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“Power, like a desolating pestilence, pollutes whate’er it touches.

— Percy Bysshe Shelley, Queen Mab

An Evening at Boodle’s
Officially, Boodle’s did not admit women, and for living women, that was certainly true.
Boodle’s was discriminating, but the stature of the ladies of Clan Ventrue was such in London Even among unliving women,
that dated back to the Regency could bar them entrance. Therefore, it was that Euphem that not even policies
friends) — whose son had been the first Baron Darcy de Darcy before he got his head ia Langto n (“Fee” to her
religious nonsense — reclined on a fainting couch in one of Boodle’s private meeting rooms.chopped off over some bit of
members knew it, but there were actually several private entrances and secret passages in Few of the mortal club
entrances installed just to facilitate the admittance of Ventrue ladies of good standing whothe venerabl e gentlem an’s club,
with their peers, their ghoul servants, or simply people of importance who needed “adjustm needed discreet places to meet
Ventrue of London had granted her in death the peerage her son had squandered in life) knew ent.” The Barone ss (for the
out of Boodle’s. She did own the place, after all. all the secret ways in and
Across from the Baroness sat the object of her current attentions: Colonel Arthur Basing
importance who was 300 years and two Generations her junior. These deficiencies were outweig stoke, a Ventrue of some
for he was a student of history and politics and was generally someone who knew things. hed by the ancilla’s utility,
trade, and it was so valuable to Clan Ventrue that they overlooked his more... unsavory Informa tion was his stock in
had to work with Nosferatu on a regular basis, or who knew what mischief they’d get into. associat ions. After all, someone
To Fee’s right was the young Lick she’d introduced to Arthur as Ethan Marshall,
to be in his late-twenties, as he sat quietly trying not to show his insecurity. Basingstokeher youngest childe. He looked
introduced to the court, and indeed, had not been introduced to any of the city’s Ventrue. knew the fledgling had not been
Accordingly, he assumed that
Fee had picked him to test the whelp and see if he could sit in front of his peers without picking
was daring if the boy had been anything less than a quarter-century dead, but he supposed his nose or anything. It
accelerate her newest childe’s training. Thus far, Ethan had been tolerable. He’d made small that the Baroness wanted to
looked overtly bored at any point. He’d even made an insightful comment about Brujah involvem talk compete ntly, and hadn’t
political protests. ent in several recent
“Arthur, darling,” she said languidly. “I would love to continue our conversation shortly,
business to address with one of the club members before it grows too late.” She hesitated but I have some minor
simulation of warmth. “While I’m gone, might I impose upon you to share the benefits ofand then smiled in a reasonable
Ethan here? I have instructed him mainly on practical concerns, but I confess I have neglecte your wisdom with young
history and politics. Perhaps you might fill in some of the gaps in his education.” d his education on Clan


was aware that most of
Arthur favored her with Smile #17 (“Mildly Condescending Yet Still Chivalrous”). He the realm, but she preferred
peer of
Boodle’s regulars were part of her herd. Her vitae of necessity could come from any minor celebrity to receive an
men and women who’d actually done something to deserve the honor instead of the latest
masked his curiosity.
“I would be delighted, dear lady. Shall I begin with the founding of Londinium?” His joviality
her childe, the naïf next to her
He assumed she was laying a trap, though likely not a deadly one. But for him? Or for
who still hadn’t figured out how to blink properly?
to learn mythology!”
“Oh, no, Arthur,” she exclaimed mischievously. “Much farther back than that! He wants
“Ah,” Arthur replied. “The First City it is, then.”
back of her limousine.
“Did it go well?” Fee asked, as she and her “childe” sped through the London night in the
persona. “A bit too well,
Ethan’s face instantly settled into one of determination and intelligence, discarding his naïve but an older Kindred
I’m afraid. I pushed too hard towards the end, and he deduced that I wasn’t really a neonatestorming out. It was my
pumping him for information. Then, he started ranting about the Secret Masters before decide to recruit him, I can
mistake, and does not reflect on the intelligence you provided about the good Colonel. If we g cover for my interview.”
hopefully repair the damage later. On behalf of the Justicar, I thank you once again for providin
“Is he dangerous, Archon?” There was no fear in her voice, just curiosity.
regard to the risks they
“Only to himself, Strategos Langton. As you said, he collects secrets, apparently withoutthe origins of the Clans
carry. He knows about the Baali. He knows about the Red Question. His theories about
in the Daeva.”
are insightful. I suspect he even knows the truth about Hardestadt, and he does believe
paranoid, doesn’t mean
She snorted. “Then he is a wise man. The kine have a saying, Archon. ‘Just because you’re
that no one is out to get you.’”
They said nothing on the rest of the ride. There was nothing else to say.

A Brief History then “punished” by a capricious God with immortality,

indestructibility, and an array of supernatural powers.

of Kings
Caine then traveled to the mythical land of Nod, eventually
finding his way to an early human settlement that our
histories call “Enoch.” He seized control and expanded
Let me begin by making it perfectly clear that the history Enoch into the first settlement that could plausibly be
I now relate is largely a load of rubbish — the short version called a city. Along the way, he Embraced the members
of a history that is commonly accepted as true, by Kindred of the Second Generation, who numbered three, five, or
both in our Clan and outside it, but for which there is six, depending on who you ask.
absolutely no evidence or veracity. There are no reliable
records of the First or Second Cities, and damn little in
the way of records of any kind pertaining to the Ventrue Sic Transit Ventrue
that date to before the Roman Empire. The Book of Nod That, according to the tale, is where we come in. Caine
and its companion works are most commonly encountered encountered a human of exceptional intellect, charisma,
in the form of fourth century Latin texts, which were and competence — a man called Ventrue. So impressed
translations of Greek scrolls, which were translations of was Caine by Ventrue’s qualities that the First Vampire
Egyptian hieroglyphics, etcetera, etcetera, until you get compelled one of his childer to Embrace Ventrue as the
back to dead language translations of other dead languages. first member of the Third Generation, and then appointed
With those caveats in mind, what is accepted about our the neonate to serve as his seneschal and to rule in his
origins is as follows. In the beginning, there was Caine, stead on those occasions when Caine left the First City
the chap from the Bible who killed his brother and was for whatever reasons possessed him.

Since you are someone I selected for the Embrace and
therefore are not stupid, I assume you see the gap in Fall, Rise, and Fall Again
logic in the previous paragraph. If Caine had really been However it happened, the First City fell and the Second
that impressed with Ventrue, he’d have Embraced the City built its foundation on the First City’s ashes. It was
Founder himself rather than delegating the task to one of briefly a utopia — for some inscrutable definition of
the Second Generation. After all, if Ventrue was truly the “utopia” — because Ventrue and his childer were in charge,
first Kindred of the Third Generation, then that means which is exactly what most of the other Clans say about
Caine couldn’t have known for sure that his own childer their own founders. Truth be told, do you think anyone
would have the power to Embrace childer of their own. other than a Ventrue could have run a city in which all
Ventrue might well have died from a failed Embrace. 13 Clans were represented?
The simple truth (to the extent that we Kindred traffic Anyway, there are scores of legends about who truly
in truths) is that the commonly recited story is a fiction ruled the Second City and who betrayed it to its doom.
intended to artificially elevate the Founder and, by The players swap roles depending on who the author
extension, our Clan to a position of authority over our is. I’d considered editing all the Noddist folk tales I’ve
rivals. There isn’t even any reliable proof that Ventrue was encountered into a book, but I suppose it’s too much a
the Founder’s real name, let alone that he was favored threat to the Masquerade. Plus, who knows what deranged
above the rest of the Third Generation. There’s a persistent assassins such heresy would draw out of the woodwork?
urban legend among the Anarchs suggesting that “Ventrue” Leave that to hardy fools like that Gangrel Beckett to
is actually Norman French for “fat pig.” It’s not, in either contemplate. Regardless, the only real point of similarity in
Norman French or any other known language. It is what all these stories was that the city fell and Caine supposedly
we’ve called ourselves for 6,000 years or so. Writings left came back just long enough to curse the Third Generation
behind by Arak of Ur suggest that he and his peers self- in a variety of arbitrary ways.
identified as “Ventrue” as early as 3800 B.C.E.
More nonsense, of course. What is a “curse,” after all?
I’m told the late Prince Mithras, who was supposedly of We Ventrue become fixated on a particular strain of vitae.
the Fourth Generation, named his sire as Veddhartha, but Pretty things easily distract the Toreador. How are those
that is unconfirmed and, in any case, Mithras, his sire, or “curses” compared to the Nosferatu becoming so hideous
both may have committed diablerie to reduce their own that they can’t be seen in public and the Malkavians all
Generations. It’s not as if Mithras would have admitted being as mad as hatters?
it if he had. The origin story passed down from Ventrue
Personally, I think many of the so-called Clan curses
elder to Ventrue childe over the last few millennia is a
were most likely imposed on the Clans later. There is
transparent fiction designed to afford our Clan a stature
a gap of between 4,000 and 7,000 years between the
from which we may assert dominance over the others.
fall of the Second City and the accepted beginnings of
I’m sure I don’t have to explain why that’s not an opinion human history. All sorts of things could have happened,
you should share too freely. The story is obviously untrue leading the Antediluvians to impose conditions on
to sensible Kindred. Less sensible Kindred will accept all their own offspring or those offspring cursing one
kinds of nonsense about Caine and the Antediluvians if another. For example, there’s a rather novel theory
their elders or superiors insist upon such belief, if such that the Toreador founder can see through the eyes of
beliefs are important to their self-esteem, or if they’re simply all of her descendants and she compels them to stare
stupid. You may find the Founder’s origin improbable. I vapidly at anything they found aesthetically pleasing
certainly do. The fact remains that, except for the Tremere so that she can while away eternity being entertained
and the Giovanni, every Clan subscribes to a monomyth by the spectacle.
in which their founder was Caine’s favorite, and it was all
As for our own “curse,” one fable suggests that Ventrue
the other Clans that ruined everything. And as silly as it is
believed that his childer should not feed indiscriminately,
to us here in the twenty-first century to contemplate such
but instead should exclusively feed from some class of
fantasies, never forget that there are Brujah, Assamites,
mortals that speak to our individual characters. In that
Setites, Tzimisce and many, many others who will kill you
way, each Ventrue holds himself out as a connoisseur
for no other reason than institutional hatred of our Clan
rather than a common predator. It’s as plausible as any
arising from imagined slights that took place 10,000 years
other explanation.
ago in a likely fictitious city.


I suppose I should also note at this point that as
Ventrue himself was leaving the city, the Brujah
founder ambushed and committed diablerie on him.
That, incidentally, would be the first of three pseudo-
historical incidents in which the Ventrue founder
was said to have been murdered and diablerized by
someone. The most recent was supposed to have
happened in the fifteenth century, though that
is probably a garbled story about the attempted
assassination of Hardestadt, who was so powerful
and influential that some especially ignorant Brujah
think he was Ventrue under a false identity. As for
the Enochian tales, they’re so vague that it’s not even
clear whether Ventrue’s alleged killer was the original
Brujah founder or Troile, Brujah’s traitorous childe,
who supposedly diablerized him. Or her. The Brujah
are even less clear about their myths than we are.
But what is truly important about Enoch, the bit I think
it’s vitally important for you to remember, is this: whether
he truly ruled Enoch or not, I believe that Ventrue was
important to it. I believe that whatever else the Second
City was, it was a place where Ventrue and his allies
and childer tried to dig into the mud of a Bronze Age
culture and build something enduring. And others came
along and burned it down out of pure spite. Whatever
other lessons you take from our storied history, young
man, remember that whatever you try to build, you will
encounter others who will try their damnedest to tear
it down, just because they can.

Gloria Romani
Which takes us conveniently to Rome, which was
also torn down by our enemies. Between the fall of
the Second City and the rise of Rome, the ancients
of our Clan experimented with different approaches
to conquest, domination, and empire building. Arak-
Ur, Mithras, Cret, Medon, Tanit, Artemis, and other
members of the Fourth and Fifth Generations forged
great city-states in Sumer, Phoenicia, Babylon, and
Greece. Those worthies ruled their cities either from
behind the scenes or as god-kings, particularly in Sparta,
which Artemis shaped in the guise of the city’s patron
goddess. That approach violated the Masquerade, of
course, but mortals were more credulous in those days,
and the Masquerade was still embryonic. The god-king
approach employed by Artemis and others were failed
experiments, but noble ones. It would ironically take
the excesses of the Carthaginian Brujah to fully teach
us the dangers of ruling too openly.

The most important of those ancient builders, however, walked the Earth. Brujah, or Troile, or whatever its name
were Collat and his childe, Camilla. It was Collat who was... That One ruled Carthage and was the author of its
transfigured the Etruscan Kingdom into the Roman horrors. And the forces brought to bear by Camilla and
Republic, and it was Camilla who forged that republic the Roman Ventrue brought That One down, buried that
into an empire. By all accounts, Collat met his end at the ancient horror beneath the sands of Tunisia, and salted
hands of the Order of Mercury, a cabal of priest-mages the earth so that it would never rise again. Whatever sins
who were the duo’s chief rivals in the governance of Rome. you are ever accused of as a result of your Ventrue heritage,
Naturally, there were the usual accusations of patricide never forget that the blood of those who burned Carthage
and diablerie from Camilla’s enemies. Honestly, it’s yet runs in your veins.
another thing that no one really knows. It has been 2,500 Needless to say, the Brujah of today cannot even
years after all, and no one reliable took notes. understand why they should be ashamed of their history,
Anyway, Camilla became the Prince of Rome, and would let alone recognize what they owe us for not exterminating
remain so until he entered torpor sometime around the them to the last for their tainted heritage. And they are
fifth century C.E. His innovation, pioneered by his sire, tainted. I said before that I thought the curses levied
was to decline to seek direct power, whether through against the Clans came after the fall of the Second City.
being worshiped as divine or through bullying mortals For the Brujah, I am certain that is true. The mindless
with supernatural powers. Instead, Camilla was subtle. rage the Brujah feel? We did that to them. It is the fury of
He traded favors for favors, both with Kindred and with their founder, the blood-god of Carthage who lies trapped
mortals who had no idea of his nature. He gave boons to forever beneath the sands, screaming through the blood
those who aided him and spent decades plotting against of its offspring.
those who had balked him and failed to make it up in
some way. The rules of dignitas were still developing, but
in a real sense, Camilla invented what we refer to tonight The Age of Princes
as prestation. But enough about such lurid affairs. Rome fell, as all
Through those subtle techniques, Camilla fashioned things must. Camilla fought torpor as long as he could,
Rome into a sword and sharpened its blade to a razor’s but after a millennium, sleep claimed him, and he had
edge. Moreover, he used that fine weapon for the noblest of left no mechanisms to ensure continuity of control in his
purposes — to utterly destroy the evil of his time: Carthage. absence. His allies fell to infighting — understandably so,
for he had been forced to allow Kindred of the other Clans

Delenda Est
into Rome in payment for their aid against Carthage. It was
a testament of Camilla’s genius that the city endured his
Does that surprise you? That I should use a word as passing as long as it did. Rome was a truly cosmopolitan
provocative as “evil” to describe an entire culture? Then city with representatives of nearly every Clan, all kept
you know nothing of the vampires of Carthage. Look up from running amok by the social customs and strictures
the city on the Internet. You are aware of the phenomenon laid down by Camilla. Caine may or may not have handed
called Wikipedia, aren’t you? Research the history of down the Traditions, but Camilla was the first to write
Carthage, a city where mortals willingly threw their babes them down and make other Kindred memorize them as
into furnaces to propitiate the pagan god Moloch. Now a condition of admittance into a domain. Because of him
contemplate what must have actually been happening, given that Latin and Greek words like agoge, lictor, tribune, and
the existence of a Masquerade that has spent centuries strategoi are liberally sprinkled through our vocabulary.
whitewashing the truth. The Brujah fools of today claim Even those formerly associated with the Ventrue of Ancient
that Carthage was a city where Kindred and kine lived in Greece were only given Clan-specific meanings during the
harmony. I suppose that’s so, if you define “harmony” to reign of Camilla.
mean that the mortals didn’t even try to fight back when Yes, Rome fell, but its ideals were carried forth by its
vampires snatched their loved ones up and drained them Ventrue citizens, the eldest of whom went forth to forge
dry with nary a thought. new domains among the very barbarians who destroyed
The “harmony” of Carthage was that of an obedient Rome. Even Ventrue Princes who predate Rome’s fall
death cult. Carthage was an abattoir, made worse because soon adopted the socio-political structures of Camilla’s
it represented the last time that an Antediluvian openly era, while Princes of other Clans were slowly won over to
at least some of our ideas. Mithras of London, Eric the


Ogre of Prussia, his duplicitous childe Elsa of Berlin, and sires had been exterminated. There is a reason, after all,
the Iberian warrior-queen Ursula. All of these and more why a Toreador rules Madrid, one of the great capitols
followed Camilla’s basic approach. A Prince supported of Europe, and barely 500 years dead. It’s because the
by a Seneschal and a Sheriff and backed by a Primogen Methuselah Ursula, who had ruled the region since before
from the other Clans, controlling a territory and ensuring the birth of Christ, was put to the torch, along with her
that the Traditions are maintained within it. A platform childer and her childer’s childer and their childer as well,
that has been replicated a thousand times in a thousand until the last surviving Ventrue of her line joined the
cities ever since. Anarchs just to survive.
It was not until the Middle Ages that it occurred to For the most part, the Ventrue Anarchs did what they
anyone to extend the principles of Camilla beyond the had to do, and once the hostilities ceased, most of them
level of a single domain, and that failure led to predictable returned to the fold. Those who did not were the ones
results. Lone vampires in isolated regions acted foolishly. who had committed such crimes that they could not
The Masquerade wasn’t a word yet, but sensible Kindred be forgiven, or who had been Embraced and raised so
understood the concept. Foolish or shortsighted Kindred completely outside the Clan that they saw no value in our
did not, and when they ran amok in areas not policed traditions. Their numbers were small then, and remain
by more sensible peers, the mortals became frightened, so today. If it were otherwise, Ventrue antitribu rather
then angry, then belligerent. The intelligent belligerents than Lasombra swine would rule the Sabbat. Instead,
figured out how to kill us. Hence, the Inquisition. Quod the relative handful of Ventrue that swear allegiance to
erat demonstrandum. that Sect content themselves with dreams of chivalry and
The bloodshed of the Inquisition started in France paranoid delusions about the End of Days rather than
with some damned-fool Toreador who were connected playing any effective role in the organization.
to the Cathars — wretched frogs! — but soon spread to For a time, the Inquisition and the Anarch Revolt
endanger every Kindred on the continent. Our British represented a two-pronged attack on Clan Ventrue and
forebears were relatively safe, because Prince Mithras was on organized Kindred society. Something had to be done
strong enough and had enough influence over Edward II or our race would have met its end, whether from fire
to keep the Inquisition out completely and to minimize or fangs. Naturally, the Ventrue led the way. There had
the intrusion of French Templars. Thanks to his actions, been previous efforts to coordinate the Clans into an
not only were the British people spared the horrors of organization for mutual protection and advancement. Lord
the Inquisition, so were the Kindred of the British Isles. Hardestadt, who ruled the Fiefs of the Iron Cross and who,
at the time, was probably the most prominent Ventrue

The Anarch Revolt in the world, led the first major effort. Despite multiple
assassination attempts by the Anarchs (accompanied by
seditious propaganda suggesting that he had actually fallen
and the Rise of the Sabbat to the fangs of some Brujah wench), he was ultimately
Unfortunately, his power did not extend to Europe, successful in his efforts, and the Camarilla formally
where elders, terrified by the flames of the inquisitors, organized in 1435 C.E. He presided over the first Conclave
recklessly sent their own childer into battle while they hid in 1486, at which time his eldest childe was appointed
or fled. Some, in a precursor to the barbarous tactics of the as the first Ventrue Justicar. In 1493, he represented our
Sabbat, Embraced childer for the express purpose of using Clan at the Treaty of Thorns, when the Anarchs and the
them as distractions against the inquisitors. Eventually, Assamites were finally broken. I’m told he still sits among
inevitably, the rebellious abused childer of the other Clans the Camarilla Inner Circle tonight.
turned on their sires and began the Anarch Revolt. The influence of Hardestadt cannot be overstated.
I will not insult your intelligence by suggesting that there After Camilla and the Founder himself, Hardestadt had
were no Ventrue Anarchs. Of course there were. Some the greatest impact upon us. The dignitas afforded by the
were improvidently Embraced childer incapable of living founding of the Camarilla would be enough, but he did
up to the Clan’s high expectations. Others were capable more. He ensured that the Camarilla’s socio-political
Ventrue who had been cruelly misused by cowardly sires structure would mirror that of the typical Ventrue domain.
or who had been forced to fend for themselves after their Thanks to him, our system of control became the default
approach for running a Camarilla city. And since we are

Today’s Ventrue
the ones most familiar with our own systems, Hardestadt’s
influence over the Camarilla has allowed us to become
so dominant among the Camarilla that Ventrue Princes
outnumber the Princes of all other Clans combined. Hey, kids! Since the Ventrue run the Camarilla and
are the dicks most likely to fuck with us Anarchs, some
Having seized the reins of Kindred society, the following people on the Digital Draculas Forum asked us to
centuries have seen us hold on for dear unlife. The put together a document explaining what they’re all
Enlightenment. Reformation and Counter-Reformation. about. We actually know a cool Ventrue who was a
Revolution. Colonialism. Queen Victoria. War, war, and Blue Blood in good standing before he got wise and
more war. Despite our best efforts to stabilize mortal society joined the Movement, and he graciously volunteered
and harness its potential for the benefit of the Kindred, we to do an AMA. Although he ended up only answering
have often been our own worst enemies, as disagreements a few of the most common questions — he was oddly
on how best to rule have led to intra-Clan conflicts. As silent when we asked him “at what point in the Ventrue
much as we try to act as the puppet masters guiding and Embrace do they insert the stick?”
shaping the course of mortal history, I have to admit that
we spend more time untangling the strings of our puppets
than actually manipulating them. At our best during last
six centuries, we have led the Camarilla and used it to 1. What’s with the feeding
preserve Kindred civilization against the forces of chaos restriction thingy?
and corruption. At our worst, we unwittingly served the
forces of chaos and corruption. All Ventrue have a physical and psychological
It was the Ventrue who thought it wise to send our most response that identifies a specific type of blood as
dangerous enemies and our most truculent Clan members “the right stuff.” It’s not immediate, and no Ventrue
to America, which is why our hold over those lands is as consciously chooses the blood type. Instead, sometime
porous as sand compared to Europe. It was the Ventrue after the Embrace, while the fledgling is out hunting
of the northern American states who prosecuted the U.S. (supervised by her sire, of course), she will encounter
Civil War against the Confederacy and the blood-drenched a source of vitae that, well, is just awesome. It is the
abattoirs of the Southern plantations, abattoirs frequently finest champagne when every liquid you’ve tasted
ruled over by Confederate Ventrue as degenerate as the before is Natty Light. Once the neonate has tasted the
lords of Carthage. It was the Ventrue of Britain who stood good stuff, it becomes impossible for her to willingly
firm against German expansionism and the horrors of drink from any other vessel. She can feed from another
Nazism, horrors unleashed by the mad Ventrue Gustav vampire (if she doesn’t mind getting blood bonded),
Breidenstein whose own lust for power caused him to but she will puke up vitae from any other source. She
disastrously underestimate the Third Reich’s potential will also do so out of reflex if fed the wrong kind of
for monstrosity. blood while in torpor. She can even instinctively tell
if blood from a blood bag will work or not, which is
But that is the way of things for our Clan. There is always
why it is possible for a Ventrue to intuitively identify
an evil lurking, waiting for the chance to destroy what
characteristics such as “Italian woman” or “adulterous
we have built. For centuries, we have held the Camarilla
male” or “undercover cop.” We just know.
together, but in doing so, we made ourselves targets for
our true enemies. Enemies we cannot even name except A lot of Licks mock the Ventrue for this, and it is
through placeholders such as “the Daeva” or “the Secret annoying at times, but personally, I think it’s better
Masters.” That is the greatest secret of the Ventrue, the than being hideously ugly or a barking loon or prone
mystery that lies at the heart of our essential nature. We to berserker rages. YMMV. One of the more common
do not rule because we are proud. We do not rule because digs is when a Ventrue gets a feeding restriction that
we are greedy. We rule because if we do not, then the true is wildly impractical. For example, a WWI-era Blue
monsters, those who sit in shadow, will step into the vacuum Blood might only be able to feed on veterans of the
of our withdrawal and rule in our stead. And their rule Great War, which would suck because there aren’t
would doom us all. We claim the throne that is a cross any left. That’s not the end of the world for such a
because the only alternative to be a ruler is to be a slave. Ventrue, however. It is possible to change the feeding
restriction or modify it, though doing so is damned


hard. Usually, such changes require an incredible who pass their views down to their subordinates. Then
act of will and can only be done after undergoing they disseminate them to every Ventrue Prince and
a hunger frenzy or torpor. However, a Ventrue can Primogen in the Western World. It’s like Mean Girls
usually modify her feeding restriction after time spent reimagined as a global occult conspiracy.
in torpor due to lack of vitae.
Beyond that, though, the Directorate plays an
important role in maintaining the Clan’s famous unity —
occasionally by eliminating Clan members who threaten
2. Is it true that the Ventrue that unity. If there’s a conflict between two powerful
are a global conspiracy? Ventrue that threatens Clan assets, the Directorate steps
in to arbitrate the proceedings. But the most important
role of the Directorate is “Clan Sugar Daddy.” As a large
Dude, we’re vampires. We’re all part of a global
coterie of ultra-wealthy Ventrue ostensibly dedicated
conspiracy. If you mean do the Ventrue have a global
to advancing the Clan as an institution, the Directorate
hierarchy, though, then yes. At the top of the food
often serves as “lender of last resort” to major projects.
chain is the Directorate (also known as the Ephorate
If you have a scheme that might benefit the Clan but
among Ventrue so old they remember the original
it’s beyond your financial or political means, you can
Greek nomenclature). It consists of somewhere
theoretically submit a proposal to the Directorate. If it
between ten and fifteen self-selected Ventrue from
impresses enough Ephors, they might throw enough
around the world. I say self-selected because no one
money your way to buy a country or two. Of course,
knows exactly who all of them are except each other,
I doubt any Anarch Ventrue would be willing to grovel
and you only become a Director (or Ephor) when
before a bunch of stinky elders no matter how much
the others agree to send you a bid for their Secret
money is on the plate, but I bet it would make the most
Fraternity of the Undead.
awesome episode of Dragon’s Den ever.
Whether you get that call depends on several
Below the Directors are the strategoi (singular:
factors: status, geography, and conflicts of interest.
strategos), the hands of the Directorate, powerful
“Status” means “are you respected enough?” Just
Ventrue who are the conspiracy’s eyes and ears on the
being a Prince does not carry enough status to
ground. A good number of Ventrue Primogen around
interest the Directorate, unless it’s a major metropolis.
the world are also strategoi. Princes, not so much. As
“Geography” refers to where you live and hold
a matter of policy, the Directorate generally thinks a
domain. The Directorate is a global conspiracy, and
Prince needs to focus her attentions on her city rather
they need people who can provide valuable insights
than serving foreign elders. If the Directorate decides
into trouble spots. That said, half the Directors are
something should be done or not done, the strategoi
believed to be European Ventrue, and as of 1998,
spread the news among the Ventrue of the areas over
there wasn’t a single member from Africa. “Conflicts
which they’ve been given jurisdiction.
of interest” means “any other responsibilities that might
distract you from running a global conspiracy?” That’s Below the strategoi are the lictors, the field agents
why Princes rarely get invited unless they abandon their and troubleshooters. Elders don’t like to get their
domains. I’m told that Justicars and Archons don’t sit hands dirty. That’s beneath them. But powerful people
on the Directorate either, though no one knows about have always kept staff on retainer who have no such
the Ventrue Inner Circle rep. compunctions. And to be fair, it’s a good stepping-
stone to better things if the lictor plays it right. There
The Directorate sets both the agenda and the tone for
have been many occasions where a strategos has
the Clan as a whole. Ever wondered why Ventrue (well,
sent a lictor into a city that’s going to pot in order to
Camarilla Ventrue, anyway) act a certain way, why
whip the local Ventrue into shape, and once all the
they’re not just wealthy but conspicuously wealthy, why
bodies have hit the floor, the lictor somehow ends up
they’re generally assholes to outsiders? It’s because
as the new Prince. In short, lictor is a dangerous but
the ultimate questions within the Clan about what’s an
potentially profitable niche for ancillae Ventrue who
acceptable way to act, what’s an acceptable way to
want to increase their profiles and who don’t mind
acquire power, what’s an acceptable way to dress,
courting death or dismemberment to do so.
are all decided by a dozen or so reclusive elders

Below them are the tribunes — the spies, errand boys,
and toadies for the Directorate. In other words, every
Ventrue who will reliably ask how high when told to
jump by a lictor or a strategos. Only slightly below
the tribunes are the peers (collectively the peerage),
which is basically a list of every reasonably competent
Ventrue who has any standing or influence of any
kind. Curiously, being a part of the peerage doesn’t
really give you any benefits. Rather, it simply means
you don’t carry the stigma of not being a peer, which
typically means that you’ve proven yourself to be a
fuck-up and the other Ventrue won’t let you join in
any reindeer games.
Unsurprisingly, Free-State Anarchs are excluded
from the peerage automatically. I suppose an Anarch
within a Camarilla domain can become a peer if he
sells out enough. Who wants to find out for us? Yeah,
thought so.

3. What’s it like for a

Ventrue in a Camarilla city?

For the younger ones, it’s like being a pledge in the

“bad-guy frat” from Animal House. You’re constantly
bent over saying, “thank you, sir, may I have another”
while presenting your backside to some snotty guy
in a cravat. In any city with enough Ventrue to justify
some level of Clan organization, the most powerful and
influential Ventrue will form an intra-Clan governing
body called the Board, or the Gerousia (Greek for
“counsel of elders”) in more traditional territories.
The head of the Board is the called the praetor (or
sometimes simply “manager,” but praetor is much
more common, I think because it sounds cool). The
praetor is the highest-ranking Ventrue in the city, unless
a Ventrue who is also the Prince or the Primogen plays
that role and she delegates the praetor responsibility
to a subordinate. The praetor chairs all Board meetings
and is responsible for finding a place big enough and
secure enough to host those meetings.
There are two kinds of Board meetings. The entire
peerage usually meets on the first Tuesday of each
month. I have no fucking idea what is so important
about the first Tuesday of the month, but that seems
to be the universal rule, even for Ventrue in Islamic
countries that don’t use our calendar. Whatever. The
Board can also hold private informal leadership


meetings whenever it wants, meetings at which the of line, the questors, the aediles, and the praetor can
“lesser” Ventrue aren’t invited. Oh, and the monthly all take it upon themselves to engineer some kind of
meetings are not as boring as you might think. First of punishment. Depending on the nature of the fuck-up
all, it is a room full of vampires, and while Ventrue are and how hard-core and/or crazy the Ventrue involved
notorious control freaks, you never know who might are, that can range from public humiliation to loss
flip out and frenzy over some slight, so that’s exciting. of status and interference with business activities to
bloody, painful death.
As for the meetings themselves, some traditional
Boards use strict Roberts’ Rules of Order (and a
few reactionary Boards use even more archaic and
hidebound rules, because Robert was a mortal and 4. I’ve heard that when
no way are Ventrue elders using mortal parliamentary you get Embraced as a
procedure). Most Boards are not quite so rigid. Ventrue, they lock you in
There’s still an element of formality — encoded written an attic for twenty years
agendas, reading the minutes from prior meetings, and make you read and
committee reports, and old and new business — but
no more so than you might find in the board meeting
take tests about being a
of your local Rotary Club. If the Board members all Ventrue. Izzat true?
get along reasonably well, sometimes one might even
crack a joke every few years. No. Well, not the attic part. Usually. Clan Ventrue
The praetor is assisted in her duties by Ventrue does have a custom called the agoge. The name comes
informally called “supervisors” and formally called from the training period for Spartan children (again
aediles among pretentious old fuckers. Typically, with the Spartan thing — I wonder what Ventrue elders
aediles are competent and well-regarded ancillae think of the movie 300). When applied to childer,
who are happy to suck up, well, because they’re it refers to the period of time in which the sire is so
Camarilla Ventrue ancillae and that’s just how they hyper-responsible for her childe that any misstep by the
are. All the ones with initiative have already joined childe reflects poorly on the sire. Granted, the Fourth
us. In some domains, the praetor presides over Board Tradition makes sires responsible for their childers’
meetings but an aedile actually runs things, usually crimes, but this goes way beyond that. Nearly any
because the praetor wants to nap through the meeting public screw-up by a Ventrue childe results in social
or otherwise can’t be buggered to pay attention to embarrassment to the sire. Hard-core Ventrue treat this
what’s going on. rule so seriously that it is not uncommon for the sire to
literally keep the childe sealed away from the rest of
The remaining Clan members fit into one of two Kindred society for years or even decades until she’s
groups. The questors or foremen are young Ventrue absolutely confident in the childe’s ability to interact
who have obtained some degree of status from the with other Ventrue. I’m pretty sure that most American
Board in exchange for loyalty and obedience. The Ventrue aren’t that extreme, but I haven’t looked in
eiren or associate members, sadly for them, are so every Ventrue’s attic to see how many childer they
young and inexperienced that they have no real status keep locked up.
at all beyond that which all Ventrue accord to one
another as peers. To compare it to the Mafia, think of The agoge begins with a crash-course in the basics
questors as “made men” and eiren as rank-and-file of Kindred existence, followed by “the Choice.” Yes,
gang members. Or, to compare it to a fraternity, the they do capitalize it when writing about it. Once the
eiren are the freshman plebes and the questors are sire is confident the childe won’t do anything crazy,
all arrogant sophomores who have been appointed he takes her out into the world and escorts her around
to the membership committee and think that entitles to hunt. Eventually, she’ll encounter her preferred
them to haze the newbies. feeding vessel, hopefully in a way that does not
involve disposing of any bodies. Then, sire and childe
Officially, the Board and the praetor don’t have return home where the sire spends the next week or so
any power beyond what the Prince and Primogen educating the childe more thoroughly in Kindred lore
allow. As a practical matter, if an associate steps out and customs, until the childe is competent enough to

appear in front of an entire crowd of Ventrue without such events are considered comedy gold by Ventrue
embarrassing herself. Sometimes, some type of small observers. Less so for the childe, who can expect
party or a gift from sire to childe accompanies the at best severe punishment by her sire. At worst, in
Choice. You see, the act of identifying a feeding conservative Ventrue domains, the sire can reclaim
preference is the official marker that the childe is the blood. That means killing the childe for any of you
really a Ventrue and not a Caitiff. Accordingly, you who haven’t figured it out.
can imagine how unpleasant things can get if the
childe fails to identify her feeding preference quickly.
Among some Ventrue, there’s even a level of discontent 5. Is it true that the Ventrue
if the childe picks a feeding preference that the sire antitribu have evolved into
considers unacceptably broad like “women only” or
“no one under 10.”
a separate bloodline?
Anyway, after the Choice is made, the sire arranges
How the hell do you expect me to know what’s going
for what is traditionally called “the Presentation” (again
on with the antitribu?!? I don’t know, and I don’t want
with the caps). Anarch Ventrue who’ve been through
it call it “the meat market.” The sire arranges for the to know. Some people have told me that the antitribu
have developed a propensity for insight over emotional
childe’s introduction to the Prince, with all of the city’s
manipulation for some unfathomable reason. Of course,
Ventrue in attendance. If the Prince is not a Ventrue,
that was the same guy who told me that Ventrue antitribu
then the sire may arrange a less formal introduction for
like to pretend that they’re more rebellious than the Brujah
the Prince, followed by a Presentation to the praetor
or they’re like medieval knights that run around waving
and the peerage instead. After the introductions
swords and swearing oaths at one another, both of
are made, the childe is sent home, while the sire
which sound ridiculous. But I’ve also heard that there’s
remains behind to listen to all the other Ventrue tell
no physical difference between Ventrue antitribu and
him everything the childe did wrong. If the childe had
regular Ventrue, but that some antitribu are just really
any egregious screw-ups, she can expect a spankin’
good at Auspex for some reason.
when Daddy gets home.
I did come across the following bit of text supposedly
After the Presentation, training continues, usually
stolen from the diary of an antitribu back in the 1960s.
for months or even years. During that time, the childe
Draw your own conclusions, but I think it’s creepy as fuck.
resides with the sire, who remains responsible for
everything the childe does. The childe isn’t released We enter the shrine in single file. Our chain mail rattles
until “the Test,” which involves the sire sending the softly as we move, decorative armor only worn for special
childe out into the world with instructions to seize a ritae. Our swords are not decorative, for True Ventrue,
domain of her own. This can mean almost anything to like the knights of old, are trained as masters of the blade
the childe and sire: start or seize control of a successful as well as the gun, the garrote, and the grenade. There
business; develop a power base without infringing were many ways to kill, and we who swear the oath to
on any existing Ventrue territories; acquire a boon St. Gustav, the patron saint of the Sabbat Inquisition,
from a powerful Kindred. Usually, it’s a difficult but know them all.
achievable challenge, and the sire will normally be
One by one, knights first and then the squires, we
careful to make sure the childe won’t step on any
kneel before our priest, unsheathe our swords, and
important toes.
then grasp the blade until the blood runs down into
If the sire is satisfied with the results, he recommends the sacred chalice. As each of us adds our blood to
her to the praetor and the Board. The childe tells the the Vaulderie, the priest chants in Latin, calling down
assembled Ventrue what she has done to be worthy the blessings of Caine and St. Gustav upon the True
of acceptance as a Ventrue, and the praetor asks her Ventrue. For we are not the fat pigs of the Camarilla
some questions about Ventrue history and culture. who call themselves Ventrue, as if they know anything
Although it is usually a done deal, occasionally a of honor. We permit our fellow Sabbat to call us Ventrue
dumb sire will send in a childe before she’s ready, antitribu just as we tolerate their common brutality and
or maybe the childe will just choke. I’m told that vile inhumanity, but only until we purge this world of


our bloated Mammon-worshiping cousins. Then, we the intersection of a Ventrue’s public reputation among
will simply be “Ventrue,” the scions of a lineage of his peers and his personal sense of identity, honor, and
honor, of chivalry, of noblesse oblige, and we will self-worth. The closest mortal parallels would probably
take our rightful place as the rulers of the Sabbat be some combination of Romantic chivalry and the
and purify it of its deficiencies and its decadent and Sino-Japanese concept of “face.” Young Ventrue are
puerile leadership. The Brujah antitribu pretend at taught from the Embrace that it is vitally important to
rebellion. They are children playing in a schoolyard. act in a way that other Ventrue would respect, and
True rebellion means nothing less than to seek the equally important to show respect to other Ventrue
annihilation of those who would claim to rule you. who act in the socially approved manner. “Socially
approved manner,” in this context, is represented by
When the Vaulderie is ready, we form a line and strike
an impossibly long list of Do’s and Don’ts that covers
up a Latin hymn to show our solidarity and faith. One
everything from how to properly address an elder to
by one, in order of dignitas (and we know that word
what’s an acceptable business venture that will bring
well, and more purely than the indolent rutting of the
respectability as well as financial gain. Do something
Ventrue pigs), we step forward to drink from the chalice
right and you get a point. Do something wrong and
as the priest concludes the ritus. United in blood and
you lose a point. Fall too far into negative points, and
in song, we are strong in our faith. Perhaps tonight the
you’re a loser.
Blessing of St. Gustav might even descend upon one
us. The blessing of the gift of sight that penetrates all Not that there’s a formal point system with a lifetime
deception. The blessing of sight that shall pierce every (deathtime?) score or anything. It’s just that from the
darkness and lead the Crusaders into the holy light of moment you meet a particular Ventrue, you should
vengeance, the flame of righteousness that the Ventrue assume that she is keeping a running tab of how much
antitribu shall use to scourge this whole world. That is respect you’ve earned and lost. Again oversimplifying
our rebellion, a world burned clean of the Camarilla things, you gain dignitas by working for the benefit
and the false Ventrue who rule it. of the Clan. By demonstrating competence in difficult
circumstances, by always looking poised and in
Like I said. Creeeeepy.
control (and to a degree, fashionable and stylish,
though Toreador-levels of fashion consciousness
can actually cost you dignitas), and by showing
6. How do the Ventrue respect to your elders and superiors while avoiding
elders keep the younger the appearance of toadying before them. You lose
ones in line without dignitas by embarrassing yourself in public, by failing
provoking them to revolt? at something important in a conspicuous manner,
If the Ventrue are as by disrespecting those with higher levels of dignitas,
and by failing to look the part of a Ventrue in good
hidebound and repressive standing, which can literally mean something as
as you say, you’d think petty as wearing white shoes after Labor Day. Or
there would be more possibly ever.
Ventrue Anarchs. Now, you may ask why any young Ventrue would
put up with that. Simple. The Ventrue generally recruit
The short answer is Stockholm Syndrome. The people who naturally fit in with such a socially
longer answer involves a somewhat complicated incestuous “high school forever” type of culture.
social concept that the Ventrue refer to as dignitas. Fraternal organizations. Authoritarian religious
Yeah, I know, more Latin. If it helps, younger Ventrue groups. Law enforcement agencies with a strong “Blue
(Embraced in the last century) often call it the Game — a Wall” ethos. Organized crime. Elite military units.
term which elders hate, so don’t use that around them. Academia. Hell, even hacker community websites.
The rules of The Game are difficult to explain to Basically, any social group where new members get
people who haven’t been playing from the moment of hazed and/or mistreated until they prove themselves
the Embrace, if not earlier. To oversimplify it, dignitas is as loyal and valuable members of the group is a
breeding ground for people who will fall into the

Game without ever questioning it. Not every Ventrue
gets recruited out such environments, but then, not
every Ventrue can play the Game.

7. Is it true that Ventrue are

supernaturally compelled
to help one another when

No, they actually do that of their own free will.

It’s called the Ethic of Succor (sometimes grudgingly
referred to as “the Ethic of Suckers” by Ventrue who
have been burned by it), and it is the oldest Ventrue
tradition. Basically, if you’re a Ventrue in a Camarilla
domain and another Ventrue comes for you and asks
for help — asks rather than demands, mind you, with
actual humility — you are obligated to help him in
any way that does not directly risk Final Death. In
fact, sometimes you are expected to risk Final Death
when, for example, a fellow Ventrue bangs on your
door claiming that a pack of Lupines is after him for
some reason. The only limits on this are that you are
not required to become an accessory after the fact if
the supplicant has committed a crime, and especially
not if he’s under a Blood Hunt. But if it hasn’t gotten
that far, he can reasonably expect you to help him
diffuse a situation that might lead to a Blood Hunt if
it hasn’t been called yet.
This includes rival and even enemy Ventrue, although
most Ventrue are so proud that Final Death would be
preferable to asking for Succor from an enemy. On the
other hand, sometimes a Ventrue will ask for succor
from her worst enemy within the Clan, a blue blood
who might have actively tried to kill her in the past.
And not only does he grant Succor, but the two resolve
their differences in the process and become allies.
Every Camarilla Ventrue has the Ethic of Succor
beaten into her brain before her Presentation. In fact,
it’s common for the Presentation to include hypothetical
questions from the praetor about what the neonate
should do if a fellow Ventrue asks for help under
different scenarios. Turn down a reasonable (or even
unreasonable) request for aid, and the Ventrue you
burned can let the Board and the peers know, and
if the general consensus is that you were wrong to
have denied her your assistance, you can lose a lot


of dignitas. If you refuse to aid a sufficiently important Don’t insult someone over a faux pas she made.
Ventrue, the penalties can be higher. You’re a complete Instead, say something genuinely polite that lets her
moron if you refuse to help a Ventrue Prince who asks know she screwed up and you know she screwed up
for your aid — blood hunts are not out of the question and you’re better than she is for not making a thing of it.
in such a case. On the other hand, if you ask for Succor
Meaningless small talk is more important than you
from someone much older and more powerful than
think. Kindred are easily excitable, and small talk puts
you, then you owe him or her. Most Ventrue forced
people at ease.
to seek Succor try to do so from peers rather than
indebt themselves to elders. Lord knows what kind of Always maintain eye contact with the people you’re
markers those guys will call in. talking to — elders often take offense when you
insinuate that they might Dominate you in a public
That said, you’re not entitled to help from anyone
gathering. Speaking of which, never use Dominate
or required to help anyone for frivolous reasons. The
or Presence on another Ventrue is a social situation
supplicant must make a formal request for aid (very
unless your unlife is in danger.
formal when an elder is involved), and must explain
why he has desperate need of assistance that only The Ethic of Control says that you should never display
you can provide. If the Ventrue whose help is sought strong emotions in front of others if you can avoid it.
finds the need a frivolous one, she can deny it on Never raise your voice unless the building is actually on
that basis and let the Board and the peers know that fire or under attack. Ironically, a frenzy is more easily
somebody has been crying wolf. forgiven than a normal loss of temper. Every Ventrue
knows and understands what the Beast is, but flipping
out on a waiter because he spilled wine on you is
8. What are the other just gauche. In such situations, be magnanimous. You
can always kill him later when no one’s around. Wry
major Ventrue traditions? chuckles are acceptable; belly laughs are not. And for
God’s sake, no matter how much the Toreador’s mean
Almost as important as the Ethic of Succor is the comments hurt your feelings, there’s no crying in front
Ethic of Politesse. Manners are more valuable than of other Ventrue, unless you’re ready to hear about
gold among Ventrue (especially Ventrue more than that moment over and over for decades.
a hundred years dead). If you find yourself forced to
deal with Camarilla Ventrue on their terms, I highly
recommend you buy some books on etiquette and 9. Is it true that some
commit them to memory, preferably books on etiquette elders are actually afraid
from the nineteenth century.
of devils that run the world?
Refer to others by title if they have one, by “Mr.,”
“Miss,” (or occasionally by “Madam”) if they don’t.
Only use “Ms.” if you know that she has modern No, that would be the Malks, I think. Seriously,
feminist leanings. You risk embarrassing female Ventrue a small number of very old, very paranoid Ventrue
if you use “Ms.” in front of the wrong elder. believe in something called the Daevas (also referred
to as the Secret Masters). It’s all very sinister and
Dress well but conservatively — Edith Head rather conspiratorial, like if Dan Brown wrote The Book
than Vivienne Westwood. Ask a Toreador if you don’t of Nod. The idea is that there is this secret cabal of
know who those people are. supernatural beings that have hidden themselves away
Do not interrupt older Ventrue when they are talking from the world and everything that has gone wrong
no matter how idiotic their words are. Likewise, ever is their fault! Presumably including fluoridation
do not take offense when an older Ventrue rudely and the 1960 World Series. The Secret Masters
interrupts you. In either case, your peers are perfectly include (depending on who you ask) Caine; Lilith;
capable of figuring out when someone is a jackass one, several, or all of the Antediluvians; various and
and remembering it for later. sundry pre-Christian or even prehistoric Methuselahs;
the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn; Opus Dei;

Lucifer and all his imps; renegade angels and their
Grigori offspring; lizard aliens from Planet Nibiru.
Anyway, the old fuckers who believe such idiocies
are the least effective members of the Clan, because Choosing a New Menu
they’re so afraid of manipulation by Secret Masters
A Ventrue who simply cannot find any blood
that they hide themselves away and never do anything.
that fits within her feeding restriction can
And the funny thing is, there really is a secret global attempt to “retrain” her restriction, but it is
conspiracy that rules the entire world. It’s called Clan Ventrue. dangerous and difficult. The easiest way is to
go into torpor after a hunger frenzy and lack of
blood. Once the Ventrue is reawakened, her first
Character and Traits hunt will determine her new feeding restriction.
Alternatively, the Ventrue can try to shortcut the
Concepts process. First, she needs to have no blood in her
body (zero blood points). The Ventrue must then
Blackmail Victim go an entire night from waking until sleep without
You have always prided yourself on your rigid self-control feeding, making Self-Control checks for hunger
and your impeccable sense of decorum. Your reputation frenzy (V20, pp. 297-299) as necessary. If the
for grace under pressure has made you respected among Ventrue frenzies and attacks someone for blood,
the peerage. Two months ago, you dropped by one of others can restrain her, but as soon as blood
the newer grad students to join your herd for a quick enters her mouth, the process has failed, even
bite. You had no idea that he’d taken a hit of LSD about if the blood ingested gives her no sustenance.
twenty minutes before you arrived. You woke up the next Once the Ventrue has gone an entire night
evening with no memories of what had happened, some without any blood whatsoever, she can spend
mysterious vandalism to your car, and minor injuries a permanent Willpower dot. Her next hunt will
among members of your herd. then determine her new feeding restriction.
A week later, the first photo showed up. None of
the Ventrue have hinted as to any knowledge of what
happened, and the few Kindred you actually trust to ask
about it don’t know anything either. You’re terrified at
the thought of more pictures coming. You’re even more built gets stripped away, you regret not helping him. A
terrified about what will happen when the pictures stop quick death would be better than this.
coming, and the demands start.
Pledge Master
Coward You were always a bit of a sadist. That’s why your old frat
He came to you in the night, begging for help. A Sabbat put you in charge of coming up with some entertaining
pack was after him. He had no clue as to why, but he’d been games for the pledges to play for the brothers’ amusement.
attacked three times in a week and had barely gotten away. It was all in good fun. It certainly wasn’t your fault that
He said the right words to invoke the Ethic of Succor… time one of the frosh choked to death on a live goldfish.
and you slammed the door in his face and locked it. The Luckily, your future sire fixed things for you. As it happened,
thought that he might have actually led the Sabbat right she preferred to feed on members of Greek fraternities and
to your door filed you with as much rage as it did terror. needed someone to look after her herd. Eventually, your
He died two nights later, but not before telling others loyalty and efficiency earned the Embrace, and you were
that you denied him. At the next Board meeting, you strangely delighted to learn that you could only feed on victims
were the very first item on the agenda, and you weren’t of hazing. Your sire insists (properly, you agree) that there
allowed to stay long enough to find out what was second. should be no fatalities, no serious injuries, and no scandals
You were cast out. Your business ventures systematically with the administration. Beyond that, it’s anything goes, and
ruined. Your haven condemned by the City. Your herd you’re having so much damned fun. You don’t even need to
meets mysterious “accidents.” As everything you’ve ever use Disciplines most of the time. It is astounding just how


far insecure freshmen will go to utterly debase themselves Then, a respected Ventrue peer showed up at your haven
just to get into the right frat. last week babbling like a maniac about the Daeva, and
about the Black Shepherd who comes to cull the flock.
Rapunzel Then he laughed and thrust a satchel full of papers
You have no idea why your sire picked you. You into your hands before he… died. No, that’s not quite
were a college student, not that good looking, not right. He melted, right in front of you, into a puddle
that smart, not that rich. But for some reason, he of goo that left a green stain in your
picked you and then stuck you in a room on the carpet that you still can’t get rid of.
top floor of a skyscraper. And you don’t get to
The papers were nonsense
leave until you get a perfect score on his weekly
scribblings in languages you
exams. After three years, your highest score is
don’t read. But every night
65%. He doesn’t get mad though. He just pats
since your visitor turned
you on your head and reassures you. After all,
into guacamole, you have
he didn’t get out of his room for almost twenty
been followed every time
years before his sire was satisfied. He’s sure
you leave your haven by
you’ll get out in half that time.
mysterious figures who
Re-Made Man slip away in the shadows
when you tr y to
You spent years climbing the greased poll
confront them.
that was the Mafia. You worked for a local
It’s probably your
bookie at the age of 11. You started running
imagination, but you
drugs at 15. You whacked your first guy (a
could swear that they
loser who wouldn’t pay his debts) at 19.
all have three eyes.
You were finally “made” at 23. Then, at 25,
the Ventrue who really ran the syndicate Sabbat
decided that you had enough potential
to join La Familia Morte and take over
the operation of his criminal activities. It When you were a child, you
shouldn’t take you more than twenty years to read stories about the Knights of
win your sire’s acceptance and be freed to run the Round Table, about honor and
the Family your way. Yeah, like you’re seriously chivalry and sacrifice, about noble
planning on waiting that long. men and the courage they showed
when fighting for what they believed
Rebellious Wannabe in. When you became a childe, you
You have spent your whole unlife as a Ventrue were honored to have joined a band
Anarch. You’ve picked up a few details about the of modern-day knights who, like
main Clan — enough to make you want to heave. you, understand the majesty of an
Arrogant, snotty rich frat boy douchebags. You earlier, more dignified era. You are
regret the hell out of the fact that your sire picked disgusted that the Ventrue once
you to join his Clan instead of introducing you to had such a pedigree and they threw
some Brujah. That’s where it’s at. The freedom it all away for stock options. You
to do what you want when you want. Not of understand that your fellow Sabbat
that “dignitas” crap, whatever the hell that is. cannot truly trust you because of
You may not be a real Brujah, but you’ll win the taint of the Clan from which
their respect somehow. Even if you have your line originated. That’s okay.
to kick all of their asses to do it. You’ll earn their trust — one dead
Camarilla Ventrue at a time.
Reluctant Daeva
Theorist Secret Tribune
You are an agent for the Ephorate,
You never believed that the Secret Masters were anything
which would be impressive if you
more mysterious and sinister than any other vampires.

weren’t the only Ventrue in a smaller Midwestern city
dominated by Brujah, Gangrel, and Malkavians. You don’t
get much in the way of respect — in fact, you’re frequently
the butt of jokes and pranks. If only they knew that you
made nightly reports to a lictor in the next city over, the
Prayer to St. Gustav
one who’s making plans to fix what ails your hometown. To the Ventrue antitribu, the Presence
After the hammer falls, you’ll be poised to become a major discipline (while useful) is often viewed as
player... provided the Anarch wannabes around here don’t decadent and unworthy of the martial heritage
find out what you’re planning and strike first. they imagine for themselves. In contrast, the
Auspex discipline is prized for its power to
Sommelier grant insights and to see through deceptions.
Normally, Ventrue are reticent about revealing their
This ignobilis ritus allows a Ventrue antitribu
feeding restrictions. With you, they make an exception.
to replace Presence with Auspex as a Clan
You are connected, resourceful, and for the right price, you
Discipline. The ritus requires a group consisting
can provide any type of vessel your clients need. You even
solely of Ventrue antitribu to participate in a
offer special services — for a little bit extra, you can not
Vaulderie while wearing ceremonial armor and
only provide an important Ventrue with some “underage
singing the praises of St. Gustav Mallenhaus, the
Latinas” to feed from, you can even ensure that they’re
founder of the Sabbat Inquisition. The player of
pumped full of his drug or liquor of choice. Sometimes you
any crusader present who has not yet acquired
feel kind of dirty that you’ve added “pusher” to “pimp” on
any dots in Presence may roll Intelligence +
your resume. When that happens, you console yourself by
Occult (difficulty 7), and if the roll succeeds,
rolling around in a bed of cash provided by your clients.
she may replace Presence with Auspex as a Clan
Discipline. With five or more successes, the
Merits and Flaws Storyteller may decide to award the Blessed by
Connoisseur (2pt. Merit) St. Gustav Merit. A character who has already
started learning Presence may attempt this ritus,
Your study of the Auspex Discipline, combined with but may not swap out his Presence for Auspex
your rarified tastes, allows you powerful insights into the — instead his Presence immediately becomes out-
character of any whose blood you taste. of-Clan, and the player must pay the difference in
System: The character tastes another’s blood (potentially experience points between what the Presence cost
risking blood bond), and player rolls Perception + Empathy before and what it costs now.
(difficulty 6 for mortals or 8 for Kindred). If the blood
came from a mortal, each success allows him to learn one
of the following: the mortal’s Nature, her Demeanor, any
Derangements she may possess, whether she is blood
bonded, and whether she carries any blood-borne diseases. sidebar). For your piety and devotion to the Sabbat cause,
If the vitae came from a vampire, he can learn all of the you have been especially blessed and have an affinity for
previous information, plus anything discoverable with both Disciplines.
the first level of the Path of Blood (see V20, p. 213). The System: This Merit is identical to Additional Discipline
Ventrue may taste the blood of a mortal who does not Merit found on V20, p. 494, except that it can only be
fit within his feeding restriction long enough to use this used to add Auspex as a fourth in-Clan discipline. Only
ability, but he must immediately spit it out afterwards. Ventrue antitribu can take this Merit.
Vampires that do not have Auspex •• cannot take
this Merit. Uncommon Vitae Preference (2pt. Flaw)
Your preferred source for vitae is rarified even by the
Blessed by St. Gustav (4pt. Merit) standards of your Clan, such as “only Korean War vets,”
Many Ventrue antitribu replace their traditional affinity “only Federal Court Judges,” or “only virgins over the age
for Presence with an aptitude for Auspex by means of of 40.” The difficulty of all hunting rolls for your character
the ignobilis ritus known as the Prayer to St. Gustav (see is increased by +2, to a maximum of 9.


Discipline Powers Combination Disciplines
Fealty (Dominate ••••• •) Command from Afar
This power allows the Ventrue to sanctify an oath or (Auspex ••••, Presence ••••)
promise freely given (and even one falsely given) so that This power has lost much of its former value since the
the oath-giver is incapable of going back on his word or advent of the cellphone, but many Ventrue (in both Sects)
refusing to fulfill his promise. This power will not function still swear by it for its impeccable security. By combining the
if the target was compelled to give the oath, but it will long range effects of Summoning with the communicative
work if the oath-giver is tricked into making it. benefits of Telepathy, the Ventrue can give complicated
System: The player rolls Charisma + Politics (difficulty is instructions over nearly any distance to any individual who
oath-giver’s current Willpower). The number of successes is blood bonded to her or that she shares vinculum with.
determines the duration during which the oath-giver is bound. System: The player must spend a Willpower point
While the effect lasts, the oath-giver must spend a Willpower to activate this power, and then roll the character’s
point prior to each action he attempts which violates his Charisma + Expression. For each success, the Ventrue
promise, and he suffers one level of bashing damage during can communicate up to five words to a single ghoul,
each scene in which he is conscious and yet not actively doing blood-bound vampire, or packmate with vinculum over
something to fulfill the oath. If the oath was for a specific any distance, so long as it is night where both of them
action, the duration ends once it is accomplished. are. The target will intuitively know whom the mental
message comes from. The target is under no particular
Successes Duration
compulsion to obey, beyond any the compulsion normally
1 One day attached to the bond or vinculum.
2 One week
This power costs 24 experience points to learn.
3 One month
4 One year Denial of Aphrodite’s Kiss
5 Ten years (Dominate •••, Presence •••)
It is an insult to the Ventrue’s dignitas that he may be
Curse the Laurel (Fortitude ••••• •) victimized by a lesser Kindred’s use of one of the signature
An unusual application of Fortitude, this power allows disciplines of his Clan. This power allows the Ventrue to
a Ventrue who has been successfully staked to slowly apply the immunity to Dominate attempts by vampires of
restructure her very heart around the offending stake so higher Generation to Presence attempts instead.
that it ceases to paralyze the Ventrue.
System: Once learned, this power is always active. Any
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls use of Presence Levels One, Two, or Three against the
Stamina + Survival (difficulty 9). The number of successes Ventrue by another vampire will be ineffective if that
determines how quickly the stake can be negated, according to vampire’s Generation is higher than that of the Ventrue.
the chart below. Each use of this power affects a single stake.
This power costs 18 experience points to learn.
On a failed roll, the player can spend another Willpower and
roll again, but he cannot combine successes from multiple Divine Aura
rolls. Only the roll with the most successes applies. On a botch,
(Auspex ••, Presence •••)
the vampire may not attempt to neutralize the stake again.
This power is commonly used by those Ventrue antitribu
Successes Time until the stake is neutralized who also study Auspex. It allows the antitribu to instill
1 One month the power of her Entrancement into her own aura so
that anyone who attempts to study that aura risks bowing
2 One week
before her.
3 Immediate
System: The antitribu must spend one blood point to
The power only removes the stake from the heart, not activate Divine Aura for the night. Until the sun rises, if
from the body. It will remain trapped in the Ventrue’s any other Kindred attempt to inspect the antitribu’s aura,
dead flesh until removed, a process that causes two health she may make a reflexive Entrancement attack against him.
levels of aggravated damage. The player makes the roll for the antitribu as normal, but

the Cainite need not focus her attention on the target. (ghouls, blood-bound vampires, packmates with vinculum,
Indeed, it is not even necessary for the antitribu to know etc.). Otherwise, the power works as Summon (V20, pp.
that the aura reading attempt was made. 195-196).
This power costs 15 experience points to learn. This power costs 15 experience points to learn.

Impeccable Manners Retaliatory Terror

(Auspex ••, Presence •) (Fortitude •, Presence ••)
The Ventrue intuitively senses the mood of another Those who dare to attack the Ventrue are soon taught the
person through an unconscious awareness of her aura. error of their ways. When an attacker successfully inflicts
Then, he instinctively modifies his actions so as to shy damage on the Ventrue, the terrifying power associated
away from offensive conduct while effortlessly doing things with her Dread Gaze strikes out at the offender, seemingly
that appeal to the subject. straight out of the wound.
System: While the Ventrue is interacting socially with System: Whenever the Ventrue takes damage from
another person, the player must roll Perception + Etiquette a Brawl or Melee attack, the player spends one blood
(difficulty 6 for mortals or 8 for supernatural beings). Each point and makes a reflexive Charisma + Intimidation roll
success on this roll reduces the difficulty of all mundane (difficulty equal to the victim’s Wits + Courage). However,
Etiquette or Persuasion rolls made against the same target the difficulty is reduced by the number of health levels
by -1 for the rest of the scene. This benefit does not modify of damage the attacker inflicted on the Ventrue, to a
Discipline rolls. minimum of 4. If successful, the effects are as per Dread
This power costs 9 experience points to learn. Gaze (V20, pp. 194-195). The power cannot be used to
retaliate to a successful attempt to stake the Ventrue, as
Rescue Beacon he will be unable to spend blood to activate it.
(Fortitude •, Presence ••••) This power costs 9 experience points to learn.
Fortitude will not defend against all attacks. The wise
Telepathic Command
Ventrue is prepared for the day his luck runs out and his
skill is insufficient. One always needs a backup plan. This (Auspex ••••, Dominate •)
power automatically activates a Summoning to the nearest Generally, the Auspex power of Telepathy cannot be used
individual who has tasted the Ventrue’s blood in the event as a means to silently Dominate another, as both powers
he is either forced into torpor or paralyzed via staking. require concentration from the vampire. A Ventrue with
System: If the vampire either falls into torpor or is this power overcomes that limitation.
successfully staked, this power activates automatically. System: The vampire must still make eye contact with the
The player spends a blood point and rolls Charisma + target (V20, p. 152). If he does so, he can use Command via
Subterfuge (difficulty 4); this power is an explicit exception telepathic means so that the order is not audible to others
to the general rule that a vampire cannot spend blood nearby. The power cannot affect vampires of lower Generation.
while staked. The vampire can only use this power to This power costs 15 experience points to learn.
Summon someone who has tasted the Ventrue’s blood


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