, UK: ChalkRock Ltd.

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Performance of cyclic cone penetration tests in chalk 237
Poulos, H. G. (1988). Cyclic stability diagram for axially loaded Int. Conf. on Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics,
piles. J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Engng 114, No. 8, 877–895. London (Allan, P., Arthur, J., Barwise, A., Carrington, T.,
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project on the behaviour of piles under cyclic loading. Proc. 7th Underwater Technology.


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