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A ll words and content by Chipotlechris. See more of my asaptations at:

https:/ / open?id= 1R7UeddXysKh4cS85h3S5Bv9ne6qra2XO
I n t r od u ct i on - Th e Path of Lil l ith
H u m an i t y an d M or al i t y - Th e Path of M etam or ph osis
- Th e Path of Nigh t
- Th e Sabbat an d th e Path s of - Th e Path of Par adox
En l igh ten m en t - Th e Path of Typh on
Con v i ct i on s L or esh eet s
Tou ch st on es - Th e Path of Cain e
Al t er n at i v es Tou ch st on es - Th e Path of Cath ar i
- An im al s - Th e Path of Death an d th e Sou l
- Th e Dead - Th e Path of th e Fer al H ear t
- Gh ou l s - Th e Path of H on ou r abl e Accor d
- Objects - Th e Path of Power an d In n er
- Ritae Voice
- Vam pir es - Th e Path of M etam or ph osis

Beast M ar k s Ap p en d i x - Con v i ct i on s an d Ten et s

f or t h e Di scer n i n g Sabbat
- An im al In stin ct
- Con viction s of Steel - Loyal ists
- Discon n ect - M oder ates
- Dim in ish in g Retu r n s - Th e Statu s Qu o
- Fixation - Th e Or th odoxy
- Th e Need to Feed - Ul tr a Con ser vatives
- Ter r itor ial - Th e Sabbat In qu isition
- Sadistic - Th e Bl ack H an d
- Th e Rel u ctan t Jyh adist
Dam agi n g Tou ch st on es
- Bol sh evik An ar ch ist
H u m an i t y Rev i si t ed - Th e Secr et Keeper s
Th e Pat h s of En l i gh t en m en t an d - Th e Dar k Ages
Th e Road s - Con viction s

- Th e Path of Cain e
- Th e Path of Cath ar i
- Th e Path of Death an d th e Sou l
- Th e Path of th e Fer al H ear t
- Th e Path of H on ou r abl e Accor d
- Th e Path of Power an d In n er
- Th e Path of Bl ood
?Paths of Enlightenment?.
Intr oduction
But really, what is Humanity? What differ s between
Mor ality has been a centr al concept to Vampire the an Anarch, Camar illa and Sabbat vampire? Does
Masquer ade from the ver y fir st edition. ?Humanity?really exist or is it just a constr uct to help
Throughout its histor y there have been many the vampire r ace make sense of their situation? For
alter native belief systems that player s have the nascent Camar illa, humanity as a ter m was a way
exper imented with; from Roads and Paths, to the to separ ate themselves from some of the more
newer concepts of Convictions and Touchstones. bestial, violent and vampire centr ic beliefs that had
This book will cover : dominated culture for many centur ies. By acting
- ?Humanity?for immoral vampires human, and focusing on the mor tals as much as
- Alternative types of Touchstones possible, they found it easier to hide among them,
- The Paths of Enlightenment easier to feed on them and easier to avoid suspicion.
- Loresheets for the Paths It?s not so much that it made them more mor al, but
- Example Tenets and Convictions that by reminding their member s to focus their
attention on the biggest threat to their existence,
The ver y concept of Humanity has been dr astically
they stood a better chance of hiding from them and
changed in 5th edition so that it can now easily
keeping their nature under wr aps. Philosopher s
encompass all systems of belief, r ather than just
among the vampires had long recognised that while
more stereotypically humane ones - the title has
follower s of these Roads were just as resilient to the
car r ied over, but the implications of what it means
Beast, they exhibited behaviour s that marked them
has shifted.
out as something else far more often, and far earlier
Here I want to not only explore what exists already, than those who looked to the Kine.
but offer an alter native option for those that want
Some vampires find the ter m ?Humanity?misleading
to expand the centr al concept of Touchstones. In
or even insulting; they feel they are above humanity
here, you will find details and r ules for r unning
or have moved beyond it. There are many other
with alter natives to mor tals as Touchstones- not
ter ms that are used - Morality, Control, Ego, the Path,
only how you could use them, but also damage
strength of self, - but ultimately they?re all talking
about the same thing - how strong are they against
Finally, it addresses how the Sabbat and other the Beast
follower s of inhuman Paths have been impacted by
Humanity as a scale is less about how mor al or good
this change. Just because Humanity now represents
you are, even for those who look str ictly to mor tals
your control over the Beast, doesn?t mean that
for conviction. In reality it is more accur ately a
groups will not have attempted to for malise ways of
metr ic about how strong your resolve is against the
existing and r ules to maintain that balance. Many
Beast. How much of You remains? How hard do you
of the Paths and Roads are detailed, including
cling to what separ ates you from your hunger ? Is it
example Convictions, Touchstone preferences and
the vampire that is in control of their functions,
Loresheets to reflect their unique per spectives.
reactions and emotions or is it the Beast in the
dominant position? Humanity is the measure that
Humanity and Mor ality defines how much of the predator is visible to their
prey. Lower humanity vampires suffer greatly from
Humanity as a ter m is often associated with the
this as they lack the skills and ability to hide what
Camar illa and other moder n or philosophical
they are from those they would feed upon, often
Kindred. The moder n usage of that ter m and the
dr iving them to more bestial methods of cover up as
Camar illa?s str ict adherence of its ways stretches
subtlety becomes impossible, and ultimately
all the way back to the for mation of the great sect,
reinforces the ur ges of the Beast.
it was then that they officially adopted it as a
method to help them blend in with the Kine and
work towards becoming cultur al myth. The Sabbat Convictions
would not accept this attitude, seeing it as a denial At the hear t of any conver sation about vampir ic
of what they were. Instead they moved for ward mor als are the Convictions. Convictions allow the
with their own ver sions of mor ality, the so called vampire to retain a sense of their higher self when
the Beast calls. Whether this Conviction is
objectively good, bad, mor al or immor al is
ir relevant, even if the Beast agrees with the
The Sabbat and The
behaviour and enjoys it, the impor tant distinction
is that the decision and justification came from a
Paths of Enlightenment
place of strength and pur pose, and not the It was in 1666 t hat a group of Cainit es convened just
animalistic impulses of the Beast. out side of Basel t o codify what became known as t he
But how does a vampire behave after the loss of a Pat hs of Enlight enment . Knowing what t hey had been
Touchstone? Does this Conviction just disappear t hrough and t hat t he remnant s of t he Sabbat were
and change the per sonality of the Kindred? While t eet ering on a precipice, t he upper echelons
in cer tain tr aumatic cases this might be the case, underst ood t hat drast ic act ion was needed t o secure
for the most par t these beliefs and behaviour s t heir survival. A part of t his fut ure was t he Pat hs of
per sist beyond the death of the Touchstone. Enlight enment .
However without the backing and suppor t that the
Touchstone provided these convictions don?t offer
At t he Black Monast ery, sevent een vampires came
enough protection against the r avages of the Beast.
Like all the other aspects of the vampires?
t oget her t o formally det ail a set of moralit ies t hat
per sonality, these become just become quirks had exist ed in ot her shapes for millennia. Many of
r ather than a surefire defense against the slide t hese ancient Roads fell t o t he wayside, but ot hers
towards degener ation. were modernised, st ripped of t he fat and made lean
for t he hungry vampires of t he Sabbat . These new
Touchstones pat hs became sacrosanct , what were once loose
affirmat ions of belief became polit ical and religious
Touchstones are cr itical to stable vampire life.
fact ions. Many fought and died t rying t o capt ure t he
Without these reminder s of what they stand for,
heart and soul of t he Sabbat , but from t hese
kindred find themselves falling more and more
into the thr all of the Beast. The impor tance of each
sacrifices was born somet hing great . The Pat hs were
Touchstone is to reinforce a value the vampire far from humane, but t hey cowed t he Beast . They
believes in. Without the Touchstone the vampire ensured t hat when properly adhered t o and when a
would still behave in the same manner, they would Cainit e gave t hemselves fully t o t he Pat h, t hat
still believe the same things, however the big st abilit y and st rengt h was possible. By at t uning t heir
difference is that without a concrete reminder of needs t o aspect s t hey felt more in t une wit h t he
what it means and why it?s impor tant, the Beast has Beast t hey managed t o rise above it . These pat hs st ill
a fir mer gr ip on them. The living embodiment of allowed each Cainit e t o resist t he Beast , t o cont rol
their conviction allows them greater for titude how t hey were perceived by t heir prey, but every
against the r avages of the Beast. If that Touchstone gain of flexibilit y in one area meant more rigid
were to be destroyed, the only change would be rules in anot her.
their mor al shield is gone. The vampire is alone
with the Beast with nothing to protect them.
and abused as they see fit. How can such callous
For most vampires, the best and easiest individuals consider a mor tal as a Touchstone?
Touchstone is a mor tal. Not only are they plentiful, When the Sect as a whole advocates distancing at
but this var iety means there will usually be one that best and outr ight murder at wor st for the Kine, how
can embody any belief that a Kindred could do they reconcile the need to have a mor tal in their
conceivably have. No matter what they might lives? The answer is complex and var ies from
per sonally think of the Kine, they are a ready Cainite to Cainite and while some vampires adopt
resource. Alter natives exist but they?re not the str ict Paths of Enlightenment and put some of their
natur al or intuitive choice for many as they require focus onto non human Touchstones, the major ity of
a bit more work to come across and develop. Many Sabbat still use mor tals. The difference comes more
vampires don?t even think to work on different from how they inter act with them. The Sabbat sees
types of attachment. less instances of respect or ador ation in that
There are many within the Sabbat that would see relationship, and more cases or monitor ing from
afar, of abusive or twisted relationships. While this
mor tals as just bloodbags, a resource to be used
happens within all sects, the relationships the the process. While this behaviour is always filtered
Sabbat foster tend to be more negative than through an animal?s temper ament, it has been
positive. While an Anarch might respect a Police common to see this reflected throughout histor y and
officer for how they uphold the law, a follower of Legend. A vampire that chooses an animal for their
the Path on Honour able Accord might despise a touchstone can be on shaky ground due to their
cr iminal for the exact same conviction. The lifespan, but these creatures are predictable,
conviction of ?Take pleasure in ever y aspect of life? stubbor n and loyal in ways few mor tals are.
could be lear ned from getting close to a par ty
animal, or from a Pr iest that denies themselves
these same pleasures. While they might not realise The Dead
the process is the same, the Sabbat use mor tal Favoured by the Hecata and the cold follower s of the
Touchstones just as much as their more Humanity Path of Death and the Soul, The Dead have been a
focused enemies. Touchstone mainstay for many centur ies - in some
cases liter ally! Here, the wor ship of death becomes
reverential and per sonal. For some, the Dead are
Alter native Touchstones exactly that - the cor pses of mor tals. For more
advanced Necromancer s, they may even look to the
While mor tals make up the bulk of Touchstones, Shadowlands and the Wr aiths for mor al for titude.
there are those that have tur ned away from them.
For some this is purely instinctual and natur al to
them, a conclusion they have reached natur ally and Ghouls
that may not be immediately apparent even to For most situations a Ghoul is just a mor tal - but
them. For other s, this is a pr acticed and deliber ate with a little extr a. While it?s r are for a vampire to
action, one that they have probably taken under ghoul their Touchstone due to the way it impacts
guidance. There are many long tr aditions of and cor r upts them, it is not unheard of -
codified mor ality among the Kindred, and other s desper ation and the best intentions have a lot to
that are smaller in scale, shared only between Sire answer for ! The big r isk is that it has the potential to
and Childe. However a Kindred reaches this war p what they represent to the vampire, and how
conclusion, the result is the same. For each that conviction filter s through. However there are of
non- mor tal Touchstone they have, they take on a cour se cer tainly situations where that
Beast Mark. This Beast Mark is lost when the representation still holds fir m or even strengthens.
Conviction is lost.

One of the r arer choices of Touchstone, and even
For some people, animals are a per fect reflection of then more common among the ver y ancient that
the human condition, in them they see attr ibutes have grown accustomed to the fleeting lives of the
and tr aits they admire, often humanising them in Kine. Here a vampire chooses an object,
or ganisation or location that holds real significance paths or Touchstone types lend themselves more
for them and that can become the sum of their towards par ticular marks, but there are no set
feelings and emotions. restr ictions on how these manifest for an individual.
Ultimately this should be a discussion between the
Player and the Stor yteller.
Many of the more or ganised Paths and Roads have
built up r ites and pr actices that treat the belief
Animal Instinct
system more like a religion. For other s, the Sometimes the Beast manifests itself in a ver y liter al
repetition and pr ior itisation of cer tain actions way. By ignor ing the human they were, they accept
gives them pur pose. Groups such as the Sabbat their animal instincts and appease the Beast. They
have complex r itae that all within the Sect indulge must always Ride the Wave of Frenzy. Resisting it
to build unity and encour age a sense of community. gr ants a Stain.
Whilst there are many individual options here, the
result is the same - dedicated adherence to a r ite
can give the vampire the conviction they need to Convictions of Steel
get through the night. Many Paths, as well as those that have made the leap
away from mor tals find that the method they use to
stave off the descent requires utter inflexibility and
adherence to their code - even the smallest misstep
While many tr y to replicate the ways of mor tals, can cause them to question their beliefs. In these
there are some that reject that way and look to situations, going against a Conviction always gr ants
their peer s for leader ship. Gaining guidance and a stain in the same way that breaking a Chronicle
mor al backbone from a fellow vampire is r isky and Tenet would. If stains are already given in this
can lead to a quick descent to the Beast if not situation, the Beast Mark increases that amount by
followed r igorously, but provides an other wise One.
robust Touchstone in all other ways.

Whilst the Beast is kept at bay by the str ict r ules put
Beast Mar ks in place by the vampire to distr act it, the result of
this is a Disconnect from what makes them act as
Beast Marks are gained whenever a vampire takes
human. With their behaviour modelled on
on a non- mor tal Touchstone, with one mark
something other than human, they star t to lose that
gained for each of these alter native Touchstones
spark of vitality that humans can sense, minutiae of
taken. A player can choose any of the Beast Marks
human behaviour that are often taken for gr anted
they want for each Touchstone, with some being
fall to the wayside. These small aspects accumulate
appropr iate to be taken multiple times (such as
and bely their undead nature, each missing blink
Disconnect), however once a mark is chosen, it
and untaken breath another nail in the coffin. For
remains until the Touchstone is destroyed. Cer tain
each non mor tal Touchstone they possess, the lust for blood that much earlier than their
decrease the functional humanity r ating by one. contempor ar ies. The smell or taste of blood now
tr igger s Hunger Frenzies at Hunger three r ather
than four.
Example: Ethan has Humanity of 6, allowing him to
fake sexual intercourse and just about keep down Territorial
food. However he later adopts an alternative
Touchstone and chooses Disconnect as his Beast Mark. Dr iven from a ver y similar place as Fixation, the
Whilst his humanity rating stays at 6 for the purposes vampire?s instincts hone in on a location - a place of
of Stains, degeneration and impairment, his safety and secur ity for them. This is often the haven,
functional rating with regards to dealing with mortals but that is often too small for the needs of the Beast
and how it reacts to certain stimuli is treated as if he and as such will consistently expand to cover other
had a score of 5. He now suffers a one- die penalty on areas the Kindred feels ?belong?to them - hunting
rolls to interact with mortals or to create art. Sexual grounds, domain, sections of the wilder ness they
intercourse can be faked, but made at a two- die patrol. When they are aware of other vampires
penalty instead of one. enter ing their ter r itor y, they must make Fur y Frenzy
rolls at difficulty two. This does not tr igger for
member s of the vampire?s coter ie or pack, but does
for other s, even if they are specifically invited.
Diminishing Returns
In the same way that modelling behaviour on
something other than a mor tal can give a Sadistic
disconnect towards humans, occasionally this By tur ning away from mor tals and latching onto
manifests in a different way; by affecting the way what it tr uly means to be a vampire, the follower
their abilities inter act with the kine. A player with star ts to for get what pain feels like, or else gives the
this Beast Mark detr acts one success from rolls that Beast freer reign to indulge itself. This shows itself
use any of the Social Skills when used against all in sadistic ur ges. If the Player accidentally har ms or
mor tals or vampires with Humanity 8 or above. kills a mor tal, they gain the Har m Compulsion - this
This does not affect Intimidation rolls, or other can only be tar geted against living or unliving
areas where your inhumanity might be a benefit to creatures.
you at the Stor yteller s discretion.

Fixation Damaging Touchstones

All Vampires feel an unnatur ally strong attachment Touchstones are fr agile things, a mental constr uct of
to their touchstones, but these vampires take it to each individual vampire, each representing
the next level. The object of their fixation r arely if something unique to them. Even if two Kindred
ever leaves their sight, as they tr ust no one but share a Touchstone, there?s nothing to say it
themselves to keep it safe - even if being with them occupies the same place in their cold, dead hear ts.
actually puts it in har m's way, they either fail to see Damaging and destroying touchstones takes many
that, or are too scared to be without it. Player s with for ms; the most obvious being liter al, physical
this Beast Mark must make Fur y Frenzy rolls at damage and destr uction. There are only so many
difficulty three when they tr y to separ ate from it, or times this can realistically be done over the cour se
if other s go so far as to even touch or mock it. of any chronicle before it becomes repetitive or
unbelievable - and fr ankly if it is done too much
you?ll just end up with dead Touchstones! Thankfully
The Need To Feed this is far from the only way to inflict damage upon
Either because of a deeper connection to the Beast, them, and in fact isn?t even the most common for
an unwillingness to r isk extreme hunger or a value most Touchstones - they can be fr agile in more ways
they have dr iven into themselves through intense than one...
lessons, the vampire feels the pangs of hunger and The most impor tant thing for any Touchstone is
what they represent to the vampire, and why they Animals
represent it. This core pr inciple is what is behind
ever y Touchstone and empower s it. If they star t to Animals are living things, so car r y many of the same
move away from what they represent in the eyes of r isks as a mor tal does, with the added disadvantage
the vampire, or this belief is shaken from what the that they have shor ter lifespans in gener al and aren?t
vampire expects, then damage has occured. If they always as hardy. A big source of tor ment is the
cease to embody the Conviction, then it is constant fear that animals feel around the undead -
effectively dead, even if the mor tal is alive and well. when your Touchstone is constantly war y of you,
then it can affect how strong you feel your
Because of this, many Kindred go through
connection is. In addition to this, the aspect that is
elabor ate schemes to keep their favoured mor tals
often respected by the vampire is either based on
from spir itual and emotional growth - when they
their wild nature, or how they have been tamed and
change and move on they r isk damaging the
domesticated. To maintain contact and control, as
vampires?sense of self. It is not uncommon for
well as to combat the natur al trepidation
vampires to hur t or put their touchstones in wor se
engendered by the Kindred, a vampire tends to
positions in life, just so that they still ser ve the
br ing out the opposing behaviour in these beasts -
cor rect pur pose. That waitress working minimum
domesticated creatures often exhibit wilder
wage, that you look up to for her hard work in the
tendencies, and wild creatures are often cowed by
face of adver sity? Well, when her lotter y number s
the super ior predator.
come up that ticket better disappear before she
cashes it in! The wealthy cancer patient showing
you that death comes for all suddenly star ts to
make a full recover y? Perhaps something needs to
happen to slow that down a little! The tr aumatised The Dead
and vengeful teenager whose family you murdered Vampires are themselves walking cor pses, and they
immediately after your embr ace, the one that have a lot in common with their tr uly dead
reminds you that the guilty must be punished compatr iots - unsur pr isingly a lot of this doesn't
suddenly finds God and moves on from her pain help them mix with the masses, instead giving a
and anger ? Perhaps they need to have their colder, more detached viewpoint. Damaging that
worldview readjusted! which is dead already is a difficult task, however
All of these are examples of how mor tal kindred with dead beings as Touchstones will
Touchstones might become damaged without any always have a respect for the dead, even if they don?t
physical tr auma. However how does this apply to a shy away from killing. Har ming (or in extreme,
cor pse? Or a building? Or jumping over a bonfire? fixated cases, even touching) a cor pse will be
Many of these aren?t going to change their mind, or considered Stain wor thy. But how do you change the
mature and move on from something. The idea of behaviour or belief of the dead? For those with a
physically damaging a Ritae or killing a building are cer tain level of talent, they might tie themselves to a
laughable, and of cour se, ideas are bulletproof. So wr aith. Wr aith?s themselves have a fr agile
with this in mind, how do char acter s with relationship with reality, always one step away from
alter native touchstones get stains from them? being taken over by their darker ur ges. A wr aith
Where is the r isk? The cr iter ia is the same consumed by Oblivion?s shadow almost cer tainly
(damaging or destr uction), however below are goes against what they represent. For those with the
some suggestions for how this might be physical dead, there is always the danger or rot and
represented with each type of Touchstone. decay, as well as the circumstances around that
cor pse changing - perhaps they are laid peacefully
to rest, or their distr aught family that had searched
for their loved one finally passing on themselves. It
could even be that the wr aith of the body or a loved
one retur ns to tor ment the owner and show them
how death isn?t what they thought it was. All that is
required is for that Conviction to be shaken.
Ghouls giant bureaucr acy, and even though the sale made
millions, the tr ue value has now been lost. Even if a
Ghouls and mor tals are ver y much alike and share
company maintains its identity. There are times
many of the same weaknesses and issues. While a
when they come under the media spotlight- it
Ghoul will recover quicker from damage and health
doesn?t take a big mistake to cause a PR disaster and
issues, and is functionally immor tal as long as
per manently damage the br and and what it
they?re kept fed with Kindred blood, it still means
they?re far from bulletproof. Ghouls often are kept
closer to the Kindred - both physically and Even small objects are not immune to this. Many
psychologically - as they?re brought into their inner kindred that place value on smaller items become
circle and have the Masquer ade shattered. obsessed with them, and don?t tr ust them to be out
Consider ing the amount of gr udges held between of their sight. Physical objects can and will get
one Vampire and another, the shelf life of one of physical wear and tear, and unlike humans will not
these ser vants can end up being shor ter than if heal natur ally. How many times can you repair
they weren?t immor tal. something before it is not what you or iginally
valued? Would you even tr ust another to fix it on
The other issues faced when using ghouls as
your behalf ? These objects are not just vulner able to
touchstones is what effect the blood has on them
wear and tear of cour se - the Vampire that wear s the
and what they represent. Does the newfound power
family heirloom brooch to Elysium all the time will
go to their head? How do they fit in with the other
feel especially vulner able when it?s dated style is
ser vants in the Vampire's thr all and how are they
openly mocked. What will the vampire do when the
treated? If the blood bond is invoked (and r are is
car they?ve owned since their early mor tal year s gets
the kindred who decides to break the Masquer ade
marked and tar geted by the Second Inquisition?
and not lock it down with a Bond) how does the
That Smith Corona typewr iter still just about works,
slavish devotion impact them? For a lot of kindred,
but how long can you keep using it with all the
the act of ghouling and bonding a Touchstone is
pressure and mocking from the younger Kindred?
enough to break that connection entirely, meaning
Can any vampire tr uly get away with car r ying
that Ghouls tend to represent subser vient
around a valued sword with them in this day and
convictions or else r isk being tar nished by the ver y
thing meant to keep them safe.

Objects Ritae
Rites, Mantr as, Meditation, Routines - there are
On the sur face of things, one might be for given to
many things done by kindred that when done r ight
think that an object, building or or ganisation might
and with regular ity can reinforce an aspect of the
be the most robust of the touchstones, that the
vampire enough to give them the strength of
physical and solid nature of them lends them a
conviction to make it through the night. For a
dur ability that soft human flesh sorely lacks.
pr actice like this to be tr uly effective however, it
However there are still many ways in which these
needs to be almost religious in it?s behaviour, simply
objects can change their pur pose and nature, as
repeating the same task or paying lip ser vice isn?t
well as being physically destroyed. A Vampire that
sufficient to stave off the Beast. While it?s nigh
grew up in the impover ished docks area of East
impossible to physically damage or kill a Rite, the
London and valued the Dockhouses they worked in
locations it is per for med in can be, as can the tools
as a mor tal, would str uggle with the level of
that are used, For a Rite to be effective it needs that
gentr ification that has happened in the last 40
consistency, even the smallest of changes can be
year s - a building that was a derelict slum is now
enough to cause their conviction to waver. Now of
pr ime real estate wor th millions. That bar they
cour se in most situations, this repetitive and reliable
frequented in a bustling metropolis has now gone
nature is what makes it a Rite, if it were more casual
out of business as the City center has shifted.
it wouldn?t have achieved that hallowed place in the
With cor por ations and or ganisations, it's quite fir st place.
nor mal for them to grow, change and get bought
Var iation will cause an upset, maybe not ever y time,
out. What once star ted as a small and dynamic
but with the per fect stor m of changes it can be
inter net star t up, has now become a small cog in a
enough. Perhaps a new Rite master or some new twisted and made bestial by the influence of the
attendees do it slightly differently or use different Beast. For those that admire the vampire and
objects to lead the Rite? While a Stor yteller might respect what they represent, witnessing these
deem that this isn?t enough in and of itself, your failures can be the push that the Beast needs to
frenzied reaction to what you see as a gross gr ant Stains and dr ag you down as well.
disrespect causes it to fail or makes you per sona
non gr ata at future r ites. Perhaps a significant
change in your circumstances makes you unable to
per for m the r ite. Without you being able to renew
your dedication to the source, your convictions will
eventually falter. The call to ar ms that has dr iven
many Sabbat to their Gehenna War has left many
recr uits behind, and with diminishing volumes of
Pack Pr iests being able to per for m their r itae, the
remainder find themselves either banding together
or falling to the Beast.

Immor tal, dur able and unchanging, the vampire
would seem to be the ideal Touchstone in many
ways, and amongst the monstrous member s of the
Sabbat they are exceedingly common. It is however
this frequency that has dr iven many member s of
the Sword of Caine to Wassail, the unreliable
nature of the Cainites constantly calling their
convictions into question.
Tr uly damaging or killing a vampire is no mean
feat, and many will see the bar just that little bit
higher for any physical affliction - after all, what
does a gunshot matter when it can be healed in
seconds and is as troublesome as a scr atch? The
real danger in using vampires as your mor al centre
is that they themselves are on such weak ground.
When another vampire falter s in their own
mor ality and the Beast encroaches on them, this
has a knock on effect on all that look up to them.
While they might be set in their ways and inflexible
with their opinions, they?re also subject to the
manipulations and machinations of other
vampires. With the vampire r ace being inherently
political, it?s only a matter of time before someone
puts you in a situation before you have to betr ay
someone or something, and the betr ayal of an ideal
comes ver y easily to the childer of Caine, and
doubly so when it?s not even your ideal, but one
placed upon you by an outsider.
Finally, the Beast itself will inevitably rear its head,
whether this is as a full blown Frenzy, or the death
from a thousand cuts that is Hunger, it?s only a
matter of time before a once innocent action is
this level of acceptance or
Humanity separ ation from the Beast.
Revisited Humanity 10 vampires can
Humanity as wr itten in the appear human in other
core book cleaves ver y close to regards:
more humane mor als - an - - Blush of Life is not
almost Victor ian sense of good necessar y, because you appear
behaviour. However as stated as a pale mor tal in good health.
both in core and here, it?s more
- - You heal Super ficial damage
than just ?being good?with
as a mor tal, in addition to
plenty of var iations on what
vampir ic mending.
would typically be descr ibed as
mor al. Follower s of paths, and - - You can taste, eat, and
even other less classically nice digest food as if human.
vampires are quite capable of - - You can stay awake dur ing
achieving high scores in the day as if human, though
Humanity with the r ight you do not lose your nor mal
adherence to their Convictions. need for sleep.
The tighter their control, the
fur ther away from the Beast - - The r ate of sunlight damage
they are and the better they are you take is halved.
able to blend in amongst their
prey. These kindred would
consider themselves mor al at Humanity 9
high scores, although upon At Humanity 9 vampires
what they?ve based that appear almost completely
conclusion might scare some human in most of the
people. impor tant ways. To have
achieved this level, the vampire
will cleave incredibly close to
Humanity 10
their Convictions, even going
Vampires with the level of so far as to avoid situations that
control required to attain might put them at r isk of
Humanity 10 are extremely breaking them. They will often
r are and almost unheard of. At maintain a ver y binar y,
this level the line between dead inflexible attitude to their own
and undead has gone beyond convictions and how they are
blur red, with the vampire able inter preted. For some vampires
to pass quite comfor tably this involves stepping back
among their prey, only the twin from Kindred society. For
cur ses of fire and sun holding other s it involves reshaping it
fir m. At this score, vampires in their own image. Either way,
lead a life ver y much in tune their pr incipals guide almost
with their convictions , r arely ever y aspect of their unlife:
deviating from their own ethics - You can taste, eat, and digest
- Blush of Life is not necessar y
and pr inciples regardless of r are or r aw meat, and many
because you appear ill, but not
how monstrous they could liquids.
appear to other s. Stor ies of
states such as Golconda, Azhi - You heal Super ficial damage - You can r ise from day- sleep
as a mor tal, in addition to up to an hour before sunset if
Dahaka and other mythical
attainments are said to require vampir ic mending. you wish and likewise stay
awake an hour after dawn.
balance between man and Check to use Blush of Life.
Beast sufficiently that they can - You cannot have sexual
pass comfor tably among their intercour se per se, but you can
prey with little r isk. At this fake it by winning a Dexter ity +
score, your convictions play a Char isma test if you wish
huge par t in your unlife, but (Difficulty equals your
they might not be the all par tner ?s Composure or Wits).
consuming force required to
ascend higher. - Unless using Blush of Life,
food and dr ink makes you
Humanity 8 vampires can vomit; make a Composure +
appear human in other Stamina test (Difficulty 3) to be
regards: able to get outside or to a
- You can roll two dice for the bathroom fir st.
Rouse Check to use Blush of
Life and take the highest result.
Humanity 6
- Blush of Life allows you to
At this stage, it?s less that they
have sexual intercour se and
accept being a vampire, and
perhaps even enjoy it.
more that they don?t even think
- Blush of Life allows you to to notice some of the small
digest and taste wine. concessions they?re allowing
- You can r ise from day- sleep more and more often. They?re
up to an hour before sunset if OK with not being per fect and
you wish. making mistakes against their
beliefs, but they still recognise
that it?s impor tant to have
Humanity 7 convictions and still tr y to stick
with them when they can, it?s
Humanity 7 is the aver age
just that expediency becomes
score for a star ting vampire,
more noticeable.
and indicates a good level of
separ ation between who you Rules for this level of Humanity
are and what you've become. work as the previous r ating
They can pass well enough for unless other wise noted, as the
human, but some effor t is human mask becomes more
required to do so fully. In difficult to wear :
gener al, vampires with this
- You cannot have sexual
score will be well aware of
intercour se per se, but you can
their own feelings of mor ality
fake it by winning a Dexter ity +
and where they dr aw the line,
Char isma test if you wish,
and are usually quite good at
made at a one- die penalty to
sticking to it, although some
your pool (Difficulty equals
mor al fr ailty is common as
your par tner ?s Composure or
they break their convictions if
Humanity 8 Wits).
they have to. The star t of their
In passing, vampires at this beliefs being flexible has - Even when using Blush of
score can easily get away with begun. Life, you need to make a
being mistaken for mor tal and Composure + Stamina test
Rules for Humanity 7 vampires
it?s not unheard of for younger (Difficulty 3) to be able to keep
are much the same as those for
licks to still enjoy the feelings food and dr ink down for an
other Kindred:
of being human. Other hour.
vampires have mastered the - You must make a Rouse
Humanity 5 Humanity 3
The halfway mark is where many Kindred and At this score you?re just about clinging on to your
Cainites stabilise, and most vampires that sur vive own convictions - you know they?re there and might
long enough will quite comfor tably stay here for a pay lip ser vice to them, but fr ankly there are more
long time. Gener ally if you?re at this score, you?ve impor tant things in unlife: You. Feeding becomes a
broken enough of your own r ules to know what you huge pr ior ity and the needs of the Beast outstr ip
can get away with, and what is tr uly impor tant to your own in all but the most extreme situations. This
you. Sure, you?re willing to go against your self if is gener ally the last point at which what you aspire
the reward is big enough, and if that means a little to be is visible to outsider s.
emotional tr auma here and there - well, that?s a
You genuinely look monstrous, even under the most
pr ice you can afford. Mor tals and other s have really
flatter ing light.
star ted to fall to the bottom of your list of
pr ior ities, and the selfishness of the Beast has Rules for this level of Humanity work as the previous
really star ted to shine through. At this point you're r ating unless other wise noted:
not always sure if you?ve made the decision, or the - - You suffer a four- dice penalty on rolls to inter act
Beast did it for you. It?s r are that you care. with humans, as above.
Rules for this level of Humanity work as the - - You can no longer per for m or even fake sexual
previous r ating unless other wise noted: intercour se, even with Blush of Life.
- - You suffer a one- die penalty on rolls to inter act
with humans. This penalty applies to most Social
dice pools (including tests for inter acting with
Humanity 2
Touchstones), especially Insight and Per suade, but ?Fuck ?em? is your gener al attitude. You?ve ceased to
not to ter r ifying Intimidation, inhuman Subter fuge care about anything that doesn?t immediately benefit
(Seduction), or to any test to hunt or kill a human. you, and not only do you not notice when the Beast
This penalty also applies to creating ar t or other ur ges you to commit breaches of your own mor ality,
humanities; for example, Kindred prose markedly you actively enjoy it and wouldn?t care even if it was
wor sens and becomes more flor id as they pointed out to you.
degener ate.
By now, ever y human and most Kindred recoil from
- - Even with Blush of Life, you cannot have sexual your presence.
intercour se per se, but you can fake it by winning a
Rules for this level of Humanity work as the previous
Dexter ity + Char isma test if you wish, made at a
r ating unless other wise noted:
two- die penalty to your pool (Difficulty equals your
par tner ?s Composure or Wits). - - You suffer a six- dice penalty on rolls to inter act
with humans, as above. (The penalty becomes four
Humanity 4
dice with Blush of Life.)
Anything that isn?t about you or your needs and
wants has faded into the background. You regularly
break your own convictions and have likely lost one Humanity 1
or two by now. The Beast is ever present and you?ve One step away from Wassail. While a lot is required
stopped noticing when it forces your hand - it's not to shift the mor al compass of one so close to the
that you lack the cognizance to do so, but more that Beast, at this stage it?s likely you actively seek out
you just don?t care. tr ansgressions. The Beast knows it is close, and you
Rules for this level of Humanity work as the subconsciously want to join it.
previous r ating unless other wise noted: Rules for this level of Humanity work as the previous
- - You suffer a two- dice penalty on rolls to inter act r ating unless other wise noted.
with humans.
- - You can no longer keep food and dr ink down,
even with Blush of Life.
sur face level differences, they remain similar
The Paths of Enlightenment enough at their core.
and The Roads The convictions listed below are aspects and
Imagine being told that all your natur al instincts teachings that underline each belief system.
were wrong - that ever ything you believed about Follower s often develop Convictions of their own
your self and how you were You, was just a way to that closely align with these concepts.
fail quicker. Imagine if by being your self and
following the attitudes that you?d always kept, that
you were opening your self up to the Beast. If you
keep doing the same thing over and over again,
then you?re dooming your self to being er ased by
this r avening force. This is the attitude taken by the
follower s of the var ious Paths of Enlightenment.
It?s not enough to tr y to be mor al, or tr y to be
your self. To tr uly r ise above the Beast you need to
stand for something, you need to embr ace your
vampir ic condition and all the changes it br ings.
The Beast will not be tr icked into believing you?re
still human, but it can be under stood, it?s ur ges
incor por ated into your existence and then put to
good use. This is how the follower s of paths work,
they looked at aspects of the Beast and built upon
that foundation - each creating a set of r ules and
edicts that they could adhere to. Str ict cells of
almost religious fer vour were developed to teach
these convictions, each path requir ing their new
follower s to dedicate themselves body and soul to
this new way of unlife,
The Paths themselves were for mally codified back
in 1666 at the Black Monaster y, however their
histor y stretches much fur ther back than that.
There have been alter native belief systems present
within the vampire r ace for many centur ies, Path of Caine
stretching back as far as any kindred can
remember. Many of these Roads died out when the Nickname: Noddists
Camar illa forbade their pr actice among its Origins and Followers of the Way
member s, their str ict secular attitude affecting
As some of the foremost scholar s of Cainite histor y,
many aspects of unlife. Some of them continued to
the Path of Caine has long been a cor ner stone of the
be pr acticed by cer tain Clans in the background,
Sabbat with it?s teachings influencing much of the
but other s were taken apar t and rebuilt by the
Sect?s outlook and behaviour- it?s not for nothing
Sabbat. The medieval Via Peccati (or Road of Sin )
that one of the most common names for the Sabbat
evolved into the Path of Cathar i. The Road of
is The Sword of Caine! By rejecting the
Chivalr y directly inspired the Path of Honour able
Antediluvians and all they stand for, the Sabbat
Accord. The changes r anged from subtle to
looked to Caine as an inspir ation and father figure
dr amatic, but at their core they often retained the
for the Sect. By looking to the stor ies in the book of
same fundamental message. Some of the or igin
Nod, they saw histor y repeating itself - just as the
Roads differ enough from the Paths they inspired
third gener ation rose up to destroy their sires and
to still retain a sense of their own identity. Other s,
betr ayed Caine, so too would the Sabbat r ise up and
such as The Road of Bones and the Path of Death
destroy their elder s. For the Sabbat though, their
and the Soul, would see their member s fight over
actions would honour the Dark Father, they would
the perceived differences, but shor t of a few
ser ve him in the lead up to Gehenna. Just as Caine
would retur n to judge his wayward progeny, the constant thir st for Blood. This is the essence of the
Sabbat would do so in his name. This per spective Beast, and it obsesses over it in ever y way it can. The
both influenced the growth of the path, but also need to consume the essence of life dr ives it for ward
allowed the newly emboldened Path follower s to and has come to define the vampire.
feed new teachings back into the Sect - thus
creating a feedback loop that continues to this day Touchstones and Beast Marks
and is a significant contr ibuting factor to the
cr usades of the Gehenna War. Noddists have a close affinity for other vampires and
this shows in their choice of Touchstones. Mor tals
The Church of Caine and the Path of Caine have with a love of histor y or a fer vent devotion to a
much in common, with each faction having religion also see a presence, although they r arely
influenced the other over the year s. Some have more than one - Ghouls are more common
member s have switched from one side to another, alter natives. Finally Ritae are popular, especially the
while other s have battled each other to tr uly decide Vaulder ie as blood is impor tant to the Path.
which group is tr uly ?r ight?. While they share
cer tain beliefs, they are also divided by a number of Disconnection is a common Beast mark as the
other attr ibutes. Ultimately the prevalence of Caine Noddists have little need for human inter action.
wor ship in the Sabbat has hindered the growth of Their fascination with blood and aver sion to the
the Church - they became guilty by association. Beast leads to the Need to Feed being prevalent too.
Finally, Noddists have tur ned far away from what
In the days of the Anarch Revolt, significant groups made them Mor tal, and these Convictions need to be
of Banu Haqim joined the roving sabbats of as strong as steel to stand up to the pressure.
Anarchs in order to hunt, kill and diabler ise the
elder s of the age. Dr iven by their own need to judge
the r ace of Caine - as well as the teachings of their Convictions
own founder - these Banu Haqim ended up shar ing - Giving in to extremes leads to the Beast gaining
the basics of their Road of Blood - sometimes power over you.
willingly, often by osmosis. After the revolt was
- Do whatever you can to fight the Beast
cr ushed however most of these vampires retur ned
to Alamut - chastened by the blood cur se of the - Search for and protect the hidden lore of Caine
Tremere. Those that stayed and fought on adapted regardless of the r isk. Without him, we are nothing.
what they knew, but repur posed it under Caine -
- It is your pur pose in life to explore your vampir ic
the submission of those that followed Haqim
bur ned too br ightly for them to continue the
respect they had for their Antediluvian. In time, - Reclaim the blood of the unwor thy in the name of
what star ted off as a twisted ver sion of a vampire Caine.
religion, evolved into its own thing. Caine had tr uly - You?re not human, do not pretend to be.
retur ned.
- Don?t needlessly bother the Kine, they are prey, not
The aspect of the Beast that this Path follows is the confidantes.
Path of Cathar i
Nicknames: Albigensians, Cathars
Origins and Followers of the Way
Many people that have ear ned the embr ace
eventually come to the conclusion that they are
cur sed and creatures of Sin. For some this
realisation spur s them on to attempt greater
things, it forces them to confront the dark things
they now have to do and attempt to r ise above
them. For other s it dr aws them fur ther down that
path of Sin and evil. These vampires have long
existed, believing themselves agents of the Devil or
other, similar agents, and most will continue to
hold this mentality until they move past it, prosper
or fall in some way. What the creator s and
follower s of the Path of Cathar i did was tr uly
embr ace this attitude. If God has cur sed them to be
monster s, then let them be Monster s! Just because
you?re damned doesn?t mean you can?t enjoy it. The
Cathar i revel in their evil natures, and tr uly
embr ace the damned nature of the vampire.
The Path was inspired by two major sources, the
fir st was the medieval Road of Sin, or Via Peccati.
touchstones, but it?s not hard to find one hell bent
This set of beliefs espoused that vampires were
on decadence or religiously opposed to it. Other
beholden to the Devil, and should act in his
vampires are influential to them, as they seek to
interests - ter r ifying and br utalising mor tals. The
embr ace all it means to be a Cainite. Being heavily
second was the Albigensian cr usade against the
influenced by Chr istian dogma, Ritae often feature
Cathar s in 1209. The Cathar s believed in a dualistic
highly in their preferences.
approach to the soul- the Ear thly realm was
mater ialistic, cor r upt and sinful, while the Spir it Sadism is a common reaction to the pr actices of the
realm was pure and good. As immor tal vampires, Albigensians, as are Disconnects or Diminishing
they are forever tr apped in the ear thly, sinful Retur ns. The path follower s are often socially
realm. If that is their lot, they should rejoice and minded and accept and even rejoice in the hor ror
exploit that! Their realm is that of sin and they can elicit from mor tals. Seeing ver y little need
decadence and they intend to sample ever y delight for restr aint, they often embr ace their Animal
on offer - God has confined them to this realm for Instincts.
a reason after all! The Cathar i aim to be Convictions
consummate vampires and embr ace all the
- Don?t fight your tr ue nature as an evil creature.
tr appings of being one. When they die, they will
pass on to heaven as well, just like all spir its, but - Enjoy and indulge in all the mater ial world has to
for now they are happy to reign in Hell. offer.
The aspect of the Beast that this Path cleaves to is - Ensure you promote vice and depr avity in other s.
pleasure. The Beast is self centred and obsessed The world should be enjoyed by all.
with it?s own gr atification, and left to its own
- Spread the cur se of Caine freely to those with the
devices will seek out the few things that satiate it.
passion to indulge in it. Evil should be shared.
Path follower s are in tune to this whim and indulge
freely in these behaviour s to satiate the Beast. - All is cor r upt, expect and plan for betr ayal

Touchstones and Beast Marks - Don?t wor r y about retur ning mor tal?s to the cycle
of rebir th - death and suffer ing are tempor ar y.
The Cathar i don?t often lean heavily on mor tal
follower s and influencing all they touch. They are
not all Mor ticians and Under taker s however, and
there are many that look to the joy in death and the
ceremonies that sur round that taboo. With the
Sabbat having a sizable population in Souther n
Amer ica, a number of their pr actices and attitudes
to death from this culture have been picked up and
r an with. When the Harbinger s of Skulls were
present in the Sabbat, they showed the
Necronomists that Oblivion could be used for so
much more than reaching into the darkness, and a
number of their Ceremonies live on in the detached
follower s of the Path.
The aspect of the Beast that this Path colludes with
is Death. The Beast was spawned dur ing that time in
the embr ace when the body was tr uly dead. At this
point the soul touched the Abyss and the Beast was
bor n. It continues to have a fascination with its
bir thplace.
Touchstones and Beast Marks
It should come as little sur pr ise that the
Necromomisr s often have the Dead as Touchstones,
however mor tals are often common - one can?t
study death or the soul properly without being able
to obser ve all the states after all! Locations often
become impor tant to them as well - perhaps a gr ave
they were bur ied in, or the place they died will long
linger in their mind and remind them of what could
Path of Death and the Soul have been.
Just as the dead being touchstones is unsur pr ising,
Nickname: Necronomists
so should the prevalence of them suffer ing a
Origins and Followers of the Way Disconnect to humanity be equally unsur pr ising.
Var iations of this path have existed for millenia, Fixations are also common, as is the need to be
with the vampires of the Hecata following a ver sion ter r itor ial- especially in places they feel are the
of this called the Road of Bones. While there are ter r itor y of the tr uly Dead.
differences between them and how they study Convictions
death, the fundamentals are similar enough to use
- Do not pass up the oppor tunity to study Death.
this as a base for non Sabbat follower s as well. The
Path was clearly influenced by what came before it, - Approach ever ything from a r ational per spective,
and was brought over to the Sabbat by those that the Beast is ir r ational.
worked closely with the ancient Cappadocians.
- The Soul is immor tal. Death is just a state change.
Many think that some par ticularly fiendish
Tzimisce were responsible for this, however many - Ensure you tur n your r ational and analytical mind
Malkavians and Toreador are also enamoured by on your self, only by under standing all can you better
the lessons impar ted by this path. There is beauty under stand the Soul
and knowledge in death, and many seek to - Emotions are valid for explor ation but not to
capitalise on that. indulge in.
Follower s are typically morbid and studious. The - You might not see or under stand the plan, but
Path teaches patience and dispassionate reflection, ever ything follows it?s tr ue fate.
with this attitude being per vasive among the
Feed as positive change - no need to get too hungr y
Path of The Fer al Hear t if one wants to have all the tools to sur vive the night.
Nicknames: Beasts, Ferals The most common Beast Mark is of cour se Animal
instinct, the constant mingling with Beasts tends to
Origins and Followers of the Way
r ub off on them.
The or igins of this path have existed for as long as
any vampire can remember, making it potentially
the oldest belief system among the Cainites. It - Above all: Sur vive.
star ted when early vampires tr ied to under stand - Don?t deny the Beast its due.
the Beast, tr ied to work with it r ather than against
it and most impor tantly, when they realised the - The Hunt is the focus of your life, not politics or
untapped power that it held. The early results were the vices of other s.
ver y much intuitive and instinctual and this set the - You and your Beast are one. Accept that.
tone for what was to come. By tapping into the
- Don?t be afr aid of br utality. Life is shor t and hard,
bestial instincts that ever y vampire shared, they
just be sure to not lose your self.
found themselves able to resist it?s wor st ur ges and
most impor tantly, the ur ges that would have - Show no mercy, but don?t play with your food. Kill
other wise claimed their ver y souls. for necessity, not pleasure.
Unlike the Camar illa, the Sabbat has a long and - All things must exist as they are created, fit within
stor ied histor y with nomadic packs. This path has a your designated place in the the natur al order
great following among them due to their deep
- Master your fear s, Use your higher functions to
connection to the wilds and the common
assist the Beast in its own failings.
per sonalities that are attr acted to both. It sees
follower s within cities too as vampires attempt to - Once you establish your Pack, stay with them
get back to their roots, and even with the moder n whatever. Loyalty is key.
pr imitive movement. They feel a deep connection
with their Beasts, and unlike many Paths, don?t
tend to fight against it or treat it as the enemy - it
becomes a case of ?You scr atch my back, I won?t
stab you in your s?.
The aspect of the Beast that this Path was inspired
by is the Bestial instinct. There is a good reason
why vampires call it the Beast, and this is because it
feels closer to the fer al creatures that occupy the
world. To deny what you are is to deny what you
could be.
Touchstones and Beast Marks
If any Path was tailor made to use animals as
touchstones then it was this one. Many mor tals also
suppor t their worldview - sur vivalists, hunter s and
hardcore athletes have all stood for a conviction
with the Fer als. It is not uncommon for the Fer als
to adopt a Location as a Touchstone as well.
Diminishing Retur ns is more common than a
Disconnect - the beasts can often emulate the
living, but simply don?t care if they put them off.
Many can become quite Ter r itor ial as well, often
attaching this to what they see as their own pr ivate
hunting preser ve. As they are often ver y in tune
with their own Beasts, they often see the Need to
groups together.
Path of Honour able Accor d
The Knights are highly pr incipled and are str ict with
Nicknames: Knights, Patriots, Canonici
their inter pretation of honour, as such Convictions
Origins and Followers of the Way of Steel is the most common Beast Mark by a long
way. As they put such an emphasis on their Cainite
The fir st of two Paths that the Sabbat adopted to be
brethren, they often develop a Disconnect with
inspired by the medieval Road of Kings, this one
Humanity as a whole.
taking a cue from the chivalrous codes of the time.
Unlike a lot of the mor al codes that were Convictions
repur posed by the Sabbat, this one required
- Keep your word above all else
significant changes to make it fit in with the culture
they were promoting. It went from one of the more - Cowardice is for the weak, face your fear s
humane belief systems of the middle ages to a - Always put your duty fir st
pillar of the hyper- violent Sabbat. They did this by
- Treat other s as they deser ve to be treated. Respect
changing the axis it span upon - r ather than
those of value and cr ush the dishonour able.
protecting the weak, it became about protecting
the sect. Your honour was still tied to something - Never leave a debt unpaid.
bigger than you, and the Sabbat ensured that above
- Your coter ie, your sect and your leader are your
ever ything else, that the Sabbat came fir st. This
world. Suppor t them in all things as long as they act
core conceit has made it a common belief system to
with honour.
preach to the newly conver ted, but also held the
sect together when it was at its most fr agile.
Follower s of the Path come from all clans and many
walks of life giving it a ver y diver se member ship -
Path of Power and Inner Voice
and a ver y diver se opinion on where their honour Nickname: Unifiers
should lie! The factions within the Sabbat all have
Origins and Followers of the Way
Knights within their r anks, meaning that even in
smaller cities conflict between member s will exist This path was the fir st to be codified for the Sabbat,
as each fight for their cause with honour. That isn?t and became something of a template that the other s
to suggest that it?s all about conflict for this path, in would follow. Spur red on by the success of its
fact the Knights are often behind br inging two founder Lord Marcus, other paths were developed.
dispar ate groups together and healing the r ifts - This was the other of two Paths that was spawned
after all the secur ity and longevity of the Sabbat is from what was once the Road of Kings, This Path
at the root of this path and what it stands for. focused on the accumulation of power for its own
Follower s are often some of the most fer vent sake, and less as a responsibility or a duty. It was
believer s in it?s cause, and see that under neath all based on a ser ies of texts wr itten by Marcus called
the animosity, that it is something wor th fighting the Shadow Maximes, and it?s or iginal intent was to
for. br ing some order to the Sabbat as well as nur ture a
political faction that could directly counter the
The aspect of the Beast that this Path works on is
Camar illa.
it?s pack mentality. The Beast can fear, under stand
and respect greater power, but then work as par t of Many saw the paths of Power and Inner Voice and
a team to br ing down the greater prey. Honour able Accord as reflecting the differences
between how the Lasombr a and Ventr ue see and use
Touchstones and Beast Marks
Power, but the reality is far more different than that.
Mor tals and other vampires make up the major ity Sure, there is r uthlessness baked into the core of the
of Touchstones for the Patr iots. If they can teachings, and the idea is less about leading and
recognise an honour able thread r unning through more about taking what you deser ve, but this
them, or if they can remind them how to not assumes that each clan immediately fits the
behave then they are the per fect foil for them. stereotype. Any Cainite with a lust for power and a
Being as they?re so ver y tied to the Sabbat, they also disdain for those not able or willing to get it for
put a lot of focus on Ritae to help them - they view themselves makes for a good tar get for the Path, and
these r ituals as great unifying forces that bond the ever y clan has dedicated member s. To newer
member s it resembles a cult of means, a case of Web of Knives. This Road has existed in some for m
?Follow these steps, and success will follow you?. since the early days of the Clan and was based on
Under standably, this is a ver y enticing proposition the teachings of Haqim and the role he saw his
for the neonates, who often know strength when childer filling - that of judges and executioner s of
they see it. the Cainite r ace. It was blood that created each
vampire, and blood that dr ives them on to whatever
The aspect of the Beast that this Path follows is the
deeds they commit.. The Banu Haqim would use that
selfishness inherent to it. The par t that wants it all,
same blood as a method of punishment, becoming
and wants it just for itself. As most vampires
the fir st group to for mally adopt the Amar anth as a
become more self centered the more they
religious sacr ament.
degener ate, the Unifier s nur ture this tr ait early on
so the Beast doesn?t need to enforce it. Few outside the Banu Haqim get to know the
follower s of the Road of Blood well, and in recent
Touchstones and Beast Marks
year s, devout member s have become decidedly
Mor tals are common touchstones for the Unifier s - lethal to be around. The Road has evolved a lot over
there are so many examples of those that would do the year s however, and in the past was a lot more
anything for power, but objects and or ganisations open to mixing with other vampires. Earlier ver sions
are common too. Finally, it?s quite common for the leaned as much on the teachings of the Prophet as
Path follower s to have Mentor s, or even to become they did on Haqim, but the r ise of Ur- Shulgi rooted
a Mawla to other s. These vampires make good out any aspect of Islam from the Road, tur ning them
tar gets for Touchstones as well. forever towards his bloody vision of the future.
Common Beast marks include Diminishing Retur ns In the same vein as the Path of Caine which was
and Disconnect - they have little need for mor tals inspired by the or iginal Banu Haqim joining the
unless they can give them something so fail to see Sabbat, the aspect of the Beast that this Road works
them as much other than a resource. Fixation sees on is the thir st for Blood. This is the dr iving force of
a fair representation as well - some Cainites see all that it is, and it obsesses over it in ever y way it
their Power tied to an object and can become quite can.
super stitious about it.
- Failure is never an option.
- Rewards should always ser ve a pur pose.
- Use ever ything at your disposal to retain control.
- Showing weakness is admitting to being weak.
- Emotion is a tool. Don?t feel guilt for exploiting it
if it br ings you reward.
- Those above you should be respected only until
the point they fail, then they should be replaced.

Touchstones and Beast Marks

Road of Blood The vampires that follow the Road of Blood share
much in common with the Noddists, and these
Nicknames: Dervishes, Assassins
vampires will pr imar ily look to the other s of their
Origins and Followers of the Way Clan as a mor al example. Mor tals are r are, but far
More than any of the other systems of belief, the more common with the younger adherents -
Road of Blood is tr uly a religion with a long and although these are typically kept as a close secret as
illustr ious histor y. The Road is pr acticed solely by the higher ups would see this as a point of weakness.
the Banu Haqim, and since the schism the clan Finally, many Der vishes have an object or location
suffered from, now almost entirely by loyalist that is impor tant to them. Many also wor ship the
member s of the clan and the cult known as the Web of Knives - the cult that spawned the Path of
Blood and is r un by the merciless Ur- Shulgi Origins and Followers of the Way
The Need to Feed is ver y prevalent among the Considered a heretical path by the Caine
follower s - year s of listening to the blood sing in wor shipping member s of the Sabbat, the Bahar i
their veins makes them acutely aware of its call, have nonetheless flour ished. Growing from a Sabbat
and they often don?t care that it dr ives them to sub- cult, to a religion that has spread far and wide -
Diabler ie even more so than the aver age Banu it has even gone so far as to have lar ge groups of
Haqim. Fixations are common, as is Sadism - the cultists within the histor ically secular Camar illa!
Path of Blood is a violent path, and this shows. The or igins of this religion of cour se stretch much
fur ther back than either of these two sects, having
its genesis far back in prehistor y dur ing the early
- Obey the teachings of Haqim and his her ald - Ur days of the Methuselahs. Lilith and Caine have a
Shulgi twisted and inter twined histor y together and it was
- Only the r ace of Khayinn are your s to be judged, only a matter of time before the children of Caine
leave the mor tals to judge themselves. found out about the other side of their histor y. While
the flow of vampires flocking to her banner was slow
- The best blood to satisfy the Beast is that of
at fir st, it eventually became a flood.
vampires, indulge it.
One of the distinguishing features of the path is that
- Resist the r avages of the Beast, it is not your ally.
it has follower s from all walks of unlife? and life.
- Any knowledge that will assist in the destr uction There are easily as many mor tals that follow these
of the descendants Khayyin is of value to the loyal tenets as there are vampires, but ultimately it's the
Banu Haqim vampires that benefit the most from the stability
that Lilith br ings to their unlifes. Follower s know the
- Feel no sor row for reclaiming the blood of other s
cleansing power of pain, as well as the pain of
for the glor y of Haqim. Judge them har shly.
betr ayal, but now they use that pain to fuel their
r age and lend strength to their endeavour s. Often
stereotyped as anti patr iarchal feminists, the fact is
Path of Lilith they are so much more than this. Lilith?s r age is
Nicknames: Lilins, Bahari aimed at a system that stretches back as far as
histor y itself, against a god that cast her aside when
she wouldn't submit. Many of the cultists are people
that feel the same way, they would bur n the system
down and build something better from its ashes. If
they get a little bur ned on the way, well that?s even
The aspect of the Beast that this Road builds upon is
Pain. The Beast exists in a state of pain per manently,
the hunger that plagues it constantly needling away
at it. Not only does the pain remind it of what it is,
but that it wishes to share this pain with other s.
Touchstones and Beast Marks
While all Paths utilise mor tals as Touchstones, it?s
fair to say that none actively encour age the pr actice,
with many outr ight disagreeing with their place in
the world of the vampire. The Lilins are a marked
exception to this r ule, not only enjoying the
company of mor tals, but even having mor tal
follower s of Lilith. Other vampires also feature
prominently, as do objects or locations - the garden
of a Bahar i is tr uly a sacred place to them. .
Beast Marks are slightly r arer among the Lilins due
to the prolifer ation of mor tal Touchstones, Dahaka as they refer to it. This state is the end game,
however when they do manifest, it tends to show the point where they can tr uly be said to have r isen
up as Sadism over and above all other s. As pain is a above the Beast and overcome their own limitations.
huge par t of following the path, sometimes it?s hard
This path is lar gely unheard of outside of the
to tell if an individual member has this mark, or is
Tzimisce, with the clan using their signature body
just being devout. Fixations and Ter r itor iality also
cr afting power s as a stepping stone to achieving
come up as well - especially if another Kindred
enlightenment. There is a shar p divide between the
steps foot in the garden of a Bahar i uninvited...
Old Clan br anch of Metamor phosists and the Fiends
Convictions of the Sabbat; while each seeks Azhi Dahaka via
constant change, the Fiends have veered more
- Pain is the ultimate teacher.
toward body hor ror and alien monstrosities - or at
- Pain and Love are equal par tner s, share them least that is what the Old Clan would tell you. Many
with all who would lear n the ways of Lilith. follower s of this path str ive to include change in all
- Creation is a gift. aspects of their unlifes, not just the physical. Subtle
but continuous change is the base requirement of
- Always cor rect the false myths of Caine when you
this path. They str ive for per fection in the aspects
hear them
they can control, and seek to control that which they
- Your garden is a display of your devotion, can?t per fect.
cultivate and protect it.
The aspect of the Beast that this Road evolved from
- Only kill in sacr ifice to Lilith. is Change. The Beast wishes to change all to be like
it, it wants to remove the impediments to it?s
- Never suffer alone, share your pain with your
domination by changing the vampires viewpoint to
fellow Bahar i.
its own, as well as that of ever ything else that would
stand in its way.
Touchstones and Beast Marks
There is a possible shared evolution with the Road of
Metamor phosis as the old Road of Bones. Both look
to the state change between life and death, but the
Metamor phosists don?t stop there. As such, the Dead
are a good reminder that path follower s lean on to
remind them of what change can do to you. Mor tals
and animals are common too - the tr uly enlightened
among the Path sometimes not noting the difference
between the groups. Finally, as there are a lar ge
Road of Metamor phosis number of the Old Clan following this Path,
Locations and Objects feature often as well.
Nickname: Metamor phosists
Fixation is the most Common Beast Mark among the
Origins and Followers of the Way Metamor phostists - they change they so desper ately
One of the few Roads that was r umoured to have seek in themselves is countered by a need to keep
been founded by an Antediluvian, the Road of this one thing unchanged and static. Disconnection
Metamor phosis is noticeable for how little it has is common as well - they see themselves so far
changed over all that time despite what it espouses above mor tals that they just fail to care about what
at its core. It has per severed because of how they?ve lost. For the same reasons, Sadistic is
per sonal it makes this much needed change, with another common mark - as they have moved beyond
member s r arely shar ing their progress or pain, so too should other s,
successes with other s, and member s jealously Convictions
hoarding their knowledge like Dr agons hoard gold.
There has been a steady progression of follower s - Existence cover s many stages, study them all.
throughout histor y, each str iving to reach the - Mor tals are at best the lar val stage from which tr ue
pinnacle and achieve Metamor phosis - or Azhi Cainites might emer ge. Do not concer n your self
with them. days of the Catholic Church and the idea of Sin,
other s state that it was der ived from ancient
- The knowledge you?ve gained is your own. Other s
Lasombr a cults such as the Angellis Ater, or even
should work for their own enlightenment.
from before that. While the Lasombr a are the clan
- The Beast is a par t of you, let it out to play, but almost exclusively associated with the Road, other s
also restr ain it. Tr ue under standing comes from have picked up the nihilistic beliefs as well, the most
exper ience. infamous example being the Finnish Sorceress
- Embr ace change in any way you can. Don?t be Louhi. Whatever stor y or mor al implications they
afr aid to alter your self, your environment or cling to, the Nihilists have a common goal - r uining
other s. and destroying the lives of all with only the end of all
in mind. In recent nights a var iation on the Path of
- The desires of other s are not of impor tance, focus
Night has sur faced - the Cult of Shalim. While there
on your own enlightenment r ather than allowing
are many similar ities in outlook, the Shalimites are
other s to dr ag you down.
far more cold and unfeeling. Theres?is a belief
divorced from Catholic guilt and concepts of sin. It
matter s not what you have done or what you would
do - all will end. The follower s of Shalim just want to
br ing it for ward.
The aspect of the Beast that this Road spr ings from
is Nihilism. The Beast wants more than anything to
retur n to the state from which it came, but also to
br ing ever ything else with it as well.
Touchstones and Beast Marks
Mor tals and the Dead make up the major ity of
Touchstones within the Nihilists - the for mer as
they represent what they seek to tar get, the latter as
they make a good reminder of what awaits them at
Road of Night the end of their jour ney - the peace of non
existence, or perhaps even a tor ment taken too far -
Nicknames: Nihilists, Shalimites Death only holds value as a lesson and shouldn?t be
Origins and Followers of the Way dealt out with abandon. Locations often hold value
to the Path follower s, and they?re dr awn to places of
The vampire r ace is no str anger to despair or the great suffer ing and destr uction. Other s seek out
ur ge to tear ever ything down. Those that follow the places that represent what they seek to end and
Road of Night have exter nalised this feeling and fixate on places of great joy and creation.
used it as the basis of a holy mission. This Road
shares a lot of underlying ideas with the Cathar i - As the Nihilists seek to destroy and r uin all they
both revel in their monstrousness and feel no guilt touch, it?s not uncommon for mor tals to detect this
over tor menting other s and shar ing their pain, attitude, with Disconnect and Diminishing Retur ns
both also feel the need to act this way is an act seeing representation. Due to their pr actices and
ordained by God. The difference lies in their predilections, Sadism often shows up as well -
ultimate goal - where the Cathar i embr ace and although as with the Bahar i, it's often difficult to see
enjoy their role as tor mentor s and seek to r ule over whether this is dr iven by the Beast or just natur al to
the Hell they?ve created, the Nihilists don?t care, them anyway.
there?s is a hollow and unemotional per spective. Convictions
Rather than r uling in Hell, they seek the utter
- You are cor r upt. Share that pain with all.
destr uction of ever ything, a retur n to the void that
spawned creation. - Test ever yone, hor ror will destroy the weak and
temper the strong.
The Road of Night has a number of potential
or igins as well as a number of var iations on its - Darkness exists within ever yone, dr aw it out so
mor als. Some say the Road or iginated in the early that they may share as well.
- All sensations are to be exper ienced, indulge in few elder s abound, but the few vampires with any
ever ything you want to. real under standing of the Road repor t that the
mor als that dr ive it have changed. New follower s
- Only gr ant death when it has meaning. The dead
have tur ned inward and focused on their own
do not suffer.
remnants, intent on removing any and all of their
- God has abandoned you, your place in existence old histor y. If the Ravnos are to continue, they need
is as a monster and tor mentor to the Kine.. a clean slate. To sur vive, they need to destroy all
they were. This par adox is at the hear t of the Road.
The aspect of the Beast that this Road spr ung from is
Chaos. While this path has many methods and
precepts, it thr ives on wrong footing other s, on
adding that chaotic element to each par t of
Touchstones and Beast Marks
The Rakshasa keep a var ied bunch of links to their
higher selves, with no two following the same
patter n. The Ravnos have always valued community
(as well as a healthy dose of ador ation) so mor tals
and ghouls are quite common - their hardiness
allows them to keep up with the vampires as they
roam. Animals feature for the same reasons, and
cer tain animals are valued highly for what they
Road of Par adox represent - their mercur ial spir it being considered
Nickname: Rakshasa for tuitous to the follower s of this Road. Finally,
or ganisations and objects are common for some
Origins and Followers of the Way
member s of this Road - especially when they
This Road has had almost as many var iants as it has consider specific communities as an or ganisation.
had member s, with different br anches of the
Ravnos clan inter preting it in different ways. This It is r are to see either Disconnect or Diminishing
has given the impression to outsider s that whilst Retur ns as Beast Marks for the follower s of this
follower s have stated they did what they did in Road - many of them value social inter action too
accordance with their divine mandate, many have much. Fixations often occur, with the Ravnos
felt that they just did what they wanted and used becoming obsessed with cer tain things and
this as an excuse. Perhaps this was the case for subcultures. They often exper ience the Need to Feed
some of them, but this road has a histor y as r ich as as well, their r avenous nature getting the better of
any other. The Ravnos and their founder were them.
separ ated from the major ity of vampire culture for Convictions
many, many centur ies, and when the two groups
- Other vampires have no inherent value and can be
finally met again, the Elder s of the clan declared a
removed freely.
holy war against those they saw encroaching on
their ter r itor y. They leaned heavily on any - Ever yone has a destiny, help them fulfill it.
advantage they could muster, eventually - Ever yone owes a debt to existence, debts are
weaponising their signature ability - a power they meant to be repaid.
refer red to as Chimer str y. Not only would they
ensure outsider s met their preordained fate, but - All reality is a lie, you should use those same lies to
they would ensure reality helped them reach their get what you want.
destiny as well. - You define your own reality.
In the moder n age follower s of the Road are almost - Change what par ts of reality displease you.
non- existent. The Clan exper ienced a worldwide
- Those that ser ve the Antediluvians deser ve to be
pur ge at the tur n of the millenium that almost
shown the er ror of their ways..
wiped them out. Rumour s of a resur gence from a
Touchstones and Beast Marks
Road of Typhon
The Typhonists often r un or par ticipate in lar ge
Nicknames: Theophidians, Typhonists cults of wor ship to Set, each filled with mor tals,
ghouls and other vampires and with each of these
Origins and Followers of the Way filling the space of the Touchstone in var ying
Less of a belief system and more of a full on degrees. Rites and locations also feature among the
religion, the Road of Typhon is thought of as a types of common Touchstones as the Temples of Set
direct counter par t to the other Roads mainly by are holy places to them, Consider ing the histor ical
outsider s - those that follow this Road see nothing ties between Set and many different animals, they
out of the ordinar y. For them, the only thing that feature ver y r arely as Touchstones.
has changed is the wool has finally been pulled By far the most common Beast Mark among the
from their eyes and they can finally see how much Theophidians is Disconnect, their acceptance of the
better things could be. vampir ic nature and wor ship of a deity of chaos and
This Road is tightly inter twined with the Church of evil has this effect on them. Fixations also spr ing up
Set and by extension the Ministr y. However unlike with frequency, although those afflicted by this often
other Roads that are associated pr imar ily with a keep it quiet due to the potential implications within
specific Clan, the Road of Typhon has follower s the faith. Finally there is a war r ior aligned subset of
from all the 13 clans, and even many mor tal the faith, for them Animal Instincts are common as
follower s too. The mercy of Set is open to all that they r arely feel the need to hold back their r age.
see his tr ue way. Through him and his Convictions
Hierophants, you can see the tr ue way of the world
- Any infor mation on the resur rection of Set should
and escape the machinations of the Aeons.
be pur sued.
The aspect of the Beast that this Road was built
- Ser ve the Hierophants and their directions.
upon is it?s Insidiousness. The most common
displays of the Beast are far from subtle, but many - Educate other s in the ways of Sets gr ace and do
vampires for get the small changes it br ings to what you can to br ing them into the fold.
them, even if they avoid cer tain behaviour s - Resist the Beast and it?s whims
knowing the Beast might r ise and asser t control.
- Secrecy is par amount, do what it takes to maintain

he Path of Caine is truly monstrous by mortal
standards, aspiring to be more like the
legendary first murderer than anything
remotely human. For the Noddists,
everything they learned while a mortal is largely
ignored, with all their focus on becoming a supreme
example of a vampire, and specifically by taking
inspiration from the qualities they see in Caine. The
Curses that each of the Angels leveled at him shaped
the entire vampire race, and Noddists seek to rise
above these curses, but also embrace them where
they can be treated as strengths. More than
anything, they seek to exploit the inherent power in
the blood of every Cainite, and if others aren?t
willing to use that, the Noddist will use it for them.

- Studious: The Noddists study the Sabbat would pay dearly for dealt it. Note, the damage returned
Book of Nod and other sacred texts someone to help them remain strong does not negate the damage the
religiously, with many scraps of text against the Beast. vampire receives, and all damage
and incomplete translations reflected back is of the same type
circulating at any one time. Sifting --- Blood of Caine: Path followers and is of the initial damage value
truth from fiction can be a full time seek to emulate Caine in all they do, (before halving, Fortitude etc.)
job, but nonetheless is a passion striving to be like the first murderer
project for the followers. You gain a with each action. His power is ----- Reclaim in His Name:
bonus dice to any roll that involves legendary and his will is strong. By Diablerie is rampant within the
your knowledge of Noddist lore. defying God and standing firm Sabbat, and the Noddists are a
This might be occult studies, against his demands, he rejected driving force behind that. They
academic interpretation of vampiric redemption and lived to carve out believe in getting as close to Caine
law, proper behaviour among other his own existence free from the in every way possible. Thickening
Noddists or even a particularly influence of others. As his blood the blood is crucial to this teaching,
impassioned reading of the texts. thinned from one Generation to the and while they won?t diablerise any
next, the ability to enforce control and all vampires they find, those
-- Pack Priest: The Pack Priest is over those weaker became more that could bring them closer to the
prominent. Those that emulate Dark Father are highly prized.
one of the fundamental elements of Caine have learned that Generation
the Sabbat, every grouping of Whenever a follower commits
is not always the limiting factor it is Diablerie on a vampire with more
Cainites having one to link them for others. Followers can ignore their
directly to the cause of the Sect. potent or lower Generation blood,
Generation when resisting against they do not take the automatic loss
Without them the sect would look Dominate and can always spend a
markedly different, and likely would to Humanity.
Willpower to ignore it.
have fallen apart many centuries
ago. As conductors and architects ---- The Sevenfold Curse: The
of the many Auctoritus and Ignobilis Book of Nod says that when God
Ritae, they are relied upon to cursed Caine, he ensured it that he
perform sacred duties that many was truly immortal - those that would
path followers rely on. Of course not attempt to harm him would receive
all Priests are Noddists, but their the pain back sevenfold. For the
devotion to Caine makes them Noddists, they?ve seen a little of the
common occupiers of this post. Due truth of that story - although perhaps
to this respected position, you gain not to the same strength as Caine.
a sect Status of two as well as Once per Story, the Cainite can deal
knowing to perform many if not all of the damage they sustain from a
the Ritae. Many of the remaining single attack back on the one that


H eaven exists in the eyes of the Cathari, but it is
reserved for the pure and those free of Sin, If
Heaven exists, then so too must Hell, but
instead of being where the damned go after
death, it is in fact the material world. Vampires,
trapped as they are in their mortal shells are truly
damned - they will forever live in Hell. The Cathari
understand this and have decided to embrace their
damnation, reigning in a Hell of their own making.
They embrace the dark spirituality inherent to the
Albigensian belief structure. Path members
concentrate on their connection to sin and the
material world. They focus on becoming the
consummate vampire, really relishing what they have
become and moving on with no regrets.
As the ultimate creatures of the material world, they
see their roles as tempters and devils, gods and
monsters. With each new sin they uncover, they feel
their connection to the world deepen and their
resilience to the Beast grow stronger.

- Fatal Attraction: The Cathari are everything in their presence- as

creatures of the material world they ----- The Dual Spirit: The Cathari
often highly physical creatures, and style themselves as pure evil.
find themselves attuned to it in a
while they can?t always indulge in Unconcerned with the morals of
way few others are. Players receive
the physical side of a seduction, that others, they wish to indulge in every
two bonus dice to both Awareness
doesn?t stop them using those vice and depravity - if the mortal
and Insight rolls, however any failure
techniques to get the blood they so world is truly Hell, then they are
counts as a Bestial Failure instead
desperately crave. Players gain the gods of this realm and should act
as their mind warps and corrupts the
Looks Merit: Beautiful when they accordingly! They each recognise
input they receive.
take this level. If they already that the realm of the spiritual exists
possess this then it is automatically ---- Despicably Me: The however, and that mortals are
upgraded to Stunning. If they Albigensians know that they are especially attuned to it as this is
subsequently fail a seduction ultimately evil and corrupt, so much central to their teachings. Not
attempt against a mortal target, they so that they actively embrace that wanting to miss out or alarm their
gain the equivalent of the Obvious attitude - gleefully destroying prey, certain Cathars have learned
Predator flaw against that target relationships and lives with equal how to tap into this spiritual side and
from that moment on. abandon. It?s rare to find a level that use it to their advantage. Once per
they won?t stoop to as all manner of Story, the vampire can appear
-- Living the High Life: The path vices and crimes are considered totally good and uncorrupt - as if
teaches its adherents that they are central to following the path. Even their Humanity was at 10 and they
creatures of the material world, and with that broad amount of leeway had no Beast Marks. Note that the
that they should enjoy everything governing their actions, there are Humanity score doesn?t change, just
that this world has to offer. Anything times when something is beyond the how they appear to mortals. This
less than a life of luxury and pale for even the most devout condition lasts the rest of the night
decadence is a betrayal of all the Cathari. Maybe the act is just too and is ended when the vampire
Albigensians stand for. Players gain vile, maybe it?s a necessary act of chooses to, or if they gain a stain. In
three dots in Resources as well as kindness that goes against addition, their aura will temporarily
the Haven merit: Luxurious, everything they stand for. Whatever change to reflect their uncorrupt
however if their resources rating the situation, a follower with this nature - although will still mark them
ever drops below two, they gain a ability has learned how to as a vampire. This experience can
stain. figuratively bury their head in the be quite enlightening to the Cainite,
sand in those situations. Once per with some embracing the
--- Enjoy The Small Things: story, the player can ignore all Stains experience, and others being
Followers often like to luxuriate in gained from a single action at the traumatised by it.
an environment, taking in all the cost of gaining one aggravated
small details and really relishing Willpower.


W hether it?s the brutal followers of the Sabbat

and their Path of Death and the Soul, or the
morbid Hecata and the original Road of
Bones, there are many vampires in the world
with a close connection with death and the afterlife.
Perhaps it?s a hangover from the brief time that was
spent in the shadowlands when they were truly dead,
perhaps it?s a desire to explore what they have become
or perhaps it reveals a deep seated fear of what is in
store for them should their immortality come to a
premature end. Whatever drives a vampire to
interfere with the dead and corrupt its place in life
certainly breeds results and a strong barrier against
the Beast.
Followers often concentrate on chaining the Beast
down deep within themselves, just as the dead feel no
pain, fear or rage, so too should they follow this
example - the Beast wins when the higher mind loses.

- Introspection: The followers of --- Cleave the Soul: Whilst many is not always a worthy trade! The
this path are notoriously distant and Necronomists attempt to learn the vampires on this path know how they
reserved compared to some of their deathly arts of Oblivion, many find can extend this feeling - while they?re
hotter headed sect mates. Spending themselves able to use their own not afraid of a few more bodies, many
so much time with the dead and understanding to perform impressive still recognise that killing can easily
contemplating the soul allows them acts of Necromancy even without draw unwanted attention. When you
plenty of time to self reflect and access to that discipline. You have have killed a mortal by feeding from
ponder their own nature - especially learnt one such capability and can them, your Hunger is reduced to Zero
as working with the dead still carries briefly rip a mortal?s soul from their as usual. For the rest of that night,
a certain taboo even among the body. By feeding a target a rouse you roll an additional dice for each
vampires. This combination of checks worth of the vampire?s vitae and Rouse check you make while still at
situations has given the followers a Bergamot that has been ritually Hunger Zero - once you fail the check
certain strength of will and the ability prepared that night (1 hour preparation and your hunger increases you lose
to pull themselves back together time), they can tear the soul from the this benefit. This ability can only be
just a little faster than others do. body. The new wraith is psychically used once per story.
When recovering superficial linked to its body, but not forced to
Willpower between sessions, you remain in the vicinity and can otherwise ----- Death and the Soul: Those on
recover one more than you travel freely. The vampire responsible this Path know that death is inevitable
otherwise would. can see and communicate fully with the and not something to be feared,
ghost, as can others with the indeed many followers take great
-- Dead Calm: It?s common for appropriate Disciplines. If the body is comfort in this fact and surround
other vampires to think of the destroyed before the soul returns, the themselves with grisly reminders of
Necronomists as cold and detached soul becomes a Spectre. This state death. Certain followers can take this
even by vampire standards, and lasts until the following sunset, or the attitude and use it to actively lift their
while many paths preach resisting vampire returns them to their body. spirits, taking grim comfort in the grip
the rage of the Beast, the members Needless to say, this is highly traumatic death has over all, and then taking a
of the Path of Death and the Soul for mortals that aren?t expecting it. This grip on that others' soul. By taking a
require a level of detachment and ability can be used once per story. mortal and ritually killing them just as
calm to progress in their studies. All they rest for daysleep, a Necronomist
vampires feel the blood rise up in ---- Hunger of the Dead: When a can boost their spirit and gain a
them and try to escape in a fit of vampire feeds from and kills a mortal temporary ally at the same time. Once
wild rage, but the vampire that has they experience a euphoria and calm per Story they can kill a mortal to
mastered Dead Calm has a defense that is incomparable to any other reclaim a single point of Aggravated
against Frenzy that others do not. experience. The constant gnawing they Willpower, as well as remove any
Whenever the vampire has killed a feel as the Beast rumbles away with Compulsions that they are currently
mortal that night, they feel an icy hunger is so commonplace to them that afflicted by - the killing calms and
calm descend on them, and an they often forget what existence was rejuvenates their soul. The death can
inner peace that is rare for their like without it. When a vampire be achieved however they like, but it
kind. For the rest of that night, Fury experiences this lack of hunger, all too must be slow enough that the victim is
Frenzy rolls are made at a difficulty often the experience is very short lived alive when the vampire goes down to
one less than usual. - a human life for a few hours of peace rest, and dead before they awaken.
The two bodies must also be in destroyed. Treat this wraith in the into the abyss. Occasionally these
contact when the death occurs. This same way as you would an ally with wraiths return as spectres - ghosts
shocking death also creates a a reliability of --- due to them being hell bent on destruction and full of
Wraith that is bound to the vampire very much bound to you. Example rage. Storytellers should keep this in
as it's sole fetter - and despite the statistics for spectres can be found mind if it is felt this ability is overly
rage it feels is predisposed to serve. in Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 377 used. Thankfully a Necromancer of
The wraith itself then proceeds to or within Cults of the Blood Gods. this level should be more than
rapidly deteriorate before being The newly created wraith only lasts capable of dealing with a rogue
consumed by the void and utterly 3 nights however before it vanishes spectre once in a while...


ore than anything else, the Beast
dictates the existence of each and
every vampire. Others deluded
themselves into thinking they?ve
risen above it or escaped its clutches - the Ferals
know this is all idiocy. There is no escape from
what you truly are - at best you?re delaying the
inevitable. Denial can?t ever work - the only way
is acceptance. A symbiotic relationship with the
Beast is not only possible, but benefits everyone,
the adherents to this Path are unliving proof
that the Beast grants significant power to those
that feed it and play by its rules. Those that fear
the Beast are naive. Fear is for the weak, and the
Ferals are far from weak.

- Wherever I Lay My Hat: The meaning that eventually they?ll tussle remove the need to take aggravated
Ferals often roam, considering the with the wrong opponent. If and Willpower damage when Stains
whole world their Haven. It?s not when they ever experience enough exceed boxes, just the impairment.
uncommon for them to sleep wild, damage to drive them into Torpor,
finding makeshift havens in the rather than needing to wait for a ----- Unstoppable Frenzy: All
wilderness or other random period of time as per their humanity, vampires know that the Beast is a
locations. Whenever they sleep in they can make a roll of their powerful and potent foe, the
the wild, or in a location that is not Humanity (Difficulty 2) to raise constant presence of it in every
their primary Haven, they receive themselves immediately from Torpor action they take makes that
the equivalents of the Postern and as a last ditch option. This can only abundantly clear. The real power of
Security System haven merits. They be done once per Torpor and can be the Beast is released whenever the
must have an existing Haven to rolled only on night that they fell into vampire frenzies, it?s raw
benefit from this. that Torpor- but they can choose aggression and anger making an
when so as to avoid any immediate almost unstoppable force of nature.
-- Blood from a Stone: danger. After that window has The Ferals are more tightly attuned
passed, normal Torpor rules apply. to their beasts than most and have
Sometimes you just get caught out,
stuck in the wilderness with not If they do manage to awaken fully capitalised on this close
enough blood to get you through the themselves, a single Aggravated relationship to really tap into the full
night. You?ve learned from your damage is downgraded to potential of the Beast. When in
mistakes, as well as picked up a few Superficial. Frenzy, these vampires become
ways to make things last, or tricks to even more of an unstoppable threat
help with your hunger when in these ---- Feed the Beast: The Ferals than usual. When entering Fury or
situations. Once per story when pride themselves on the symbiotic Fear Frenzy you gain the full
resting in the wilderness, you can relationship they share with the benefits of a Blood Surge to the first
automatically succeed in your Beast, feeling that they give just offensive roll made each turn. This
Rouse check to awaken for the enough slack on the leash to placate does not cost a Rouse check, but
night. it. In return they expect a similar no other blood surges can be made
exchange of power and freedom. In for other uses until the Frenzy ends.
--- Survival of the Fittest: The some situations where they feed the
urge to survive against any and all Beast, it rewards the vampire in
odds is one of the driving forces of kind. For every Stain in the
the Path, and yet they?re often put vampire?s Humanity tracker, they
into life or death situations. Being gain a bonus dice to all physical dice
possessed of feral instincts and no pools as well as not suffering the
strangers to violence, they don?t shy impairment if they have more Stains
away from physical altercations, than spare boxes. This does not


ake no mistake - the followers of this path
have a very distinct idea of what honour
exactly means, and it rarely means well
for those outside the Sabbat. By enforcing
a rigid code of honour, the Knights have created a
prison to house the Beast. This approach has not
only been largely successful but has granted them a
respected and key position within the Sword of
Caine. Advisers and soldiers, leaders and crusaders:
the shape of the Sabbat would be unrecognisable if it
weren?t for the work of these dedicated Cainites -
some say it wouldn?t even exist without the Patriots
to hold the ramshackle elements together! Whatever
piece they play in the game, whether they are King
or Pawn, they fight with absolute honour, willing to
sacrifice themselves for what they stand for.

- Voice of Reason: The world that your position relies on your called upon to do the right thing,
vampires live in is exceedingly honourable position - if you are ever despite how much it might infringe
dangerous, more often than not a caught acting dishonourably, then upon their own personal beliefs. The
Cainite meets their end due to a you will lose this status until you can good of the many outweighs the
careless word or listening to the regain their trust. needs of the few after all! When
wrong advice, rather than ending up acting for the good of the Sabbat
on the wrong side of a Hunter?s --- Battle without Honour or
and working under direct orders, the
crossbow. Over time vampires are Humanity: Uncontrolled rage and
patriot may lean upon their sense of
forced to learn who they can and reckless cowardice are the enemies
duty as a crutch against the ravages
can?t trust to give them good advice. of honour. When your actions aren?t
or the Beast. Once per Story, a
The Knights have a strict and well your own, how can you possibly be
follower may undertake a task and
known code of honour that they expected to maintain such a strict
gain no Stains from any single
adhere to, which isn?t a guarantee moral standard.? Many a Knight has
scene. As long as the task is
that their code aligns with yours, but eventually fallen to the Beast due to
undertaken with honour and fulfils
is a damned site better than how the savage nature of the Sabbat and
the needs of their Sect, then the
other Cainites are likely to treat you. the commonplace nature of Frenzy
vampire can allow the edicts of the
You?re one of the trusted ones, and within its ranks, their moral position
path to see them through.
you?ve a reputation for being a becoming untenable against such
straight shooter. Because of this you savagery. It is at times such as this ----- Restraint of the Gods: All it
gain a two dice bonus to persuasion when practical vampires realise that takes to break your sworn word is
rolls when you are telling the truth a little give and take is needed to for one badly timed Frenzy - some
and acting according to your honour. see them through the night. By badly chosen words or a hunger left
This only applies within your Sect willingly sacrificing a part of unchecked at the wrong time can
due to your respected position. themselves, they absolve bring it all crashing down. The
themselves of future hurt. When the Knights have learnt this from bitter
-- Trusted Pair of Hands: You?re Player fails a Fury or Fear Frenzy experience and over the years have
very much a known quantity to the roll, they can choose to developed and shared a technique
vampires in your city, and they know automatically gain a single Stain, between their members to help
they can rely on you for impartial however they won?t gain any more them to only unleash their Frenzy
judgement, or for a task to be carried Stains during that Frenzy regardless when ready and against a more
out as requested. You?ve risen above of what acts they perform. acceptable target. Once per Story
the rank and file Knights to become you can resist a Frenzy with no roll
almost a pillar of your faith and an ---- Honour Guard: Due to your
required, keeping absolutely calm
example that many look to. You gain incredible moral fortitude, you?re
and unflustered when others are
Status of One with all other followers able to battle many hardships that
losing their heads - sometimes
of the Path, as well as Status of Two would destroy a lesser vampire.
literally! This type of restraint
within the overall Sabbat. However There are times when a vampire is
doesn?t come without a cost
however, as the Beast will have it?s end due to a careless word or than how other Cainites are likely to
due. Before you rest for the day, you listening to the wrong advice, rather treat you. You?re one of the trusted
will have to unleash your Beast in a than ending up on the wrong side of ones, and you?ve a reputation for
Fury Frenzy - the Beast will not a Hunter?s crossbow. Over time being a straight shooter. Because of
abate it?s frenzy until a living target vampires are forced to learn who this you gain a two dice bonus to
is utterly destroyed. If you fail to they can and can?t trust to give them persuasion rolls when you are
release the Beast before day sleep, good advice. The Knights have a telling the truth and acting according
you will awaken in a Fury strict and well known code of honour to your honour. This only applies
Frenzy.The world that vampires live that they adhere to, which isn?t a within your Sect due to your
in is exceedingly dangerous, more guarantee that their code aligns with respected position.
often than not a Cainite meets their yours, but is a damned site better


t is well known that the Sabbat rose out of the
ashes of the first Anarch revolt. Outgunned and
outmaneuvered by the Camarilla the Anarchs
finally conceded defeat at the small English
village of Thorns. The ones that resisted became the
earliest True Sabbat. Full of passion and aggression,
the early members of the Sect lacked the political
clout that the Camarilla wielded so expertly. This
gap is what birthed the Path of Power and Inner
Voice. That gap is what created what is possibly the
most ruthless pursuers of power the world has ever
Followers are dedicated to achieving dominance in
any way possible. Power has many sides and the
unified seek mastery of them all. Each follower
closely monitors their sect mates for signs of
weakness - who knows what circumstances will allow
them their next power grab?

- The Power of Self Belief: One of Cainite will reach out to others when success isn?t just others, it?s
the first lessons imparted by the they need to get something done themselves - or rather it?s their
Priests that preach the path is that that is bigger than them. You and the Beast. Unifiers sometimes exhibit
of self belief. Without a will of steel, other Unifiers have built up a the will to overcome even this force
it?s unlikely that a vampire would network and series of favours that of nature. Once per story, the Player
progress very far with this particular can be used and shared with ease can include not only their normal
brand of morality. The many Wights and frequency - a case of ?You dice, but also any Hunger dice in a
that have been produced in the scratch my back and I?ll scratch Willpower reroll.
Sabbat are a testament to how yours?. Because of this you find it
many have tried and failed easier to get things done, even ----- Absolute Power Corrupts
miserably. When a follower spends when it?s not in your realm of Absolutely: There are plenty of
Willpower on a Willpower reroll, they expertise. You gain Three Dots to ways that vampires can show off
reclaim the spent point should they invest in Influence, however you their power, and many different
get two or more successes on the also gain easy access to that used spheres of influence that they will
Willpower dice. by your peers. If you require have gotten their hands on given
influence in an arena that isn?t your enough time to accumulate them.
-- Chains of Power: You don?t find own, the Storyteller may deem Whatever amount of temporal
someone else in the city can plug power they?ve accrued for
yourself on this Path without a you into theirs temporarily. As long
healthy appreciation for the finer themselves, there eventually comes
as you don?t impact their power a time when nothing but a raw
points of power, and those without base, they will be OK to share, but
something to show for their labours display of might will do. The risk
others may come asking for the might be drastic, but those in a
are often the subject of ridicule by same usage back from you.
other followers. Thankfully you?ve position of weakness often take
desperate acts to give them a
amassed quite the power base that ---- Inner Voice: The Path chance of coming out on top. By
you can boast to your peers about. preaches the accumulation of power
You gain Three dots to allocate spending a full night in quiet
as the single most important aspect meditation, they can awaken the
between Resources, Influence and of the vampire?s existence, and this
Sect Status. If you ever lose these next evening with real power
aspect is very well known even by coursing through their veins. For the
dots without replacing them in some outsiders. What most outsiders
other arena however, you will be run rest of that night, they can treat their
forget though, is that this path also Blood Potency as if it were at the
through the wringer by the other mandates followers have a will as
path followers. maximum for their Generation.
strong as iron. The confidence to Upon awakening the night after
push through adversity and assert
--- Insidious Influence: The path your vision on external forces that
however, they feel weak and
to true power means greasing a lot drained. For the next week they
would thwart your ambition is treat their Blood Potency as if it
of palms and knowing the right paramount. For many vampires
people. Even the most self sufficient were at it?s Generational minimum.
however, the impediment to their If the vampire was already at their
Generational minimum before a thin blood, just labouring under
enacting this power, their Blood similar conditions. The process
Potency drops by one. Note: this pleases the Beast and it uses the
can lower your Blood Potency to the opportunity to gain a portion of the
equivalent of Zero. If this happens user's soul. In addition to the above
players do not get access to Thin cost, the player takes a Stain.
Blood Alchemy as you?re not really

any of the Clans have the gift of Protean
-both the Gangrel and the Ministry have
mastery over their own forms, but the
Tzimisce - the so called Old Clan - are the
only ones that continuously claim dominion over all
forms: both their own and others. That attitude is
what birthed the Road of Metamorphosis, and the
Tzimisce's claim of the potential for transcendence.
The Road asks for constant change. All that matters
is the perfection of what you are, and evolution from
what you were. How you achieve that is irrelevant,
but the goal is ever present. This attitude has granted
surprising strength and resistance against the Beast,
as well as some followers having claimed to have
broken through to a deeper level of understanding
and enlightenment- the fabled Azhi Dahaka.
Metamorphosists may be insular and unwilling to
share, but their will to evolve beyond vampirism is

- Many Faces: Many form, one that through sheer force of perceive in the rest of their kind.
Metamorphosists alter and change will alone you can adopt. By This ability allows the vampire to
their faces and physical forms as spending three turns in full select a second Ambition that they
often as some people change their concentration, the Player can can work towards. Both Ambitions
wardrobe. While it can be easy for change into this new form. This form have the same effect when it comes
many of the Old Clan to make these has to be human in appearance, but to healing willpower damage and
adjustments to their faces by using can otherwise look however they function otherwise normally.
their Cainite gifts, sometimes they want. All attributes and capabilities
don?t have the real world capabilities are the same as usual, and the ---- Feng Shui: There is a
to give that new identity a full effects of looks merits and flaws common misconception that
background. For you, this change remain - although they can be uglier metamorphosis is purely about
goes beyond skin deep. If you if they prefer. In all other respects physical change. While this gets a
create a face, you want it to have a they look and feel totally different. lot of attention, there is so much
whole life attached to it. You gain This disguise is physically flawless more to following the path than this.
Two points in the Mask advantage but they do only have one form that Change has to emerge everywhere:
as well as Cobbler, allowing you to they can use this capability for. physically, spiritually, mentally,
ensure full identities for your Clothes and other accessories of socially and even your immediate
creations. However, due to the effort course do not change - just the surroundings. Followers are well
and emotional investment you go flesh. Vampires can of course revert known for making small
through, when one of your identities back to their original form with just modifications to whatever they
is lost or compromised, you must as much effort when coming back come into contact with, looking to
immediately make a Fury Frenzy from this identity. The storyteller find the perfect shape, form or
roll. might judge that persistent or layout for whatever it is. While this
extended use of this power is can appear random and confusing
-- Secret Identity: While some enough to grant a Stain, but context to outsiders, for the Metamorphosist
Cainites shed identities often and and Convictions should be taken however, it all makes perfect sense.
then never return, others have a few into account. You are one such vampire that has
that they hold onto, a pattern they applied these principles to their own
follow and a body that feels familiar --- In Two Minds: Most vampires haven, making it comforting and
and comfortable to them. The edicts are very much single minded in how peaceful for you. Others however
of the path teach them that they they approach their unlives, they really struggle with it as it is
must move on and evolve, but that have a focus that drives them and optimised purely for your own
doesn?t preclude one from gives them the will to keep going. benefit. You receive a two dice
sometimes benefiting from practice - For those that follow the Path of bonus to all Skill rolls when in your
as long as you don?t stay in that one Metamorphosis, a more fluid own haven, whereas anyone
form forever. You are one such approach is required to help them without deep familiarity of the space
vampire with a specific, practiced stave off the stagnation they receives the same as a penalty.
----- Azhi Dahaka: The Old Clan blood. your Potency below your
talk about a state the Eldest aspired generational minimum, then you are
They say that the blood is the life, unable to resurrect yourself. While
to - Azhi Dahaka. This state of and for you this has now become
enlightenment could be considered you may experience an
even more true. By expanding your uncomfortable period of adjustment,
a direct counterpoint to what Saulot understanding of the vampiric
preached about the fabled state of the experience is otherwise
condition, you?ve found a way to untraumatic - for the vampire that is.
Golconda. While that condition distill your very essence into your
claimed to offer the opportunity to The process takes a small amount
blood, encoding your entire memory, of time for the victim - roughly one
rise above the Beast, many power and soul into each cell so that
vampires looked at this with horror - day. Once the vampire has died
what you are permeates all you are. they more or less immediately fall ill
what would cause you to want to If you die, you can choose to
give this up? Why would you as if afflicted by a virus, with their
resurrect yourself from any mortal condition worsening over the course
possibly want to become mortal that you have both shared blood
again when immortality is so of that day. Death comes when
with and have fed from. When you night finally falls, shortly followed by
rewarding? Surely if you can master resurrect you maintain all your stats,
your Beast to that level, there must them returning to life but possessed
powers, clan and Generation - in by the soul of the vampire. This has
be more options available to an fact the only change is that your
aspiring vampire? Azhi Dahaka is no impact if the vampire is
Blood Potency reduces by one and diablerised, as their Soul is fully
one possible answer to that you now physically resemble your
question, and the Metamorphosists consumed and cannot travel to a
victim. If you are unable to reduce
may have unlocked it within their new host.
Loyalists: The Status Quo:
Appendix: The loyalists represent the far The tr ue centre and indeed
Con vict ion s an d Ten et s f or left of the Sabbat political hear tland of the Sabbat, it would

t h e Discer n in g Sabbat spectr um. They follow in the be dismissive to say they?re afr aid
footsteps of the Anarch Revolt to br ing the Sect to its tr ue
that refused to be held down or mission, but there are more
Ever y chronicle is unique and controlled by anyone but member s of this group opposed to
fits its own par ticular theme - themselves. Many of the the Gehenna War than in other
whether it is all about seeking nomadic packs fall into this factions due to their enjoyment of
Golconda, the tr ials of being a faction, but plenty of other the Sabbat lifestyle. They make up
Thin Blood or the old classic of Cainite do as well. They believe the bulk of the Sect and live for the
str uggling to be humane - the fully in the cause of the Sabbat, camar ader ie and attitude the
Tenets are there to set the tone. but freedom comes fir st. Cainites have created.
But whether you want to
exper iment with the Sabbat, play
- Freedom is your s by - Suppor t the Sabbat in all
in a histor ical setting where
r ight - Let no one things
mor als were different or just cut
impose r ules on you - You are a Cainite, not Kine
loose a bit, you?ll want to end up
- Take responsibility for - Ensure the secrets of the
with Tenets that add some r isk
your own actions Sabbat don?t get discovered
and give you something to work
- Never sur render by their enemies

Below are some example

Moder ates: The Or thodoxy:
Chronicle Tenets. Some are
grouped together with some of The Moder ates represent the The Or thodox are veer ing to the
the factions of the Sabbat, some centre left position in the r ight, but have taken the spir itual
are more free floating, all are Sabbat. They have a lot in path. Many of the tr uly
usable in any group. Don?t feel common with the Loyalists, enlightened of the Path follower s
obliged to keep them as they are, but they are more focused on eventually get to this point when
pick whichever ones take your tear ing down the needless their religion takes a preeminent
interest, tweak them, mix them r ules that they feel have position in their existence - it?s
up and pick and choose the ones par alysed the Sect. To an hard to not put it in front of all
that inspire you and that will outsider, the Moder ates are other things when you're that
provide a challenge for your anything but moder ate, but invested. For the or thodox Sabbat,
char acter s. such is the fr actious nature of the pur suit of spir itual progression
the Sect. They are tr ue to has over taken other pr ior ities, but
themselves and the spir it of many of the paths preach war and
what they see from the or iginal destr uction.
Anarch Revolt.

- Resist any attempt at

- Never create needless secular ism
complication - Pur sue your path at all
- Stay tr ue to your costs
per sonal convictions - Follow the divine mission
- Do not deser t the of the Sabbat
Ultr a- Conser vatives: The Sabbat Inquisition: The Black Hand:
With a sect dedicated to A Sect within a sect, the Black
The opposing side of the
freedom and per sonal power, hand oper ate as the elite soldier s
Loyalists, the Ultr a
as well as a healthy dose of of the Sabbat. When a war needs to
Conser vatives exist at the far
violence and sadism thrown in, be fought and won with finesse,
r ight of the Sabbat spectr um.
it was only a matter of time silence and speed, the Black Hand
Freedom is a goal, but it cannot
before other power s took are the ones you call on fir st.
exist as long as the Antediluvians
notice. The Inquisition oper ate Exper t infiltr ator s and war r ior s,
and their pawns exist. Gehenna
like secret police of the sect the Black Hand are the best of the
is real and it must be fought with
and aim to destroy any hint of best, or the wor st of the wor st of
ever y fiber of their being, no
infer nal taint, they attempt to the wor st - depending on which
matter what the cost.
route out this threat to the side you?re on.
fabr ic of the Sect and to ensure
- Fight any and all signs of - Never back down from a
that freedom wasn?t acquired
the Antediluvians and fight
at any cost.
their pawns - Obey your super ior s
- Fight infer nal power without question
- Keep the Sabbat strong
wherever it exists - Keep the Secrets of your
and ready for war
- Never suffer a Heretic Sect
- Never ignore an
to live
oppor tunity to Secr et Keeper s
- Never deal with the Rumour has it there are a few sects
under stand Gehenna Devil
and sub sects that infiltr ate
Bolshevik Anar chist mainstream vampire society,
The Reluctant Jyhadist
Freedom means different whether this is the fabled Inconnu,
The Sabbat has gone to war, the whispered about Tal?mahe?Ra
things to different vampires -
finally taking up ar ms in a for some it is the ability to kill or some religious cult oper ating
meaningful way and launching and embr ace as they please, for from the darkness, there are
themselves on a cr usade against plenty it is about roaming always those for whom secrecy is
the Antediluvians and their wherever the sunset leads par amount. The keeping and
pawns. There are some in the them. For other s, freedom is accumulation of secrets is a genre
Sect that believe in a number of about more than themselves in and of itself.
the ideals, but aren?t willing to and is tr uly a socialist dream. - Keep your secrets hidden.
throw their unlives away just Common among both the Without your secrets, you
yet? These ones have remained Sabbat and the Anarchs, these are exposed and feeble, as
behind, maybe to guard Tenets take on a ver y 20th well as wor thless.
ter r itor y, maybe out of fear but centur y view of freedom. - Discover other s secrets.
for whatever reason they?re - Never accept author ity Passing on an oppor tunity
alone against the world now. as given. to gain knowledge or an
- The weak are those who advantage makes you weak
- War is not a game and
deser ve to be strong. and anger s the beast.
weapons are not toys.
Help the weak reach - Don't kill, maim or
- Make no waves or make
their potential and other wise mangle those
messes you can't clean
usur p the strong. who are useful to you. A
- Money is cor r uption. subject must be studied
- Heed not the call -
Never own anything and his secrets must be
Gehenna is a fool's
without a utilitar ian found before he becomes
dream; reject it.
use. expendable.
Dar k Ages - Always uphold the laws abilities, and only of the
of your society. Your latter are you cer tain.
The human r ace has come a long
judgement must be just - Never suffer because of
way in the last thousand or so
and unclouded. another ?s mistakes
year s, with changes in culture,
- Only tr ust in tools you can
religion, health and longevity all
rely on.
influencing how many look at
- Death is but a tool, the
mor als. Those on the shar p end
dead but a resource.
have always cared for life, but
- The family comes fir st.
pr ior ities dr iven by other areas
- Ar t demands excellence
have also changed. The time
and sacr ifice
per iod also lends itself to
- Take what you want and do
prophesies, visions and fighting
what you wish. Never abide
against the dying light - no one
by the wishes of another
is going to convince the Tremere
unless it benefits you.
to save the Salubr i after all...
- The weak are those who
deser ve to be strong. Help
- Always uphold your oaths the weak reach their
- Be tr ue to your her itage, potential and usur p the
religion and people - Destroy bureaucr acy
- Do not fight fate wherever it appear s
- Being pure isn't about
- There is no god but me
achieving enlightenment,
- Those that mess with
it's about being the lesser
Additional Tenets: me and mine deser ve
evils. Cor r upt other s until
- Never make a decision what they get
you are Pure.
without knowing the - The pack/coter ie comes
- Do not suffer a fool to live
consequences. fir st
- Anything wor th knowing is
- You are not a Beast - Never reveal your
something wor th
- Like all monster s, keep secrets
sacr ificing for
your self hidden - be the - Always uphold the laws

Spider, not the Wolf. that of my sect

- Proper ty is theft - Never tur n down the

- Never enslave or be a oppor tunity to develop

slave your self

- Never refuse the - The destr uction of the

rebellion Camar illa is wor th any

- Uphold your convictions pr ice

- Honour your histor y - The Kine are nothing

- Do not kill or tor ture for but food

pleasure. - Do not pur sue violence

- Do not doubt reality for amusement.

- Always treat someone - It is better to be feared

according to their r ank. than to be loved, if you

Your super ior s are owed can't be both.

their due respect, and - Love depends on

your underlings need to another 's whims, fear

be put in place. depends on your own

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