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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Fundamentals of Music

I. Objectives:

At the end of the session, the students are expected to:

a. Identify the musical signs and symbols.

b. Perform and read the notes through handclapping.
c. Recognize the importance of music

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Fundamentals of Music

Reference: Keeping in Touch with MAPEH 5
pp. 4-6
Materials: Chalk and Chalkboard

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities


B. Motivation

Jumbled letter of the words “MUSICAL SIGNS AND SYMBOLS”

C. Lesson Proper

1. Staff

2. Ledger Line

3. Bar line

4. Double bar line

5. Bold double bar line

6. Brace

7. Clef Sign
a. Treble or G clef

b. Bass or F clef

8. Notes and Rests

D. Application

The teacher will ask the students to perform and read the notes through hand clapping.

E. Generalization

1. What are the musical signs and symbols?

IV. Evaluation

On a one whole sheet of paper, write a short paragraph on why music is important in our

V. Assignment

What are time signatures and give at least three examples.

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