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M. I. T.

Aurangabad Date /20


Spe Cificaton SeYve hree purpose

mate Sue Ahe Client qeks the product.or Sevvic
2 ae amoans af equatinq expehdituze with aa budgekik
Specif y h e pto the contracting party pYecistywhdt
is a n t ed.

AlL h e y obje chve

Subardindle_to these three»
Because hey_are the asis_£ alengineeyingand
ScienHeic(onackktechnical sped£icaions musE 2e
AYiHera with_caxe: conueysels, bad ly=wriHen_SpAiHaHan
cOs ime moneyand eceoIE
This ar h cle dedls uoit specificakians_in ali toeix aapecks
a d eplains toeir purpose conkent,
deuetop.ment And ypes. for breuiyi
ulhen evey he und
SpecieicaHon or B plural fkarm is used tae meaning
Hechnica specieication iS indendecl.
The p1epavaion oe Spea £icaHons i sh e irstandmos
imporkon tElep in any conbact nega Haion uith.out ihem,
cost tudies esHmaBes_sche.dulesandcomtast xoasporsi
bitics are difficult to detine well- urittenspecificaions
Avoid Cont racHial comnmeYCLa

difeiculHies meet performance objecive

Auo id main FenanCe
problems me@t budge objecives.
Date /20
M. I. T. Aurangabad


A SpecificaHan is adelailed descriplion e he-

paricular afSame_p2aje ck warK ip _ans gcienHAC+
manufacturinqpra.cess or engqineering discipline by
StahngAhe dimenSions. Material contenB qualii .
pexfa noarnce o¬ Hhe uwork The lechnicdlspe.ciki.caHohs
alo gi& the diecHons o ba ollouwed ay kne deIenek-
builder axconstuckox A spedceHon decines Heikems
desian calculaions
in vie of the norHn american fee rade aqee menk
CNAEIA)and resuiting inxeased cass barder come rce.
Aast 4neal abs.ervaiian_regavding the prepavaHon
sDecificationsis unell morta maeina This is Hedt
ahauah hephYase1oY equdli is commanls include d
in speceicaions those _lho prepare SpecieiccLH0n in
he u.SA._Can includ e oromithe phrase aS
wish. uihaBever theu decide_S lauu is on heir side.
In a1944 decision (po Hao end mte oe US.
cout pheld the riahE AeBhase uha uirike
chaese tho.se_ inuiked o bld as Hhey wished ha
ling Os an imporhant aneIE mhaimplicahon
Conadan contra ckors_and Guners_doing foy
eD.S Candd borcher he supreme business_ag0ss
doun our cauE hand ed
principal digS
M. I. T. Aurangabad Date /20

PapYietary speci ticaions do nat uioldke anti-tnugt JouS.

prafAeSi ondie wha write specieHccLHansjudge what
pacduckswill batSuit n he needs o l their clienks
echnlcally na wha pisducte are indenti.caland i£ the
speitierLdanis1a limitthespecificakion4a 0ne smure.
he hasthe ta do s a dnd to
ight enforce it
other nanu£a diYers orSuppliors can qualiky a s a ar

qualanly when Hhe specicior dooses ne speceiex

hau@veri is OSpansible arjudging i£ a prapa Sed
sucituHn isan ceeplable OR equdl praduel urtheymox
i£ e speciiers_decision asto ndt praduch do Ôy
do cot qualiH-as Or q u d
An 0nclusion,thecourtskatedThe ouden is_on
he uplieror nan Aacurer who has not been
Speciied o_canuion.ce hespecifier he heir produch
is equal for he puYpaSe_of a parH Cularprojecis

TO Somo deaiee-the purpoO Se_Of Spe Ci ftCoLHOnsuaS
pliscus sed in he ntraduchan A technical spe cieiaiioon
MustpYOuido ho coanBrach partieg uwith_cleay
knouledqe of the 0kpecidHon af both he end
ceY and heSuppliey A_gYdphiC_OMample_at hcdlu
written EpecficaHa n-ocunred inthed hes ddy oe
A briHsh ouluoayCamany rOEe a
Cor dri ning glasses HrUSein is dininq
e an requir ed thdt beer heservedin glasser
that uALld hald bdlf c print

Page No.
M. I. T. Aurangabaad

Supplier UWaS able to put in

the Success k
tikors ulhen..1E
+en per Cent glass thictness
the specii.cctionThe
and balHOmdiameleS_Af the q l a s S a d t h e -
top _pyoducingaglaSs

wee S u p p l ie r uas.
Cunued n o t staig ht Side s.
di h by ten pev
reduce he maleriaL needed
able o specificatian
cent the. glass metthe
hald balfa-pint. The specLkcchon
o requuirement.
omitted- to specfythe alume
mind specificoltiOn
Bearing this example i n
have a good howledge a n d
OrIterS shouwd:
undeyCandi nq O 5 hinqS

the serUice.
1The funchon USe ard puzpase af
Y eqwred iautpuutand capciky
How and-_by uwbdtnmedns h e t
COn_be produc ed..

speci fy requi rem en8in loqi ev cdl 0rd

How t dse and
4 Houd t o uwrite he. SpeciAcakonin con ci
equdllucoSHy delayot compleHonL

Types Of SpeCiH CcHd n g

be grauped n one or:more

Spe iHccLHons may
CaegoYies ond can exict under daeferntnames . Aor
design requremoE Hhamselues Can_ be
speitied for hodirechon ofSysiemand. eq uipmer
cdosig eYS TheseAr eused.eydesighex S ta evalue


M. I. T. Aurangabad Date /20

given equipment oy S y Sten desin. As u ch

yO Sult in
desiqn Speci ficclHonada not necossar il
Ahe produclion ot hadwaxe Here is an oxplandlon
vaviousaoups ok specificaljonypes
be found in industry


These ar writehin qeneva ems deire a
poduct_or majar urdertating he s e r u a s a ounation
Rox conducing an_invesHg.atian. tesihiliyohudy
n e prababl.e li£e cqcle cost a f a un der fakihg
his p e of SpecificlHon might Capply
a manu fachuring plant Yequired to benin produ cion
aF Commadiky a a qiuen imetheconcep cpeciEicalion
mightand othen _doen Shato
trantor leltion needls ines oE_cammu ni caHon
martet requiremen rauw maleria mayketsSecuriky,
uwaste disposal cxiteria -and required oil.ndiHong.

DesianspecisicaHon o Used to deline 3ytam ar
equipmont porfornnan.ceOutput capaciyand the
_YangeO£ deSiqn licOn ce ap.en ko he design er er
e ddesigner may be restrl.cHed o he usoAeleckic
or budyaulic means or a pou ey- opoiated mech onism.
his Yules ac ho cse a¬ for insianco,
pneurOaHc MeanS Sim ilaxy ah_aychtecho may be mt
0 Co CYete in h e u S e Of mckeidl in a building


MEHTA Page No.

M. I. T. Aurangabad *** ***
Date 120J

The desian Specificalion witeY must wrat des ign

vestyicions tpply before wiing he docnent. the
acual Stacue af fornm af
Specificakon will be_dealt
wi th cder h Abe choapley..

3Desian descrip Hon

d Design descripHon Speciicakions axe Nozmctlly

hcse pLacducted by e derignerThey aye notthe
SomeAS desian Spe citicaions e e h e pre.ce.ding tkemj,
whicn couemthe deslgreyS lark The alesioqn
desEripHon delirg. and Speciiesa desiqn soluHion
hat mets_ he deshgn SpeciiaHon
Qpecii ca hons in nis categany SeYve Opoy posey.
Theya1egubmitted ko he ogcni2auoh I%uina
he detign Speci ficclion_ai eidencehat thesPecilicuitn
ha been o e t .
Toey cre used by Oher designes_ 40produce
equipment 9pecifia hOns CorstruciOn
mauFackurinq oLOIngs

1 CoDsu cHon and manufackuring

Speci fcaions InthiC atecoyCansistO£_drcuDinq s
and writen oleBails_tha cOverhe poductSYSterm
buildüoqOr SOYVice.Theyinclud e Yefevances to

1equlatory contrals acceptablonalohalinteakona

and industzu sBonddYsls t Speciey Cyiteria hat
MusE Met by ControiCHbr Oho iCh OSLomIt_b idp

Page No.

M. I. T. Aurangabad Date /20

and lim1t pr oducls and sey uic es bidd erS may0Y

nat include in_their bids and praposala

PracesS Speci eraH onsdescribe the techni.col
piacesses hat will bo USec in the manfackiye oE
a pyduck ov constu cHon ae a building a r syskem
Thes e pracesier in clude thebeat trectment O
ounery casting.s rulei ar pya-Stressinc Conëyete.
beaas,selt Aarques on bxidge AnchosSeisme
masuLena antR GAd Apeafie ehemi calPZOCESSes
name A £ewN
I n many ucys pYocessspecificattanS are
SpeCiied produres_and a o _sthen regcd edas prae eclurej
A appes ec o specHcaHonSnr e the Arpevican
Socity of oechanicalEngeineerS LASME) Bailer and
pressuxe uess elcade contains specih.cdtian thol include

TheSeaf Shandards kas reaolybeen menianed

i n Coniucion Ih canstuCian 2ndmanifackring
9peciei ccHangNeverthelerc tandardg_are apeciticaUion
i n a akegoryO her awnTbey ae
nationdl and irtnatianaL badiosby induskiesand
eon sylargecorp.oxdtjans-
Thee are many elemple afStandaids a3
Specieiahon, ibe S Military specLAcoHiaos the


Date /20
M. I. T. Aurangabad Ovest lor t

The canadian fedexdl dopart.menk

Master constuction speciicaHon speciet.caHon, and
Ontario Power's
exensive weldinc SBandard.s tall. into this_ltegory
SBandaY ds bouuever Can be aneaf three kpea
Toproud spe cificrequir ements r
Such o s m c t e r i d l tasteneS_and itinq
that, aman
UariouS 3upplers CYO inler changeble
xoquirmenta a*eas ln.
Speciky pxaduct malo rial
aro peYnittec same
he x c k u p e b u t upplierS
his cae.hauever,
aHitude to meek Hhe Standards in
h e pradwks_ fom duft eront suppliers
de nat interchamg
o and pYACHCes_mt Speciec_ to A
COv@Y proceasor
pDLgcuck Or item- Itands of bis Hpe can be
ro cognized n HHes uch as_cades_ofPracHeg
reqirmenA 6uide1 tat
meltada dnd
auiliHy agauxanCe.

inq I n the.
are some aink uar h emebobe
Use And applicaHao of Stan

GoodspyoducBeedko SkadardsAIe LUSudlly relfclb)e,

kizecadnd a u c u l a b l e fom
econo nically-manulac
90ver dd supplie9
e h c e t h e chaice
Requwa Honsand Sles iolimes Influ
Of slandards_and heir use
meimpaciHon o l ckandarcdedn be Costly: the
intoduction_of eatataL me LccdHon to 1eplace

age No.
M.I. T. Aurangabad Date /20

Impoida o E SBcand drds s good exaOple.

m 1osospectdheuse_ol is beneica

and heir usealso help a recduce o he gize.
O Oricqinally LWritten specifcHon.

whdtshold SpeciCaHon include 2 its Contentuil
ueLYaccordina o ikHp purpose end appliccian
Thedbjeck is so laqo tadtit is nok paiclidl to
4ive an_cxample ofea.chcategorqOpleinec
becciuSO- Aoda so wouldtdke eKcessiue space A
qental lisHq atthe content will serue as d
checklist ar hase dho neod e write aspeiliaki
as poy aE \heir lark

ASSiana pokidenik thaSpeciticdttion or use
in 4he commercialeontrac orOther Speciicdhiors
ROviSion Referene
pAcifcaions_re _OHen Y euised piovldec r e ference
for each rouiSionissuedUsa etteyOL Numbe
desia ndHon and ddke iE sa khak. the user is
awereof heverSion hdt applies

PrOvid a cocis cand.dicntive Hle Ae: Avaid


Date: /20
M. I. T. Aurangabad

langHtles HheyOe Conusing-

a i LOtra du cHon Thiscan-
t h e Specit.i cakioo ls dboult
Say d h d k Hpe iform.
include theSCap of the spei icti.on.
pupas andCipplicclHon.

Deseie-iea Describ0 thepyoduct or Seruio
dinmensions mateyials hleynces ,
covey ed
inish requYed sdre


pescribe the p.orfor pmanc p riHeyia Op.eiaHna

condiions epeck ed gevico i£ e expeCHaney_ad.
SQYUiC £cckoxsothprperfar Mance1equdremens
depend on *he poduct StruCture cr Service

For el mechani.calhydrauic alronaui a

Cndcom.pukerequu.pmen bio nd
chemial pocer ingdalicespetarmanceLuiil
includ e poueYspe.ecd mavementpYess uresprimy
and humidiy oand dirt

ConshrucHan diso MeaningmanEackur_on _Sewrice
and maintendnc0facors tndkal£ech elidhilitu,4
Shouldstaleimis _an douon Hme o eeLect repalys
the availdbilikOE Specialisisfor geYuicig

MOHINI Page No0.

Date: /20
M. I. T. Aurangabaad

yeplacemen} parts

8 ualtity ASSuxance

The ptur pose0f /mpasinq qudli asSuY an ce

Shancdardsasapposad to stan daxd s_in gchral
provida an otganizing Eromuwork_witoin
Hhe o n t r a c is carried OulL hespecifi caHons
hequaliy o£ Hoe Service Inpecion and
Yequiremenls orminq paYt OkHhe_qusuli-
aSSuYance proqydmMe do not improue_ he qualiky
of rocduct oYSuice, buB prauido objeckiue
evidence Of h e qualiy f goods arSoYvic es

The coice ofuobai leue of _QA progxamme

Specif is an OConome one Such pr0gYammes dre
penie to dow lap and apply the more deleuled
he pxOgramme h e qiedtor he expensie
assuYance hdt Hhe Sevico_ prauided isOL h
eqired qualiy The coStOf the praqramme
speceied houeuer Must beassessed against the
Conseqen.ces of defechve g0ndsand Saruic o

Supplied o d_less intebsuO.


The speci iciorn should describe he packdqinq
handlingShippingONd..Soka.qo 1equi Ye m ents_a£ he
Date /20
M. I. T. Aurangabad

10.kanday d s and Specii cd i.ans

t h e speci ei dion other
Thr oughou
SLan dards uwil be o£erec ed. A Sepralfe
sland ards cited
lisHng of allL Spe ciicattos_and
shoculd be suMmar i t ed j nh i s eCHOn.


he cbjechyes for udhi chSpe citiccHon are uxiier

uweY dealt uith in he inkradcuc H'on ta his
9ession Spec icalion Oriing as uSedhere jncludos
he texk clyouing s llugtrdHonc and sketches.
he basis
aY delopmeni Of SpecilicaHon_ is
he same as thdt descrihed for wriHng a yeportox procedure. to 101teycke be
aduicegiven h roughouk hese ariclea, the steps Oe
Plan outline orite0dit_Yevi euD,
and obtain approvdl

I tisnotpecessary o daiell on eachat hese

Step io delail Aduicg bawever thdt applies
inparhculoy t0 Spedif caionsis
Be posilive. Omit _Stalem.onts holk indi cahe lacCE
a f knouledge Or uncertcunty
2Exclude 1equiromenBshat_Lannal ho enfarcod.
Give diyechion_ nok suggesians
Pon'E pe Vaque. wItb_the uSe of Such phrcs es


M. I. T. Aurangabad Date: 20

AS Goad work manship easilucleaned readily-


specify the cantrcclor:S respon81hilities to Subcorntiac

toYS and hird pO1 H e s
checkand. re -checkrefer ances to SpeificaHan
cind sLardards and ShandodSquaAed.-
Be YealisHc_andda nat 8peci£y the unattainble
Be pecise A Hhe use.f lang ugeanc auoid

Vague_adjecHec gaad cin e SmoahhTOugb

highlo arqe Small.

Reuiew andAppro ua

Anyone dho ¥ed:1evi oud _c Speci 9 CCLionShoud

olo Sorom he ui euwpaint oe heConhCkar
Here i s a check list kav anyong uha bas +o
Yevieu anddppk0ue aSpeciAcaHon.

1 > I s J t qrOmmak Calls _carY ect

Aye a necessaryrequiremrnA OmiHed

2 A x e a n upnecemar Yequiy ementinduded?

spe.ciicalion cn.alse & unambiguguS2
5 cleay to theWhdt uhen..udherebou R ubyt

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