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34 Herald Sun, Saturday, July 17, 2010


Herald Sun
Leaders must
show the way
PRIME Minister Julia Gillard and Oppo-
sition Leader Tony Abbott must pledge
themselves this election to present poli-
cies, not platitudes, give facts, not spin.
They will be talking to an electorate that
remains largely unconvinced about their
credentials and will be in no mood for
time wasting.

These are two leaders who reached their

positions by default: Mr Abbott by a single
vote in a bitterly divided party room and
Ms Gillard after a coup mounted by the

ALP’s factional bosses.

Sadly, thus far there has been little but
DHS 17-JUL-2010 PAGE

rhetoric and point-scoring.

Labor promises financial responsibility
and stands on its record of surviving the
global financial crisis with Australia’s
economy in better shape than most.
For its part, the Coalition says Labor has
grossly overspent and only a change
of government can give the nation econ-
omic stability.
Who to believe?
There is already a sense in the electorate

Gillard in search
that we are being rushed to judgment.
The term an Australian government has
in office before it must again go to the polls
is too short. It could have been four years,
but a referendum failed when the major
parties could not agree the last time the
question was

put to voters.
The same
need for a bi-
approach to
some of the
most signifi-
cant issues
of poll position
HERE is no tidy way to knife a administration, and then dash to the

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facing Aus-
serving prime minister. You polls this weekend.
tralia are pres-
ent in this
can’t do it without getting blood
on your hands. Julia Gillard is no
LAURIE I threw a spanner into the works with
But they
2010 exception.
It is hardly surprising that she does
not want to talk about what happened And there are persistent mutterings at
the revelation of Rudd’s offer at their
meeting to stand aside voluntarily
closer to the election if opinion polls
have found the same failure to co-operate that night, just over three weeks ago, senior levels of the Labor Party that to continued to show the Government
by Labor and the Coalition. when she confronted Kevin Rudd in have an embittered former PM in facing defeat.
The most divisive issue is what to do his office. Cabinet would be folly. Gillard, I understand, described the
about asylum seekers and illegal boat The details of any assassination Now that key Labor power-brokers proposal as sensible and responsible.
arrivals. While the Government and the are ugly. Better to shroud them in have convinced themselves that Rudd She may have seen this as simply a
Opposition disagree, they appear closer secrecy and move forward, as Gillard is to blame for details of his June 23 stage in trying to persuade him to step
than they might think. likes to say. meeting with Gillard being leaked to me down that night, but there is no doubt
The Prime Minister’s solution of a re- That is why my question at the — even though at least three other Rudd took it as agreement.
gional processing centre for refugees National Press Club about the people were briefed on the proposed This gives Abbott another attack line
seems little different from the Howard leadership deal that Rudd thought deal — the arguments against giving
for the campaign: if Rudd could not
she accepted and then reneged on him a place at the Cabinet table are
government’s Pacific solution. was inconvenient. trust Gillard, why should voters?
becoming more strident.
But still they argue. The Coalition says it That will at least help Abbott counter
Gillard wanted people to forget about ‘‘She’d be raving mad to have him
will take ‘‘direct action’’ on climate change how she came to be Prime Minister the problem of his admission on The 7.30
anywhere near Cabinet,’’ a senior party
by asking industry to reduce its carbon, and focus on what she proposed to do in figure said yesterday. ‘‘It won’t happen.’’ Report that he does not always tell the
while the Gillard Government says it will the role. truth himself.
If Gillard comes around to this view
pursue a carbon tax, but has not put Instead, she will go into an election Whether Gillard initially agreed to the
after the election — assuming she wins
forward any detail. campaign with the bitterness and — it will be a simple matter for her to deal or not, though, the opinion of most
What was designed by Labor as a duplicity she thought had been covered offer Rudd the kind of ministry he political operators would be that she
takeover of national hospital funding failed up now on open display. And that is cannot possibly accept. was smart to reject it in the end.
to achieve anything near that. bad news for the Government and its
Rudd can hardly be blamed if he feels LEADER in so much trouble that
Like the minerals resource rent tax, it
remains a compromise or a cave-in.
Julia Gillard, as education minister, de-
re-election prospects.
It gives Tony Abbott and the
Coalition a message of disunity to use
against the Government in what is
angry at the moment. To justify the
leadership change, Gillard and her
senior ministers have trashed much of
A he is thinking of throwing in the
towel within weeks is probably
finished anyway.
livered on a national curriculum and as the former PM’s legacy. And if Rudd was the main impediment
shaping as a very tight contest.
Prime Minister has tossed in a subsidy on They have also used him as a to the Government winning a second
school uniforms as an election sweetener. More than that, even though Rudd’s convenient scapegoat for everything term, letting him stay on a while longer
popularity dwindled in his final that went wrong, as though none of out of sympathy would have been plain
But where are the policies on national months in office, there is significant
infrastructure, water and energy. stupid with an election imminent.
voter concern about the way he was ‘Julia Gillard will go into an
The electorate is tired of the political war brought down. Now Gillard will be hoping that firing
of words. Meanwhile, the war in The Liberals believe they can tap into election campaign with the the election starting gun will achieve
Afghanistan drags on. this and use it against Labor, especially what the Press Club appearance did
As still more Diggers die and are in Rudd’s home state of Queensland. bitterness and duplicity she not, by concentrating the minds of
wounded, neither party appears ready to The sensitivity being shown by Labor voters on the future.
set a timetable for withdrawal. strategists suggests they share the view thought had been covered up That does not mean the Government
We pride ourselves on being a stable that the issue is a danger zone for the is across the line. In fact, some shrewd
new Prime Minister. now on open display’ judges in the party think it will still
country with a growing economy and an
exciting future. The talk that surfaced yesterday, them were part of the Government fall short.
suggesting Rudd may be dudded on his when he was in charge. Labor goes into the election with
Labor and the Coalition must tell us how wish to hold a senior Cabinet position in
they intend to secure that future. Politics is a grubby, thankless disappointing opinion poll ratings,
a re-elected Gillard Government, will largely because of the new PM’s inept
not help either. business. God knows why Rudd wants
to stick around. handling of the proposal for an East
Gillard’s own statements do not Timor asylum-seeker processing centre.
indicate she has any plans to break her Gillard’s National Press Club
promise to the man whose job she took. appearance was intended to be her But Gillard should give the party a
THIS YEAR LAST YEAR election launchpad. better chance than Rudd, who had lost
‘‘I have said that Kevin Rudd will serve
his way in recent months — as long as

173 162
as a senior minister in a re-elected Gillard The idea was that she would present
Government,’’ she said yesterday. ‘‘I will herself as cautious and responsible, lay she is not too weighed down with
honour that commitment.’’ out her economic management baggage from her leadership coup.
+ But she will not nominate Foreign credentials, reassure voters that she Laurie Oakes is political editor for the Nine Network.
Victorian deaths in 2010, compared with the same day last year. Affairs, the post Rudd clearly wants. would run a fiscally conservative His column appears every Saturday in the Herald Sun +
30 Herald Sun, Saturday, July 24, 2010

Herald Sun
When trust
is not enough
AFTER the first week of political cam-
paigning, it is obvious that Prime Minister
Julia Gillard’s words before she called the
election are holding true.
Unfortunately, it is a truth that belies her
‘‘I will ask for the Australian people’s
trust to move Australia forward,’’ were the

words of the new Prime Minister.

After her failure yesterday to announce
real policy on climate change, it appears
that relying on people’s ‘‘trust’’ to get

Labor re-elected is the main plank in Mr

Gillard’s election platform.
DHS 24-JUL-2010 PAGE

As each day of the campaign passes, it

becomes obvious that Labor intends to
neutralise any-
thing contro-
versial. Trust
me, says Ms
Gillard, then
avoids the de-
tail. For in-
stance, her
plan on climate
change is to ap-
point a ‘‘citi-
sembly’’ to

bring about a
national consensus, and a ‘‘climate change
Gillard ushers in

commission’’ to supposedly inform the citi-

the era of farce

zens expected to reach such a consensus.
The citizens’ assembly sounds like some-
thing borrowed from the French revolution
but without the use of the guillotine,
unless the Labor Party uses the parliamen-
tary device of the same name to kill off
debate after winning the election.
Not that Opposition Leader Tony O Julia Gillard’s answer to Rudd’s critics used to claim he was a

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Abbott has laid down anything more than climate change is to set up the politician driven by spin, but he was a
what he calls ‘‘direct action’’ in encourag- biggest focus group in history.
The political consultants
LAURIE leader of substance compared with his
ing industry to regulate its own emissions scripting Labor’s election OAKES successor, if her behaviour so far in the
campaign is any guide.
and a promise of a ‘‘green army’’ to combat campaign must be wetting themselves
environmental issues. with delight. has put in place. Since he replaced Before the climate change
Ms Gillard should stand for more than Nothing could illustrate more Malcolm Turnbull as Liberal leader, announcement we had Gillard’s
just a commitment to win this election. emphatically the hollowness of modern Abbott has been attacking Labor’s populist promises on population and
Australian politics. The Liberals are not workplace laws, claiming they would her repeated statements that we should
The same can be said of Mr Abbott. He, ‘‘take a breath’’ and not hurtle towards
much better. destroy small business.
too, has avoided any backlash to the Tony Abbott’s cowardice and ‘‘a big Australia’’.
Coalition’s belief in labour market deregu- As recently as mid-May, in his
complete lack of conviction on Budget reply speech in Parliament, he It turned out to be nothing but waffle.
lation by simply avoiding the issue. He must industrial relations policy deserves was promising ‘‘to take the unfair It was not about immigration, she said;
think that if he were to discuss it, he might nothing but contempt. dismissal monkey off the back of nor was it about the birth rate. Can
risk losing more marginal seats to Labor. The sad truth is we have a couple of small businesses’’. anyone think of anything else that
The election campaign is being trivialised political pygmies heading the two major Suddenly, after a shadow cabinet contributes to population growth?
by both parties. Neither appears prepared parties in this election. meeting on the eve of the election being
Both have small ambitions for the HE reason the Prime Minister came
to put its real position before the people.
The biggest risk, wrote Herald Sun national
political editor Phillip Hudson, was taken
by Ms Gillard when she kissed a baby. The
country. Both are afraid to lead.
Both think they can con their way into
The Lodge.
called, he announces that these same
laws should be given ‘‘a fair go’’.
Business, he says, including small
business, ‘‘deserves certainty’’.
T out with this tripe is that the spin
doctors have told her that, in the
public mind, population is linked with
Gillard’s proposal for a 150-member the dreaded issue of asylum seekers
baby, he said, might have screamed. citizens’ assembly to try to reach When he changed position on an arriving by boat.
consensus on climate change and the emissions trading system, Abbott Talk about population and the
case for a carbon price is the wackiest admitted to Malcolm Turnbull that he
punters will think you’re talking about
Out of bounds idea to come along in quite a while.
Kevin Rudd’s farcical 2020 Summit
looks sensible by comparison.
was a weather vane.

‘The sad truth is we have

the boats.
When Gillard was asked on radio to
say specifically what her population
FOOTY fans have been benched by the The very reason we are going to the
AFL in its negotiations over television polls on August 21 is to elect a a couple of political policy is, she replied: ‘‘We’re going to be
guided in this with expert panels
rights from 2012. 150-member citizens’ assembly. It is
Matches will start later on Saturdays,
called the House of Representatives.
What Gillard proposes is to instead
pygmies heading the working with us.’’
More advisory panels. Shades of the
leading into the network nightly news. It
will be good for TV ratings, but not for fans
outsource what should be the job of
Parliament to a group of unelected
two major parties ’ climate change cop-out. Another non-
policy. Another fudge.
at the ground who will see matches begin in people, chosen — on the basis of the Spooked by an imminent election
electoral roll and census data — by ‘‘an In her speech yesterday, Gillard had
mid-afternoon and finish in the dark. and the ghost of WorkChoices, he has the temerity to compare her approach
As reported in today’s Herald Sun, it will independent authority’’. proved it again. on climate change with the
be ball up at 3pm. The traditional 2.10pm HE is saying, in effect, that But the harder Abbott pushed his line
start will be no more.
Monday night matches will be a problem
for families. A late night on Monday is a
S Parliament as an institution no
longer works.
Also, by promising that her citizens’
during the week, the less credibility it
had. How can any government seriously
promise no legislative change under
introduction of Medicare. In fact, the
contrast could hardly be greater.
There was no phony citizens’
assembly set up as an excuse for delay
assembly would be ‘‘genuinely any circumstances in such a crucial
poor start for children getting up to go to representative of the wider Australian area as IR? and inaction then.
school on Tuesday. public’’, she implies that the Parliament Abbott really stretched credulity Gough Whitlam and health minister
Television has made watching football is not. when he started extending his promise Bill Hayden showed determination and
more accessible to thousands of fans, but She may well be right on both counts, beyond one parliamentary term. guts in devising a national health
the AFL needs to remember that looking but surely the answer is to reform Here is an example: insurance scheme and fighting for it
Parliament — not set up other ad hoc ABBOTT: The legislation will not
after its supporters is just as important as bodies to take over its role. change.
until they got it through the Parliament.
looking after the TV networks. Here’s a thought. Maybe we could get JOURNALIST: But the regulations It was dismantled by the Fraser
Gillard’s mysterious ‘‘independent might? government, but then Bob Hawke and
authority’’ to pick our MPs and save ABBOTT: Not today, not tomorrow, his health minister, Neal Blewett,
ourselves the trouble of having not next year, not in three years’ time, fought the battle again and put
elections at all. not in 10 years’ time. Medicare in place against strong
THIS YEAR LAST YEAR It is an absurd approach, and the The result is that, in an important area opposition from the Coalition.
Prime Minister must know it. She takes of Federal Government responsibility,

179 168
Agree with them or not, we had real
us for fools. the alternative prime minister has no leaders in politics in those days. Not
As does Abbott with his out-of-the- policy except to swear over and over just pygmies.
blue commitment not to touch, in the again that he won’t do anything, ever. It
+ first term of a Coalition government, the is a ridiculous position. Small wonder Laurie Oakes is political editor for the Nine Network.
Victorian deaths in 2010, compared with the same day last year. industrial relations legislation Labor nobody believes it. His column appears every Saturday in the Herald Sun + Herald Sun, Saturday, August 7, 2010 33

Herald Sun
Jail but not
firing squad
SCOTT Rush, the young Australian on
death row as one of the Bali Nine drug
smugglers, may find that the man his
father says could have stopped him may
still prove to be his saviour.
Retired Australian Federal Police com-
missioner Mick Keelty was blamed by
Rush’s father for the arrest of his son in
Indonesia five years ago.
Lee Rush told police in Queensland his
son was going to smuggle drugs into
Indonesia in the hope they would warn him
not to try.
But the Australian Federal Police passed
on the infor-
mation to
police who
stopped the
then 19-year-
old Rush (pic-
tured here)
when he
stepped off the
plane with sev-
eral kilograms
of heroin
strapped to his
body. But as re-
today’s Herald
Rudd hands PM

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Sun, a letter

a crucial lifeline
written by for-
mer AFP com-
missioner Mick Keelty in Rush’s defence
may help in a final appeal to the
Indonesian courts this month.
The letter says Rush was acting as a drug
courier, but there was no evidence to
suggest he was one of the organisers, or N extraordinary aspect of this inevitable and I don’t think it’s a bad
that he had been involved in drug smug-

A election is that we had to wait thing at all that we always have, say,

gling before the Bali trip. until the campaign mid-point
for one of the participants to
LAURIE more women doing things like
physiotherapy and an enormous number
The AFP has since been told by Aus-
look prime ministerial. OAKES of women simply doing housework.’’
tralia’s Home Affairs Minister to consider And when it happened it was neither Abbott would argue that his views
the impact of passing on such information of the party leaders. Julia Gillard and and voters in his home state resent the have changed over time. He told me just
to countries that apply the death penalty. Tony Abbott are still battling to project way he has been done in. Gillard’s last week: ‘‘That’s what people do when
If Scott Rush and the other Bali Nine the strength and authority we expect of campaign falters. So she swallows her they are mature. They are capable of
drug smugglers had been arrested before a prime minister. pride and sends out an SOS asking the growing and changing in response to
they left Australia this would have meant It was Kevin Rudd, emerging from bloke whose job she took to come to her changing circumstances.’’
they were tried in Australian courts. gall bladder surgery, who showed them rescue. It is political pulp fiction. And he is right, of course. But, as the
how. His media appearance announcing


The Herald Sun, while condemning drug Gillard had little hope of saving the poet says, the child is father of the man.
that he would answer Labor’s call for election without Rudd, but managing It is not very hard to recognise the
trafficking in the strongest possible terms, help and campaign for the woman who the situation from now on is clearly makings of today’s would-be prime
does not condone the death penalty and knifed him was masterly. fraught with peril. minister in that 21-year-old version.
has maintained this position when other It raised an obvious question. Why
If Rudd overshadows Gillard on the A propensity for mind-changing,
Australians have faced execution overseas. was Rudd incapable of performing like though, is the characteristic that stands
this in the last six months of his prime campaign trail and the election
The best outcome for Scott Rush and the continues to be about him, Labor will be out most in the modern Abbott. He has
ministership? Only in his health policy become the ultimate political
other Bali Nine drug smugglers sentenced debate with Tony Abbott did he look no better off. In the immediate sense,
to death is that they are sent back to though, the former PM’s dramatic pragmatist, capable of dumping any
like the Kevin ’07 voters believed they belief or policy that might be electorally
Australia to serve out long jail terms. were electing last time around. intervention was a plus.
Gillard badly needed a circuit- inconvenient.
They deserve to be jailed, but they do not For the rest of the period between
Abbott’s takeover of the Liberal breaker that would allow attention to AKE climate change. Abbott wrote
deserve to die.
leadership and Gillard mounting her
coup, Rudd was pretty hopeless.
be focused on the Coalition and what an
Abbott prime ministership might mean. T a newspaper article urging the
Coalition to vote for an emissions

Surgery warning To a considerable extent, he brought

his fate on himself. Labor would never ‘Labor would never have
trading scheme, then told rural Liberals
climate change science was ‘‘crap’’,

have dumped the Rudd we saw in explained that away by claiming he’d
LIPOSUCTION carries a risk and 26-year- action on Thursday. But that Rudd had dumped the Rudd we saw in been trying to persuade them an ETS
old Lauren James died because of it. been AWOL for too long. compromise was the way to go, and
Caucus had concluded that the action on Thursday. But that finally seized the Liberal leadership to
Like any invasive surgical procedure, it is real Rudd was the indecisive, kill off just such a compromise FIRST
not as simple as buying new clothes to fit gobbledegook-spouting figure the Rudd was AWOL for too long’ negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull.
your new body. electorate was starting to treat with Abbott promised no tax increases and
A coroner found yesterday that Ms derision. So it is ironic that the other Rudd’s attack on the Liberal leader was no new taxes, then within a month
James went back to a Melbourne clinic Rudd should return to the fray in the savage and effective. The question now announced he would impose a new tax
very week that his successor also is whether Gillard can build on that. levy on big business to finance a
three days after having liposuction.
admitted to dual identities. Rudd was right when he warned that generous paid parental leave scheme —
But doctors failed to recognise that the Abbott looked like sliding into office the same scheme he had earlier said
pain she was suffering was caused by life- HE tightly scripted, insipid, almost
threatening complications.
Australians are travelling to other
countries in increasing numbers to take
T lifeless Gillard who blew the first
fortnight of the campaign was
not, she would have us believe, the
without scrutiny while all eyes were on
Labor’s soap opera.
Yet, if there are questions about the
real Gillard and the real Rudd, the real
would happen over his dead body.
On immigration, Abbott announced
at the start of the campaign that a
Coalition government would halve the
‘‘real Julia’’.
advantage of cut-price surgery combined Abbott is an even bigger mystery. annual intake.
The ‘‘real Julia’’, apparently, is the
with a holiday. feistier, smarter, braver version that A fascinating piece of audio went up But in May 2008, he’d boasted: ‘‘One of
Labor MPs thought they were getting on the web recently — a radio interview the Howard government’s greatest but
However, they should recognise that given by Abbott in 1979 when he was least recognised achievements was to
what seems the most simple operation when they dumped Rudd.
So now we have the real Kevin and president of the Sydney University rehabilitate the immigration program,
carries some small risk wherever it is real Julia campaigning together and Students’ Representative Council. increasing numbers to record levels.’’
performed. Labor morale, for the moment, has been The young Abbott calls for cuts in And just last January he said: ‘‘There’s
lifted. But it is, when you think about it, education funding, on the grounds that no reason to think that Australia has a
a quite ridiculous situation. this would force universities to crack fixed carrying capacity. My instinct is to
Gillard knifes Rudd because she says down on what he calls ‘‘trivial’’ and extend to as many people as possible the
the Government has lost its way. She ‘‘ideological’’ courses, especially in the freedom and benefits of life in Australia.’’
THIS YEAR LAST YEAR and other ministers then use the ousted arts and economics faculties. Politicians, like us, are allowed to
PM as a scapegoat for every mistake, Abbott the student politician also says change their minds. Abbott, however, is

196 175
Victorian deaths in 2010, compared with the same day last year.
eschewing all responsibility themselves.
There is much joyful dancing on
Rudd’s political grave.
But the ghost of the assassinated
leader haunts the election campaign,
he would like to see overall numbers at
university reduced.
And he tells the interviewer: ‘‘While I
think men and women are equal, they
are also different and I think it’s
a serial mind-changer. Or, more likely, he
has adopted Graham Richardson’s
motto — ‘‘Whatever it takes’’.
Laurie Oakes is political editor for the Nine Network.
His column appears every Saturday in the Herald Sun +

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