Church Meeting 3-26-11

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Church Potluck Meeting



 We are all in a discernment process and may be in a different place. We need to keep praying.
 All of us come to the table with a variety of preferences in regards to the church and how it would operate.
We need to remember they are just preferences – not law.

I. North American Lutheran Church

We are moving forward under the assumption that we will affiliate with NALC. Rich announced at church last
Sunday that he was meeting with them to request that he be added to their roster. He has met with several of
the NALC individuals and they have approved his ordination in the near future with NALC. The NALC leaders are
seeing a variety of people who are in the same situation as we are as far as starting a new congregation. Some
started with the NALC right away – which is a Mission Start – before they were a legal organization. The NALC
calls the pastor in that case. Other groups are following the same process that we are – possibly joining the
NALC later. Others are doing a provisional thing where they are taking the model constitution of the NALC and
making it theirs. There are no requirements for which way we choose.

Summary of NALC – they are the denomination that the Hope task force recommended. They are set up similar
to ELCA with a Bishop and General Secretary. The NALC is more congregationally driven – all statements have to
be passed by 2/3 of congregation. If you are with the NALC – they will call an NALC pastor for the congregation
and you must accept their faith statement. The congregation is allowed to set up their own structure for the

A vote was taken to determine how the group feels towards affiliating with the NALC.

53 prefer that we join NALC
6 don’t have a preference either way
5 have questions they would like answered before they decide
– answers will be available April 3rd
0 unacceptable to join NALC

II. Draft of recommended future congregational structure

See attached. This is a visual of what will be brought forth as a recommendation of the future congregational
structure. In a couple of weeks, the Transitional Leadership Team will have an actual proposed constitution to
present to the congregation.

Key item s- identifying the focus in our structure

1. The first thing we recognize is building in longevity and continuity. In our leadership structures, we want
continuity in who is providing the leadership so there aren’t a lot of new leaders all at once or the terms are
too short to provide continuity.

2. Spiritual authority – we want to have the same body that is in charge of the governance also be the spiritual
authority of the congregation. Feel it is important that they not be separated. This is coming from the
scripture in Timothy and Acts.
3. We need to find a way in the org structure that in the future, staff and laity can have their energies going in
the same direction.

4. We want people to be in positions that utilize their gifts.

The Executive Committee comes from the congregation. The group of 6 will be elected - 6 names brought forth
with only 1 name for each slot. The nominating committee will bring a name to the congregation and a
percentage of approval will be required. We will try to avoid having “election” where more than one person is
nominated for a particular position.

The other recommendation is that the Executive Committee will choose within themselves for the officer
positions vs. the congregation electing each position.

The Executive Committee will provide procedure and policy oversight.

Deacon group – similar to Hope’s Elders. Recommendation is that the Deacon group provides pastoral care to
the congregation. This group will work closely with the pastoral staff.

Trustees – this group will function like the church council of Hope did - operational groups of the church –
Worship, Education, Budget, etc., under the policies and procedures set by the Executive Committee. We will
have ministry teams and task forces which will be set up with flexibility vs. having ongoing committees. This
group will have lay people and director level staff to keep them moving in the same direction. It is important for
staff need to be in the meetings where decisions are being made day to day.

These areas will be laid out in the constitution. We will get into more detail at our next potluck meeting.

III. Good Samaritan Society

This has been a nice location for us but everyone is asked to keep in mind that we will eventually need a new
location for Sunday morning worship - seating for 250 people would be ideal. If you have an idea or know of a
potential building/location, let Rich know.

IV. Small Group Discussions

A. Education highlights –
1. Questions on confirmation process - wanting to make it more symbolic – more of a celebration type
2. Family devotions in all kids’ areas
3. Want to see more technical things for the youth – blogging, etc.
4. Foundational parenting – info out early to parents as to what the children are doing. More parent
involvement in the classroom.
5. Adult side – preaching series – 4 weeks – then the whole congregation would do a Bible study.
6. Mentoring as something from the top down – a process that would be integrated throughout the
church – all ages
7. Small groups – more intimate – leader with 2-4 in a group
8. Summer VBS – more than 1 week – more summer activities to involve the community
9. Mission and serving opportunities.

B. Worship highlights –
1. Essential elements of worship (hour)
a. Preaching
b. Sacraments and baptism
c. Prayer
d. Reading of scripture
e. Financial
f. Music/singing
2. What will Sunday morning look like – all morning – what people will experience.
3. Worship style – consensus has been a blended style for now with hymns and contemporary songs. Not
liturgy based for now. Down the road will probably have 2 services – traditional and contemporary or
keep the blended. Items to discuss.
4. Philosophy of worship – what does it mean? What are we trying to instill?
a. We want worship to be authentic so people can see we are worshiping God.
b. Create an atmosphere where people are welcome and come with a worshipful attitude.
5. How to draw people in to our worship service.
6. Communion – possibly do every week.

C. Mission highlights -
1. Congregational service project – over the next 3 months.
2. Ministry through support of Love Offering – possible ideas are:
a. Center of Hope
b. Hope Haven
3. Be intentional about developing new member processes and classes.
4. Long term:
a. How will we allow outside ministries come in and speak with us?
b. How will we get the congregation involved in global missions?
c. How will we handle benevolence?
d. How will we engage congregation in service outside the walls of the church?
i. When water recedes, help with the bike path
ii. Spring cleaning yards etc. for those who need help
e. How will we engage visitors in our congregation?
f. What will the new member process be?
g. How will we engage each other to be invitational? It will be everyone’s job.
h. How are we going to connect and reach out to the unchurched in the community?
i. Banquet
ii. Kids Against Hunger
iii. Backpacks for Kids

D. Communications/Technology highlight –
1. Are we reaching everyone who wants the info?
2. Are people feeling connected?
3. How can we improve communication process?
a. Through website
b. e-mail announcements
c. announcements at services
d. telephone team has been developed for those without computer access
4. Discussed other potential features of the website.
5. Current site is information only – free site with limitations.
6. Will have a laptop available at Good Sam with website pulled up so people can see it.
7. At the bottom of the website, you can enter feedback and it will go to the worshipsiouxfalls e-mail
address which is only viewed by a few people.
8. Will also look at a feedback section where comments can be posted.
9. Worship services –the lighting at Good Sam is preventing usage of a screen – continuing to work on
E. Congregational Care highlight –
1. Prayer ministry in the worship service and how to get it going
a. Possibly have every week at the back of the church
b. Get volunteers
2. Continuing with hospital visits – either Deacons or group who is willing
a. Have training so people feel more comfortable
3. Giving rides
4. Steven Ministry
5. Prison Ministry
6. Small groups
7. Parental support for small families - Kids Club on Saturday so parents can have a night out

V. Church Name

A list of 10 options was given to each of the small groups to discuss. The preferred top 4 were:

Spirit of Life
Solid Rock
King of Glory

Other option was presented – Fountain of Life. We hope to have a name within the next 2-3 weeks. A
suggestion was made to have the name include “community” with “NALC”. Others did not like “Community” as
they felt it was too vague.

The Transitional Leadership Team will discuss this at the next meeting.

VI. Plans for Youth

Following the meeting, information was shared with parents of the youth on the plan for the next 2 months.

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