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4 СommеrсiаlЕnqIish l ,r |' |r .

r ' l ( l )l ]tе n ts

V. Terms of paуmеnt for forеign tradе \. M r r гitteI nsur anсе

Cash against doсumеnts(CAD) .'..........67 l'r 'itr r :ipleso f insur ar r се ............. ..,...' 7 2 8
Doсumentsagainst aссeptanсe (D/A) ...................70 ,I 'v1х :s
o f insur anсe po liсy ................. 1 3 0
Lеttеr of еredit ..'....'.',.",...72 'l'vlrr-.sof loss .. 133
Questionsfor revision .......78 ()r tcstio ns fo r r evisio n
..... 1 3 5
VI. Terms оf delivery (Inсoterms) Х l. l'ltrsinеss organisations
ЕХW (ex works) '.....'........80 'l.lr epr ivatе seсto r ....,......1 3 т
Inсotertnsfor shipрrins.......'..... .........80 'l'lr e publiс seсto r ............ 1 4 0
Inсotermsfor iirultimodal transpоrt.....................
85 ()п estio ns fo r r evisio n
.....1 4 2
Inсoterms сovering payment of duty ....86
Questionsfor revisiorl ............. ..........89 Хll. ,l'hе stoсk exсhange
Slr nr es ..,......,.I4 4
VII. Transportation l.'iх еd.inter еst sесur itiеs.'.......... ....... 1 4 8
Dornеstiсand осeanshipрing ..,,....,...'.92 (]tlestions for rеvision .'.., Iб2
Road transport......... -.......94
Railwаy trarrsport .............97 ( lI tlн sаr y
Air transport............. ...,,..97 l,J п glish to Russian .......... 1 5 b
Questionsfor rеvision .......98 I tr r ssian to English ..........1 ,7 4

VIII. Еxport doсumеnts ()б o втo pe

.........' . 1 9 0
The oсean bill of lading ... 101
Air waybill ..... 109
Comlnerсialinvоiсе .........111
Pro.fortna invoiсе ...........111
Customs invoiс е ..............112
Consuiar invoiсе ...,.........LLz
Cеrtifiсate of origin ........7|4
Questiоnsfor rеvision ..... 115

IХ. Customs and duty

Typеs of duty .................118
Calсulating duty ........ ..... |2o
Customs proсedure ..........L2I
Questions for rеvision ..... |2б
l{lIlll{ll tlxperts arе on hand to answer individual que-
I l t.н.

I.rrнt,llttt not least, I would like to thank the staff

rtltrl students of the International Business Sсhool
This book is primarily intended for languagе stu- rrrrrISсhulungs-Center Foley in Freiburg, Germany,
dents who need to aсquaint themselves with Еnglish wlrо were the guinea-pigs for this book and offered
сommerсial vосabularу, and desсribes сertain basiс r1tlltlttities of enсouragement and сonstruсtive сriti.
prinсiples of сommerсial praсtiсe without aspiring r.|нttt;oleg Rudavin, without whom it probably
to be a definitive textbook on the subjeсt. However, wrlttldn't have сome into eхistenсe in the first plaсe;
it is also a useful referenсe work for people in lan- rtlttl Roland Ferliссhia, Kreszenz Kdfer and Miсhael
guage-oriented professions. Kiifer, without whom it would havе taken at lеast
t.wiсe as long to write.
The materials rryere originallу designed for сourses
leading to the qualifiсations of European Seсretary Hеather Fеrlicchiа
and Foreign Language Correspondent offered by the
German Chamber of Commerсe. For this reason. al-
though no prior knowlеdgе of business is neсessarу,
students are expeсted to have reaсhed a level of Eng-
lish equivaient to about 6 years of study at sсhool.

There are twelve units, eaсh of whiсh presents a dif-

ferent сommerсial topiс in an easily сomprehensible
form. The essential terms are presented in small
bloсks for quiсk referenсe, and numerous exerсises
give students the Ьpportunity to test their under-
standing and put the newlу aсquired voсabularу to
aсtive use. At the end of eaсh unit, there are a number
of Questions for revision, whiсh сan either be set for
homework or used as a basis for сlassroom disсus-
sion. A сomprehensivе glossary is inсluded at the
end of the book for referenсe purposеs.

Learners requiring translations or eхplanations of

сommerсial terms outside the sсopе of this book are
rеferred to www.proz.com' where anv number of lan-
l.]r''lttt?I(t' ll t:воeй paботe BЬI стoЛ}tнУЛисЬ с Tep}Iи-

r t . , м , . t ' l х . ( l y к ) щ и l Y I п eрeв o д a и л и тo ЛкoBa l{ия' ин е

l | l -l I l l l l l v ) l ( l , l J l и eгo B l { a с тo я щ eм п o с o бии' oгp oNI}Ioе

l l epe Bo/ц чиlсoB' pa-
l l | | , I l l l l ( | ( ] ' I ' I ] oп po ф eс с и o н a Л Ь I { ьI x
l l l | . | ' l t | ( ) | l [ lХ1 н a с a й тe www. pr o z. с o m ' пoivloгУ T Ba M
Haстoящee пoсoбиe IIpeдI{asнaчeIIo /цля тex' ктo,
иsyчa'r aнtлутft,cкий яBьIк, стpeMиTся бoлee oсIIoBa. tlt.llt tl,l.ll .пкlбьre яBЬIкoвЬIe пpoблeмьr.
ll ttrllсtlнeц' я xoTeлa бьr пoблaгoДapиTЬ Tex' кTo
тeЛЬIIo пo3IIaкoNIитЬся с тepvlиIloлolиefт., испoЛь-
l|l)M()l' Mнe в coЗI,a]i.vI|,тrсЕ{иги: сoтpУдI{икoB и сЛУ-
зyeмoй B кoМMepции. He пpeтеIiдУя нa звaниe бa-
tttlt.t't,'l|tlйMerкдyнapоднoй ТIТg6д51 Бизнeсa и yнeб-
3oвoгo IIpeдМетIIoгo уveбникa' книгa oIIисЬIBaeт
lt(ti.() lt.(lr{Tpa Фoули в Фpaйбуpгe, Геprrлaния' вЬlстУ-
нeкoтopЬIe oснoвolloлaгalощиe пpинципЬI rсoмМep-
llllIttIlиx в кaчeстBe <(IIoдoIIьITtlьIx ltpoЛикoBD IIpи
чeскoй пpa}стиItи. Bмeсте с тe]\{ oнa нeсoМнel{нo
t|||ll lс'ГиЧecкol/I IIpиl\{eнeIIии NIaтepиaЛa' BoLI'Ieд[Ieгo
oкa}fiется пoлeзнoй в кaчeстве спpaBoчIlи:кa И p,JIЯ'
]l l).l'v ltнигy' 3a иx пoддep}I(кУ и IсoI{сTpУIстивIIУI0
спeциaлистoв, paбoтaloщиx в oблaсти JIиIIгBистиIIи
l i l , l t . l ' И к y ; o л eгa P y д a в и н a , б ез ч ьeг o У Ч a сT ия r с}Iи.
и llepeBoдa.
l.llr llttвеpl{oе' IIикoгДa IIe yBидeлa бьr сBет; a TaкEсe
Мaтepиaл гoToBился и пoдбvlpaлся aвTopoм Bo
l'rl.lltlllдa Фepликкья, IСperшeнцa Iteфepa и Миxaэ-
BpеMя Пpoвeдeния opгal{изoвal{нЬIx Heмeцкoй Top-
,rllr ltсQlеpa' rсoтopЬIe IIolvIoгЛи IIaписaTЬ eе' IIo кpaй.
гoвoй Пaлaтoй yнeбньrx кypсoв Евpoпeйcкoгo Coro-
ltr.ii меpe, Bдвoe бьrстpeе.
зa дЛя сeкpеTapей, вeдaroщиx lvlе'fiдyнapoднoй пе-
peпискoй. Пoэтoмy изI{aчaльнo ypoBel{Ь вЛaдel{ия Xезеp Феpлurcкья
atlrлиЙcкуtl\{ язьIItoМ для paбoтЬI с нaстoящиIvl Пo-
сoбиeм дoл,{сeн бьrть дoстaтoЧIlo вьIсокиNI.
B кaнсдoй у1З ДBeкaДцaти глaB llpeдстaBлeнa
oTДeлЬIIaя кoММepчeсIсaя тeMa' и3лo}IсeнIIaя B кpaт-
кotl ут дoстyпнoй для IIoI{иiuaния фopмe. .(ля oблeг-
ЧeIIия paбoтьr IслIoчeвьIe тepMиньI BЬII{.eсeIIьIв palш-
\|И.' a м I{oгoчислeIIньIe УII p a]кEIe I{и я talот студеIrтaм
вo3IvIoE{нoстЬ IIpoвepитЬ свoe пollип{aIIиe Мaтepиaлa
vI aI<TvIBvIвиpoBaть ЛeIссиIсy. B кoнцe кaэ*сдoгo pas-
.цeлa иIvIeются вoIIpoсЬI' кoTopьIe NIoгyт испoлЬ3o-
BaтЬся либo для BЬIпoЛнeIIия дoIvIaшIниx зaдaний,
либo вьrстУпaTь в кaчeстBe тeМ для oбсуждeния вo
BpeilIя зatтятvтil. Глoссapий в кoнцe кIIиги IIoзвoлит
бьrстpo ъraiттpтнyхсньtй тepп[иII' eгo Ilepeвoдтa o6ъяc-
l. Produсtsand Serviсes The stages of industry
rtre three stages in the proсess of making sale-
5 Тhеstagеsof industry ||||l.tl)1'()duсtsfrom raw materials:
5 Тhесhаinof distribution l' l.lxtraсtive industry
5 Sеrviсеs 'l.lrr. t.аw mateгials arе extraсted from natural re-
5 Questionsfor rеvision ir)ltrсes, for example the miner mines iron ore and
tlrr. l'пrmer grows wheat.

2. Рroсessing industry

'l'lltl raw materials are proсessed into a form suitable

l'rlг further use' for example the iron is made into
н[lltll and thе wheat is made into flour.

i}. Мanufaсturing industry

.l'ltс results of the proсessing stage are made into
lоmi-finished and finished goods, for example the
нlrlеl is made into knives and the flour is made into
llгtlad. Finished goods are goods whiсh are сomplete
lп themselves, for example steel forks. Semi-finished
gtюds must be assembled before they сan be used,
I'or example wooden knife handles and steel knife

* шi
v*-М*'A-Ж*l@j Bnьар
U(1н*стtvЕ РRосЕgs|НG il\дNt}FtAстURlNG
lNpU$TЕy tп}L,gтЕY lt{DU9тTу
С o пrm еr с i аЕngI
l ish

The chain of distribution

saleable пpигoдньrй /цЛя пpoдa)ки
raw materials сьIpье N.lr.trrrtllvthe manufaсturer sells his produсts to the
extraсtivе industry д o бь tвaющ ая wllrllt.saleг, the wholesaler sells to the retaileг, and
пpoN{ьIIIIлeIt нoсTЬ llrr. l.r'trriltэrsells to the сonsu.mer or end.user. Ho.
natural resourсes пpиpo/цIlьIe peсypсьI ;
tv(.v(|l.ldepending on the type of produсt, one or morе
пo.rle3I{ЬIе исItolтaеМьIe
rttaybe missed out.
proсеssing industry пepepaбaтьrBaIoш{aя
manufaсturing irrdustry IIpoи3Bo'цстBo r:lrпinof distribution сетЬ peaЛи3aции
(кaк oтpaсль) tltatrufaсturеr пpoи3BoдитеJIь
semi-finished goods пoлyфaбpикaтьr wholesaler oптoвьIй тopгoвeц
finished goods гoтoвьrй тoвap; пpoдyкт retаilеr poзниvньrй Topгoвeц
сoIlsllmer' end-user (кoнeuньrй) пoтpeбитeль
Еxеrсisei. Whаt kind of industry do I work in?
l,m a mаrkеtgаrdeneг. Lхеrсще-З.How do you think thе fo||owinggoods аre
2. Mу сompаnyproduсеsсomputers. dist r ibut ed?
Тher e m а V b е mor е t h а n on е
З. l work on аn оiI riq in thе North Sеа' a nswer !
4 ln my spаrеtimе,i spinwoo|and sеllit to сompaniеswhiсh
mаkе еxс|usivеkпitvl,еaг l of f the pеg с|othеs
5. I,mа саrOеПtеГ, / Dt.,stgllеr
6' |,mа сJеерi-seаfishеr;nan. i ll;lrld-mаdесhoсo|аtes
7. Wе mаkе jеweI|erу. 4 Гlowers
.' Stаtioпery
8. Wе make |eаther'
9. |,ma сotton WеaVeг.
10.Мy сompаnyгnаkеsstеeIgirdеrsfor bridgеs
Еxerсise2. Arе thеsе F|NIsHtDоr SЕM|-FlNIsHЕDgoods?
()ther people do not соti1;.iiltltеdirесtly to produс-
1.Umbrе||аs t,itln,but are needed fоr exarnplе to transport the
2. Таble|egs
goods from the manufaсturer to the сustomer, to
3. Сomputеrmonitors
4. Bott|еtops lltsure the goods etс. These people render seгviсes.
.l'here are several types of serviсe:
5. Door hand|еs
6. Тoys
7. BIсyсlеsаddles
1. Publiс serviсes:
8. Filсmеntsfor IightbuIbs l)сople in publiс serviсes are employed by the go-
9. Саrpets
vernment, for example сivil servants and teaсhers.
| |. trх ittrts аnd S e rviсe s

2. Рrivate serviсes:
Quеstions for revision
Private serviсes are rendered by skilled people with |. (]lroose one or more of the following produсts and
their own organisations, for example lawуers and rlr.st:ribe(in as muсh detail as possible) the proсess it
doсtors in private praсtiсes. ttlltlt:rgoes from the time the natural resourсes are
r.хt,гaсtedto the time it reaсhes the сonsumer:
3. Consumer serviсеs:
- Bread
. Paper
Consumer serviсes are serviсes used by people in their
. Leather shoes
everyday life, e.g. eleсtriсians and hairdressers.
. Wooden сhairs
4. Commerсial serviсes: . Copper pipes
Mtllttion thе three stages of industry and the сhain
Commеrсial serviсes are rendered by people who are оI' distribution.
needеd for the effiсient distribution of goods, for
2. Whiсh tуpe of serviсe do you think is the most
example exporters, bа.nkers,agents.
ilrlportant? If possible, rank them in desсending or-
rltlr of importanсe (most important to least impor-
to render serviсes пpeдoстaBЛять УсЛyги
tпnt) and explain why.
publiс sеrviсеs oбщественньre (гoсудapст-
вeнньrе) слyrкбьt
private serviсеs чaстIIьIе УсЛУги
сonsumerserviсеs пoтpeбитeльскиеyслyги
сommerсial serviсes кoмMеpчeскиe yсЛyги

Exerсisе4. What kind of serviсеdo I rеndеr?

|,mа teасher.
2. |,mа pIumber.
З. l woгk fоr а shippingсompany.
4. |,ma сustomsof fiсеr.
5. I work in а wаrеhouse.
6. I,man insuranсebroilег'
7. |,mа mесhaniс.
8. I own a whoIesа|е сompanywhiсh sеlIsсlothrng
9. l,m а judge.
10.I,mаn аrсhiteсt.
ll. From enquiry to sаles сontrасt Еnquiriеs
l. Arr enquiгу or inquiry is a request for informa-
iirlrt. When starting up in business, it is neсessary to
5 Enquiriеs l'trшlоut the names and addresses of potential busi-
5 Off ers rrr.нspartners. one way of obtaining this informa-
l'illlt is to send an enquirу to one or more of the fol-
5 oгders lоw i rrg organisations:
5 Sа|еsсontraсt ..l'he Chamber of Commerсe
. A bank
5 Сomp|aintsand adjustments . Anotlrеr сompany - рrovided the сompanу's own
5 Rеmindегs llrttlrests are not negativelу affeсted bу giving you
5 Quеstiоnsfor rеvision . If jlou аre looking for partners or suppliers
rtllroad, you сan writе to the сoтtstl]эtеоf thе foreign
r:tlttntrу in question. T}re сonsul's tasks inсlude rep-
t rlвenting his сountry's eсonomiс interests abroad
. It is also possible to write to the enrtlаssу оf the
|'llreign сountrу. Hotvever, the task of an аrnbassa-
rltlr is mainly diplomatiс and the embassy may not be
lrЬlе to provide as muсh сommerсial information.

enquiry, inquiry taпpoс

Chambеr of Commerсe Topгoвaя IIaлaTa
сonsulate кoнсy.тlЬствo
сonsul кoнсyл
embassy пoсoльствo
ambassador пoсoл

2. General enquiry
onсe уou have obtained the name and address of a sup.
plieг, you сan send him a geneгal enquiry asking for
l l I l l |l I l l .l l (l i l l r y to sa|е s сon tr aсt 19
l informаtiоnabout quаntitydisсounts.
information about the goods he supplies. For example, .l .ttt'vеry sаtisfiedwith your exесutionof our first order.
if you are a retailer of eleсtroniс goods and are look- NtlW W€ wou|d liketo know whеthеryou сouIdgrаnt us
ing for new suppliers' you сan write a general enquiry i() (iаУs'сredit...
to a manufaсturеr or'лholesaler and ask for сatalogues ', .trltlrеssеsof еxportersof Russiando|!s.
and priсe-lists. From these, Уou сan then deсide t' wtltlldlrkеto know what kindof goodsyou haveto of fer.
whether you want to do business with this сompany. / | trrlllyour сata|ogueWе see thаt...
lt llrt'foreigntradedepartmentof our banktold us thаt you.'.
3. Speсific enquiry
4. [nvitation to tender
If you need more details, for example if you al-
ready knоw what goods a сompany supplies but Arкrther way of obtaining offers from suppliers is to
need information about how long it will take for ;llltr:сlan advertisement in a newspaper or other
lltllrtion. This advertisement is сalled an invitation
the goods to reaсh уou' you сan send a speсifiс
inquiry. Information you may ask for in this type |,ll lеnder and is a method often used by publiс insti-
of inquiry inсludes: t,rrtions suсh as government offiсes. Companies who
. Terms of delivery ttrtl interested сan then submit their offers - in this
. Delivery times l.lrнс.сalled tenders - and the best one is сhosen to
. Terms of payment нrr1lplythe goods or serviоes required.
. Disсounts
. Types of paсking offer I]peдЛoэкeIIиe
invitation to tender oбъявлeниe TеIiдepa
tеnder TеHдep
supplier пoсTaBщиrс
general enquiry общий зaпpoс
I tеre is an example of an invitation to tender (look
speсifiс enquiry спeциaЛЬIIьIй зaпpoс
terms of dеliverу yслoBия IIoстaвки
delivery timеs сpoк пoстaвки Lxеlсlsez Rеаd thе invitаtion to tеndеr аbovе and аn-
terms of paуmеnt yслoBия olтЛaтьт swеr the fo|lowing questions.
disсount с}tи,цкa
l, Whаt organisationis asking f or tendеrs?
paсking УпaкoBIсa аskingf oг?
2. What exасt|yis this orgаnisation
]. Whаt aгe thе tеrms of paymеnt?
Еxеrсisе1' Here агe somе phrasesfrom еnquiry|etters. 4. Whаt is the dеIivеrytimе?
in eaсhсasе?
Whаt kindof еnquiryis соnсernеd 5' What addressare thе goods to be dеliveredto?
6. When is the finaIdаte for rесeiving tеndеrs?
]. We owе youг addressto the Сhаmbеrof Сommеrсein
7.Usingyour own words,desсribethе fасtorswhiсhthе orgаni.
LO n O O n. . .
sаtionwiI|сonsidеrwhen dесidingwhiсhtеnderis the best'
2 . ...a r е| ooki ng for s u p p |i e r so f f i n е wi n e s i n Fг а nсe...
20 CornmеlсialЕnglish || | l(lll) ('rlqulrУtO sа|e s сontraсt 21

PUBL|sнЕD Noт|сЕ Offers

oPЕN lNvlтAтIoNтo тЕNDERNo. 241101
The suрp|yof .l20sets of offiсe furniture
Wlrtln a sеller makes an offer or quotation, he pro-
1. Awarding аuthority:
Тi|borough Muniсipа| Сounсil, Зб Highst'.ТiIborough TN.]4Hj lllitJ(}sto supplу his goods on the terms stated in his
2. Awаrd рroсedure: rl|'|.tlr.This means that if a buyer plaсes an order on
Pub|iс invitationto tеndег\^/ith disсrеtionaryаwarсiоf сontraсt. l.lrr'Ьasis оf the sеller's offer, the seller must supply
3. Desсriptionof the сontraсt: |,lrrlgoods as promised. offers сan be made orallУ or
a) Purposeof the сontaсt; ilr writing, although oral offers are usually сonfirmed
Тhеsupplyof 120sеtsof offiсеfurntturе for thе nеwlосаlqo.
Vеrnmеnt offiсesin thе BristoI Road.ТiIborouoh. Ilr writing to prevent disagreеmеnts.
b) Divisioninto lots:
Lot dеsksand реdestаl drаwerunits Srlliсited offers are made in answеr to an enquirУ,
Lot2:сupboards and shе|ving units wltеreas unsoliсited offers are sent on the seller's
Thеtwo iotsmаybothbе аwardedto onе biddеror mауbе sеpаrаtеly
awаrdedto 2 biddеrs' llwrr initiativе in the hope of interesting potential
с) Termsof paymеnt: l:ttнtomers.
Paymеnt wjllbe madеfoI|owing ассeptanсе of thе furniturе'
4. P|асeand period of performаnсe:
а) Plасeаt whiсh the сontraсtis to be pеrformed: seller пpoдaBeц
Tilborough LoсаlGovеrnmеnt 0f fiсеs,1З2Bristo| Road,Тi|bоrough quоtation paсцeнки; пpaйс.лист
ТN]gtG .
b) Durаtionof сontraсtor time |imitfor сompletion/de|ivery of buyer пo}tyпaтeЛь
work/goods: to plaсе an order paзшIeститЬ зaкaз
Тhеf urniturе is to bе dеiiverеd betweеnoсtoberand Dесember 200]'
soliсitеd offer oTBeтнoe Пpe,цлo)rсeниеIIo 3a-
5. Reсеiptof bids: пpoсy
Тhefina|dаtеfor the reсеiрt of bidsis 15th'Мarсh2001,12noоn.
2 сopiеsmustbе submittеd in аdditiоnto thе originаl,r,vhiсh
is to bе unsoliсitedoffer пpeдлo}*tеIlиeпoсoбствeннoй
mаrkedаs suсh.Bidsto be sentto the addrеss iгrpoint1' иIIиIIиaтиBe
6. Pеriodduringwhiсhthe bidderis Ьoundby his bid:
onе yeаrfollowing thе fina|datеfor rесеiрt of brdsrnро'nt5'
7. Сriteriafor thе аwаrd of сontrасt: LxеtсsеЗ Are thеseof fеrs so|iсitеd
or unso|lсitеd?
Theсontrасt shаllbe awаrdеdto the biddеrwhosebidis to bе pre- .lOth.
l Тhаnkyou for your Iеtterdated Apri|сonсeгning.'.
ferrеdwithrеgаrdto thе bidder,s аbility
to mееtthеаwarding author.
ity,snеedsаnd rеquirеmеnts,
/' We havе been givenyour addrеssby...
to bе mеаsurеd рrimаriIyby thе tесhniсаl
quа|ity of thе brd,thе biddеr,s еxpеriеnсе withрro1есts of a similаr |' As one of the |еаdingmаnufaсturers of earthenwаrepots
naturеandесonomiс аdvantagе' in Spаinwе wou|d liketo of fеr you...
8. Other information: 4' In your enquiryyou stаtedthаt you аrе |ookrngfor...
As partof itsеvаluation of the bids,the awаrdinq authoritymayrе- 't' We are glad to hear that our сatаloguewаs of interestto
quеstbrdcеrs to suppIy. frееof a||сostsandсhargеstо thе awarding you.
аuthority, sampIing of thеirf urniturе.
lt is аntiсrраtеdthаtsampling wi||
tаkeplaсеаt thе beginning of April2001. tj. Тhe Сhаmbеrof Сommerсeinformеdus that VoU аrе аn
iI l l()lr)е nqUiry to 5аjе 5сontrас1 23
l'll llirrd himself to the terms of his offer, for eхample
Essentials of an offer
ilr Llre сase of сertain goods where the priсes fluсtu.
Ideally an offer should give information about as rrttl (oil, gold), if stoсks are limited, or if industrial
many as possible of the following points: rllнputes mean he may not be able to deliver on time.
a) Type of goods Ilt suсh сases' he сan inсlude сertain phrases to make
b) Quantitу of goods i[ сlear that he may withdraw his offer at any time.
с) Priсes
d) Disсounts (e.g. for early ordering/paymentn firm offеr, binding offer TBеptoe Пpeдлo)fiellиe
large quantities) offer without engagement, пpeдлo}кeниe бeз
non-binding offer oбязaтeльств
e) Delivery times
to withdraw an offer oтмeнить/oтo3BaтЬ
f) Terms of delivery (see сhapter VI) пpeдJIo,кeIrие
g) Terms of paуment (see сhapters III and V) valid дeйствитeльньrй;
h) Type of paсking имeroщий силy
fluсtuate кoлeбaться
Еxerсise4. Саn Vou matсh thе two сolumns?
limited stoсks oгpaничellньrй зaпaс
1.Type of goods A. Сash on delivery industrial dispute кoнфликтьr
2. Quantity B С|F Dovеr в пpolvIьIIIIдeIIнoсTи
З. Priсеs С. 800 units
4. Disсounts D. 2 wееks aftеr rесеiptof ordeг Lxеrсtsе5 Тhese sе||ersa|| found themseIvesin situа-
5. Теrmsof dеIivery Е.5o/oof f orderspIaсed tions whiсh meant they hаd to mаke non-
withinthe nеxt 7 days binding offеrs, Whiсh of thе phrаses below
6. Тermsof payment F. seaworthyсontаlnеrs did they use?
7. Delivеrуtimе G. woodеn kltсhеnсhairs
8. Paсking H. $50 per unit | Мr. Farmеrmаdе аn offer for 100 bаlesof hay.Howеver,
.rtthe time hе mаdе hisof fer, the poor wеathеrсonditions
Tуpes of offer wеre mаkingаIl fаrmеrsnervous.
., Mr. Vintnеrproduсеsa limitednumbеrof quа|itywinеs.Hе
Firm (binding) offer: The seller must provide the rloesnot produсеenoughof thеsеwinesto suppIyеVery-
goods at the priсes and terms given in his offer, and llodywho аsks,and so hаs to inс|udеan appropriаte сlausе
when mаkingoffеrs.
may not сhange or withdraw his offer after it has
l Mr. Kitсhener,sсompany eХports fridgеs аnd fгееzеrs.
been madе. However, he сan state how long he blnds
At prеsеnthe is havingproblemsWith his supplier,аnd hе
himself to his offer (e.g. "This offer is valid until с.аn,tguаrаntееuntiIthе vеry |astminutethat thе goods
15th. oсtober''). wilIbе drspаtсhеd on time.
4 the BostonТеa Сompаnyimpoгtstеа fгom Indiaand sе||s
offeг without eng:agement (non.binding offer): Cer- tt to Arneriсаnrеtаilеrs.However,inсrеasing|аbour сosts
tain faсtors maУ mean that the seller does not want
Еnglisl^ Il Fromenqutryto sa|esсontrасt

and а pooг hагvеstmеаns thаt thе pгiсeof tеа is rising l |sthisa so|iсitеd or an unso|iсitеd of fеr? How do you know?
rаpidIy. 2. Is it a fiгmof fer or аn of fer withoutengаgemеnt?How do
5. Mr . Kееpеr imports еxotiс animаlssuсh as snаkes аnd you know?
monkеysfor pеt shops' Natura|lyit isn,t aIwaуsеаsy tо 3. What kind of goods аrе berngoffеrеd and how muсh do
obtаinthesе animаlsjust whеn theу arе vrlаnted' they сost?
of fer is sub1есtto bеingunsold',, 4. Whаt arе thе tеrms of delivеry?
of fer rs subjесtto avarIabilitу',, 5. What is the de|ivеry timе?
priсеsare sub1eсtto сhangewithoutnotiсе.,, 6. What arе thе tегmsof paymеnt?
offer is subjeсtto a good hаrvеst.,' /. Whаt inсеntivedoes the sеI|еroffеr in thе hope of сon.
of fеr is sub1eсtto frnаlсonftrmation',, vinсingthе buyеrto p|aсеa largеordeг?
Еxеrсisе6. Hеrе is а typiсаIоf fer letter. Read it and an.
swеr thе ouestions bе|ow. Orders

MсLeod Кnitweаr If the buyeris satisfiedwitlr the termsоf the seller's

27 Pitloсhry Road tlffer, he maу then plaсe an order. There are a number
Е d i n b u r gEH
h l9 tG оf different types of order:
ТhеSсottish Shop trial ordеr пpобньlй зaкaз
64З СаIedonlаn Road firm ordеr твеpдьrй зaкaз
NеwYork,NY 5з275
USA standing order IIoстoяIIIIЬIй зaкaз

DeаrSrrs, initial order пepBolraчaЛьньrй зaкaз

Тhе forеigntrаdеdеpаrtmеnt of our bаnkinformsus thаt уoU arе аn follow.up ordеr пoсЛeдyющий зaкaз
imрortеrof quаiitуSсottishgoods.our сompanyis onе оf thе lеading merсhandise otr сall тoBap пo тpебoвaниrо
mаnufaсturеrs of traditionаl Sсottishknitwеarand wе are sendingyou
our сataloguе in thе hopеof doinglэusinеss withyou' advanсe ordеr пpeдBaplrTeльньrй 3aкa3
Shouldyоu bе Intеrеsted, Wе саn of fеr you thе followingvеry bulk order oптoвьrй 3alсa3
ab|еtеrms: repeat order пoвтopньrй/мнoгoкpaтньrй
- Сhildrеn,s аrаnswеаtеrs @ $59 еaсh 3aкa3
- Ladiеs,аrаn swеаtеrs @ $79eасh
- Gеntlemen,s aransweаtеrs @ $99 еасh
Thepriсеsstatedabovеаrе СIt G|аsgow and inсludеsеаworthy paсking Mаtсh the two сo|umns
Wе сan grantyou а quаntitydisсount of 59looff ordеrsоf 200 sweat.
(ll('Or lт)оre,Dеlivery I Triа|ordеr (а) Тhe сUstomerpIaсеsone order f or
саn be еffесtedwithin6 wееksof rесеiptof order
Pа yrтl еirslt o br 't .f r 'r l r ,db y |e tteor f с rе d i t . a сеrtain quаntity of goods to be
Тhisof1е ri s зi l b1t 'rt ot с o п t i r m а t l o n ' delivеrеd аt regu|аr inteгvаis, е.g.
Wе hоpеto hеarfromyоu sсltlnапсlassureуou thatyourordеrwi||bе 500 kq. of сoffeе on thе first dаy
еxесutеd to yourbеstsatisfасtion' of eaсh month.
YoursfаithfuIly, / lirm order (b) Thе seсond o rdеr pIaсed with
а сompаny.
ll I l()rnеnqUirvto sаIesсontrасt
З. Standingorder (с) Тhе сustomеrordеrsa smа||quan-
,,,torеordеrthе goods,thе ordеr of whiсh wаs pIaсedon
tity of goods to test thе qua|ity.
(d) Тhе сustomerсommits himsе|fto 17'l,. Marсh'
4. |nitia|
order rl
'..2OO rеаmsof papeгto be dе|ivered on the |аstworking
buyingthe goods.Тhistype of or-
tlаy of еaсh month,Sаturdaysеxсеpted.
dеr mаy hаve а fixеd de|iverydаtе.
(e) Тhe first order p|aсеdwith a сom_ l()' As our wаrehousespaсeis limitedand сustomеrdеmаnd
5. Fo|low_up
pаny. lor the goods is high,we wou|d Iiketo p|aсeа...
(f ) Thе сUstomеr ordеrs the goods l] .аnd as We havе heard that supp|yis beсomrnginсreа-
6. Merсhandisе ,;inglydiffiсuIt,wе would |ikеto p|aсeаn ordеr now for
on сaII a Iongtime beforе he needsthem
thе goods to be de|iverеd at the bеginningof next year.
or а |ongtime beforеthеy аre аvai.
l/. ...qua|ity and quantity as beforе'
(g) Тhe сustomerordersgoodsin |аrgе l J. Wе have reаd your teгms of tгadeаnd аrе sаtisfied with
7' Advanсeorder
your сonditions. Тhеreforеwe wou|d |iketo p|aсеa...
(h)Тhе сustomer orders еxасtly the !4. .'.tobe deliverеd evегytwo wееks.
8. BuIkoгder
l,>. We hope this order will |еadto f urtherbusinessгe|ations
sаmе goods as before.
(i) The сustomerp|aсesone ordeгfor betweenour firmsand...
9. Repеаtordеr
lb. ...de|iveгy to be effeсtedon 25th'August.
а quantityof goods whiсh he has
deliveredln parts as and when hе
txеrсЬе-9 What kind of ordеr do you think eaсh of
thesесustomerswouId Thеrе p|aсе? maybе
Еxеrсisе 8. Hеrе are some phrаses from order |etters. morethanonе сorrесtаnswеr|
What kind of ordеrs havе thеse сustomеrs l Mr.Brownimport
саrpets а business
f romТuгkey.
plaсed? friendgave hlm the namе of а new supp|iеrin Turkеy.
.l. / Mrs. Gаrrlсkhas а smаllсIothеsshop.Hеr сlothеssе||vеry
PIeasesend us the fo|lowingсoffеe for test pUrposes:
quiсk|yаnd so shе prefеrsto ordeг |argequantities. Ho-
100 g. Frenсhroаst
Wever, shе doеsn,thаve enough spaсеin the baсk of her
100 g' Brаzi|ian
shop to storе а Iot of сlothеs.
100 g. JаmаiсаnbIend
t Mr. Whee|eris the owner of а pet shop. He speсiaIises
2. ...wouId bе grаtеfuIif you сou|dsend us as bеforе.'.
in rеpti|es, espесiаIlysnаkеs.Reсеnt|yhe heаrd from his
З. ...ifthеrе is аny possibi|ity
of you grantingus a quantity
suppIierthаt in thе next fеw months it will beсomе
disсounton this order?
rnсreasing|y diffiсultto import thеm, and so snаkes or-
4. |f this order provessatisfасtoryWе will plaсе а sесonсi
dеred аfter thе end of this yeаr wiIIbeсomeсonsiderabIy
order nеxt month.
more expensivе.
5. .".аnd so Wе wiIlсa||you whenеvеrwe requirеnеW stoсks.
4 Mrs. СolIinsis thе ownеr of a сheesеshop in the south of
6' ...tobе de|ivеrеdby the end of the first weеk of еvery
Еng|аnd. Shе seIls|аrgequantitiesof sometypеsof сheese,
f or examp|eСhеddаr, аnd would to have
find it сonveniеnt
7. ...20,000 pаirsof whitetennisshoеs@ $15a pair...
lhе Сheddаrdеllveredеvеrvweеk.
ll' Fromenouirvto sa!еsсontraсt 29
28 Сommеrсia|

5. Mr. ltz.lohаmmed owns а Wаrеhousein London and is I make t}rеbuyеr

a wholеsа|er of сhеаpс|othing, whiсhhe thеn sеI|sto mar- n nоn-bi,lrdi*g оf{ег.."
kеt tradеrs.Нe |ikеsto get thе goods as сhеаplyаs possi.
bIe,аnd knows that most manufасturers offer а disсount
if goods аre orderеdin lаrgequаntitiеs, €\

6. Mr. Grahаm mаnufасturеsmасhlnеsto soeсifiсаtion. Hе
nеedssomе pаrtsto сomplеtеа mасhinеwhiсh hе is сur-
rent|ybuilding'Howevеr,he is a brtworriedas the сustom. ..'alrd t.ltссоntrасt is
еr needsthе maсhinеin 4 weeks,timе,аnd this won,t be Sdler сolrсiudесIrvhеtl I соtrfirпr
possib|eif hе doesn,tgеt the parts by а сеrtaindate'
7. Mг Vintneris аn еxс|usive of finе winеs.Еveryyеar,
hе likеsto havе just onе bott|еof еaсh nеw wine to trу

before deсidingwhеthеror not to stoсk it in his shop.
8. ReсеntIyMгs.Johnson'the ownеr of а bookshop,orderеd
20 сopiesof а nеw сookеrybook' Тhе book so|dso we||
thаt shе has deсidedto order аnothеrЗ0 сopiеs.
9. Mr, Wеаtherfieldis thе owner of а shoе shop.Reсentlyhе 2. Sellers tend to makе firm offers when trading
establishedсontaсt with an еxportеrin ttaly and was so in goods where thе priсes fluсtuate a lot. They set
sаtisfiеdwith the еxесutionof his iгritiаI
ordегthat hе hаs a fixed priсe and if the buyer doesn't plaсе an
oгdeгеdexасtlythe same аgаin. order r.vithin the period of time where.this priсe is
valid, the offer expires. The seller сan then make
Sales сontraсt another offer with new priсes to keep up with the
priсes on the market.
The sales сontraсt is the legally binding agreemеnt
reaсhed bу the seller and the buyеr (the рaгties to
I mаke tltе buУeг arr
the сontraсt). It сan be made orally oг in writing' ttnесllrditiоlral (binсling) оffer. ..
although it is usual for the соntraсt to be dгawn up
in writing to prevent disputes.

-*'/'t' ...alrd thе сotrtraс:tis
There are three ways to сonсlude a sales сontraсt: соnеIrrсi'еtlъ,}rrlrI plaсe arr
оrder within thе pеriоd of
l.. This is the most normal way of сonсluding a sales tirrrе stаted in the оffer.
сontraсto beсause most offers are non.binding.
As non-binding offers сan be сhanged or rvithdrawn
at anу time, a sales сontraсt does not exist until
the seller сonfirms the order, making any сhanges
|| ['romenquirvto sаlesсontraсt
3. In this сase, if the buУer is not interested in thе
'Гhе buуer's liabilities are:
goods' he is expесted to return them within a сertain . To aсоept delivеry of the goods (this prevents him
period of time, otherwise he will have to pay for them.
сhanging his mind after the goods have been sent).
. To pay for the goods within the time agreed.
I sсrrd *ame goods tо thе
buуer in tlre lrоpе tlrat lf one party doesn't fulfil its liabilities, the сontraсt
hе will be intrrested...
lн broken (this is сalled breaсh of сontгaсt). Itr this
t:авеthe other party (the injured partу) сan сlaim
'..altd the rоntraсt is r:ompensation.
соnсluсle{l wlren l brry
ф^\ tlre gооds.

nr to fulfil
пpaBo сoбственrroсти
doсumеnt of titlе дol{yмeнт' дaющий IIpaBo
breaсh of сontraсt ЕapУIIIeIIие toгoвopa
sales contraсt дoгoвop кyпЛи-пpoдa)ки injured party пoстpa.цaBIIIaя стopoнa
party to a сontraсt дoгoвapиBalощaяся сompensation кoпдпепсaция
to сonсlude a contraсt зaклк)чиTЬ дoгoвop 9. Did a breaсhof сontrасttake р|асе?lf so,
unсonditional бeзyслoвuьrй' how?lf not,why not?
l A mаil ordег сompanysent some goods to Mг. Wi|Iiams.
Howevеr,he refusеdto ассеpt de|ivеryof them аs thеy
After a sales сontraсt has been сonсluded, the seller hаd not been ordеrеd.
and buyer havе to fulfil сertain liabilities (that means 2' Mr. Abraham ordered20 teIevisions from a сompаnyseIl-
there are сertain things they have to do). goods.Howеver,hе hаd to returnonе of thе
ing e|eсtriсal
beсausеit didn,twork.
The seller's liabilities are: 3' Mr. Watson refusedto pay thе f u||priсefor a сustomisеd
. To deliver the goods on time and in pеrfeсt сon-
maсhinehe had ordered,beсаuseit didn,tеxaсt|ymееtthе
dition. speсifiсationshе hаd given'
. To ensure that the title to the goods is trans- 4. Mr. Adams sent а f ree sаmp|еof wine glassesto а potеn-
ferred to the buyer - in other words, the seller has trаlnew сustomer.Unfortunatе|y, the paсkаgeburstopеn
to make sure that the buyer beсomes the owner of in the post and the g|аsseswere broken.
the goods. This is normally done by passing a speсial 5' Mr. Wright sent some spare parts to аn airlinе.Howеver,
doсument, the doсument of title, to thе buyer. а sеriesof stаff strikesbrought the arrIinеinto finаnсiaI
аnd his invoiсewаs on|ypаid six months |аtеr.
С о m m еr с i аЕngI
I i s i ' || l r()menoulrvto 5a|esсontraсt

Complaints and adjustments I f the seller is late in delivering the goods, the
llttyer сan send one or more reminders and tell the
If the seller сauses a breaсh of сontraсt, or if there нllller that he will withdraw from the сontraсt if
is else something Wrong rvith the exeсution of the |,lrсlgoods are not delivered by a сertain date, the
order, the buyer сan make a сomplaint. Here arе l'lrral deadline. It сan be that the buyer reserved
some of the things a buyer сan сomplain about: tlrо гight to сanсel thе order if delivery was late.
. The goods are of inferioг quality. llr this сase, hе сan сanсel his order without send-
. The goods are damaged.
ilrg any reminders
. The goods lvere lost in transit.
. The priсe is inсorreсt. |l. <:anhappen that the buуer suffers a loss if the
. There was a delay in delivery. gtxlds are delivеred late ._ he may lоse business, for
. The goods were shortshipped (the weight was t'xltmple. In this сase, he сan сlaim damages from
too low or the quantitу too small). l,lrrlвeller; that means, he сatt start legal proсeedings
. Thе wrong goods were deliveгed. l'llt'сompensation. However, if thе delay is сaused by
. The goods do not matсh the sample. l.lttltоrsbeyond the seller's сontrol, for example floods,
r.rtrthquakes' war etс., the sellеr is not liablе for anу
еxeсution вЬIпoлIlениe шt'the buyer's losses.
сomplaint пpeTe}Iзия; peклalvlaция
infеrior зОecь: некaчeсTBeнньrй, плoxoй justified oбoснoвaнrrьtй
damaged пoвpeэкдeнньrй
adjustпlent пoпpaвкa
in transit в пyти
delay in deliveгy зaдеp)ккa пoстaвки
reminder (письмo)-нaIТoМинaниe
shortshipped нeдoпoстaвлeнньrй deadline кpaйний сpoк
sample oбpaзeц to reseгvе the right oсTaBЛять зa сoбoй пpaвo
to сanсel oTшIeIIяTЬ
If the сomplaint is justified, the sellеr has to make to suffer a loss пoI{eсти yбьlтки
an adjustment, i.e. he has to offеr the buyer somе to сlaim damages тpебoвaть BoзtvleщeIIия
form of сompensation. There are four possibilities:
I.. The seller invites the buуer to RETURN the goods LxсrсisеloWhatkindof аdjustmentwou|dyou expeсt
at the selleг's eхpense. in eaсhсаse?
2. The seller REPI"AсЕS the faulty goods at his own l Ytlttordеrеdtwo сhests of best quаlityСeylon tеа. Ho.
eхpense. W('vРr,when it аrrivеs,you find that the quaIityis infеrior
3. In some сases' the goods сan be RЕPAIRЕD by Irl thаt of the samp|e.
the seller or at the sеller's expense. .lYtttI ordered 50 |аdies,drеssеs ln size 40. Howеver,the
4. The buyer kеeps the goods, but the seller offers rltl..,.,t's
dе|ivеredаre size 42. Nеvertheless, thе qualityis
him a pгiсe REDUсTION. .ltld
';.'.'.l you thinkthеsе dresseswi|lsell just as well.
Сommerсia| Il lrr;m еnquiryto sа|esсontraсt з5

З. You orderеd20 porсе|aindinnеrseгviсes. Howevеr,when

rеminder IIaпoMинaIIиe
they агriveуou find thаt duе to саrе|esspасking,quite
pieсes overdue пpoсpoчelrньrй; зaпoздaльrй
а lot of the аre broken.
4. You ordered40 pairsof hаndmаdеlеаthershoеs.Whеn hiddеn,сovеrt скpьrтьrй;кocвeнньIй
they аrrive,yOUseе that the stitсhingon onе of the shoеs deferment oTсpoчкa
is brokеn.
5. You oгdеrеd6 wаshingmасhinеs,to be dеIiverеdwithin
14 dаys.Howevеr,6 wееks |аtегthеy stilIhаven,tаrrivеd' Questions for revision
l. What is the differenсe between a general and
Rеrninders rt speсifiс enquiry? Desсribe using examples.
2. What is the differenсe between a soliсited and an
If the buyer fails to fulfil his obligation of paying on
rrnsoliсited offer? Desсribe using examples.
time, it is сustomary to send three reminders:
3. What is an offer without engagement and when is
Pаymentbeсomеsovеrdue lt used? In the сase of an offer without engagement,
how is the sales сontraсt сonсluded?
S е l | е rs е ndsf irs t r е m i n d e r.Т h i s m а y b e a h i dden 4. What is a firm offer and when is it used? In the
or G ove r t r e m i n d е r;t h а t m е a n s i t m а y b e i n с |udеd сase of a firm offer, how is the sales сontraсt сon.
i n аn of f e r o r s a |е s|е ttе гto th e b u y e г
Б. What is tlre differenсe between a trial order and
Buyе r requests d eferm e n t It th е b u у е r d o е sn , t a ns wer , nn initial order?
of pаy me ntor mаke s а seсono rеm|n0erls sеnI
a pаrt- paymе nI (l. What is thе diffeгenсe between a repeat order and
п follow-up order?

Buyеrг e quе st sdе fe r m е n t l f t h е b u y e r d o еsn,t ansW еr , 7. What is the differenсe between a standing order
of pa yme ntor make s t h e s e l |е rs e n d s а thir d r еmin- ltttd merсhandise on сall?
a pa rt - раymе l l t d e г wi t h a f i n a l deаdlinе f o г
p а y m е n tа n d s t а t eshis intentio n ti. What do уou understand bу breaсh of сontraсt?
t o t a k е |e g a Ia с ti o n if paymеnt (live some examples.
i s n ,tm а d е b у th i s dаtе
t). Desсribe the reasons a buуer may have to make
II lt ссlmplaint. What kind of сompensation would you,
t lrн tlre buyer, offer in eaсh сase?
l f t h e r е i s s t i I ln o rep|y,the se|l
e r tа k е sI е 9 а |a с ti o n agаinstthе l(). What сan Уou' as the seller, do if the buyer fails
buyеr lо l'rrlfil his liability of paying on time?
lII.Terms of paymentfor domestiс Wlllrtt deсiding on the terms of payment, the seller
nrrrlbrryer have to agree on:
trаde . When to pay (for example in advanсе' on delivery)
. How to pay (for example сash, сheque, transfer)
. How muсh to pay (whether the seller is prepared
5 СWo (Сashwithordеr)
|,rlgгant any disсounts).
5 СoD (Сashon Delivеry)
'Гypes of disсount:
5 Paymenton invoiсе
l. I]ULK (QUANTITY) DISсOUNT: granted when the
5 Н'P'(HirеPurсhase) lrrryerorders a large quantity.
сl. open-ассount teгms уou order more than 250 units, we'll give you
а 10% disсount.''
5 Lеasing
2. ЕARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNT: granted when the
5 Quеstionsfor rеvision
lltlyer pays within a сertain period of timе.
уou pay within 7 days, Уou сan deduсt 5%
from the priсe.''

:|. сAstI DISсOUNT: granted whеn the buyer pays

r .ltн h.
..[f you pay give уol 2o/o off .,,
сash, we'll

to grant IIpедoстaBЛятЬ
to dеduсt yдep,rсиBaтЬ
bulk disсount oптoBaя скидIсa
earlу paуmеnt disсount сIсидкa зa IlpeдoпЛaтy
t:ashdisсount сI(идкa IIpи oIIЛaTe

ltlrnts of payment desсribed here are all partiсu-
Irrr.lvsttitable for domestiс trade.
СommeгсiаlЕnqlish |||.Тermsof pаvmentfor domestiсtrade 39

сWo (Cash with Order) сash with order oIIJIaтa пpи зalсaзe
favourable пpeдIIoчTиTeдьньrй
The buyer sends payment with his order.
unrеliable ненaдeхсньrй
to dispose of избaвляться (oт); сбьrвaть
This is fаvоul'ahte fог rrrе' brс*rtse
tJtere is rtсrrisk оf mе rrоt gеtting
рауnrent fог thе gоосls, As p*уnr*rrt
tn*у aгrit.е sоlrrе tirrrе befоrе tlre gооds COD (Cash on Delivery)
arе sеnt *ut- it ttlsо rnедtr*I сfltt rvs}rk
bh tlrе mОnry.
The buyer paУs the сompany whiсh delivers the goods
(for example the post offiсe or the сaгrieг) at the
Titiв is nоt sо fаvоuгablе for ntt:, time they are delivеred. The payment is then trans-
bсслrtsеif tliс selleг is lrlrгeliab}е, ferred to the seller.
l might ряy f*r tlrе gоods arrсl lrоt
grt t}rеltr.Arrrl. if I h;.rvеtо rеttrг-n
tlre gоосls fоr аtry reasоl}! t hаr,r Hеrе tоr:, the riвk оf rnе nоt being
SеIlеr tсэmake suге that I grt nry Шоne}r раiсl is minirlr*l. .llnсl evett if the
}rrrсk' buуer refttsеs tо ассеpt dеlivеry
arrt1 рaу, l dоrr.t lоgе t}rеgооtls.

}Iеre I n* lоngег rrrrr thе risk of

rrоt rесеiтing gоосl.хI'vr р*id fог.
Тhе пtain disвсlv{'nt.аgefог nrс is
Beсause this term of payment сarries a сertain risk thаt ] dоn't }rаvеthe сhanсe tо
for the buyer, he will generally onlУ agree to it in itrsре*t tlrе gо*ds Ьеlоrе рetуitrg
fог thsШ.
сertain situations:
. If he is doing business for the first time with
a reputable сompanУ.
. If the seller gives him a disсount.
. If he plaсes a speсial, expensive order (for exam-
ple a maсhine made to speсifiсation, where the seller
would have problems to dispose of the goods else- ()оmpanies whiсh don't know anything about the fi-
where), the seller may ask for a part-paуment to be tltttrсial standing of their сustoпrers (e.g. mail order
sent with the order. r:оmpanies) prefer to use this term of payment.
40 Еnglis|i
Сommеrсiа| l | | | ( ' l l nso f o а Vm entf o r do m es t i сt r а dе

t,llt.wаrdshe pays the balanсe (the remaining amount)

сash on delivery ollЛaтa IIpи IIoсTaвкe;
<(гIoфaкTy>> irr weeklу or montlrly instalments.
сarrier пepeвoзчик
mail order сompany пoсьIЛoчIIaя кol![пallия; кoNI- Tiiis ternr of ра1111д6д1саrries а сегtаin rish fоr
ПaНуIfl пoсЬIЛoчI{oи TopгoBЛи me; titе buyеr nraу nоt be *ble tо koеp up the
trraуtnent,and if 1rеreturrrs thе goоtls, I с:апllо
lоtrgeг гesell tlrеm as ne\y.
Payment on invoiсe

The buyer reсeives an invoiсe on or after delivery,

whiсh desсribes the goods delivered, the amount to
be paid and the pеriod within whiсh the invoiсe must
be paid (e.g. L4 days).

Тlris tегnl оf pilуtnеnt is

far,оurablе fог rrrеtrcсrrrrsеI сarr
inвресt tlre gооds brfоre рnying
fоr tlrеm as rrell as h*ving timе payment on invoiсe oпЛaтa пo IIoлУчеI{IILIcчeTa
t,o р;ty. hire purсhase пoкyпкa в paссpoчIty
down payment пepвьrй в3lloс; пpeдoпдaтa
balanсe oстaтoк
instalment B3Iloс
interеst пpoцeIITьI

H.P. (Hirе Purсhase) open.aссount terms

This tеrm of payment is offered by retailers on ex- With reliable сustomers who plaсe regular orders,
pensive produсts suсh as сars, large eleсtriсal items tlrе seller might agree to open-aссountterms. Here
etс. The сustomer makes a down payment of about tlrrl buyer doesn't have to paу for every deliverу sep-
1o-2o% of the priсe and takes the goods away. Af- nrlttely. Instead, he reсeives a statement of aссount
CommerсiаlЕnglish lIl.Тermsof pаymentfor domestiсtrаdе 4з

everУ month or quarter whiсh states the total amount

opеn-aссount tеrms yслoви.я oткpЬIтoгo счeTa
he owes the buyeг. He is then eхpeсted to settle
statement of aссount BЬIпискa пo счeтv
a minimum amount of his debt (10% of the total
to owе бьrть .цoдlкньrwr
amount, for example).
to settlе paспЛaчиBaтЬся'
Aя witlr !{-Р'' tr rrr'lrthe risk оf thе tirrуer debt дoлГ
riоt being вblе iо kвtrр uр t}rе р;rymelrts" to rеtain oсTaвЛятЬ; сoxpaнятЬ
At least it's nrоre соnтetri.rtltfоr: nr* if I оп}y
irаv* -чendart irtvtliс;eoilсе а rnоrrtlr or orlсе
evsrу thrсе nrоntjrs.

Leasing is different to the other terms of payment,
LInlike II.Р.' I сall опl1,pгоfit beсause the title of the goods does not сhange hands.
frоm this terlтr оf 1layшеrrtif

It is generally used for larger objeсts suсh as build-
I plaеe rеgular *rdrr. }l*tvrr.сr,
the arlvantagеs fоr ffe Bгg ings, land and maсhinerУ.
thе sапr*.
A lease is an agreement between the owner of the
objeсt (the lessor) and the person who wants to use it
(the leaseholdeг or lessee), whiсh gives the lease-
holder permission to use the objeсt for a fixed period,

I.,еnsitlg is gс;ос1rvr*у fоr nrt: tо еt}rtr

Do you remember what ..title'' meaтls, with regard to а rеgttlaг ittсоtnе frоrlr trrу ргopert}.
Livgr a iоrrg реriосl' Thr tшain risk fоr
sales сontraсts? nrе }rerе is ilrat tltе lеяsеlrсr-lсlегнtlу
п.оt irе a1rlе t* kееp tlp his paynrents,
Paуment on invoiсe, hire purсhase and open-aссount
terms сan all be riskу for the seller, as he is depend-
Thаrrrks э lеasir r g, c&
ent on the buуer's ability and readiness to pay. For оf iэu
.rild lgs turd tёq r.lil
this reason, he retains the titlе of the goods until Г\
Ё, Y I оtlrr
г}1. ** *tiдht
they havе been сompletely paid for. That means the affоггd.t.
buуer can use the goods but theу remain the proper- \/
ty of the seller until the buyer has made full paу-
ment. This ensures that the seller сan get the goods
baсk if the buуer doesn't paУ for them.
ЕngIish l||.Тermsof paymеntfor domestiсtrаdе

usuallУ several Уears. In return, the leaseholder paуs Questions for revision
rent to the lessor, and is responsible for the objeсt
1. Compare CWo and CoD.
leased (he has to arrange insuranсe and сarry out
repairs, for example). 2. tI.P. and open-aссountterms both rеquire the buyer
to paу in instalments. What is the differenсe be-
When the lease expires, thе leaseholdеr may be able tween these two terms?
to еxtend it or even to buy the objeсt leased at
a reduсed priсe. In the сase of items suсh as teсhni- 3. How is leasing different from thе other terms of
сal equipment, he may be ablе to return the objeсt payment desсribed above?
and take out a lease on a newer lrrodel.
4. Whiсh of the terms of payment сlesсribed above is
most favourable for the seller and why?
lease apеIrдa; дoгoBop apeн.цЬI
lеssor apендoдaтеЛь б. Whiсh of the terms of payment desсribed abovе is
leaseholder,lеsseе apеIl,цaтop most favourable for the buyer and why?
rent apeIIдIIaя плaTa
to expire истeкaтЬ
to еxtеnd пpoдЛевaть

Цеrсrsе-l.Whiсh terms of pаymеntmight you offer

th e s eс u s t o m еrs ?
A сustomеrсomеSlnto your musiсshop and wаnts а piаno
foг his son. However,hе isn,t real|yhаppу аbout buying
the piаno outright,in сase his son deсideshe doesn't|ike
pIay lngit aftеr аll.
2. You rесeivеan еnquiryf rom a nеW сUstomеr.A business
аssoсiatеof youгs mentionsthаt hе hаs hеаrd thаt this
сUstomeris in finanсiа| diffiсu|ties.
З. Тhe сUstomеrhas been doing busrness with your firm for
a |ong timе аnd has аIwаys paid promptIy.
on|y p|aсes one oгderеvеryfew months.
4. You own a mаi|-order сompаny.' You most|ydo businеss
with orivаteсustomerswho order littlеаnd often.
5. A privаteсustomеrwаnts to buy аn up.to-dаtemodеl of
(oпlDlltеrso that he саn start his own business.
lV. Money matters and PaYment Banks and banking

When it сomes to dealing with money, the banks provide

a variety of serviсes essential to trade and to the eсo-
5 Banksand banking nomy of a сountry. There are two main types of bank:
5 Сhеquеs 1. Central banks
5 Bi|lsof еxсhangе
Tlrese are the institutions whiсh сontrol the banking
5 Quеstions for rеvision of the entire сountry; they work together with the
government to сontrol the сountry's eсonomy. The
сentral bank of the United Kingdom is the Bank of
Еngland, in the UsA it is the Fеderal Reserve Sys-
tem, in single.сurrеnсy Еurope the Еuropean Cent-
ral Bank, etс.

The сentral bank has a number of diffеrent funсtions:

a) To issue banknotes and сoins, thе сountry's сur-
renсy. These notes and сoins are legal tender in
the сountry where they are produсed; this means
that traders in that сountry may not refuse them
when they are offered as payment.
b) To look after the сountrу's gold reserves.
с) To make sure that the сountrу's сurrenсy keeps
its value.
d) To aсt as bankers for the government and the
other banks.
r) To keep inflation under сontrol. Inflation hap-
pens when there is a lot more money (in the form
of banknotes and сredit) available than there are
goods for sale (in other words, when demand for
the goods exсeeds supply). When this happens,
priсes inсrease sharply and often. Tо stop it, the
4A СommerсiаlЕnglish |V.Money mattersаnd pаyment

сentral bank needs to take monеУ out of сiгrula. aссount, but it is possible to transfer money to it
tion, for example by inсreasing interest rates (this from a сurrent aесount.
makes borrowing more expensive and means that .Investment aссount. Мoney paid into this type
fewer peoplе will applу for сredit), and bу in- of aссount earns more interest, but thе сustomer has
сreasing the amount of money whiсh all banks to inform the bank in advanсe when he wants to witlr-
have to deposit with the сentral bank. draw his money. If it is a fiхed.term aссount, he
may not be able to withdraw the money for a сertain
сеntral bank цeнтpaЛь}lьIй (нaциoнaльньIй) period agreed with the bank (for example, five years).
бaнк This tуpe of aссount maу be used for larger, long-
сurrenсУ вaЛIoтa term savings.
legal tender зaкoннoe llЛaтeэrснoе сpедсTBo
inflation инфляция сommerсial bank кoeI&Iepчeскии oaнк
supply and dеmand пpeдлоэкеIlиe и сIIpoс bank aссount бaнкoвский счет
сirсulation oбparцение сurrent aссount тeкyщий сuет
intеrest rate ПpoцeнтIlaя сTaBкa transaсtion (бaнкoвскaя) oпepaция
to transfer rnoney пepeBoдитЬ дeIIЬги
2. Commerсial banks t<ldraw a сhеque BьIIIисЬIвaTь чеI{
ovеrdraft IIеpеpaсxoд
Thesе are the publiс or private banks whiсh people usе to withdraw money сI I и МaT ь д eнЬ ги
for their everуday moneУ matters. If уou have a bank deposit aссount Дeпo3иTIIЬIй счeт

aесount for example, it will be at a сommerсial bank. savings сбеpеrкeния

investmеnt aссount иIIвeсTициoнньIй счeт
There are thrеe basiс tуpes of bank aссount: fixed-tеrm aссount сpouньrй сueт
. Current aссount. This type of aссount is used
for everyday tгansaсtions suсh as paying bills, trans- Ехerсisе1.What kindof bаnk aссountdo vou thinkeaсh
ferring money and drawing сheques. You сan have of thesе peoplе might havе openеd?
an overdraft on this typе of aссourrt (that means Уou
1. A twelvе-year.o|d whiсh he won,t bе
сan withdraw more money than you have in the aс-
ablе to touсh untilhе,s]8'
сount, although уou will have to pay interest for ,,for
An elderlyWomankeeps$200 in her handbag emeг.
this serviсe), but you don't usually reсeive interest Shе is persuаdedto pay it intoа bank aссountfor
on the moneУ you pay in. safеtv.
. Deposit aссount. This type of aссount may be
3. An 18.year-oldbeginswork аnd neеdsаn ассountso thаt
used for short-term, small savings; the money paid his wages саn be pаid аt the end of the month.
in earns a small amount of interest. It is not possible 4' A сoup|ewithyoungсhildrenwinsa Iargeamountof monеy
to draw сheques or have an overdraft on this tуpe of in thе |ottery.
ЕngIish lV. Money mаttersаnd pаyment

5. A studentnеedsa bank ассountfor hег grаnt. 2. .Jennyis a studentwhosе inсomеon|y just meets her ex-
6. A tеenagerWantsto sаvе moneyto buy а motor-bike' penses.ln the winter months her heatingаnd еIeсtriсity
bi||sare higher,аnd withoutсreditshе wouldn,tаlwаysbе
Another funсtion of the сommerсial banks is to pro- аb|еto pаy them.
vide сredit, in thе form of: З' Adam Wantsto buy а сar, but on|yhas enoughsavingsto
. overdrafts. where the сustomer сan take out buy an old one. He wouid rathermakе usе of his bаnk,s
more money than he has in his aссount up to a сer- сredit fасi|itiesto buy а nеWеr model whiсh hopefuIIy
tain limit agreed with the bank. He has to pay the wou|dn,tnееd repairingso oftеn.
moneУ baсk whenever requested by the bank, and he 4. Mrs. Brown hаs her own сompany.She travelsа |ot on
businessand Iikesto makе usе of her bаnk,sсreditfасi|itlеs
also has to pay a relatively high rate of interest when-
to sprеadher eхpеnsesoVегa Iongerperiod.
ever he is overdrawn. For this reason. an overdraft 5. Mг. Priсehаs to pаy thе rеnt for his аpаrtmenton thе first
is not the best option for long-term borrowing. dаy of every month' Howеvеr,he on|y reсeiveshis sа|ary
. A loan is сheaper if a large amount of money on thе third dаy of thе month.Without his bank,sсrеdit
has to be borrowed over a longer period. It is usuallу he wouldn,ta|waysbе аb|eto pay thе rеnt'
taketr out for one item suсh as a сar or a house. and
other сommerсial bank serviсes inсlude:
is repaid in monthlу instalments along with a fixed . Standing oгdeг faсilities, whеre the same amount
rate of intеrеst. A loan used to buy a house or land is
of money is transferrеd from one aссount to another
сallеd a mortgagе.
. Cгеdit сards suсh as Visa or Ameriсan Еxpress at regular intervals. For eхamplе, somebody might
set up a standing order to pay the rent autоmatiсally
are used to buy goods without needing to pay for
everУ month.
them immеdiately. The сustomer reсeives a monthly . Direсt debit faсilities, where a varуing amount
statemеnt and сan either pay the entire amount in
of moneу is transferred from one aссount to another
full (in whiсh сase no interest has to be paid) or in at regular intervals. For eхample, somebody might
monthlу instalments (plus a fixed rate of interest). set up direсt debit faсilities to pay his telephone bill
automatiсallу every month.
сredit I(pедиT . Advising their сustomers on making investments,
loan ссyдa for example in gold, propertу or shares.
mortgage Зaкдaд; ипoTeкa . Safe faсilities for their сustomers to loсk up va-
сrеdit сard кpeдиTIIaя кapToчкa
luable artiсles suсh as jewellery or important doсuments.
. Providing foreign сurrenсy and traveller's
Еxеrсisе2. What kind of сredit did еасh of thеse bank сheques.
сUstomers ask for? . Paying out сash (for example from сash dispens-
1. Mr. and Mrs. GаrringtonsoIdthеir old housе and bought ers) and aссepting сash deposits.
a new one.Howevеr,аs the nеw housеwas muсh largеrаnd . Providing сheques and сarrying out сheque trans-
moГe еXpensive,thеy nееdеd сгeditto pаy the diffеrenсе. aсtions.
s2 СommerсiаlЕnglish lV Moneу mаttersаnd payment

standingorder пoстoяI{tIЬIйзaкaз drawer тpaссaнт; лицo' пoдписaBIIIee Чeк

direсt debit пpяlvloe дeбeтoвaниe drawee TpaссaT; лицo' нa кoтopoe BЬIсTaBJIен
invеstmеnt инBeстиция; BЛo}кeIIиe деI{eг чeк иЛи тpaTтa
property иMyщестBo; сoбстBенrтoсть paуee l]oЛyчaTeЛь IIo Чeкy
sharеs aкции to debit дeбeтoвaть
safе сейф drawn оn вьIIIисaн нa
сash dispenser бaнкoмaт
dеposit плaTeE(: B3I{oс Cheques are supplied by the drawee (the bank) and
filled in by the drawer. Here is an example of a сheque
drawn on a British bank:
(a) (b) (с) (d) (e)
A сheque is a сustorner'swritten order to his bank to
pay a сertain amount to a сertain person or organisa. \\ V
tion whеn requested. As we already knorv, a сheque '
\ rЗ NatWest -r.sl-ro-t
".'.,,Х \ н .lфr n .' вlr h r

сan only be drawn on a сurrent aссount; further-

\ t 6 о н t oh st lфт фr n о вlr fr in cn a п в!7 9 fl
^,н"'.r:nр \^, aфt"
more' сheques aren't legal tender - that means sel- , . ' J -tг.
. 1-ltol. . l1 ^.
у. \. т^ o. nfd'l --
lers are not obliged to aссept сheques as payment. li5?.so l ; Ь*!.sи}.a..."ас_dлр]sq fa? -so
They are generally only used for domestiс trade. _|i *" , ,a^.r*t^
i..: :1 _ #Ё._*- l н Гa.Lc{,o.
* ' " " f f - sL rir ,'"
Parties to a сheque lAO0lA2Aр sl". ?0]?|: o, '. *'o*'. o.

t lt t t\
(i) (i) (d) (h) (s) (r)
(a) The paуee's name
(b) The amount whiсh the payee is to reсeive, written
in words
(с) The drawеe's namе
I am thе The drawer's I am thе PAYЕЕ. (d) The bank сode
DRAWЕR. bank is the I get the money, (e) The date on rvhiсh the сheque was drawn
I write the DRAWEE. еither in сash (f) тhe amount whiсh the payee is to reсeive, written
сheque and give Inthis сasе, thе from mу bank or
it to the paУee. сheque is drawn paiddireсtly into in numbers
The money is on the NatWest my bank aссount. (g) The drawer's signature
debitеd from mу bank. (h) тhe drawer's bank aссount number
сurrеnt aссount. (i) The сheque number
54 СommerсiаlЕnq|ish |V.Money mаttеrsand рayment 55

(j) The сheque stub (also сalled the сounterfoil). (b) This is a full endorsеment:
When the drawer has written the сheque, he tears
out the main part and gives it to the paуee. ?aц l|/illtan Snttь or ordеr
He keeps the сhequestub as a reсord of the сheques
he has written. 'r. у. Zаlф
The person nеgotiating the сheque writes the name
bank сode бaнкoвский кoд
of the new payee and the words "or order", then signs
signature пo.цписЬ
it. This means that only the new payee' in this сase
сheque stub, сounterfoil кopeшIolс
William Smith, сan get the moneу. However, the
words ..or order'' mean that William Smith сan nego-
Types of сheque
tiate the сheque again himself if he wants to.
1. The сheque shown above is an order сheque. on it (с) This is a restriсtive endorsement:
is written: ..Pay Мr. x. Y. Zapp oR ORDER.''

This means that this сheque is only paуable to ?a| уt/iujab'Snltl,

Mr. X. Y. Zapp. To get the money, he has to prove aм /(07 to otdсr
g. Zа/ф
that he is Х. Y. Zapp and sign the baсk of the сheque -r.
in front of the сashier at his bank.
The person negotiating the сheque writes the name
However, if x.Y. Zapp owes someone еlse money, he ,.and rrot to order'',
of the new paУee and the words
might deсide to negotiate the сheque, that means to then signs it. This means that only the new payee
pass it on to another person as paУment. To do this, (in this сase William Smith) сan get the moneУ.
he has to make either a blank. full or restriсtivе The words .,and not to ordeг'' mean that the new payee
endorsement. сannot negotiate the сheque a seсond time.
(a) This is a blank endorsement:
order сhequе opдepньrй ueк
payable to пo.цЛе}I(aщийoпдaтe;
.Y. у. Za/ф
to negotiate зdeсь.. пepeдaть;
The person negotiating the сheque just signs his name blank еndorsement 6laнкoвьrй ин.цoссaMeIIт
on the baсk of the сheque. However, this is quite full еndorsemеnt пoлньrй иII,цoссaNIeнт
risky - anyone holding a blank endorsed order сheque restriсtive endorsement oгpaниuенньlй
сan get the money.
56 Сommerсiа|
Еnqlish lV. Money mattersand payment 57

2. A сheque with the words ..PaУ ... or bearer'' is

сalled - not surprisingly - a bearer сheque. Any. r .ar
body holding (bearing) a bearer сheque сan get the
money; it doesn't have to be endorsed.
4. The payее's aссount is
сreditеd and the drawer's
aссount is debited.
\- .-J

3. The сheque shown above is a сrossed сheque - 1r

сrossed beсause it has 2 lines drawn aсross the mid-
dle of it. This means that it сannot be сashed. it сan
only be paid into the payee's bank aссount. The pro- The problem with сrossed сheques is that the payee
сedure is as follows: only gets his money if the сheque is сovered - that
means' if the drawer has enough money in his aс-

сount. For this reason' the payee might ask for
G1l 1. Thе drawеr (right) draws
a marked сheque; this is a сheque marked with a gua-
rantee that the payee will reсeive his mоney.
/r the сhеque and givеs it to
thе payee(left).
4. If these two lines are not present, the сheque is an
4/ оpen сheque.An open сheque doesn't have to be paid
into a bank aссount; the payee сan present it to the

I bank and reсeive сash in return.

Dishonoured сheques
G\ 2. The рayee fills out a pay.
ing-in slip and givеs it and
In еertain сirсumstanсes, the bank сan rеfuse to ho-

\2 thе сheque to his bank.

nour a сheque (they сan refuse to pay out the amount
вtated on it). This сan happen in the following situa-

. If the drawer doesn't have enough money in his
bank aссount to сover the сheque.
. If the drawer has stopped the сheque (that means
if he has instruсted his bank not to honour it). He
3. Thе payee's bank pre- сan do this if he suspeсts the сheque maУ have been
sеnts the сheque to the lost or stolen, but has to paу a fee for this serviсe.
drawer's bank. . If it ls suspeсted that the сheque has been forged.

I . If an essential part of the сheque is missing,

вuсh as the drawer's signature or the date.
58 СommеrсiаlЕnqlish lV. MoneУ mаttеrsаnd pаymеnt 59

. If the сheque is stale (out of date). The payee (b) ТI{Е A'{€ LGIIIDI.AN BAЛl(
has to present the сheque to his bank within a сer- BA.l|cAш}RЕ sтRЕЕт' вolr{BAY 16з51 ?
tain period of time from the date it was drawn
(6 months in the Uк). If he doesn't do this, the сhequе
automatiсally beсomes invalid.
2 ]tЬ }4.ч 5 ooО

bеarer сheque чек нa пpeдъяBитeля

сrossed сheque <IlеpeчepкнyтьIй) Чeк (с)
paying-in slip блaнк, зaIIoлIIяeп{ьIй пpи
вIIeсеIlии сyМп4ьI нa счет
сovered пoкpьrтьrй; oбeспeчeнньrй
marked сheque чeIс с гapaнтиeй oплaтьr
open сhequе oткpьrтьrй ueк
to honour a сheque oIIЛaTить чеI{; IIpиIlятЬ чelt
Iс oIlдaтe
forged цoддeльIrЬIй;
фaльrшивьiй kЧ.J",l 'аооp
invalid нe.цействитeльньrй

Еxerсisе3. Look at еaсh of the сheques bе|ow and аn-

swer thе questions for еaсh one.
,АL,o'' B"з^
1. Who is thе drawеr?
2. Who is the drаwее?
З. Who is thе payее?
4. ls it a bеаrеror аn ordеr сheque?|f thе pаyee Wantsto
Bills of еxсhangе
nеgotiаteit. does hе havе to еndorsеit or doеs hе just
A bill of eхсhange is an unсonditional order from
hаve to hаnd it ovеr to the new pаyее?
5. |sthe сhequеopen or сrossed?Сan it be сashedor does it one person to another to pay a сertain amount at
hаveto bе paid lnto а bank aссount? a сertain time. The money сan be paid either to the
person who gave the unсonditional order or to a third
3o g в l Ba пh .( 't h party. Bills of exсhange сan be usеd for either do-
z.tвцсkioяlrrпPrlдс.wAу ]-1....тщaОО1
mestiс or foreign trade.

The parties to a bill of exсhange

A payment transaсtion made by bill of exсhange ge.

nerally proсeeds as follorvs:
б0 Сommегсiа|
Еngtish |V.Money mattersаnd paуment 61

1. The drawer makes out the bill of eхсhange and

bill of exсhange бaнкoвский BeксеЛЬ;
sends it to the drawee (the person who has to pay it).
He may send two сopies (the first and seсond of ex- first/seсond of exсhange пepвьrй/втopoй
сhange) in сase one gets lost. aк3eп4пляp вeксeJIя
to aссеpt пpинять (к oплaтe)
2. The drawee has to aссept one of the bills by sign- draft IIЛaTeEсIIoeпOpУчeIIиe
ing the front of it. If two сopies are sent, the сopy aссeptanсе aкцеIIт
whiсh the drawee doesn't sign automatiсallу beсomes matuгitу дaтa' сpoк BЬIIIЛaтьI
invalid. A bill of exсhange whiсh hasn't yet been
aссepted is сalled a draft; an aссeptеd bill of eхсhange Types of bill of eхсhange
is сalled an aссeptanсe.
Eaсh bill of exсhаngebelongs to a сertain сategory, de-
3. Thе drawee then sеnds the aссepted bill of ex- pending on thе time at whiсh it matures (has to be paid).
сhange to the paУee' who may be the d'rawer or
a third party. At maturity (tire date on whiсh the 1. A sight bill inсludes tlre words ..Pay at sight''.
bill of exсhange has to be paid), the paуee presents The drawee has tо pay as soon as the draft is pre-
the bill for payment and gets his money. The payee вented (as soon as he sees it).
сan also negotiate thе bill of exсhange, but has to 2. Time bills arе payable at a fixed or determinablе
endorse it first (blank, full or restriсtive endorse- future time. There are two types of time bill:
ment). (a) A term bill is paуable a сertain number of days
after it is presented to the drawee, e.8. ..Paу at
l draw rhе bill 90 days afteг sight''
оf ехсhangtl. J,paу thе bill (b) A date bill is payable a сertain number of days
оf eхс:hаrrgе. after it was drawn, e.g. "Pay at 60 days".

sight bill BeксeЛЬ к oIIлaте пo IIpедъяBлeIIию

time bill BeксeЛь сo сpoкolu oIIЛaтЬI
term bill BeксeЛь с oплaтoй в Tечeниr
yкa3aIIIIoгo сpoкa
Paуee Bексeль с Укaзallнoй дaтoй oIIЛaтЬI
date bill
4. Lookat the billsof еxсhаngеbe|owand аn-
swerthе questions for eaсhonе.
3'd part'у
1.Whois thеdrawer?
2.Whois thedrawee?
СommerсialЕnqlish lV. Moneу mаttersand pаyment 63

З. Who is the payee? Disсounting a bill of exсhange

4' What kindof bi||of exсhаnqeis lt? Whеn wi||it haveto be
oaid? If the paУee needs his money before the bili of
(a) exсhange reaсhes maturity, he сan have it dis-
DrаwnundеrсrеditnumbеrjFDUТ89,I67 of
UN|VЕRSAL BANK,NЕWARKNJ dаted29th. ]une2000 сounted. This means he сan take it to a bank whiсh
Dаte 25th.July2000 For USD20,000 will paу him its value minus interest and bank feеs
At 60 daysаftеrsight Pаy this firstof еxсhаnge (the disсount). The amount deduсted depends on
to thе orderof oURSЕLVЕS the length of time before the bill reaсhes maturity
thе sumof twеntythousаndU5 do|lаrs
and on how high the risk is that the draweе won't
for value rесeived.
Тo UnivеrsаI
Bank For and on beha|fof pay.
Nеwark,NJ ABС Сorporаtion
Washington, DС In turn, the bank maу be able to have the bill of
exсhange redisсounted at the сentral bank. Howev-
Dated London, 2бth'Jan.2002 For ЕUR2,500.00 er, the сentral bank only redisсounts a limited number
At sight pay this so|е of exсhаngе of bills, depending on how high the inflation rate is
to the order of oursеlvеs
(if inflatiоrr is high, fewer bills will be redisсounted
Еurotwo thousаndfivеhundrеdonly
vаIuereсеivеd, ordегno.]62З in order to prevеnt more money going into сirсula-
To Vеrrеtех GmbH HоlbornGIassworкs tion).
Hаuptstr.19 21Upminstеr Roаd
70120Stuttgаrt LondonЕС4 8DF
G е r mаny
Protesting a bill of exсhange
Е n g |а n d

A protest is a formal written notiсe that a bill of

Еxсhangefor A$ 8,600.00 Sydney.2"d.Junе2000 exсhange has been dishonoured, and is needed be-
At 90 days pаy this first of exсhange
(sесondof samеdatеаndtеnorunpaid) fore the paУee сan go to сourt to reсover the money.
to the order of If the drawee doesn't pay the bill of exсhange when
Albertjohnson& Сo.,271 |\4еlbournе
Road,Sydnеy it is presented to him at maturity, it will be present-
Еightthousand sixhundrеdAustra|jаn do|lаrs ed to him again within two working days, this time
VаIue reсeived by a notarу publiс. If the draweе still doesn't paУ,
To MiсhаеlJonеs the notarу stamps and signs the bill as a reсord of
121G l аmoг g aRno a d
Adelаidе the dishonour. Suсh as dishonour is a serious mat-
GеoгgеJohnson ter; it maу be published in trade journals and at the
271Mе|bournе Roаd Chamber of Cоmmerсe, in whiсh сase the drawee will
lose his good reputation.
lV. Monеy mаttersand рaymеnt 65
64 СommerсiаlEnglish

10. Using your own words, desсribe the different

to disсount a bill IIpиI{ятЬ BeксeЛь с дискoнтorvt
types of bill of exсhange.
to rеdisсount пepeyчeсTЬ BeI(сель
protеst oпpoтесToвalrиe; пpoтeст 11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
to dishonour oTкataть в oIIJIaтe disсounting a bill of exсhange for the paуee?
notarу publiс нoтapиyс (гoсyдapствeнньtй)
reputation 12. How safe do you think making payments by bill
of exсhange is when сompared to paying by сheque?

Questions foг revision

1. What role does the сentral bank plaу in the eсo-
nomy of a сountry?
2. Whiсh funсtions of the сommеrсial banks do you
think are the most important for private сustomеrs?
And for businеss сustomers?
3. Using Уour own words, explain the differenсe bet-
ween an ovеrdraft and a loan.
4. Using уour own words, eхplain the differenсe bet-
ween standing order and direсt debit faсilities.
5. Whiсh kirrd of сheque is the safеst, and why?
Whiсh kind of сheque is the least safe?
6. In whiсh situation is a сhequeor a bill of exсhange
endorsed? Compare the three types of endorsement.
7 . W h at d o yo u unders tand by "dis hono ur ing
a сheque''? In whiсh situations may a сheque be dis-
8. Who are the partiеs to a сhеque? And to a bill of
9. What is a draft, and what happens to it?
V. Тerms of payment for foreign Whеn doing business with сompanies abroad, it is
trade not always possible to use the terms of payment сus.
tonrary in domestiе trade. This is beсause the seller
needs to havе more сontrol оver payment.
5 Саshagаinstdoсumеnts (СAD)
If сompanу A in England sells goods tо сompanу B in
5 Doсuments (D/A)
againstассеptanсе the same сountry, it is relatively easy to reсover the
Е Lеttеrof сrеdit debt if сompany B doesn't pay. Company A just sends
three reminders to сompanу B, and if this doesn't
5 Quеstionsfor rеvision work, they сan start legal proсеedings.

Howevеr, if сompanу A exports goods to сompany C

in China (for example) and сompany C doesn't pay,
this waу of reсovering the debt isn't praсtiсal.
Therefоre' сompanУ A has to make surе that the
Chinese сompany only gets the goods if they pay in
China. In order to do this, both сompanies work in
сlose сollaboration with their banks and сarriеrs.
The three terms of paуment сommonly used in
foreign trade are:
. Cash against doсuments (CAD)
. Doсuments against aссeptance (D/A)
. Letter of сredit (L/C)

Cash against doсuments (CAD)

This term of payment is also known as doсuments
against payment (D/P). The buуer needs the trans.
port doсuments before he сan take possession of the
goods he has purсhased, but is only given them after
paying a sight bill drawn by the seller.
V. Теrmsof pаVmеntfor forеigntrаde 69

A CAD payment transaсtion is effeсted as follows: б. The buyеr paуs thе sight
bill and rесеives thе trans-
port doсuments in rеturn.
He сan thеn takе the trans-
1. The seller sends thе port doсumеnts to сolleсt
goods to the сarrier (ship his goods from thе сarrier LLЕстlNG
owner' airlinе еtс.). in his сountry.


2. Thе сarrier gives thе
.r. I nесеssary transpоrt doсu-
mеnts to the sеllеr and
trarrsportsthe goods to thе
buyer's соuntry. 6. The сollесting bank sends
6ЕЕ'1\дNY дPдN сoLLЁсТ|N6
the payment to the re-

mitting bank.
The amount is сredited to
3. Thе seller сollесts any the seller.
othеr transport doсuments
whiсh maу be nесessaryand
gives them to his bank (the
rеmitting bank) together
with a SIGHT DRAFT. BаNl{

This means that if the buyer doesn't pay, he doesn't

gеt the goods. This minimises the risk for the seller,
beсause if thе buуer doesn't paу, the seller сan ask
thе сolleсting bank to find another buуer. In theory
this minimisеs the loss for the seller, but may be
4. The remitti ng bank a problem if he is exporting perishablе $oods, for

sends the transport doсu-
ments and the draft to the
buyer's bank (the сolleсt. CAD holds a сertain risk for the buyer, beсausе he
ing bank). The buyer is doesn't have the сhanсe to examine the goods before

notifiеd when thev arrivе. he has paid for thеm. However, this risk сan be mini-
ANK mised by asking the seller to arrange examination of
Сommerсia| 71
V. Тermsof pаymеntfor forеigntrаdе

the goods bу an inspeсtion сompany before theу are 2. Thе сarrier givеs thе
dispatсhed. The inspeсtion сompany will then seal neсеssarУ shipping doсu-
thе goods and issue an inspeсtion сertifiсate, whiсh mеnts to the sеllеr аnd
has to be sent to the сolleсting bank with the trans- transports the goods to thе ^Ъ
port doсuments and the sight draft. buyer's сountrу.
сash against
doсuments (сAD)
oпЛaтa пo пoЛyчeнии
'цoкУМеIIToB 3. The sеllеr сolleсts t
doсurnents against дoкyNIeIIтЬI IIoсЛe ollлaтьl thе other shipping doсu-
paymеnt (D/P) mеnts and gives them to
transport doсuments TpaнспopTIIaя дolсуl\{eн- his bank (the rеmitt- Lь RЁЛllТТlN
тaция'f нaклaднaя ing bank) together with
remitting bank бaнк-плaтeЛЬщик a TIME DRAFT.
'\3S BAIlI/

сolleсting bank
рerishable goods
to dispatсh
to seal oпeчaтЬIBaтЬ
to issue BЬIдaBaтЬ
4. Thе rеmitting bank
sеnds the doсuments and
Doсuments against aссеptanсe (D/A) draft to the сolleсting bank
(the buyеr's bank). The
This term of payment is vеry similar to CAD. Ho- buуer is notified to whеn
wever, instead of sending a sight draft to his bank, they arrive. сoLLЕст|
the seller sends a time draft. In order to get the
transport doсuments, the buyer only has to aссept
the draft. At maturity, he goes baсk to his bank and
pays for the goods.
A D/A transaсtion is therefore effесted as follows: 5. The buyer goes to his
bank and aссepts the time
draft. In return, he is gi-
ven thе transpоrt doсu-
1 . T h e s e l l е r sends the ments and сan сollесt his
goods to the сarrier. goods.
72 V. Termsof paymentfor f oreigntrаde 7з

6. At maturity, the buyer

opening/issuing bank бaпк-эмитент
goes baсk to his bank and
advising bank бaнк, пpoизвoдящий
pays thе bill of eхсhange. BЬIIIЛaтУ пo aккpe'циTиBy
The moneу is sent from thе бенeфициap' IloЛyчaтеЛь
сoLLЕстtt{ сollесting bank the remit. пo aккpeдитI.rBy
ting bank and сrеdited to сrеdit дoкУмelrтapньIй
the sellеr's aссount. aкIсpедитиB

Types of letter of сredit

1. A revoсable letter of сrеdit сan be сanсelled or
Obviously this is more favourable for the buyer than
CAD, as he сan take possession of the goods before
сhanged without the seller's agreement. As this
paying. However, D/А carries a сonsiderable risk for doesn't offer the seller muсh сontrol over paУment'
the seller: if the buyer fails to honour the bill of ex-
this type of letter of сredit is rarely used.
сhange, the seller probablу won't be able to reсover thе 2. ,\nirrevосable letter of сredit сan be сanсelled or
goods (two or three months may elapse between the сhanged, but only with the agreement of all parties.
time the draft is aссepted and the time it matures, in All letters of сredit are irrevoсable unless expresslу
whiсh time the buуer may for example have sold the stated otherwise.
goods on). Moreover, taking legal aсtion to reсover the
3. A сonfiгmed letter of сredit is always irrevосable.
money is far more diffiсult on an international basis.
If the seller feels that the risk of not reсeiving pay.
ment is still too high, for examplе beсause the buy-
Letter of сredit er's сountrу's eсonomу is unstablе, hе сan arrange
for a bank in his own сountrу to сonfirm the letter
A letter of сredit is a promise made by the buyer's of сredit (this bank is then known as the сonfirming
bank (the opening or issuing bank) to send a сertain bank; it сan be the same bank as the advising bank).
sum of money to the seller's bank (the advising bank), This means that the seller will reсeive his money
to be сredited to the seller, known as the benefi- from the сonfirming bank, regardless of whether оr
сiary, provided he fulfils his part of the sales сon- not his invoiсе is paid in the buyer's сountry.
traсt. It is also known as a doсumentary сredit.
revoсable oтзьrвнoй
doсumentsagainst дoкyМeIIтЬIпoIIpи}IяTиIo; irrеvoсablе безoтзьrвньrй
aссеptanсе (D/A) Ilеpeдaчa IIpaBa сoбствeн- сonfirmed пoдтBep}I{дeнньrй (aккpедитив)
нoсти пoсЛe IIoЛvчения unstable нeустoйuивьrй, нeстaбильньrй
чeкa к oпЛaTe сonfirming bank бaнк, пoдтBep}I(дaroщий
letter of сredit (L/О) aккpeдиTиB aIскpедиTI{B
74 Сommerсia|
Еnq|ish V' Termsof paуmеntfor foreigntrade

Payment by letter of сredit is effeсted' as follows:

5. The sеller сhесks that all

the terms and сonditions arе
1. Buyer and sеller agree
сorreсtly listеd in the L/C.
on all terms and сonditions
o f th e s a ] е s с o n t r aсt.

6. The sellеr сolleсts all the

neсеssarУ transport doсu-

2. The buyer fills out an

*)у ,Vт
appliсation form to open
a lеttеr of сredit at his


I 7. Thе sellеr givеs the trans-

port doсumеnts and a sight
or time draft to his bank. He
сan get his rnoneУ now if
3 . T h e o p e n i n g (buyеr 's) the L/C is сonfirmed.
b a n k о p e n s th е letter o f
сredit and sends it to the
advising (sеller's) bank. If
a p p ro p ri a t e , t h е o pening
bank also asks the сonfirm.
ing bank to сonfirm the
L/C . 8. The advising bank сheсks
that all thе doсuments arе
сorreсt and sends them to
,l t t,
4. The advising bank tells the opening bank.
(advises) the sеller that the

letter of сrеdit has been

I opened.
76 Сommеrсiа|
V. Тermsof pаymеntfor forеiqntradе 77

9. The opеning bank сheсks

thе doсuments again and LEттЕRoЕ сREDIт
sends the paymеnt to thе
AppIiсаnt Benefiсiary Advisingbank
advising bank.
ShahlmportСo' Rаj ahTеaСo mpan y Bank
Ang lo- lnd ian
176StеpnеyRoad 65 GandhiRo аd Governor's Bldgs.
LondonSЕ2з7HLU K Bombаy297645.Indiа Bombаy27З645.lndtа
Refеrenсeno. Dаtе and plасe Datеаnd plасe
HtD59765 of issue of expiry
20 June1999.London 21 Ju|у1999,
Тranshipmеnt Amount
аDVl5lN6 [ ]A I lo w ed[x ] No t кs./5.UUU (5еvеntv -TlVе
тnousаn0 rup ееsl

BдNk allowed Сredit avаilablеwith
Partiа|shipment Ang|o-lndiаn Bank,Bombayby nеgotiаtion
[ ]AIlowеd [х] Not аgаinstthе doсuments nаmеdhеrеinand bеnе-
аlIowed draftat 60 dayssightdrаwnon Royа|
10. The buyer pays (sight Bаnk,London.UK
draft) or aссepts thе draft Shipment/dispatсh tor trаnsportаtionto Not |аterthаn
(tiпle draft) and gets the f rom Londоn 6 July1 9 9 9
oPЕNlNG \ shipping doсutnеntsin rе- Bombаv
8дNl{ turn. With tlrеsе, he сan t Doсumentsto bе presentеd
сolleсt the goods from thе I ]. Сommеrсiаl invoiсе L/С numbеr
in 6 сopiеsindiсаting
l 2' Ful|setof сIеanbrllsof |аdingmаdеout to ordеrof issuing bankof
\ сarrier in his сountrv.
L/С markеdprеpaid and notifying alsoindiсating
appliсаnt thtsL/С
l. З. Сеrtifiсatеof origin
.l. ] 4' Paсking list
Exeгсisе Look аt thе letter of сrеdit bеlow аnd аnswеr
the ouеstions^ I
p These doсumentsto be presеntedwithin ..'.'days of the issueof
'1.Who is the buyer? thе trаnsportdoсumentsbut within the va|idityof the сrеdit.

2. Who ls the sе||er? |nstruсtionsfor аdvisingbаnk

3' Whiсh is thе openingbank? P|eаseadvise benefiсiаriesof the openingof this сredit.adding
4' Whiсh is the advisingbаnk? your сonfirmаtion'
5. What kind of lеttеrof сreditis it? Method of reimbursement
wе wilIrеimbursе
At mаturity you aссordlng
to уoUrtnstruсttons
6. Whаt kindof draft wilIbе аttасhеdto the trаnspoгtdoсu. DoсumentsshouIdbe forwаrded to us by air mаi|.
Janеs "4пdеtsoп

Questions for revision

1. Еxplain the diffеrenсes and similarities bеtween

CAD and D/A. Vl. Terms of delivery (lnсoterms)
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
CAD for the buyer? 5 EXW (ex works)
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of 5 |nсotеrmsfor shipping
D/А' for the sellеr?
5 |nсotеrms transport
for mu|timodal
4. Using Уour own words, desсribe the proсess of
5 сovеring
lnсotеrms paymentof duty
paying by letter of сredit.
5 Questionsfor revision
5. Whiсh of the various terms of payment for fo-
reign trade do you think is the safest for all parties,
and why?
VI.тerms of delivеry(|nсoterms)
$ -./*--::]]т:\ -//-**Т:Т:Т...
$ALLЁ*.s l BUyЕR,s
AдсToRy 2'

t t
t. Ткапspоктэтtоп 6. Тпанgpовтатtон

When goods are sent from a seller to a buyer, eaсh сo5т5 соsт5
party has to know exaсtly whiсh of the сosts and
risks of transportation he has to bear. In order to
avoid disagreements, the sales сontraсt usually stipu-
lates one of the thirtеen terms of deliverу drawn up
by the Chamber of Commerсe. These are known as t. Lоярlнс '5. U$rояpttts
inсoterms (Intеrnational Commerсial Terms). They
determine whiсh party is to bear the various сosts
involved in transportation and the point аt whiсh
the risks are to pass from the seller to the buyer
(known as thе passing of risk). sl{lР.1ЕNт

Еxw (eх works)

1. The сost of transporting the goods from the sell-
This inсoterm reрrеsеnts the maximum obligation er's faсtorУ or warehouse to thе рort of shipment,
for the buyer: the seller has the gсlods ready for сol. from rvhiсh theу are to be shipped abroad.
leсtion at his faсtory, and the buyer has to сover all
2. The сost of loading the goods onto the ship at the
сosts and bear all risks until they reaсh his ware-
port of shipment.
house. It сan be used for all forms of transport.
3. Freight сosts - the сharge made for сarrying the
passing of risk пepeхoд' IIеpедaчa pискa goods on the ship.
ex works фpaнкo-зaвoд
faсtory зaвoд; фaбpикa
4. The insuranсe сosts inсurred while the goods are
warehouse склaд being transported.
5. The сost of unloading the goods when the ship
reaсhes the poгt of destination in the importing
Inсoterms for shipрing сountrУ.
When goods arе to be sent by ship, the following 6. The сost of transporting the goods from the port
сosts have to be paid: of destination to the buуer's warehouse.
82 СommerсialЕnqIish Vl. Termsof delrvery(ln(otеrms)

port of shipment пopт oтпpaвки CFR (Cost and Freight)

to load oTгpyяdaTь
freight фpaхт; гpуз The seller pays for the transportation of the goods to
insuranсe стpaxoBкa; сTpaxoBallиe the port of shipment, loading сosts and freight.
to unload paзгpy}кaтЬ
port of destination пopт ЕaзIIaчeIIиЯ That means the buУer paУs for insuranсe, unloading
and for the goods to be transported from the port of
FAS (Free Alongside Ship) destination to his warehouse.
The seller pays for transportation of the goods to the The passing of risk is the same as for FoB (when thе
port of shipment. goods pass the ship's rail at thе port of shipment).
The buyer pays for everуthing else (loading, freight,
insuranсe, unloading and transportation from the port CIF (Cost, Insuranсe and Freight)
of destination to his
The seller pays for the transportation to the port of
shipment, loading сosts, freight and insuranсe.
The passing of risk oс.
сurs when the goods have
That means the buУer pays the unloading сosts and
been delivered to the
for the goods to be transported from the port of des-
quay at the pоrt of ship- tination to his warehouse
The passing of risk is the same as for FOB and CFR
FOB (Free on Board) (when the goods pass the ship's rail at the port of
The seller pays for the transportation of the goods to
the port of shipment and the loading сosts. DES (Delivered ex ShiP)
The buyer paуs for everything else (freight, insur-
The seller and thе buуer share the
anсe' unloading and transportation from the port of
сosts exaсtly as desсribed under
destination to his ware-

The passing of risk oс- The differenсe is in the passing

сurs when the goods have of risk; this oссurs after the ship
passed the ship's rail at has aгrived at the port of desti-
the port of shipment. nation but BEFORE the gоods are
VI.Тermsof deIrvery 85

DES (Delivered ех Quay) I pаid for the goods to be transportedto thе doсks and
loаded onto thе ship. | аlso аgreеd to pаy thе сost of
The seller pays for the goоds to be transportеd to the саrryingthe goods aсrossthe Atlаntiс.
port оf shipment, loading, freight, insuranсe and Тhе importeronIy hаd to pay for thе goods to bе trаns-
unloading. portedf rom Rotterdаmto hiswаrehouse.I pаrdfor еvеry-
Gоорs The buyer onlу has to pay for
\ / the goods to be transported
\ / from the port of destination to Inсoterms for multimodal transport
his warеhouse.
The next three inсoterms сan be used for all fоrms
The passing of risk oссurs af- of transport inсluding multimodal (for example road +
ter the goods have bееn unload- * air, train + ship). The сosts and responsibilities to
ed at the pоrt of destination. be shared are slightlу different froпr the shipping
Free Alongside Ship фpaнкo BдoлЬ бopтa сyднa
Frее on Board
+ -л.*-т*\
]sЁLLЕRъr 2' Тrдrrзpокт
фpaнкo бopт суднa, ФoБ
ship's гail пеpилa сyдIIa; леep , *_\*
Jгастоg{r Frпsт
савпitп 3. Fргtcнт

Cost and Frеight сToиNIoсть и фpaхт 4. lпgun*нсs

Cost, Insuranсe сToI{IvIoсть'сTpaxoBaниe
and Frеight и фpaxт
Dеlivеrеd ex Ship дoсTaBкa нa бopт кopaбля 1. The goods are delivered to the first сarrier.
Delivered ex Quay дoстaBкa к llpичaлy
2. organisation of transportation to thе buуer's ware-
]. | аm a BritishеXporteг. house and payпrent of the сosts inсurred.
What Werethe inсo.
teгmsherе? ..сarriage'')- the сharge
B. Freight сosts (here сalled
,l' made for сarrуing the goods.
I paid foг thе goods to bе transportеdto the doсks at
Harwiсh. Afterwаrdsthеy beсаmеthe buyer,srеsponsibiIity'
4. organisation and paуment of insuгanсe for the
2. I madе the goods rеadyfor сoI|есtion, but the buyeгhаd
to do everythingе|se'
З' I paid a||the сosts invo|vedin gettingthе goods to Spain, FCA (Free Carrier)
but |еft thе сosts of un|oadingto thе impoгtеr'
4' I paidalIthe сostsinvo|vеd in gettingthе goods}o Мexiсo, The seller dеlivers the goods to the first сarrier (this
but the buyeгtook ovеr the riskf rom thе time thе goods is the point at whiсh the passing of risk oссurs).
were loadedonto the shipin London.
5' I pаidf or thе goodsto bе transportedto Dovеrаnd loadеd
The buyer arranges and pays for transportation,
onto the ship,but that Was аl|' freight and insuranсe.
Еnqlish VI.Тerm5of deIiverу(|nсotеrms)

CPT (Carriage Paid To * named destination) risks until the goods reaсhed a named point at the
The seller delivers the goods to the first сarrier (at frontier.
whiсh point the passing of risk oссurs) and pays
The buyer paуs all соsts and bears all risks involved
freight оharges.
in transporting the goods from the frontier to his
The buуer arranges and paуs for transportation and warehousе. He also pays duty.

CIP (Carriage and Insuranсe Paid to * named des-


The seller delivers the goods to the first сarrier (pass-

ing of risk), pays freight сharges and arranges and
pays for insuranсe.

The buyer only has to arrange and pay for transpor-

tation. DDU (Dеliverеd Duty Unpaid)

multimodal transport тpaнспopтиpoвкaнескoлЬ. The seller pays all transportation сosts and bears all
IсиlvIиBидa}Iи тpaEсIIopTa risks involved in getting the goods to the buуer's
F'ree Carrier свoбoдньlй IIepeBoзчик warehouse.
Carriage Paid To пepeBoзrсa oIIлaчeIIa дo
Carriagе and Insur. пepeвoзкa и сTpaxoвкa The buyer only has to paу duty.
anсe Paid to oIIдaчeIIьI дo

Inсoterms сoveгing payment of duty

\ sЕLLLR,s R,s
The last three inсoterms are used in the сase of trans-
portation through a boгdeг (although not within the J rлстoп1 wдРЁlioU5Е

Еuropean Union) where duty has to be paid. They

сan be used for any form of transport. 5вrlg'l ььдl.s

DAF (Delivered at Frontiеr) DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)

This inсoterm is most сommonly used for overland The seller pays all сosts and bears all risks to get the
transport. The seller сovers all сosts and bears all goods to the buyer's warehouse, inсluding paying
Еnolisl' V|.Тermsof delivery(lnсoterms)
duty. This inсotеrm сonstitutesthe seller,s
maхimuпt Groups of terms
The thirteen inсoterms сan be divided into four groups
aссording to the first letter of eaсh:
. .Е' terms (EХW): the passing point of сost and
risk is when the goods leave the seller's premisеs.
. .F' terms (F'сA' FAs, FoB): the buуer pays the
freight (сarriage) сosts.
. .C' terms (CFR, сIF, сPT, CIP): the seller pays
$вLLEnвsдвs сo915,Rl5l{5{riр DurY the сarriage сosts
..D' tеrms (DAF' DDP, DDU, DЕs' DEQ): the
duty passing point of сost and risk is on arrival in the
border, frontier buyer's сountry.
Delivered at Frontier дoстaвкa Дo гpalrицЬI
Dеliverеd Dutу Unpaid oIтЛaчeнa дoстaBI{a. Questions foг revision
бeз пorплиньr
Delivered Duty paid oпЛaЧенa дoсTaвIсa
1. Using Уour own words, explain the differenсes and
и пoluЛинa similarities betrveеn:
. CIF and DES
Ехerсlse 2. Whiсh inсoterm Was Usеd . DES and DEQ
in еaсh сasе - . DDP and DDU
ЕсA, сPТ, сlP, DAF, DDU, DDP?
,1. . FAS and FOB
When we importеdТ-shirtsfrom the US,
we on|y hаd to . CRF and CIF
organ|setrаnsportation - the сompаnyin New York did . CPт and CIP
2. We offered ouг сustomerin Brаzrlvery
fаvourаblеterms 2. Arrange the inсоterms in order beginning with
of dеlivery;hе on|yhad to pаy duty.
^ l аrrangеd the most favourable for the seller and ending with
З. for the goods to bе sеnt аs far as the
аftеr thаt, it wаs up to the importerto do
bordеr; the least favourable.
4. We didn,thavе to lift а finger - thе 3. For rryhiсhinсoterms does the buyer have to pay
exporterdid every-
thingI insuranсe?
5 Wе hаd to arrangеlnSUrаnсе аs wel|аs pаy|ngto transport
thе lаst loаd of goods wе imported. 4. For whiсh inсoterms does the seller have to paу
6. I sent thе importеrthe nесеssаryinformаtion
about the
саrriagесhаrges hе had to pаy, аnd he
oгgаnisedlnsur- 5. Why do you think speсial inсoterms are neсessary
anсe and tгansportаtion himse|f.
for shipping?
Vll. Transportation A good transport sуstem is needed if goods are to be
traded effiсiently. A сonsigner (someone who dis-
patсhes goods) сan сhoose to send his сonsignment
5 Domеstiс and oсеаnshipping (the goods) to the сonsignee (the person who reсeives
5 Roаdtrаnsport the goods) by:
. Water, whiсh сovers both domestiс (national) and
5 Railway transport oсean (international) shipping
5 Air trаnsport . Land, by road or by rail
. Air.
5 Questionsfor rеvtsiоn
When сhoosing the most suitable form of transport,
the сonsignor has to сonsider:
. What kind of goods are to be sent - perishable
goods have to be transported more quiсkly than non-
perishable goods, for example.
. The plaсe of destination - not all destinations
сan be reaсhed by all forms of transport.
. The сost of eaсh form of transport, how fast it
is and how safe. The сonsignor may have to deсide
whether speed is more important than safety, for

Types of сargo

When goods are being transported, theУ are сalled

..сargo'' or ..freight''. Cargo
сan be divided into three
. Geneгal сargo - goods sent paсked in boxes,
сases' сhests and other сontainers.
. Bulk сargo - large quantities of itеms suсh as
sand, grain and сoal when sent unpaсked.
Еnqlish tI

. Bulky сargo - large individual items stlсh as I.

It Domestiс shipping
сars whiсh have to be sent unpaсked. P Domestiс shipping runs on inland waterways
suсh as

гpy3ooтпpaBиTеЛЬ * rivers'lakesandсanals.oneimрor tantserviсeрro-

сonsrgnor fеeder serviсe,
сonsignment гpуз; Irapтия тoвapa
If, vided by domestiс shipping is the
to tlre
сonsigneе гpузolloлУчaтеЛь I whiсh brings goods along inland waterwaуs
loaded direсt-
international quays where they сan be
general сargo смerпaнrтьrй гpyз; сбopньIй гpyз f
bulk сargo
bulky сargo
нaсьrпнoй гpyз
гpoмoздкий гpyз
ly onto oсean-gоing ships for transportation
This saves сonsiderable time and effort сompared
rail and
transporting gooсls tо thе port bу road or
then Ьringing them to the quaу for loading.
Dоmestiс and oсean shipping
Whеn sending goods by ship, the сarrier is the ship- I

ping line. Like all other forms of transport, ship-
ping has сеrtain advantages and disadvantages for

the сonsignor and сonsignee:

It is thе сheapеst form

of transport ovеr longer
It is the slowest means of
s )-_
distances. It may be subjeсt to delays сo.nPаRЕp то
The ports of a сountry аnd wеather сonditions.
may bе aссessible еven Thе nеtwork of inland wa.
whеn foreigners arеn't tеrways is rеlatively limitеd.
allowed into thе сountrv
It may be neсessarУ to
transport the goods a long
Unlimited distanсes сan
be сovеred (e.g. betweеn
distaпсe to reaсh a port.
Thе insuranсe сosts are rеla-
Rrvвк sв*
tively high.
The transport doсument used speсifiсaliу for domes-
Largе quantities сan be
t tiс shipping is the riveг bill of lading (also сalled
inland waterwaYs bill of lading)'

94 СommеrсiаlЕngIish

Advantages and disadvantages of road transport:

shipping line ЛиIIия lvlopс}сиx IIepeBoзoIс
fеeder serviсe сдy}fiбa .цoстaвки
гiver bill of lading нalслaднaя дЛя peЧIIЬIx
It is very fast over short dis- Only small quantities
tanсеs. сan bе transported.
oсean shipping The extensive road network Therе is a relativelу
means that most destinations high risk of aссidents
The goods are transported on the open sea or oсean. сan be reaсhed. and delays through
traffiс jams.
There are several types of sea-goingl ship whiсh сar- It is relatively seсurе - even
valuable items suсh as сash It is expensive and
ry сargo: reserves сan be transported time-сonsuming over
. Liners sail on fixed routes and keep to a sсhed- longer distanсes; in-
by speсialist сompanies
ule. They mainlу transport general сargo. terсontinental trans-
Door-to-door transPortation portation is virtuallY
. Tramps take any сargo they сan get and sail to minimises the need for han- impossible.
any port required. Thеу do not follow a sсhedule or dling - goods onlY have to
any fixed route. be loaded and unloaded onсе.
. Coasters travel from one port to another along
Another advantage of sending goods by road (although
the сoast of a сountry. They are not used for inter-
it is also possible with other means of transport) is
national shipping.
the opportunitу of using a grouped сonsignment
The transport doсument used speсifiсally for oсean serviсe. If a trader only has a small quantity of сar-
shipping is the oсean bill of lading. go to send, he сan сollaborate with other sellers with
small сonsignments all going to the same destina-
linеr лaйнep L
tramp гpyзoвoй пapoxoд &

сoaster кaбoтarкнoe сyдIro


oсean bill of lading нaIсЛaдIIaя дЛя lvlopсI{иx i
пepeBo3oI{ x Ч

Road transport t
Goods rvhiсh need сareful handling, suсh as fruit,
are often sent by road, as theу only need to be loaded i
and unloaded onсe. Normallу they aгe sent as gene-
ral сargo. The сarrier responsible for transporting
goods by road is the haulage сompany. t;

СommerсiаlЕngIlsh i VIl.Trаnsportation

tion. The various part сonsignments are then sent

together as one whole сonsignment, whiсh reduсes
I' RailwaY transPort

the transport сosts for everybodу involved. If goods are transported bу train, the сarrier is the
lr railway сompany. The priсe of railwaу transport de-
one of the people who organises grouped сonsign- i pends on how fast the goods are to travel: the slow
ments is the forwaгding agent. He is thе intermedi.
ary between the buуer, seller and сarriers:
t goods train is сheaper than the passengeг tгain, and
the express train is the fastest аnd most expensive
I of all.
t ; Advantages and disadvantagesof railwaу transport:

l* Virtuallу all typеs of сargo сan Thе railways maу
,i be transported. be affесted by
t strikes.
other serviсes rvhiсh he provides are delivering goods li Virtually any distanсе сan be
covеrеd. Therе is a rеlati-
from the seller to the сarrier, tгansporting goods I
velу high risk of
with his own lorries, arranging speсial paсkaging and
providing storage spaсe for goods whiсh are to be
't Large quantitiеs саn be trans-
dispatсhed at a later date. .Гhe transport doсument needed for railway trans.
The transport doсuments essential to road transport t port is the гail сonsignment note.
are the international сonsignment note (CМR) if
a haulage сompany is used, and the Forwaгding t railwaу сOmpany кo}rпaIIиЯ }t(eЛe3l{oдopo)tt -
ItьIx пepeвo3oK
Agent's Certifiеate of Reсeipt (FсR) for transporta-
goods train тoвapвьrй пoeзд
tion by a forwarding agent.
passenger train пaссa}Iсиpский пoезд
еxpress train пoe3д.экспpeсс
haulage сomрany кoftrпaния нaзeМнЬIx
IIepев03oк rail сonsignment notе IIaклa.цI{aя дЛя Ilepевo3oк
rтсeлeзнoй дopoгoй
groupedсonsignment сбopньtйкoнoсaшreнт
forwarding agent экспeдиTop
intermediarу пoсpeдIiиIt
сonsignrnеnt notе гpyЗoBaя IraкJIaднaя Air transport
Forwarding Agеnt's aкт пpиeшII{и
Cеrtifiсate of Reсеipt эксllедитopolvl L Air transport is сhosen when the goods are valuablе,
fragi1e or urgently needed.The сarrier is the airline.
4 - 106ф6

Advantages and disadvantages:

сommerсiаlЕnglisi Iт
Vll. Тrаnsportаtion

5. A сargo of timber (wood) from Germany to Eng.


land via Rotterdam.

6. A сonsignment of diamonds from Cape Town to

Air transport is fast. It is relatively еxpensivе. Cairo.
It is a sесurе form оf It is subjeсt to delays and
transport, whiсh ?. A large сonsignment of сoal from Sheffield to Leeds
rneansthat insu- (both in thе north of Еngland).
rаnсe сosts are low. It is not praсtiсal for short dis-
.l'hеrеis no
tanсеs. 8. A сargo of bananas from the Caribbean tо Dublin.
It rnay be neсessary tо send
tion as to distanсe. 9. A largе сonsignment of lorries from London to
thе gоods somе distanсe to reaсh
the сargo terminal of an airport. Warsaw.

The transport doсument neсessarу wlren goods arе 10. A small сonsignment of сheese from Srлlitzerland
dispatсhed by air is the air waybilt. to the USA.

airlinе aBИaJIIItIvtя
airwaуbill aвиaгpyзoвaяIIaIслa.цнaя
Questions for revision
Whiсh form or forms of transport would уou сhoose
for the following сonsignments, and why? What kind t
of сargo is involved in eaсh сase? *
1. A large сonsignment of сars from Hambuгg to
Dresden. {
2. A small сonsignment of flour fronr Wales to Lon-

3. A small соnsignment of сhina from London to


4. An urgently needed сonsignment of tea from Bom-

bay to Boston.


Vlll. Export doсuments In the last сhapter we mentionеd some of the most
essential transport doсuments, inсluding the bill of
lading and the air waуbill. We will now look at these
5 Theoсеanbillof lаdino and some otheгs in morе detail.
5 Air wаybi|l
5 Сommerсial invoiсe Thе oсean bill of lading

5 Pгo-forma invoiсe I
As we know, this doсument is issued when goods are
5 Сustomsinvoiсе sent bу sea. There are normallу three oгiginals.

5 Сonsularinvoiсе A bill of lading serves a number of purposes:

. It is evidenсethat the shipping line has reсeived
5 Сеrtifiсаtе
of origin I the goods (it's the shipping line's reсeipt).
5 Quеstionsfor revision f
. It is evidenсe of the сontraсt between the ex.
porter (shipper) and the shipping line.
. It dосumentsthe shipping line's promise to hand
r oveг the goods to the holder of the B/L at the port of

. It is a doсument of title - evidenсe of owner-
t ship of the goods.

A bill of lading сan also be negotiable, whiсh means
it сan be transferrеd to a third party along with
ownership of the goods, provided it is endorsed.
How is a bill of lading issued?
t 1. The еxporter gives the goods to the forwarding agent
for transportation to the port of shipmеnt. He also hands
over a shipping note (in the сase of goods whiсh aren't
dangerous; other''vise hе hands over a dangеrous goods
note or DGN). The shipping note provides the port autho-
104 Еnglish
Сommerсiа| V| | l .Еx po r tdo с um еnt s r05

7. The shipper then arrang- oсeаn Bi|Iof Lading

еs for thе bill of lading to Negotiаb|e
bе sent to the importеr or Exportеr
, t h e i m p o rtе r ' s b ank, de-
GraysonСеrаmiсsLtd. NEvЕRslNK
p е n d i n g o n t h e tеr ms o f 2З PottеrsLаne
StаffordST]4ЕD sнlPPING
payment. onсе he has the
bill of lading, the importеr
сan сolleсt his goods frorn Сonsignee B/L no. No. of originа|s
to ordеr DС19762з з
the port in his сountry.
ref. Vessel
ur 001 SS Unsinkable
shipper oтпpaBиTeЛЬ Port of loading SaiIingdаtе
shipping note yBeдotvlЛellие oб oтгpyзкe Нarwiсh, GB 22 Mаrсh2000
dangerous goods note yBeдo}lлеIlиe oб oтгpyзке Port of disсhаrgе EтA
oпaснoгo гpy3a H o usto n.
US 4 Aorrl2000
tallyman кoнтpoЛеp & Notify Freight
Mate's Reсeipt ЦIтypМalrскaя paспискa Ё Unitedlmporting
Inс. [x]Prеpaid
BеaсhDrivе [ ] Сo|lесt
сlеan vистьlй, B IIopядке I
Houston,ТX 28736
dirty гpязньrй, IIe B пopядкe u.s.A.
.l. I No. oасkaoes l Partiсu|ars
of qoods Wеiqht Quаntity
Еxerсise Bе|ow is an еxаmp|e of а bil|of lаding. Look 15paсkаgеsStаttordshtrе З00
at it and аnswer the questions. l 0|nner
,l' Total: 1200KGN/ з00
Who is the shippеr?
Aссеptеdby thе саrriеrfromthе еXporter in аppаrеntgoodordеrand
2. Who is the сarriеr? (un|ess
c сondition otherwisеnotеdhеrеin) thе totа|numbеrof quаntity o{
З. Who is to reсeivethe goods? сontаinеrsor othеrpaсkаgеs or unitsindiсated
аbovе,stаtedby thе еx-
4. Сan this bi|Iof ladingbe trаnsferredto a thiгdpаrty? ! portеrto сomprisе thе goodsspесifiеdаbovеfor саrriаgesubjeсtto аl|
5. Whеrе is thе port of shipmеnt? * thе termshеrеoffromthe p|aсеof ассеptаnсе or portof loading to thе
6. on whiсh date are the goods to Ieavethe port of ship- il
.i plaсеor portof dеIivеry,
whiсhеvеr аpp|iсab|е.
ln aссeptingthisBilIof
ment? d Lаdingthe mеrсhаnt agreesto bе boundby a||itsсonditions,exсеptions
or provisions, printеdor stampеdon thе f rontor baсk

* whеtherwrittеn,
7. Where is the port of destinаtion?
u hеrеon.
B. on whiсh day wi|lthе ship probab|yarriveat the port of i
destinаtion? v |NW|TNЕss whеreofтHRЕЕ(з) originаI Bs/L
f hаvеbееnsignеd,of not othеrwisestаtedherein,
9. Who is the pаy the freightсhаrges- the exporteror the
{ oneof whiсhbеingaссompIishеdthе othеrsto
rmoorter? I bе void.
|s this bi||of |adingс|еanor dirty?
/kru:lch, 20 Jla'€h 2000 |4аaаh snid|
PIасеаnd dаtеof issuе Siqnedfor the Mаsterof thе аbovеvеssе|
Еnglish V|l|.Еxportdoсuments

Types of bill of lading 5. The through This kind ot Ъ/I is used when
bill of lading: the goods are to be transported
We have already seen that a bill of lading сan be
bу more than one сarrier. The
сlean (when the goods appear to be in good order
b/l is valid for the whole jour-
when loaded onto the ship) or dirty (when some of ney and prevents eaсh individ-
the goods are damaged or missing). If the bill of ua] сarrier having to issue its
lading is dirty, the сonsignee сan refuse to take de- own transport doсument.
livery of the goods. Furthermore, if the bill of lad- Hядguвs то Рuqрто Rlсо vlд Ngw Уопк
ing is an essential part of a method of payment (for

example the letter of сredit), the bank may refuse it.
However, there are also various other types of bill of
1. The reсeived This kind ot Ъ/I is issued when
bill of lading: the goods have been inspeсted
but haven't yet been loaded Тнвоuсн
onto the ship. Suсh a b/l may
6. The сontaineг This is used for the transporta-
for example be neсessary when goods
bill of lading: tion of сontainerised
the ship has been delaуed and (goods paсked in standard-sized
hasn't Уet reaсhed the port
сontainers whiсh are then
where the goods are waiting.
sealed and not opened until
2. The on-board In сontrast to the reсeived b/l, they reaсh their destination.
bill of lading: this bill of lading is issued for These сontainers do not have to
goods whiсh have already been be inspeсted by the сustoms
loaded onto a ship. Banks maу authorities when сrossing bor-
insist on on-board bills of lad- ders). Suсh a b/l also сovers the
ing as being safer than the re- road and/or rail transport ne-
сeived version. сessarУ to get the goods to and
from the ports of shipпrent and
3. The straight This kind ot Ъ/| can'\ be nego- destination.
bill of lading: tiated. only the сonsignee
stated on thе b/l сan take de- 7. The groupage This ь/I is used for grouped
livery of the goods. bill of lading: сonsignments. The bill of lad-
ing lists the forwarding agent
4. The order bill This b/l сan be negotiated by rvho arranged the grouped сon-
of lading: endorsement. Banks onlу usu- signment as the shipper, and
ally aссept order bills of lading. the forwarder in the importing
108 СommerсiaiЕng|ish VlIl' Еxportdoсumеnts 109

сountry as the сonsignee. The Г7

Goods Container Part-loads
forwarding agent then issues a shipped to be sent shipped
horrse bill of lading to eaсh of and waiting from London bу Еred's
the exporters whose goods are to dеpart to Paris via Forwarding
inсluded in the grouped сon- Dover Agenсy
signment. The house b/l then and Calais
serves as the сolleсtion doсu-
ment for the importer.
Aiг waуbill
reсeived b/l нaкЛaдI{aя нa IIpoBеpe}IIIьIи'
Iro Irе lloгpУrкeнньrй гpyз
Unlike the bill of lading, the air waybill isn't a doсu-
on-board b/l IIaкЛa'цIraя IIa грy3' IIprIня- ment of title and сan't be negotiated. However, the
тьrй нa бopт сyднa exporter has a right of disposal to the goods, whiсh
straight b/l иMенIIaя IIaкЛa.ЦIIaя means that on presenting his сopy of the air waуbill,
order b/l opдepllaя lla}сЛaднaЯ he сan stop the goods during their journey, have the
through b/l сквoзнaя I{aI(ЛaдIIaя goods delivered to a different сonsignee from the
соntainer b/l нaк лaд нaя нa пp o вo 3 сonsignee mentioned on the air waуbill, or have the
тoBapoB в кoнтeйнepe
сonsignment returnеd. This is useful if the eхporter
сontainеrised goods гpyз B кoнтeйнepe
disеovers after dispatсhing the goods that the сon.
сustoms authorities TaМo}кеI]ньIе вЛасTи
signee may not be able to pay for them.
groupagе b/l сбopнaя IIакЛaднaя
housе b/l вI{yтpeIIняя нaклaдIlaя The air waybill is made up of thrеe originals and
several сopies:
Exerсise2. What kindsof b/| are these? . original 1 is marked ..For сarrier'' and is kept
,, by the airline onсe it has been signed by the сonsign-
Consignee Bulk сargo Case no. 5
P. Smith to be sent missing or or his agent.
or ordеr from London . original 2 is marked ..For сonsignee'' and trav-
to Copen- els with the goods.
hagen via . Original 3 is marked "For shipper" and is re-
turned to the exporter onсe it has been signed by the
Goods Consignee Goods
in Kiel P. Smith rесeived Еxerсise3. Look at the air wаybi||shown bеlow аnd аn.
awaiting in apparent
good ordеr
swer the quеstions.
1. Who is the сonsignor?
2. Who is thе саrrier?
110 СommerсialЕng|ish V| | l .Еx po r tdo с um ent s

З. Who is to reсeivethe goods? Commеrсial invoiсе

4. Whiсh airportаre thе goods to Ieаvеfrom?
5. Whiсh аirportwill the goods аrrtveаt? The сommerсial invoiсe is the seller's formal rеquest
6. Whаt does the сonsignmеntсonsistof? for payment. Along rryith the transport doсumеnt, it
7. Whois to pay'n. is probably the most important paper needed in an
export transaсtion, as it is also an essential сompо-
nent of сertain methods of paуment (for example the
ioil !ЕooтIA.LE
сoNsloNulNт !oт.} letter of сredit) and indispensable for сustoms pur-
SсottishЕxportСo. Ltd' 'в

999 PrinсeiStrеet,Еdinburgh ЕMU AIRWAYS poses. Several сopies are madе.

Bеstof British The сommerсial invoiсe serves the following

4100]|\z]цnсhenq|аdbaсh purposes:
. It is a reсord of the transaсtion between the sell-
er and the buyer, listing details of the goods, how
muсh they сost and how they are to be transported
. It is the basis on whiсh the сustoms authorities
assess how muсh duty or taх is to be paid
. It is used to сonfirm the value of the goods for
5 саses,|oса|food produсts
insuranсe purposеs.

Pro-forma invoiсe

Unlike the сommerсial invоiсe, the pro-forma in-

voiсe is not a request for payment. Instead, it is
a.,sample'' invoiсe, whiсh may for example be is-
. When the buyer has requested a quotation
. When thе seller sends the buyer goods on ap.
. If the goods are to be sold by an agent, in whiсh
?. Shith
04 Mаr 2000 ЕA Еdinburqh сase the agent will need a pro-forma invoiсe in ordеr
to be able to fix his own priсes.
112 Еnglish
Сommerсiа| V| | |Еx
. po r tdo с um ent s 113

1. The ехporter buуs thе

right of disposal пpaBo paспopя}rсеIrия
relevant forms from the
сonsulate of the importing РЕRUvl4}l
сommerсial invoiсe тopгoвьlй сvет.фaктypa
tax нaЛoг
сountry loсatеd in his own сoN5ULд
pro.foгmainvoiсе lтpeдBapитeльньrйсчeт
on approval для oзtl&кoluЛeния
agent aгеIlт; пpeдсTaвиTeлЬ
2. The exporter fills out
these forms. This is no еasy
Customs invoiсe task, аs there may be up to
6 сopies, and theу all have
Some сountries may require the exporter to providе to be pеrfeсt - if anything
a сustoms invoiсe, a speсial invoiсe for the сustoms has beеn addеd or сrossеd
authorities of the importing сountrу. This invoiеe is orrt. thе forms will bе rе-
vеrу siпrilar to the сommerсial invoiсe, but requires jeсted.
additional information suсh as the domestiс valuе
and export priсe of the goods. With this informa. 3. The exporter takes
tion, the сustornsauthoritiеs сan deсide whether the a сoЦllnеrсial invoiсе for
goods are admissible (whether theу сan be allowed the goods to be exported to
tlrе Chamber of Cornmerсe.
into the сountry) and how muсh duty is to be paid.
Here thе invoiсе is stamped
A сustoms invoiсe may be required in the following on thе revеrsе sidе to сon-
situations: firm the origin of the goods
. Wherе the value of the сonsignment is relative- (where theу сome frоm).
ly high
. Where speсifiс types of goods are being imported 4. The exporter then takes
. If the importer requires preferential tгeatment аll thesе forms - plus any
others whiсh may be re-
by the сustoms authorities, for example a lower rate
quired - baсk the to сon-
of duty.

&h e

Consulaг invoiсe 5. Here thе сonsular invоiсe
Ceгtain сountriеs, notablу those in South Ameriсao is legalised by the сonsul.

\у //r.л
This means that the eхport.
maу insist on a сonsular invoiсe as evidenсethat the
er has to sweаr to the aс-
goods being imported are not over.priсed. A сonsu-
сuraсy of the doсuments.
lar invoiсe is issuеd as follorvs:
114 ЕngIrsh
Сommerсiа| Vll|.Еxportdoсumеnts 115

Certifiсate of origin

The сeгtifiсate of origin is issued by the Chamber of

Commerсe as proof of where the goods were produсed.
There are two reasons why a сertifiсate of origin Еriс,sЕ|eсtroniсs
196Burnside Wау
might be neсessary:
Vаnсouver, BС
. When there is a trade agreement between the сANADA , iй r,d .- ' d Ь-
.,' я".' - .|ФoП' lп .Г

',..Е";Ф.i "-'., ..]ll..'l'*iн:lJв1&**'"*,.

exporting and importing сountries. In this сase, if it
. .''4YнYl'l.

сan bе proved that the goods were made in the еx- Air f reight
Airрortof departure:
porting сountry, duty is сharged at a lower rate or Vаn(ouVеr
Airportof dеstinаtion:
possiblу not сharged at all.
. For politiсal reasons, to prove that importers
; mаrked1-5of 5 сontаining
5 расkаgеs
aren't importing goods from сountries with whiсh Ishigаwa
сompaсtсаmerаs,20 per
trading relatiоns are not desired.

сustoms invoiсe тaп[olтсellнaя нaкЛaднaя

admissiblе paspelшelrньIй (к ввoзy) вl,; .i.4 '''.' A .т .:,i
( L..^

.ЕF .162аr
s й..".ф* ..d
preferential treatment пpeфepeнциaдьньrй pe)киlvl '-. lz \
rп ТЙ
50 KG 20,000'00

сonsular invoiсe кoнсyJIЬский инвoйс

фЁ;*-mф-*;Г'ьйй' l

ovеr-priсed зaBЬIIIIeHI{ЬIй(o.цeне)
origin пpoисxolrtдel{ие I

to legalise ЛегaЛизoвaть
' l)

rф lь eс" di{L; iпФl

сertifiсate of origin сepтификaт

а й n ' io d ;liin n n d lig r ' . ln 9 L lь q ' - a lln { ir lic h o ] i. d! {6..' t! la

r:*;rт'ilf ;i:"1'1;..у.ъ

Еxerсise4. Look аt the invoiсе bе|ow and аnswer thе

L.!ai..rйii.iqloф oi

following quеstions.
Whаt kindof invoiсеis it, and what purposеdoеs it sегve?
Questions for геvision
2. Who is the seIlеr?
З. Who is the buyеr? 1. What is a Mate's Reсeipt?What is the differenсe
4. Нow аnd when arе thе goods to bе sеnt to Саnadа? betwеena сlean and a dirty Mate's Reсeipt?
5. Whаt kindof goods аrе involved, аnd wheredo thеy сomе
f гom? 2. Desсribe the differenсes and similarities between:
6. How is pаymеntto bе mаdе? . The reсeived and on-board bills of lading
116 СommerсiаlЕnglrsh

. The ordеr and straight bills of lading

. Thе through and сontainer bills of lading
. The bill of lading and the air waybill.

3. In whiсh сases would you issue a pro-forma in- lX. Customsand duty
voiсe rather than a сommerсial invoiсe?
4. Whiсh different purposes do the сustoms and сon- 5 Тypеsof duty
sular invoiсes and the сertifiсate of origin serve? 5 Сa|сu|аting
5 Сustomsproсеdurе
5 Quеstionsfor rеVision
lХ. Сustomsand duty

is known as dumping. This, of сourse' would be

a threat to the Italian shoe industry. To prеvent this,
the Italian government would impose proteсtive duty
on South Ameriсan shoes, whiсh would inсrease the
Everу сountry has to ensure that the proportion of рriсe so muсh that they would no longer be able to
imports to exports has a positive effeсt on its eсono- сompete with Italian shoes.
my. Too many сheap imports сan damage a сountry's
2. Preferential duty: Preferential duty is a lower
eсonomy' as sales of the сountry's home-рroduсed
rate of dutу impоsed on сountries with whom there
goods will suffеr. Too manУ expensive exports сan
is a trade agreement. Suсh agreements may be bilat-
also be harmful beсause few people will buy them.
eral (between two сountries, suсh as Germany and
Therefore, eaсh сountry has the right tо impose duty
Israel) or multilatеral (betweenthree or more сoun-
on imported goods in order to сontrol priсes and pro-
tries). Groups of сountries whiсh have multilateral
teсt its eсonomУ.
trade agreements inсlude NAFTA (the North Ame-
riсan Free Trade Assoсiation, made up of Canada,
Types of duty the US and Мexiсo) and ASЕAN (the Assoсiation of
Southeast Asian Nations, made up of Brunei, Indo-
Export dutу nesia' Мalaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thai-
Export dutу is sometimes imposed on goods when land). This lower rate of dutу is imposed to еnсour-
they leave the сountry (for exanlple on oil exports age importers to trade with the preferred сountries
from Russia). However, this kind of dutу is not сom- rather than with non-member nations.
monly imposed beсausein many сases it would make Еxсise duty
the goods too expensive for the world market.
The purpоse of eхсisе duty is to raise monеУ for the
Import duty government. It is imposed on сertain home-produсed
produсts suсh as luxury goods, сigarettes, oil and
This kind of dutу is imposеd on goods when they are
brought into a сountry. There are two types of im-
port dutу:
home.produсed goods oTeЧeсTвeI{IIьIeToвapьI
1. Proteсtive duty: Proteсtive duty is imposed to to impose duty oблaгaть пotшлинoй
prevent home produсers losing business beсause of export duty экспopTlraя пoIIIЛиI{a
сheaper foreign imports. Importers in ltaly, for ех- import duty иNlпopтнaя пolЦЛинa;
IIaлoг I{a иMпopT
ample, may try to import shoes from South Ameriсa
prоteсtivе duty пpoтeкциoнI{aя пoIIIЛиIIa
as they are сheaper than Italian shoes; this proсess
120 Сommеrсiаl
Еnolrsh lx сustomsandduty

dumping де\tIIиIlг
Compound duty
prеferential duty пpeфepeнциaЛьнaя пoIIIЛиЕa
Compound duty, also known as mixed dutу, is сalсu-
tradеagreement тopгoвoeсoгЛaIIIeI{иr
lated using a сombination of ad valorem and speсifiс
bilatеral двустopoнний
faсtors; both the quantity or weight and the value of
mu]tilatеral мнoгoстopонний
exсise duty
the goods are taken into сonsideration. This kind of
aкцизньrй сбop
luxurу goods
duty is imposed on goods where the priсes fluсtuate,
in order to prevent the amount of duty falling below
,l' a сertain minimum. For eхample, duty may be im-
Еxerсisе What kind of duty do you think Wаs imposed
in еасh саse?
pоsed on tea at a ratе of 70o/.of the value (ad valorem
.l. duty). However, if the priсe of tea falls, steps must
An eхportеrrn Switzеrlаndsent a сonsignmеntof сhееse
to аn importеrin Swеdеn'
be taken to prevent the duty falling below a rate of
2. An importеrin Japanwаntеd to buy сheap сamеrаsfrom $20 per 100 kg (speсifiс duty). If this happens, spe-
Таiwan' сifiс dutу will be сharged in addition to the ad valor-
3. A group of Amеriсаntouristsboughtа quаntityof'expen- em duty to keep the duty imposed at the minimum
siveperfume whi|eon holidаvin Franсе. required.
4 A Gеrmаntobассoсompаnyimported сigarsfrom Сubа.
An |ndianteа сompаnysrnt а lаrgеquаntltyof tea to ad valorem duty пoIIIЛинa ad valorem
E n q lаn d. speсifiс(fixed)dutу спeцифинeскaяпoIIIJIиI{a
сompound (mixеd) duty сMеIIIaнIlaя пoIIIЛиIIa
Calсulating duty
Duty is сalсulated in several WaУs: Customs proсеdurе
Ad valorem duty If the goods being imported or exportеd arе duty-
Ad valorem dutу is сharged as a perсentage of the free (if no duty has to be paid on them), theу have to
value of the goods, i.e. the more expensivethe goods, be deсlared to the сustoms authorities but rvill be
the higher the dutу. immediatelу еleared for further transportation. How-
ever, if the goods are dutiable (if dutу has to be paid
Speсifiс dutу on them), they will proсeed through сustoms in one
Spесifiс duty, also known as fiхed duty, is сalсulat- of the ways desсribed here:
ed as a fiхed sum of money pеr unit of quantity or 1. The goods are transported to the сustoms offiсe at
weight, e.g. 5 сеnts per kilo, 10 dollars per 1000 units the border, the duty is сalсulated and the importer
еtс. pays it (or the eхporter, depending on the tеrms of
Еnglish |Х' сUstomsаnd duty 12з

delivery). The goods are then released for further been paid. This means the dutу doesn't have to be
transportation to their destination. paid until the goods are needed (fоr example when
Bо npel
the importer finds a buyer). In this сase, the import-
еr proсeeds as follows:

ffib* a) The ilnportеr has his rА RpЕR

goodsbrought to thе bond- АRЁ|.{oU5Е
t \.,\
ed warehouse for storage.
2. In the сase of сontainerised goods, the сontainer LjI-J
is sealed by the сustoms authorities at the plaсe of
departure, then transported to the сustoms offiсe at
the plaсe of destination. Herе the сontainer is openеd,
the duty is сalсulated and the importer pays it. This
eliminates the need for the goods to be inspeсted at b) I n r еtur r r , thе w aгe- BORDTR
everУ border they сross. ho usеman gives the im- дRtl]ou5Е
porter a bond warrant as
a reсеipt for the goоds. Thе
Cusтояts Cusто.r's
1#лпsя,y bond warrant is a negotia-
ble doсument.

duty-free бeспorплинньrй
to deсlare goods дeкЛapиpoBaTЬ ToBap
to сlеar goods through пpoвoдиTЬ тaпIoхteннyю
сustoms oчистIty
dutiable oблaгaeмьrй пorцлиной
с) Thе importеr triеs to
3. The third possibilitу is for the importer to store find buyers for the goods
while theу are in bond.
the goods in a bonded warehouse, a speсial ware.
housе where goods сan be stored until the dutv has
124 СommerсiаlЕngIish lX. Customsand duty 125

d) Should the potential buу-

еr neеd to sеe samples of bonded warehouse тa\[o}IdeIIIIьIй скдaд

thе goods whilе thеу arе warehouseman влaделeц/paбoтник c|<JIaДa

i n b o n d . t h i s n e еdn't be bond warrant дoкyМеIIт o xpaнeнIrи ToBapa

IIa скJIaде
a p r o b l e m . T h e i mpo r ter
goes to the warehouseman in bond нaxoдящийся Irа Taмo,{сeннoМ
скЛaдe ; нepaстaМo}Itеrrньrй
and obtains either a sаm-
pling ordeг, whiсh enablеs sampling order opдеp I{a IloЛyчeние oбpaзцoв

hirn to take away samplеs inspeсtion order инспeкциorrньrй opдep

of thе goods in bond; or an dеlivеry order paспopя)rdel{иe o BЬIдaче
i n s p e с ti o n o rd e r, w hiсh тoBapa сo сI(Лaдa
еnable lrim to take the po. сustoms pеrmit тaшIo)tсеIllloe paзpeIIIе}Iиe
tential сustomer to inspeсt
thе goods.

е) onсe the importеr has

Questions for revision
found a buyer, he ецdorsеs 1. Using your own words, desсribе the different tуpes
the bond warrant and hands
of duty. What purposes do they serve?
it ovеr to thе buуer. If he

has found several buyers, 2. How сan dutу be сalсulated? Why do you think it
-/ъ..r еaсh of them reсеives a dе- is neсessary to have more than one way of сalсulat.
q/ JYiyqysl
livеry ordеr .whiсh serves
t h e s a m e p u rp o s е as the
ing duty?

\ .фffiГ: bond warrant. 3. What is a bonded warehouse, and what purpose

\'jP's шl- f) The buуеr takes thе bond

warrant (or delivеry ordеr)
does it serve?
4. A bond warrant is a doсument of title. What does
baсk to the bonded Warе-
house and pays thе duty on
this mean?
t h e g o o d s . I n rе tur n, he
5. Explain the differenсe between a sampling order
BoRDЕR reсeivеs a сustoms permit
and an inspeсtion order. Give some eхamples of goods
whiсh means the goods сan
for whiсh eaсh one would be appropriate.
/}d bе released from bond.
\ A\ g) The buуer then takes the
/l сustoms permit and bond
\\А wаrrant to the warehouse-
man, who hands ovеr thе
\'t"J goods in rеturn.
X. Marine lnsuranсe Мarine insuranсe is the oldest form of insuranсe.
Baсk in the Middle Ages, ships were the most im.
pоrtant form of transport, and thеir сargo цras
5 Prinсiplеs
of insurаnсе оften very valuable. Sometimes traders would even
5 Typesof insuranсе poliсy risk thеir wholе сapital with just one slripment. So
5 Тypesof |oss somebody сame up with the idea of forming a group
to spread the risk - and marine insuranсe uras
5 Quеstiоnsfor revision born.

Very generally, marine insuranсe works as follows:

lfisuн*p4 lпsuвсрB Rrсвrve*

У#: suЕРЕ'Еc
д Lоsg flOitРЕNs€ т tФtl
'i:, --'ц#.
" r YI
t ir'

а сLа1Jn

The ship and сargo owners (the insured) eaсh paу

a perсentage of the value of their goods (the pre.
mium) into a fund administered bу the insuranсe
сompany (the insurer). Should one of the insured
then suffer a loss, he сan сlaim сompensation from
the insurer for the loss; this means he will reсeive
money from the fund to the value of the loss he
128 СommerсiаlЕng|ish X. Mаrinelnsuгanсe

quirements are fulfilled when the insuranсe poliсy

insured 3aстpaхoBaнньrй
premium is drawn up.
стрaxoвaя пpеMия;
стрaxoвoй B3IIoс Utmost good faith (uberrimae fidei)
insurer стpaxoBaтeль
to suffer a loss пoIIeсTи yбьrтки Whеn somеone fills out a form applуing to take
to сlaim сompensation тpeбoвaть BoзMeщeIIиЯ out insuranсe, he is obliged to tеll the truth about
the value and сondition of the goods to be insured,
Some of the risks against whiсh it is possible to take and also to mеntion anything whiсh might inсrease
out insuranсe inсludе: the risk of the goods being stolen or damaged. The
. So-сalled Aсts of God suсh as fire, floods, earth- ..utmost goоd
insurer aссеpts the appliсation in
quakes etс. faith'' that all the details supplied by the insurеd
. Loss of the goods through being washed ovеr- are сorreсt, and fixes the level of the premium
board aссordinglу.
. Damageto the goods,e.g. by breaking, bending etс.
For his part, the insurer is obliged to deal fairlу
. Damage to the goods bу veгmin suсh a,srats and
with the insured, for exarnple by making all the сon-
nliсе ditions of the insuranсе poliсy сlеar to him.
. Loss of the ship on whiсh the goods are being
trarrspоrtеd,е.g. bу sinking оr сollision with another Insurable interest
. Loss of the goоds through theft or non-delivеry It is essential that the insured has an insurablе in.
terest in the goods to be insured: this means he has
Standard insuranсe poliсies generallу do not сover
to suffer a finanсial loss if the goods are stolen or
politiсal risks suсh as war and strikes. However, it
damaged. Generally this means that you сan take
may be possible to obtain insuranсe сover of these
out insuranсe for Уour own property, but not for
risks by pаying an extra or higher premium. someone else's.

Aсt of God стиxийнoе бeдствиe Indemnitу

vermin BpeдиTeль
The idea of indemnity is that if thе insured suffers
сover зОесь: IIoI{pьITиe
a loss, he has to be paid suffiсient сompensation to
bring him baсk to the same finanсial сondition as he
was in before the loss - not more and not less (this
Prinсiples of insuranсe
doesn't apply to life or personal aссident insuranсe).
F,or insuranсe to funсtion properly, the insurer and This prevents people ovеr-insuring their goods in the
insured have to make sure that сertain basiс re- hope of making a profit.
5 - l0(rtl6
1з 0 Сom me rсtа| Fnп lrчl. Х. MаrineInsurаnсе 1з1

Subrogation insuranсe poliсу is ready. The following tуpes of сover

onсe thе insurer has сompensated the insured for are available:
. Hull poliсies сover the ship itself, but not the
his loss, he has the right to reсover the amount in
question from tlre party respоnsible for the loss (for goods being сarried.
. Caгgo poliсies сover the goods сarried on board
example, if the insurer сan prove that the ship was
not seaworthy, he сan take legal steps against the the ship, but nоt the ship itself.
ship owner). Voyage poliсу

insurance poliсу стpaxoвoй пoлис' стpaxoвкa

This tуpe of poliсy сovers the ship and/or сargo for
utmost good faith lIoлнoe дoвepиe one voУage only. This kind of poliсy пray speсify a date
insurablеinterest стpaхoвoй иIrтepeс limit within whiсh the ship is expeсted to have ar-
indemnity гapallтия oт yбьrткoв rived at the port of destination. It is used bу people
subrogation пepexoд IIpaB стpaхoBaтеЛя or сompaniеs who onlу have to ship goods oссasion-
к сTpaxoвщикy ally.
seaworthy гoдньrй дЛя ПлaBaния
Time poliсy
Еxerсisе1. Whаt is wrong here? This is the type of poliсy used most often. It сovers all
1. Mr. Smith,sinsurаnсесompanyrefusеdto pаy him when shipments made within a сertain period of time. The
his housеwas brokeninto,аs they found out fгom poliсe premium is paid in advanсe and then adjusted at the
rесordsthаt it had alrеadybeеn brokеninto twiсe beforе end of the period of insuranсe, depending on the number
hе took out insuranсe.Whv? and value of shipments made. The insured has the re-
2. Mary,s mother |ent Mаry some еХpensivejewеl|ery.Ho. sponsibility of filling out an insuranсe сertifiсate for
WеVеr,when Mary app|iedto hаveit сoverеdby hеr housе-
eaсh shipment, so that an aссurate reсord сan be pre.
holdinsurаnсe poIiсy,
the insurаnсe
сompanyrеfused.Why? sented at the end of the period of insuranсe.
З. Mr. Adаms wаnted to insure the goods in his wаrеhouie
for $200,000,whiсh was the priсеat whiсh he сouIdse|| Floating poliсy
thеm.Howеvеr,thе insuranсесompаnyto|d him thаt thеy
сou|donly insurеthe goods for $12O,00O.Whv?

Types of insuranсe poliсy

Written evidenсe of the insuranсe сontraсt is pro- фtrrовхт $*trnвнт гов sшtp,r'*пт
vided in the insuranсe poliсy. If insuranсe is needed *2AOO Jesсo Jsоo
w0ЕТ}i woRтl{ \r/оRт|i
at short notiсe, the insurer сan provide the insured sp qaoas оr Aооpg or 6ооps
with a сover note to fulfil this funсtion until the
Еnqlish X' MаrrnеInsuranсe

With a floating poliсy, the insured and insurer agree Types of loss
in advanсe on a сertain sum at whiсh the goods are
to be insured. The insured сan then make as manУ As far as marine insuranсe is соnсerned, insurers
distinguish between total loss and partial loss.
shipments as he wants until this value has been
reaсhed, at whiсh point the poliсy expires. 1. TOTAL LOSS:
Mixed poliсy (a) Aсtual Total Lоss (ATL)
This is a сombination of the voyage and time poli. An aсtual total loss is
сies. The ship and/or сargo is сovered for all voУag- said to have oссurred
es between two named poгts for a сertain period of when the ship and сargo
time (for example for all voyages from Liverpool to have sunk and сannot be
New York over a period of one year). reсovered.

сover note BpelvlеIlнoe стpaxoBoe If the ship disappears

сBидeтeЛЬстBo after leaving thе port or
hull poliсy
сargo poliсУ
пoлис стpaxoвaния сУдIra
IIoлис стpaxoвal{I{я гpyзa
if it is long overdue, this
is also сonsidered to bе ?.
voyage poliсу IIoлис стpaxoвallия Ira пepeвoзкy an aсtual total loss. If the
time poliсy пoЛис lra сpoк ship then turns up after
floating poliсy гeI{epaJIьIIьril лoлиc a сlaim for ATL has bеen
mixed poliсy смeruaнньrй пoЛис settled, it automatiсally
beсomes the propertу of
Z.Whаttypeof tnsuranсe poliсyWouldyou use the insurers.
in eасhsituation?
(b) Construсtive Tоtal Loss (CTL)
]' A сustomerin Sri Lаnkаp|aсedа tria|oгder'

2. A сompаny in Саnаdа rесеivеda standingordеr from A сonstrttсtive total loss а1\...
a сompanyin Boston. oссurs 'лrhen the ship or
3. A сarpetimporterin |tа|yoften p|aсesorderswith a сompany goods are so badly dam-
in Moroссo.Нowеver.аs sаlesfluсtuаtе,the size аnd value
aged ttrat tlre ёost of rе-
of thе orderstends to vаry аnd is not alwaysprеdiсtаblе.
pairing them would be
4. An exporterin -Jаpanwаs offеred a onе-yеarсontraсtto
suppIygoodsto vаriousbranсhesof аn Ameriсanсorpora- greater than their mar-
tron. ket value. It also oссurs
5' A famiIyеmigrаtingf rom Еng|аndto AustraIiаsеnt most when a ship sinks and is
of theirhouseholdgoods by ship. left bесause thе сost of
Еnq|ish X' Mаrinеlnsuranсе

reсovery Would be too high or the risk to human life 5. A ship саrryingorl bаrrеlsсаughtfirе,аnd thе сrеw
thе baггеlsinto the 5еato prеvеntan еxploston.
too great.
6. Pirаtеsboardedа ship аnd stole pаrt of thе сargo.
aсtual total loss (ATL) действитeльнaя
(a) Partiсular average IIoЛIIaя гибедь

сonstruсtive total loss (CTL) кoнстpyктивIIaя

Partiсular average oс- пoJIЕIaя гибeль
сurs when the objeсt in- Чaстнaя aвapия
partiсular average
sured is lost or damaged oбщря aвapия
general averagе
beсause of an aссident,
suсh as a fire or flood on
board the ship. The loss
Questions for rеvision
is borne by the person to
whom the objeсt be. 1. Desсribe some of the risks whiсh сan be сovered
longed. by insuranсe. Why do уou think politiсal risks
not usually сovered by marine insuranсе?
(b) General average
2. Using your own words, explain the prinсiples
General average oссurs
insuranсe. Whу are these prinсiples neсessarу?
when the objeсt insured
is saсrifiсed. in order to 3. What is the differenсe between a time
prevent a total loss; for a floating poliсу and a mixed poliсy? Give some
eхample, goods may be examples of situations where the insured maу
thrown overboard in order to stop a ship sinking. to сhoose one over the others.
The loss is borne by all parties - both the ship own-
give some
er and the сargo owners. 4. Desсribe thе two types of total loss and
Еxerсisе3. What type of |oss wаs this? 5. Give some еxamples of partiсular average.
1. A ship disаppеarеd while sаilingthroughthе BеrmudаТri- it is
angre. 6. What is general average? Whу do уou think
2. A shipсаrrylngсheаpgeneraIсargosankсloseto thе сoast fairer for the loss to be borne by all parties?
of Frаnсе.
З. Тwo boxеs of goods werе lost overboаrdаs a гesu|tof
bаd wеаther.
4. |п 1912,the supposed|yunsinkab|е Тitаnrсhit an iсeberg
аnd sank in the At|аntiс.
Xl. Businessorganisations Business organisations belong to either the private
or the publiс seсtor. Thе pгivate seсtoг сonsists of
сompanies belonging to private individuals, and the
5 Тhe privateseсtor publiс seсtor of сompanies owned by the government
5 Тhepub|iсseсtor of the сountry.
5 Quеstionsfor revision
The private seсtor

There are various types of business organisation whiсh

operate in the private seсtor:
1. Sole traders
A business run by a sole trader has just one owner,
who is entirely responsible for all the сompany's busi.
ness affairs. This type of organisation has сertain
advantages and disadvantages:

The sole trader A solе trader has to bear 100 %

doesn't have to оf thе risks inсurred by his
сonsult anyone else сompanУ.
when making deсi- Foг this rеason' he may have
sions. more diffiсultiеs raising сapital.
The profits do not A sole tradеr has unlimited li-
have to be shared ability for his сompanУ' whiсh
with anyone else. means that if he goes bankгupt,
hе may lose both his сompany
and his personal property.
1з8 Сommerсia|
Еnglish X|. Businеssorqаnisations 1з9

. Limited or speсial рartnership, сonsisting of at

private seсtor чaстIrьIй сeктop
publiс seсtor гoсy/цapсTвeliнЬIй сeктop least one general partner with unlirnited liability and
sole trader чaсTIIьIй IIpедIIpиIIиlvIaтeЛЬ at least onе limited partner whose liabilitу is limited
сapital кaпитaЛ; фoнд; сpeдстBa to the сapital he has invested. The limited partners
rrn]imited liability Heoгpaничeннaя do not run the risk of losing their personal property
oтBeтсTвеI{IloсTь if the сompany goеs bankrupt, but neither do they
bankrupt бaнкpoт have anу say in how the business is run.

2. Partnerships partnership ToBapищeстBo; IIapтEepсTвo

aсtive partner aктивньrй УЧaсTLIик
A business run by a partnership has two or more
sleеping partner пaссивньrй yчaстIIик
owners. When entering into a partnership, an agree- general (ordinary) кotvrпallия с llеoгpaниченнoй
ment is drawn up defining the rights, responsibili- partnership oTBeTстBeнIIoсTьIо
ties and liabilities of eaсh partner, suсh as how the limited (speсial) Itoluпaния с oгpaвияeннoй
profits arе to be distributed and what part eaсh part- paгtnership oTвeTсTвeннoстЬIо (ooo)
ner is to plaу in managing the сompanУ. The part- general partner глaвньrй пapтrrep
ners may be aсtivе, meaning that they are aсtively limited partner пapтЕep с oгpaниveннoй
involved in the сompany's business; or sleeрing, whiсh oтBeтстBеI{IloсTьIo

means they invest money in the сompany and reсeive

a share of the profits, but do not сonсerr.rthemselves 3. Joint-stoсk сompanies
with the сompany's business affairs. From a legal point of view, a joint-stoсk сompany
сounts as a separate peгson, whiсh means that its
shareholders (owners) and direсtoгs (the people сho-
sen by the shareholders to run the сompany) only
Z have limited liabilitу. The shareholders eaсh reсeive
one dividend (part of the profit) per share. There are
two types of joint-stoсk сompany:
(a) Publiс limited сompany (plс)

The сapital for this tуpe of сompany is raised from

Дстtv*Ря*тнвк Slввplнс Р*птнtв
members of the publiс. For this reason' a plс сan be
There are two types of partnership: listed on the stoсk exсhange, although it doesn't have
. Gеneral or oгdinary partnership, where all part- to be. Before it сan start doing business, a plс needs
ners have unlimited liability. to have a minimum amount of share сapital (in Eng.
СommеrсiаlЕng|ish Х|.Business
oroаnisаtions 141

land for example, it needs to issue at least f50,000 private seсtor. This has both positivе and negative
worth of shares). aspeсts:

(b) Private limited сompany (Ltd.)

There are many more private limited сompanies than As firms aсtive in these As firms in the pri-
publiс limited сompanies. The shares of a private privatised industries may vate seсtor are mainlу
limited сompanУ are held by speсiallу сhosen per- find themselves in сompe- interested in making
sons or сompanies, whiсh means it сan't be listed on tition with other firms, it a profit, privatisation
the stoсk exсhange. However unlike publiс limited is in their interest to make may make сertain ser-
сompaniеs, private limited сompanies don't need tlre serviсes provided more viсes more expensive
a minimum amount of share сapital - it's theoreti- effiсient, whiсh benefits for the сustomer.
the сustomer.
сally possible for a private limited сompanУ to har,e Neсessary serviсes
just one share held bу one person. The money raised сan bе may not be provided
used to reduсe taxes. beсausethey aren't
joint.stoсk сompany aкциo}Iepнaя IсoМIтaния
sharеholder aкцIIoЕIep; BЛaдe,тeц aкциia
Companies in the publiс seсtor have сertain similar-
dirесtor ,циpeкTop
ities to publiс limited сompanies. However, there are
dividend диBи.цeн.ц
a few important differenсes:
publiс limited oTкpЬIтaя кoluПallия с oгpa-
. While publiс limited сompanies are owned bу
сompany rrичeннoй oтвeтсtвeнIIoсTЬIo
stoсk еxсhange биprкa the publiс, publiс seсtor сompanies are owned by the
share сapital aкциoнepньrй кaпитaл goveгnment.
private ]iшited чaстнaя кoNIпaIIия с oгpalrи-
. The сhairman of a plс is сhosen by the share-
сompanу чeннoй oTBeтсTBeII}loстьIo holders, whereas the сhairman of a publiс seсtor сom-
(Ltd.) panу is сhosen by the government.
. A plс obtains сapital by selling shares, a publiс
seсtor сompany by selling stoсks.
Thе publiс seсtor . The profits earned by a plс go to the sharehold.
As we know, firms in the publiс seсtor are owned ers, the profits earned by a publiс seсtor сompany go
by the gover]lment, one exaпrple being the post baсk to the government.
. Where the main objective of a plс is to make the
offiсe. However, in сertain сountries, notably ilr
Britain, there is a trend towards ргivatisation оr largest possible profit, publiс seсtor сompanies are
selling сertain government-owtred organlsations suсh сreated primarily to provide the publiс with essen-
as the railway and telephone сompanies baсk to thе tial serviсes.

privatisation IIpивaти3aция
stoсks (гoсyдapствeнньrе) цeнrrьIe бyмaги

Еxerсisе]. Whаt kind of businеssorgаnisаtionmight еaсh

Xll. The stoсk exсhange
of thesе bе - а so|е trader, a partnеrship,
a pub|iсor privаtelimitedсompаny or а pub|iс 5 Shares
seсtor сompany?
,1. 5 -intеrеstsесUrrtiеs
A sma||сornershop.
2' А firm of so|iсitors. 5 Quеstionsfor rеVision
З. Тhе BritishBroаdсastingСoгporаtion(BBС) in Britаin'
4. A |аrgeсommerсiаlbаnk.
5. A publishinghouse.

Quеstions for revision

1. If you wereto start a small businesssuсh as a shop,
would you prefer to do business as a sole trader, or
would you go into partnership? Why?
2. Using Уour own words, explain the two types of
joint-stoсk сompanУ. What do уou think are the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of eaсh? Mention some
examples of joint-stoсk сompanies in your сountry.
3. Give some examples of publiс seсtor organisations
in уour сountry. What effeсt do think privatisation
would have on these organisations and on the serviс-
es theу provide?
Х l I 'T he s t o с kex с ha ngе 145

Types of share
There are a number of different types of share:

ordinaгv slraгes T'irese are thе most сommon

As we saw in the last сhapter, shares sold bу publiс shares, also known as equities.
The ordinary shareholders bear
limited сompanies сan be listed on the stoсk eхсhange.
the largest part of the risk, but
The stoсk exсhange is the сetrtге of tliе сapital mar. the гeturns сan be muсh higher
ket, where large quantities of сapital are raised for than with other forms of invest-
сompanies and the governmelrt. This сapital is raised ment. Ordinary shareholders are
in two ways: entitled to one vote per share,
. By selling shares to investors, whiсh means that whiс]r gives thеm more saУ in the
the investors beсome part-owners of the pubiiс li- running of the сompany; but the
пrited сomрany in question. amount of dividend they reсeive
. Bу obtaining loans from investors, in t}re form (1f any) is determinеd by the
сonrpany depending on how muсh
of government stoсks and debentures.
profit has been made.
These shares and loans arе сollесtivеlу known aS se- Prefeгenсe These shares have a fixed divi-
сurities. Thе stoсk exсhange itself doesn't own anУ shares dend whiсh must be paid before
seсurities; it is simply the market where seсurities the ordinary shareholders сan re-
are bought and sold. сeivе their dividend, whiсh gua-
rantees a return on investrnent as
сapital markеt pьIнoк }сaIlитaЛa long as the сompany is making
govеrnnrent stoсks гoсyдapсTBeнньIе цеI{IIьIе a profit. However, if the сompany
OyуIaги doesn't make a profit, the prefe-
debenture .цoлгoBoeoбязaтeльствo;
renсe shareholder will not be paid
o0ЛигaцIIя his dividend either. Unlike the
sесurities ценIIьIе бyмaги
ordinary shareholder, the prefe-
renсe shareholder is not еntitled
to vote in сompanу matters.
Sharеs Cumulative This is a speсial сlass of prefe-
preferenсe renсe share whiсh offers a safer
The stoсk exсhange itself isn't open to ordinary in. shares retnrn on investment. This is be-
vestors; instead, tlreу have to buy shares via a stoсk- сause if thе сolrrpanУ сannot pay
bгoker. Many banks and finanсial institutions offer the dividend one уear, the out-
this sеrviсe in return for a сommission. starrding amount is сarried over
СommerсiаlЕngIish Xll. Тhe stoсk eхсhange

to the following years. That means . Bulls buy shares expeсting priсes to rise.
that rathеr than losing his divi-

dend in a year where the сompany z{-\--*'
runs at a loss. the shareholder сan
expeсt to reсeivе it one or more

years iater along with the divi-
dend from the following years.

This is another type of preferenсe
share whiсh pays a fixed rate rate
of interest until a сertain time.
After this time, it is сonverted
. Bears sell shares expесting priсes to fall.
into an ordinary share on whiсh
the holder reсeives a dividend

rather than intеrest.

stoсkbroker биpжeвoй MaIсЛеp

ordinarу sharеs, oбьrчньrе aкЦvII4(бeз фик-
;'D 'l
equities сиpoBaIIIIoгo дивидeндa)
returns пpибьrль
preferenсe shares ITpивилeгиpoBaIIнЬIе
aIсции . Stags buy newlу issued shares in the expeсta-
сumulativе preferenсe нaкolIитeлЬIIьIe IIpиBиЛe- tion that priсes will гise, then sell them on in the
shares гиpoвaIIIIЬIe aкции
hope of making a quiсk profit.
сonvertible preferenсe кolIвepTиpyelvrьIe пpиви-
shares лeгиpoBaIIньIе aкции

Sharе priсes

If shares in a partiсular сompany beсome more po-

pular, the share priсe will rise. This сan happen when
the eсonomy is booming or the сompany's profits
have inсreased for whatever reason.
What is a share index?
People aсtive in buying and selling shares on the
stoсk market are known as speсulators and fall into The stoсk market of eaсh сountry has one or more
three сategories: share indiсes. A share indeх is a representative group
't48 СommerсiaIЕngIish Х l | .Т he s t o с kex с ha ngе 149

of shares сhosen as a barometer of the movement of the members' risks; they reсeive a regular inсotne from
the market as a whole. This is usеful for investors their investment and take preсedenсe over the sharehol.
wishing to see how well their shares are doing оom. ders if the сompany is liquidated - that means, deben-
pared with the rest of the market. Examples of share ture holders are paid before shareholders. This makеs
indiсes inсlude: debentures a relatively safe form of investment.
. FтsE 1oo: the 100 largest сompanies listed on
Мost debentures are seсured, registered and redeem-
the British stoсk exсhange.
. Dow Jones Industrial Avеrage: сonsists of able:
30leading industrial сompanies in the US. Seсured If a сompanУ сannot repaу the loans
. NIккEI 300: the top 300 shares on the Japa- debentuгes or pay the interest, the holders of
nese stoсk market. seсured debentures (also known as
mortgage debentures) are automati-
speсulator биpхсeвoй.цeлeц'биpжeвик сallу entitled to payment frotn the
bull бьrк сomDanv's assets.
bеar }IeдвeдЬ Unseсured Holdеrs of unseсured dеbentures (also
stag oЛeIIь debentures known as naked debentuгes) are not
share indeх иIIдекс aкций automatiсallу repaid from the сoпi-
pany's assets if the сompanУ is un-
able to pay in the usual way. Theу
Fiхed.interest seсurities сan of сourse go to сourt to reсover
their moneу, but are not treated dif-
As we have seen, another way of earning moneУ on ferently from the sharеholders. An
the stoсk exсhange is bу making loans to larger сom. unseсured debenture is basiсallу no
panies or to the government in the form of fixed- morе than a promise to repay a loan.
interest seсurities. Logiсally enough' holders of fixed-
intеrest seсurities are paid a fixed rate of interest, Registered The holders of registered debentures
debentures are listed in a сompanУ register.
and suсh seсurities сan be bought and sold like shares.
These debentures сan onlу be trans-
Loans made to joint-stoсk сompanies in this waу are ferred in aссordanсe with сertain
сalled debentures; loans made to the government are terns and сonditions, and everУ
transfer must likewise be entered
сalled government stoсks.
into the register. The сompany сan
Debentures refuse a transfer, in whiсh сase the
person to whom the debenture was to
Unlike shareholders, debenture holders are not mem- be transferred сan appeal against the
bеrs of the сompany in question. They do not share deсision.
Еnglish Х | | .T he s t o с kеx с ha nge 151

Bearer A bearer debenture is an unregis- irrеdeemablе debenture бeссpoннoедoЛгoвoe

debentures tered debenture whiсh сan be nego- o0я3aтeJIЬствo
tiated by just handing it over to the сonvertiblеdebenture кoIIвepTиpУeМoедoЛгoвoe
new holder. ooя3aтеЛЬстBo

Redeemable Redeemable debentures are repaid

debentures (redeemed) on a fixed date or Govеrnment stoсks
within a сertain periоd, often a| In Britain, government stoсks are known as gilt.edged
a higher priсe than the issue priсe, seсurities (gilts) bесause they are suсh a safe form
whiсh means some extra monev for
of investment. Gilts are loans made to the govern-
the holder.
ment in order to finanсe its spending, and are repaid
Irredeemable There is no fixed date for the re- at a fixed futurе date (at maturity). In the mean-
debentures payment of irredeemable deben- time, the gilt holder reсeives interest on his loan'
tures; the loan is only repaid when The interest reсeived on gilts is known as the сou-
the сompany is liquidated. How- pon. Gilts fall into three сategories depending on the
ever. holders of irredeemable deben- date of maturity:
tures may ask the сompany to re. . Shorts: Gilts to be redeemed in 7 Уears or less
dееm them if it fails to keеp up its . Мediums: Gilts to bе redeemed in a period
interest payments. of 7 to 15 years
. Longs: Gilts to be redeemed morе thаrr
Convertible Convertible debentures сan be eх-
15 vears from the date of issue.
debentures сhanged for ordinarу shares.
Tуpes of gilt
to liquidate a сompany ликвидиpoвaтЬ
кorvlпaIIиIo Index-linked gilts These are gilts rшhere the сou-
seсured (mortgage) oбeсшeчeнrroe .цoЛгoвoе
pon and the amount at whiсh the
debenture oбязaтeльствo gilts are redeemed is linked to
unsесured (naked) нeoбeспeчellнoe .цoдгoвoe inflation.
debenture oбязaтельствo
Floating rate gilts The сoupon paid on these gilts
registеred dеbenturе иплeнIIoe.цoJIгoBoе
varies depending on market сon-
appeal aпeлЛяция
bearеr debenture дoЛгoвoe oбязaтeльствo Convertible gilts When a сonvertible gilt reaсhes
IIa пpeдъяBL1TeJIЯ'
maturity, the holder сan deсide
redeemable debenture ,цoлгoBoe oбязaтeльствo, whether he wants to have the
цoгaIIIaеNIoeв oпpeдe- gilt redeemed or to exсhange it
лeнньrй сpoк
for a new gilt.
Еnglish Хl|.The stoсk exсhаnge

6. What are the differenсes and similarities between

gilt-edged seсurities гapallтиpoBaI{IIьIe цeнньIe debentures and gilts? Whiсh is the safer form of
(gilts) бyмaги investment and whу?
сoupon кyПoII; дoxoд пo цeнIIЬIlvl
бумaгaм 7. What is the differenсe betweenfloating rate gilts
shorts кpaTlсoсpoчньIe цеIIньIе and indеx-linked gilts?
mediums сpeдIreсpoЧIIЬIe цеIlIIьIe
longs дoЛгoсpoчHьIe цеIIIIьIe
index-linked gilts цeI{IIьIe бyмaги, yчитЬIвa.
Iощие ypoBeгIь инфляции
floating rate gilts цeнньIe бyмaги с плa-
BaIoщиtI lсypсolvl
convertible gilts кolrBepTиpyeIvIЬIe цeнньIe

Quеstions for revision

1. What is the stoсk eхсhange and what is its funс-
tion? Where is it loсated in your сountry?
2. Whiсh type of share do you think offers the most
advantages to the investor and why?
3. What do you understand bу ..bulls'' and ..bears''
on thе stoсk market? What faсtors do you think in-
fluenсe this type of behaviour?
4. What is the differenсe between shares and deben-
tures? Whiсh do you think is the safer form of in-
vestment and why?
5. Whiсh is the safest type of debenture for the in.
vestor and why?
Glossary Еnglish to Russian
to aссept - IIpиIIип[aтЬ; aкцeптиpoBaтЬ
aссeptanсe (bill of exсhange) - aкцeIIT (вeксeля)
Aсt of God - стиxийнoe бeдствиe
aсtivе partner - aктиBIIьIй пapтнep
aсtual total loss - действитеЛЬнaя IIoлнaя гибедь
adjustment (of a сomplaint) - ypeгyлиpoвaние (спopoв,
кoнфликтoв); пoпpaвкa
admissible - paзpeшeнньlй (к ввoзy)
ad valorem duty - пoIIIлиIIa ad valorem (взимaeтся B rrpo-
цeнтIIoМ oтнoшIeIIии к сToи1!!oсTитoвapa)
advanсe order - ПpeдBapительньrй 3aкa3
to advertise - peкJlaмиpoвaть
advertisеmеnt - pекдaМa
advising bank - бaнк, пpoизвoдящий BьIПлaтУ пo aк-
agent - aгeнт; IIpедсTaBиTeль
airlinе - aвиIaJIvIHИfl'
air waybill - aBиaгpytoвaя IIaкдatIIaя
ambassador - пoсoЛ
to appеal against - Iloдaвaть aпeлЛяциIо IIpoтив
ATL - см. aсtual total loss
available - ипIeloщиilcg' в lаaличии
availability - EtlЛичиe

balanсe - бaлaнc
bank aссount - бaнкoвский счет
bank сodе - бarrкoвский кoд
bankrupt - бaнкpoт
bear (stoсk exсhange) - (MeдBe.ць> (биpжa); биprrсeвoй
дeЛeц' игparощий I{a IIoЕиEсeниe
bearer сheque - чeIс IIa пpeдъявитeЛя
bearer debеnture - oблигaцИЯ' |la пpeдъflвитедfl
156 СоmmеrсiаIEnqIish GIossаry 157

bеnеfiсiary - бенефициap; пoЛУчaтель сpeдсTв сF'R - см. Cost and Frеight

bilatеra] - двустopoнний сhain of distribution - сеть peaлизaции
bill of exсhange - BексeдЬ' тpaттa Chamber of Commerсe - Topгoвaя Пaдaтa
binding offеr - TвepДoе пpeдлoхtelrиe сheque - чeк
blank endorsement - блaнкoвьrй ин.цoссaпreнт сhеque stub _ кopеIIIoк; (oтpьrвнoй) тaлoII; квитaнция
bonded warehouse - TaМo)fiellньrй склaд ддя хpaнeния сIF - см. Cost, Insuranсe and Freight
ToBapoB .цo УпЛaтЬI пoIIIЛиIIьI сIP - см. Carriage and lnsuranсе Paid
bond warrant - дoкуryIeнт o xpaнellии Toвapa нa TaMo- сirсulation - oбpaщeниe
}ttеItl1oМ скЛa,цe сlaim - пpeтellзиЯ; pеIсЛa}raция; хсaлoбa
bordеr - гpaницa to сlaim - пpeдъ'flBJIятЬ цpeTeнзии
breaсh of сontraсt - нapyшellие кoнтpaкTa to сlaim damages - тpeбoвaтЬ Boз}IeщеIlия yбьrткoв
bulk сargo - нaсЬlllнoй гpуз сlean bill of lading - чистaя IIaклaдIIaя
bulk disсount - oптoвaЯ ски.цкa to сlear goods through - paстaмo)кIrть гpyз; пpoвoдитЬ
bulk order - oптoвьrй зarсaЗ сustoms - тa1vro}rсeн}IуIоoЧистIсy
bulky саrgo - гpoмoздкий гpyз сMR - см. intеrnational сonsignment note
bull (stoсk exсhangе) - <.бьIк'>(биpжa); биpжeвoй дe- сoD - см. сash on delivery
Лeц' игpaющий нa пoBьItueIIие сolleсting bank - бaнк-пoлуuaтeЛь
buуer - пoкУпaTель сommerсial bank _ кolvIмepчeский бaнк
с сommerсial invoiсe - TopгoBЬIй сveт-фaкTypa; IсoМlltеp-
CAD - см. сash against doсrrmеrrts чeский инвoйс
сapital - кaпитaл сommerсial serviсes - кolutvlepческиe yсJIУги
сapital nrarket - pЬIIIoк кallитaЛa сommission - кoMиссия
to сanсеl - oTМeIIятЬ; alllryЛиpoвaтЬ; IIpизIraBaTЬ нeдей. to сommission - УIloЛIloluoчиBaть; дeлaTЬ зaкaз; BBoдиTь
сTвитeЛЬ}IЬIМ B дeйсTвиe (нaпp., oб oбъeктe)' сдaBaть в эксIIлУaтaциIo
сargo - гpyз to сompensatе - кoмпeЕсиpoBaTь
сargo poliсy - пoлис сTpaХoBaIIиЯгpyЗа сompensation - кolvtпeнсaция
Carriage and Irrsuranсe Paid - rreрeвoЗкaи стpaxoвal{иe to сomplain - oбжaлoвaтЬ; IIoдaBaть rкaлoбy
oIIЛaЧeньI сomplaint - rкaлoбa; aпeЛЛяция; IIpeтeIIзия; peклaмaция
Carriage Paid To - пepеBoзкa oплaчeнa .цo сompound duty - сIvIеIIIaEItaяIIoIIIлинa
сarrier - пepeвoзЧик; тpaнсПopтI{aя кolvIпaIIия to сonclude a сontraсt - зaклIoчaтЬ кoIlTpaIст
сash against doсuments - ollЛaтa ПoсЛe пoЛyчel{ия дo- сonfirmation - IloдтBeprrсдelrиe
кyМeнToв сonfirmed - пoдTBepэкдeнньrй
сash disсount - скидкa пpи ollЛaтe IIaЛичItьIlvIIul сonfirming bank - бaнк, пoдтBepхс.цaЮщий aккpeдитив
сaslr dispensеr - бaнкoмaт сonsignee - гpytolloлучaтeль; I{ol{сигЕaтop
сash on dеlivery _ oплaTa IIpи пoсTaвке' ((пс}фaкту'> сonsignment - пapтия (тoвapa), гpyз; кoIrсигI{aциoнIIaя
сash with ordеr - oпЛaтa Цpи зaкaзe oтпpaBкa ToBapa; нaкЛaдI{aя
сentral bank - цеIrтpaЛЬI{Ьlй бaпк сonsignor - гpytooTllpaвитeJlЬ
сеrtifiсatе of origin - сеpтификaт пpoисxo}fiдeниЯ сonstruсtive total loss - кorrсTpylсTивнaя пoлнaЯ mnбeJlЬ
158 СommеrсialЕnglish Glossary 159

сonsul - кoнсyЛ сustomer - 3акa3чик

сonsular invoiсe - кoнсyльcкvтiт инвoЙc сustoms - тaмo?t(IlЯ
сonsulate - кoIlсУЛьсTBo сustoms invoiсе - тaN[o}ItеIlЕIaя
IIaкЛaдIlaя: тaмo)Ideнньrй
сonsumer - пoтpебитель инвoйс
сonsumеr serviсes - IIoTpeбиTeJIьскиe УсЛyги сustoms permit - тaпIoхteннoe paзpeшellие
сontainer - кoнтeйнep CWo - сшr. сash with order
сontainer bill of lading - нaкЛa.цнaя IIa пpoвoз тoBapoB
в кoнтейнepe
D/A - см. doсumеnts against aссеptanсe
сontainerised goods - тoвap (гpyз) в кoнтeйнepax
DAF - crvr.Delivеred at Frontier
сontгaсt - кoнтpaкт; .цoгoвoр' сoглaIIIеIIиe
damage - пoвpe}к/цениe
to сonvert - кoIIBepтиpoBaTь
damages - IloBpe}кдeниe; yщepб
сonvertible debenture - кolrBepтиpУeмaя oблигaция
dangerous goods notе - yвeдoшrдelrие oб oтгpузкe oпaс-
сonvеrtiblе gilt - кoнвepтиpyeмьre цeнньrе бyмaги
IIoгo гpy3a
сonvertible preferenсe - кoIrвepTиpУeNIьIe
date bill - BeксeлЬ с yкaзalrнoЙ taтoiа oпЛaтЬI
shares - ITpиBиЛeгиpoBaIIIIьIeaкции
DDP - см. Delivеrеd Duty Paid
сost - сToI4мoсTЬ; paсxo/ц
DDU - см. Dеliverеd Duty Unpaid
Cost and Frеight - стoиlvloсть и фpaxт (yкaзьrвaешraя
deadline - (кpaйний) сpoк
пpoдaвцoм сToиMoсть Toвapa' вItЛIoчaIoщая eгo дoс-
debenturе -дoЛгoвoe oбязaтeдьствo; oблигaция
тaBкУ B oгIpедеЛeнньlй пopт) to debit - дeбетoBaтЬ
Cost, Insuranсе and Frеight - сToиMoсTь' стpaxoBкa debt - дoлг
и фpaхт (yкaзьrвaeмaя пpoдaBцoNI стoиNIoсть тoвapa' to dесlare goods - дelсЛapиpoвaTь тoBap
BкJIIoЧaIoщaя eгo дoстaBкy B oпpе/цeдeнньrй пopт to deduсt - BЬIчитaть' oтI{иNIaтЬ' yдеp)I(иBaтЬ
и стpaxoвaниe) to defеr - зaдеp}rсивaTь
сoupon (stoсk ехсhange) - кyпolr; нolvlинaЛьньIй пpo- dеferment - 3aдep}ккa; oтсpoчкa
цeнтньrй дoxoд пo oблигaцИvl' aь<Цv|vl delay - зaдep?ккa
сover (insuranсe) - пoкpЬIтиe (стpaxoвoe) Dеliverеd at Frontier - дoстaBкa дo гpalrицьr (теpмин,
сoverеd - цoкpьIтЬIй, oбeспeченньrй oбoзнauaroщий, uтo oTBеTствeннoсTь пoсTaBщикa paс-
сovеr note - Bpeмelrнoe стpaxoвoe сBидeтeЛьстBo пpoстpallяeTсЯ тoЛЬIto нa /цoстaBкy to тaшloхсeннoй
сovert - скpьrтьrй <(гpaIIицЬID сTpaIIьI нa3нaчеIrия)
сPT - см. Carriage Paid To Delivered Duty Paid - oплaчella дoсTaBкa и пoIIIлинa
сredit - кpeдит (yслoвиe Inсoterms, IIpи ltoтoporvl oTветствeннoсть пpo-
сredit сard - кpeдитIlaя lсapToЧкa дaBцa 3aкaЕЧI4Baeтся IIoслe тoгo' кaк тoBap ,цoстaвлelt
CTL - см. сonstruсtive total loss в yкa3al{Цoe Meстo B стpaнe пolсyпaтeля; всe pисItи'
сumulative prеferenсe shares - нaкoпитeдЬIIьIe IIpиви- Bсe paсxoдЬI пo дoсTaвкe гpyзa (нaлoги, пoIпЛиIlьI
ЛeгирoвaIIнЬIе aкции и т.д.), oтвeтстBeIIнoстЬ 3a IIopчУ и пoTeplo тoBapa'
сurrеnсУ - BaлIотa вкЛIoЧaя пOIIIЛиIiЬI и пpoчиe вьIIIЛaTьI' BЬIпЛaчиBae-
сurrent aссount - текyщий снeт МЬIe при импopTe' Дo этoгo luoМellтa нeсeT пpoдaBец)
160 Сommerсia|
Еng|ish GIossаrV 161

Delivеred Duty Unpaid - oплaчеIla.цoсTaвкa бе3 цoцIЛи. to disеount a bill of еxсhange - пpиIIяTь вeксeЛь с дис-
IrьI (yсЛoBиe Inсoterms, Ilpи кoтopoМ oтBeтсTвeннoстЬ кoнтolvl
пpoдaвцa 3aкaltчиBaeTся пoсЛe тoгo' кaк тoвap дo- to dishonour a сhequе/bill of - oTкaзьIвaть в oпЛaTe
стaBЛelt в yкa3aннor NIестo в сTpaIIe пoкУпaтеЛя; Bсe Чeкa/BексеЛя
pvlcl<И' всe paсxoдьI пo дoстaвкe гpy3a' oтвeтствell- exсhange - биprкa
нoсть 3a Ilopчy и пoTеplo тoвapa (зa исклrоvellиeМ IIoпI- to disсount a bill - IIpинять вeксeлЬ с дIrскoIlToIvI
ЛYIrtv| цpoчих BьIпЛaт' BьIIIЛaЧиBaervrьIx IIpи импopтe) to dispatсh - oтпpaBЛять
дo этoгo пloмeltтa несeт пpодaвeц) to dispose of - избaвлятЬся (oт); сбьrвaть
Deliverеd Еx Quay - дoсTaвкa }с пpичaлy (yслoвиe dividend - ,циBидeIIд
Ilrсoterlrls, пpи кoToрoМ oтBeTствeIIнoстЬ пpoдaBцa 3a- doсument of title - дorсУMeIIт, дaroщий пpaBo сoбстBeн-
ItaIIчивaеTся пoсЛe Toгo' кaк ToBap пo пpибьtтии IIoсти
doсumentary сredit *,цoкyшIelrтapньlй
укaзaнньrй ПopT paзгpУrttelr и IIoдгoтoBЛеII к Bвoзy;
doсuments against aссeptanсe - ,цoкyNIeIrTьI Пo IIpиIrя-
все paсхoдьI пo дoсTaBкe гpyзa (нaлoги, поIIIJIиIIЬI и
т.д.),oтветстBеI{IIoсTЬ 3a I]opчy и lloтepю ToBapa дo тиIo; Ilеpeдaчa пpaBa сoбствeнrroсTи пoсЛe Iloлyчeния

aтoгo Мoмeнтa нeсет IIpoдaBец) чeкa к oпЛaтe

doсuments against paуment - дoI(УпIeнтьI IIoсЛe oпJIaTьI
Dеlivеred Еx
Ship - дoстaвЛeЕo с кopaбЛя (yслoвиe
domеstiс - oTeчeстBеIlIIoгo пpoизBoдсTBa
Inсoterms, IIри l{oтopolvl oтветствeIIнoсTЬ Ilpoдaвцa 3a-
down payment - пpeдollлaтa; aBaIIсoBЬIй плaтerк
кaнЧивaeтся' кoгiцa кopaбль с тoвapoМ нa бopтy пpи-
D/P - см. doсuments against payment
бьrл в yкaзaнньrй пopт (тoвap нe paзгpylrсell и нe пoд-
draft - плaтe}itЕoe IIopyчeIIиe
гoToвдeн к вBo3У); Bсe paсхoдЬI пo дoстaвкe гpyta'
to draw (сheque, bill of exсhange) - вьIписьIвaть (ueк,
oтBeTствеIIItoстЬ 3a пopЧy и IIoTеpIo тoвapa дo этoгo
luoМеIlтa несет пpoдaвeц)
drawеe - тpaссaT; Лицo' нa }сoтopoе вьIписaII чeк иЛи
delivery - дoстaBкa
deliverу ordеr _ 3aкa3 IIa пoстaвкУ; opдеp Еa вЬI/цaчy
drawеr - тpaссaIIT; Лицo' пoдIIисaBIIIеe чeк
тoBapa сo скЛа.цa
dumping - дeМIIиIIг
deliverу time - сpott пoсTaBки
dutiable - oблaгaeмьrй пorrrдинoй
demand - спpoс
duty - пoIIIЛиIIa
to deposit - дeпolrиpoBaть; Bклa.цЬIBaтЬ
duty-frеe - беспorплинньrй; нeoбдaгaемьrй пorплинoй
deposit aссount - дeпoзиTньrй счeт
DЕQ - см. Dеlivered Еx Quaу Е
DЕs - см. Delivеrеd Eх Strip еarly payment disсount - скидкa 3a пpедoITJIaтy
DGN - см. dangеrous goods note embassy - пoсoлЬсTBo
direсt dеbit - пpя1vtoeдeбeтoвaниe to endorse - индoссиpoвaTЬ; дeЛaTь IIеpe.цaтoчIIУIo
direсtor _ диpeкTop нaдIIисЬ
dirty Мate's Reсeipt - шIтУpмaLIскa'{ paсписIda o ToМ' endorsement - ин.цoссaмeнт' IlеpeдaтoчItaя нaдпись (нa
чTo гpУ3 I{e в пopядкe цeннoй бyмaгe, BeксeЛe' чeкe и T.II.' IIoдтBep)кдaIo-
disсount - сItидкa щaя пepexoд IIpaв пo эTofoIy дoIсyмeIrTУ Iс дpУгol\[У ЛицУ)
6 - 10686
162 СоmmеrсiаlEnqlish GIossаry 16з

end-usеr - кoIleчIIЬIй пoльзoвaтeлЬ; ItoIIeчIrьIйпoтpeби- fixеd.term aссount - сpouньrй сueт

тeль floating poliсy - гeIIерaлЬньIй пoлис
to enquire - зaIIpaIIIиBaтЬ' нaITpaBл,IтЬ зallpoс floating rate gilt - цeEI{ЬIeбyмaги с ПЛaвaloщиM l(Уpсoшr
enquirу - зaпpoс to fluсtuate - кoлебaться
еquities - oбьtкнoвeнIlЬIe aкции FoB - сwr. Frеe on Bоard
evidenсе - дoкaзaтeлЬствo' свидетeЛьстBo' tIoдTвер}ItдеIIиe follow-up ordеr - пoследуIoщий зaкaз
exсise duty - aкцизньrй сбop foreign - иIIoсTpaнньIй, зapубerкньrй; мeэк.цУнapoДньrй
to exeсute an order - вЬIпoлI{ятЬ зaкat forged - фaльшrивьrй, пoддельньrй
to expire - истeк'aтЬ forgery - N[oIЦeнничeстBo
еxpirу date - дaтa исTечeтIия сpoкa forwarding agеnt - экспeдитop
export dutу - эIссrropтIlaя IIoIIIЛиIla Forwarding Agent's Cеrtifiсate of Reсeipt - aкт пpиеlvl.
exporteг - экспopтep Iси экспe.циTopoM
ехprеss train - скopoстнoй пoeзд; эксIIpесс fragile - xpyпкий
to extend - пpo,цЛeBaтЬ Free Alongside Ship - <фpaнкo BдoЛь бopтa сУдIIaD;
extraсtive industrу - дoбьrвaтoщaя пpoNrЬtIIIЛeIIнoсть yсЛoвиe Inсoterms, пpи кoтopoм oTвeтсTBеItнoстЬ IIpo-
(oтpaсль) дaвцa зalсaltчиBaeтся' кoгдa тoвap пoдгoтoBЛeII к Эк-
ЕxW _ см. Ех Works сIIopтУ и IloгpУ}ttен нa кopaбЛЬ в УкaзaIrIIoM пopтУ;
Еx Works - фpaнкo-зaвoд (yслoвиe Inсoterms, пpи Iсo- с этoгo l\{oМeнтa вcе paсxoдьI и pиски' a тaк}Iсe oт-
тopoM oтBeтстBeIIнoстЬ IIpoдaBцa 3aкaнчиBaeтся' I(oг- вeтствeltнoсTЬ 3a пopчУ и пoTеplo тoвapa нeсет пoItУ.
дa тoвap oкa3aЛся Еa eгo скЛaдe' Nlaгa3иЕe и т.д.; Iia пaтeлЬ
пoкyцaтeля Лo}fiaTся всe paсxoдьI IIo BьIBoзУ тoBapa F'reе Carrier - свoбoдньrй пеpeвoзчиIс; фpaнкo-тpaнс.
сo склaдa' пepеBoзI(е' тaМortсerrlloй oчиbткe и т.д.) пopтIloе сУ/цнo
Рrее on Board - <.фpaвкo бopт суднa>, ФoБ; yсЛoвие
Inсotеrms, пpи кoтopoМ oTBeтстBеIlIIoсть Ilpoдaвцa зa-
faсtory - зaвoд; фaбpикa
IсaIIчиBaеTся B rvIoNIeIIт IIoгpУ3ки пoдгoтoвлеIlltoгo к эк-
FAS - см. Free Alongside Ship
спopтy ToBapa нa бopт
faulty - IIeисITpaвньrй; нeкaчeствeнньrй
fгеight - фpaxт; гpyз
favourable - блaгoпpиятньrй
frontier - гpallицa
F.CA - см. Free Carrier
to fulfil - вьIгIoдIIятЬ: I{спoдIlять
FCR - см. Forwarding Agent's Certifiсate of Rесeipt
full endorsement - ,пoлньrй иIIдoссaNIeIIт
fеeder serviсe - слyrкбa дoстaBки
finished goods - гoтoвьrй тoBap' пpoдylст G
firm offer - TBepдoe пpeдлo)I(ellие general average - oбщaя aвapия
firm ordеr - твepдьrй 3aкa3 general сargo - смeцraнrrьrй гpyз; сбopньrй гpyз
first of exсhange - пepвьrй экзeMIIляp вeкселя gеneral еnquiry - oбщий зalIpoс
fixed duty - фиксиpoBaнЕaЯ пoIIIЛиI{a general partner - гдaвньrй Ilapтнep; гelrepaЛьIlьIй пapтпep
fixed.interest seсurities - цerrIIЬIe бyмaги с фиксиpo- general partnership _ }сOMIIaIIияс IIeoгpaIIичeнIIoй oT-
вarrнoй дoxoдIroсTьIo веTсTвeЕI1oстьIo
164 СommerсiаlЕnqlish GIossаry 165

gilts - см. gilt-edgеd seсurities injured party - IIoTеpIreвIIIaя(пoстpaдaвшIaя' пolteсtuaя

gilt-edged seсurities - цeullЬIe бyмaги с гapalrтиpoBalr- yбьIтки) стopoнa
нoй пpибьrльro inspесtion order - иIIсIIекциoнньrй opдep
goods train - тoвapньrй Пoе3д instalment - B3IIoс; BкЛaд; IIЛaтe}к
govеrnmеnt stoсks - гoсУдapсTBeнIIьIе цeЦItьIе бyмaги insurable inteгеst - стpaxoBoй интepeс
insuranсe - сTpaxoBallиe; стpaxoBlсa
to grant - пpeдoстaвлятЬ
insured - зaстpaxoвaнньrй
grouрage bill of lading - сбopнaя нaкЛЯ,I(нafl
insurеr - сTpaxoвaтeЛь' сTpaxoвщиrt
grouped сonsignment - сбopньrй кoнoсaмeпт; сбopньrй
interest - пpoцeнTьr (пo aкцияlvl; нa кaпитaл)
interest ratе - пpoцellTlraя стaвкa
н interrnediary - пoсpeдIIиI(
haulage сompany - кoNrпaIIия IIaзe}rньIx пepeBoзoк international сonsignment notе - Nle}rсдУIlapoднaя гpy.
hiddеn renrinder - скpЬIтoe нaпolvlинal{иe 3oвaя ЕaIслaдIIaя
hire purсhase _ пolсУIlкa в paссрoчкy invalid - lrедейсTвительньrй
home-produсed goods - тoвap oтeчествeнIloгo пpoизвoд- invеstment _ иIIвeсTици'I
investmеnt aссount - иIIBeстициoнньrй счeт
invitation to tеnder - oбъявлеIIиe тelrдepa
to honour a сheque/bill of exсhange - IIpиIrять нЁк/вeк-
irrеdеemable dеbenture - бeссpoчIloе дoлгoвoе oбязaтeJrь-
сeль к oIIЛaTe
house bill of lading - вIlyтpeнняя IIaкЛaдIIaя
irrevoсable - безoтзьrвньrй
нP - спr. hire purсhase
to issue - BьIдaвaTь (o нeкe); BЬIIIУскaтЬ (oб aкцияx)
hull poliсy - пoЛис стpaxoBallия сyдIIa
issuе priсe - BЬIIIyскнaя цeIIa
I issuing bank - бaнк-эмитeнт
import dutу - пoIIIЛиIIa нa иMIIopт
importеr - иIvlпopTep joint-stoсk сompanУ - aкциorrepнaя кoМпaIIия
to impose duty - oбдaгaть пorплинoй to justify - oбoснoвьrвaть
in bond - нaxoдящvltlcя нa TaмorrterrIloпirскЛaде; IIeрaс-
тaмorкeнньrй L
inсotеrms - тepшIиIlьI' oпpeдeЛяЮщиe yсЛoвlrя IToсTaвки labour сosts _ тpyдoвЬIe зaTpaтьI
и NIoмeIIтпepexota oTBeTсTBeIIIroстиoT сTopoIrЬI It стo. lеase - apeн.цa; apeн,цьI
poliе' o п pеделeнЕЬIe Mе}t(.цyнapoдIl ьIlll сoглalцениelvI leasеholder - apетrдaTop
indemnity - гapal{тия oт yбьrткoв leasing - Ли3иI{г; ape}Iдa
index-linked - yvитьrвaroщий ypoBelrЬ инфляции to legalise - JIегaЛизoBaтЬ
industrial dispute - кorrфЛиктьI в IIpolvIЬIIIIЛeIIнoсти legal tender _ зaкoннoe плaтеJttIIoе сpeдсTвo
inferior _ tlplзl<пЙ(o кaнeствe); плoxoй, нeкaчeствeнный legal proсеedings _ сyдeбнoe paзбиpaтeлЬсTвo; paсс}IoT.
inflation - инфляция pelrиe дeЛa B сУдe
initial order - пepBoltaчaльньrй зaкaз lesseе - apеIrдaтop
166 Сommеrсrа|
Еnqlish Glossary 167

lessor - apellдo,цaтeлЬ N
lettеr of сгedit - aккpe.цитиB nakеd debеnture - неoбeспеrleннoe дoЛгoвoe oбязaTeЛЬстBo
liability - oTBeTсTвeIIнoсть naturаl rеsourсes - IIpиpoдtlьie pесypсЬI; пoЛeзIIьIe ис-
life insuranсe - стpaxoвallие )IсизItи кoпaeМЬIе
limited partner - пapтнep с oгpal{ичеrrнoй oтвeтстBеII- negotiablе - IIoдЛе,кaщий oбсуrкдениIo; нeoкoнЧaтедЬ.
IIoстЬIо нь I й

limited partnership - oбщeсTвo с oгpalrичelrнoй oTвeт- to negotiatе - ПpoвoдиTь пepегoвopьI; oбсyrк,цaTь; пepe.
стBeнIIoсTьIo yстyпaтЬ
limited stoсks - oгpallичeнньrй зaпaс non-binding offеr - пpе'цлo}fiеIrиeбeз oбязaтeльств
liner - Лaйнep notarу pub]iс - гoсyдapcтвенцьrй нoTapиУс
tо liquidate - ЛvIPiB|4t|4poBaTь
to load - гpyзитЬ
oсеan bill of lading - нaкЛalцIlaя дЛя Mopскиx пepевoзoк
loan - ссy.цa; 3aеМ
oсean shipping - Mopсrсoe сyдoхoдстBo; Mopскaя .цoстaвкa
longs - дoлгoсpoчIlьIe ценньIe бyмaги
offer - пpе,цЛo)Iсeниe;oфepтa
loss - yбьrтoк; пoтеpя
offer without еngagement - пpeдЛo}ItеIlиe бeз oбязa-
luxury goods - пpeдМеTьI poскoIIIи
РI on approval - для oзнaкoryIЛellия; пoсЛe oдoбpения
mail order сompanУ - IIoсьIJIoчнaя кolvIпaIIия; IdoшrIIa- on-board bill of lading - нaкЛa.цнaя нa гpуз, пpинятьIй
Ilия IIoсЬIЛoчнoй TopгoвJIи; IсoNIпaIIия' 3al{ип4aloщaя. нa бopт сyдIIa
ся llpoiцaжeй тoвapoв IIo тIoчтe opеn-aссount terms - yсЛoBия oтlсpЬIтoгo счeTa
manufaсtuгing industry - ПpoизBoдстBo (кaк oтpaсль) open сhеque - oтI(pЬIтьrй чек
marked сheque - чeк с гapalrтиeй oплaтьr opеning bank - бarrк-эмитeнт
marine insuranсe - Мopскoe стpaxoBaние; стpaxoвalrиe order - 3aкa3; oрдep
Мopскиx пepeBo3oк ordеr bill of lading - opдepTlaя IIaкЛaДIIaя
Mate's Rесеipt - штypNIaI{скaя paспцскa order сhеque - opдepllьrй чeк
maturity - дaтa/сpoк BьIIIЛaTЬI ordinary partnеrship - кoмпaния с rreoгpaничeннoй oт-
mediums - сpeдIIeсpoчIIЬIe цeнIIЬIе бyмaги BeтстBeннoсTьIo
merсhandise on сall - тoBap пo тpeбoвaниrо ordinarу shares - oбьrкнoвellньIe aIсции
mixed dutу - сMeшIaпIIaя пoItIлиIIa origin - пpоисxofitдelrиe
mixed poliсy - сNlerrlaнньrй стpaxoвoй пoлис ovеrboard - зa бopт; зa бopToм
mortgage - зaЛoг; ипoтeкa overdraft - пepеpaсxoд
mоrtgage debenturе - o6eспечеIlнoe toлгoвoе oбязaтeль- to overdгaw - пpeBьIситЬ кpeдит (в бaнкe), дoпyститЬ
стBo oвepдpaфт
M/R - см. Mate's Reсeipt ovеrdue - пpoсpoчeнньrй; зaпoздaльrй
multilatегal - мнoгoстopoнний over-priсed - зaBЬIIIIeнньrй (o цeнe)
multimodal - (пpил.) с пpиМelreниeМ paзличIIьIх Bидoв to owе - бьrть дoЛ}ItIIьIrvI
СommerсialЕnglish Glossаry 169
pro-forma invoiсe - цpeдBapитeльньIй cчeт
paсking - yгraкoвкa
property _ иМyщeствo; сoбствeннoсTЬ
partial loss _ чaсTI{чнaя гибeль
proteсtive duty - цpoTeкциolrнaя IlotпЛинa
partiсular avеrage _ чaстIIaя aвapия
protest _ oпpoтeстoBalrиe; пpoтест
partnеrship _ IтapTlrepствo; oбщeствo; lсolvlпaшия
publiс limited сompany - oTкpьIтaя кol\{пallия с oгpatlи-
party (to сontraсt' сhequе etс.) - сTopoнa (кoнтpaктa,
чeннoй oтвeтствеlI1IoстьIо
veкa и т . д . )
publiс seсtor - гoсy.цapственньrй сeктop
passеnger train - пaссa}Iсиpский пoeзд
publiс serviсеs - oбщeствeнньre (гoсyдapсTвerтrrьIe)слyrкбьr
passing of risk _ пepexoд pискa
payable - Iloдлefi(aщий oплaтe; пpичиTaroщийся a
payee - пoлУчaтeль (денeг) quality - кaчeствo
paying-in slip - блaнк, зaIIoлIIяeN(ьrйпpи Blreсeнии quantity - IсoЛичествo
1\,1ьlнa счeт quantity disсount - oIIToвaя сI{и.IIкa
payment on invoiсe - ollлaтa пo пoлyчeниrо quay - пpичaл
perishable - скopoпopтящийся ToBap quotation - paсцеIlки; пpaйс-лист
personal aссident insuranсe - стpaxoBaниe
oт нeсчaст- R
Itoгo сЛyчa'I
rail сonsignment note - нarслa.цнaя дЛfl пepеBoзotс }fie.
to plaсe an order _ paзМеIIIaть зaкaз
plс - см. publiс limited сompany дeзпой дopoгoй
railway сompany - rt(eЛeзнoдopoхсIlaя I{oпdпaIIия;кoМ-
poliсy _ (стpaxoвoй) пoлис
цaния }rсеЛe3lroдopo}IdliЬIx
port of destination _ пopT IIatнaчeЕIия
raw materials - сЬIpЬeBьIе }IaтepиaльI; сЬIpЬe
port of shipment - пopT oTгpyзки
reсeived bill of lading - нaкЛaднaя нa пpoвеpeнньrй, нo
preсedenсe - первeIIствo; цpeи}ryщeствo
IIe lloгpyхсeнньrй гpyз
preferenсe shares _ пpиBиЛeгиpoвaнньIe
aкции redeemable debenture - tцoЛгoвoe oбязaтeльствo. IIoгa-
preferеntial treatment _ пpeфepeнциaльньrй pe}киIvl;
pe- IцaеМoе в oпpедeЛeтrньrй сpoк
to redisсount _ пepeyueсть (вeксeль)
premium _ стpaxoBaя пpеп4ия; стpaхoвoй в3IIoс
registered debenturе - ишIeннoe ДoлгoBoе oбязaтeльствo
priсe _ цeнa
reminder - Еalloминaниe
priсe reduсtion _ с}Iиrr(eIIиe
цeI{ы rernitting bank _ бaнк-пдaтeJIьщик
privatе limitеd сompany - чaстI{aя кoмIIaния
с oгрaIIи- to rеnder - oкaзЬIвaть (oб yсЛyгax' пoмoщи)
ченнoй oтветствeнI{oстьIo rent - aрeIrдIIaя плaтa
private sесtor - чaстньrй се}tTop
\ to rеnt - apeндoвaTь
private serviсes - чaстIlьIе yсЛУги
to repair - peшIollтиpoвaть
privatisation - пpиBaтизaция repeat ordеr * пoвтopньrй/мнoгoкpaтньrй зaкaз
proсedure - пpoцедУpa to replaсе - зaМеI{ять
proсessing industry _ пepepaбaтьIBaloщaя reputation - peцyTaциЯ
lIoсть to reserve the right - oстaвЛять зa сoбoй шpaвo
ЕngJrsh Glossаry

restгiсtive endorsement - oгpaничeнньrй иIiдoссaМeнт

ship's rail - пеpиЛa сyдIra; Лeep
retailеr - poзtIиЧIIьrй тopгoвец
shorts - кpaткoсpoчIrьIe цeнIIьIe бyмaги
to retain - oстaвЛяTЬ; сoxpal{ЯTь
to shortship - IreдoIIoсTaвЛятЬ
to return goods - Boзвpaщaть ToBap
sight bill - BeI{сeль к oIIЛaTe пo пpeДъявлeIIиIо
revoсable - oтзьIвнoй
signaturе _ пo.цIIисЬ
right of disposal - пpaBo paсцop,I}fielrия; Ilpaвo сoбствeн-
to sink - yтolryTь
sleeping partner - пaссиBIlьrй пapтнep
rivеr bill of lading - нaкЛa.цнaя для peчIIьIx Ileрeвoзoк
sole tradеr - чaстrrьrй пpeдприIIиNIaтeЛь
to saсrifiсe - пpoдaBaтЬ IIo зaниэ+сel{нoйцeнe: нeсти
soliсited offer - oтBeтнoe пpедлo)rсeниe IТo зallpoсy
speсial partner - пapTнep с oгpaничeннoй oTBeтсTBeннo-
s стьIo
safe - сeйф speсifiс duty _ спeцифиvескaЯ IIoIIIJIинa (paссvитЬIBa-
salеable - I]pигoдIrьrй для прoдa}ки eTся с вeсa' длиtlЬI, oбъeмa, a Еe сo стoимoсти)
salеs сontraсt - дoгoвop кyllли-пpo/цa}fiи speсifiс enquiry - сПeциaЛьньrй зaпpoс
sample - oбpaзeц speсulator - биprкeвoй дeлец; NIaкЛеp; спeкyляIIт
sampling ordеr - зaкaЗ нa пoстaвкy oбpaзцoв stag (stoсk еxсhange) - (oлeнь' (биpжeвoй дeлeц' игparо-
savings - сбepeэкeния щий нa IIoвЬIх aкцияx)
to sеal - oпеЧaTЬIBaTЬ stalе - Ilpoсpoчel{ньlй; yстapeвший
seawortlry - гoдньrй для плaBaIIия (o суднe,1 standing oгder - пoстoяIIIlьIй зaкaз
seсond of exсhangе - втopoй эIсзeМпЛяp BeксeJIя statement of aссount - BЬIIIискa пo счeтv
seсurеd dеbenture - oбeспeчeltнoe дoлгoвoe oбязaтель- stoсkbroker - биpжeвoй бpoкep
стBo stoсk exсhange - биpжa
sесuritiеs - цeEIIьIe бyмaги stосk market - фoндoвaя биprкa
sе]lеr - пpoдaвец stoсks - (гoсyдapствeнньre) ценIIьIe бyмaги
semi-finishеd goods - пoлyфaбpиIсaт storage - хpaнellиe
serviсe * yсЛyгa; слуrrсбa straight bill of lading - имeтIIIaя IIaклaдI{aя
to sеttle - paсплaчиBaтЬся; paссчитЬIBaтЬся subrogation - пepexot пpaB стpaxoBaтeлJl к стpaxoBщикУ
share сapital - aкциoнepньrй кaIIиTaЛ to suffer a loss - пoЕeсти убьrтки
shaгeholdеr - aкциol{ep supplier - пocтaBщик
shaгe index _ иIrдeкс aкций to supply - floстaвлять
shares _ aкции
shipper - гpyзooтпpaвитeЛЬ
tallyman - кoнтpoJlep
shipment - гpyз; пapтия ToBapa; пoгpyЗкa; oTIIpaBкa
tеnder - TeIIДep
shipping - IIoгpyзкa' IIеpeBoзIсa грyaa
term bill - Bексeль с oплaтoй в тeчеItиe УкaзaIIEIoгo
shipping line - ЛLl:нvrЯ'пIopскиx пepeвoзol{ сpoкa
shipping notе - yBe.цolvIJIeIIиeoб oтгpузкe tеrms of dеlivery - yсЛoBия пoстaBки
112 ЕngIish
Сommеrсiа| Glossаry 173

tеrms of paymеnt - yсJIoвия oпЛaтьI voуagе - peйс; IIЛaBaI{иe

theft - вopoBсTвo; xищelrиe voyagе poliсy - IIoЛис стpaxoBaния IIa пepевoзкУ
through bill of lading - сIсвoзЕaя IIaкЛaдIIaя
timе bill - вeксeЛь сo сpoкo}t oпJIaтЬI w
tirne poliсy - стpaxoвoй пoлис IIa oПpeдеJleнньrй сpoк warehouse - скЛaд
title (to goods) - пpaBo сoбствeннoсти (нa тoвap) warehousemalr - paбoтIlик скЛaдa
total loss - пoлнaя гибeль wholesaler - oптoвьrй TopгoBец
trade agreement - тopгoвoе сoглalцeниe to withdraw (an offer) - oтзЬIBaть' oTМeIIятЬ' aIIIIУЛиpo-
transaсtion - тpaнсaкция; oпepaция вaть (пpедлo}кelrие)
transfer - пeprBoдить (деньги) to withdraw (money) - снимaть (дeньги)
trial order - пpoбньIй taкaз

unсonditional - бeзyслoвньrй; бeзoгoвopочньrй
unfavourablе - неблaгoпpиятньrй
unlimited liability - нeoгpaниЧeItIIaя oтBeтстBeннoсTь
to un]oad - paзгpУ)rсaтЬ
unreliable - нeпa.цerкньrй
unseсured dеbеnturе - цeoбeспeчеIll{oe дoЛгoвoe oбяза-
unsoliсited offer - инициaтиBIIoe пpeдJIoEteIIиe (дeлaeт-
ся IIoстaBщикoм бeз зallpoсa сo стopoIIьI 3aкa3чикa
с цeЛЬIo нaйтв lloвЬIx клиeнтoв)
unstable - нeстaбильньIй, неyстoйнивьrй
urgent - сpouньrй
utmost good faith - ПoЛнoe ,цoBepиe (oснoвнoe пpaBилo
3a}сoнa Цo стpaхoBaниIo' кoтopoe 3aклIoчaeтся в тolvl'
чTo Лицo' )rсeЛaloщeе зaстpaxoBaться, oбязaнo дaть
стpaхoBII{икУ всIо инфopмaциIo' }сoтopaя плo}Iсeтпo-
BЛиять нa нaJloгooблorкениe; стpaxoвaтeли' в сBoIo
oчepедЬ' oбязaньr I{eввoдиTЬ в зaблyrrtдеIlиe тoгo' кoгo
oни стpaxyroт)

valid - действитeльньrй; имеroщий силy
valuable - цerrньrй
vermin - Bpe.циTeЛЬ
vote - гoЛoс

бaнк-плaтeJIьII{иIс - rеmitting bank

бaнк-шолyuaтeлЬ - сolleсting bank
Russian to Еnglish
бaнкpoт - bankrupt
бaнк-эшrитент - issuing bank; opеning
A бeзoтзьrвrrьrй - irrеvoсable
aвaнсoвьrй IIЛaте?It - down paуment безуслoвньrй; бeзoговopovньrй - unсonditional
aBиaгpyзoBaя llaкЛaднaя - air waybill бенeфициap - benefiсiary
aavlaЛvlь:,klfl' - airline бeспorшдинньrй - duty-free
irredеemablе de-
aгегlт' пpeдстaBитеЛь - agent бeссpouнoе дoлгoBoe oбязaтeдьстBo -
aккpeдитив - letter of сredit bеnturе
aкт IIpиeNIки экспeдитopoМ - Fоrwarding Agent's Cer. биprкa - exсhange; stoсk exсhange
tifiсatе of Reсeipt биpэкeвoй бpoкep -- stoсkbroker
aктивньrй Пapтнep - aсtivе partner биprкeвoй делeц - spесulator
aкцепт (вeкселя) - aссeptanсe блaгoпpиятньrй - favourable
aкцeптиpoBaть - to aссept блaнкoвьrй индoссaмel{т - blank endorsement
aкцизньrй сбop - еxсise duty (биpжa) - bull
aIсции - sharеs бьrть дoлэкЕIЬlМ - to owе
aкциoнep - shareholder
al(циoнepцaя кoNIпaIIия - joint-stoсk сompany
BaJIIотa - сurгrnсУ
a}сциollepньrй кaпитaл - sharе сapital
Beксeль - bill of exсhange
alrllyЛиpoBaть (пpeдлoжeниe) - to withdraw (an offеr); _ sight bill
BeксеЛь Iс oIIЛaTe I1o пpetъяBЛeниIо
to сanсеl yкaзaIIIIoгo сpoкa - term bill
BeксeЛЬ с oплaтoй B Tечeниe
aпеЛЛяция - сomplaint oпЛaTьI _ date bill
Beксель с Укaзal{нoй дaтoй
ape}Iдa; дoгoBop apeн.цЬI - lеasе
Be}ссeЛьсo сpoкolvl oIIлaтьI - time bill
apеIl.цaTop - leaseholder; lesseе
в3нoс - instalment
apellднaя IrлaTa - rent
BI{лаlцьIBaть_ to deposit
apeltдoвaть - to rent
BнyтpeнIIяя нaкЛaдI{aЯ - house bill of lading
apellдoдaтель - lеssor вoзBpaщaтЬ тoвap - to return goods
Б BopoBстBo - theft
бaлaнс - balanсe вpetитеЛь - vеrmin
бaнк, пoдтвepждaloщий aккpeдитив _ сonfirming bank BpeМeltнoe сTpaxoBoe свидeтeльствo - сovеr
втopoй экзeМIIЛяp Beксeля - seсond of exсhange
бaкк, пpоизводяш1'ий BьIIIЛaтУ пo aккpeдитивУ - advis-
вЬI,цaBaтЬ(чек) - to issue
ing bank
BЬIIIискa пo счeTy - statement of aссount.
бaнкoвский lto,ц _ bank сode (сheque, bill of
BьIIIисьIвaTь (ueк, вeксель) - to draw
бaнковский счeт _ bank aссount
бaнкoмaт - сash dispеnsеr
176 СоmmerсiаlЕnqiish GIossаry 177

вЬlIIoЛI{'ять3aкa3 .* to exeсute an order дolсyМelrт o хpaIIеIIии тoвapa Ila TaNIo}fieIIЕo1\,t сI(JIaде -

BьIIIyскaть (aкции) - to issue bond warrant
вьIПyскiraя цeнa - issue priсe дoкyмeнт' дaloщиЙ пpaBo сoбствeннoсTи - doсument of
дoкyшIellтapньrй aккpetИTI4B - doсumentary сredit
гapallтия oт yбьrткoв - indemnity
дoкyMeIrтЬI IIo пpиI{ятиIo - doсumеnts against aссep-
гel{epaльIrЬIй пapтнep - general partner
гeI{еpaЛьIlьIй шoлис - floating poliсy
/цoкyivtelrтЬIIIoсЛе oIIJtaтЬI- doсuments against payment
гoдI{ЬIй для IIлaвaния (o суднe) - seaworthy
дoдг - dеbt
гoлoс (пpи гoЛoсoBaнии) - vote
дoлгoBoe oбязaтeльстBo' Пoгalllaeп{oe в ollpeдeЛeнньrй
гoсyдapствeнньIе цerrЕьIe бyмaги - govеrnment stoсks
сpoк - redeemablе debеnture
гoсyдapствellньIй IIoTapиyс - notary publiс
дoЛгoвoe oбязaтедьствo; oблигaщИfl - dеbenturе
гoсyдapствeнньrй сeкTop - publiс seсtor
дoЛгoсpoчIlЬIe цerrньIе бyмaги - longs
гoтoвьrй тoBap - finishеd goods
дoЛгoсpoЧIlьlй - long-term
гpalrицa - border; frontier
дoсTaвкa - delivеry
гpoмoздкий гpyз - bulky сargo
гpyз - shipment; сargo шс
гpyзить - to load экaлoбa - сomplaint
грyзooтпpaвиTeЛь - shipper; сonsignor rtteЛеtнoдopo)кIlaя кolvtпaния - railway сompany
грytoпoлучaтeЛЬ - сonsignee
Д зa бopт; зa бopтoМ - overboard
дaтa истeчelrия сpoкa - expiry date зaBод - faсtorу
дByсTopoнн vтiт- bilateral зaвьIIIIeнIIьIй(o цeнe) - over-priсed
.цeбeтoвaть - to debit зaдep'rсивaть - to defer; to dеlay
действитeлЬнaя IIoЛнaя гибeль - aсtual total loss зaДep}rскa - delay; dеferment
действитeдьньlй - valid зaкaз - order
дeкЛapиpoвaть тoBaр - to deсlarе goods 3aкa3 нa пoсTaвку - dеlivery order
дeNIпиIIг _ dumping 3aкa3 нa пoстaBlсy oбpaзцoв - sampling oгder
деIIo3итI{ЬIйсчeт - deposit aссount 3aкa3чик - сustomer
дellolrиpoвaть - to deposit зaклIoЧaTь кoнтpaкT - to сonсlude a сontraсt
диBидеIrд - dividеnd зalсoннoe IIЛaтeяtIIoe сpедсTBo - legal tender
дI,IpeкTop - direсtor зaJIoг - mortgage
дoбьrвaroщaя IIpoМьIIIIЛeIIнoсть (oтpaсль) - eхtraсtive 3a}4еIlятЬ - to replaсe
industrу зaIIpaIIIивaть - to enquirе
.цoгoвop _ сontraсt; agreеment зallpoс - enquiry
.цoгoBop ItyIIЛи-пpoдanкИ - sales сontraсt зapyбerrсньtй - foreign
дoкaзaтеЛьсTвo - evidenсе зaстpaxoвaнньrй - insured
178 Сommerсia|
Еnqlish GIossаry 179

vl кoIrBepTиpУeMьIе цеIIIIьre бyмaги - сonvertiblе gilt

иМellliaя нalслaднaя _ straight bill of lading кoнечньrй пoЛьзoвaтeль - end-user
иMeннoe дoЛгoBoe oбязaтeЛЬстBo - registered deben- ItoIIсигнaTop - сonsignee
turе кoIlсигIlaциoIIIIaя oтIlpaвкa ToBapa - сonsignment
ипterorцийся в нaличии - available кoнстpУItTиBIIaя IIoЛI{aягибель - сonstruсtivе total loss
иМIIopTep - importer кoIIсyЛ - сonsul
иMyществo - property ItotlсУЛЬскиft иlт'вoйc - сonsular invoiсe
иIIвeсTициorrньrй счeт - investment aссount кoItсyдьсTBo - сonsulatе
иIIBeсTиция - investment кoнтeйнеp - сontainеr
ин,цеI{сaкций - share index кoнтpaкт - сontraсt, agreement
иII.цoссaMeI{т- endorsеment ItoIIтрoЛеp - tallyman
иIIдoссиpoBaTЬ - to endorse кoнфликтьr в IIpol\дЬIItIЛeннoсти- industrial dispute
иIIoстpaннЬIй - foreign кopelпol{ (veкa) - сhеque stub
инспeкциoнньtй opдep - inspeсtion ordеr кpaTкoсpoЧ}JЬIe цeнIIьIe бyмaги - shorts
инфляция - inflation Iсpе.цит - сredit
иПoTекa - mortgage кpе.цитI{aя кapтoчкa - сredit сard
испoЛIIять - to fulfil кУпolr - сoupon
исTекaтЬ - to eхpire
к лaйнep - linеr
кaIIитaЛ - сapital лeгaЛизoвaть - to legalise
кaчeствo - quality ЛИЗИtI|i apетr.цa- leasing
кoдeбaться - to fluсtuate ЛиItBидиpoBaть - to liquidate
кoЛичeстBo - quantity JIvrtIuIЯ
Мopскиx пepeвoзoк - shipping linе
кoluиссия - сommission
кoмtvlepчeскиe yсЛyги - сommerсial serviсes lvr
кolvrмеpчeский бaнк _ сommеrсial bank MaIсЛeр - speсulator
(NIeдBeдЬ) (биpжa) - bear (stoсk exсhange)
кoМшIepЧeскиЙ итlвoflc - сommerсial invoiсe
ЕсolvIпaIIиянaзeп[IIьIx пepeBoзol( - haulage сompanу мe,I(дуIrapoдIraя гpyзoBaя IIaI{лaднaя - international сon-
кoillпallия с lleoгpallичeннoй oтBeTсTBeIIнoстьIо _ gene- signment notе
}Ie}кдyllapoдньlй ----international; foreign
ral partnership; ordinary partnership
lvtlloгoсTopoнний - multilatеral
кoМПеIIсaция - сompensation
l\{opсItoестpaxoвaние - marine insuranсе
кontIlеIrсиpoвaтЬ * to сompensatе
Nlopскoe сyдoxoдсTвo - oсean shipping
кoIIBepTиpoBaть - to сonvert
MoIIIеIlЕIичeстBo- forgery
кollBepтиpyeмaя oблигaция - сonvertible debenturе
кoI{BеpтиpyeNIьIeIIpивидeгиpoBaIrI{ьIe aкции - сonvert- н
ible preferenсe shares IIaIсдaдIlaя дЛЯ l\(opсIсиx Ilepевoзorс - oсеan bill of lading
180 СommеrсiаlЕnqIish Glossar 181

IIaклaдIIaя для IIеpeBo3oк ,t(еЛe3lloй дopoгoй - rail сon. oбpaщeниe - сirсulation

signment note oбщaя aвapия - general averagе
нalсЛaдrraядЛя peЧIIЬIхlTepeвoзoк- rivеr bill of lading oбществeнньIe (гoсyдapствeнньre) слyrкбьr - publiс serv-
I{aклaдI{aя нa гpyз' пpинятьIй нa бopт сyдIIa - on.board iсеs
bill of lading oбщeствo с oгpallиченнoй oтвeтстBе}lltoстЬю - limited
Ilaклaднaя lra пpoBepеItllЬIй' нo rre IIoгpyrкeнньrй гpyз - partnership
reсеived bill of lading oбщий зallpoс - gеneral enquiry
IlaкЛaднaя I{a пpoвoз тoвapoв в кoнтейнepe - сontainer oбъявдeние тelrtepa - invitation to tender
bill of lading oбьrкнoвенItьIe aкции - equities; ordinary sharеs
IIaклaдIIaЯ - bill; waybill; invoiсe; сonsignmеnt oгpallичeнЕьrй зarraс - linrited stoсks
нaкoпитeЛЬI{ьIe пpивидегиpoвalrньIе aкции - сumula- oгpaничellньrй индoссalvtент - rеstriсtive endorsement
tive preferenсе sharеs oкaзьIBaTЬ (oб yслyгax, помoщи) - to render
НaJIvIчуIe- availability (oЛeнЬ) (биpэкeвoй деЛeц' игpaющий IIa IIoвьIx aк-
нaпotvlинaниe - reminder цияx) - stag
нapyЩeниe кoнтpaктa - breaсh of сontraсt ollеpaция (бaнкoвскaя) - transaсtion
нaсьrпнoй гpyз - bulk сargo oпeчaтьIвaTь - to seal
нeблaгoпpиятньrй - unfavourable oIIЛaTa IIo пoлyчeниro сveтa-фaкTypьI - payment on in-
нeдeйствительньrй - invalid voiсе
IIедoпoстaBкa - shortshipment oцЛaTa пo фaктy - сash on delivery
нeиспpaBнЬIй - faulty oпЛaTa пoсЛe IIoлУчeния дoIсyМeнToB - сash against do-
IleкaчeстBeнньrй - faulty сuments
нeIIaдeхсIIЬIй - unreliable oпЛaтa пpи зarсaзe - сash with order
нeoбeсцечelll{oе дoЛгoвoe oбязaтeЛьсTBo - nakеd deben- ollлaтa пpи пoсTaвке - сash on delivery
turе: unsесurеd dеbenturе oпpoтестoвaние - рrotest
I{eoгpaIIичeЕI{aя oTветствeIIнoсть - unlimitedoliabilitу oПтoBaя скидкa - bulk disсount; quantity disсount
IlepaсTaп{o]tсeнньrй- in bond
oптoвьrй 3aкa3 - bulk order
нестaбильньrй, нeyстoйчивьrй - unstable
oптoвьtй Topгoвeц - wholesalеr
Ilизкoкaчeствeнньrй - inferior
opдep - order
o opдeplraя IIaIсЛaдIIaя- order bill of lading
oбeспeчeннoe дoЛгoвoe oбязaтeльстBo - mortgage deben- opдepньrй чeк - order сheque
ture; seсured debenturе oсTaвЛятЬ зa сoбoй пpaBo - to reserve thе right
oбrкaлoвaть - to сomplain oтBeтстBeIIтIoсTь - liability; responsibility
oблaгaeмьrй пoruлинoй - dutiable oтeчeсTBerrlroгo пpoизBoдстBa - domestiс
oблaгaть пoruлинoй - to impose duty oтtЬIвaтЬ - to withdraw
oбJIИГaЦИЯ IIa пpeдъяBитeЛя - bеarer debenture oтзьrвнoй - revoсable
oбoснoвьrвaть - to justify o ткaзь I вaTь в o I I л aTe ч екa/B еItсeл,{ - to d ishonour
oбpaзeц - sample a сhequе/bill
182 Сommerсia|
Еnglish GIossаry 18з

oTкpЬIтaя I{oМfIaЕIияс oгpallичеIlнoй oтветствeнI{oстЬIo - пoдпись - slgnature

publiс limited сoшpany пoдтBep}rсдeItие- сonfirmation; еvidеnсе
oткpьrтьrй ЧeIс _ open сheque пoдтBep}кденньrfl - сonfirmed
oтNIeнять - to withdraw; to сanсel пoI(рьITие (стpaxoвoе) - сover (insuranсe)
oTIIpaвкa - shipment пoкpьrтьrй - сovered
oTпpaвЛятЬ - to dispatсh пolсyпaтeль - btryer
oTсpoчкa - defеrment IIoкУпкa в paссpoЧI(y - hirе purсhasе
П пoлезIIЬIe исI(oпaеMЬIe - natural resourсеs
пapтия тoвapa - shipment IloЛис - poliсy
пapтнep с oгpaничeннoй oтвeтстBellнoстьro - limited пoЛис стpaxoвaltия гpyзa - сargo poliсy
partner; speсial partner пoЛис стpaxoвaния IIa пеpeBoзl('y - voуage poliсy
ПapTlrepствo - partnership tloЛИc стpaxoвaтIия су.цIra- hull poliсy
пaссaхсиpский пoeз.ц - passengеr train пoЛIIaя rибeлъ - total loss
пaссивньtй пapTIIep - sleeping partner пoЛIloe дoвepиe - utmost good faith
пеpвolraчaльньrй зaкaз - initial order пoдньtй иIIдoссaМeIIт - full endorsement
пepвьrй эк3е1vlпляp BеIссeЛя - first of eхсhange ' пoлyфaбpикaтьI - semi-finished goods
пepeBoдIzrтЬ(дeньги) - to transfer пoЛУчaтеЛь (дeнег) - paУee
пеpeвoзкa и стрaxoBaIIие oЦЛaчeIIЬI - Carriage and In- пoЛyчaтеЛЬ сpeдсTв - bеnеfiсiary
suranсе Paid пoнeсTи убьrтки - to suffеr a loss
пepeвoзкa ollлaчeнa дo - Carriage Paid To пoпpaBl{a - amendment
пepeвoзчик - сarriеr пopт IIaзнaчeIIия - port of dеstination
пepeдaтoчIraя IIa.цIIись- еndorsement пopT oTгpУзrси - port of shipment
пepepaбaтьrBalощaя IIpol\[ЬIIIIJIeннoстЬ- proсessing in. пoсдeдyloщий зaкaз - follow-up order
dustry пoсoЛ - ambassador
пepepaсxoд - overdraft пoсoЛЬстBo - еmbassу
пepeyстyпaть - to negotiate IIoсpeдIIиIt - intermediary
пepeyчeсTЬ (вексeль) - to redisсount пoстaBЛять - to supplу
пepeхot пpaB стpaxoBaтеЛя It стpaxoвщиlсy - subroga. IIoстaBщиI{ - supplier
tion IIoстoяIIIIьIй зaкaз - standing order
пеpexo/ц pис}сa - passing of risk пoсЬIЛoчIIaя IсoМпaIIия - mail ordеr сompany
пЛaтeх( - instalment IIoтеpIIeвшIaясTopoнa - injured party
IIлaтeлtIIoe ПopУЧel{иe - draft пoтpeбитeлЬ - сonsumer
пoвpe?fiдeние - damage пoтpебитeльскиe УсЛyги - сonsumer serviсеs
пoвтopньrй/rшнoгoкpaтньrй зaкaз - repeat order IIoIIIЛинa - dutу
пoгpyзкa' пepeвoзкa гpУзa - shipping пoIIIлиIIa ad va]orem - ad valorem duty
Iloдaвaть aпeЛЛяциIo - to appeal (against) IIoIIIдиI{aIIa иNIпopт - import duty
IIoддeЛЬIIЬIй- forged пpaвo paспopя)rсelаИЯ - right of disposal
184 Сommerсial
Еnglish Glоssаry 185

пpaвo сoбственнoсти - right of disposal IIрoцeIrтЬI (пo aкциям; Ira кaIIитaл) - intеrest
пpaвo сoбствeннoсти (нa тoвap) - titlе (to goods) пpя1\4oeдeбетoBaЦиe - dirесt debit
пpeвЬIсиTЬ кpeдит - to ovеrdraw
ПpедBapитeльньrй 3aкa3 - advanсe order P
пpelцBapиTeльньrй счeт - pro-forlna invoiсe paбoтник скЛaдa - warehouseman
пpедЛoЖellиe - offer рaзгpу)rсaтЬ - to unload
пpeдлo}Iсeнцe бeз oбязaтeльств - non-binding offer; of- paзмещать 3aкa3 - to plaсe an ordеr
fer without engagernent paзpеIIIeнньIй (к ввoзу) - admissiblе
пpeдNIeтЬI poскoIIIи - luxury goods paсIIЛaчиBaтЬся - to sеttle
пpeдoПЛaTa - down payment paспopя}кaться - tо dispose of
пpедocтaвлятЬ -. to grant paссчитьIBaTься - to settle
paстaмo)ttиTь гpyз - to сlear goods through сustoms
ПpедъяBдЯть цpеTеI{зИLI- to сlaim
paсцelrки - quotation
пpеиМyщестBo -- advantagе; preсedenсе
peйс - voyage
пpетeIIзия - соmplaint
peкЛaмa - advertisement
пpетeIIзиJ{; peклaМaция; rкaлoбa - сlaim
peклaшIaция - сomplaint
пpефеpeнциaльньrй peшсиlv - preferential treatmеnt
peклaМиpoвaть - to advertise
пpиBaTизaция - privatisation
peМolrтиpoвaтЬ - to repair
пpиBилeгиpoвaI{IIьIe aIсции - preferenсе shares
peпyтaция - rеputation
пpигoдньrй tля llpoдilrси - salеable
poзниuньrй тopгoBeц - retailer
ПpиIIиlvIaTь - to aссept
pьIlloк кallитaлa - сapital market
IIpиIlятЬ BeксeJIЬ с дисtсoнтoм - to disсount a bill of
exсhange с
пpиIlять ueк/вeксeль к ollлaтe - to honour a сheque/bill сбeperкeния - savings
of exсhangе сбopнaя llaклa.цнaя - groupage bill of lading
пpиpoдIrЬIе pесУpсьI - natural resourсes сбopньrй гpyз - general сargo; groupеd сonsignment
пpичaЛ - quay сбopньrй кoнoсaMeIIт _ grouped сonsignment
IIpичитaIoщlцйcя - payable; duе сбьrвaть - to dispose of
пpoбньlй 3aкa3 - trial order свoбo,цньtй пepeвoзчиId - Free Carl.ier
пpoBoдитЬ - to negotiate сдaвaтЬ B экспJIyaтaциIo - to сommission
пpoдaвeц - sеller сeйф - safe
пpoдлeвaть - to extеnd сepтификaт цpoисxo}tсдеIlия - сertifiсate of origin
прoи3Boдствo (кaк oтpaсль) - manufaсturing industry сeть peaлизaции - сhain of distribution
Ilpoисxo?t{/цениe_ origin скBoзIIaя llaкЛaдЕaя - through bill of lading
пpoсpoчеI{I{ьrй - overdue скидкa - disсount
пpoтel{циollнaя пoIIIЛинa - proteсtive duty сIсидкa 3a пpедoIIлaTy - еarly payment disсount
пpoцедУpa - proсedure
скидкa IIpи oплaте нaЛичIIЬIlvIи- сash disсount
пpoцеIrтHaя сTaвкa - interest rate
склaд - warehouse
186 Сommerсia|
Еnq!ish GIossаry 187

скopoпopTящийся тoвap - perishables стpaxoвoй иIrTepес - insurablе interest

скopoсTнoй пoе3д; экспpeсс - express train стpaxoвoй пoлис нa oПpeдеЛeнньrй сpoк - time poliсy
сItpЬIToe нaпoМиIlaниe - hiddеn rеminder сTpaxoBщик - insurer
скpьlтьrй - сovert' hiddеn сyдeбнoe paзбиpaтeлЬстBo - legal proсeedings
сЛyЕбa - sеrviсe сьIpье - raw materials
сЛy)кбa дoсTaвки - feeder serviсе
сMeIIIaннafl пoIIIлиIIa - сompound duty, mixed duty
тaп[oхсeннaя нaкЛаднaя - сustoms invoiсe
смeшlaнньrй гpyз - general сargo
тaшro}iсeннoepaзpeшIeниe - сustoms permit
смerпaнньrй стpaхoвoй IIoЛис - mixed poliсy
тaМoэIсeннЬIй склa,ц tЛя xpaнellия тoBapoB дo yIIJIaтЬI
сIlи,IсeItиe цeIIЬI - priсe reduсtion
пoIIIЛиIIьI - bonded warehouse
сниМaть (дeньги) - to withdraw (money)
TaMo)кI{я - сustoms
сoбствeннoсть - propеrtу
TBеpдoe пpeдлoEсeIIие - firm offеr
сoглaIIIеIlие - agreemеnt; сontraсt
твepдьrй 3alсa3 - firm order
специaЛЬIIьIй зaпpoс - spесifiс enquirу
тeкyщий счeт - сurrent aссount
спeцифиueсIсaя пoIIIЛLIНa- speсifiс duty
тelrДep - tender
спpoс - demand
Toвap (гpyз) в кorrтeйнepax - сontainerised goods
сpeднeсpoчньIe цeнIIЬIe бyмaги - mediums
Toвap oтeчeстBeнIroгo IIpoизBoдствa - home-produсed
сpoк - dеadlinе
cpoк пoстaвки - delivеry time
тoBap пo тpeбoвaIIиIо - merсhandise on сall
сpovньrй - urgent
тoвapньrй IToе3.щ - goods train
сpouньrй сЧeт - fixеd.term aссount
Topгoвaя Пaлaтa - Chamber of Commеrсe
ссУдa; зaeм - loan
тopгoвoe сoгJIaшIeIIиe- trade agreement
стиxийнoe бeдствие - Aсt of God тopгoвьrй сveт-фaктypa - сommerсial invoiсe
сToиNroсть - сost тpaнсalсция - transaсtion
сToиtvroсть и фpaxт - Cost and Freight тpaссaIIT - drawer
стoиlvloстЬ' стpaxoBкa и фpa6т - Cost, Insuranсe and тpaссaт - drawee
Freight тpaттa _ bill of еxсhangе
стopoнa (кoвтpaктa' чelсa и т.д.) - party (to сontraсt' тpeбoвaть BoзшIeщеI{ияyбьrткoв - to сlaim damages
сheque etс.) TpyдoBЬIe зaтpaтЬI - labour сosts
сTpaxoBaIIие - insuranсe
стpaxoвaние )tсизIlи - life insuranсe v
стpaxoвallие oт IIeсчaсTIIoгo слyчaя - personal aссident yбьrтoк; пoтepя - loss
insuranсе yBeДoNIдеIIиeoб oтгpyзке - shipping note
стpaxoвaтeдь - insurer УвeдoшIЛeниe oб oтгpyзкe oпaсIloгo гpyзa - dangerous
стpaхoвaя IIpeMия - premium goods note
стpaxoBкa - insuranсe yдep}киBaTь - to deduсt
188 СommerсiаlЕngIish GIossаry 189

УпaкoBrсa - paсking чaстIIaя кoMIIaция с oгpallичeннoй oтвeтстBеIlIIoстьк) -

ypегУЛиpoвaние (спopoв, кoнфликтoв) - adjustmеnt (of private limited сompany
a сomplaint) чaстнЫe yсЛyги - private seгviсes
yсJIoвия oIIЛaтьI - tеrms of payment чaствьrй IIpeдпpиIIиIvIaтeль- sole trader
Услoвия oтItpЬIтoгo сЧeTa - open-aссount terms чaстньrй сeктop - private seсtor
yсЛoвия пoсTaBки - terms of delivery чeIс - сheque
УсЛyгa -- serviсe чеIс нa цpедъявитедя _ bearer сhequе
yToIIyть - to sink че}с с гapaнтиeй oпдaтьr - marked сheque
yщepб - damage(s) чИcTaя нaкJlaднaя - сlеan bill of lading

Ф шI
фaбpикa _ faсtory шIтyp\ДaIIскaя paспискa - Mate's Reсeipt
фaльrшивьrй - forged шIтypМaнскa'r paспискa o тoм' чтo гpy3 lre в пop'Iдке -
физинeскoe Лицo - physiсal person dirty Мate's Rесeipt
фиксиpoваннaя пoIIIлинa - fiхed duty
фoндoвaя биprкa _ stoсk market
экспeдиTop - forwarding agent
фpaнкo-зaвoд - Еx Works
экспopтep - exportеr
фpaнкo.тpaнспopтнoe суднo - Free Carrier
экспopтItaя пolIIЛиIia- export duty
фpaxт - freight
x IopидическoеЛI?rцo- legal entity
xищеHиe _ theft
xpaнellиe - storage
хpупкий - fragile

цeнa - priсe
цеIIIIьIeбумaги - stoсks; seсurities
цеIIIIьre бумaги с гapallтиpoвaннoй пpибЬIЛьIo - gilt-
еdgеd seсurities
цeнI{ьIe бyмaги с плaвaloщиlvl кypсol4 - floating ratе
цeнньrй - valuable
цеIITpaльIIьIй бaнк - сentral bank

чaстичIIaя гибель - partial loss
чaстнa'fl aвapия - partiсular average
oб aвтope
Учeбнoе L4зIIaнИе
Heather Ferliссhia is a British-born gradate of Bir.
H eаther Fer ! icсhiа BA (Hons)
minghanr Universitу in Еngland. After Уears spent
teaсhing in England and Germany, she beсame Head сo.vllvlЕпGiAL ЕNGLlsн
of Еnglish at the International Business Sсhool in пoсoБиE пo кoмn,tEPчЕскolvty A}tглийскolt,ly язЬlKy
Germany, where she taught business subjeсts to seс- oтвeтствeнньtй peдaKтop K. Бьtчкoв
retaries, managers and undergraduatеs as well as Xyдoxeствeннь|й peдaктoр, дизaйн oблoжки Е, Бpьtнник
KoмпЬютeoHaя BeDстKa И' Koх<aнoвa
examining for the Chamber of Commerсe.
ooo "Издaтeльcтвo "Эксмoo
127299,мoсква, ул . Kл аpы Цe тки н,д. 18 / 5 . Т eл .: 4 1 1- 6 8 - 8 6 ,9 5 6 - з 9 . 2 1-
Хeзep Фepликкья poдиЛaсь в Beликoбpитaнии, тaшr нome page:www.eksmo.ru Е-mai|:info@eksmo.ru
)I(eзaкoIIч илa Биpмингeмский yIIиBepсиTeт. Пoслe oлтoвaя тoproвn" *"g72уп кЭкc|||o,g тoBaPaм.а

нeскoлькиx лeT ПpeпoдaBallия в Aнrлии, a 3aTeМ ooo . T t. Эксмo'. 1427oo, Mocкoвскaяoб Л . .л eни H ск и йp - н,г. B и д нoe,
Бe л oкaмe ннoeш . , д. 1, мнoгoк aнaл ь ньтtй eл .4 1 1- 5 0 - 7 4 .
в Гepмaнии oIIa BotглaBиЛa oTдeЛeIIиeaнглийскoгo Е-mai|:reсeptioп@eksmo-sа|e.ru

язЬIIdaMeэкдyнapoднoй бизнeс-rпкoJIьIв Гepмaнии, ПoлныЙ aеcopтnмент Kt'gг u},qaтeльcтoa вЭкcмop Д,ля onтo&ых пoкуПaтeлeЙ:
в санк.пeтepбуPгe: ooo C3Ko, пp-т oбyxoвскoЙoбopoньt,д. 84Е.
гДe пpeпoдaBaЛa дeлoвoй и кolvlмepчeский aнтлиtт- тeЛ. oтдeЛa pea лизaцv||4 (812\ 265-44-80/81/82.

cl<иЙ для сeкpeTapeй, бизнeсмeIIoB и вЬIпyскIIикoB' в t|иxнeм tloвгoPoдe: ooo ТД,"Экcмo HHD,yл' МapшaлaBopoнoвa,д. 3.
Т e л .(8312)72 - З6 . 7 0 .
a Taкrrсе ПpeдсTaBЛялa Heмeцкyro Topгoвyю Пaлaтy B Кaзани: ooo .HKn KaзaнЬ',yл. Фpезepнaя,д. 5. тeл. (8435)70-4o-45/46'
в самаpe; ooo -Pдц.сaмapan, пp-т Kиpoвa, Д,.75/1' литepa"Е'.тел. (846)269-66.70.
нa сepтификaциol{нЬIx экtsaмeнaх. в Eкатеpинбypге; ooo .PДЦ.Екaтepинбyрг',yЛ. г1pи6aлтиЙcкaя, Д' 24a.
тe Л.(343)378 - 4 9 - 4 5 .
в K и e вe : ooo ДЦ "Эксмo. Укр aи нao, yл .л yг oвaя,д . 9 . т eл . / фaK c:(0 4 4 )5 3 7 . 3 5 - 5 2 .
вo львoвe: Topгoвoeпpeдстaвитeльcтвoooo tЦ "Эксмo-Укpaинan'yл' Бузкoвa,д.
тe л . /ф aко(032 )2 4 5 . 0 0 - 19 .
Meлкooптoвaя тopro&ля хнuralаu aэкcмo' п тoвapaмu аЭкcнo.кaнЦ,:
117192, мoсKвa, Минypинcкийпp-т,д. 2/.l. ТeЛ./фaKc:(495)41 1-50.76.
127254, g ocквa,yл . дo6p oл юбoвa'д. 2 . T eл . :(4 9 5 )7 4 5 - 8 9 - 1 5 , 7 8 0 . 5 8 - з 4 .
Инфopмaцияпo кaнцтoвapам:www.eksmo.kaпс.ru e.mаi|:kаnс@eksmo-sа|e'ru
ПoлныЙ accopтu нe нт nPotуKцнu uзДaтeльcтвa co Kc.lo' :
B lulocквe в сeти мara3инoв (нoвый книxный':
мaгaзин_ Mocквa,сyxapeвокaяпл., 12 . Teл. 937-85-81.
иHФopмaцияo мarаэиHaxdнoвьtйкниxньtй"пo тeл. 780-58.81'
в санкr.пeтepбуpгe в сeти. l мarазинoв oБуквoедo:
т eл . (8 12 ) 3 1 0 - 2 2 . 4 4 .
"Мaгaзи ннa He вскoм",д. 3 .
пo вoпpocaн
. pagмeЦ|eнаa Pехлaны B хн'гaх uзДaтeлbcтBa .Экcмou
o6patЦaтьcя a pemaмныЙ oтдeл. Teл. 4| | -68.74.
Пoдпиcанo в пeчaтЬc гoтoвЬ|xмoнтaxeй 14'04.2006'
Фop мат 84x 108 ]7з2. п e нaтooФce т H aя.Б y М .т И n.У cл ' neч.л ' 1 0 , 0 B .
дoп. тирax 3 000 эKз. 3акaз Ns 10686.

oтпeчaтанo B пoЛHoMcooтвeтотвиис кaчecтвoМ

пpeдoстаsлeHкЬlхдиапoзитиBoBв oAo,.Тyльокaя типoгpафия''.
з00600' г' тУл а,п p - Л eни нa, 1 0 9 .
KHигa, aBтopo|1' KoтopoЙ яBПяeтcЯ Hocl4-
тeль я1ьIKa' ПpeДнa?Haчeнa 6u3нecмe-
нaM' пepеBoлчuкaм' сeKpeтapfl M' cryАeн-
тaм яgьIKoBЬIX BwoB и BсeM тeM, Kтo,
IBучaя aнглийcK|4Й ЯзьlK, CтpefoIитcя 6o-
nee oq1oBaтeльHo oзHaKoMl||ться c тeo-
MиHo'loг'|eЙ,'\cпoлюуeMoй B KoMMepци!4'
нe пpeтeнДуя Ha \BaнIne бa^oBoГo
пpeдMeтнoГo учeбн',Ka, KHигa oПисЬBaeт
нeKoтopЫe oсHoBolloлaгaloщиe Пpу!нц|4I1Ьl'
ПpИMeняe^nыe B MeхдуHapoдHoй Ko^'|-
мepчecKoЙ ПpaKтI|Ke. BMecтe с тeM oнa
нeco^nнeннo oKФKется ПoлeзнoЙ B Ka-
чeстBe сnpaBoчн|'|Ka Для cПeциanистoB,
paбoтaющ'|х в oблaсти
n пepeBoДa. KHI4гa opиeнт'Ipo4aнa нa
бp'|тa!.!cK|4й BapиaHт aнmийcKoГo яtьIKa
и и1Дaнa B aBтopcкoй peДaкциtц.


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