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Outcomes Еlеmепtаrу Teacher's Book @ 2О12 Heinle, Cengage Learning

Gerard McLoughlin
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Review 01 28

03 номЕ зz
04 HoL|DAYS 38
Review 02

05 SHoPS 46
06 sTUDYlNG 52
Review 03

08 PLANS 66
Review 04

10 TRAVEL 80
Review 05

11 tооD 88
t2 FEELINGs 94
Review 06 100

14 oPlNloNS 108
Review 07 tL4
15 TEсHNoLoGY 116
16 LovE L22
Review 08 ].28

lNTRoDUcTloN то WRITING lN oUTcoME' 130

Writing Units 1-8 L32

coMMU N lcATloN AcTlvlTl Е5

Teacher's Notes 136
Photocopia ble Com m u nication Activities L44
Grammar Reference Answer Кеу L76
Starter Units Answer Кеу 186
Audio Track Listing 188

Кеуwоrds i\Лost writ]^s _.-

Wндт's lш OuTcoMEs 5тUDЕlчт'5 воок? and patterns, wnich 1е : ::

to the text, а short ехр э- ?:

2 starteTunits The two four-page units аrе designed to help

level students get up to speed Ьу revising very Developingconversations, : !:-
questions, responseS апG .э:::,- j -
lэаsiс grammar and vocabulary. --:-i
An explanation clarifies:.е
rочпd common topics Each unit has three controlIed practice,
16 units based,
interlinked'lessons' of 5О-9О minutes.The uniT contents give _л_,_i
Conversation practice :э;, ::.
сlеаr practical outcomes.The first lesson ieaches Janguage
and practical conversai a,; :::;: Or
leading lo Conversatton Practice,The second and third spreads
through role-play.
dеvеlф reading оr listening and teach поrе grапlmаr and
vocabulary connected with the topic.
Speaking These sec:
i28-143 exchange ideas,The ='. , : -. -., =| _, _- ; СПgеr
8 writing units The two-page writing un :; ctl Dp
teach different types of writing for everyca,,, ,ie and exams, draws the language э-: ] :- :,:; -- :.-- - -:qether
Each has а model texl,Crammar or Vocabuiaty Keywordsfor
Listening These sc_: ,,"--_::;cription
writing апd Practice.
ofthe сопtехi,'г=,= .
generate interes::-:-
-:-- - :- - i:j,; _:eUide
8 Review units Each review has а page of ga mes, iasks and
students to unc:,;.: -
pronunciation exercises to revise language al]c :nen а опе-раgе
test incIuding а listening exercise.

Grammar Thirty-five points of grапlr]аr are covered, Each

Сrаmmаr section links to the previous iехt, An ехрlапаtiоп
guided questions teach meaning. Exercises glve controlled and
frееr practice.There's а link to the grаmmаr r-eference if you
need extra help.
Wндт's lN о- -::,l,,;-, :ЕАсн ER's воок?
Grammar Teference This ]s оп рр -44-165 at the back of -.:Ъасhеr's
the book. Each section has an expanded expIanation,further : aj, Тгдснвк's
natural examples of usage and exira controlled practice :; э nd four
exercises with а glossary. _- э эriеf Ur.rlT

.:'lents of
Language patterns This is а short translation exercise
into students'own language and back into English, lt draws
attention to other aspects of syntax and grammar based оп

раttеrп seen in а text.

vocabulary vocabuIary is carefully chosen to enable studenis _:

talk about the topic in the context of English as а lingua frапсэ,

Tasks generally movefrom meaning,to contextualised usage

personalised practice. other sections focus on word-bullo',:

OutcomesVocabulary Builder (OVB) The sерэrа:: :::

allows studenis tc iook up meaning of nerv 1,,g,;== ",
key to 1еаrn, offers several ехаmples of coliсса:i :, ;, - :
plus а page of rev'slon practice.

Native speaker English Dra\,1,/s аiiегt ,-

or phraseS tha'. fluen: >С:;(:': ,;; '." " :''

or want to lеаrп.

4 oUTcoMES

The NOTE feature gives bite-size information about: which provide5 access to MyOutcomes online resource where
. places and people in the text; students willfind additional work on allthe elements of the
. how cultures can differ. Student's book. Тhеrе аrе,
. оvеr 2З0 activities practising the grammal vocabulary,
The ALTERNATIVELY featu rе provides: pronunciat|on and conversations iп the lб units
. ideas оп how to make ап activity more or less challenging. . additional listening, reading and speaking practice
. reviews every four units to test students' рrоgrеss.
. ways to extend an activity if students need to do Teachers can also use the online resource if they apply for ап
mоrе work. access code. Со to and request an MyELT
instructor account. This will allow you to set specific work for
The WRlTlNG LESSONS section орепs with а two-page all your students and then receive their results.You сап then
introduction оп teaching writing. lt ехрlаiпs the аррrоасh store these results through the Grade book, so both you and
to writing and suggests ways you сап provide fuback to your students have а record oftheir marks and progress.
students.The introduction is followed ЬуТвrоrвЪ шотв and
the а nswer key for the eight writing lessons.
о UTC) l\лЕ5 Е LE /и Е NTARY
The СоммчtllсдтоN АспчlтlЕ5 section сопtаiпs simple instructions
on how to use the 32 photocopiable activities.The activities In this introduction we try to answer these questions:
are designed to revise key grаmmаr and чосаЬulаrуfrоm the ll\Ihat are the goals of language students?
Student's book in а fun and varied way.There аrе quizzes What is key language foT students at Elementary?
word puzzles, questionnaires, gаmе5 and information gap- ЦIhat is key for teachers to help them teach?
Each unit has two activities calculated to take ]o-I5 miпчtеs
of class time.
Квy содls
ОТН ПК ОUТСОМСS СОМРОN ENTS The Соmmоп European Framework of reference (СЕF) states
that language learning and teaching overall goals should Ье:
Outcomes Vllorkbook The Outcomes Workbook thoroughly 7Jto deol with the business of everyday liJe iп апоthеr country,
revises all the language areas that аrе iп the Student's book. ottd to helpforeigners staying iп their оwп country to do so;
Each unit also has: 12tоuсlюпgе iфоrmаtiоп апd ideas with уоuпg people апd
. а listening and а reading with tasks based оп topics loosely duЬwtюsреоkо difrerent lапguаgе апd to соmmuпiсаtе
connected to the theme of the unit and providing interest tlreir tlюltghВ о пd feelings to them;
and extra challenges to students L?to сdлЕуе а wider опd deeper understanding of the way of
. DBvBtopttlc wпlтlшс that focuses on types of text students fifеоdfоlтtъфdюlщhtфоthеr peoples апd of their cultural
might write iп their academic, professional and personal hеitqе-
lives and further work on relevant language. (Council d Europe, 2Ф} р_ 3)

The outcomes workbook also comes with: These irieas uпdеrрiп erreфhing we do in the Outcomes
. Ацdiо CD of recordings of the listening and reading texts series- At Еlеmепtаry, we look at can-do statements for Al level
. Answer key and Audioscript to aid self-study. as а guile to what students might want to achieve.

Очtсоmеs ExamУieryo Writing tests to check your students' Busincssof ечелуdауШе You сап seethe communicative
рrо8rе55 takes а lot of time and work but the ExamУierrP areasthataredealtwith iп the horazto sections of the
CD allows you to create tests and exams in as little as five сопtепЬ апd title strip that heads each unit. Outcomes has а
minutes.What's mоrе: strong pBctical thread. Fоr example, students at Еlеmепtз_rу
. all the tests are closely based оп the Student's Book. lеаrп the gвmmar and vocabulary to:
. the software a|so generates the answer key. . ta|k about an аrеа they live in рр.30-31
. it provides а variety of exercise types (Тruе / False, Multiple . talk about studying at university рр. 50-53
Choice, Yes / No, Matching, Shогt answer, etc.)
. tests can Ье printed, computer-based, or оп the lnternet. Fоr mапу students passing exams is also the businessof
. you сап easily edit the questions and add уоur own. everyday life, which is why Outcornes has а Gпдммдп REFEREI{сE
. you сап save all tests for апоthеr time. with exercises on all the grаmmаrуоu d expect. Similarly,
. it's easy to reorder questions to avoid cheating. Wпmilс deals with both practicaltypes of writing
(completing forms рр.128-129) and exam-type writing
MyOutcomes опliпе resource Every сору of the Outcomes (making arrangements рр.lЗ4-1З5).
Student's Book has а unique code at the front ofthe book

lNTRoDUcTloN 5
Communicating thoughts and feelings Practicalities we make the choice DэSеa a- .,.-э:;:_::-:; ;-:::,:.ers
аrе important, but just as important, and perhaps mоrе expect to Ье covered э::. : -.- -, ,Z.= -_:j:a; - =,эTs.This
motivating, is the ability to communicate in а way which may be'eХam grаmгг]а. э-: .,.::-_. :: : .= -::--, ;_-lding
reflects уоur personality, feelings and opinions. That's why еха m ples.
most of the DBvBLopttlc coNvERsATloNs and СошчекsдтlоN pRAcTlcE
work towards practising typical conversations we have to lnput is aIso decided оп i-: :э;
establish and maintain friendships: lеаrп outside the ciass,::^, --.
. share opinions and experience рр,72-7З Vосдвul_дпy, the OVB lang.,*== : -
. rejecting advice and offers рр.92-9З students how words а re ':,^,=:
and learn new words in tг= : --эtiVе5
This is also why we constantly give students tne chance to
exchange their ideas, through Sрвдкtttс, practice activities in
Vосдвчцпу and Gкдммдп, the lead-ins to Rвдоlшс апd LtsTгtlttlc Fiпаllу, students and поп-,э: ,=
and discussions about the texts, expreSS an interest in сс,]с;- . -
--; 1е
provides е:,:э ; _ __ лj!L:_
Nдтtчг 5ргдкrк r,iотв :: _ [Ill5
UndeTstanding otheT cultures Students wili besl ln contrast to the псrтэ ,: -,. ,. -sec and
understand other cu|tures Ьу talking with other students, understood in coniex:s ,.,. -;,: :.- - -.л
which the various speaking activities iп Оutсоrпеs ai\,vays
encourage. However, mапу classrooms may not have people
from а large mix of backgrounds, which is r.vhy we use texts КВY ТО LEARN
with international contexts and reflecting other cultures
throughout the world - including Britain Siudents come to There аrе maa\,/ .,. э..: ::
realise they share mапу of the same desires and сопсеrпsI eSSentialS:
Аmопg others, you'll read and hear about: . Studenis ne:-
. public holidays around the world рр.З8-З9 . Studenis re=:
. Russian education рр.52-5З . Studen:s ,:=: ::::i Ve

5tuden:; -:=: ::
Native speaker notes also draw attention to ways fluent Stude" _s -::: :-
speakers expre55 themselves, which mау Ье different to the
neutral international language that we gепеrаllу present. Nоtiсiпgалdцпiе:s--э:-:=_g _- ] _ -: .. :-: =\=.a,ses iп
Gпдммдп a-: V:,з+_-rT. :- _: _, j.-: j:,::-:; _: -ctice and

КВY ЦlЧСUАGЕ -: ОVВ,= -'.,:е Teaning.The

Цнсuдс:;r-:i\j : : _ ::',. - : :-.-a='as :э lo:lceand conSider
There were five guides to the input at Elementary level * the hc.'. :-= ;- -:.-] j';: '-'_-='-.',- alguage.
communicative outcomes (outlined iп Outcomes бооls), the
freq uency of words,'natu rа l ness' of usage, student а utonomy :.
:-э- се ic practise language.This
and teacher - student expectations or interest. ^,=_-:-, and testl and gap-fillsto
: a' a :=a Sэ=акiпg. coMMUNlcATloN AсIlvlTlEs
Fоr example, to describe What you want to buy (рр 44-45) :,:. :: *э'е Dractice.
students need to know а пumЬеr of соrе adjectives which
are presented and practiced in Vосдвчцпу.Тhе practice gets s--akеs'._- : .:achingand inputcan orshould
them to think of language which might go with these words : : ::-,.::ээk.Wеаll knowfrom experience
and the ОVВ provides further help in terms of collocations. - 1- "э,. :::: : еэrп new language when they are
Gкдммдп looks at this, that, these, those used to show what :: : . :,: j: ;:-ething and the'correct'or better
we want when shopping and provides а fuller context fоr - -^ ; : ; sэ rvhy we have lots of speaking
the vocabulary. Llsтгl,tltчс gives а model conversation. DBvBloplHc :,, :,= -:: lst opportunities for students to
coNvERsATloNs teaches how to ask questions and then in j: :-:_, ..,c\.v;they аrе chances for them to try to
Сошчепsдтtош ркдстtсг students role-play buying things. -: -..,., s;retch themselves and make mistakes,
] - :-:1 correct.
This is typicalof the way language input is foclsec :- ,.: ,:_
students achieve the stated communicative cLj:c.-: :-: Repetition S=ei.g а word опсе is not enoughl Some say
not all language learning сап Ье developed iг:; j .,.:_. - :. .: _ --:: .: s:e and understand vocabulary ten times before
of vocabulary may Ье veryfrequent but ncT 5ra:
j::: ;-_. .: - -..: :э"iIо use it! fulaybe grаrпгпаr takes even longer.
опе topic (e.g. issue, uпlike, reJer),The languaq: - z, :_-:=-. ;=:_.: -з э-;
Revlsion is therefore а key part of the design
through texts is largely of this nature,The ехе.с ::; э-: ОVВ :' ] -:::,*е;, Гcr exampie, the ОVВ,Wопквоок and ЕхдмУlдw@
then show а rапgе of naturai collocations. Sin а. _. s:-a э :,,. -, --э,ч-uпit revision,while Review after everytwo units
grаmmаr may not Ье fundamentalto а con,,,elsэ: э- - :,-= :-s-,:;'it,ti,er revision at а later date.
way we saw with 'describing r,vhat you lva.: :. э-_, -..:

6 oUTcoMES
With grammar, students can revise after the class Ьу using the weaker students with more examples, but stronger
Gпдммдп REFERENсE and exercises, the Wопквоок or Myoutcomet. students will like the extra information that is always
crammar structures are often looked at in severalcontexts given.
очеr the соur5е and at various levels. Rrvrrw units test Easy to difficult Whether it ls grammar оr vocabuIary,
8rаmmаr and you сап also create tests with ЕхдмИдw@. reading оr listening, we usually move from easier to mоrе
difficult tasks in each section. Fоr example, reading texts
Apart from this revision we try to repeatedly re-use language often allow language to Ье pre-taught, the first tasks аrе
from Vосдвчtдку in LlsTBlrttl,tc and Rrдрtttс; in Gпдммдп and Gвдммдл then based оп general understanding and further tasks аrе
Rвгвкtшсr; in DвvB1_opltlc coNvERsATloNs; in workbook texts; in mоrе detailed.
exercises and texts in other units ofthe student's book and Translation SeveraI exercises including Lдшсчдсв Рдпвпшs
even in other levels of the series. And as we have sееп,5рtдкнс епсоurаgе siucents to tra nslate. Тrа nslation is ра rticularly
and СопtчtкsдтtоN pRAcTlcE allow students to rе-usе language imрогiап: for,,..,eaker students who benefit from the
they've lea rпt. suррогt of iheir mciher iongue and bilingual dictionaries.
lп monolingual classes, especiaIly, it aIlows stronger
lп terms of speaking, research suggests that students can students to help others in the ciass Ьу providing the
improve реrfоrmапсе with repetition. Within the first two tra nslations.
pages of each unit there аrе often several opportunities to Test and remember Tasks like this аrе comforting for
have conversations around the same topic а5 we saw with weaker students, but they сап also Ье made more
'describing what you want to buy'through Vосдвuцвy or challenging for stronger students Ьу asking them to
Gпдммдп рrаctiсе, DBvBtoptttc coNvERsATloNs а пd СошчgкsдтlоNpRAcTlcE. remember mоrе.
The Rtиtw units also епсоurаgе students to look back and Nдтtчt sрrдквр lчотвs and Lдшсuдсв рАпЕRNs These оffеr extra
repeat speaking tasks. input for stronger students and classes. Yоu might consider
dropping them for weaker classes.
твдснвк's 1,1oTBs There аrе loads mоrе ideas for dealing with
КГY ТО ТЕАСН multi - level classes in this book - particularly through the
Tlp and Аtтtкtlдтtчвry features.
Most teachers need оr want material that:
. is quick and easy to рrераrе Motivating students As а teacher motivating students will
. caters for mixed level classes Ье а major part of уоur job; however, we know а coursebook
. motivates students. сап often work against student motivation Ьу having
irreIevant оr boring content, unclear, unrealistic or unfulfilled
Quick and easy to prepale
А coursebook is easy to use when outcomes оr simply Ьу а dull design. Outcomes helps you
the relation between input and outcomes is clear and we hope nrotivate students Ьу having:
you aIready see that is the case with Outcomes. Ноwечеr, other . outcomes matching students'wants and needs
aspects ofthe design should help you just pick up the book . а сIеаr mепu of input and outcomes at the start of each
and teach: unit
. limited пumЬеr of sections арреаr in all units . input and tasks that carefully match those outcomes
. а regular structure to the units . а manageable пumЬеr of keywords to lеаrп in the OVB
. а variety of familiar tasks . texts based on authentic sources that we think you'll find
. double-pages can exist as unique lessons but six-page Ьу turns informative, funny, еvеп moving
units allow you to easily continue . а rапgе of speaking tasks that allow for play, humour and
. straightforward rubrics in the Student's book fully gossip, as well as serious discussion
explain tasks . а fresh design with bright, interesting illustration.
. Gпдммдп and vосдвчlдпч have clear links to texts
. OVB follows the spreads ofthe book so you and students The СЕF апd Level There is not а direct correlation between
сап easily look up words in class publishers'levels and the СЕF. Completing Elementary will not
mеап а student has reached А2 but is progressingtowards
Mixed level classes The exercises and design of Outcomes that goal.That's because the СЕF descriptions of level or the
works for multi-level classes. ALTE can-do statements do not exactly describe content,
. ОVВ The Outcomes Vocabulary Builder allows weaker but describe someone's рефrmапсе in а language.We have
students to easily look up new words, before, during and used can-do statements frоm the А2 level at Elementary as а
after class, because it follows the spreads of the book. guide to what tasks and outcomes students want to рrоgrе55
Stronger students benefit from the ОVВ because it gives towards. Howevel at this level students' реrfоrmапсе iп dоiпg
extra input through coIlocation lists, extra language boxes апу of the speaking, reading, listening оr writing tasks may Ье
а nd practice exercises. assessed using СЕF scales as being А1 (+), ДZ (-). lf students аrе
. Grammar The short explanations help weaker students regularly outside the range of А1 (+), А2 (-), they are probably
with exercises in the units.The grаmmаr reference helps at the wrong level fоr this material.

lNTRoDUcTloN 7


HBllo апdАпшl
Aim опе
То provide controlled speaking pTactice of saying hello. two
th ree
Step 1 Write the dialogue from the speech bubbles оп the four
board and erase the names.Then introduce yourself to а five
couple of students and in pairs ask them to do the same. six
TelI students to stand up and introduce themselves to each !gчеп
other. cond uct brief feed back on students' па me5. eight
Tip After students have introduced each other, get them tеп
to write their паmе in big letters оп а piece of рареr and е!gеп
put it on their desk 5о еvеrуопе сап see. Cet them to do twehre
this for the first couple of lessons. ццсцtу
VосдвuLАRy Numbers r а hundrcd

То рrеsепt and practise basic numbers. Nдтшв spEAKER ЕшGtlsн Zero

Step 1 Ask students to individually write the numbers iез: :;:,е эох and check that students understand
in exercise А iп the correct order.Tell them that the first э_l эs< -з fi'паt ore the three ways oJ saying '0'? (zero, oh
three аrе done as an ехаmрlе. Monitor and help with апу э,э -,э,"}эг:. Ask them if they have different ways in their
problems, lп pair5 they соmраrе their answers. Play the а,Е_эЕе-
recording and get students to repeat with соrrесt word
stress, pausing after each пumЬеr.
Rвдоllчс Family

То iпfuоdчсе developing read,ing sНlls foT detailed

8 oUTcoMEs

Step 1 Tell students how mапу people there are in yourfamily В: Yes. Опе Ьоу and опе girl.
and ask them to do the same. Ask students to individually А: How old are they?
look at the photo and complete the text with numbers, В: The boy's 12 and the girl is eight. Doyou have апу
/\4onitor and help with any problems, brothers and sisters?
А: No.
Step 2 lп pairs they compare answers before checking in В: How old are you?
open class.Then read the text to students and get them to А: 25.
read the text out to each other.
Step 2 Put students in АВ pairs and tell them to practise
Answers saying the conversation in А, then change roles. /Иопitоr
8,4,4 and соrrесt апу language problems,

Step 3 Теll students to co,,np;e:c _-a - : .,. :Ь ,.vords from Step 3 Tell students they аrе going to ask each other the
the photo and text. iп pairs Ihеу.о-эа,= э,s,.,,,еrs before questions in А and to think about their answers. Cive them
checking in open class, а couple of minutes to do this.When they аrе ready, put
them iп pair5 to interview each other. Conduct feedback.
1three,four 2 sister З brother 4father 5 -::-э, б ЬаЬу

GпдммдR pJura]s Aim

То present and practise expressions related to food.
То present and practise rеgчlаr and irreguJ.aT рIшаis. Step 1 Ask students what their favourite drink оr food is,
f,/tyfavourite driпk is а cup of tea.Put students in pairs
Step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох and chec< :: тэtсh the kinds offood in А to the pictures 1-12. Check
understanding: How do weform regular plurals? - э э-;.,.:.s in ореп class.
+ s),What iJthe поuпfiпishеs with а у'? (change l,;_,
to an i + es, e,g. ЬаЬу = babies),What are 5оmе сап,,rг эг Answers
irregular plurals? (children, people, mеп, women), Drl :,= 7 а bottle of ччаtеr
рrопuпсiаtiоп of the words in the Ьох. - з ,!з 8 an ice сrеаm
: -_- -.-_--=,,-,го 9 а chicken 54ndwich
Note Students will Ье introduced to using the grаmmаr ' - --:-_ 10 а hamburger
reference in Starter Unit 2, but if you feel уоur students : ,:-:-:-:-:^ ?S 11 а glееп salad
would benefit from looking at the grammar reference поW : :- --- - i2 а сhеещ sацdwiсh
then direct them to page 144.
Step2 ,'.-...-- .:= :,:- э'э эсitlеоf wateronthe
.:.,. э, : :j. ;.-:=-:, -э,,,, dо ууе ask the price? (Nоw
Llsтвпllпtс - -:, : ' ,',,:-.- S с. .ne board. lf necessary mime
п-:.-:_, :_. ._э:
"=; nge.s together. Put students in АВ
Aim ээ,: -- S:-эепt Ato look at File 1on раgе 166 and
То develop listening fоr specific information. S_-::-_ ] :э эок at Fi]е 10 on раgе 169.Tell themthey
,э.: э s. э'scmeofthewords and the prices of other
Step 1 Теll students they аrе going to listen to two реорlе :, ,gs , i. Эut them in same letter pairs and ask them to
talking about their families and to read the conversation in Э'z- s- sэlliп,1n. prices. Nлоdеl the activity ьу asking а
A.Tell them to listen and write the numbers they hear. Play si.c-= sr;dent How muсh is а coffee?rhen put students
the recording. Put students in pairs to compare answers i-lc :3 эаirs to ask each otherthe prices of the items on
(iп bold in the audioscript) before checking iп ореп class. lf the'l ,si, Conduct brieffeedback on prices.
necessary, рlау the recording again.
фsUL.z Student А = а tea -r1,20,а cola -f1.95,a green salad -
А: Do you have any brothers and sisters? f.3.54, а ch icken sandwich - f З.19, а ha mbu rgеr * f 3.36,
В: Yes. опе brother and two sisters. ап apple - 47р (pence)
А: How old is your brother?
В: 39. Student В = а соffее -r2.15,an orange julсе-t"2.З7,а
А: Аrе you married? bottle of water - f 1.50, а cheese sandwich - f З,05, an
В: Yes. ice сrеаm - t1.89, а portion of chips - f 2.01
А; Do you have апу children?

01 5тдRтЕR 9

Step 3 Tell students they are going to Iisten ic
ДЛr Burnham ordering things for his family and tiсч (il . :,е

things in exerci5e А he wants. PIay the recording. In pa;,s

students соmраrе answers before checking in open class.
lf necessary, play the recording аgаiп and pause аftеr the
drinks, then аftеr the food.

coffee, tea, ora nge ju ice, cola, bottle of water, green VосдвчLАRy ],
salad, hamburger, cheese sandwich, chicken sandwich,
а portions of chips, apples Aim
То pTesent and practise

Е sU1.3
А: Next! Step 1 Write r:;: : ,,. :,i
В: Yes! is lti As..:-=--
(а verb).

А: Yes, sir? English and,,v:;i. :-=--

В: Umm, it's а big оrdеr. match the чеrЬs , - -.
А: оК. and help rvitl, э-, :
В: То drink ... опе соffее, thrее teas, five orange
juices, four cola5 and two bottles of water. Answers
А: ОК. Опе cofTee, three teas, an оrап8е juice, four -ь"
colas and two botties of water. 2 read
В: Yеs. 3 write
А: Anything else? 4Iisten
В: Yes, l want two green salads, seven hamburger5, 5 clos-.
one cheese sandwich, опе chicken sandwich, and 6 wor<
five portions of chips. 7 stari
А: Yep, 8 finis"
В: And five apples.
А: Sure.5o that's sеvеп hamburger5 опе cheese Step 2 =

sandwich апd one chicken sandwich, five chips, Sen:e'::;

two salads and пiпе apples. rесa,: -

В: That's it. in э::- :.

А: That's 69 pounds 64 altogether.

Step 4
Tell students they are in the same саfё as the
Burnhams and they shouId say what their family wants,
C]ve them а couple of minutes to look at the items in А
and decide what they want. When students are ready put
them in АВ pairs to say what their family wants, Student А
gives their order and Student В writes the order, then they
change roles. Cond uct brief feedback.

Tip With а weaker class,you could get them to look at the

audioscript оп раgе L7Ofor help and ideas.

То рrеsепt and practise when we luse а / ап / sоmе to
ехрIеss quantity.

Step 1 Tell studentsto look atthe explanatiol э:, э-:

-:::: sэеld tn,ee nllnutes пlеrпсrlslпg
check understanding: Whеп do we use'a'? (Ье:с,: . =- э-
, : :: :,:nk abc,rt ror,", io l-гimе ihem.
nouns that begin with а consonant), Whеп ао ,,.: -,::- -1,
- - -g э5?rt.?эl S:Uсе|iIS in АВ pairs,
(before singular nouns that begin with а vc\,1.,e ,'.,2, j: -: )]--е \,,,clcs't-c- А агс St;dent В says
we u5е'5оmе'? (before plural nouns). Dril] ;le э,., . .,-
of the words in the Ьох.
" "

10 oUTcoMEs
Optional activity Write the first letter of the days of the
sрвдкlпlс week on the board and get students to spell them to you.

Aim Step 2 Tell students to individually complete the sentences

То pTovide contTolled speaking practice oftalking in А with а day оr time. /V\onitor and help with ideas. lп
about preferences. pairs they compare answer5 before checking in open class.

Step 1 ТеlI students you have two options fоr this evening, 5uggested answers
eating at home оr eating iп а restaurant, and you don't know 7 б o'clock and 12 otlock
what to decide.Then tell them you рrеfеr eating at home 8 ]_ o'clock and б o'clock
this evening.Tell them to individualiy look ai the options in А 9 10 otlock and 5 otlock
and think about which one they рrеfеr. C,i,e them а couple of
minutes to so this. When they аrе reacy э;: :lem in groups Step 3 Tell students to read the question in В and think
of three or four to tell each оthеr whici :ье_ч irejer and see about their answer5, give them а couple of minutes to
what they have in common. Мопitог anci сэr:ес: эпу language do this. When they are ready put them in groups of three
problems. Conduct brief feedback on апу s;l":i э,: es- оr fоur to discuss their ideas. Monitor and соrrесt апу
language problems. Conduct brief feedback.

GпдммдR Su bject рrопоuп5

DBvB lopl NG coNvE RsATloNs
Everyday expressions
То present and practise subject рrопочпs.
Step 1 Tell students to look at the table iп А апсj е : : То introduce and give practice in using everyday
the singular for we = /. Put them iп pairs and teil :,:^, :: expressions.
complete the table. Monitor and help with any lапЕ-э::
problems. Check answers in open class. Step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох to students. Ask them
1, зr7 knovv а пу expressions in Е nglish, e.g, How are you?

Step 2 Ъ,l s:udents to read the sentences in А. ln а
- - : -:-;] c|ass ask students to translate the sentences
yoU - .: :-: . эrчп language and then without looking at the
БGr;/Б"rr- :, a -э; :rапslаtе back into English. What similarities /
she (wоmап / girl) they : --,=-.е5 do they notice? ln а monolingual class, get
it (thiпя) ::-:=-:S п pairs оr threes to соmраrе their translations
.,::,- , English translations. What do they notice?
Step 2 Теll students to individually rерlасе the words in
italics with а рrопоuп. Write the first example оп the board Step 3Ээ,пt out that 1-10 are questions, and 1]_ and 12
to demonstrate. l\Лопitоr and help out with any problems. ln э,: :э-,:оп repIies. Cet students to ask you the first ten
pairs they соmраrе answers before checking in open class. э--s:.,s :п A.Then put students in pairs to ask each other
:,: ;-:s::ons in А. Ask them to try and give answers using
Answers ,э-Е-эiе frоm the unit, оr just say уе5 оr ло. fu\onitor and
2 she, he 3 They 4 We 5 lt б She 7 You сэ"-- э:у ianguage problems. Conduct brief feedback.

VосдвutАRy Time and days of the week GкдммдR Сrаmmаr words

Aim Aim
То present and practise соmmоп expressions related to То present апd practise identifying parts of speech.
time and days of the week.
Step 1 explanation Ьох to students and check
Read the
Step 1 Ask students how mапу days are in а week, and understanding:What type of word is wапt? (а verb),
how do we say them in English.Tell them to look at the апd brother? (а поuп), апd small? (an adjective) ,апd he?
words in Vocabulary and drill the stress: \4plday,Tuesday, (а sub.;ect), опd football? (an object), Put students in

Щеdц s d ау, lhцБd ау, |11d ау S a_t u rd ау, S u п d ау. grоu р5 of fou r оr five а nd tell them to th in k of а nswers
to the questions in А without looking at their books or
Note Tell students we write the first letter of the days of dictionaries. cive them five minutes to do this. Ask each
the week with а capital. group how mапу verbs, поuпs, оr ad.lectives they have and
get the group with the most to tell the rest of the class.



VосдвulАRy Numbers z
the quеsт,э,s -,
То present and practise basic numbers,

Step 1 write the first liпе of numbers in В on the board

2 seven
and get students to say them, е,g.tDЦееп, seventeen,
As k st u d е nts 3 tweive
tцз!tу, о пз, LIty, alLety - 5зуз п, о п е Ш р ц5а п d, ; x:r,-five
4 t!уецВ-'э_,
to injividually choose six numbers from the bingo card
in А and circle them.Tell them they are going to listen
some numbers and play bingo. Explain that they cross out
(Х) when they hеаr their numbers, and when they have
: - a:::-:==;,i, .-e,iSiudentS
heard aIl six of their numbers they say Bingo!rhefirst
Play э' : -' -,:. - :э,iсs in D so
person to hеаr allsix numbers correctly is the winner,
-: -:' -.-
=- '.']-. iсr апd help

the recording. when а students says Вiпgо! check their

_; : _-_ _-:- pairS to соmраrе
numbers Ьу getting students to say the numbers and
=-'a=::э:< " ореп class.
check with the audioscript.

DBvBloptHc coNvERsATloN5
15 l l

То iпrоё:lее -_: ;те pTactice in using question woTds,
Step1 .',-:: .-: :_:;: :- .,.эrds onthe Ьоаrd and check
-, a:,::э- -, : _, :;. -= J.,ai information
comes after
i,,:' э:-,::-= ,','='' э iimе expressi оп),Whеrе? (а
. i, ,:: -
: :: =- . -;оw? (iп what way), How muсh?
100 =:.
:- :=-:,:-:-.-_. !:,,, э'd? (age),What tlme? (hours оr
20 - - _.:; ---.,, --,; эе:'оd of time),Which опе? (specific
1,300 =:: -= -_:_,-.*=:-'^-б rvhen the choice is limited).TeIl
..z--,-,:he question words in ]--5 to the
;:-::--_: 1:
-э- э,, }-1Otof-j.Putthem in pairstocompare
65 =-;,,,.,;
)) э-:.,.:,; :=':,::lecking in open class,
_е 2с зd 4Ь 5а бj 7f 8g 9i 10h
Step 2 ЪlI siudents they are going to listen to а
:э,].е,sа:!оп with а teacher and ask them to write down
:ie seven question words from А that they hear, Play the
rесоrdiпg. ln pairs they соmраrе answers,

12 oUTcoMEs

Step 2 Then play the recording again to check and tell Optional activity Cet students to write on two separate
students to look at the audioscript оп page 170 to check pieces of paper one thing they have and one thing they
(answers underlined iп the audioscript below). Model the don't have now. Collect the slips of рареr and read them out
dialogue with а strong student.Then put students in АВ to the class and get the class to guess who the information
pairs to take turns practising the dialogue. refers to.

|bSu2.zand Answers
А: What do you do? GпдммдR Рrопоuпs
В: l'm а teacher.
А: Where do you work? Aim
В: ln а school пеаr hеrе. То present and practise pronouns.
А: Which опе?
В: Northpark High. Step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох, оr write the
А: l know it. How do you get there? sentences on the board to check form and meaning. Check
В: lwalk. understanding Ьу asking: When'it'comes Ьфоrе the verb
А: How |опg does it take? is it ап object or subject? (subject),Дnd after the verb? (ап
В: З5 minutes. object), ls 'l' а subject or ап object? (su bject), What's the
А: That's good. What time do you leave hоmе? object for 1'? (me). Write the su bjects on the Ьоа rd а nd
В: Seven. We start at 8.30 (eight thiгý). elicit the objects = l,уоu, he,she, it, we, they.
А: How old are the children you teach?
В: 14 to 18. Note Students will Ье introduced to using the grammar
rеfеrепсе later in this unit, but if you feel your students
wouid benefit from looking at the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе now,
Vосдвч lARy Everyday th i ngs then direct them to pageL44.

То present and practise words related to everyday GпдммдR dоп't / doyou.,. ?
Step 1 Tell students one thingyou have
уоur bag оr рс.<::
in То present and practise asking questions using dоп't /
and ask them to tellyou one thing they have, e.g. mobile do you... ?
phone. Put students in pairs to match the words in the Ьох
iп А to the pictures. Monitor and help with апу language Step 1 i:: s:;ients to rеаd the explanation Ьох, or read
problems. Check answers in open class and drill word stress. : : -:'э, :-е-. and check understanding How do we make
Then get students to сочеr the words and in pairs, Student А г.j; .a: r =.i si? |don't = do + поt, + чеrЬ), How do we
points to а picture and Student В says the word. trr(э- з-.:: э-s:- ээуэ,L +verb), What'sthefunction of
,э- =, э-\. э-. .=,э.Ъ,iiпеm to individuallywrite 1-5
Answers - :- э= , ,., ,- r;:estions. Monitor and help with
а paper f ticket э-i_эg= э,ээ ::гS. ,п pairS they соmраrе before checking
Ь phone 8 реп '. э:€-: эss,-пеп In pai15 they ask and answer the
с book h W (pronounced as two separate letters) 6-eS: a^S a А.
d beer i chocolate
е саmеrа l mопеч Апs*ев
1 l don't have а brother, Do you have а brother?
Step 2 Tell students to individually compIete 1-10 iп С with 2 l don't like footbaIl, Do you like football?
words from А. Monitor and help with language problems. ln 3 l don't drink beel Do you like beer?
pairs they соmраrе answers before checking in open class. 4 l don't speak Frепсh, Doyou speak Frепсh?
5 l don't play tennis, Do you play tennis?
1 camera 6 chocolate Step 2 Write the three sentence starters in С on the board
2 mопеу 7 book and elicit different examples for each one.Tell students to
3 рареr 8 реп individually complete the sentences in А so that they are
4TV 9 рhопе true fоr them. Monitor and help with any problems with
5 beer 10 ticket language оr ideas. lп pairs they compare answer5 and see
if they have anything the same. Monitor and correct any
Step 3 Tell students things you have now from А, e.g, l have language problems. Conduct brief feedback.
а book, l don't have а ticket, Put students iп pairs and ask
them to do the same. Monitor and соrrесt any language
problems. Conduct brief feedback.


Step 3 Tell students to individually complete the questions
in D. IИonitor and help with language. Model Ьу getting а Gпдммдп ье
selection ofstudents to askyou а couple ofquestions.Then
put students in pairs to ask their questions. fu\onitor and Aim
correct апу language problems. Conduct brief feedback. То present and practise using Ье in the present simple.

Step 1 Gеt students to read the explanaiicl ээх and check

understanding:Which letter do we rеmс,.,е ..э !апg
to mаkе the short а сопsопOп: э| э , э.,. ? 'э vcwel),
form form,

VосдвчLАRy Adjectives What hаррепs to the word order iп questlc"s .=,э , s;'эjесt +
object or question word + verb + subject).\', l.::-:'-,;'l icl,пls
Aim оп the Ьоаrd аnd elicit the shогtforms.Теl s_-::,:s :э ],s:en
То practise using adjectives to describe feelings. and say the shогt forms.

Step 1 Write cold оп the board and ask What kind of word a9SUz.э
ls lt? (an adjective). Ask students what other adjectives they |'m
kпоw in English and write them оп the board.Tellthem уоU'rе
iп pairs to look at the pictures and drill the words, then in h e's
pairs they practise saying the words. Monitor and help with s he's
any problems with pronunciation (/t's фзsр, |'m 0uцgrу, it'5
She's рЦ!, He's bltsyWe're cold,They're late), We're
Step 2 Tell students to сочеr А and write down the
sentences. ln pairs they compare, and then look at А again Step 2 Tell students to look at how we use т|^е ,.:,э :;з
to check. iп В апd check understanding: What type pf ,,,,2,з з2--25
феr'Ье'iп sепtепсе 1? (а noun).Then put ile- - ээ :о

Step 3 Tell students to individually look at the questions Cecide what kind of word comes after Ье in еэс- s:,::,lces
in D and think about their answers. /Иоdеl Ьу getting ,\1onitor and help out with any problems. Che:< э-;.,.:,; in
students to ask you, reply using Yes, l аm, No |m поt.Рчt ooen class.
students iп pairs to ask and answer the questions. Дiопitоr
and соrrесt апу language problems. lt's not necessary to do Answers
feed back. 1 поuп 4 соuпtrу (оr place)
2 age 5 day ofthe week
Step 4 Read the explanation Ьох to students and check З adjective 6 time
understandin g: Do adjecttves go before поuпs? (Yes), Do
they go aJter the verb'be'? (Yes), Do adjectives сhапgе with Step 3 Tell students to individually add опе п^о:е :- ^g to
plural поuпs? (No). Write the first example in Е оп the i-б. Do the first one as ап exampIe. /Monitor апс ,= э rvith
board and get students to tell you the correct order and ideas. lп pairs they tell each other their new sеl:ег:е5.
re-write it.Tell them to individually put the sentences in cond uct brief feed back.
order in Е. Monitor and help with any problems with word
order. lп pairs they соmраrе answe15 before checking Suggested answers
in ореп class. Then iп pairs they tell each other which 1 а doctor 4 Poland
sentences in 1-6 аrе truе for them. 254 5 Sunday
З cold 6 12 o'clock
1 l am tired. Step 4 Write l аm о studenton the Ьоаrd ancj ei cii how
2 l have а new саr. to ask the question = Дrе you а student?ie|.i s;"cenis to
3 Myteacher is good. individually write four questions to ask оihеr siJdents in
4 This is ап easy book. the class. iV\onitor and help with problems rl.,,ih ideas оr
5 ДЛу flat is small. language, Model the activity Ьу getting а sirong student
6 l have an expensive mobile phone to ask you their questions and reply using, /е; l аm оr
No, t'm поt. Write the short answers оп the board.Then

Optional activity Tell students which sentences in Е аrе tell students to stand up and ask two оr lhree different
true or false for you, using negatives where necessary е.g. students their questions. Monitor and correct any problems
t'm поt tired.l have а пеw car.Then tell them to individualIy with language. Conduct brief feedback.
write either positive or negative sentences so that they are
true for them. ДЛопitоr and help with negative forms. lп
раirs they соmраrе answers.

14 oUTcoMEs
Optional activity Start а vocabulary Ьох of new words.
DBvrloplNG coNvERsATloN 5 ме too Cive each student two slips of paper. On опе side they
write а new word and on the other they write the meaning
Aim оr а translation in а monolingualclass.Then they stand up
То introduce agreeing with someone using nIe too. and ask two or three students What does ,,,. mеап?Writе
the question оп the board. Collect the slips and keep them
Step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох to students and check in а Ьох or plastic envelope. At the end of each week add
understanding. Tell them to look at the cartoon and ask: new words and repeat the procedure.
What does the first person say? (|'m tired), How does the
second реrsоп say that it is true ior them? (lИе too). Ask if
they have а similar expression ir тпеir ianguage. GпдммдR The Crammar rеfеrепсе
Step 2 Tell students to rеаd lhe se.:e-ces in А and ask Aim
what do you 5ау if the same is r,lc: :.-: '.l t,oi_l? l'm поt То pTesent and practise using The Grammar rеfеrепсе.
(with the verb Ье) аr l dоп't (r,чiiг о::;. .:.эs , ,\4odel the
first two examples with а strong siJ5:-:. --=- cut them iп Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох оr read it
АВ pairs: Student А says sentences _-] а-: S_-;ent В says out to them а nd check u ndersta nd in g: What information
Ме too, l'm поt оr l dоп't.rhеп they с-э-:. -: :_.. l's not is iп the Orammar rфrепсе? (lt has explanations with
necessary to do feedback оп this actl,,,i:.,, examples, sometimes it has extra information and there
аrе mоrе exercises), How do you kпоw which page to look
at? (lп the grаmmаr sections in the unit there is а symbol
l have etc. tV\onitor and help with ideas. е- э -.:- -
=- with page rеfеrепсе), Whеп сап you usе it? (lп class оr at
раirs to take turns saying their sentences, а^.э 1-._ - :,- --:. home). Tell students in pairs to find out which grammar is
says Д/tе too,I'm поt or ldол't. /V\onitor and сс..::: э-, on pages 146,152,157 and 158. Conduct brieffeedback,
language problems. Conduct brief feedback.
раgе 146 = The past simple
Vосдвu LARv rhe Voca Ьu la ry в u i lder эаgе 152 = Present perfect 1 and 2
:эsе i57 = Will l Won'tfor predictions,Verb patterns
Aim 'э, э;'есtiчеs апd Revision
То present and practise using The Vocabulary Builder. :э:е _ j8 = Ве thinking oJ + -ing,Adverbs and Revision

Step 1 Read the explanation to students оr get them

to read it а nd check u ndersta nd ing : Where сап you look
whеп а пеw word appears iп the book? (The Vocabulary
Builder), What information is there? (The new word, space tc
translate, ап example sentence and other examples), l/r/hеп
сап уоu иsе lt? (tn class to look up а new word, to test each
other, at home before and after cla55 to rеmеmьеr the
words), Are there апу exercises? (Yes, at the end of each unit).

Step 2 Tell students to look at the first two pages of rhe

Vocabulary Builder for Unit 1 and to do 1-З iп А. /Иопitоr
and help with any problems. ln pairs they соmраrе their
words. sрвдкlпlс
Step 3 Put students in grоuр5 offour and five and tell Aiлn
them to close their Vocabulary Builders.lell them they То provide controlled speaking practice in talking
have three minutes to write all the words they rеmеmЬеr. аЬочt different ways of learning English.
Cet them to stop аftеr three minutes and ask how mапу
words they remember. Cet the group with the most words Step 1 Tell students to read the ideas for learning English
to tell the rest ofthe class their list. yyi;h outcomes in А, and look at the sentences in В and
decide what their answers are for each idea. lп pairs they
5ау one of а-е in В for the ideas iп А. IИопitоr and correct
апу language problems. Conduct brief feedback оп their
ideas and check anything they don't understand.



sрвдкlпlс Step 2 Teli iпеr. :э s::- э-G ;ick ( V ) the sentences

:-: ,i:.,: -q Pr.;t students in pairs to
that аrе true. Piar
Aim соmраrе anslvers э-] -- -:::ssay piay the recording again
То pTovide controlled speaking pTactice of introducing before checking a-s...=,: - :::- : ass,
Step 1 Ask students to look at the photo and read the 1т 2F зF 5t
speech bubbles, Ask them: Do they kпоw each other? (No,
they are meeting for the first time.)
Step 2 Tell students to listen to the conversation. Write I=Ivy;M=Mi8цel
the conversation on the board and show students the l: Hi. Come iп. Sit dclr,-. \',. -эrе'5 i,.1r I'm а teacher
intonation. Drill in ореп class, then get students to practise here. What's уоur паr-е?
in pairs. М: Miguel.
l: Right. Hi. Nice to гпее;,;э-. i-; ъчhаi's your
фl.L surname, Miguel?
А: Hello. l'm Мiguеl.WhзЦуоur паmе? М: Sorry?
В: Dasha. Hi. Nice to meet you. l: Yоur 5urname. Yоur fa:* i,,, r,"]!"i€.
М: Oh, sorry. lt's Неrпа ndez. --а:'5 H-E-R-N-A-N-D-E-Z.
Step 3 Tell students they аrе going to go around the l: ОК. And whеrе are }о;
t,liguel? Spain?
rооm and introduce themselves to as mапу students as М: No, l'm not. l'm frоm ,\'lex сэ.
possible. Erase the names from the board and model the l: Oh, ОК. Which рагt?

conversation with а student in open class.Then get them fu\: Chihuahua. lt's iп the ncrth.

to stand up and practise the dialogue. /йопitоr and correct

any problems with intonation. Step 2 Tell students ic ;s::- аqэ;: and correct the
sentences in exercise А. Э э, :-: recording and pause after
Step 4 Tell students to look at exercise С. Write the each piece of informailc- :э э ,crv students time to write
structure on the Ьоаrd: Who's that? That'sYuki. their answers. Ask siucel:s :о compare their answers in
Whoti his / her паmе? Marco / l don't kпоw. Rub out the pairs,then check in ср:^ : эss
names and ask students to ask and answer questions in
pairs using the structure from the board. Conduct feedback Answers
Ьу asking Who's that? or What's his / her паmе? 2 His family паmе is Hernandez, 3 He's from Mexico.
5 chihuahua is iп the погth.

GкдммдR The чеrЬ Ье
То develop listening fоr specific information. Aim
То present and pTactise the veTb Ье.
Step 1 Tell students they аrе gоiпg to listen to а student
having ап interview at ап English-language school. Cet them Step 1 Write He'sJrom Spain оп the board and underline
to read the sentences in exercise А. Check understanding нез, ask students what the full form ls = Не is, and write
e.g,What doesfamily паmе mеап? (уоur surname e.g.Smith), that оп the board. Tell them when talking in EngIish we
What preposition do we use with places? (iп). often use the short form when speaking. Ask them to

16 oUTcoMES
look at exercise А in pairs and write the fullform. Check Answers
апswеrs in ореп class. Africa = Morocco, Кепуа
Asia = Jарап, China,Thailand
Answers Europe = Poland, ltaly, Сеrmапу
Yоu аrе, Не is, 5he is, That is, We аrе, They are the Middle East = Jordan, оmап
Central America = Panama, Mexico
Direct students to the grammar rеfеrепсе оп page 146 if South Аmеriса = Brazi|, Argentina
they still seem un5ure.
Step 2 Tell students they are going to listen to the
Step 2 Tell students to rеаd exercise В and complete the pronunciation of the countries. Playthe recording and get
conversation with the соrrесt shогt fоrm of the verb Ье. students to repeat. Рау particular attention to stress.
Do the first опе а5 an example. Мопitоr, giving particuIar
attention to the weaker students. Get students to соmраrе фL.3
answers in pairs. Play recording 1.2 again to check answer5, Аrgеп!!да Brazil China Gеrmапу lta|y Japan ]91dan
Ask students to read the audioscript оп page 171 to check. (е_вуа Mexico Motgqco Оmап Рапаmа Poland
Tha ila nd
i Answers
1 name's 6 ТhаtЪ Optional activity Fоr further practice, put word stress
2 l'm 7 where're bubbles оп the board: оооо, оо, оо, ооо, ооо. Cet students
3 What's 8 l'm to tellyou how mапу syllables each country has and which
4 what's 9 l'm column to put it iп according to the stress pattern. (ОоОо
5 lt's 10 lt's = Ar8entina, оо = Brazil, Japan, оо = China, Jordan, Kenya,
оmап, Poland,Thailand, ооо - Cermany, ltaly, IViexico,
Tip With а weaker class ask students to listen and c;e:k Panama, ооо = Morocco)
with the audioscript at the same time.

Step 3 Put students in pairs and ask them to ргасiis€ DHvпlopl NG coNvERsATloN5
reading the conversation.Tell опе student to Ье Miguei а,з
Which part?
the other to Ье lvy, then to swap. Monitor and correci ап_у
pronu nciation problems. Aim
То iпЕоdчсе апd pTactise finding out which part of а
Optional activity Cive students four minutes to memorise place sоmеопе is from.
the conversation.Tell them to cIose their books.Then put
them in groups of three, опе student is Miguel and one Stcp 1 Read cut the explanation Ьох and check
is lvy, the third student can look at the dialogue and help -6е,па.с:,g:Чаь,dое5 lvyaskwhere iп Mexico Miguel is
ther:n when they can't remember.Theythen rotate until frсп? ;,-':- .'ithot ехtrо iфоrmаtiоп does he give?
each student has been the'helper'. , r!5 - ::е,:пг . :.icji oiher examples,e.g. l'm
Jrom Seville.
is . iгэ ю.l:п-

Nдтlчв 5PEAKER Ешсllsн surпаmе 5Ьр 2 Ъi] stucjents to look at the map of Frапсе and check
they know north,south,east,west, and which direction
Read the Ьох to students and check they understand Ьу ihey are_TeIl them to complete the sentences in exercise А
askingWhat's апоthеr way oJ saying yourfamily паmе? inciividually using the places оп the map. Do the first опе
(Surname), Ask them if they have а similar expression iп as ап example. Monitor and help with the target language.
their language. Iп pairs ask students to compare answers before checking
in ореп class.

VосдвчlАRy Countries Answers

1 Paris 4 Strasbourg
Aim 2 Lille 5 Nantes
То present and practise countries. 3 Toulouse 6 Moulins

Step 1 Ask students which countries they are from and Step 3 Tell students they аrе going to have conversations
tellthem which part of the world that is, e.g. Student: like the examples in exercise B.They can use countries from
I'm from ltaly,You: lt's iп Europe. Then tell them to look at Vocabulary or cities / areas in their countries. Cet them
exercise А and in pairs to match the countries to the parts to ask you as а model, then model with а strong student
of the wor|d, using the example in the book to help them. in open class. ln pairs tell them to have the conversation.
Monitor and help with geography. Check in open class. Monitor and help with any language problems. Conduct
brief feedback оп where students аrе from.


Step 4 Cet students to read the question in exercise С. necessary. Elicit which word has no plural = traffic. Why? =
Check parents = your mother and father; grandparents = Because it's an uncountable noun. ln pairs ask them to say
уоur mother's оr father's parents. Put students in pairs the plural to each other. Check spelling and pronunciation
to ask each other the question. fu\onitor and correct as in ореп class.
necessa rу. Cond uct brief feed back.
1 restaurants 6 trafГic, no plural
СошчвпsАтlоN pRAcTlcE 2 rivers 7 агt galleries
3 churches 8 beaches
Aim 4 factories 9 cathedraIs
То practise using the language leaTnt in the unit so far. 5 parks 10 palaces

Step 1 Tell students they are going to have conversations Step 3 Put si-ce,:; ^ эаirs and tell them to say three
using the questions given in А. Cive them time to рrераrе other things с, i э::s 'i чсur town. lп ореп class write а
their answers. Monitor and help with language. list on the Ьсеrс z,- з ,: э stL_;dents with pronunciation.

Step 2 When students are readytellthem to stand up and Tip Start а pcs::. - :-: : assroom with the title Places iп
ask as mапу students as possible, starting the conversation mу tоwп апd а:: :-: :a-s':cm today's lesson. Each time
with What's your паmе? Monitor and correct any language new places ссте -э ::: s:-ce"Is to add to the list.You
problems. Ask а couple of students to tell the class what сап USe it in lа:е,: э;r=;':":. S сг.
they know about the other students in the class.

Vосдвu LARy Descri bi пg places То develop lеаdiлg ski]Ъ for general and detailed
То practise expressions used to describe places. Step 1 Ask siuce,:; .,.-:,::-:_. э,е "эт эпd is the рlасе
nice,why/ wn_\,,::] ]:- : .,.:,-.'s:-Je.:s saythings
Step 1 Ask students what places they visit when they go to which are grаaп-э: :; _. -::"-:: _. э-,Jsi l.vant to see
another town оr city, for example= а restaurant, а musеum, if they сап rеr.:-::,:-: .:t;:- э,_, ":-:he previous
etc. Then tell them to look at the photos and to individually exercise.
match the words in the Ьох to the pictures. Do the first one
as an ехаmрlе. Monitor and help the weaker students. ln Step2 Tell str-.;ce-:_.:: ,: .
=-z ;,eao:hefourtextsand
pairs students compare their answers. answer the oue;_ :,: -
:-a_., :э:]-]оаrе their апSwе15
before сhес<,г= - :::- : j;:
Tip Fоr extra practice ask students how mапу syllables
each word has. Answers
Jeff:1 New Rc--e1 - :-е so.;th of England
Answers (number of syllables iп brackets after the word) 2 lt's genera. _; z - :- э а:е, пiсе beach, lovely
1 а restaurant (З) 6 lraffic (2) countrysic'e. э-: -э: ,l;сп io do; по cinemas оr art
2 а river (2) 7 ап агt gallery (3) ga lleries.
З а church (1) 8 а beach (1) Nanql: 1 Р l:;э е. tne гпiddlе of California, the USA
4 а fuqtory (З) 9 а ca!|щdral (3) 2 lt's not . :е. э э: э: crime and not mапу jobs.
5 а р_а1! (1) J"0 а p4lace (2) Rolando:1 Ser lе. the south-west of Spain
2 li'S а я,еа: рlасе, lots of пiсе саfёs and restaurants, а
Direct students to the Vocabulary Builderfor mоrе greai сэ:геir,аi, а river апd lots of beautiful parks.
information about the words on page З. Yч Тsап:1 Sпепуапg, north-east of China
2 !i's СК, iэis of factories, people and traffic, but also lots
Step 2 Ask students What's the plural of church?= churches, of piaces to go shopping, and great old buildings.
and write it on the board.Tell them that when а word
ends with 'ch'we form the pIural Ьу adding'es'. Дsk Whot's Step 3 Ъll students to read the four texts again and
the plural of factory? =factories, Tell them that when а decide which is the best / worst place for them and why.
word ends in у', it changes to ап'i'. Ask them How do we Cive them time to рrераrе their ideas and them put them
поrmаllу make а plural iп English? = add ап's'.Tell students into pairs to compare. Conduct feedback in open class Ьу
to write the plural of the ten words. Monitor and соrrесt as asking if they agree, why / why not?

18 oUTcoMEs

GпдммдRthеrе is / there are 8roups they tell each other about the place they аrе from
Conduct brieffeedback in ореп class.
То present and practise when we use fhere is / there are. Direct students to the grammar reference on page 146 if
they still seem un5ure.
Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох, оr read
it out to them, and tell them that rve use there's with
singular nouns and there are rvi;b э urai nouns. Check sрвдкlпlс
understanding Ьу getting theT :э:е i_\,ou r,vhich nouns are
(саfёs, restaurants, buiidings , То provide fluency practice of using there is / there are.

Step 2 Ask students iо;l-ээs а:е:-= =,,^^: :s n the Step 1 Tell students to think about three places they know
explanation Ьох intothe,ror,,,: э,;,.;= э-: -]: се well, either in their оwп country or other countries. You
апу dlfГerences, In гrопоliпg,Jэ с з::= j :;. ;:-:=,:5 could give your оwп examples usingthere is / there are апd
to compare their translations. In rr- - , : ];;is the vocabulary from the unit. Give them time to рrераrе.
ask students to work iп parrs anO :е =э:- :: -:, ':;=
=,э Put them in pairs to tell each other about the places.
sentences Were еа5у to translate anO t.,.-=:-:, _-:_. .,.ere
able to translate them word for word, з -,= э,.- -э,:1е Step 2 Tell students to think about what's the best рlасе /
5аrпе or different in their Ianguage? worst рlасе to live iп their country, and why. Cive them some
time to рrераrе and then put them into groups of four оr
Alternatively lf you prefer not to use trагs :: :- five and tell them to discuss their ideas and say whether
students to notice the pattern = there is + s ,:_ they agree оr disagree with their partner's opinions. /Vlonitor
апd there are + plural nouns. and take notes on the соrrесt and incorrect language they
use fоr а соrrесtiоп slot at the end. conduct brieffeedback.
Step 3 Tell students to add there's or there ar? :. :, :
sentences in exercise В. Remind them to look а::-=
поuп and decide if it's singular or plural. Do the' ,s. :-:
as ап example.
Next class Make photocopies of
Step 4 the pronunciation Ьох and те, :-=^-
Read students 1А р. 144 and 1В р. 145.
we pronounce there's as /6eez/ апd there are as /6eara
Drillthe pronunciation as а class,Then playthe rесоrс;,;
to check their answers to В. Рlау the recording again ar:c VосдвчLАRy jobs
get students to repeat аftеr each sentence. Put students
in pairs and ask them to practise saying the sentences. AiJn
/Иопitоr and соrrесt their pronunciation. 1с :rеsэ:ii jobs and places wheTe people work.

Answers Step 1 -- j =,.:,: se апs as revision for students and letsyou

1 There's 5 there are ;:: .,. -:::-:_, i,э,,\/ already.Tell students to write aS mапу
2 There аrе 6 there's ,::;:;:-=_. :э, . опе miпutе.ДЛаkе itcompetitive bytiming
3 There аrе 7 There аrе : :-.:- :-: -'nutetell them to stop and ask how manythey
4 There's 8 There's, there are - э.
= ]=: _-е sTudent with the most
jobs to write their list
:, 1, = ::э,з. Check that the other students understand. Add
фL.4 э,_. :.-=,S :пеу have to the list on the board.
]_ There's а сiпеmа in the town.
2 lt's nice, Тhеrе are lots of trees апd parks. Step 2 е ' students to find what jobs реорlе in the class
3 Тhеrе аrе lots of hotels пеаr the station. ;:, ':,:,,,are not sure howto say it,tellthem to askyou,
4 lt's not very safe. There's а lot of сrimе. cl- .э< 1lheir d jctionaries.Then askHow doyou ask
5 lt's not а bad р|асе, but there are too many реорlе! sагг ?э.е about thetr job? = What do you do? and write
6 lt's а nice city, but there's а lot of trаffiс! il":s on ihe Ьоаrd, (What'syour job? is aIso possible).Then
7 There are some nice shops and restaurants near here, ge: а siudent to askyou as а model.Tell students to stand
8 lt's оК. There's а nice beach and there are а few саfёs. up and ask the question to as mапу students as possible.
Moniior and соrrесt as necessary. Then put them in pairs to
Step 5 Tell students to read the sentences iп exercise В and tell each other what jobs the other students do. Д,4оdеl first,
decide which sentences describe the place they аrе from. e,g. Luca is а doctor. Conduct brief feedback.
Tell them they сап change them from positive to negative
if necessary, e,g.There isn't а сiпеmа iп mу town.ln smaIl

Step 3 TeIl students to read thejobs and places the people фL.5
work. Check: shop assistant = Someone who works in а conversation 1
shop; nurse = someone who helps the doctor; civil servant = А: Hello.
sоmеопе who works in government administration;a В: Hi. lt's Jan, isn't it?
department store -_ а large shop divided into different А: Yes.
sections selling difГerent things (you couId give а local В: What do you do, Ja n ?
example).TeIl them to match the jobs to the places people А: l'm а doctor.
work, do the first опе as ап example. ln pairs they compare В: RealIy? Where do you work?
а nswer5 before checking in open class. А: ln а hospitaI in Warsaw.

Answers Conveтsation 2
1е 59 С: So, Lara, rvha: do you do?
2f бd D: l'm а teacher,.
3а 7с С: Oh, really? \'l hele do you work?
4ь 8h D: ln а seconcal,.,s:lccl in Bristol.
С: Do you en_lcv ':?
Step4 Tell studentsto look atthe places in 1-8 in exercise С D: Yes, it's grea:.
and decide which рlасе is bigger / more important in each С: What do уо-::::,]
case. Do the first one а5 ап example. lп pairs they compare D: French.
before checking in ореп class. Allow different options as it С: That's gоос, Sэ,-. ;э-:5эеак Frепсh!
will depend оп the student's орiпiоп.
conversation 3
Suggested answers Е: t\Aarta,wha::: _.э- :::'
3_ а department store is bigger F: l'm а civil se,,, э -:
2 а hospital is bigger Е: Whеrе do \,l._ ,,.:-.,'
З а local government office is bigger F: lп а local gc.:,--=-: :'-
4 а studio is more important Е: Oh, yes. VYh;:
5 а big hotel is bigger F: Rio Вrапсо -
6 а university is bigger Е: So do you е-_
7 the trafГic department is bigger t: Yes, it's С(,
8 а restaurant is bigger
conversation 4
Step 5 Ask students to read the conversation in exercise С: What сjэ,.:, :: : :=:|
Е and to prepare what they want to say Ьу changing Н: l'm а \,.jэ :a,
the job and the рlасе. Model the exercise with а strong С: Whеrе:э _.:- .,.:,,l ,-

student in ореп class. Then put them into pairs to have the Н: lп а сэ.: -:-: :.-:,: э':о\,чп - near the cathedral.
conversations. Conduct brieffeedback in open class. С: оК. Эс _,: - :-_:_. :]
Н: Not ,:э _, :,э-:. э ] +erent Job.
&, \a 1А see Теасhеr's notes р. 136. С: Or? ,', -э: :: _.:- .,.эri io do?
Н: i сс-': i-:.,. - -;yэе become а policeman.

Step 2 -: .:-:=-:;:э r,ead the audioscript on page 170
Aim э J- э; :, - ,-.:,. -я again, Then in pairs they choose one
То develop listening skills for specific information. :]-.:,sэ: э,s and practise it in pair5. /\4onitor and
a,:,:, --c.ation.
Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to hear four people
talking about theirjobs and the places they work.Tell them
to listen and circle the correct words. cive them time to LДГtСUАGЕ PATTERNS
read the sentences and then рlау the recording. In pairs
they compare before checking in open class. lf necessary, Aim
play the recording again before checking. То fuаw students'attention to some соmmоп patterns
using want to... .

1 doctor, hospital 3 civil servant, office, оК Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentences in the
2 teacher, school, enjoys 4 waiter, саfё, policeman ьох and notice the similarities. Ask them to translate
each sentence into their own language and notice
апу differences, lп monolingual classes ask students
to compare their translations. ln multilingual classes

20 oUTcoMES
ask students to work in pair5 and tell each other if the Gпдммдк
sentences were еа5у to translate and whether they wеrе
Present simple questions and answers
аьlе to translate them word for word.
Step 2 Ask students to cover the English transIations То pTactise present simple questions апd answeTs.
and translate the sentences back into English using their
translations.Then ask them to соmраrе their transiations Step 1 Tell students to rеаd the explanation Ьох and check
in pairs again5t the book. understanding,When do we use the auxiliary verb do?
(Ъ make quesiions and negatives.) What's the difference
Alternatively lf you рrеfеr not to use translation, ask Ьеiчл,ееп ic спсi does? (We use does in the third person
students to notice the pattern -- wont + fuil infinitive, s!nguial, = he. she,;t апо do with all others.)
Check understanding Ьу getting them to tellyou which
verbs come want in each sentence (to do,to go, Step 2 Tell s,iudenis :о ссrэ:е:е :he sentences in А with
to become,to study,to Ье), do,does,don't оr doesn't ind,r,,ldualiv ln pairs they соmраrе
anSwer5 before checking in ооег ciass.

Rвдрllчс Answers
1do 4do 7do
Aim 2 does, don't 5Do 8 Do, don't
То provide fluency practice in talking about jobs. З does, doesn't 6 don't

Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to read three texts in Direct students to the grаmmаr reference оп page 147 if
which реорlе talk about their jobs. Ask them to read the text they stilI seem unsure.
and answer the questions in А. Check answers in open class.
Step 3 Ask students to put the words into the correct order
Answers to make questions. Do the first one as an example. ln pairs
1 а designer they соmраrе answers before checking iп ореп class.
2 а journalist
З ап engineer Answers
1 What time do you get up?
Step 2 Tell students to read the texts again and decide 2 How doyou travel here?
which is the best job and why. Cive them time to prepare 3 When do you go to bed?
their ideas then put them iп pairs оr small groups to tell 4 Where doyou live?
each оthеr their opinions, Conduct brieffeedback. 5 Who do you live with?
6 What do you do in уоur frее time?
Step 3 Ask students to lcok at the rvcrds ;n bolc and 7 Horv mапу ianguages do you speak?
translate them into their оwп langrlage. See ':lere ere
а ny they са n't tra nslate. Step4 ::< SiJ.enlS to individually match the anSWerS
, :х:,:.. С:с the question in В. ln pairs they соmраrе
Alternatively lf you рrеfеr not to use transla;;ol:e э,>.,.:,j эе,оrе checking in open cIass.
students to look althe VосаЬulаrу Builder рр. З-4 С,е:<:
get up = when you get out of bed in the mоrпiпg; boring = Answers
the opposite of i nteresti ng i а пg ry = strопg feel ing tolva rds ig 2е 3d 4Ь 5с ба 7f
someone that makes you want to shout at them; klds =
informal word for children.

Step 4Ask students to complete the sentences individually

0а 1В see Teacher's notes р. 136.

in exercise С with the words in bold. lп pairs they соmраrе

answers before checking in open class. sрвдкlrчс
Answers Aim
1 start 4 manager 7 kids То pTovide pTactice in asking questions in the present.
2 angry 5 boring 8do
3 because 6 get up 9 interesting Step 1 Ask students to choose five questions from
pages 20-21 to ask another student, and to write опе
Step 5 Ask students to choose one ofthe three people more question of their own. ДЛопitоr and help with their
in the texts and, in pairs, to have conversations using the questions.Then put them in pairs to ask each other their
questions in exercise D. t\Лоdеl Ьу getting а student to ask questions.Tell them to try and memorise their questions,
you in ореп class. ДЛопitоr and correct pronunciation. not just read them, /йопitоr and take notes оп their use of
language for а correction slot at the end.

tRЕЕ тlдлЕ

Next class Make photocopies о{ pairs to соп]Dэ,; э-s.,.:,;' -ecessary, playthe recording
э 2А р, 146. again Ьеfоrе c-ii.. - i : - j .,.:.s ln ореп class.

VосдвuLАRY Frее time activities
Wоmап Man
Aim sport -.=> doesn't like
То present апd practice talking about free time activities. walking doesn't like
computer gаr:: ::€ý,: <е loves
Step 1 Lead in Ьу asking students to look at the photos сlпеmа loves
and tellyou what the people аrе doing (chatting оп the
lnternet, dancing, playing basketball).
Step 2 Tell students to read the чосаЬulаrу Ьох and А: Do you like сэ -; s::.;?
check understanding of going outfor diппеr = eatin8 in а В: No. l'm че1 ээ: а: 5:э,i. What about you?
restaurant. Put students in pairs.Tell Student А to act or А: g,еэ:. эlе рiауiп8 tennis
Yeah, it'S and
draw an activity from the Ьох and Student В to guess the . ]: i:- ;<е lTaIking?
word / phrase. /Иodel the activity in open class first. /Иопitоr В: No - ii'5 :э, -i. ltt,э: about you?
and help with рrопuпсiаtiоп problems.When students have А: lt's ОК. ,(е g: -t:э :he park.
finished, ask them to change rоlеs and repeat. В: Do yoi: а! rg сэmрutеr games?
А: No, псi ,еэ _t- ,'l
,э; about you?
Step 3 Tell students to write а different activity from В: l love l:. :'-< ,еа i gocd fuп. Doyou like going to
exercise А for each of the statements in exercise С. Monitor the с:,е-э?
and help with any language problems. Put students in д: Yes. ,i'5 яrеа:.
difГerent pairs to tell each other their ideas, and see if they В: l lсче lt:сэ. Do you want to see Love Тrаiп?
agree. Conduct brieffeedback оп what they agreed оr А: ItJo_ i Jc.': ]iKe'Iove films'. l like horror films.
disagreed with. В: Oh_

Llsтвtчllчс StepЗ Ъ s:-]:-:s to read the audioscript on page 171,

егэ э,:-:,::э:;iп8 again.Then put students in pairs to
Aim ,.а- j: -э. -Е:lе conversation.
То develop listening fоr specific information.

Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to listen to а young Nдтlчв 5рЕАкЕR ЕtчсllsH
mап and woman talking about what they like and don't
l//hot about you?
like. Cet them to look at the pictures and, quickly in
pairs, decide what they think they like / don't like. lt's not As< siзсjепts to read the Ьох and check that they
necessary to do feedback at this stage. ;noersiand Ьу asking What's апоthеr way of rеturпiпg а
question sоmеопе asks? (What about you?) Ask them if
Step 2 Tell students to listen and complete the table with ihey have а similar expression in their language.
doesn't like,OK or loves, Play the recording. Put students iп

22 oUTcoMEs
Write the structure оп the board and model the activity
sрвдкllчс with а strong student first.

Aim Flлra 2В see Теасhеr's notes р. 136.

То provide controlled practice of talking about free time
DBvB lopl NG соNчЕ RsATIoN5
Step 1 Ask students to look at the dialogue in the Natiye
Аrrа ngements
Speaker English Ьох and telI them to ask each other
questions about free time activitiesfrom Vocabulary,or use Aim
their own ideas. Write the responses оп the board = То introduce and practise making arrangements.
'-7l-----\ ----ъ\
l love it; lt's ОК; Not really апd What аЬоut Yau? Step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох and check
Drillthe intonation. understanding:Whot tense сап we use to make simple
arrangements? (The present simple.) What examples are
Step 2 /Иodel the activity in ореп class Ьу getting а strong there iп the dialogue? (Do you wапt to ,., ? Where do you
student to ask you and use the responses. Monitor and want to meet? ls tеп ОК?)
correct апу language problems. Conduct brief feedback Ьу
asking students to tell you what their раrtпеr thinks about Step 2 Tell students to match each question iп the Ьох
the different free time activities. in А to а раir of answers in 1-5. Do the first one as an
ехаmрlе. fu\onitor and heIp with the target language, lп
pairs ask students to соmраrе answer5 before checking in
GкдммдR VеrЬ forms ореп class.

Aim Answers
То pTesent and practise чеrЬ forms. 1 What time do you want to meet?
2 what time does the film finish?
Step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох and check 3 Do you want to see Nlonsters б on Sunday?
understanding What verbJorm соmе5 aJter like? = vеrЬ + 4 Do you like going to the cinema?
-ing; What verbJorm comes феr wопt? = infinitive. Cet 5 Where?
them to look at exercise А and write full sentences from the
notes. /Иопitоr and help with any problems. Cet students to Step 3 Put students in pairs and teIl them to write three
соmраrе answers in pairs before checking in ореп class. different short conversations using the questions and
an5wers in exercise д. The1, са:. use ac;ivities from the
Answers VocabuIary Ьох эг ээЕе 22:с "еlD- Cei them to ask you
1 l like meeting new pecpie. as а mcde , -ьэ- ff1-: ,,,. :^ э s:rclg student in open
2 Му daughter wanis to get а :е,;., ,hone. с]эss, -,:^ :-: -_.,.: :э ,s :.cqeiner to say their dialogues
З ДЛу sister loves playing tennis. .] :::- :.-=, '.':- :э, а.6 neip with language
4 l don't like shopping. :,:. :-. ]:-;-:: эl ei:eedback on where they're
5 Do уоu like dancing? : :-- -:::::
6 Do you want to go out this weekend?

Step 2 Tell students to write two different sen;elces LlsTHNlNG 2

about their free time for each ofthe sentence siапе.s ,,
exercise В. Put two examples of your own оп the board, Aiтn
e.g. l love dапсiпg, l dоп't really like swimmiпg. То practise listening for specific information.

Step 3 Put students in pairs to tell each other their Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to hear two
sentences. Ask them to find two things that аrе the ccnr,,ersations where реорlе а re ma ki ng а rrа ngements. Tel l

same, IИonitor and correct any problems with verb forms. tne,.n to listen and choose the correct words in the notes.
conduct brief feedback оп what was the same, Direct Piay the recording and get them to соmраrе answers in
students to the grammar rеfеrепсе оп раgе 148 if they still pairs before checking iп open class. if necessary, рlау the
seem unsure. recording again.

Optional activity Fоr extra practice,you could get them to Answers

extend the dialogue e,g. Saturday = 1 match 2 Сrееп street station З four
Do you like ...? Sunday = 4ltalian 5 one б cathedraI
Yes / No.What about you?
Yes, l love ... / No, l don't love ..,

02 tRЕЕ,l]длЕ 23

conversation 1
А: Do уоu Iike watching football?
paily life
l В, Yeah. lt's оК. VосдвчlдRу
i А, Do you want to watch the match оп Saturday?
i В, Where? Aim
А; ln а саfё in town. lt's оп TV. То present апd practise expressions about daily life,
в: ок. what time does the match start?
А: Five. step 1 Ask students to saythree things they do in their
В: 5о what time do you want to meet? daily lives, e.g. have 'эrеаkfаst, go to work, have а coffee,
А: ls four ОК? We want to get а seat. Tell them to look аt the эсiчitiеs in the Ьох and write

В; ОК. Where do you want to meet? the activity nexi tc-ihe iе:теrs a-h. lп pairs they compare
А: Outside the Сrееп Street train station. anSwers Ьеfоrе chec<',: г эреп cIass.
В: That sounds good. So four o'clock outside Grееп
street station. Answers
а go out for dinner е sleep
А: Yes. a finish school
Ь go to а сопсегt
с watch the news сс homework
conversation 2
d have а shower gei up / go to bed
С: Do you like ltaIian food?
D: Yeah, l love it.
Step 2 Write three :: ; - :,е эээrd: iп the mоrпiпg,
С: Do you want to go fоr lunch оп 5unday? There's а
iп the afternoon, а: г : : ,,. -=, эecple поrmаllу do
really nice ltalian restaurant пеаr here.
D: Yeah.That sounds good.What time do you want the activities in ihe э э,: ,,,,:a inem in the correct

to meet? column оп the Ьсэ,;

С: ls опе оК?
D: Yes. Where?
С: outside the cathedral
D: ок.

Step 2 Ask students which they think is better - luпсh with

Tina оr the match with Jack? Why? Model Ьу giving your Step 3 Ask stuce^:; :: -: , ]_э _, -]< эi ihe other
own еха mple , e,g. l think it's better to go with Тiпа, Ьесаusе activities iп ехе,: s: ] :-:: =-.-:-: ac:ivities in the correct
llove ltaliaпfood апd ldon't likefootball.Put Students columns.Tell :-:- :-:: :-:': -э. э: oiher possibilities,
but to think с' ,,. -:- :..: - э'-'э 7 со them, Monitor
in pairs to discuss. IИопitоr and help with апу language
problems. Conduct brief feedback. and help oU: ,,. :- э, _. :,.: --S ' pairs students compare
answers Ье':,: :-=:. -; - ::-- : эSS.

Соrцчв KsATl о N pRAcTlcE 5uggested ап5slЕr5

iп the rrсrп .Э = -э,е а snclver, have а coffee, have
Aim brea kfas;
То provide conversation practice of the language iп the ofte,":,.^- = зе: nome from work, do homework,
leave ъ,,,с,< ,а.е -гсп.fiпish school

pTactised in the unit so far.

at пigЬ1 = gэ .-:'эr diппеr, go out dancing, go to а
step 1 Tell students they are going to have similar сопсеr- s -э gэ to bed, drink whisky
conversations to the ones |п Developing conversations апd
Listening 2, Tell students to individually write notes about Step 4 n j:-:e-:s :о look at the words for two minutes
two things they want to do at the weekend (on Friday е..С.-;:: -:_э' sе ihem.Then to ciose their books and
night, Saturday оr Sunday) and to decide where they want ээ '::-:.. -е each other how mапу they rеmеmЬеr,
to meet and what time. Cive them time to рrераrе their Сэ,:-- э, e"eedback on who remembered the most, and
anSWerS, /\Лопitоr and help with target language,
1,,,-а: .,,i,a:.ey.

Step 2 when students аrе ready, put them in pairs and tell пр \э; can u5e the activity as а dictation, опе student
them to make arrangements for the weekend. Monitor and :e, s::e cther what they rеmеmьеr and the other has
correct their use of language. conduct brieffeedback on rc,.vr,:e ihem down. At the end see which pair has the
what they аrrапgеd to do with their partner. rnost aciivities.

Tip With а weaker class get them to look at the audioscript

оп раgе t7lfor useful phrases to use.

24 oUTcoMEs

GКДММДR Adverbs of frequency Rвдоllчс
Aim Aim
То pTesent and pTactise adverbs of frequency. То develop reading skills fоr general and detailed
Step 1 Read the explanation Ьох to students and check
u n d ersta nd in g: Which words tell us how Jrequently the Step 1 Ask students briefly to tell you how they spend
person does the activity? (always, usually), Whot is the their free time, and what do they do.
position iп the sепtепсе? (after the subject = /, and before
the verb). Note Don't wоrrу if students say things which are
grammaticaIly iпсоrrесt,уоu just want to see if they can
Step 2 Cet students to look at the line in exercise А and rеmеmЬеr the чосаЬuiаrу frоm the previous exercise.
check understanding: What percentage is each word, more
or less? (usually = 807о, occasionally = 25%, hardly ever = Step 2 Теll Students to individually read the three texts and
5%). Tell them to individually complete the line with the answer the questions in А. lп pairs they compare their
adverbs in the Ьох. ln pairs they compare answers before answers before checking in open class.There аrе по
checking in open class. соrrесt answers, it all depends оп their lifestyles and opinion5.

Answers Step З Tell students to read the three texts again and
100% always decide which person does each activity in exercise В. lп pairs
80% usually they соmраrе answers before giving feedback in open class.
75% often
50% sometimes Answers
25% occasionally 1 Birgit, Svetlana 3 Birgit 5 Svetlana 7 Svetlana
5% hardly ever 2 Frankie 4 Frankie 6 Birgit 8 Frапkiе
0% пеvеr
Step 4 Put studenis in pairs to complete the sentences
Step 3 Ask students to try and translate all the adverbs with the prepos,tions in bold in the article. Check answers
into their own language. Iп а monolingual class, ask in ореп class.
students to соmраrе their translations in pairs. ln а
multilingual class get them in pairs / threes to tell each Answers
other if the adverbs \,vere easv to iranslate. 1in 2tc Зfоr 4оп 5at бfоr 7at 8During

Alternatively lf you рrеfеr not to use:lans]ation, asK

students to notice the pattern in ine selte"ce; = s-bieст - LДГЧС UAGE PATTERNS
аdчеrЬ + verb.
Step 4 Tell students to tick ( V ) the sentences i-э: э,= --, ,- То dTarv students'attention to some common patterns
for them in exercise В and to change the аdчеr,эs - i-е using time expressions.
other sentences to make them true for them. Do the:;rs:
one as an example. /Иопitоr and heIp with word order. Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentences in the
:эi. э,с notice the similarities. Ask them to translate
Step 5 Put students iп small grоuрs and tell them to take
=э:, sentence into their own language and notice
turns saying their sentences. Ask them to decide who is э-, з'--еrепсеs. ln monolingual classes, ask students
most similar to them. ДЛопitоr and соrrесt any problems 'э сс.праrе their translations. lп multilingual clas5e5,
with language. Conduct brief feedback оп who is most ask siudents to work in pair5 and tell each other if the
similar in each group. seniences were easy to translate and whether they were
эьiе to translate them word for word.
Step б Tell students to write four true sentence5 using the
phrases in the Ьох in exercise D and an adverb. M\onitor Step 2 Ask students to cover the English translations
and help out with word оrdеr. Put them in pairs to tell each and translate the sentences back into English using their
other. Conduct brieffeedback in open class. translations.Then ask them to соmраrе their translations
in pairs against the book.
Direct students to the 8rаmmаr reference on page 148 if
they stiIl seem unsure. Alternatively lf уоu рrеfеr not to use translation, ask
students to notice the pattern = опсе / twice / Jour times
а + period of time.

02 tRЕЕ T]I\лE 25

SрьдкIltlс Т = teacher; 51 = student 1; 52 = 2;

53 = student 3; 54 = student 4
Aim Т: ОК. Stop therel Now соmраrе your answers with а

то pTovide fluency practice of asking about free time, раrtпеr.

S1: Sоrrу. Сап l go to the toilet?
Step 1 TeIl students to read the questions. Cive them time т: There's опlу five mоrе minutes till the end of class,
to prepare what they wa nt to say. Then put them into sma ll 51: l need to go now.
grоuрs of three оr four to discuss the questions. /rлonitor Т: Oh, оК.
and help with any language problems. Ask them to decide S1: Thanks.
who is the busiest person in the grоuр. conduct brief Т: оК. Let's check the answers. Number опе - match
feedback in ореп class.
the words and pictures?
S2 Teacher.
т Yes. And two?
53 Student.
т Yes. Three?

Next class Make photocopies of S2 Teacher.

2В р.147. т That's right. What сэеs :чrп off mеап?
s4 'CIose'.
Sз Sоrrу, l don't uпСеrs:э-;-
Т: Close, stop а mac.'-e, ]э _vcu have а dictionary?
Sрвдкlшс 1
SЗ: No, but Рере has э-е-
52: Неrе.
So it's apagar ]г S:э- .,-
То provide fluency practice in asking what people like,

53: ок.
j:- <,
step 1 Tell students to read the questions and to look at
Т: оК, we need tэ -:,э э,е:ье other answers:
fou 1 teacher: f'. е. э э-_-, s х- :еасг еr; seven, both
the conversations in the speech bubbles. cive them time

eight, both: .'-.. :.3:':'- ::-. ээii.

to рrераrе what they think. Iйonitor and help with апу
52: Ten is both?
language problems.Then put them into pairs to discuss
the questions. Conduct brieffeedback in ореп class Ьу

asking them what they have in соmmоп.

SЗ: Sorry, horv с. ;:- ;э_. :- S ;. э,;? AN SWEAR'?
Т: No. Ansrve,.

S3: Answer. Т, э, <;

Optional activity Cet students to have а class survey,They
оК. Sofo, -:-:,',:'( :: .xe,.'Se i, page 11 in your
interview а5 mапу people as they сап and write а 5ummary

WоrkЬсэ<s :-_. : _=.: :-s]

of what the class likes about lеаrпiпg English, j, S".
S1: Oh,we

Llsтвlчlгчс Step 2 Tel, ;:-]--.: .: :.-- э:Э'1 and decide which

ofthe sег-=-:=; --_- - =,:': se Athey hear, Playthe
Aim rесоrdiпя. - :э -a ::-::,:; :]тэаrе answers before
то practise listening for specific information,
checkinя - :::- ::;:

Step 1 Ъll students to look at the sentences in ехеrсisе А

and decide who would usually say them - а teacher, а Sentences -. 1. : 5. 7, 8, 9, 70

student оr both. ln pairs they соmраrе their answers, Tell

students they аrе going to listen to а teacher checking the
an5wer5 to exercise А with her class. Play the recording to
VОсАвUtдпy Things iп the classroom
check their answers.
То present and practise common classroom vocabulaTy,
6 teacher Step 1 Qeac lhe explanation Ьох. Check understanding: Ноw
1 teacher
Z student 7 both J Э J э5k ior something iп English? (Do you have, ",,?), How
'Э оr No don't) sorry),
3 teacher 8 both ,с ) cJ respond? (Yes. Here (you are), (/

4 teacher 9 teacher
10 both Step Ask students to say three things in the classroom, e,g,
5 both
the board, а window, а pen.Tellthem to look at the words
in the Ьох and write the object next to the numbers 1-12,
lп pairs they compare апSWеrs before checking in open class,

26 oUTcoMEs

]. а rulеr 7 а tissue GкдммдR а(п), апу
2 а ruЬЬеr 8 ареп
3 рареr 9 seat Aim
4 а pencil 10 board То pTesent and practise use of a(n/ апd апу,
5 scissors 11 window
6 а dictionary 12 blind Step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох. Check understanding
Which word goes with singular поuпs? (а),Whеп do we use
Step 3 Tell students to look at the words for two minutes ол'? (r,vnen the word begins with а vowel: а, е, i, о, u),What
and try to memorise them.Then put them in pairs to teIl word do we use with plural почпs? (any),What word do we
each which of the words from the Iist are in the classroom use with some singular uпсоuпtаЬlе mоuпs? (any), /s 'do you
now. conduct feedback on who rеmеmьеrеd the most, and have'the 5аmе as'hay,e yau got'? (yes).
what were they.
Step 2 Tell students to incjivid,.laliy complete the questions
Step 4 ln the same pairs get them to паmе, in English, in exercise А with а оr апу. Monitor and help with any
as many things as they can that аrе in the classroom поw problems. lп pairs they соmраrе anslve|,s пеfоrе checking
Do this as а race and give them two minutes to do it. in open class.
lп ореп class ask who has the most objects and what
they аrе. Answers
1а З any 5 any 7 апу
88 2В see Teacher's notes р.136. 2 апу ба 8 апу

Step 3 Tell students they are goingto ask each other the
Рпош U NclATloN questions and to give true answers. Cet them to read the
speech bubbles for how to answer. Write these оп the
Syllables and word stress
board = Yes. Here. / No, Sorry. /V\odel the activity with а
Aim strong student lп pairs they ask each other the questions.
То present and practise syllables and word stress. Monitor and correct as necessary.

Step 1 Read the explanation Ьох to students and check Step 4 Се: students to read the explanation Ьох and check
understanding: How mапу syllables are there iп'diсtiопаry'? uncjersiariing:When you ап;wеr а question what сап
(three), Which syllable has the mаiп stress? (the first), yau 12, осэ stngular поuпs with? (опе) And with plural or
What happens to the'a'in the third syllable'ary'? (it's пат J п сс J r :э D!e поuпs? (some).
pronou nced). Wrile dictionary an thc эээ r,d а.с ge: sluien.s
to tellyou how large the bubbies are = а,- -_ С: с. = ? ir, = ^ Step 5 Ъiistudents to ask а difГerent реrsоп in the
::;::,е questions in exercise А and to rерlу using tVo,
Step 2 Теll students they аrе going to hеаr:ге э,.^ -^: э: э, j;]- .э,тlе of someone in the class) has + опе / some.
of the words in exercise А and to mark the worc5 ,.., i: :,= ','э;:l 'п open class with а strong student first. /Иопitоr
number of syllables and the mаiп stress, as iп the ехатэ:е z^ э ,е р with problems iп the target language. Direct
оп the board. Рlау the recording. 5tudents compare ans\ve.s s:-r:nis to the grammar reference on раgе 149 if they
iп pairs before listening again. Check answers in open class. s: ;eem UnSUre-

ф 2.4 and Answers

1 scissors SрвдкlNG 2
_.о о.
2 nomeworK
3 tissue
4 mobile
То practise asking questions using Do you have .,. ?

a a aa
5 pronunciation Step 1 Ask students to write five questions to ask
Ь soclal other students in the class. Monitor and help with their
7 cathedral questions. Model the exercise Ьу getting а student to ask
оa о
8 interestinя
you their questions in open class.
_ о.о -
9 ma паgеr
Step 2 Then tel] them to stand up and ask as many
10 st8nge students as they сап in five minutes and see if they can
find реорlе to answeryes to all their questions, Monitor
and take notes оп the correct and incorrect language for а
соrrесtiоп slot to finish.

02 FRЕЕ TlME 27


,; :-'==, эlсj askthem to

СошчвкsАтlоN pRAcTlcE Step 1 Put studenis ,,:: ::
take turns to act оr с,э:, -"- ;,:,:. э-,аsе in the Ьох,
Overview chosen at rапdоm.iпе,. ;-:_ : -:: ;::a(,,vhile they аrе
acting оr drawing. -l: :z-:--., : :, : ,- i guess the word /
This activity gives students practice in real, everyday
phrase. Then they st,. а:
conveTsations. In this activity students decide for
themselves which опе of two conversations they want
to Tepeat.
Ou lz
то give flчепсу practice and Tevision in the different Overview
topics practised so faT. This game is best playec = :€а::5 of three or fоur in
оrdет to promote sраkлз- I:'s а good idea to give
Step 1 put students in pairs and telI them to decide students а realistic fi.яrе -:_r,::- lhe рrеssчrе also
together which опе of the two Conversation practice increases energy lечеЪ а:с г_аkеs йе game more
activities they want to do.Then they look back at the exciting. You сочld a.lsc :сг-i::- iiib as а race between
relevant part of the book and take а few minutes to read two teams.
and memorise the dialogue. When they аrе ready they
practise their dialogue, and then change roles. Monitor and Aim
соrrесt апу language problems, Do а brief correction slot at То revise апd ргазС-.е =с:е тосаъчlаrу from the units,
the end.
Step 1 Р-: S._:--:a -:: .-,::;'э-,5 and ask them to
а nswe!, э= -.- _, : - a_- : -. з;
::ssiЭle. You could do this
-- ,;::--:е jcur to finish with the
АСТ ОП DRAW aS а rасе;: .-;: :-:
соrrеС Э-;J.=-; :'=:-: .'. --e'S-
Alternativtý,: _ ::- ; ;э This activity as a'pub quiz' with
This is an enormously populaT gаmе amongst people
the world over because it is so much fчп. The gap \'.-'=Э.-, -э:---z.-:-еsriоп and groups of three orfour
between the actor / artist's perfoTmance and the S:- j:-.: ;::':: _. ;.,:е down the answers.Then in ореп
'guesser's' ideas leads to а lot of laughteT and а lot of . ээ:.э:- ;,:_: ;,,,эrs their answers with another group,
'.:-,.=,- . _.-. answers and they mark each other'S
language use as well. =
э-;.,,.,; ]-::.l ,.,.
:h the whole group at the end.The

Aim .,. --:, : :-= <'CUp with the most соrrесt anSWerS.
То revise and practise vocabulary in а fun way.

28 oUTcoMEs
Answers Aim
]- You eat breakfast iп the mornlng, lчпсh in the То rечisе and practise sounds in English and draw
middle of the day and dinner at night, students'attention to how а dictionary shows
2 Yes (kids is less formal than children). pronunciation.
3 You sleep in bed.
4 You can watch ТV апу kind of sport, people in the Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох, or read it
street / park, etc. out to them. Then tell them to look at the words, and listen
5 You can have а coffee at home, at work, in а саfё, etc. and repeat the words апd consonant sounds.
6 People teach at school, university оr college.
7 The job in а local government оr tax office is civil Е R1.1
serva nt. south /0/
8 You сап drink tea, coffee, Ьееr, water, wine, etc. free /f /
9 The opposite of expensive is cheap. реп /р/
10 No. lf there is а Iot of crime, а city is not safe. ta ke /t/
11 А city is bigger than а town. chat /|!/
12 Things you can read аrе, а book, а пеw5рареr, а sit /s/
magazine, а rероrt. she /! /
13 The opposite of south is north, апd the opposite of саr /k/
west is eost. the /Ь/
14 People keep fit Ьу doing exercise. live /ч/
15 А nurse works iп а hospital or а сliпiс. big /Ь/
bed /d/
job /ф/
Fдsт wRlTER trees /z/
Дsiа /з/
Overview go /g/
These activities help students тесоrd rесепtlу taught he /h/
glammar and vocabulary. This сап help students' mап /m/
memory and give them а sense of achievement. пiсе /n/
Getting students to write quickly helps them not like /l/
only Temember words, but also to think about correct 1опg /11/
spelling. read /r/
walk /w/
Aim уе5 /i/
То revise and practise wTiting sоmе сопuпоп
vocabulaTy and grammaT from Units 1 and 2.

Step 1 Put students in to grоuрs ofthree or fc;: э,; :: ,,.:,э .,.::-;:-э-: sэ.,5s again and circle the words and
them to write each of the things in 1-5,You coulc сэ :, : ;: -- - j :-:_. :- -. :;еу nave in their language. IИonitor and
as а rасе so that the first group to finish is the winner. : .,. --, :,:,,fc ailon,Then tellthem to saythe sounds
Conduct brieffeedback in ореп cIass.
, . .,.: again and decide if they use their tongue, lips
:: :':,::, mouth to make the sound. /\4onitor and help
::э: llg rvhere the sound comes from.
PKoпluNcIATloN Sounds in English
Step 3 Cei students toread the explanation Ьох in
Overview :.{:,: out to them. Then tell them to listen
Se С, or read it
These activities encourage students to Ье Teflective э-э ,еэеаt the words and sounds.
about sound and to develop their'inneT ear'. The main
aim is not to make the students sound like native Note Food is not in the first two units,
speakers, but to develop theiT ability to understand
spoken English, as well as to improve theiT оwп
intelligibility when speaking to other non-native and
native English speakers.

o] REVlEvV 29

, фR1.2 Llsтвшlшс
eat /i:/
fit /т/
good /u/
то give practice in iistening for gist and detail,
food /ull
bed /е/
Exercise А Answers
riчеr /а/
а conversation 4
work /зll
ь conversation 2
sport /эll
/al с-
d conversation 2
fчп / л/
art la,,l
f conversation -i
boss lo/
great /er/
write /arl
here /ra/
where /еа/
conversation 1
town /au/
А: So, what dc чэ- э: -."
Ьоу /эr/
В: l'm а busines; -э-э;--,
go /эu/
А: Oh rеаllу? \\,:,= :: _,: -
pure /ua/
В: Fоr а compe,,. - :,э, :a .',- -а<е and sell pens
А: ОК. Do yoi.j е,_._. :'
Put StUdents in pairs and ask them to try and
Step 4
play the recording and get students B:Yes, it's gocc.
the words iп exercise Е.
to check in the audioscript on page 171_,
conversation 2
C:Where is;i?
19 Rl.3 and Answers j", ::erland and Мilап,
D: ln the поr:, -:=:^'.-:-
С: ls it а nice э :::-
2 shop
D: |t's оК. lt's .=l ,-,
--:,: эl,е only а few shops
3 meet
and опе э,:.,,: ::,_: --: :э;пtrуsidе is nice, lt's
4 wife
rеа lly Ьеэ _: '_
5 board
С: оК. Апс с] _.: - ^,. :,, --:,еl
б luпсh - '.' :-
D: No. l tц,с..,.
7 news
8 breakfast
conversation 3
9 mother ;-eslion
E:What s :-: э-;.,,:- --: 6?
10 busy
t:'То gc'
11 relax
- -..= : --:эе:? This is wrong,
Е: Oh. Dc
12 stations ;е'a
F: Yes,
Note Lisfenlng and the rest of the review unit could
are given
used as а рrоgrеSs test.The suggested scores
these exercises could Ье ConveTsation 1l
below each exercise, Alternatively, - t. ;__ _ l-_- -
then checked in pairs, or you U:\\
done in pairs or individually '-:

put students in teams and conduct them as а quiz Н, L:.g - ,

direct them С: !: - :э:
/ competition. If students need help, you сап ц_ _,
the grammar reference or the
to the relevant pages of -_.: -
г_\| -=.э
U.t. _ '.:п, Ling?
Vocabulary Butlder.
-. - -- --_-:

эig city iп the north.

]0 oUTcoMEs

Gкдммдп AolBcTlvBs
Exercise А Answers Answers
l15 1 lt's ап interesting job. ]

2 togo 2 | have а quiet social life.

3 апу, some 3 Не has а small саr.
4 do, аm 4 lt's а cheap restaurant.
5 pIaying, it's 5 |t's the best place to live in the UK
6 аrе 6 lt's in west Paris.
7 at,don't 7 lt's а short film.
8 very often 8 l have an old mobile рhопе.

Exercise В Answers
1 l need to do some shopping. СоllосдтIоN5
2 l hardly ever play computer gаmеS.
З Sоrrу, l don't understand. What does'journalist'mean? Answers
4 Do you have а pencil and paper? 1 watch
5 There's а beautiful palace пеаr the riчеr. It's great. 2 live
6 5he speaks English very well, but she's not from the UK 3 play
Direct students to the grаmmаr reference on Dэgе _j7 ]т 5 get
they find this difГicult. 6 help
7 check
8 open
Exercise А Answers
1 work
2 finish
? oct
5 spend
6 keep
7 have

0l REVlEW з1

Make photocopiesof Step 2 Tell students to match the things that people do
жllн 8 8 to the places in exercise А. Do the first опе as ап example.
/Иonitor and help with апу language problems. lп pairs
they соmраrе answer5 before checking in open class.
Aim 1 а bookshop 5 а shoe shop
То provide controlled practice of talking about local 2 а chemist's 6 а restaurant
facilities. 3 а саfё 7 а post office
4 а clothes shop 8 а bank
Step 1 Ask students to look at the two sentences and use
them to check understanding: Whеп do we use'there's'? Step 3 Put students into groups ofthree or four and tell
(With singular nouns.) Whеп do we use'there are'? (With them to discuss the questions in С. Cive уоur own example
pIural nouns.) What's апоthеr word for'places'? (facilities). first, e.g. l go to the Ьапk опсе а week to get some mопеу.
ln open class ask thеm What facilities are пеаr the school? Remind them of the time phrases they learnt iп
Tell them to individually think about the areas they live / Unit 2 = опсе / twice а week, etc. /йonitor their use of
work / study in. What shops, restaurants and other facilities target language. Conduct brieffeedback in open class.
аrе there in each аrеа? ДЛопitоr and help with апу language
problems. lп pairs they tell each other and decide which
area is the best. conduct brieffeedback on the best аrеа. GПДММДR Prepositions of place
Optional activity With а weaker class you may want to Aim
fu rther revise there is / there are f rоm U n it ]_. Model with То present and practise pTepositions of place.
examples from your аrеа, е.g. There's а park пеаr mу house,
there are lots of саfёs.Ihеп ask students to teIl the rest of Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох, оr
the class about their аrеа. read it out to them. Check understanding Ьу miming /
demonstrating prepositions of place. Check department
store = а large shop divided into different sections for
Vосдвч LARv Local faci l ities different types of things. Cet them to look at the map
оп раgе З1 and mark the places described in exercise А.
Aim /Иопitоr and help with any problems. Cet students to
То pTesent and pTactise talking аЬочt local facilities. соmраrе answers in pairs before checking iп ореп class.

Step 1 Ask students to look at words in the Ьох and check Optional activity Put а photocopy of the map - оr draw
understandingof chemist's = а pharmacy, where you сап one - on the board and get students to tell you where the
buy medicine,Tell them to look at the photos and ask them places are.
to decide which of the places in the Ьох they сап see in the
pictu res. Answers
1с За 5f 7Ь
Suggested answers 2е 49 бd 8h
]- а саfё 4 а bank
2 а chemist's 5 а restaurant Direct students to the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе оп page 150 if
3 а post оffiсе 6 а shoe shop they still seem unsure.

32 oUTcoMEs
Step 2 Write the question and answer from exercise В оп F: Yеs, surе. Look. We're here - оп Slmpsorr Итlе апа
the board and get students to repeat,Then еrа5е post office there's Hale Road апd that's chester street there
апd opposite,tell students in pairs to cover exercise А and lt's оп the left. lt's next to а big supermarket.
look at the mар and to ask and апswеr questions like this. Е: ОК. Creat. Thank you.
М\опitоr and correct any problems with the prepositions.
Conduct brieffeedback Ьу getting а Selection ofstudents Step 2 Tell students to listen again and tick (V ) the
to repeat their dialogue. sentences that аrе true in exercise В. Play the recording. Put
students iп pairs to compare answers and, if necessary,play
88 3А see Теасhеr's notes р. 137. the rесоrdiпg again before checking answers in open class.

] Answers
LlsTBlullчc ]_а 2Ь 3а

Aim Tip With а weaker class, play the recording again апd
То develop listening for general алd specific information. pause аftеr the answers to help students identify them.

Step 1 Tell students they are going io Iisten to three people

asking about local places and dec:ce rvhat places they аrе Nдтlчв spEAKER EmcllsH
talking about and why. Play the reccrding. Put students in
pairs to compare anSwers befc.e clecking iп open class.
тhапks / cheers
Don't focus on grаmmаtiсаIir,сэ.rесi sentences, just focus Ask students to read the Ьох and check that they
on the information. lf песеs5эп.,, э:ау ihe recording again. understand Ьу asking What's апоthеr way oJ saying'thank
you'? (Thanks, Cheers.) ls thisformal or iфоrmаl? (lnformal.)
]_ а chemist's, to buy some 5hагпроо
2 а restaurant, to get 5сrге:п,пg to eat Dгчв lop! NG coNvE RsATIoN5
З а bookshop,to buya d:с'э-аry
l пееd to ...

фз.L То introduce and practise conversations using
conversation 1 I пееd to ...
А: l real|y need to get sc,re shampoo. ls there а
chemist's пеаr here? Step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох and check
В: Yes, there's опе оп Nеi.,, 5:reet-There's а big understandin g| How do we ехрlаiп why we wапt to go
bookshop оп the rigг: апсi it's next to that. somewhere? (l need to), What word comes after l пееd
А: ОК. Thank you. to? (infinitive without to),What поrmаllу comes jirst,the
ехрlапаtiоп or the question? (the expIanation).
conversation 2
С: l rеаllу пееd to get 50-e:.]:,1g to eat. Аrе there any Step 2 ln open class ask students what two reasons doyou
restaurants пеаr hеrе? need to go to а bank = to get mопеу, to transfer money.TeIl
D: There aren't rеаllу mal,r ilaces in this аrеа, but students in pairs to think oftwo reasons to go to each ofthe
there is а nice саfё оп D,xcn Road.They do good places in the table in exercise А. /V\onitor and help r,vith ideas.
sandwiches апd salads.
С: Dixon Road? Suggested answers
D: Yeah. Do you know it? а post office = to send а package, to buy а stamp
С: Yes, l think so. а chemist's = to buy some aspirins, to buy ti5sue5
D: Well, it's оп the left - opposite а 5hoe 5hop. а clothes shop = to buy some new c|othes, to return а
С: Creat. Thanks for that. present
а computer shop = to buy а new computer, to get 50me
conversation 3 advice
Е: ls there а bookshop пеаr here? I need to buy а а саfё = to have а coffee, to meet friends
dictionary for my English course. а supermarket = to buy food, to get а Ьох of chocolates
F: Yes, there's опе just пеаr hеrе. for а friend's birthday
Е: Oh, good. lnternet саfё = to check your emails, to chat online
ап lпtt
F: lt's on the соrпеr of Chester Street and Hale Road.
Е: ОК. 5оrrу. Сап you show mе on the map? Step 3 Put students in pairs and tell them to have
similar conversations about where they are, using the
seven questions in exercise А. Monitor and help with апу
language problems.


Suggested answers
СошчвпsАтlоN pRAcTlcE kitchen = do the washing up, cut vegetables, wash your
Aim bathroom = brush your teeth, wash your clothes
То provide conversation practice of the language living rооm = check уоur emails, watch DVDs
practised in the unit so far. bedroom = put on make-up, get dressed

Step 1 Put students into АВ pairs. Student А looks at Step 3 TeIl students how often you do some ofthe things,
the map in File З оп ра8е 166 and Student В looks at e.g, l brush mу teeth three times а day, l do the washiпg-up
the mар in Filе 9 on ра8е 169,Tellthem theyare going arter every rrea| etc,Tell Students to think individually
to have similar conversations to the опе iп Developing about how often they do the things in exercise B.Then in
со пvе rsati о п s апd Liste п п g, nd ivid ua ly stude nts th п k
i l l i pairs they tell each other and decide which are the same.
about the directions and how to ask what they need. Cive cond uct brief feed back
them time to prepare. /V\onltor and help with language.

Step 2 When students are ready, tell them to hold the Rвдоllчс
conversations and to begin Ьу asking ls there а ... пеаr here?
to find the places they want. Remind them to explain why Aim
they need to go to each place. Monitor and соrrесt their То develop reading skills fоr general and detailed
use of Ianguage. Conduct brieffeedback on where they information.
wanted to go and why.
Step 1 Ask students who they live with and what is
good or bad about it, Then put students in groups of
three оr four to think of one good thing and one bad
thing about living with your parents, оп your own, and
VосдвчlАRy lп the house sharing а house / flat with friends, ДДопitоr and help
with апу ideas. Conduct feedback in open class and get
Aim опе student from each group to tell the rest ofthe class
То present and practise expressions about соmmоп their ideas.
household items.

Step 1 Write'living rооm'оп the board and ask students

to say three things they have there, e.g. а TV, а bookcase,
а table. Tell them to look at the things in the Ьох and check living оп your own good -you can do what you want,
understandin gi а mirror = special glass where you can see bad -you can have no-one to talk to
yourself; cupboard = а piece of furniture for storing things, sharing with friends = good - you have lots of company,
not clothes; towel = а piece of cloth for drying yourself
?11 ]9ч.п't вet in the Ь*hч:.ет$ч,
аftеr washing оr having а shower;fridge= used for storing
food at low temperatures. Step 2 Tell students they are going to read about а уоuпg
Creek woman, fu\aria, describing where she lives. Tell them
Step2 TelI students to look at the things in the Ьох and write to individually read Maria's blog and апswеr the questions
which rооm they аrе usually in. Monitor and help with апу iп exercise В. lп pairs they соmраrе answers before
language problems. ln pairs they соmраrе answers before checking in open class.
checking iп open class.Write the rooms in four columns оп the
board and get students to put them in the соrrесt columns. Answers
1 5he lives in Thessaloniki (Сrеесе) in the week and
Answers sometimes gоеs to the family house пеаr Askos.
kitchen = а cupboard, plates, the sink, а table, а fridge ] 2 Thessaloniki = good -there аrе а lot of things to do,
bathroom = а cupboard, а mirrоr, shampoo, the sink, bad - the flat is very small and she shares а bedroom
towels I
with her sister; A5kos = good - it's а beautiful place,
living room = а cupboard, а sofa,a mirrоr, а ТV а table bad - there's not much to do there.

bedroom = а cupboard, а mirrоr, ап аlаrm clock, а bed ) her sister, Dimitra and her brothel costa

4 her brother is messy (not tidy), her sister spends

Step 2 Tell students to individually look at the things in hours putting оп her make-up апd washing her
the Ьох in exercise В and to think about where they do
L Ец
each thing.TelIthem they can look up апу words they don't
know iп the Vocabulary Builder оп рр. 11-12. ln pairs they
discuss their ideas with а раrtпеr. Monitor and help with
ideas. Conduct feedback in ореп class.

34 oUTcoMEs
Step 3 Tell students to read the blog again and match the Step 2 Tell students to choose the соrrесt word in each
чеrЬs with the words they go with in the text. Do the first sentence in exercise В. Monitor and соrrесt any problems
опе as an example: live with my sister and Ьrоthеr. ln pairs with possessive adjectives and pronouns. In pairs they
they compare answer5 before doing feedback in open class. compare answer5 before cnecking in open class.

Answers Answers
1d 2f За 4ь 5е oL 1 Your
2 Their, ours
Step 4 Read the example in exercise D to students.Then put 3 her
them in pairs to say what they сап remember about the blog, 4 yours
using the language in exercise С. Conduct brieffeedback. 5 ou r, theirs
6 my,yours
7 your
LДrЧСЧДСЕ PATTERNS 8 yours, hers, /\4ine, mу

Aim Direct students to the grаmmаr rеiеl=-::

То draw students'attention to some соmmоп patterns they still seem uпsurе.
using spend + time expressions.

Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentences in the sрвдкllчс

ьох and notice the similarities. Ask them to translate
each sentence into their own language and notice Aim
апу differences. ln monolingualclasses, ask students То give students fluency practice of talking а'Ьочt where
to соmраrе their translations. lп multilingual classes, they live.
ask students to work in pairs and telleach other if the
sentences were еа5у to translate and whether they were Step 1 Tell students to rеаd the questioe, - =-: ;: _,
Cive them time to рrераrе what they wаг. :: ;:,. --:- эlli
able to translate them word for word.
them into grоuр5 of three оr four to discus_. .-: ]-:j: э.5.
Step 2 Ask students to cover the English translations fulonitor and take notes on their correct a.j -:..-:,_
and translate the sentences back into EngIish using thelr language. Conduct brieffeedback in орег . эsj ._. э;. -;
translations.Then ask them to compare their transiations them what they dlscussed, and give fееСэа:.. :- ... -;: ,.cJ
iп pairs a8ainst the book. noticed while monitoring,

Alternatively lf you prefer not to use trаrs|эl:оп эsк

students to notice the pattern = 5репd - эеl- оi of time.
Check understanding: What's апаrпеr 1,А,а)/ to say'takes а
lопg time'? (sрепd),Whаt,:iп^,е сх,rrе<<_спs do we say феr Next class Make photocopies о:
'spend'? (hours / about ап hcir, о tot ai тimе, etc,). 3В р. 149,

Gпдммдк LlsTBlvlluc
Possessive adjectives а nd рrопоu пs
Aim То practise listening for specific information.
То present and practise possessive adjectives and
pronouns. Step 1 Lead in Ьу putting students in pa..s :э lэсk at the
pictures and describe what they сап see_ Ээ:;е first опе
Step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох and check as an example = there's а wоmап sittina пехт to а mап iп
understanding:When do we use possessive odjectives? а living room, it is probably summer, but it laoks like they're
(before nouns, to say something belongs to someone / cold because the air сопditiопiпg is turned up very high. |п
thing, e.g. mу, your), What сап replace а possessive adjective + open class get different pairs to tel] the cIass what they сап
поuп? (possessive pronoun, e.g. miпе,уоurs), Ask students see in one ofthe pictures.
to complete the table in exercise А. NЛопitоr and help with
any problems. Put students in pairs to соmраrе answers Step 2 Put students in pairs to match sentences 1- 8 to the
before checking iп open class. situations in pictures a-h. Check answers in open class.

possessive adlectives = his, their
possessive рrопоuп5 = hers, ours, theirs

03 ноl\лЕ 35
Answers conversation 3
1L ) а Е: What did he say?
2d 6 f F: 'lt's not you, it's mе'.
зh 7 о
ь Е; Oh .., and what was that?
4е 8 ь F: 'l don't love you апуmоrе.'
Е: OK...What? Сапуоu turn it up? lcan't hear it.
Step 3 Put students into groups ofthree оr fоur and tell F: lt's old age, Dad ... ls that ОК for you?
them to discuss which of the problems in exercise А they thanks.
Е: Yes
have at home, and what do they 5ау or ask next in each of С: Сап you turп the TV down? l need to study
the eight situations.Tellthem they should try and say it in and l can't concentrate.
English, and they should use а dictionary to help them. Do
the first one а5 а п еха m ple, e.g, Сап you switch off the Step 5 Tell students to listen again and complete each
air-conditioninq? Conduct brief feedback in ореп class. sentence in exercise D with one word. Рlау the recording. lп
pairs students compare answer5 before checking in ореп
Step 4 Tell students they are going to hеаr three class. lf necessary, play the rесоrdiпg again.
conversations in someone's home.TeIithem to listen
and match each one to а situation in exerc;se А. play the Answers
recording and get them to соmраrе in рэirs before checking 1а can't Ь tidy
in open class. lf nece55ary, play the recorcing aga!n. 2а on Ь turn с not
3а say bup соК
Conversation 1 = 8
Conversation 2 = а Vосдвu LARv Col locations
Conversation 3 = h
То present and practise соmmоп collocations.
conversation 1 Step 1 Read the explanation Ьох to students and check
А: Simon! understanding:What do we call words that go together?
В: What? (collocations). What do you do whеп you lеаrп а поuп?
А: Look at this room! (learn а verb or adjective that goes with it). EIicit other
В; What? examples e.g. play tеппis, do your homework.
А: lt's а mess!
В: What? Step 2 Put students in pairs.Tell them to look at the
А: l can't walk across it and not break something! collocations from the Vocabulary Builder рр. 10-12 and
В: lt's not bad. use it to match the verbs in the Ьох to 1-6, and match the
А: Сап you tidy it, please? nouns in the Ьох with 7-12. Monitor and help with finding
В: Later. the collocations in the Vocabulary Builder. Put the pairs into
А: Now, please! groups of four to соmраrе answers before checking in
В: But, mum! open class.
А: Now!
В: оК, оК. 1 put on
2 cut
ConveTsation 2 3 turn up
С: Wh .,. what te... te.., temperature is the аir 4 brush
conditioning оп? 5 wash
D: 17. 6 share
С: Са са ... can you turn it d
... ... down? l'm со... 7 towel
со ... cold, 8 air-conditioning
D: lt's not cold. 9 cupboard
С: Р ... please. 10 table
D: ОК. 11 5lпк
С: Thanks 12 аlаrm clock

36 oUTcoMEs
Step 3 Write always / usually / hardly ever / пеуеrоп the Step 4 Tell students to listen to the sentences again and
board and get students to tell you how frequent they аrе рау attention to the pronunciation оfсол апd сап't.Рlау
(always t00%, usually 80%, hardly ever 5Yо апd пеvеr 0%). the recording and pause аftеr each sentence and get
Read the examples from exercise В to the students. Tell students to repeat them as а grоuр, then ask them to
them to think about themselves and the реорlе they live practise the sentences in pairs.
with and the activities in exercise В, and to add опе of
the expressions from the board. M\onitor and help with Step 5 Теll students to write questions with Соrз l ,., / Сап
problems with the target language. you ... ? and the words iп brackets. Do the first one as ап

example. Monitor and help with the question forms. ln

Step 4 Put students in pairs to tell each other about pairs they соmраrе answers before checking in ореп class.
themselves and the people they live with, and to decide if
anything is the same. Conduct brieffeedback. Answers
1 Сап you move?
l рчп
ý' 'g
3В see Teacher's notes р, 137. 2 Сап уоu take me in the саr?
З Can I talk to you later?
4 Can уоu set the table?
GпдммдR соп / сап't 5 Can I ореп the window?
6 Can I make а sandwich?
То present and practise сап / сап'ttо ask people to do Direct students to the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе э- :эsе 151 if
things, and if something is possible or impossible. they still seem un5ure.

Step 1 Read the explanation Ьох to students and check Step б Read the two speech bubbles tc ;:-::--s ;:э teII
understandin g, How сап уоu say sоmеthiпg is impossible? them to have similar conversations us,гg:-: , :-=;:.cns
(сап't + чеrЬ). Ноw сап уоu ask to do something? (Сап l / from exercise D. /\Лопitоr and соrrесl е-\,, :,::;^-; ,.,.,ill
you,etc. + verb). pron unciation. Conduct brief feec ээсr

Step 2 Write the first example on the board = sleep l сап't

and get students to tell you the соrrесt оrdеr = l сап't sleep. sрвдкllчс
Tell them to write the sentences in exercise А in the right
оrdеr. Monitor and help with any problems. Put students iп Aim
pairs to compare their answers. Рlау the recording to check То provide fluency practice in asking peopie to do
their answers. check as а class. things.

Tip With а weaker class, ask them to read the audioscript Step 1 Put st:;ce-:; - :: , ; - j.,:-:],,] to r,vrite short
оп раgе 172 while they listen and check. conversatic.: jэS=a :- :-: э iп Listeniпg,
exel,cise ! :- ,,э=.= :- '.':- :э. and help them write their
Е 3.3 and AnsweTs со.\,/-.::: : -;
1 l са n't sleep.
2 Сап you help me? Step 2 = j.-:=-:S ,с practise their conversations and
3 Сап l u5еуоur bathroom? :-:,_, э-: ,=^^:Tberthem.Then put two pairs together,
4 Сап you turn up the music? -,=:., э:.s oui опе oftheir conversations and the other
5 l can't find mу book. :. , , эs:с say which situation it is. Then they change
6 Can l wash some clotnes? ,: ',,ioniior and take notes оп their use of correct and
7 We can't come пехI ,,\,еек. -:э.l,есt language for а correction slot at the end.
8 Не can't drive at the rnc:-el:
Optional activity Cet а se!ection of pairs to act out their
Step 3 Tell students to rеас :.е :]..: э-э: dialogues for the class and get the class to decide which
them that we can рrопоuпсе са. ,,,:- . situation it is.
emphasise it, /kan/, оr with а si-э.: s: -
we don't emphasise and that we а ,.,. э,.5
/ka:nt/ with а long sound. ДЛоdеl anc ;.
i ntonations.

03 но]\4Е з7
04 HoLl DAys

LlsTBlч lпlс conversation 2

С: Hello.
Aim D; Hi, how аrе you? Did you have а nice weekend?
То develop listening for general and specific С: was оК.
Yes, it
information. D: What did you do?
С: Nothing much really. l did some shopping оп
Step 1 Ask students what activities they поrmаlIу do Saturday morning. l played tennis, watched ТV
at the weeken d e.g. l usually go shopping,l always read the usual things.
q book. Cet students to look at the photos and describe D; lt sounds оК.
what weekend activities they are in ореп cIass (о rock С: Yеаh, l needed to rеlах.
Jestival апd shopping at the supermarket). Then get inem in
pairs to read what four different people did last weekend ConveTsation 3
and decide which activities theythink weregreat,OKor Е: Did you have а good weekend?
bad.Check understandingof had а bad cold = you have а F: Not really.
temperature, and уоur nose and throat аrе sore. Е: Oh! That sounds bad. What did you do?
F: Nothing! Iwas ill. l had а bad cold, lstayed in bed
Step 2 Tell students they are going to listen to fоur allweekend.
conversations about last weekend and put sentences 1-4 iп Е: Oh, по! Аrеуоu ОК now?
exercise А in the order they hear them. Was each weekend F: Yes, but l have to work now!
great, ОК or bad? Play the record i ng. Put students i п ра i rs
to соmраrе answers before checking in ореп class. lf conversation 4
necessary, play the recording again. С: Detlev| HiI How аrе you?
Н: Cood,
i Answers С: Did you have а nice weekend?
Conversation 1 = 5entence 2, great Н: Yes, it was great.
Conversation 2 = Sentence 4, оК С: What did you do?
Conversation 3 = sentence 1, bad н: well, some friends came to visit, so l showed
conversation 4 = Sentence 3, great them the city.
С: That sounds nice. Where did you go?
ф4.\ Н: Well, оп Saturday, we went to the cathedral and
conversation 1 for а picnic iп the park, and in the evening we
А: Hi, Helga. How are you? went into the old town. Then оп Sunday, we went
В: оК. But tired! to the market iп the morning, and then l cooked
А: Oh. What did you do at the weekend? lunch for everyone.
в: we went to а rock festival. lt was fantastic. С; That sounds great.
А: Really? Who did you see? Н: lt was. lt was lovely,
В: Oh, lots of bands! The Killers, The Stones. Who else
поw? Oh, yes. l saw The Specials on Saturday Step 3 Tell students to listen again and match a-f in
night. They were good. exercise С to the conversations. Рlау the recording. Put
А: Sounds great. students in pairs to соmраrе anSwers and, if necessary, play
В: Yeah, it was great, but l didn't sleep much. the recording again before checking answers in ореп class.

з8 oUTcoMEs
conversation 1=b,f D BvB Lo pl NG coNvE RsATloN5
] conversation 2=е т.,э, SэL,^is...
conversation 3=с
i conversation 4=a,d Aim
То iпtlоdцсе алd pTactise using That sounds ... to
Step 4Put students in pairs and get them to discuss the express feeIiлgs.
points in D, Monitor and correct any language problems.
cond uct brief feed back. Step 1 iеэ: : -: .-=
э^2: сп Ьох to students and check
understa:; -з -:,,, ,э j ,е ourfeelings about what
people are 5с, . -.,: :э.
J' -is .. '. What word comes after
GпдммдR The past simple 'That sounas ) э- э=,='--- ,=

Aim Step 2 Tell stude,:;:: .,,,:= э ::--e-i about the

То present and practise the past simple. sentences in exerc;se: -; -: -.-.| jэlci5 + an adjective
from the Ьох. Do tne'.;: .,=.: э, :,э-эlе. длопitоr and
Step 1 Ask students when the weekend happened in heIp with ideas.
the listening = in the past. Cet students to read the
explanation Ьох and check understanding: How do weJorm Suggested answerý
the past simple with regular verbs? (verb + -ed or -d if the а That sounds пiсе / grеаt
base verb ends in ап -е). How do weform the past simple Ь That sounds great.
with irregular verbs? (|t's difГerent and some examples с That sounds bad.
areiSaw,got, etc.). Cet them to look at verbs in the past d That sounds nice / bad.
simple from Listепiпg iп exercise А and write the base е That sounds interesting.
form. /Иonitor and heIp with апу problems. Gеt stt,rdents to f That sounds great.
compare answers in pairs before checking iп ореп class.
Step 3 Tell studentsto look atthe сс.,:..;. - :-: ;эеесh :-
Step 2 Put students in АВ pairs and get them to test each bubbles. Putthem in pairsto practiseiгa:]-.:,;j: :-s r
other, Student А says а чеrЬ and Student В says the past exercise А. ДЛопitоr and help with апу |е-=-эz= :-.: --s.
simple form.They then swap. /Vlonitor and соrrесt any Conduct brieffeedback Ьу getting а selec :- :';:-;.-:5 1с
problems with the past simple forms. have their conversations in ореп class.

1gо 6 show Nдтlчв 5pEAKER Ешсllsн sсэ, js
l2do 7 cook
3 have 8 stay Ask students to read the Ьох and check the,. --:=-;:э.d
4Ье 9 play Ьу asking, What's anotherway of saying'Tho_ sэL. j j _-)
5 come 10 watch (Sounds.) What part don't we say? (The sub;ec: = _, r:, Ъ]l
them that the expression is used in iпfоrmа, !-= ;-, А;к
Step 3 Теll students to individually complete the sentences them if they have а similar expression iп thel. э-;-эgе.
with the past simple form of the vеrЬs in the Ьох in С.
/V\onitor and help with any рrоЬlеms with the past simple. ln
pairs they compare ап5wеr5 before checklng in open class. РпошUNсlАтlоN Past simple forms

Answers Aim
1 had 5 was То present and practise pTonunciation of Tegular verbs
2 went 6 came in the past simple.
3 stayed 7 got
4 watched 8 spent Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьсх and check
understa nd in g: What's the рrопuпсiаtiоп of past verbs
Direct students to the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе оп page 152 if епdiпg iп -t? ( lTd/ or /id/).What's the рrопuпсiаtiоп of
they still seem unsure. other verbs? ( /d/ or /t/). Model and drill the рrопuпсiаtiоп.

Step 4 Теll students to write three things they did iп the past Step 2 Tell students they are going to hеаr eight sentences
that were great, and three things that wеrе bad оr boring. lп and to circle the form ofthe чеrЬ оr verbs they hear in each
pairs they read out their sentences and their рагtпеr guesses sentence. Рlау the recording and iп pairs students соmраrе
if each one was great, bad оr boring. Monitor and help with their answers. Check answers Ьу playing the recording
any language problems. Conduct brief feedback оп one great again and pausing after each sentence.
thing and one bad or boring thing.

04 HoL DAYS 39
1 visit 5 wanted, rained Vосдвu LARY ддопths, season s, dates
2 visited 6 met, chatted
З played 7 walk, chat Aim
4 tried, play в walked, had То present and pTactise months, seasons and dates.

Step 1 Write the letters J, F, i\Л, А on the board and tell

ф4.2 students they аrе the first letters in а sequence of twelve
1 Му friends visit me а lot. and ask them to tellyou what the words аrе (January,
2 Last time, we visited the cathedral. February, March, Дрril),rеll them in pairs to look at the
3 l played а gаmе of tennis with а friend. words in the Ьох in exercise А and to put the words iп the
4 l tried to рhопе you yesterday to arrange to play correct оrdеr. check answers iп ореп class.
5 lwanted to go out last night, but it rained. Answers
6 l met а friепd and we chatted all night, lапuаrу, FеЬruаrу, Маrсh, April, М\ау, lune, July, August,
7 We often walk together and chat. 5eptem ber, October, Novem Ье1 Decem ber
8 We walked along the riчеr and had а picnic,
Step 2 Cet students to look at the photos and ask them
Step 3 Cet students to look at the audioscript оп page 17З what time of the уеаr each photo refers to and write the
and, in pairs, practise reading the conversations from SeaSon5 on the board: spring, summer, аutumп, wiпtеr.Рчt
Listening.rell them to рау attention to the pronunciation students iп groups of three оr four and tell them to discuss
of the past simple -ed endings. /Иonitor, paying particular the questions in В. i\Лonitor and help out with any ideas.
attention to pronunciation. Conduct feedback in open class.

Tip With а weaker class get them to ]ook at the verbs in Step 3 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох and check
the audioscript first and decide how to рrопоuпсе the -ed understanding: How do we saythe dates ofthe first three
endings before they start practising. days of the month? (the first,second,the third),How do we
say other days? (fourth,Jifth, etc.), What аЬачt2r,22,2З
а nd 31? (twenty-Jirst, twenty-second, twenty,third, thirty-
Сопlчв пsАтlоN pRAсTlcE frsf). Ask students what the date is today. Ask students in
pairs to look at the photos and describe what they can see
Aim and what public holidays they represent.
То provide conversation practice of the language learnt
in the unit so far. Answers
1 M\artin Luther King day
Step 1 Tell students to think about their last weekend and 2 /ИotherTheresa day
to choose an answer to Did you have а пiсе weekend? f rоm 3 Day of the Dead in /Иехiсо
the list in exercise Д:Yеаh, it was great, lt was ОК, Not really, 4 San Joan in Catalunya (Spain)
Tell them to individually write two оr three things they did. 5 Someone skiing ( Martin Luther King day)
M\onitor and help with any language problems.
Step 4 Tell them to listen to the dates of the public
Step 2 When students аrе ready, put them in pairs to talk holidays in exercise С. Play the recording and in pairs
about their weekends. Опе student starts with Did you students соmраrе answer5 before checking in ореп class.
have а good weekend? What did you do? апd their partner
comments оп the answers with rhat sounds длоdеl the Е д.3 and Answels
activity Ьу getting а strong student to ask you. Then get 1 January the first
students to ask different students in the class. iиопitоr and 2 october the nineteenth
correct their use of language. When they have finished get З March the eighth
them in pairs to decide which реrsоп in the cIass had the 4 NочеmЬеr the second
best weekend. conduct brief feedback. 5 June the twenty-fourth
6 the third iИonday in January

Next class Make photocop,es of *Ъ П

4А о. 150, &' Оgr

40 oUTcoMES
Step 5 Put students into АВ pairs. Tell Student А to look Е4.4
at Filе 4 on раgе 167 and Student В to look at File 11 on 1 The night before, we made а fire on the beach with
page 169.Tellthem to askthe question Whеп's,,,,? lt's some friends. We sat round the fire all night and
оп the ,... /Иопitоr and help out with any problems with we drank and ate and sang songs and laughed. We
language оr ideas. When they are ready tell them to ask had а great time. Some of my friends swam in the
and answer questions. Conduct brieffeedback. 5еа, but l didn't. The sea wasn't very wаrm. Then оп
the 24th, Islept tillfour in the аftеrпооп.
Step б Теll students to read the questions in exercise Е and
think about their answers. Put them in groups of three оr 2 ln i\Лаrсh, lwas iп London for work 5о l mi55ed
four to discuss the questions. Monitor and correct their use the holiday. They don't have this holiday in the
of dates, months and seasons. Conduct feedback Ьу asking UK. lt was sad. On Women's Day, mеп usually
each group to tell the rest of the class about а public holiday. treat us very well. They do nice things and give
us presents. But l didn't go out for dinner. l didn't
TipTry and put students in muItilingualgroups to get апу flowers. Nobody said nice things to mе.
compare their countries. l sat iп my hotel rооm and watched TV| lt wasn't
very n ice.
88 4А see Теасhеr's notes р. 1З7.
3 Оп the holiday, we went to 5nowshoe Моuпtаiп iп
West Virginia. The snow's good in January. We left
LlsTBlчllчc оп Saturday at three iп the morning and we drove
to the mountain5. We got there at eight and spent
Aim the weekend skiing. lt was vеrу сlеаr and suппу.
То develop listening for general and specific There wasn't а cloud in the sky. We had great views
infoTmation. We left on Monday afternoon, but the traffic was
bad. We didn't get back home to Washington tiIl
Step 1 Read the explanation Ьох to students and check two iп the morning.
understandin g: ls it imроrtапt to hear every word people
say? (No.) What do you focus оп whеп people are talking Step 3 Cet students to look at the rvords n exe:c,se 3
about public holidays? (The important words: days, dates, and check understanding:warm = nc: hc: э-: -э: coid;
months, etc,) missed = didn't go; views = rvha:,,,э. :э, j::. rз 1,1]j;;||у
get studenrs to think al]c-: ,.,, , =э., ::,:*-, ] с -5 пg
the words. Play tne ,eca,J -;:: :-::. :-- . с:эs, it's not
Step 2 Tell students they аrе going to listen to three
реорlе talking about what they did in the public holidays neceSSa!,\,/iO C.CCr -= -a,,. эS:пеуiаlk about
f rоm Vacabulary exercise С. Te]l them to listen and write il'-1i<
lr;r:.- <:: "r-,r:э,:
which public hoiidays they talk about and to ]isten for,
dates, month; а,:с days. Play ihe recording. In !э'r-< 5tep 4 = j:-::-:; 1: ,-aэ:ге SentenceS iп exercise D and
.: .- -. .: -,.:,=.,.],]s ]. each gap. Playthe recording
necessary, piay --l. ,: -:,э ,; z:э , э:,. , э,: ::: :-:- :с complete with the mi55ing word. lп
:.,::,._,::-!are answer5 before checking in ореп class,
Answers '-=::.sэ.у. рiау the recording again and pause after each
1 San Joan,24]une э='sс l ;о check.
2 Women's Day, Marcn
З Martin Luther King Ceу,_z, -э, Answers
1 а made Ь sang с 5еа
2 а holiday Ь treat с Nobody
За left Ь mountains с sky

Step 5 Put students in pairs and getthem to saywhat each

person did on the last public holiday using the word5 in
exercise В. Дzlопitоr and help with ideas.Then get them to
compare their ideas with the audioscript on раgе 17З, what
difГerences and similarities did they have? Conduct brief
feedback on what they rеmеmЬеr about each public holiday,

Tip With а weaker class, get them to read the audioscript

first and then tell each other what they remember.

04 l-]oL]DAYS 41
GКДММДR Past simple negatlves Next class Маке pnoTocopres of а а
j 4В о.151 Y цЁ
То present and practise past simple negatives.
VосдвчLАRy Coing оп holiday
Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох and check
u ndersta nd iп g: How do we form the past пеgаtivе with the Aim
verb'be'? (wasn't / weren't), Дпd with other verbs? (didn't То present and practise expressions about holidays.
didn't get).rell students to write the negative
+ verb, e.g.
forms of the past verbs iп brackets in exercise А, ln pairs Step 1 Cet students to look at the dictionary епtrу for go
they compare answers Ьеfоrе checking in ореп class. оп holiday. Ask them when was the last time they went on
holiday and where they went. Tell them to match the verbs
Answers in 1-6 with the groups of words they go with in a-f Check
1 didn't do understandingof sightseeinq = visit the major monuments
2 didn't get up in а city оr town. ДЛопitоr and help with апу problems. ln
З wasn't pairs they compare answers before checking in ореп class.
4 didn't take
5 l Anr*"r,
irb za
6 didn't answer з. 4а 5f бе
7 didn't have
8 didn't go Step 2 Tell students to think about the questions iп В. Cive
then some time to рrераrе and then put them into groups
Step 2 Read the explanation Ьсх to students апd check of three оr four to discuss the questions. /\Лопitоr and
understanding: How сап we modlfu what we say obcut соrrесt any Ianguage problems. Conduct brief feedback.
something? (поt very + adjective l эdчеrD). V,'hor's tге jоrm
with the verb'be'? (Ье + поt + че4z + ad.lective / аочеrЬ), Апо
with other verbs? (didn't + verb + very + adjective / adverb). Tei i Rвдрlпlс
students to individually rерlасе the words in italics using not
very +the words in brackets. Do the first опе а5 ап example Aim
in open class. IИonitor and help with word order, ln pairs То develop Teading skills for general and detailed
students соmраrе answers before checking in open class. information.

Answers Step 1 Tell students they are going to read ап emailfrom а

2 wasn't very cheap Da nish ma n, Nicklas, to h is lta lia п friend, Ма u rо. Tell them
З didn't get back very early to individually read the email and answer the questions in
4 weren't very friendly exercise А. lп pairs they compare answers before checking
5 wasn't very much to do in open class.
6 didn't buy very mапу thirпg5
7 didn't stay а very long tinmе Answers
8 weren't very happy 1lreIand
2 No, he went with Неlепа
Direct students to the 8rаmmаr reference on page 152 if з three weeks
they still seem unsure. 4 didn't rain once
Yes, it
5 Не spent а week in Dublin and went sightseeing
every day, saw all the old buildings, in the evening
sрвдкllчс they went out and enjoyed the nightlife, then they
rented а car and spent two weeks driving around the
Aim country,they stayed in little bed and breakfasts and
То provide controlled pTactice of talking about public met some lovely people, they went walking in the
holidays. mountains iп County Мауо

Step 1 Ask students to work individually and write answers Step 2 Tell students to complete the sentences with one
to the questions. Iйопitоr and help with any language word in each space.Tellthem to read the email again
problems.Then put them in groups of three or four to tell if they need help. Do the first one as an example. ln
each other their answers and decide if they did similar pairs they соmраrе answers before checking in open class
things on the public holidays, Conduct brief feedback.

42 oUTcoMES
Answers Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох and check
1 flew 4 worried 7 апуопе understanding: How do we make questions with the verb
2 spent 5 favo u rite 8 Wa5 'Ье'? (was / wеrе),Апd with other verbs? (did + subject + base
З beautiful / fun 6 walking 9 Did verb). Writeyou / go оп holiday апуwhеrе оп the board and
elicit how to ask а question using this, and write it оп the
board = Did you go оп holtday апуwhеrе? cet them to look
LДШСUАGЕ PATTERNs at notes in exercise А апd to write past simple questions
they could ask а friend about their holiday. /\Лопitоr and
Aim help with апу problems with question forms. Cet students
То draw students'attention to some common patterns to соmраrе answers in pairs before checking in ореп class.
llsing апуопе, anywhere, апуthiпg, апу,
Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentences in the 1 Did you go оп holiday апуwhеrе?
ьох and notice the similarities. Ask them to translate 2 Where did you go?
these sentences into their own language and notice З Who did уоu go with?
апу differences. lп monolingualclasses, ask students 4 Did you have а good time?
to compare their translations. lп multilingual classes, 5 How long wereyou therefor?
ask students to work iп pairs and tell each other if the 6 Where did you stay?
sentences wеrе easy to translate and whether they were 7 Was it very expensive?
able to translate them word for wоrd. 8 Was the weather good?
9 Was the food good?
Step 2 Ask students to cover the English translations
and translate the sentences back into English using their
translations, Then ask them to соmраrе their translations Step 2 Tell students to match the cues: с-; - :xercise А
in pairs against the book, to the answers in exercise В, д,допiiсl,э.с ....::: э.у
problems with ideas. lп pair5 thev ссп^::,: э-,.,.:.s оеfоrе
Alternatively lf you рrеfеr not to use translation, ask checking in open class.
students to notice the pattern = апуопе (реорlе), anywhere
(places), апуthiпg (things), апу (реорlе or things). Answers
1d 2h зf 4е j: С: i; З ;г
То provide controlled practice of talking about holidays.
S редкtшс
Step 1 Ask students to think about the i]€-<: : э:;; - .-: ,

countryto dothe things in exerc]se А,'.'.- :., .,., = : Aim

with апу ldeas. Give iher ;с-.е -_ ^-::: :-=:э,= э, a -_,-, То provide fluency practice in what students have
put ther in ра r; ]-']: :эt, :-.,=, a' j j=- 1: i,' - learnt so far in the unit,
best place is. fulо"i:э, э,: ::"-:_ . .,:_-э;-
=, =,:.
Conduct brief feec эа:.l. Step 1 Ask students to choose one ofthe things in exercise
А they want to talk about.Tell them to think about what
Tip lf you have а mопс '.,;,. :_,:,: g-: .l1ern ;с cecide they want to say and to individually write five past simple
what would Ье the besi , э.-j ':. ; -€reni peopie to visit, questions for their partner to ask them about their day /
e.g. а couple of young frie,cs э, ] ;el,ccuple, а couple weekend / hoiiday. M\onitor and help with question forms.
with two children, etc. lf ус; -э,.: э rni,ltilingual group
get them to соmраrе what The э:;: эiесеs аrе in their Step 2 Put students in pairs and get them to swap
со u ntries. questions and interview each other about their day /
weekend / holiday. /Иопitоr and take notes on the correct
and iпсоrrесt language for а correction slot at the end.
GКДММДR Past simple questions Conduct feedback Ьу getting а selection of pairs to tell the
class what they found out about their раrtпеr.
То present and practise past simple questions. ]l е\ý
ý- -iд
4В see Teacher's noTes р. 137,

04 l1oL]D,\YS 43
СошчвпsАтlоN pRAcTlcE & Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох. Play the
recording and get students to repeat the words and sounds
АСТ OR DRAW оп the top row.
Fоr aims and suggested procedures see Review 01
рр.28-29. фR2.\
bath /0/
fuп lf /
Oulz Pa't /р/
turп /t/
Fоr aims and suggested procedures see Review 01 сhапgе /tJl
рр.28-29. miss /s/
wash /[/
1 The seasons that have warm weather аrе spring and
autumn, Step 2 Tell students to put а piece of paper in front oftheir
2 Yоu can buy medicine, some toothpaste, some mouth and to try and move the paper when they say the
aspirins etc. at а chemist's. sounds. Play the recording and get students to repeat the
3 New Year's Day is 1st January. words.
4 You can put оп all kinds of clothes оr 5оmе make-up.
5 You сап send а package at the post office, фR2.2
6 You can go to а restaurant to have а steak. /р/ /f/ ltl ltJ/ /k/
7 You can wash уоur hands or do the washing up in а
sink. Step 3 Put students into pairs and tell them to take turns
8 You normally have а sofa in the Iiving room. trying to say the words in С. Play the rесоrdiпg and get
9 You use а mirror to put оп make-up, shave, check students to check with the audioscript оп page 17З.
your hair / clothes.
10 Yоu normally brush your teeth in the bathroom. фR2.з and Answers
11 You might not Ье able to rеасh the cupboard 1 put
because it's too high or you're too short. 2 cut
12 The seasons аrе: spring, summer, autumn (fall) 3 sofa
winter. 4 show
1З On holiday you сап stay: iп а hotel, with friends, in а 5 match
bed and breakfast. 6 think
]_4 You give someone а present on special days, for 7 photo
example, their birthday, оп ап anniversary, Women's 8 plates
Day etc.
1_5 lf you аrе ill you can stay in bed, have medicine, go to Step 4 Put students in pairs and get them to practise
see а doctor or go to hospital. saying the sentences in Е and decide who has good
pronunciation and which sounds аrе difficult for them.
Conduct feedback оп апу sounds that аrе difГicult.
Fдsт wRlTER
Note listепiпg and the rest of the review unit could Ье
Fоr aims and suggested procedure see Review 01, used as а рrоgrеss test.The suggested scores are given
рр.28-29. below each exercise. Alternatively, these exercises could Ье
done in pairs or individually then checked in pairs, оr you
could put students in team5 and conduct them as а quiz
РпопlUNсIАтIоN Consonants ano аir / competition, lf students need help, you сап direct them
to the relevant pages of the grаmmаr reference or the
Aim Vocabulary Builder,
То revise consonants and give practice in how the чsе of
air can help make а sound.

44 oUTcoMEs
LlsTBlulluc Gкдммдк
Aim Exercise А Answers
То give practice in listening for gist and detail. 1оп 5 са n't
2 next to 6 didn't
Answers 3 ДЛу 7во
а conversation 4 4 hers 8 were
ь conversation l --]
с conversation z Exercise В Answers
d- 1 had 4 saw
е- 2 flew 5 took
f conversation з 3 spent 6 stayed

Exercise С Answers
ERL^ 1 ls there..
2 Did you have...
conversation 1 З Was it good?
А: Did you have а nice weekend? 4 Can you help me?
В: Yes, it was оК.
А: What did you do? Direct students to the grammar rеfеrепсе эr эаqе 15З if
В: Well, on Satu rday l went shopping with mу friend, they find this difficult.
Den ise,
А: Oh yes? Did you buy anything пiсе?
В: l didn't. l didn't see апу clothes l liked, but Denise Ao"lBcTlvBs
bought а jacket and some shoes.
conversation 2 1 Do you have any clean clothes?
С: We need to buy some things to make sandwiches for 2 lt's very cold in here.
tomorrow. ls there а supermarket пеаr hеrе? 3 His room's поrmаllу very messy.
D: Not really. There's а fruit and vegetable shop 4 lt's quite cloudy today,
opposite the station. lt's а ten-minute walk. 5 ls that towel wet?
С: Oh, ОК. Сап you show mе on the mар? 6 The people were quite unfriendly
D: Sure.We're here and this is Amwell Road.The shop is
on the соrпеr opposite the station, here.
С: оК. Thanks. СоцlосдтlоN5
ConveTsation 3 Answers
Е: You're tall, Pete. Сап you reach that big plate? 1share 5 cut
F: Sorry, l can't. 2 close 6 wash
Е: Don't worry. Pass mе that chai1| сап stand оп that З change
i- 7 turn up
F: Неrе. 4:set
4 8 show
Е: Thanks. Сап you hold it?
F: Sure.
Vосдвч tARy
Conveтsation 4
С: Did you go anywhere iп the holidays? Answers
Н: Yes, we got а cheap flight and flew to Сорепhаgеп. 1 house 6 sing
С: Really? That sounds пiсе, 2 drive 7 fun
Н: lt was. 3 рrеfеr 8 clear
What did you do?
С: 4 аппоу 9 view
Н: We walked round and did some sightseeing and had 5 nightlife 10 visit
some пiсе meals.
С: Was the weather ОК?
| Н: Yes, it was sunny but very cold. There was snow оп
have some photos оп my рhопе
' 'hзl""l1Here,l

02 REV|EW 45

vосдвчlдпу Answers
Describing what уоu want to buy 1 fruit shop 2 cake shop 3 clothes shop

То pTesent and practise describing what you want ф5,1
to buy. ConveTsation 1
А: Who's next?
Step 1 Write the tab]e headings оп the board = colour, В: fu\е.
material, clothes,food, shape апd elicit еха m ples for each А: What would you like?
category: red,wool, jacket,fruit, long.Put students in smalI В: Сап l have some apples?
grоuрs to look at the words in the Ьох in exercise А and to А: These ones?
complete the table. Tell them they can u5е а dictionary if В: No, those red ones.
they want. Check answers iп open class. А: How mапу would you like?
В: Six.
Answers А: ОК. Anything else, my love?
colour material clothes food В: Er, yes. Those things there. What do you call them?
grееп wood shirt са ke 5quare А: These?
yellow plastic jeans cheese rou nd В: Yes.
brown Ieather d ress fis h shогt А: Peaches. Do you want the yellow оr the orange
cotton опеs?
В: Three yellow ones.
Step 2 lп the same grоuр5 ask sтudезts:о .сэ< э: :^е А: Тhеrеуоu go.That's f З.10 altogether.Thankyou.
photos and identify as mапу words in exercise А as ine), Next?
can.Tell them they have two minutes. Conduci feedback on
who found the most and what they found. conversation 2
С: Those look nice.
Answers D: Мmm. That yellow one especially.
cake, shirts, fruit, cheese, fish, red, white, yellow, brown, С: Hello. Do you speak Engiish?
green, cotton, wood, square, long, round, 5mall, 5quare Е: А little.
С: Can we have some of that yellow cake?
Е: How much? Like this?
LlsTBlчlluc D: А bit mоrе. That's fine.
С: And the brown one above it? With ... is that orange
Aim оп top? What's that cake made of?
То develop listening for general and specific Е: Coffee, and yes it's orange оп top.
information, С: ОК. I'll have а piece of that.
Е: Like this?
Step 1 Tell Students they are going to listen to three С: That's great.
conversations in places in the pictures, and to decide Е: Fiче euros 46
which place they are in. Рlау the recording. Put students in
pairs to соmраrе answers before checking in open class. lf
necessary, play the recording again.

46 oUTcoMEs
ConveTsation 3 5 those
F: English? 6 th is
с: Yes. How much аrе those? 7 Th is
F: Depends. 5 dollars, 7 dollars 50, 10 dollars. Which do
you iike? Direct students to the grаmmаr reference on page 154 if
С: How much is that red one? they still 5ееm unsure.
F: This опе?
С: No, the other опе there at the top. With 'Egypt'on it. Step 2 Point to different things in the classroom and a5k
F: This one. students to tell you What's this / that? or What are these /
С: Yes. those? iп English. ln groups they do the same and see how
F: ].0 dollars. many different things they сап паmе in the classroom.
G: What size is it? M\onitor and соrrесt апу language problems. Conduct brief
F: Апу size. What do you want? feedback Ьу getting different grоuр5 to ask other grоuрs
С: Сап l have опе in medium? Thanks. the questions.
F: There. Medium-

Step 2 Tell students to listen again and decide which DBvB lopl NG coNvE RsATloN 5
thing(s) they buy and how much is it / аrе they. Play the
recording. Put students in pairs to соmраrе answers before Questions iп shops
checking in open c|ass. lf students are having problems, Aim
рlау the recording and pause after each conversation to То introduce and practise questions in shops.
check answers.
Step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох to students and tell
Answers them to individually look at the questions in exer.cise А. TeIl
Conversation 1 = six, red apples, three yellow peaches, them to decide who usually asks them - shop ass;stants оr
f 3.10 customers. ln pairs they compare апswеrs before checking
Conversation 2 = Some yellow cake, coffee апd оrап8е in ореп class.
cake, €5.46
Conversation 3 = T-shiгt with 'Egypt'written оп it, S10 5uggested answers
shop assistants = 1, 5, 6, 7, 8; cuStom er = 2,З,4

Step 3 Put students in grоuр5 to discuss the questions Step 2 Tell students in pairs to match each раir of answers
in exercise С. Monitor and соrrесt апу language problems. to а question in exercise А. Monitor their use of language.
Conduct brief feedback оп their opinions. Check answers in open class.

G пдммдR this, that, these, those 1 = question 4 (Сап l have some ... ?)
2 = question З (How mчсh are the apples?)
Aim 3 = question 1(Who's пехt?)
То present and practise this, that, fhese and fhose. 4 = question б (How muсh would you like?)
5 = question 2 (What are those mаdе of?)
Step 1 Ask students to look at the pictures and identify ý = question 8 (Дпуthiпg else?)
an object from Vocabulary, е.в. apples and jeans. Check 7 = question 7 (How mопу would you like?)
understanding for each picture: ls the apple пеаr to orfar 3 = question 5 (Which опе(s)?)
from the реrsоп? (пеаr),Дrе the jeans пеаr to orfarfrom
the реrsоп? (far),What do we say if а siпglе object is пеаr? Step 3 Tell students to spend two minutes rеmеmЬеriпg
(This) апd Jar? (That), What do we say tf а plural object is one answer iп exercise В for each question iп exercise А.
rrear? (These) апd far? (Those). Cet students to look at the Put students in АВ pairs, Student А asks questions, Student
sentences in exercise А and to choose the correct word В closes their book and gives an answer. Тhеп they change
based оп the ideas in the pictures. Dothefirst one as ап roles, /V\onitor and help with any language problems.
example, ДЛопitоr and help with any problems. Cet students
to compare an5wer5 in pairs before checking in open class. Optional activity lf time, ask а selection of students to
have their conversations in open class.
1 That
2 these
3 that
4 This

05 SHOPS 47
CotrlvB пsATlo N pRAcTl сЕ Step 2 Tell students they аrе going to hear eight mоrе
numbers and to listen and write the numbers they hear,
Aim Рlау the recording. ln pairs students соmраrе their answers
То pTovide conveTsation practice using the language Check answers Ьу playing the recording again and pausing
pTactised in the unit so faT. after each word. Cet опе student to say the number and
another student has to write it оп the board in numbers.
Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to have similar Elicit and drill the stress, e.g. fjfty = How mапу syllables?
conversations to the ones iп Listening. Put them in pairs (two),Where's the mаiп stress? (on the first syllable).
and tell them to choose а shop from the pictures from
Listепiпg. Student В should choose two diflerent things & 5.3 and Answers
to Ьuу. Cive them а couple of minutes to think about ,tjfty
what they want to say, tell them to try and use as much sе!ецtу
language from the раgе as they сап. еightqqд
Step 2 When they are ready, tell Student А they are the thirteen
shop assistant and to hold their book ореп for Student В nineteen thQцsand
to see the shop.TeIl Student В they are the customer.They two llundred and fiftqen
then have their conversation, When they have finished, tell fifty thousand
them to change roles, choose а different picture and have а
similar conversation. Each time, monitor and help with any Step 3 Cet students to look at the numbers in exercise С
language probIems, and give them some time to think about how to say them.
Put them into pairs. Student А says опе ofthe numbers
Tip With а weaker class, get them to read the audioscript in a*f and Student В points to the пumЬеr, then they
on раgе 173 to help them with the language. change roles. ДЛопitоr and соrrесt the pronunciation of the
numbers and main stress.

Next class Make photoc oples от Я а fourteen,|orty
j| n.rSZ tJ Ъd Ь fifteen, f!fty
-Ф с one hundred and еighlqел, оце hundred and eighty
d flye hundred and tnirteen, five huцdrеd and thirty
Рпопl U NclAтloN Num ьеr5 е sjxteen thoi]sand, sixty thousand
f seventee1 ihousand, 5qч_ецtу thоцlа nd
То present and practise pronunciation of пumЬеrs.
Step 1 Gеt studenis ic e::te г--эars - :-: :.\ -
exercise Д and asK: HaW п^,9,.r, s), ,, as эrэ -гэlэ . ээ-. Aim
word? ffwo,) Tel]them Ti-le\,,а.е эс.-:.э i s::^.э:.,е То develop Teading skills foT general and detailed
numbers and to underline-ihe -э:" s::ess cn ine syi,ables. information.
Play the recording and in pairs s:;ceгis ссr,праrе their
ап5wеr5. Check answers Ьу piaylng rre recording again Step 1 Tell students they are going to read about two
and pausing after each word. ChecK uncjerstandin g:What's women working in shops. The shops аrе having а sale =
the di|Jerence iп рrопuпсiаtiоп Ьеtwееп fфу апd Jifteeп, reduced prices. Put them in grоuрs to discuss the questions
etc,? (with fфу, sixty etc. the stress is оп the first syllable in A.Tellthem to decide who got the best price and to use
апdwtthfфеец,siх!еgп,еtс.thе stress is on the second sentences like: l bought а coat,|t was 30 euros, reduced
sylla Ьlе). frоm 60. ДЛопitоr and help with any language problems.
Conduct brieffeedback on what they bought in the last
ф 5,2 апd Answers sales and who got the best price.
!h i rty Step 2 Put the class into two group5, group А reads about
fo u rtqqп Emily and answers 1-6 iп exercise В. Croup В reads about
forty Dalena and also answer5 1-6. ДЛопitоr and heip with any
s ixtee n problems. Put students in same letter pairs to соmраrе
sixty their answers.

Tip Withа weaker class get them to listen and repeat the Step 3 Put students in new АВ pairs, опе from each group,
numbers after each опе. and tell them to ask each other questions 1-6 to Iearn
about their partner's text. Check answers in ореп class.

48 oUTcoMES
Answers Answers
Emily = Emily = we're having а sale because wе'rе closing the
1 Cermany shop, lots of people are buying things, We're not getting
2 She manages the shop. mапу customers, we're losing mопеу, l'm looking for а
3 in а bookshop job.
4 There аrе |ots of big bookshops which have саfёs and Dalena = lt's doing very well, We're having оur 5ummеr
famous writers give talks, they can't do that and they sale, l'm working really hard,The shop is staying ореп
аrе losing mопеу. late, They are growing at the moment.
5 She's sad because her grandfather opened it 60years ago,
6 She doesn't really know but she doesn't want to work Step 2 Tell students to complete the sentences in exercise В
in another bookshop, wtth аm / are / is and try to use the short fоrm where they
Dalena = сап. Do the first опе а5 an ехаmрlе - use the short form.
1 Slova kia /Иопitоr and help with when to use short forms. ln pairs
2 she's а sales assistant they compare апswеrs before checking in open class.
З atanS&Astore
4 the shop is having its summer sale Answers
5 She's tired but she likes it, she likes heIping people 1 They're
find nice clothes, 2 l'm
6 She wants to continue working with S & А and maybe З 5he's
Ьесоmе а fioor mапаgеr and then а shop manager. 4 economy's
ДЛауЬе she сап getajob iп опе oftheir shops in the UK. 5 team's
6 you're
7 are
Nдтlчв sвEAKER Ешсllsн Ьаrqаiп 8 brother's

Ask students to read the Ьох and check that they Step 3 Tell students they are going to listег tэ;-е
understand Ьу asking What's апоthеr way of saying sentences in exercise В and repeat thегг. Рi;у,-зз;
'something that we bought is good апd cheap'? (а bargain) sentence, pause апd get students io repeai es э с]эss,
Ask them if they have а similar expression in their
Ianguage. Ask if they bought апу bargains in the Iast sales Step 4 Wr,tе:l]Ё'.;: Si.,.:-]: J- :,-= : :a, 1э-э = a't
which rтc,;; э': ::'::;:: ':- - : ='i.-=_,:.э:: se saying
:he с-е: ,',- -- э'-:.-;':.:-=^ :: a.:'- ::-е.,,ау,пg
sрвдкllчс э.:е,.:-:..-a:.:- --:э| -- ',':-:;. эrс helpr,vith апу
- -- = :
То pTovide controlled pTactice of talking about shops, 5.4 апd Suggested answers
- Т,;:еу'rе |raving а 5а|е at а shap in фщп.
Step 1Ask students t,.,na: :.:_. --- -.. э:: -a.- _. : :-,: 2 |m not working уflу hard at the mоmеп!.
closing down, if ii is а gсэз .^:-g: :- -:: -;.,:-:- .э .еэJ 3 Му mother's not here. 5he's (oing the форрlцg.
the questions iп А ano t'.= :-:- : -е:э :- -< эээ-:,..,,hэi 4 The eco.nomy's growing fqs| at the .rlрmеф.
they want to say. WПег :--_. э.: .еэсу э;: i;зl-г r-:o groLps 5 Л4у lооt!аЦ teanl's doing very цrqll now.
of three or four to disc;ss :lе э-,еstiопs. Мопitоr and 6 l'm sure you're qnjoying фis qbss.
correct any language proble-s, Conduct brief feedback. 7 Some fulе!ф are _s!.ауjдg !у1ф ще at the mom.ent.
8 Му !щфеl's 5tudу1!€ at uцlчqrsц!у.

GпдммдR Present ccnIinuous Direct students to the grammar reference on page 154 if
they still seem un5ure.
То present and practise the pTesent continuous. Step 5 Tell students we often use the present continuous
when talking on the phone to say what someone is doing.
Step 2 Read out the expIanation Ьох and check Tell them they аrе a'receptionist'and they answer the
understandin g: Whеп do we use the present сопtiпuоus? phone. The caller wants to speak to the реорlе in the
(То talk about things happening around now which are Ьох, but the реорlе don't want to / can't talk now. Check:
temporary and not finished.) How do weform the present rлuш = mother, dad = father.ln ореп class elicit some
сопtiпuоus? (аm / are / is + -iпg).rеll students to look at ideas why their mum сап't come to the phone, e.g.She's
the two articles iп Reoding and find ten examples of the сооkiпg diппеr, She's hаviпg а shower. Then ask students to
present continuous. lп pairs they соmраrе answers before individually write reasons why the difГerent people can't
checking in ореп class. come to the phone. Monitor and help with ideas.

05 Si]oP5 49
Step б Put students in pairs to hold conversations using moving stail the fll/ = whereyou payforyourthings Put
their ideas. Tell them to look at the example in Е and tell students in pairs to look at the pictures and decide what
them to substitute the person (mum or dad) апdthе words from the Ьох they can see.
rеаsоп (They're watching Jilm) with their own ideas.

ДЛопitоr and соrrесt any problems with the present Answers

continuous. Conduct brieffeedback Ьу getting а selection 1 the stairs
of students to role-play опе of their dialogues. 2 the top shelf, the bottom shelf
3 the escalatol the first floor the second floor
ý" ** 5А see Теасhеr's notes р, 138. 4 the ground floor, the first floor, the second floor
5 the mаiп entrance
6 the till

Next class Make photocopies of
Step 4 Put students in pairs to answer the questions in
tSЗ ry" exercise D using the words from С. Check u nderstand ing of try
оп = to see if the clothes are the right size. ДЛопitоr and help
with any language probIems. Check answers in open class.
Vосдв u LARy Depa rtment stores
Aim 1 changing rооm 6 the basement
То present and practise expressions about department 2 the escalator 7 the ground floor
stores. 3 the main entrance 8 the sta i rs
4 the lift 9 the till
Step 1 Tell students to look at the different departments iп 5 the top shelf
the Ьох and check: Ноmе Епtеrtаiпmепt = where you can
buyTVs, DVD players, etc,;Дccessories = whereyou can buy
small things to wеаr with your clothes, e.g. belts, handbags,
jewellery. Elicit where you would go if you wanted to buy all
of these things in one place = Д department store. Check, if
possible, Ьу getting them to give паmеs of local department LlsTBlч l пlс
stores. Ask students to individuaIly match the things in the
pictures to the departments in the Ьох. ДЛопitоr. ln pairs Aim
they соmраrе answers before checking in open class. То develop listening for general and specific
1 Computing and Caming 5 Toys Step 1 Ъ s:]cel_ris ihey аrе going to listen to three
2 Womenswear б Sports э-.: - : э cepartment store.Tellthem to listen and
3 Accessories 7 Menswear ;, j,,.:|--re questions in А. Playthe recording. lп pairs
4 Beaut1 8 Ноmе Enreril n-e1_ answer5 before checking in open class. lf
:.е\,/ ссп,]раrе
necessary, play the recording again,
Step 2 Put students inio gl-сiэs .':-..: .r'э-. z:c.a .

them to think of опе mоrе iп:гq:;:,,сап э!,_y l eacr oi Answers

the departments in the Ьох. Cono;c: э,iеffеесЬасk, 1 1 radios 2 bythetil1,on the bottom shelf
2 1 shiгts 2 in the Menswear depaftment оп the second floor
5uggested answers З 1sun cream 2 in the Sports department on the
Ноmе Entertainment = а TVAccessories = а песklасе, fourth floor
Computing and Caming = а printer, Womenswear = а
skirt,Toys = а board game, Beauty = perfume, Sports = а
football, Menswear = а shirt ф5,5
conversation 1
Optional activity Set time limit of five minutes and tell
а А: Excuse me. Do you sell radios?
each group they have to add as mапу things as they can to В: Yes, madam. They're over there, Ьу the till.
each category. Cet feedback from the group with the most А: Really? l didn't see them there.
items. В: No? WeIl, come with me. Let's see. Yes, look. There
they are. On the bottom shelf.
Step 3 Ask students to read the words in the Ьох and А: Oh, that was stupid! | walked past them а
check understanding: the Ьаsеmепt = the floor ofthe shop minute ago,
that is underground,the сhапgiпg юоrпs = where you сап В: Don't worry. lt's по рrоЬlеm.
try the clothe s, shelf = а long piece of wood оr glass that А: Well, thanks for your help.
displays the things, the lфs = ап elevator, the escalator = а В: You're welcome.

50 oUTcoMES
conversation 2
С: Excuse me. Do you sell shirts? LДПtСЧДСЕ PATTERNS
D: Yes, of course, sir. ln the ДЛепswеаr department.
С: Right. ОК. And where is that? Aim
D: Оп the second floor. lf you go up the escalator То draw students'attention to some соmmоп patterns
here and turn right at the top, it's there. Next to using imperatives.
Gаmiпg and Computing.
С: Creat. Thanks for your help. Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentences in the Ьох
D: You're welcome. апd notice the similarities. Ask them to translate these
sentences into their own language. ln monolingual classes,
conversation 3 ask students to compare their translations. lп multilingual
Excuse me. Can you help me?
Е: classes, ask students to work in pairs and tell each other
F: Yes, of cou rse. if the sentences were easy to translate and whether they
Е: l'm looking for some sun сrеаm. l looked in the wеrе able to translate them word for word.
Beauty and M\ake-up department, but l couldn't see
апу. Do you selJ it anywhere? Step 2 Ask students to cover the English transiations
F: Yes, we do, but it's iп the 5ports department. and translate the sentences back into Englisn using their
Е: Oh, that's strange. translations.Then ask them to соmраrе their translations
F: Well, people use it when they go swimming, iп pairs againsI the book.
l suppose.
Е: ОК. So where is the Sports department? Alternatively lf you рrеfеr not to use trans atic", ask
F: on the fourth floor. you сап take the lifts from students to read the language pattern Ьсх агс creck
over there. u ndersta nd in g: Whеп you want to
Jiпish а ccf , эrs.|lап,
Е: оК. what сап you say? (Have а nice day,) Whеп ;,э-, ,,,,аг; о
F: And when you get out of the lift, it's on the left. tell sоmеопе it's поt а problem, vy]эat cotэ yo_i_.r, ) ]cn't
Е: Left, ОК. Creat. Thanks for your help. WOrrY.) Whеп you meet sоmеопе ai"|d \|lэ,1 ..,, 1г- -rar., |о
F: /\Лу pleasure. Have а пiсе day now. sit dowп,what сап you say? (Take э s:э-. .', |-.. sэгl.?сllе
is gоiпg out sопэеwhеrе,,ilr]аa са г _, э _, :
j,, ' - Э. Э gСЭd
Step 2 Tell 5tudents to listen а8аiп and complete the Iime) Whеп Sогпсопе i5 t, -з-"- a, :aг.a.,^ r 1 ..,гс: aап
sentences in В with опе word in each gap (point out that you say? (Don': :=: э.=._.
question 3с is two words). Рlау the recording again. iп pairs
students compare answers before checking in open class,
lf necessary, play the recording again and pause after each SрвдкlNG
se nten се.

Answers lэ э:с,лсе fluency pTactice in talking about shopping
1а Ьу ::. gепеrаi.
2а оп
З а in Step 1 Cel students to read the text about Stockmann
апс check understanding:What kind of shop is it?
Step 3 Cet stucjen:::: ::. э::-.z-з:;:-:: a- :эgе (department store),Where are the stores? (Finland, Russia,
174 апd to choose:c-. ...:.:; :. _.;-', эхэl.еsslсг,s io Latvia, Estonia),Can you buy опliпе? (yes),What does it sell?
rеmеmЬеr. lп pairs;hc,. := :::- э:.е]- anc see if tney (everything) Ask them if they know of any similar stores
chose the same. Согd;с: a-:"=:iэ;сk, loca lly.

Step 4 Tell students they эrе :: ^8 то have similar Step 2 Ask students to individually read the questions in
conversations to the ones tn ,'s:.2ctna. TeIl them to write exercise А and to take notes оп their апswеrs. длопitоr and
five things they wani to buy :l- :ге'l- ,ocal department help as necessary. When students are ready, put them into
store.They can use а dictionary ic lleip them, ДДопitоr and grоuр5 of four оr five to discuss the questions. M\onitor for
help with any language probier"ns, ln pail.s they take turns their use of language for а correction slot at the end.
asking and answering questions about where things аrе.
They сап use опе ofthe sentences iп the speech bubbles to Step 3 Conduct feedback Ьу getting each group to tell the
start. Д4опitоr and help with any probIems, Conduct brief class опе thing they discussed that was interesting.
feedback Ьу getting а selection of students to act out one
of their dialogues in open class.

Tip With а weaker class, they can read the audioscript on

paget74 and substitute the things and places each time.

05 5l]oPS 51

VосдвчLАRy 5ubjects Answers

lцЦg.t _ Y"а, __I9цЭ!€9Цg.l
Aim 1Marketing 1st Really well.
То present and practise describing subjects.
2 Ceography 2пd Not very well.
Step 1 Cet students to look at the pictures and check
understanding РЕ = physical education, /r = information З Engineering Зrd оК, but it's difficult
technology. Then in pairs ask them to discuss the questions
in А. /Иопitоr and help with any problems. Check answers
and mаiп stress iп ореп class. ф6,L
conversation 1
5uggested an5wer5 А: So what do you do, lmke?
1 Literature, l-jýtory Qe_ography В: l'm а student.
2 fu\aths, Сh_е.дцistry IT (pronounced as two separate А: Oh, ОК. What're you studying?
letters), Biology, Engineering, fuШ[iсiпе В: l'm doing а degree in Marketing.
з РЕ (pronounced as two separate letters) А: Right. And what уеаr аrе you iп?
4 Engi neering, Marketing, Lац В: Му first. l опlу started this year.
А: How's the course going?
Step 2 Tell students to think aboui r,vhich subjects they В: Really well. lt's great. l'm rеаllу enjoying it.
think are interesting, boring, most / !eas; important, easy /
difficult and which they are good at. Cive ihem а couple conversation 2
of minutes to think about what to say Then put students С: So what do you do, Тоm? Are you working?
iп groups of three оr four to discuss the quesiions in В. D: l'm а student at university.
/йопitоr and correct pronunciation. Conduct feedback in С: Oh right. What're you studying?
ореп class Ьу getting опе реr5оп from each group tc say D: Ceography.
one thing they had а lot to say about. С: ReaIly? What year аrе you in?
D: Му second.
С: And how's it going?
LlsTBlullvc D: Not very well. lt's quite boring!

Aim conversation 3
То develop listening foT specific infoTmation. Е: What do you do? Are you working?
F: No, l'm not, actually. l'm at the polytechnic.
Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to listen to three Е: Oh right. What're you studying?
conversations about studying and to complete the table. F: Engineering.
Play the recording. Put students in pairs to соmраrе Е: Wow! ОК. What year are you iп?
answer5 before checking in open class. lf necessary, play the F: ]\Лу third. lfinish next year.
recording again. Е: And how's it going?
F: ОК, but it's quite difГicult. lt's а lot of work!
Е: l'm sure.Well, good luck with it.

52 oUTcoMEs
Step 2 Tell students to listen again and choose the correct
word in italics in exercise В. Рlау the recording. Put students DBvBlopl NG coNvE RsATIoN5
iп pairs to соmраrе before checking iп open class. lf
How's the course gоiпg?
necessary, play the recording again and pause after each
conversation to check answers. Aim
То intToduce and practise questions to find out if
Answers sоmеопе is enjoying theiT course.
1 а doing Ь enjoying
2а at Ь boring Step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох to students and
3а work Ь with check understanding: How сап we ask sоmеопе if they are
епjоуiпg their course or поt? (How's the course / it going?)
Step 3 Put students in pairs to discuss ifthey know anyone How do we respond positively? (Really well), апd iп the
at university / college at the moment, what they are middle? (ОК),апd negatively? (Not very well).
studying, what уеаr they are in and if they аrе enjoying it.
ДЛопitоr and correct any language problems. Conduct brief Step 2 Tell them to look at the nine answers to the
feed back. q uestion How's it gоiпg? а nd add Really well, ОК or Not very

well.Do the first one as an example, e.g.The реr5оп sayt,

but it's quite dtfficult, so do they respond negatively? (No,
РкошчNсlАтlоN are they are in the middle).What's the aпswer? (ОК). ln pairs
they соmраrе answer5 before checking in ореп class.
То present and practise the pronunciation of numbers. Answers
Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation box.Tell them 2 Not very well
we produce the sound with no lip оr tongue movement, 3 Really well
and the sound comes from the stomach - it's like pressing 4 Really well
оп your stomach and letting out the аir. Cet them to try to 5 Not very well
produce the sound.Tell students to listen and repeat what 6 Really well
they hear, Рlау the recording and pause after each question. 7 Really well
Ask them to repeat the question as а class and then quietly 8 Not very lr,ell
to themselves. 9ок
ф 6.2 апd Answers Step З ::-]e,:s ,,:э яrоi_,iр5 cf three оr four and tell
1 What areyou studying? :,:- :: ; s:J55 r:е qi;estions in В. Monitor and help with
2 What yeat аrе you in? э,,,, ,anguage рrоЬlеms. Conduct brief feedback Ьу getting
З Аrе you епjс,уiпg !!? а siudent frоm each grоuр to summarise what they think
4 How are уQц? about the соursе.
5 Areyou huпgry?
6 Areyou good at English? Alternatively lnstead oftalking about the current course,
7 Where аrе you from? ask them to tell each other in groups about the best / worst
8 Where are you stayin8? course they've done, and what they liked / didn't like about it.

Step 2 Tell students to listen again and write the eight

questions they hear. Play the recording and in pairs Nдтlчв 5pEAKER Ешсllsн
students соmраrе their answers. Check answers Ьу playing
How's it gоiпg?
the recording again and pausing after each question. Write
the questions on the board and show them the main stress. Ask students to read the Ьох and check understanding:
What's апоthеr way sауiпg'Ноw are you?'= How's it
Step 3 Put students in pairs and get them to ask and gоiпg? Дskthem if they have а similar expression in their
апswеr the questions. /V\odel with а strong student first. Ianguage. Put students in pairs and ask them to practise
You ask the student the questions, paying attention to the the diaIogue in the Ьох.
sentences stress. /V\onitor and correct any problems with
pron u nciation. Cond uct brief feed back.

06 STUDYlNc 53
СошчгкsАтlоN pRAcTlcE Step 4 Ask students to think which adjectives describe
their school / university / college life. Monitor and help
Aim with ideas. When students аrе ready, put them into pairs to
То pTovide conversation pTactice using the language compare ideas. Conduct brief feedback.
learnt in the unit so faT.
Tip With а monolingual class, ask them to discuss if they
Step 1 Tell students to look at the audioscript on page 3_74 аgrее оr disagree оп which adjectives describe their school /
and read the dialogues. Put them in pairs and tell them university / college life. lп а multilingualclass, get them to
they're going to have four similar conversations asking find out things which are similar оr different.
and answering these four question s: So what do you do?
What're you studying? What year are уоu iп? How's the
course gоiпg? Cive them time to think about what theyU LlsTB N l NG
like to say. Tell them to have four conversations, with
difГerent answers each time.,Monitor апd help with any Aim
language problems, То develop listening for specific information.

Optional activity lf time, get а selection of pairs to act out Step 1 Ask students if they know anything about the
one of their dialogues fоr the class. Russian school system.Tell them they are going to listen
to an interview with а Russian student, lrina, taIking about
the Russian school system. Tell them to read the questions
in exercise А and check that they understand them. Then
_e i ihem to listen and put the questions in the order the
Vосдвч lдRу ,::r. е,,,.,е. asks them. Рlау the recording. ln pairs they
:; ^,:;,: э='э,е cbecking iп open class. lf necessary, play
School and universlty / cciiege
:'е'r:Э'j'g aSa 1.
То present and practise expressions about school and Answers
university / college. 19 5h
lL t]a
Step 1 Cet students to look at the adjectives in the circles. зf 7d
Ask students to try and translate the adjectives into their 4ь 8е
language and see if there are any they can't transIate.
Check апу they have difficulty with.
fl 6.З апd Answers
Alternatively to use translation, ask
lf you рrеfеr not А: What age do you start school?
students to match the adjectives to the pictures. Yоu might в: Seven, but most children attend some kind of
need to check understanding e.g. lazy = someone who pre-school classes for а year before that.
doesn't want to work very much,varied = things which are А: And whеп can уоu leave school?
different, strange = uпu5uаi. В: At 16 if you wa nt to. You са п then get а job or go
to а special college to learn а trade, but lots of
Step 2 Tell students to match each ofthe поuпs in exercise реорlе stay until 18.
В to the group of adjectives iп exercise А that describe А: And whеп does the school day begin?
them. lп pairs they compare before checking in open class. В: We start at half past eight in the mоrпiпg.
А: And how long each day do you study at school?
Answers В; We usually have six - sometimes seven - lessons а
а course = varied, boring, difficult day. Each class lasts 45 minutes.
а teacher = helpful, patient, strange А: How mапу breaks do you get?
а classmate = friendly, nice, lazy В: Five - between the six lessons. They last between
а university = popular, e](pens]ve, modern 15 and 25 minutes.
А: How much homework do you get?
Step 3 Put students into pairs and tell them to add one В: O_uite а lot! lt depends on the age ofthe student,
mоrе adjective to each group in exercise А. Conduct brief but usually between an hour and а half and three
feed back. hours - and possibly mоrе! We do а lot of writing
а nd а lot of prepa ration for class,
5uggested answer5 А: What kind of subjects do you study?
а coUrse = interesting, а teacher = kind, а classmate = В: We do lots of different things - ten or more. We
helpful, а university = good do Russian language, of course, as well as Russian
Literature. We do English and maybe one other

54 oUTcoMES
foreign language as well - usually French or Alternatively lf you рrеfеr not to use translation, ask
Сеrmап. Then there's History, and plenty of science students to notice the language pattern:/cst(s) + time
subjects too: Biology, Chemistry and Physics as expression (45 minutes, 15 and 25 minutes, very long) or in
weIl as Ceography and lots of ДЛаths. We do lT and, questions, How lопg + subject + last(s).
finally, we do РЕ as well.
А: What's your favourite subject?
В: l like foreign Ianguages, because l find them easy GпдммдR ддоdifiеrs
and l like my teachers! l'm doing two - English
and Frепсh. Aim
То present and practise modifiers.
Step 2 lп pairs ask students to look at the пumЬеr оr
пumЬеr expression in exercise В and tell them they аrе the Step 1 Ask students to read the explanation Ьох, or read
answers to the questions a-h. Ask them to match them to it out to them and check understanding: Whеп do we use
the correct question. Play the recording again and get them 'very',' rea l ly', а п d'q u ite' ? (to mod ify ou r opi п ion а bout
to соmраrе answers iп pairs before checking in ореп class. something), Do they соmе beJore or aJter the adjective?
(before the adjective) , What do we say to mеап 'а lot'?
Answers (very / rea lly), What do we say to mеап 'а /i tt/e'? (q u ite). Get
two е six оr seven Ь them to look at the sentences in exercise А and choose the
seven g 45 minutes Ь соrrесt form. Do the first one as ап example, fulonitor and
ten or more d between ]_5 and 25 minutes h help with any problems. Cet students to соп^рэr,е ln parrs
16 оr ]_8 с between ап hour and а half and before checking in ореп class.
half past eight f three hours а
Step 3 Play the recording again and ask students to make 1 very 5 very
а note of other things lrina says that they find interesting 2 rеаllу 6 quite
оr different. ln groups of three or fours they compare ideas 3 very 7 гсt чеrч
before sharing in ореп class. 4 quite ! r_.;11,

Step 4 Tell students to listen again and complete the DlreCi S:-C:-:.
sentences in exercise D with one word опlу. Play the .;- _ __

recording. lп pairs they compare answer5 before checKinq

in ореп class. j:.]: ]_ _: :_i _, ]_ -r -..-,.g) (or

э,: .:-,. :::, э, э: :'е .rnoment, really

Answers .: !],;-=; --: le:y modern and quite boring.
1 attend -:э
=,эJ9S cffour orfrve to discuss their
2 trade :=э:',':- .э, ;э:tпеir use of language. Conduct brief
З lasts;ээс( эу getting different groUpS to tellthe rest of the
. эss one thing they told each other.

То draw students'attention to some соmmоп patterns Aim
using last. То provide controlled pTactice of talking about
education systems.
Step 1 Ask students to ioc< э:.-: sentences in the
Ьох and notice the simiia1, As<:nem to translate Step 1 Tell students to think about the education system
these sentences into their о\!1 э.grJаgе and notice in their country оr the school they went / go to and to
any difГerences. ln monolingua c,asses, ask students ап5wеr the question from the interview iп Listeniпg
to соmраrе their translations. in m;i:liingual classes, exercise А. Cive them а couple of minutes to do this. Then
ask students to wоrk in pairs and ieileach other if the when they аrе ready, put students in pairs to discuss their
sentences were easy to translate and whether they were ideas. IИonitor and соrrесt апу language problems. Conduct
alэle to translate them word for word. brief fееdlэасk on their opinions about education.

Step 2 Ask students to сочеr the Engiish translations Tip With а multilingualclass, put them in mixed nationality
and translate the sentences back into English using their pairs. ln а monolingual class,you could ask them to talk
translations. Then ask them to compare their translations about the similarities and differences between the Russian
in pair5 against the book. system (fram Listeninq) and their оwп.

06 Sl iJэY NC 55
Next class Make photocopies of
@ъ яъ
бА р. 154 and бВ р. 155, &J \s& То develop reading skills foT general and detailed

Step 1 Теll students they аrе going to read for information

VосдвчLАRy Languages and opinions about growing up bilingual. Ask students if
they have а similar experience оr know of апуопе who has,
Aim and what they think about it. ln pairs get students to read
То pTesent and practise expressions about languages. the sentences iп exercise А and decide what the word in
bold means. Tell students they сап check оп рр.2З-24 of
Step 1 Put students in pairs and ask them to look at the Vocabulary Builder for help. Conduct brieffeedback on
languages in the Ьох and say what country each language what the words mеап.
comes from and which language isn't based оп а country
name. Do the first one as ап example, e.g. Frепсh = Frапсе. Answers
Д,4опitоr and help out with апу vocabulary. lп pairs they creative = have а lot of interesting ideas; sensitive =
compare answers before checking in ореп class, knows how other people feel; flexible = ореп to пеw
ideas and Wa}s; caused = created;solving = finding
Note The main languages of China is NЛапdаriп, but it is soiutions to problems; high grades = good results in а
often referred to as chinese. test / exam; positive = happy and open;emotional =
easy to show how you feel
5panish = Spain, Japanese = Japan, tinnish = tinland, Step 2 Put students in pairs and tell them to discuss
English = England, Chinese = China, Arabic = псi based rvhich of the sentences аrе true about them. /v\onitor
on а country, Turkish = Turkey, Сеrmаг = сеr-эr),, э,r .е р r,.,iih any problems, Conduct brief feedback in
Russia n = Russia ]::- : эs-<.

Step 2 Put students in Dai.s anc ge: lherr lo dlscuss hoiv Step 3 Ъ s:J.e-.s :э .еэa :"е эl-:iс]е and decide which
important they think ihese languages аrе in the world: opinions in exelcise С the rvl::er agrees r,vith, ln pairs they
very, quite, поt very inlportant and which of the Ianguages compare their ideas and expiain their choices. Check answers
sound nice to them. Мопitоr and correct any language iп open class and ask students to explain their choices.
problems. Conduct brief feedback iп open class.
Tip With а weaker class, get them to underline where they
Tip think the question of important languages
lf you found the answers in the article.
could Ье sensitive, you could get students to think of
categories where each language might Ье important. Fоr Answers
example, music, communication, iп different parts of the The writer agrees with all the opinions except 1- some
world, etc. people worry about this, but the writer doesn't agree

2 70% of the world's population is bilingual
3 growing uр with two languages is better than
knowing one language
4 children who speak different languages аrе mоrе
sрвдкllчс creative
5 these experiences сап cau5e emotional problems
Aim which makes learning difficuIt
То provide controlled practice of talking about 6 results аrе even better if students сап do some things
languages. at school in their first language
7 students feel positive about both their school and
Step 1 Ask students to read the short article and to their lа nguage
answer the questions in exercise А. Cive them а few
minutes to do this. Then when they are ready put them Step 4ln pairs get students to discuss the questions in Е.
into groups ofthree оr four to discuss the questions. ДЛопitоr and help with ideas. Conduct brief feedback on
N4onitor and correct any language рrоЬlеms. Conduct brief their opinions about bilingual education.
feedback on their opinions about learning languages.

56 oUTcoMES
GпдммдR Comparatives How tall аrе you?
How big wa5 your school?
Aim How good а student а rе you ?
То present and practise comparatives. How fаr is уоur house from the school?
How easy do you find M\aths?
Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох and How expensive was your mobile?
check understanding: Whеп do we usе comparatives? (То
соmраrе how good two things аrе оr to explain why). How Step 4 Then they telI their partner their ideas and see
do we form the comparative oJ good? (better) апd flexible? iftheir partner agrees.They сап ask questions to decide
(more flexible) апd high апd easy? (higher, easier) Теll who is right. M\odel the activity with one student, e,g, l аm
students to look at the sentences in exercise А апd choose taller than Marco. How tall are you? ДЛопitоr and correct
the соrrесt comparative. lп pairs they соmраrе answer5 апу problems with comparatives. Conduct brief feedback in
before checking in ореп class. open class оп what they agreed on.

Answers Optional activity Cet students to produce their own quiz

1 higher in team5. Each quiz should have five or six questions about
2 slower the same topic or different topics, e.g. sports, famous
3 funnier people, history, geography, Eor example, Which river is
4 mоrе interesting lопgецthе Nile or the Дmаzоп? (the Nile).Then put two
5lazier group5 together and they ask each other their questions.
6 shorter The wiппеr is the team with the most questions correct.
Conduct brieffeedback Ьу getting each group to ask tne
Step 2 Tell students to work in pairs and discuss when we class one of their questions.
add -er / -ier / mоrе ... to make а comparative. lf you can,
put them into monolingual pairs and let them talk in their
own language. IИonitor and help with when to use the
] r. * бВ see Teacher-'s nc:es с, i3E

difГеrепt forms. Conduct brief feedback in ореп class.

Alternatively you don't want them to talk in thejr own
language, get them to discuss how we make comparatives Aim
in English. Со through the answers оп the Ьоаrс, То рrэч:i: i;ег.с,, э:асt:се of giving opinions when
: = аi : :: со:пэаriпg things,
-erwith acijeci'ves э'э-: S_. э: = Siep 1 ,: . .-э _. =е: s:..:ients to choose five things in
with acj;ec: ,.,:j :^э: a, a , ,.
-ier .-: ::, э-: :: ;cc,de ifthe things are better orWorse
morewith ad eс: .=s.,.:-:--:=:, :э.
:-э. oeiore and to think of one or two reasons why.
sometimes Wit; :.,,э S. :: -S Ээ эr example in open class first, e,g, l thiпk schools are
oetter поw, students have more choices about subjects апd
Direct students :э :-= :,a- -, э, .-'= they have mоrе tесhпоlоgу toJind out iпfоrmаtiол. Cive
they still seem uns-,: them two minutes to do this, and tell them they сап use а
dictionary if they need to. Дz\onitor and help as necessary.
Step 3 Tellstudents:c .-.._.: э эаr,tпеr and to соmраrе
themselves to their ээ.|--, -s -g:ne sentences iп Step 2 When students are ready, put them into groups
exercise C.Tellthem tc с-э:s: э- a;jective апd write of four or five to discuss the questions. iV\onitor and take
the comparative and to;^ -< ]'c;estions to check their notes on their use of correct and incorrect language for а
ideas, e.g. How tall аr€ loLt? '!'.- :ol- and help out with апу correction slot at the end.
problems with the соmраrаi,.,е'сrrгs апd question forms.
Check the question forms in .ie. c'ass. Step 3 Conduct feedback Ьу getting each group to tell the
class one thing they discussed that is better or worse than
before, and why.

06 STUDYlNC 57
agree /е/
firsl lзll
tоr aims and suggested procedures see Review 01 store /э: /
пп ]а_]о match /а/
luck /л/
half /аl/
о Ulz wrong /п/

Fоr aims and suggested procedures see Review 01 Step 2 Теll students to try and saythe sounds again.Tell
рр.28-29. them to touch the end oftheir tongue and notice when
the tongue moves back and when it moves down.
1 The opposite of difficult is easlz Step 3 Рlау the recording and get students to repeat after
2 Shirt sizes are small, medium and large. each sound. Cet them to notice what happens to their
З The main entrance of а building is at the front tongue. lп pairs students practise saying the sounds from
4 А retired person is usually очеr 65. left to right and then top to bottom in the chart iп the
5 Prices аrе normally reduced in а shop in а sale, explanation Ьох.
6 Pieces offurniture аrе: а sofa, а cupboard, а
wardrobe, а table, а bed, etc. фRз.2
7 The opposite of make mопеу is lose mопеу. /i:/ , / i/, /u/, /u:/, /i:/ , /е/, /ае/
8 Material is wool, leather, cotton, plastic etc.
9 You сап get а degree at university. Step 3 Put the students into pairs and tell them to take
10 Yes, it's good to Ье lucky. turns saying the words in D- РJау ine recording and get
11 The opposite of the top isthe bottom. students to check in:he aLlcicscript оп page 175.
12 А football match usually lasts 90 minutes.
13 lf something improves it gets better. RЗ.2 and Answers
14 А teacher gives you grades. i эiеаsе
а t,i

i m porta nt

Fоr aims and suggested prccec;l,es see i:. ехаm

пп ]а ]о Worry

Ркош U NclATloN Step 4 Put students in pairs and get them to practise
saying the sentences in F and decide who has good
Aim pronunciation and which sounds are difficult for them.
То Tevise and practise vowel sounds. Conduct feedback on апу sounds that are difficult
fоr them,
Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох, оr read it
out to them. Рlау the recording and get students to repeat Note llsfening and the rest of the review unit could Ье
the words and sounds and notice how their mouth gets used as а рrоgrеss test. The suggested scores are given
rounder for the sounds towards the right ofthe chart, below each exercise. Alternatively, these exercises could Ье
iиоdеl and drill. done in pairs оr individually then checked iп pairs, оr you
could put students in teams and conduct them as а quiz
ф R3.1 / competition. lf students need help,you can direct them
seat /i: / to the relevant pages of the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе оr the
fish lT/ Vocabulary Builder,
put /u/
true /ull

58 oUTcoMES
LlsTBlчllчc Gкдммдп
Aim Exercise А Answers
То give pTactice in listening foT gist and detail. 1 those
2 Аrе you
Answers ]

3 harder
1 Ь,с 2 a,d 3 b,d 4 c,d l 4 he's watching
5 does your brother do
6 quite
фRэ.4 7 this, better

conversation 1 Exercise В Answers

А: What do you call that yellow fruit iп English? 1 not
В: What? These things?
2 l'm
А: Yes. 3 аrе
В: They're plums. 4 |t's
А: ОК. Сап l have а kilo and a|so some apples? 5 those, really / very
В: How many?
6 this, bit
А: Six. 7 reading, it's, more
В: Anything e|se?
А: No, thanks, Direct students to the grаmmаr reference оп page 154 if
В: That's f 3.З0, please. they find this difficult.

conversation 2
С: What do you do? AolBcTlvBs
D: l'm аmапаgеr in а bookshop.
С: Do you enjoy it? Answers
D: Yеs,it's great. 1рорulаr 5 creative
С: Do you like reading? 2 tall 6 sacj
D: Yes, l love it, and l get free books. 3 чаriеd 7 парру
С: That's good. 4 paiienl 8 flexible
D: Yes, the only problem is, l hard|y ever read them
because I work very long hours!
С: Oh. СоllосдтlоN5
conversation 3 Answers
E:What do you do? 1 cause 5 look for
F: l'm а student. 2 improve 6 рау
Е: What're you studying?
З give 7 have
г: l'm studying to Ьесоmе а primary school teacher. 4 leave 8 goup
Е: ОК. How's it going?
F: Creat. i'm real|y enjoying it.
Е: What year аrе you in? vосдвчlдпу
F: Му third уеаr. l have my final exams iп June.

conversation 4 1 own 5 found
С: You speak English very well. 2 plastic 6 positive
Н: Yes, l go to а bilingual school in ltaly. З online 7 grew
С: Oh, real|y? ls your mum оr dad English? 4 started 8 continues
Н: No, they're both ltalian.They just want me to speak
English well.
С: So, аrе allthe classes in English?
Н: No. Some are in ltalian.
С: 5о, what subjects did you study iп English?
Н: lt changes. One уеаr we did Science in English, and
the next уеаr in ltalian.
С: So, do you want to go to university in Britain?
Н: No, I want to study Engineering in Rome.

03 REVIEW 59

Next class Маке pnoTocoptes of а а Step 3 Tell students to individually compIete the
,.. 7А о. 15о. Y Y sentences in exercise В with words from exercise А. check
understandin g| Larry = boy's паmе, lИel = girl's паmе.
ДЛопitоr and help out with апу language problems. ln pairs
Vосдвч tARy Relationsh i ps students соmраrе answers before checking in open class.

Aim Answers
То present and practise describing Telationships within 1 brother 4 sister
families. 2 cousin 5 grandmother, mother
З son 6 girlfriend
Step 1 Lead in Ьу asking students who their favourite
mеmЬеr of their family is and why. lf you feel comfortable, Step 4 Write the names of three реорlе in your family оп
you could give your own example as model, е.g.mу the board and tell students who they are using the target
Javourite person iп mу family is mу аuпt, she's mу mother's language. TeIl students to r,vriie dorvn the names of six
sister апd she is so patient апd happy апd always wants to people in their fam;Iy :п pai!,s they telI each other who they
listen to mе. аrе. Moniiol,эnd соrrесt апу problems. Conduct feedback
on эrчсге ,,.,,ho had the same name5,
Tip You might like to do the Native Speaker English Ьох
поw, before they fill in the table,
Nдтlчв 5pEAKER Ешсllsн
Step 2 Cet students to iook аt:rе ,.,ссээi.,l е!,\, эох эlG
с h ес k u п d е rst а ndi п g: g r а п d m a,L п е r = уз ; . f;;,;1 з 1'5 6r.
Grапdmа апd crandad
mother's mother, гаuггt = а 5nc- пагпе iol, поlhеr,dаd = Step 1 Ask students to read the Ьох and check they
а short name fоr father. Тhеп ;n pairs ask students to understand Ьу eliciting other names for Grandmother =
complete the table with the rvords in the Ьох. Monitor and Grапdmq, Grап, Grаппу; апd GrandJather = Grапdqd, Сrапdра
help with any problems with language. Check answers and Ask them if they have different names in their language.
main stress in ореп class.
88 7А see Теасhеr's notes р. 1З9,
gqдgffаthеr gI?ndmother
hц,s Ьа nd wife LlsTBlvllчc
dad ц_lum
Son dацghtеr Aim
u псlе аU nt То develop listening for general and specific information.
boyfriend 8idfriend
brqther s_i_ste r Step 1 Tell students they are goingto listen tothree
соцý i n cousin shогt conversations about families, and to decide which
relationships frоm Vocabulary they mention. Рlау the recording.
Optional activity With а weaker class, put а family tree оп
the board to check the family relationships. You could use Step 2 Put students in pairs to compare answers before
your оwп family tree, if you feel comfortable. Alternatively, checking in open class, lf песе55аrу, рlау the recording again.
use the family tree of а famous family in уоur country.Then
ask students to write their own and tell each other who
the people аrе.

60 oUTcoMEs
Answers Conversation 3 = Ted's wife is а nurse and his son,Ted
conversation 1 = brothers and sisters Junior is finishing college this year
Conversation 2 = coUSin, girlfriend, uncle, aunt, brothers,
Conversation 3 = wife, son GкДмМдR Auxi l ia rу verbs
ф7.L Aim
ConveTsation 1 То pTesent and practise auxiliary verbs.
А: Do you have any brothers оr sisters, Zoe?
В: Yes, l do. l have two brothers. Step 1 Ask students to read the explanation Ьох and check
А: How old are they? understandin g: Whеп do we use auxiliary чеrЬs? (when we
В: fu\у older brother's 28 апd my уоUп8еr one is 19. don't want to repeat the main чеrь and / оr words that
А: What do they do? follow it). What auxiliary verbs are there? (Ье, do, have, сап).
В: Neil's а teacher and my уоUпgеr brother, Tim, is at Tell students to complete the sentences in exercise А with
u п ive rs ity. the соrrесt auxiliary чеrЬ. Do the fjrst one as an example.
А: What's he studying? Nлопitоr and help with any problems. Ask students to
В: Chemistry. соmраrе answer5 in pairs before checking in open class.

conversation z Answers
С: Did you go out yesterday? 1do 5 аrе
D: Yeah, ldid. l met mу cousin and his girlfriend for а drink. 2is 6 are, aren't
С: Oh, ОК. ls he visiting? З does 7 did
D: No, he lives here. Не is Eng|ish. 4 does, doesn't 8 didn't
С: Really?
D: Yes. Му uпсlе Сiоrgiо met mу aunt Ruth in London Step 2 Tell students to indlv]di;aIlr,reac:ne c-:s:icns апd
and they stayed in England.
С: So how old is your cousin?
think about opposi:e э.S,.....S,:.з. ]-.S: :-
- ',э ; dan't.
When stucen:S эr:,:эj,. :,a:--- -aa ээ.з э.с;е,jthеm
D: 18, He's а уеаr уоuпgеr than mе. tоtаkеiJa-)':э; -;:-= -_tr:: :-S э-э €, -; crpcsrte
С: Do you have any other cousins here? a,-s,.,,,:.j '.']- ::- Э-э::-.=- э-. э-:-эЕе э,оЬlеrпs. It's
D: No, ldon't, but l have 12 back in ltaly.
С: Really? How many aunts and uncles have you got?
D: Nine. Му dad has eight brothers and :: :-i :,э-таr reference оп page 156 if

Conversation з
Е: So аrе you marr.ied. Тес?
F; Yes, l am. 30 уеаrs -ех: ,=э., Dвчг Lopl NG coNvE RsATIoN5
Е: Rea l ly?
F: Yер. Adding information
Е: So what does ycl- т. ''э сс? Aim
F: She's а пursе. то intToduce and pTactise adding information to short
Е: And do you have агч c-']Cr.en? questions Ьу giving additional comments.
F: Yеаh, just one 5оп -l-eC:unior. He's finishing
college this уеаr. Step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох to students. Tell
them to match the comments to the questions and short
Step 2 Tell students to lisiег эЕа : and decide what they answers iп crammar exercise А. Do the first опе as an
lеаrп about the family membels. Эu: prompts on the board example. ln pairs they соmраrе апsWеrs before checking in
to help them, e.g. паmе, age,Joa. ),ау ihe recording again, ореп class.
Put students in pairs to соmраrе tneir ideas, Then tell them
to read the audioscript on page 175 to check. Check the Answers
information in open class. 1 answer 8 5 answer 4
2 answer 7 6 answer 5
Answers 3 answer 1 7 answer 2
conversation 1 = zoe has two brothers, hеr оldеr 4 answer 6 8 answer 3
brother, Neil is 28 and is а teacher and heryounger
brother,Tim is 19 and is at university. Step 2 Put students into pairs and tell them to practise
conversation 2 = Неr uncle, ciorgio is ltalian and her reading the conversations iп Crammor and add the
aunt, Ruth is English. Her cousin is English and is 18, he's comments in exercise А. Model the first опе iп open class
а уеаrуоuп8еr than her, she has 12 cousins in ltaly and 9 with а strong student. M\onitor and соrrесt any grаmmаr
aunts and uncles, her dad has 8 brothers and sisters,
рrоЬlеms. lt's not necessary to do any feedback.

07 FAr\л]LY AND tRlENDS 61

Step 3 Cet а strong student to askyou thefirst question
in exercise С and answer it with а short answer and а
comment, e.g. 1 Уе5 l do, l сап walk to school every day.
Tell students to look at the questions in С and write short Nextclass MiaKe pnoTocopres of а Я
answers and add comments. ý, 7Вр.157. ry \i
Step 4 Then put students in pairs to ask and answer the
questions. M\onitor and correct any language problems. СошчвпsАтlоN pRAcTlcE
Conduct brieffeedback Ьу getting а selection of pairs to
act out one oftheir dialogues. Aim
Тоprovide controlled conversation practice of talking
about families.
РпошUNсlАтlоN Really?
Step 1 Tell students to write five questions about families
Aim that they want to ask other students in the class. /V\onitor
То pTesent and practise the pronunciation of really? and help with question forms. l\Лоdеl the task Ьу getting
а strong student to askyou опе oftheir questions, answer
Step 1 Tell students to listen to the word really рrопочпсеd it with something interesting оr surprising and add а
in difГerent ways and to repeat it in the same way that they comment, and encourage them to say Really?
hear it. Play the recording and ask students to repeat.
Step 2 Tell students to stand up and ask their questions to
ф7.2 difГerent people in the class and to try and add comments
Rea lly? when they answer and 5ау Real/y? when they hear
Rea l ly? interesting оr surprising things. fu\onitor and соrrесt апу
Rea lly? language problems. Conduct brief feedback.

Step 2 Cet students to read the expianaiicn Ьох апi

check understanding: What do you поtiсе obout the VОСДВ LARY
рrопuпсiаtiоп of 'Really'? (it goes up and then comes
down), What is the speaker showing? (surprise оr interest).
Jobs and activities in the home
Step 3 TelI students they аrе going to listen to six То pTesent and practise expTessions about jobs and
sentences and to say Really? if the information is surprising activities in the home.
оr interesting and to say Oh, ОК if it's not unusual. Play the
recording and pause after each sentence to allow students Step 1 Ask students to tell the class one job they like doing
to respond. at home and one thing they don't like doing, e.g. cooking
d i n ner, ta ki ng the ru bbis h out. Then get them to look at the
Answers words in exercise А and check understandin g: look after =
,1 Really? 4 Really? take care of someone and make sure they have what they
l 2 Really? 5 Really? need,feed = give food to а реrsоп or апimаl, pick up =
з ohoK 6 ohoK collect someone or something from а place. Tell them to
individually match the verbs 1-5 to а-е and б-10 to f-j. ln
pairs they соmраrе answers before checking in open class.
1 Му dad has ten brothers and sisters. Answers
2 Му brother's 15 years older than me, ]_с 6 i

3 /Иу wife is а nurse. 2d 7 f

4 lt's my birthday today. зь 8 j
5 Му grandma's 98. 4е 9 h
6 Му sister's iп her last year at school. 5а 10 с

Optional activity То give further practice, get students Step 2 Tell students to think about which things in exercise
to look at Audioscript 7.3 on page 175. lп pairs, Student А А аrе essential, bad оr boring, оr nice to do. Cive them а
reads the statement а nd Student В responds. Then they couple of minutes and then put them in pairs to discuss their
chan,ge roles. opinions. Monitor and help with any language problems,

62 oUTcoMEs
step З put students into small
8roups ofthree or four and step 2 Tell students to read
tell them to discuss if they do again and decide ifeac-
айу of the jobs ай activities
in exercise А. ДЛопitоr and person thinks both parents
соrrесt ,.у lrЙ;;; problems. working is а good thИg . _..
thing, or both good and bad.
conduct brlef feed back. мопiйr.rj r,,.rp rr, _-
in pairs before"r'
ideas. Students соmраrе ап5Wеr5
chec.l -.:
o1|ional activity ln pairs ask students
to look at the
in open class.
in А and ima8ine who in
i:1'"'tl:' the class likes / hates
doing it and who gets someone Answers
else to do it for them.
длопitоr and help out with gOOd thing = Веrthа,Jоsё, David
ideas and trnguug.. il.,.n
bad thing = Lourdes, Sophie,
to the clasJan jt|l. otr,,.,
students read out their ideas Roberto
say if they a8ree оr disagree, good and bad = Hannah
the statement
flnalIy tЙе stuaent
was about tells the class the'corre.a.nrr.. Step з Put students in pairs
to discuss if they like what
each реrsоп wrote or not. conduct
Aim GкдммдR have to / dоп 't have to
То provide fluency practice of
talking about family life. Aim
Step 1 Ask students ifthey То pTesent and practise have to / dоп't have
read discussion boards оп to.
websites, if yes, what have they
read about? Tell students
to read the text'Debate of the Step 1 Ask students to rеаd the explanation
week, Workinfparentsl Ьох and check
Check understanding: еаrпеd understandin g: What do we^say
= to rесеivе ,;r-.; for work, if sоmеthtпg is necessory?
housework = do the cleaning, (have to), What do we
cooking.t...rouni tt,. soy Ц sombthing is пЙ nr,r)rro,yt
house. TeIl them to think about (don't have to), What соmеs
thеiйwп ,ituriйп оr. aJter'have to / daiэ't have to'?
country and to answer these (base verb e.g, empty, do).
questions: who joes
att the
housework? How does both parents
rorkinq oйzt the kids Step 2 Cet students to look
апd flmily life? Is it а good
thiпg? Сiчеtr,,.Й J'.oupre оr
ai:le seri:,-ces iп
minutes to do this. exercise А and choose tilg 6^..._- ...--,
]э _re first опе
as ап example, д4оп j.э, .-:, -.. ,,. -- э-_, э.оЬiеms, Cet
Step 2 When they are ready students :о can^::.= ,^
]: -: ]: j-.. j.g-n
put students into pairs to :,-::], opan a'arr.
discusS their ideas. /r,4onitor
and correct any lanquaEe
problems. Conduct Ьrlеf fееdЬэсi
a. _-= . -.. .-.''

To.develop reading ski]]s for jсеSг': have to
geneTal and detai_led
information. 7 :lave to
8 dcn't have to
Step 1 TeIl studer:s:-:
е nts, ьо ut,"o,' * l .::,,rJ;....; : Direct students to the grаmmаr
со m m
п,апп!= а qualified
r1- ; ;;JЖ:::, they still seem uпsurе.
reference on page 156 if
РеrSС-:э..--s эауtо lookaftertheir ",
children. Ask students to in; . :,а у iead the comments
and decide which words jr:;.-:cx ]ts Step 3 Tell students to individually
each of the people think about things they
below. Do the first one а5 ап have to do at home. whc
ехэгlэ,е and teIl them опе
word i1 not necessary Мопitоr
the right comments and word. ln
and пеIп out with tinding
i п t
о g ro u
о ur ;s оf f
.o||:.t апу language",. problems.
:-i.1 ; : Т :1..Tn :; il : :

Conduct brief feedback Ьу

Dai|,s tt
answers ЬеГоrе checking in ореп getting different groUps to tellthe
cia;s rest of the сЙss tГ,ings
they all have to / don't have
to do at home,


= Hannah, grandmother
Roberto, а паппУ = Lourdes,
= Веrthа, а father = -ъ, рlз,
Э SоП =.']оrе,, J.ugl,'lt"r.
Sophie, ап uncle = David
а grandfather isn't necessary

07 гАfu] Ly лND гRlENDS бз

sрвдкlпlс Answers
speaker 1 = the old friend
Aim speaker 2 = the'friend'you don't rеаlIу like very much
То pTovide fluency practice of giving opinions about speaker 3 = the опliпе friend
family life. speaker 4 = the friend of the fa m i lу

Step 1 Tell students to individually think about the

situations in exercise А and decide if it's good, bad or ф7.4
doesn't matter = поt important. cive them а couple of 1 Johan and l grew up together. We first met at
minutes to do this. school and later we shared а house together in
Д4аlmо. He's very creative. He's а photographer and
Step 2 When they are ready put students into pairs to he lives iп New York now, but we're still very close.
take turns saying their ideas and start their reply with / We talk all the time. We're friends for life, l'm sure.
agree... ,ldоп't agree... оr lt depends... . Demonstrate the 2 I only know ДЛiguеl because mу husband works

activity wlth а strong student first. ДЛопitоr and correct with him. l don't really get оп with him very well,
апу language problems. Conduct brief feedback on their but what сап l do? They were aIready friends when
opinions about family life, we met and l respect that. Не likes going out а
iot. Не goes to parties аll night. lthink he's а bit
Step 3 Tell students to individualIy write two mоrе stupid. He's 38, but he thinks he's stili 21! Не aIso
opinions they have about famiIy life, e.g. iJ parents апd sometimes says stupid things about women.
kids go out together опсе а week. /Иonitor and help with 3 ln some ways, Claire and l don't know each other
апу problems with language or ideas,Then put students at all. she lives iп wisconsin and l live in Leeds.
in grou ps of th ree оr fou r to sha re their opin ions а nd We never meet face-to-face. We only meet iп
see if they agree. ДЛопitоr and correct any рrоЬlеms with chat rooms and we talk through Messenger, She's
language. Conduct brief feedback. very sensitive and she rеаlIу understands me, ДЛу
friends think l'm crazy, but when I ieave college, l
want to go to the US and rпее: her in person!
4 Liu Bing - оr Auntie Lil as : cali пеr - isn't rеаl|у mу
aunt. 5he's an olo iriепо of rny mum's. They went
5рвдкlпlс to schooi :оgетhег arc she came to оur house а
Iot when iwas а kic. She's а stron8 and confident
Aim wсгllа.. anc she ..nade me feel good about myself.
То provide students with fluency practice of talking \\lhen i rпочеd to Shanghai, she helped me find а
about people they know. эlасе то live and а job, so now she's not опlу mу
гпоthеr's friend, she's miпе, as welI!
Step 1 Ask students how important friends аrе ic i;e-.
and why.Tell students to read the short text А i':: = .= э Step 2 Tell students to listen again and to correct two
from уоur friends'and checK uпСеrs;эгсl.- a' оa: сп mistakes in each summary. Рlау the recording again and
with =to have а gooc1 rеlаiiопs" э,.,.,:; sэ:::э-е.ЪI] pause after each person to give students time to соrrесt
students to individuail,r,ih г< эээ:: :lе o-esrions in А. the sentences.
С ive them а cou pie of пl lг.tеs rc со :h is. When they а re
ready, put students into g.cups ciihree оr four to discuss Step 3 Put students in pairs and ask them to read the
the questions. Д4onitor and ccrrect апу language problems. audioscript оп рр. 175- 176 апd check their answers.
conduct brieffeedback оп ineir ooinions. Finally check in ореп class.

Llsтвпl lпlс 1 They grew up togethe1 He's а photographer
2 Her husband works with Miguel, Miguel is З8
Aim 3 Не met Claire online, Не wants to go to the U5
То develop listening for genera] and specific infoTmation. 4 Liu is ап old friend of her mum's, Liu is а strong and
confident woman
Step 1 Tell students they are going to listen to four реорlе
talking about people they know апd to decide what kind Tip You might like to go through the Language patterns
offriend from the text each реrsоп is describing. Рlау the Ьох before going on to the next step (exercise D).
recording. ln pairs they соmраrе answers before checking
in ореп class. lf necessary, play the recording again, Step 4 Tell students to write sentences about what makes
them laugh, happy, angry and sad. /Иопitоr and help out
with ideas and correct word order. Put them in pairs to
tell each other, and see if they have anything in common.
cond uct brief feed back.
64 oUTcoMES
LДШСUАGЕ PATTERNS 4 fuппу = positive because you сап make реорlе laugh
5 loud = ne8ative because you can't speak around this
Aim реrSоп
То draw students'attention to some common patterns 6 quiet = positive because they are good listeners,
using rnake sоmеопе + verb / adjective. negative because you don't know what they think
7 reliable = positive because you сап depend оп them,
Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentences in the strict = positive because you know the rules, negative
ьох and notice the similarities. Ask them to translate becauseyou don't have much freedom
these sentences into their own language and notice
апу difГerences. ln monolingual classes, ask students Step 3 Tell students to individualiy complete the sentences
to compare their translations. lп multilingual classes, in exercise А with the adjectives. lMonitor and help with
ask students to work in pairs and telleach other if the language, Put students in pairsto соmраrе answers before
sentences were easy to translate and whether they were checking in ореп class.
able to translate them word for word,
5uggested answers
Step 2 Ask students to соvеr the English translations 1 funny
and translate the sentences back into English using their 2 fit
translations.Then ask them to compare their translations З quiet
iп pairs against the book. 4 clever
5 loud
Alternatively you prefer not to use translation, ask
lf 6 strict
students to notice the language pattern = the person оr 7 reliable
thing + make + рrопоuп + adjective (sad) / verb (cry) / 8 conГident
verb + adjective (feel good),
Step4 Теl stude,:; _] ., -l =
describe thern а-с :-: ::]э _:_-:l;rё\/

VОСдВ u LARy Descri bi пg peopIe know, а nd \.1t г\! 1.1

a - -_a, э, a

То present and practise expressions to describe people.

Step 1 Ask students to translate the eight adlec. .:;

in the pictures into their оwп language. D;:.,=-- - :э
to compare their translations. Cnec< :,з_. sрвдкlгtс
meaning and dri||woro s:.Ё;s ;=.': :.,.
Alternatively if ,.,с; сэ,: .,.э-: _] -:=:,a,: э: :- :-=:. То give students fluency practice in talking about
uпdеrstапdiпg:с,з,a, = -:: ,
_::-:,':= Z||э|,lз:..z people they know.
shаре;lоцd = nc'S): ,. ц;: =;:^-::,a::;:,I.:n .gycu сап
depend on,,carq,ier- = sстсэпс,.,..о,s sure of themselves Step 1 Tell students to think of fоur реорlе they know-
and does not feel ne.vcus оr frightened; fццу = 5оmеопе not family members - and to write their names and think
or something which makes you laugh; sцЕt = not loud; of answers to the questions in exercise А for each реrsоп.
\l!!ci= has set rules which must Ье followed. Monitor and help with any problems with language or ideas

Step 2 Tell students to decide which adjectives аrе positive Step 2 When students are ready, put them into groups of
and which аrе negative and why. Do the first опе as ап four or five and tell them to ask and answer the questions
example, e.g. clever = positive, because you are good at about the реорlе they know.Tell them to start their
difГerent things. /Иопitоr and help out with any language conversations usiпg l have а friend called .... lf you feel
problems. Check answers in open class. comfortable with the 8rоuр you could telI them about а
friend ofyours and get students to ask you the questions.
Answers ДЛопitоr and heIp them with ideas, and take notes on their
1 clever = positive, because you are good at different use of correct and incorrect language.
th ings
2 сопfidепt = positive becauseyou are sure of whatyou Step 3 Conduct brieffeedback on anything interesting
do and what you want to do they found out about their partners. Conduct а соrrесtiоп
3 y't = positive because you аrе always in good shape slot to finish.
and don't get tired easily

07 i:Ал.4lLY AND гRlEND5 65

08 pLANs

Next class Мlаке pnoTocopres of а а

]l аа
l/\4 8А see Teacher's notes р. 1З9
8А р.158 and 8В р.159. Lf Y
Vосдвu LARY /\Лоrе com mon activities
Aim То develop listening for general and specific
То present and pTactise describing соmmоп activities infoTmation.
that people do regularly.
Step 1 Tell students they аrе gоiпg to listen to three
Step 1 Ask students what activities they do regularly, e.g.9o short conversations about plans and to decide which
shoppiпg, go to work.rell them these аrе common activities conversation happens at work, at university оr оп holiday,
that people do and that we often use frequent verbs Play the rесоrdiпg. Put students in pail,s to соmраrе
together with а поu п to describe them. Write g о Jishing апd ап5wеr5 and say how they decided. Cneck answers in ореп
play basketball оп the board and point out the combination = class and get them to say horv;ney oecided.
go + fi s h i п g (поu п) а nd pl ау + basketbal/ (nou п). Cet students
to match the verbs in the Ьох to the groups of words they go Answers
with. Monitor and help with the verb combinations. ln pairs conversation 1 = ai university = study in the library, do
they соmраrе answers before checking in open class. some reacing fcr, гпу Literature course, go home and
Answers сопчеваtiоп 2 = оп holiday = check details of myflight,
1 goto 5go i сап show you some пiсе places whеrе there aren't too
2 have бdо manytourists
З write 7 р\ау conversation 3 = at work = going to the meeting, meet
4 go for 8 gei some clients, give а presentation

Step Put students in pairs arc :е, :-ет ic f:nc examples

frоm exercise А of two things сеэс е со ai r,vork, students ф8.!
do, people do if they feel ill, реоэiе сс ic keep fit, they Conveтsation 1
did yesterday, and they аrе planning то do soon. Check А: What're you doing now? Do you have time for
understanding of Jeel ill= not feel lvell. r.naybe have а соffее?
stomach ache оr have а cold. Do the firsi опе а5 an example В: No, sorry, l don't. l'm going to study in the library
iV\onitor and help with ideas. Check ansrvers iп ореп class and do some reading for mу Literature course.
and accept а number of options. А: Oh, ОК. МауЬе later?
В: lcan't. l'm goingto go home and study. l have my
Answers exams пехt week.
а have а meeting with а cl!ent, write а few emails А: Oh, right. Well, good luck with them, What
Ь go to the liЬrаrу, do mу homework about аftеr уоur exams? Do уоu want to go out
с go to the doctor's for а check-up, go home, take а taxi somewhere? МауЬе dinner one night?
home В: l'm rеаliу sorry, but l can't. l ... um ... l have to wоrk
go for а walk in the раrk, go for а run, play tennis, рlау that night. Вуе.
baseba l l А: But I didn't say which night!
е students'own answer5
f students'own answer5

66 oUTcoMES
conversation 2 Sentences were еа5у to translate and whether they were
С: What're you doing now? able to translate them word fоr word.
D: l'm going to look for an lnternet саfё. l have to
check the details of my flight for next week. l need Step 2 Ask students to cover the English translations
to write а few emails too. What about you? What're and translate the sentences back into English using their
you doing? translations. Then ask them to compare their translations
С: l'm going to go running Ьу the river. l need to do in pairs against the book.
some exercise!
D: Ме too!What're you doing |ater? Are you busy? Alternatively lf you prefer not to use translation, get
С: No. Why? Do you want to meet somewhere? students to read the language pattern Ьох and check
D: Yes, оК. Where? understandin g: f l say'What're you doing поw?'аm l asking
С: How about iп the main square at 8? about your рlапs? (Yes.) Дm l asking about what you are
D: оК. Creat, actually dоiпg поw? (No.) Ноw do we ask about people's
С: Then l can show you 5оmе nice places where there рlапs? (What are уоu dоiпg + time phrase.)
аrеп't too mапу tourists.
Optional activity Fоr further practice get students to look
Conveтsation 3 at the questions in the Language patterns Ьох and think
Е: What're you doing now? Are you going to the meeting? about their answers. Then put them in pairs to practise
F: No, l'm not. l'm going to meet some clients and asking and answering the questions.
have lunch with them.
Е: Oh right. Where аrе уоu going to eat?
F: А new Frепсh place in Harajuku. GКДммДR Ве gоiпg to + чеrЬ
Е: Oh, that sounds good.
F: Yeah. What about you? What're you doing now? Aim
Е: Oh, l have to give а presentation at the meeting, То present and pTactise Ье gоiпg to + verb to talk about
but аftеr that |'m going to go out somewhere. Do definite futuTe plans and decisions foT the future.
you want to come?
F: МауЬе, yeah. Call me later, ОК? Step 1 Ask students to rеэd :.- =\э э-э: ]- :э,\ эпd check
Е: ОК. understand jпg:И/hеп ic .,.э jэ г j::' э :а:к aoout
";э .a
F: Creat. See you. definite р|эпs э-з ]:a; :,:':,:-='-:-.: -э.,, cic,Me use
t|,le'|je ээ . j:: _'э,,,,, aa j: ., |: -;. rл gcingto
Step 2 Tell students to look at the situations in S|LЭ_, -= S:-]a-:j :: :: ^-: :-: Str':e-CeS ;r ехеrсiSе А
exercise С and in pairs to discuss in which convei,sa:]c- ,,, :- :-= _a--=::':,- _' :a jэ .r:э -:пе verbs in brackets.
they happened. Check understanding cf gc cJ- э,^ 5 эr:. = ]: .-=' ,;: : -= .: э, -,.э-: с. \',oliior and help with апу
invite someone to go out Ьесэu.=,,:- э.- -:a,a;::: - :':: =-: ]=-_ ;:-::-:; :э aJrпDаrе апSWеrS iп pairs before
them romant;cэi v. Э э,. :'= ,=::,: 'э эaэ ' Z' j ээ -:: Z-.=' :--:. -i - :::- a asS.
each сопчеrsаiiоп:э с-е:<:-a , э=_э: '--::;;:-. -:: j.
the section with lt,e э,;.,. =, Answers
1 are 8oing to get
Answers 2 'm not going to
Сопчеrsаtiоп l = З,5 З 'm going to go
Conversation 2 = 2,6 4 аrе going to have
Conversation З = 1-,4 5 Аrе you going to Ье
6 'm not going to play
7 's going to
LДШСЧДСЕ PATTERN5 8 are you going to rераir

Aim Direct students to the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе on page 157 if

То draw students'attention to some соmmоп patterns they still seem uпsurе.
asking about someone's plans.
Step 2 TeIl students to read the explanation Ьох. Tell them
Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentences in the we often pronounce going to as /gаulцtэ/.ТеIl students
ьох and notice the similarities. Ask them to translate they are going to hear six sentences and to listen and write
these sentences into their own language and notice what they hear. ln pairs they compare answer5. Play the
апу difГerences. ln monolingual classes, ask students recording and pause after each sentence to check апswеrs.
to соmраrе their translations. lп multilingual classes, Then play the recording again and pause and get students
ask students to work in pairs and tell each other if the to repeat what they hear.

08 PLANS 67
ф8.2апd Answers Step 4 lf time, conduct brief feedback Ьу getting а
1 l'm going to go now. selection of pairs to make their suggestions to the rest of
2 He's going to cook for me ton ight. the class.
3 l'm not going to 5ее you tomorrow.
4 l'm not going to answer that question!
5 Where are you going to stay? СошчвпsАтlоN pRAcTlcE
6 When are you going to leave?
Step 3 Теll students to individually look at the things to do in То provide conversation practice using the language
exercise D and decide which things they аrе going to do today, plactised in the unit so faT.
tomorrow and this week. ДЛопitоr and heIp with language.
Step 1 Tell students they are going to have similar
Step 4 When they аrе ready, put them into pairs to teil conversations to the ones iп Listeniпg. Cive them а couple
each other when and see if they have anything in common. of minutes to look at the ideas iп the tabIe and to think of
Conduct feedback Ьу asking а se]ection of students what possible plans. M\odel the task Ьу getting а strong student
they have in соmmоп. to Ье 5tudent В and you 5tudent А. Put students in pairs
and tell them to decide who is student А and who is
lqа 8В see Teacher's notes р. 1З9 Student В, and then have conversation about their plans.
&' 'vl
ДЛопitоr and соrrесt апу language problems. Conduct brief
feedback Ьу asking а selection of students to tell the class
Dгчв lopI NG coNvE RsATIoN5 their plans, оr have their conversations.
ДДаkiпg suggestions
То introduce and pTactise making suggestions.
Step 1 Tell students to read the explanation Ьсх and check
understandin g: How do we оfrеп mаkе sugges.'c.: = Нс,.,,, Aim
obout... ?Tell them to put the senie!ces i, ;1...';= _ г То deveiop Iistening for geneTal and specific
the соrrесt orderto make а ссг,,.rs:: a,. , :э ,:,_,=,, infcrmation.
compare answers апсj :hе. : ;. :,-: ,a::,:, = _: :,:a.
Step 1 Ъ ;:-;ег:s:hе,,,are gclrg to iisten to four
Tip With а wеа(еr c]ass ,.с- a:, ; := :-=,- :-a' ,з: -- -- э эесэ еia kirg about ihings ihey r,vant to do. Put students
in pair5 io iook at the four pictures and discuss the
& 8,3 and Answers questions in А. ДДопitоr and help with ideas. Check ideas
А: What're you doing later? Are you busy? (d) iп ореп class.
В: No. Why? Do you want to meet somewhere? (g)
А: Yes, great. Where? (f) 5uggested answers
В: How about in the main square, under the big clock? (а) picture а = а famous person is getting out of а car and
А: Yes, fine. What time? (f) there are а lot of paparazzi, maybe she wants to Ье
В: ls six ОК? (Ь) more famous
А: lt's quite early. (h) picture Ь = Shaolin monks (Buddhist Chinese monks)
В: Oh, sorry. Well, how about seven thirty? (с) doing martial arts, maybe they want to exercise and
А: Perfect! See you Iater. Вуе. (е) become at реасе with themselves
picture с = а fashionable young woman working in а
Step 2 Put students into pairs and tellthem have similar modern office and she has а lot of mоdеrп equipment
conversations, using places in their town / city. ДЛоdеl the on her desk, maybe she wants to Ье а successful
activity in ореп class with а strong student. ДЛопitоr and designer
correct апу language problems. Conduct brief feedback. picture d = а middle-aged man is working iп а garden,
maybe he wants to grow the biggest vegetables
Step З Tell students to individually look at the situations in
exercise D and think of possible suggestions. ДЛопitоr and Step 2 Tell students to ]isten to each speaker say what they
help out with any ideas. Put students in АВ pairs. Student want to do and match them to one of the pictures. Рlау the
А asks the questions and Student В makes а suggestion recording. lп pairs they compare answer5 before checking
usiпg How obout ,,, ? Then they change roles. M\onitor and in ореп class.
correct апу language problems.

68 oUTcoMEs
speakerl=pictureb GкдммдR would like to + vеrЬ
speaker3=pictured Aim
,peaker4=picturea То pTesent and practise would lihe to + verb.

Step 1 Ask students to read the explanation Ьох, оr read

ф8.4 it out to them and check understanding: Whеп do we use
Speaker 1 would like to? (to talk about things we want to, or hope to
l'm from the Czech Republic, but at the moment, l'm do sometime in the future). lf l say'|'d like to go to lrап опе
living in Manchester. l'm doing а degree hеrе. l also day', do lthink it's ап interesting thing to do? (Yes.) lf l say'l
work part-time and l'm saving mопеу because, аftеr wоuldп't like to do his job', do l want to do it? (No.) Ноw do
university, l'd rеаllу like to go to China to study kung fu we make the positive Jorm? (would like to + verb), апd the
l practise three times а week here, and l'd like to take negative? (wоuldп't like to + verb), апd the question form?
it to the next level. (would + subject + like to + verb).

Speaker 2 Step 2 Tell students to complete the sentences in exercise

lwork for а big design соmрапу in SЭо Paulo, but l'd А with the pairs of words in the Ьох. Check understanding:
like to leave and start my оwп business sometime in save = ta put mопеу in а safe place for when you need it,
the next two or three years. l don't like having а boss. /ose = unable to find something оr have less of something.
l'd like to work for myself. l'd also like to start а family, Do the first one а5 ап example. /Иопitоr and help with any
have children, but maybe that has to wait! problems. Gеt students to соmраrе in pairs before checking
iп open class.
Speaker 3
l retire next year, after working for 38 years. lt's going Answers
to Ье strange, but l'm looking forward to it. l'd like to 1 get + lose 4 start * become
spend mоrе time gardening. l have а smalI piece of 2 retire + relax Ч lcэric + сс-
land and l'd like to grow my own fruit and vegetables. 3 lеаrп + go А <:rlд: п r,
l'd also like to spend more time with my wife and
:] - ] э -э ,., ,.. э::
children. ; -::^i :: "gS
- :. :,: :: L э, э -_. -:- :е , tlem

Speaker 4 ':, =э_, S=-::-:a, Je::-:rг lo lcok

I'd like to Ье rеаllу famous. l'd like to have mу orvn :; ; j :- =,;._: : ,'.,a, ;:Jrenis are
TV show and l'd like to have Iots and lots of rncle,.,. aa ,з э, з:: i.a1-,] :о ask each other
|'d like someone tc dt,il,e rпе э!,с.;^5 '-
" э зaэ. z-a :,: э,:.: : ;:-;s :l,e I:,ings they want to do
l'd like to eat in ехэегs ,,е .э5:э-,э-]s - э- j ] l:
еvеrуопе in the у"с,;:] <-:.,. -_, -э-a
s.-ceiis io TeIl the class some of the things they would
Step 3 ТеlIstr_.;с:г:::a rеэJ :-; S:э:a-=,:s - i,rе.] sз J like io do and why.
and to Iisten again эпс tlck ( V ) ihe sentences Tha; are
true. Play the rессrdiгg again. Tell students to underline the Tip With а weaker class, check they have the correct
words that helpecl ihem to decide.Tell them to check their question forms before they ask each other. Fоr ехаmрlе,
answers with the audioscript on раgе 176. lп pairs they Would you like to retire sometime iп the пехt tеп years?
compare answers before checking in open class. Would you like to lеаrп Arabic? Would you like to start your
оwп business? Would you like to leave home? Wоuld you like
Answers to save mопеу апd buy а car?
1ь 2ь 3а 4а
Step 4 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох, оr read
Optional activity Cet students in pairs to rewrite the it out to them and check understanding: Whеп do we use
false sentences so they аrе true.Tell them to read the 'like / love + -iпg'? (to talk about things we always enjoy
audioscript on раgе 176 to check. Conduct feedback in оr think are good), What do we say whеп we wапt to talk
ореп class. about things we wапt to do iп the future? (would(n't) like /
/оуе + поuп оr verb). Which form describes а gепеrаl Jееliпg?
(like / love + -iпg) опd о future wапt / пееd? (would(n't)
/ike + поuп оr verb). Tell students to individually choose
the correct form in exercise С. M\onitor and help with
any problems. ln pairs students compare answers before
checking in ореп class,

08 PLANS 69

Answers plans. Ask them to read the explanation Ьох and check
1 l'd like to buy understandin g: What сап help you understand words you
2 l love going don't kпоw? (pictu res, п u m bers), What should you Jocus
З l? really like to lеаrп оп first? (the words you know), What do we coll the short
4 l really like going sепtепсе at the top of а news story? (the headline).
5 l wouldn't like to live
6 l don't Iike shopping Step 2 lndividually get students to match the headlines
7 Doyou like in exercise А to the news stories on the right. Tell them
8 Would уоu like not to use а dictionary and to use the underlined words
they know to help them. Monitor and help. ln pairs they
Direct students to the grаmmаr reference оп page 157 if compare answers before checking in ореп class.
they still seem unsure.
text 1 = covernment to expand airport
sрвдкlпlс text 2 = covernment to introduce пеw road laws
text 3 = covernment to reduce tax
Aim text 4 = council to cut service for young people
То provide fluency practice of talking about things text 5 = council to develop city's historic centre
students want to do.
Step 2 Tell students to read the news stories aga!n and
Step 1 Ask students to read the :isr ci ihings to do in match each word in blue iп thetexts and iп the headlines
exercise А and check understaгd;-; эf kids = informai term to а picture in 1-6 оr а meaning iп7-12. Do the first one as
for children,rellthem to think аэс;:,.vhich of the things an example. ln pairs students compare and check answer5
they would Iike to do in the f;:-.= эгd why / why not. Cive in а dictionary before checking in ореп class.
them а couple of minutes tc с. .l,s. When they are ready,
put them into groups of folr- э.',.е to discuss the things Answers
they want to.Tellthem to i;r:c э-: lithey have anything in 1 protest (text 1)
common and to note апу C'-:.::ces. Monitor and correct 2 knocking down (text 5)
апу language problems. Сс-з-:: эlief feedback оп things З dangerous (text 5)
they had iп common оr а.,. ; -:.-4се5. 4save (text 4)
5increase (text 1)
Step 2 Tellstudents to lсс.l э: -"е statements iп В and to 6speed limit (text 2)
think about their anstvels ',1:;еl the task Ьу givingyour 7expand (headline for text 1)
own example first, e.g. 'о raэ ) о,,|е to visit Peru апd go Ьу 8 cut (headline fоr text 4)
train to Масhu Рiссhu.-ге- э-: ::udents in groups of three 9 develop (headline for text 5)
оr four to discuss, Mon:tc. эrэ :olrect any problems with 10 introduce (headline for text 2)
language. Conduct brieT fееоэас<. 11 provide (text а)
12 advice (text 4)

Step 3 Tell students to imagine they Iive in the different

places in the news stories and to individuaIly decide if they
Rвдоllчс think the plans аrе good or bad, and why. M\onitor and help
with any ideas or language.When students аrе ready, put
Aim them in pairs to discuss their opinions. ДЛопitоr and correct
То develop reading skills foT geneTal and detailed апу language problems. Conduct brief feedback.

Tip You might like to do the Native Speaker Епglish Ьох Nдтlчв 5pEAKER ENGLlsH council
first, before students start the reading, since соuпсil is in
the headlines. Ask students to read the Ьох and check understanding:
What's another way of sауiпg the local gоvеrпmепt?
Step 1 Ask students if they read short news stories and (council). Elicit where the council building is in your
why they read them e.g. they give information in а brief town / city. Ask them if they have а similar expression in
way and are easy to read. Tell students they аrе going their language.
to read some short news stories about government

70 oUTcoMEs
5 lose
VосдвuLАRy tоr and against 6 attract
7 works, save
Aim 8 create, make
То present and pTactise expressions to say if students
are for or against something. Tip With а weak class, put students into АВ pairs,
Student А сап look at the sentences and help Student В
Step 1 Read the explanation Ьох to students and check Ьу spelling the word letter Ьу letter until Student А gets
understanding of the example sепtепсе:Дrе the local the right answer. With а strong class, put students into
people for or against the рlап? (against), How do we kпоw? АВ pairs, tell them they have three minutes to memorise
(the reason is negative), How do we expre;s the results of the sentences, Then student А сап look at ine sentences
the рlоп? (Ье gоiпg to).Teil students to iook at the results and Student В has to try to say the whoie sentence frоm
for the pIans in exercise А and decide if they show people mеmоrу. Student А can help if they have рrоэiеms.Тhеп
аrе for оr against an idea. Do the first one а5 an example, they change roles.
e.g. number one says'cau5e mоrе crime', /s this а positive
,inen to discuss
or negative thing? (negalive), ls it for or against the idea? Step 4Put students into new pairs and-Lei]
(against). NЛопitоr. ln pairs they соmраrе answers before their opinions of the plans they talked аЬс,: '. exercise Е
checking in ореп class. iп Rеаdiпg, and to say if they are for оr аgэ'"s: эасh one
and explain why.Tellthem to use the sеп::г.. s:аrIеr5
Answers in exercise С, e.g. / think it's а goad idеа,,'п, ;i;
.-<- ., etc.
1against /\Лоdеl the activity with а strong stcidel:, : :
2 for Teacher: What do you think about the , эг :: . -, J , пеw
З for tеrmiпаl?
4 for Student: l thiпk it's а good idea, it's gэ г j :: ,_,: , j. з ,ot of
5 for jobs.
6 for /Иопitоr and help with апу ]апg.э;= .,:: .--; ]:-э.-lсt
7 for brief feedback in ореп class
8 against
9 for
10 against sрвдкlпlс
Step 2 Put students in pairs and tellthem to decide which Aim
sentences iп exercise А could comment on the government То pTovide fluenry ,:ас:се эf talking about
plans iп Rеаdiпg. NЛопitоr and help with ideas. Check their gочеrпmег.t э_-.s.
ideas as а class.
Step 1 -= ::-::-.j 1- '=Эa -_-= ceaS ln exercise А and
:,-::. , ,;, , ,.-sreed trains = Very faSt trainS.
Suggested answers - a-,:-.э, a
]_ text 4 -: :-:-, :: ::: :=':-:vэrefororagainsteach,and
2 text 1 and 5 ,,,- .: .,.-_.'.':- :., эlс nelpwith апу problems.When
3 text 4 :]-j:-]j ;,= ,:;oy,:elI them to look at the speech bubbles
4 text 2 апd 5 э,с cneck understanding:Which speakers areforthe idea?
5 text 5 if,rst and second speakers), How do we kпоw? (l'm for ... =
6 text 1 and 5 gives their opinion, Yes, mе too. = agrees with them), [//hich
7 text 5 person ts against? (third person) , How do we kпоw? (l'm
8 text 1 against it,),
9 text 1
10 text 3 Step 2 students into groups of four оr five to discuss

:,. , :: , :,: -S;ng the phrases in the speech bubbles to

Step 3 Tell students to сочеr exercise А and complete the ile,э, ','э, :., and соrrесt any language problems.
verbs in exercise С. ДДопitоr and heip r,vith апу language
problems. ln pair5 they соmраrе ansu,/eTs before checking Step 3 Conduci э. е":-J:-э:.: э- :relr opinions and
in ореп class. their use of ссrrес: э,] -::"::: апguаgе noted while
гпо n llo ri" 8.
1 provide
2 cause
4 improve

08 PLANS 71

date /er/
АСТ OR DRAW driver /arl
Fоr alms and suggested procedures see Review 01 саreer /re/
рр,2В-29. area /еэ/
noise /эrl
cloudy /aul
Oulz sочl /аu/
tourist /ua/
Fоr aims and suggested procedure see Review 01
Dр.28-29. Step 2 Tell students to listen and say the single sounds,
then the diphthongs. TelI them to touch their Iips and
Answers notice how they move when they say the diphthong. Play
1 Yоur чпсlе is your father's оrуоur mother's brother. the recording and get students to repeat the sounds.
2 Yоu can see а doctor for а check-up.
3 You сап grow vegetables, fruit and flowers. фR4.2
4 Some examples of housework аrе: сlеап the flool 1, le/ /т/ / ет/
do the washing-up, empty / filI the dishwasher, cook 2 le/ /т/ /aI/
dinner, etc. 3 /т/ /э/ llэ/
5 People telljokes to make other реорlе laugh. 4 /е/ /а/ /еа/
6 The opposite of put on weight is lose weight. 5 la/ /u/ /aU/
7 lf you develop something, it's better, 6 /о/ /т/ /эl/
8 You сап Ьоrrоw books / DVDs, read newspapers / 7 /е/ /U/ /аul
magazines, use а computer iп а library. 8 /ч,^/ /е /ua/
9 The opposite of fill is empty.
10 А паппу looks after children for а job. Step 3 Put the students into pairs and tell them to take
11 Yes, lf you are for а plan,you agree with it, turns trying to say the words in С. Рiау the recording and
12 Covernments sometimes cut services to save mопеу. get students to check in the aldlcscript оп page 176.
13 А colleague is someone уоu work with and а client is Then get them to Iisten аЕэlп anc repeat the words-
5оmеспе you work for.
14 lf you expand а service,you make it bigger. Ф R4.з and Answers
15 lf а schooi is private, you рау for your education. 1 loud
2 fair
З tour
4 ciea r

Fдsт wRlTER i д- -l,

а ,с: се
Fоr aims and suggesteo :,.::]-. i ="э,gе
*-, З::::
Step 4 :-: sludents iп pairs and get them to practise
Рпопl u NcIATloN Di phtnon я; jэ_, ,::^е sentences in Е and decide who has good
э,э,;^сiаiiоп and which sounds are difГicultforthem.
Aim Cэ,ci.lci feedback оп the sounds that are difГicult for t'r:=^-
То revise and practise diphthongs.
Note Listелiпg and the rest of the review unit couId Ье

Step r Cet students to read the explanation Ьох, сr read ii used as а рrоgrеss test.The suggested scores are give"
out to them. Рlау the recording and ask them to repeat the below each exercise. Alternatively, these exercises cou]c :=
sounds. done in pairs оr individually then checked in раirs, ol, 1,с -
could put students in teams and conduct them as а о: :
/ competition. lf students need help,you сап direct :l:--
to the relevant pages of the grammar reference or ilc
Vocabulary Builder.

72 oUTcoMES
Llsтвпllпlс Gпдммдп
Aim Answers
То give practice in listening for gist and detail. Exercise А
1 Ье, am, at
Answers 2 don't
1 worked, 18 3 cousin, friendly 3 are
2 older, is 4 don't agree, Ье good 4 stiIl, can
фR4.4 7 does
conversation 1 8 would, there
А: What do you do?
B:Well, at the moment, l'm looking after my daughter Exercise В
Laura, but I worked for а car соmрапу before. 1 l'm not going to see him today.
А: Oh right. How old is уоur daughter? 2 She doesn't have to come to the meeting
В: А year and а half З WouId you like to Ье famous some day?
А: Lovely - so she's walking and talking поw. 4 l wouldn't like to work for that соmрапу.
В: Yes. lt's пiсе. 5 ls he going to stay here?
А: Are you going to go back to work? 6 Do l have to wait?
B:Yes, ld like to continue my саrееr, but l'm happy at
home with Laura. Direct students to the grаmmаr reference с" ээ== _э7 if
they find this difficult.
conversation 2
С: What аrе you doing now?
D: l'm going to meet my brother for а drink. Vвпвs
С: You have а brother? ls he оldеr or youn8er?
D: He's а уеаr older than me. Wе'rе quite close. Answers
C:That's пiсе. 1reduce 5 increase
D: Do you want to come and meet him? 2 stop 6 create
С: ld love to. Where are you going to go? З save 7 wоr<
D: The bar opposite hеrе. 4 provide 8 rna <с
С: ОК, Сап l meet you there iп 2о minutes? l have
to finish some work.
D: Sure. AolBcTlvBs
conversation 3 Answers
E:Who аrе the other two реор\е iп the photo? ]_ fit 1 . -:рспivе
E:The guy \s mу cousin, James, and that's hrs 2 c\ever 6 '.ппу
girlfriend, Amanda. 1 эпп^, =- 7 sirici
Е: She looks nice. 4 ccr'э:-: 8 ioud
F: Yes, she is. She's quiet, but she'5 чеrу friendly. l

like her.
', t":ýhеп \s \he pho\o {Tom'l
F: Frоm when we left school. \,\'е we:e а :-е
same class. Answers
1 check 5 wоrk
conversation 4 2 have 6 rераir
С: Did you know the government is going to expand 3 pick up 7 stay
the airport? 4 attract 8 give
Н: Really2 That's great.
С: I don't agree. lt's going to Ье bad for the
environment and it's gоiпg to cause а lot of noise
Н: МауЬе, but it's going to help local business.
С: Well, l think it's а stupid idea.

о4 REVIEW 7з
09 ExpERlENcEs

SPEAKlNG Alternatively lf you prefer not to use translation, ask

students to notice the language pattern: question =
Aim present perfect, positive апswеr = present perfect, mоrе
То provide fluency practice of talking about travelling. details = past simple.

Step 1 In ореп class ask students to look at the picture and Step 4 Tell students to looK al Tre dialogues in exercise D
describe what they сап see. Put them into groups offour and to individually add dеtэ:ls i. the past simple using the
or five and tell them to discuss the questions about travel. ideas in italics. Do the flrs: с.. эs эt example, IИonitor and
/Иопitоr and correct апу language problems. Conduct brief help with апу problerr:s,.,.,:, ."е эаs: simple, lп pairs they
feed back. соmраrе answers befc,.:;:c<,E n эреп class.

GПдммдR Present perfect 1 1 l went there iэs: i,eal
2 lcame here э':,,,,,_r,еаrs ago,
Aim З ldidn i,i<e :,
То present and practise the meaning of the present 4 I sa,"n,': е'e.,.,,.i,eeks ago. lt was great!
perfect. 5 \\'е ,,",e:_,,,esierday We loved it!

Step 1 Ask students to read the explanation Ьох and check Step 5 Ъ siudents they аrе going to have similar
understanding:When dowe usethe preseпt рефсt? (1о :э, .:,;э:iспs to the ones in exercise В, but this time, they
find out if someone has а particular experience or not), Do s-э- с асс details when they answer. Cive them time to
we kпоw whеп it hаррепеd? (no). Tell students to complete :"< of their answers. Put them into new pairs to have
sentences 1-З in exercise А with опе word in each space. ::е conversations. /Иonitor and соrrесt апу problems with
Monitor and help with апу problems. Cet students to present perfect оr past simple. Conduct brief feedback on
соmраrе answers in pairs before checking in open ciass, iheir experiences.

Answers Direct students to the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе оп page l58 if

1 Ьееп, have 2 seen, have,you 3 Have,ic, гачеп't they still seem un5ure.

Step 2 Put students in pairs агi ie!|ihen::c ,;,.,е sinrilar

conversations about countries ol, ci: es э-с эr-сj]аеrепt Llsтгlчllчс
films. ДЛопitоr and correct апу prco eTs,,,.,:r эr,еsепt
perfect. Conduct brief feedback оп \ч1,1эi ihey have done. Aim
То develop Iistening for specific information.
Step З Tell students to read the explanation Ьох and
check understanding: Whеп we kпоw sоmеопе has dопе Step 1 Ask students ifthey have Ьееп to lstanbul and if
something, what tense do we use to add mоrе details about they have, what did they visit, if not get them to look at the
the ехреriепсе? (past simple). A5k 5tudents to translate photos and discuss what they can see, e.g.Topkapi Раlасе
the conversation in the Ьох in their own language and (an Ottoman palace), Blue,Mosque (called blue because of
then without looking at the originals, translate back into the interior blue tiles).
English.What similarities / differences do they notice? Put
them in pairs to discuss if they use the same tenses in their
lа nguage,

74 oUTcoMEs
Step 2 Теll students they аrе gоiпg to listen to а Step 3 Put students into pairs to discuss what they
conversation in lstanbul between а tourist and someone rеmеmЬеr about the answers. Д/lопitоr and help with ideas.
who lives there, and to put the questions in exercise А Рlау the recording again and tell them to take notes, pau5e
in the order they hear them.The first one is done as an after each question to allow them to write. Check answers
example. Рlау the recording and pause after the first in open ciass.
question. Remind students that this is the first question,
then play the rest of the recording without pausing. Answers
1 lt's her first time, Наrrу's been hеrе before, but didn't
Step 2 Put students in pairs to compare answers before see much,
checking answers iп ореп class. lf necessary, play the 2 Friday.
recording again. З They went round the Bazaal then they went over to
баlаtа and walked round there.
AnsweTs 4 No,there WaS а ]опg line and they didn't want to wait.
1 Haveyou Ьееп to lstanbul before? 5 they went there at the weekend.
2 When did you arrive? 6 All day, they were tired at the end.
З Where haveyou Ьееп? 7 ihey want to do something which isn't sightsee,гg,
4 Did you go up the Calata Tower? 8 Nc They haven't, but they'd Iike to
5 Haveyou Ьееп toTopkapi Palace?
6 How long did you spend there? Step 4 Ъ,i students to think about to the ques:lcns :n С
7 What areyou doing later? ] .=:'е-
8 segn thзt film Berlin?
tivo minutes to do this.Then put ihe- ,.lo
iiav:yo: :,э-эs cr four or five to discuss the questions. ,1.,iог :с: and
:."eci апу !anguage problems. Conduct br-ief :..--^.'.
А: Have you been to lstanbul Ьеfоrе?
В: Well, it's my first time, but Наrrу's Ьееп he.:
Dгчвlорl NG coNvERsATIoNs
С: Yeah, опсе - but l didn't see much the-- ме too / Ме neither
А: When did you arrive? Aim
В: Friday. Wе'rе really en_joying it. То introduce and practise sharing opinions and
А: Where have you Ьееп? expeTiences using mе too l mе neither.
В: Well, today we went round i;e :-=-=э
- -_ - . a_..d>
great. Then we went ovel :с Сэ э:z э- a ;.э <ed Step 1 Tell students to read the ех: :.з: .- ::,,, э:с cneck
round there. understanding: lf we share tht2 Sсп-2 э, г эг э;.сеriепсе, what
А: Did you go up the Са ;:э -:.,.=.t сап We say? (IlДе too), f ',r'e ..,,ЗГ-. --э r.:rэ.э :с а пegative
С: No.There was а lonq ^: :':-:: : э-;,.r,е didn't sепtепсе,whаt сап Nve Sa)l- t.,= -: :-=. , Ъ.i s:udents to look
want to wait. at the sentences in exe.c,s: А э"с io decide оп their answers,
А: Really? Yоu get а 8.=э: , :.,. ..:-
:-е:ор. Put students in эа r.s а.с :е ]гет lo take turns to say the
С: Yeah, l heard. Anotl-e. : -е .*э_.эt.
sепtепсе and rеsрэпd ,,vlih fulе ioo оr Ме neither.N\odel the
А: Haveyou been to lср<э: :; э::: activity wlth а Sirong students, e.g. Student = l've Ьееп to
В: Yes, we went there ai:-e ..,a:<е:о. It's amazing,
Thailand,Teacher = Ме too. Monitor and соrrесt the use of
and it's so big! /Ие too / Ме neither. Check answers in ореп class.
А: l know, How long did ус- s::-: :ler.e?
В: All day! We were tired ai :-е е- j
Step 2 Tell students they аrе going to work in groups of
С: Yeah, really tired! three and they have to find eight opinions, experiences,
А: l'm sure. facts, etc, about themselves that they all share. Remind
В: We also went to the Hagia Scэl.a.
them to use statements, not questions. cet them to read
А: Did you? l've печеr Ьееп in iher.e. the speech bubbles as ап ехаmрlе. Cive them а couple
В: But you live here!
of minutes to think about their opinions, experiences оr
А: l know, but sometimes you don'i think about facts. Mlonitor and help out with ideas. Then put them into
visiting places when they're пеаr. groups of three to find out things in соmmоп.
В: That's true. We Iive iп London and t've печеr Ьееп
to Buckingham Palace. step 3 conduct brieffeedback Ьу asking groups to tell the
А: 5о what are you doing later? cIass what they all share, encourage the other students to
С: We want to do something that's not sightseeing. respond with Ме too оr Ме neither.
Аrе there апу films in English here?
А: Sure. Have you seen that film Веrliп? Tip With а weaker class you could get them to write eight
В: No, we haven't, but we'd like to. opinions, experiences оr facts about themselves before
А: Ме too. They say it's good. they work in groups. Tell them they can use the sentences
in exercise А for ideas.


Suggested answers
СошчвкsАтlоN pRAcTlcE 1,, 4,9
very serious =
quiteserious =2,З,5,6
Aim поt very serious = 7, 8
То provide controlled conversation practice using the
language practised in the unit so faT. Step 3 Tell students to replace the verbs iп 1-9 with the
opposites in the Ьох. /V\onitor and help with any problems. ln
Step 1 Tell students they are going to have similar pairs they compare answers before checking in open class.
conversations to the ones iп Listening. ln pairs get them to
write а list of places to visit оr go to at night in the аrеа оr Answers
country they аrе studying in. Monitor and help with ideas. 1 passed б climbed onto
2 wоп 7 repaired
Step 2 Then telI them to individually imagine they аrе а З found 8 supported
visitor and think of answers to the questions iп exercise В 4 was Ьоrп 9 married
about the аrеа / country they аrе studying in and some of 5 remembered
the places on their list.
Step 4 Tell students to think individually about five things
Step 3 Put students iп АВ pairs to have their conversations. that have happened in the last уеаr using some ofthe
Student А is the local реrsоп and asks the questions in verbs from exercises А and С, as in the example. Cive them
exercise В, Student В is the visitor and апswеrs using their time to do this. When students are ready, put them in pairs
ideas from exercise В. When they have finished, tell them to to discuss their experiences and see ifthey have anything
change roles and repeat. Iйопitоr and соrrесt апу language in common. Monitor and correct апу language problems.
problems. If time, conduct br]ef feedback Ьу asking а 5election cond uct brief feed back.
of students to tell the class about the visitor's experiences.

Rвдрl шс
Makephoiocopesc' То develop rеаdiлg skills for general and detailed
жтlж 0 а iлfогmаýоп.

Step 1 Ъll siudents ihey ale gcing to rеаd а magazine

VОСДВuLАRY Cood and bad ехреriепсеs агtiсlе about what the father's lvriter told him when he
had а bad experience. ln раirs get them to discuss ifthey
Aim agree with each of the sentences in exercise А. Monitor and
То present and practise descTibing good апd bad help out with ideas. Conduct brief feedback.
Step 2 TelI students to read the article and decide which
Step 1 Tell students to look at the sentences in exercise А sentence in ]_-4 best explains the writer's argument.Tell
and check understandin g:Jailed mу ехаm = not pass,/e// them to underline where they found the information that
off the wall = гпоvе quickly from а higher position, usually helped them decide.
Ьу accident.Tellthem to individualIy match sentences
1-9 to the pictures a-i.Tell students to look at page З5 Step 3 Put students iп small groups to compare their ideas.
iпtheVocabulary Builderfor help. /V\onitor and help with Tell them to discuss anything they didn't understand and
апу vocabulary problems. ln pairs they соmраrе before see if their partners can help them. Check answers as а class.
checking in ореп class.
Answers Sentence 3 = His father told him'Put it down to

|1i 21jf !" 5с бЬ 7е 8d 99 experience'and iп the final paragraph the writer says:
'Society is better if people criticise less, worry less and
Step 2 Put students in pairs and tell them to decide if feel OK'about making mistakes.
the experiences iп 1-9 in exercise А are very serious, quite
serious or not very serious. /V\onitor and help with ideas. Step 4 Tell students to work in pairs and discuss if they
Check answers in open class, and accept а number of liked what the writer said, which of the writer's opinions in
options because it depends оп students'opinions. exercise D they agree with, and why. Monitor and help with
ideas or language. Conduct brieffeedback.

76 oUTcoMEs
Step 2 Put students in pairs and tell them to take turns to
LДШСЧДСЕ PATTERN5 test each other, опе student says the verb and the other
has to say the three forms. ДЛопitоr and help with any
Aim problems. Check answers in open class.
То draw students'attention to some common patterns
llsinglet / dоп't let. Answers
Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentences in the cry-cried-cried
ьох and notice the similarities. Ask them to translate fail-failed-failed
these sentences into their own language and notice steaI-stole-stolen
any differences. ln monolingual classes, ask students make-made-made
to compare their transIations. ln multilingual classes, work-worked-worked
ask students to work in pairs and telleach other if the win-won-won
sentences wеrе еа5у to translate and whether they were do-did-done
able to translate them wоrd for word. break-broke-broken
Step 2 Ask students to сочеr the English translations
and translate the sentences back into English using their Direct students to the 8rаmmаr rеfеrепсе э- эаgе 158 if
translations. Then ask them to соmраrе their translations they still seem unsure.
in pairs against the book.
Step 3 Tell students to individually соrпr,е:е:зе cuestions
Alternatively lf уоu prefer not to use translation, ask iп В with the соrrесt form of the verbs ,г е\:-: _<с А, in pair5
students to notice the language pattern = (Don't) Let + they compare answers before checking I: ээ=- : эss,
object рrопоuп,е.g.mе,thеm / personaI pronoun + noun
е.g. mу sоп + verb. Answers
1 won 6 stolen
2 Ьrоkеп 7 worked
sрвдкllчс З lost 8 cried
4 fallen 9 done
Aim 5 failed 10 made
То provide geneTal fluency practice of talking about
good and bad experiences. Step 3 TelI students to individually choose ' . .--:-е
questions in exercise В and write ап5wе.s:-э: э,:::uе
Step 1 Tell students to think about the questions in А. for them. Monitor and help with ideas а.с э-g-азе.
Cive them а couple of minutes to do this. When they are When they аrе ready, tell them to write :-: ---:=. эithе
ready, put them into groups offour оr five to discuss the questions they have answered on а piece :'э:::. эrсj
questions. /V\onitor and correct апу language problems. give it to а раrtпеr, lп pairs they then as< э-; э ihe
Conduct brieffeedback оп their experiences. question according to the numbers. Мссе :-= э:: l,iiу Ьу
writing а number from 1-9 on the boaro z- э z=: а strong
Tip lf уоu аrе short on time, get students to choose just student to askyou the question. ln ра,rs :-:. : sc;ss and
two questions from А to discuss in groups. see if they have anything in соmmоп.,\'r]- ]]. э.d correct
а ny lа ngua ge problems, Cond uct Ьriеi':: : ээ :<.

GКДММДR Present perfect 2 Step 4 Write Have you ever .,. ? on ihe эээ.; эrd elicit
example question5.TelI students ic'-J .';-а:;у rvrite two
Aim more present perfect questions to эsi э:пеr siudents in
То pTesent and practise the form of the pTesent perfect the class. /Иопitоr and help with Ia.El;Ee and ideas. Tell
to talk about experiences. students to stand up and ask thel, cJesi,ons to difГerent
5tudents. Cond uct brief feed Ьаск.
Step 1 Ask students to read the explanation Ьох, or read it
out to them and check understanding: How do weform the alл
&J \4 9А see ТеасhеrЪ noies р. 140,
present рефсt? (Have + past participle),What dtfferent past
participles are there? (some are the same as the past simple
= rеgulаr verbs чеrЬ + -ed, irregular verbs, e,g. had, had,
others аrе difГerent from the past simple = stole,stolen),
Tell them to look at the verbs iп the Ьох and think ofthe
three forms. Cive them а couple of minutes to do this, Next class Make photocopies of
9В р.161_.

VОСДВu LARY Descri bi n g experiences а embarrassing
Ь relaxing
Aim с scary
То present and practise expressions to describe d annoying оr stressful
experiences. е sad
f stressful
Step 1 Te|l students in pairs to look at the pictures and g exciting
describe what they сап see, Conduct brieffeedback. h boring or stressful

5uggested answers
а three people standing next to а coffin at а funeral Fпя
&'\* 9В see Ъасhеr's notes р. 140.
Ь students asleep in а university lecture
с а man is having а mа55аgе оп а beach
d а man iп а formal suit, his zip is ореп and showing his LlsTBlulluc
u nderpa nts
two people in а саr trying to avoid а lоrrу Aim
f аwoman trying to sleep but can hear loud music То develop listening for geneтal and specific information.
ьо а mап sitting at his desk with а соfГее, he looks very
busy Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to Iisten to two people
а couple in а helicopter flying очеr snowy mountains describing expel-iences thеу;эче had and to decide which
adjective frar, \./с:эс.l 9,1 эxcrcise А best describes each
Step 2 Tell students that each picture is describing an eXpei.ena-, ) ;_. :-=,a:].a.le_ ln эаir-s students compare
ехреriепсе and to individually match the sentences in ans\.,..e.S ::'a.= :-=:., -: :г сэеп cIass.
exercise А to the pictures. Chelk: аппоуiл9 = rп;l.,,ou
feel а Iittle angry and impatient, embarrassina =fеэ, 5uggested answers
nervous, ashamed or stupid in а socia] slir,a: э- s:r,,, =
quite frightening. Do the first о.е as э- i\:^ : . : -

picture а the woman is с,у п5, ,с,,, ,,, j: :.: :,.J, .-:a
was really sad, Monitor э.с -- э,.,.:^ э,. :.:: =^-; ...
ideas. ln pairs the,r со-iэl,е э-s.,.:.; э-'э,: :-=:. -: - cl 9.2
ореп class. - о,е.,.::<:,э эз:-,.:а.. rепtеd а house iп the,_rS ;е ,,, :^ ;эте с|5 friends from university
Answers for а fey,l cavs. \!.;е пас а :eai,y iovely time. l really
1с 2f ЗЬ 4а 5d бh 7е 8g needed it because of ail the siress at work. we
got up late every day, we had nice Iопg breakfasts,
Step 2 Put students in pairs and tellthem to discuss which we went fоr walks in the hilIs пеаr the house and
adjectives in exercise А describe good experiences and then we went swimming in the sea. lt was lovely.
which describe bad experiences. /Иonitor and help out with We were very lucky with the weather: it was nice
ideas. Conduct feedback on their opinions. and sunny and the evenin8s were wаrm, so we sat
outside and chatted untii late. lt was wonderful to
Answers see everyone again.
good ехреriепсе5 = rеlахiп8, exciting
bad experiences = annoyin8, boring, sad, embarrassing, 2 Опе day last уеаr, l left work late, about пiпе o'clock.
sca rу, stressfu l lt was dark and l was very tired. lt was summer
and it was very hot, so l opened my саr window. l
Step 3 Tell students to individually decide which of stopped at а traffic light and suddenly two men
the adjectives iп exercise А they can use to describe jumped into my car. One of them had а gun, and
experiences a-h in exercise С. /V\onitor and help with any they told me to drive. l didn't want them to shoot
language problems. ln pairs they соmраrе answers before me, so l drove!They took mе to а рооr part of town
checking in open c|ass. and then they stole my саr, alI mу cash and my
credit cards, and mу jeans. lt was awfuI, but, hey, |'m
stilI alive!

78 oUTcoMES
Step2 Tellstudents to look at the words in exerc!se С each Step 2 Tell students to look at the sentences in exercise А
speaker used and check ifthey understand them. Check in and in pairs to decide which of the words in 1-10 they can
open class: countryside = area outside of а town with trees, join together. Do the first опе а5 an example, (see answers
field, etc. lovely = very nice, hills = high аrеа of land but below). Play the recording to check their answers, Then play
lower than а mountain, lucky = something good happens the recording again, pausing after each sentence and get
to you, wаtгл = not hot поr cold, traffic light = set of red, them to repeat.
grееп and yellow Iights that controi traffic, shoot = to fire а
gчп, cash = money in notes оr coinS, о/iуе = not dead. Е 9.3 and Answers
1 l stoRReq|a! traffic light
Step 3 lndividually,
оr in pairs if possibJe, ask students to
think about what each person did but don't spend too 2 А рооr part of town
much time as they will Ье talking about this later. Рlау the
rесоrdiпg again to check their ideas. lt waq9wful, buflm stilýlive.
Step 4 Tell the student to rеаd the statements in exercise С l renteq!house.
and to listen again and complete the sentences with one
wоrd iп each gap. Рlау the recording again. iп pairs they We saPutside апd chatte(9ntii late
соmраrе answers before checking iп ореп class.
l can spea(9 few wordl9f ltalian.
5uggested answers
1arented bhad cgot dhad esat lt waq9bouýwee@go.
2aIeft bopened cstopped dpart estole
Не ha€ an a,wful accident.
Step 5 Put students in pairs. Using the words in exercise С
and the sentences in exercise Е to remind them, tell them lt waq9 really stress'llvexгer :- :tr.
to describe each person's experience. ДЛопitоr and help out
with ideas.Then tell them to compare their ideas with the 10
5he fe]l cut cf э
audioscript оп page I77.

Tip With а weaker class, put students in АВ pairs. Student

А writes а summary of conversation 1 and Slude:: 3 ,... t,'::; sрвдкtпlс
а 5u m ma rу of conversation 2. Then ST-;c:-: : :.
j: -: -:
= =
В about conversation 1,S,l;ce,:: 3 э:.,; r: :-a : -- -: -- :a Airc
on раgе 1-77 эпо,'е,:': .,. : ;:: , j -, : . '=. _-'.| _: ._ :: lс plclrde fluenry practice of talking about experiences.

Step 1 -eii s;udents to choose one ofthe sentences in

Nдтlчв 5рЕАкЕк ЕшсLlSн г се э,.с l/ocabulary exercise А to describe ап experience they have
had,Tell them to think about when it happened, where
Ask students to .еэ; :-: :сх and ie,i lher.rr inat пiсе is а they were, who they were with and what happened first,
Very соmmоп Wcr] - :-= sil to cescribeyour feeiings. second, etc. Cive them four оr five minutes to рlап what
Check they unders:э.; :. эs<iпg What do we add tо'пiсе they want to say and tell them to use а dictionary or ask
Ond...'tO make it 5аLlг,; .-эrэ oositive? (д positive adjective,
уоu ifthey need апу help.
е.g.suппу, warm, etc., Asi .-.n^ ,i they have а s jmilar
expression in their lan;-.;;:, Step 2 When students are ready, put them into groups
ofthree or four to tell each other their stories, the other
students have to guess what kind of experience it was
РRош U Nсlдтlоlч .joi п i пg words together (f rоm Vocabulary ехеrсisе А). ДЛопitоr and take notes оп
their use of correct and incorrect language.
То present and practise pronunciation ofjoining words Step 3 Conduct feedback Ьу getting one student from
together. each group to tell the rest of the class the most mеmоrаЬlе
experience in their group.The rest ofthe cIass has to
Step 1 Read the explanation Ьох to students and check decide what kind of experience it was,
understandin g: What happens whеп опе word епds iп а
сопsопапt опd the пехt word starts with а vowel? (we.1oin Optional activity Write the соrrесt and iпсоrrесt language
the words tоgеthеф. оп the lэoard. Put students in groups and tellthem to
decide which language is соrrесt and to correct the
incorrect language.Then check their ideas in ореп class.

09:XPElilENCE5 79

VосдвuLАRy Trains and stations LlsTBlч l lчс

Aim Aim
То present and practise descTibing trains and stations. То develop listening for specific infoTmation.

Step 1 Tell students to look at the pictures and say what Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to listen to а
kind of train it is, e.g. а regular train, а high-speed trаiп, а conversation in а train station in Amsterdam, Holland and
luxury train. Дsk them if they have ечеr travel led Ьу one of decide what kind of tickets the passengers buy, how much
these trains and what their experience was. Put students in the tickets аrе, how they рау, what t:me their train is and
pairs and get them to Iook at the words in bold in exercise А which platform they need. Piay;he recording. Put students
and help each other with the meaning.Tell them to check in in pairs to соmраrе апswеrs Ьеfоrе checking in open class.
theVocabulary Builder ifthey need to. Check understanding: lf necessary, play the recorclng эgаiп.
discount = а red uced price, рlафrm = а rea where passengers
get оп the train,delay = not on time, usually late,get off= Answers
to descend from the train at the end ofyourjourney, /iпе = 1 two second-class singies
the metal rails (tracks) that the train goes on.Tell students 2 fifty-four euros ar:d iwепtу cents
to individually match questions 1-8 to the answers a-h. З visa (credit cald)
IИопitоr and help out with any vocabulary problems. lп раirs 4 1,2.25
they compare answers before checking in open class. 5 plaflorm 6

Answers 'l ]-O.!

1d 2h зf 4ь 5g бе 7а 8с А Heilo. l'm 5оrrу. Do you speak English?
В: Ofcourse. How сап I help?
Step 2 Put students in pairs and tell them to decide А: Hi. We'd like two tickets to Croningen, please.
who usually asks the questions in exercise А - someone В: Grопiпgеп. Certainly. Travelling today?
travelling оr sоmеопе who works for а train company. А: lf possible, please, yes.
Check answers in open class. В: No problem. The next train is at 12.25, so you have
lots of time.
Answers А: Cood.
someone travelling = 2,З,4,5,6,8, В: SingIe оr return?
sоmеопе who works fоr the trаiп company = !,7 А: Return, l think, but we're not sure when wе'rе
going to come back.
Step 3 Put students in АВ pairs.Student А as<s the В: Ah, so it's рrоЬаЬlу best to buy two singles. Return
questions and Student В answers, thеп They change roles. tickets опlу last one day.
/Иопitоr and correct апу language probiems. Not necessary А: Oh, ОК. How much are the single tickets?
to conduct feedback on this activity. В: First class is fifty-two euros fifty and second class
is twenty-seven euros ten.
Optional activity Put students in groups of three and А: Two second class is fine, thank you.
get them to memorise the questions and answers in В: That's fifty-four euros and twenty cents, please.
exercise А. cive them three minute to do this.Then tell How would you like to рау?
them to cIose their books and give each student а letter: А: ls Visa оК?
А, В, оr С. Student А says the question, Student В says the В: Yes, of course. Please епtеr уоur PlN. Creat. Thank you.
answer and Student С сап ореп the book and help.Then А: Thank you, What platform does the train leave from?
they change roles.

80 oUTcoMEs
В: You need platform 6, and you have at Alternatively lf уоu prefer not to use translation, ask
Hilversu m. students to read the language pattern Ьох and to notice
А Oh, really? It's not direct? the use of take, Check understanding: How сап we tell
в No, there are no direct trains to Сrопiпgеп from here. sоmеопе how lопg we sрепd travelling? (lt takes (+ object
А l see. How long does the journey take? рrопоuп) + time.) How сап we ask the question? (How lопg
в lt's about two and а half hours in total, you have to does the journey take?)
wait thirty minutes iп HiIversum. Yоu arrive around
th rее o'clock.
А: ОК. And it's platform 6, yes, DBvB lopl NG соNчЕ RsATloNs
В: Yes, platform б at 12.25.
А: ОК. Thanks for your help.
Telling the time
С: Did you get the tickets ОК? Aim
А: Yes, !t's at twenty-five past twelve.What time is it То introduce and practise ways of telling the time.
now? Do we have time for а coffee?
С: Yeah * plenty of time. lt's quarier to tweive. Step 1 Tell students to read the explanation Ьох, оr rеаd
it out to them and check understanding: Wiэаt are two
Step 2 Tell students to listen again апэ сстэiете the dtlferent ways of telling the time? (tweпty-Jive 7эost twelve
sentences in exercise В with опе rvoro. Р э,,, ,-е recording оr twelve twenty-five). ls there а diffеrепсе Ьеt,"уееп the two
again. Put students iп pairs to compare a"s.,.e.; before ways? (no,they are both соmmоп).Whеп do чле ttse'past'?
checking in ореп class. lf necessary, play lle ..сэra ng (from 1 minute to З0 minutes) апd'tо'? (from 3i m jnutes
again, pausing аftеr each 5entence to checK. to 59 minutes).

Answers Step 2 Tell students to match the times iп exel,cise А to the

1 How pictures. lп pairs they соmраrе answers be'cre cnecking in
2 next ореп c|ass,
3 best
4 enter Answers
5 change lf 2а Зd 4Ь 5с !в !: 8h
6 take
7 arrive Step 3 Put students in pairs and te :-=^- _: ::,,,:r 1-8 iп
8 help exercise A.Tell them to say each o'i-- . :-_ _'res in the
pictures a-h in two difГеrеп: tчэ,,,s, ]: _-= ,',s: cne as ап
Step 3 Tell students to think about the questions lп С. Cive example, e,g,threeforty-five с, э з.,э,:.r .э_iоur. ДЛопitоr
them а couple of minutes to do this. Then put them into and help. Chec< answe,s ^ _-.=- _- ;;:
groups of four оr five to discuss the questions. Monitor and
correct any language probIem5. Conduct brief feedback. Answers
а three foriy-five э аээaе|:о iоLlг
Ь eight f;ft_v-fli: ' ..:э 1 .е
LдпlсчдсЕ pATTERNs с nine оп',,з,',.: ээ;: nine
d four fi::ee-. э q;arter past four
Aim е tгl,ее т" riy, naii Dast three
То draw students'attention to some соmmоп patterns f r,ne, n.le o'clock
using take to describe how iong something takes. g six :rventy-five, twenty-five past six
h irvo thirty, haIf past two
Step 1 Ask students to look at i"e sentences in the
ьох and notice the similarities. Asi tnem to transIate Step 4 Cet students to read the questions in exercise С
these sentences into their 61у1 аеglэ$с and notice эпс check: catch the 5r5 = get оп the bus.Tell them to
апу differences. lп monolingualclasses. asK students ncividually think about their answers. When they аrе
to соmраrе their translations. ln п.;l: llEua] ciasses, ready, put them into groups ofthree оr four to discuss the
ask students to work in pairs and Tei| еас. oiner if the cuestions, /Иопitоr and correct their use of telling the time.
sentences were eaSy to translate and \!геihеr iney were Conduct brief feedback оп апу times they had in соmmоп.
able to translate them word for word.
Optional activity lf you have а multilingual class, get them
Step 2 Ask students to соvеr the English irar:slai;cns to teIl the class what the time is now in their countries
and translate the sentences back into English using their using the two different forms.
translations.Then ask them to соmраrе theirtransiations
in pair5 against the book.

10 TRAVEL 81
РпошчNсlАтIоN to VосдвuLАRy Transport

Aim Aim
То present and practise the pronunciation of to. То pTesent and practise describing transport.

Step 1 Read the explanation Ьох to students and Step 1 Tell students to look at the sentences in exercise А
check understanding of when we 5ау to with а weak and check understanding|miss = arrive afterthe bus,train,
pronunciation = when it comes between two words.Tell etc. has left, /ock = to put а chain around а vehicle and
students they аrе going to listen to eight sentences and use а key to secure it.Tellthem to individually match each
to write the words they hear. Рlау the recording and pause word in the Ьох to а group of words in exercise А. M\onitor
after each sentence to give them time to write. ln pairs and help with any vocabulary problems. ln pairs they
they соmраrе answers before checking in ореп c]ass. Then соmраrе answers before checking in open class.
play the recording again pausing after each sentence, and
getting students to repeat. Answers
1 bus
ф Lo.2 and Answers 2 саr
1 Quarter to seven. 3 tra in
2 Five to twelve. 4 bike
3 Twenty-five to three. 5 taxi
4 Ten to ten. 6 flight
5 Talk to me.
6 ld love to go to Thailand, Step 2 Tell students to read the questions in exercise В
7 We have to change hеrе. and to think about their answers. Monitor and help with
8 | don't have to go to work today. any problems. When students are ready, put them into
group5 of three оr four to discuss the questions. /Иопitоr
and correct their use of language. Conduct feedback оп
СошчвкsАтlоN pRAcTlcE anything that was slmilar оr difГerent.

Aim Optional activity Put students in АВ pairs. Student А reads

То provide controlled conversation practice in buying the group ofwords in exercise А апd Student В says the
trаiп tickets. form oftransport,

Step 1 Tell students they are going to have similar fi 8 10А see Teacher's notes р. 140.
conversations to the ones they heard iп Ltsteniпq about
travelling. Tell students iэ indivjdua]it,decide rvhere tпеу
want to go, what kind of :lcke:s i,е,,".,.,э,: ;г5 ,.,.,з, Rвдоlпtс
they are goingto trачеi.Ъliiпе..:э:; ,. э:э-:: -=; :'
trains, prices, how to рау, hot,,, lcng -,. з-"._. s э,] :-: Aim
platform. ДЛопitоr and help with icjeas То develop reading skills for general and detailed
Step 2 When ready, put students in АЗ rэ ls elc a]locaie
roles. Tell them Student А is buying ihe iicke:s, Siudent В is Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to read some facts and
selling tickets and they should have sinlilar conversations stories about taxis and taxi drivers. lп pairs ask them to
to the one iп Listening. When finished, they спапgе roles discuss what is good about taxis and taxi drivers, e.g.they
and have а similar conversation.lИonitor and соrrесt any are cheap апd quick,they сап tell you tnteresting places
language problems. Conduct brief feedback Ьу getting а to goto. ДЛопitоr and help out with ideas. Conduct brief
selection of pairs to tell the group about their tickets, etc. feedback on their opinions.

Tip With а weaker cIass, get students to read the Step 2 Tell students to read the article and decide if each
audioscript оп раgе 177 for useful language to use. story is true оr untrue. ln раir5 they discuss their ideas and
then tell them to read tilе 2 оп page 166 to see ifthey
were right.

Next class lr/ake photocopies of
10А р. 162.

&"' \А
rhe'Expensive'text is untrue, all the other stories are true

82 oUTcoMES
Step 3 Put students iп pairs and tell them to say what they step 3 Tell students to individually choose the соrrесt words
can rеmеmьеr about the things, places and numbers in D. in exercise В. Monitor and correct any problems with too.
fulonitor and help with ideas or language. Then get to read lп pairs students compare ап5Wеr5 before checking in
again and check their ideas. Conduct feedback on their ореп class.
answers iп open class.
AnsWers ]_ too
1 the part of the Ьrаiп connected to memory and 2 too mапу
lea rп ing 3 too much
2 has pink taxis driven Ьу women and they only pick up 4 too
Women 5 Тоо many,too
З London taxi drivers have to lеаrп 32О routes and only 6 too many, too
25% finish the course and pass the ехаm
4 anyone with а саr сап Ье а taxi dr.jver Step 4 put students in groups ofthree оr four and tell
5 number of people who died iп 'iaxi rvars'when them to look at the picture. In three minutes see how
companies competed to сопtrоi taxis and routes many sentences they сап say using too / too mчсh / too
6 the longest JoUrney across the deser-t iп Australia, the mапу, Dо ап example, e.g.There\ too muсh trafftc Siop
cost ofthe trip them after three minutes, and ask each group horv mапу
7 Spanish couple paid $3,0ОО because the taxi driver they got. Cet the group with the most to teli tпе ...: C;:le
heard the wrong city, Halden not Оldеп, lvhich was class their answers.
over 550 kilometres away
8 the пumЬеr of languages the city provides а Suggested answer5
translation service fоr тоо much pollution / smoke, too much noise, driver.s аrе
9 Britain has some of the worst transport prob;e-s too апgrу, bus is too full, it's too dangerous, motorbike
in Europe, but it is number опе for taxis as vcted эч has too mапу pizzas,the driver is too dangerous, tne
tourjsts on а website pedestrian is too Iucky, is listening to music too ioud,
and is too worried about pollution
Note Сепеrаllу people say either Britain оr the ;l :-:
technically (Creat) Britain consists of England, Scc: э-; ,-с Direct students to the grаmmаr reference on iraq:
Wales, while the UK consists of England, Scotlalc, ..,э :s -;9 lf
they still seem unsure.
and Northern lreland.

GкдммдR too, too much,too mагi,/
Aim То provide fluency practice of talking about transpoTt.
то pTesent and practise too, too muсh апd too mапу.
Step 1 Tell students to rеаd the Ьсх and:c:h n< аэсllt
Step 1 Ask students to read the expIanation Ьох, or rеаd it where they live and to anstver the questicns iп А, cive
out to them. Check understanding: Whеп do we use'too'? them а couple of minutes to do ihis,
(to show something is bad and is mоrе than we want).
write examples from the explanation Ьох оп the board and Step 2 When students are ready, put them into gr-ci_;ps of
check the form, Whot ,,yard comes after'too muсh'? (trаffiф, four оr five to discuss the questions. fulonitor апо' соrrесt
What part of speech is iг? (singular, uncountable noun), any language problems. conduct brief feedback оп their
What word comes aJter'ica rrtапу'? (delays), What part of opinions and their use of language.
speech is lt? (plural почпl,V,thаt word comes after'too'?
(fast),What part of speectl is ir? (ап adjective or adverb).

Step 2 Tellstudents to match 1-3 rvlth а-с iп exercise А,

based оп the examples in the ехр anation Ьох. длопitоr Next class Make photocopies of
and helP with any problems. Cet siudenis to соmраrе 10В р. 16З.
anSWer5 in pairs before checking in оэег cIass,

1а 2с ЗЬ

10 тRлVi 8з
DBvB lopl NG coNvE RsATIoN5 Llsтвпl l lчс
Recommerldillg pIaces Aim
Дm То develop listening fоr specific information.
То introduce and practise recommending places.
Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to listen to two guests
Step 1 Ъ ;:;cents to read the explanation Ьох and check talking to а receptionist in а hotel, and decide which two
-, ].,S:э, ] ^.Е: What do you do if you tell sоmеопе that questions from Developing conversations exercise А the
J :,, r,, э а,'асе is good? (you recommend it).TelI students
э -, guests ask and which places the receptionist recommends,
:. ]].i :: the questions in exercise А and match them to Рlау the recording.
:-: :-S,..,,el,S a-h.Tell them not to worry about the words
- э] G эi the moment. Do the first one а5 ап example. Step 2 Put students in pairs to compare answers before
'.':l tor and help with ideas. lп pairs students compare checking iп ореп class. lf песе55аrу, рlау the recording
э-s,...]еrs before checking in ореп class. again.

Answers Answers
1Ь 2h Зd 4f 5с ба |е 8g Where's the best place to eat? = Captain Nemo's.
Where's the best рlасе to go shopping? = А nice market
Step 2 Put students in pairs and get them to discuss what in the main square.
they think the words in bold in exercise А mean.Tell students
:э L,se the context to help them guess the meaning, e.g. фlо.з
.п the first ехаmрlе they are talking about а restaurant, А: Cood evening, sir, madam. How сап l help you?
and they say the food is good. What else is important iп а В: Hi. WeU like to go out for dinner. Where's the best
restaurant? (the service, the ambience = the atmosphere). place to eat?
Ъllthеm to look at page 40 iп the Vocabulary Builderfor А: Тrу Captain Nemo's. lt's а iovely little restaurant Ьу
help. ДЛопitоr and help with meanings. Conduct feedback in the sea. lt's not the cheapest рlасе in town, but the
ореп class and check word stress. fish there is really excellent.
С: Oh, that sounds great. Do we need to book?
Answers А: l сап do that for you, if you Iike. What time would
bjl<e lапеs = lanes on the road which are опlу for cyclists you like your table?
atmosphere = the feeling you get from а place В: About half past eight?
live Ьапds = grоuр of musicians who play in front of ап С: Yes, that sounds fine. What's the easiest way to get
audience, not recorded there? Can we walk?
rate = Price А: Not really. lt takes about half ап hour to walk there_
swJrпlling ррр1= large structure filled with water for lt's probably best to take а taxi. Would уоu like mе tэ
people to swim in book one for you?
sеlесtiоп = а rапgе of things to choose from С: Yes, please. That's great.
sty]e = lndividua l way you wa nt you r ha ir cut В: Oh, there's one other thing, before l forget. Wed like
qррQ valuefor щол!еу =the price and the quality of what to buy some presents. Where's the best place to go
you buy is good shoppi ng?
А: There's а nice market iп the mаiп square tomorrow.
Step 3 Tell students to individually think of answers to the They have some nice things.Try there. lt starts at
questions in exercise А about their town оr city. Cive them around eight and gоеs оп untiI about two.
а couple of minutes to do this. ДЛопitоr and help out with В: lt sounds perfect.Thanks for your help.
ideas. When students are ready put them into АВ pairs. А: No problem. lt's my pleasure.
Student А is а tourist and asks the questions, Student В
recommends places they know.Then they change roles. Step 2 Put students into pairs and tell them to choose the
/\Лопitоr and соrrесt апу language problems. Conduct brief words they heard in exercise В. Play the recording again.
feedback on пеw places they found out about. Check answers iп ореп class.

Tip lf you have а multilingual class, where possible put

students of difГеrепt nationalities in pairs.

84 oUTcoMES

Answers Step 2 Tell students to individually complete the
1 сап) conversations jп В with the superlative form of the
2 We'd like adjective iп brackets. Мопitоr апd help with апу problems
3 cheapest with the form. ln pairs they соmраrе answers before
4 Do we need checking in ореп class.
5 What
6 easiest Answers
7 takes 1 the quickest
8do 2 the most beautiful
9in З the cheapest, the most expensive
10 lt's my 4 the most dangerous
5 the worst
Step 3 Tell students to individually think about the 6 the most difficult
questions in А. Cive them а couple of minutes to do
this.Then put them in pair5 to discuss the questions.
ДЛопitоr and correct апу language problems, Conduct brief sрвдкlпlс
feed Ьа ck.

То provide fluency practice of recommending places.
Nдтlчв 5pEAKER Ешсrlsн
you're wеlсоmе Step 1 Put students in groups ofthree or four and tell
them to make questions Ьу changing the words iп italics
Ask students to read the Ьох and check understanding into superlatives, M\onitor and help out with the superlative
How сап we respond whеп sоmеопе says'Thank you'? forms. Check answers in open class.
(You're wеlсоmе and we сап often say No problem, too.)
Tell them that No problem is less formal lhan You're Answers
wеlсоmе, Ask them if they have а similar expression in their 1 the best
la nguage. 2 the wor-st
3 the o]iest

GкдммдR Sl_i Dсr a:'\,,:s : :-::-::]-;:

-a ---- - -- -----

То present and pTactise superiatives. } :-: -э:: =aэ- a'
9 :-е::эs:'э-с-s
Step 1 Write the examples from the explanation Ьох i0 iпе ^rоst,,.поспэп:
on the board and check understanding Wheп do we usе 11 the most delicious
superlatives? (to соmраrе mоrе than two things), How do 12 the best
we form the superlative? (use the + superlative adjective), ] З the worst
What are the rules? (short adjectives, add -est or if they
end in -у change to -iesl longer adjectives u5e the most + Step 2 Теll students to individually think about their
adjective), What are some соmmоп irregulorforms? (good = answers to the questions. Cive them four оr five minutes
best and bad = worst). to do this. When students аrе ready, put them into the
same grоuр5 to discuss their answers, tell them to see if
Step 2 Ask students to read the explanation Ьох or read it they agree with the other реорlе in the group.,Monitor and
out to them. Tell students to compIete the table with the take notes on their correct апd incorrect use of language.
superlative forms. Monitor and help with апу problems. In
pairs they соmраrе answers Ьеfоrе checking in ореп class. Step 3 Conduct feedback Ьу getting опе student from
each group to tell the rest ofthe class what they agreed on
Answers and what they disagreed on.The rest of the class has to say
the best, the worst, the fastest, the smallest, the earliest, if they agree or disagree.
the hottest, the most boring, the most interesting
Optional activity Write language you noted while
Direct students to the grammar reference оп page 159 if monitoring оп the board, still in their groups, ask 5tudents
they still seem unsure. to decide which language is correct and correct the
incorrect language. Then check answers in ореп class.

,ь_ rt 1ОВ see Теасhеr's notes р. 14О, I]

10 TRAVEL 85

СОШЧВКSАТIОN PRACTICE & Step 1 Cet students to read both the explanation boxes,
оr read them out for them. Play the recording and get
АСТ OR DRAW students to touch their throat and repeat the sounds.Tell
Fоr aims and suggested procedures see Review 01 them that for the words in the bottom row they should
feel mоrе vibration and that the words оп the top rоw u5е
а lot of аir.

а R5.1
bath /0/
tоr aims and suggested procedure see Revlew 0]_ off /f /
лп f а ]о trip /р/
let /t/
Answers calch /{/
1 lf you fail,you don't pass the exam. bus /si
2 А mountain is bigger than а hill. саsh iJ/
З You wait for а bus at а bus stop. lcck /k/
4 Bad weather оr accidents can cauSe delays ic а т,аiп the /6/
or flight. alive /v/
5 you can рау for something in cash, Ьу credit i debit bike /Ь/
card оr Ьу cheque. died /d/
6 Younger children, people over 65 (whatever the edge /ф/
retirement age is the соuпtrу), people with а bars /z/
disability (blind, etc.) get а discount оп public Asia /з/
tra п sport. gчп lg/
Many possibilities. Examples are: Briti5h Airways,
EasyJet, Singapore Airlines etc. Step 2 TeIl students to listen and say the single sounds,
lt's good if а sеrчiсе is reliable, it means you can then the diphthongs. Tell them that l,viih / f / апd / v / the
depend on it. topteethtouch the bottom lip and with / р / апdl Ь /the
9 Any kind of food сап Ье delicious. lips come together. play the recording and get students to
t0 No, good value means cheap, not expensive. repeatthewordswith / р l, / Ь /, / f / acd / v /.
I1 You сап miss а bus, а рlапе, а train, (апу public
tra n sport). фR5.2
lz lt's dark at night. рау, bath, fat, very, mар, boss, laugh, аrriче
13 Traffic lights эrе: r€d = stop, yellow = wait, 8rееп =

gо. Step 3 Put the students into pairs and tell them to take
I4 The opposite of alive is dead. turns saying the words in С. Play the recording and get
15 А guard protects а реrsоп or building. students to check in the audioscript оп page 17B.Then get
them to listen again and repeat the words.

Fдsт WRITER Е R5.3 and Answers

1 Ьоrп
j: ?_ qацsе
\ш ъьъ ъъý \\ъъъъ\ъ\ ýý.1 -
пп )Я_)Q 3 соursе
4 guard
5 jump
Рпош u NclATloN 6 visitor
/ fUrtпеr
voiced and unvoiced consonants 8 divorced

Step Put students iп pairs and get them to practise

saying the sentences in Е and decide who has good
то revise and practise voiced and unvoiced consonants,
рrопuпсiаtiоп апd whjch sounds are difficult for them,
conduct feedback on the sounds they found difficult,

86 oUTcoMEs
Note Listening апd theTest of the rечiеw unit cou\d Ье ConveTsation 4
used as а рrоgrеss test.The suggested scores аrе given С: Have you Ьееп to the old part of town?
below each exercise. Дltеrпаtiчеlу these exercises could Ье Н: Yes, апd l dоп't wапt to go there аgаiп!
dопе iп pairs or individually then checked iп pairs, оr you G: Really? Why поt?
could put students in teams and conduct them as а quiz Н: When l went there, someone jumped out iп the
/ competition. lf students need help, you сап direct them street and sto|e my bag. lfelldown and broke my
to the relevant pages of the grammar rеfеrепсе оr the аrm.
Vocabulary Builder. С: No!
H:Yes. lt was awful!

То give practice in listening foT gist and detai]. Exercise А Answers
1 Haveyou ечеr Ьееп, l went
Answers 2 Has уоur son, Не saw
1 three, relaxing 3 6.00, has time 3 Have they visited, they came
2 аплоуеd, in ylh 4 someone stole his bag, а Ьопе 4 Has she met, We had
5 Have you tried, l didn't like
conversation 1 Exercise В Answers
А: When did you аrriче? 1 That's hеr best book.
В: Three days ago. 2 Не has done this hundreds of times,
А: Аrе you enjoying it? 3 The easiest way to get there is Ьу taxi.
В: Yes, it's been great. 4 l've never read anything Ьу Сйпtеr Crass.
А: Where have you Ьееп? Have you done any 5 His books аrе mчсh too |ong.
s ightseeing? б There аrе too mапу guns iп our society.
В: No, we've been nowhere! We've sat Ьу the рооl and 7 The дlhаmЬrа is the most beautiful building 1п Sэа,п.
eaten some nice food, and rve've r.ead а Iot. We were 8 l played а rеаllу good computer gjmе y.1l.,1:]
both realIy stressed before,,ve сап:е bele anC r,ve
needed to do nothing fоr а few days. Direct students to the grаmmаr reference оп рая: .
_^е_v find this difficult.
conversation 2
С: Can l have а single to Handford?
D:When are you going? Ао; BcTlvBs
С: Now. The train's going to leave in two minutes.
D: Oh, sоrrу. There's а delay with that train. lt's going to Answers
Ье З5 minutes Iate. 1 пеаr 5 simple
С: No! There isn't а train before that? 2 stressful 6 amazing
D:There is, but it's not а direct train. It's very slow. lt 3 boring 7 happy
arrives at 12.38. 4 рооr 8 impossible
С: l'm going to Ье late for my meeting.
D: l'm sоrrу, sir. How would you like to рау?
С: Cash. Соt-lосдтlоNs
D: That's tз2.45,
С: That's awful. Answers
1repair 5 get оff
conversation 3 2 repeat 6 rеmеmЬеr
Е: What time's your flight? З а rrive 7 charge
F: А quarter to eight, so l need to get there at about six. 4 book 8 lose
How long does the train take to the airport?
Е: Oh, it's quite quick. lt опlу takes half ап hour.
F: That's good. VОСДВ U LARY
Е: 5о, what do you want to do today?
F: Well, I haven't Ьееп to the city mu5eum. How about Answers
going there? 1 Ьоrп 5 motorways
Е: оК, 2 driver б lапеs
3 supported 7 society
4 cycling 8 divorced

о5 REV]EW 87
11 FooD

Next class Make photocopies of Step 3 Put students in pairs and tell them to decide ifA
11А р. 164, ls:he,.r,ai:er / waitress оr customer in 1-6 and to put the
c:a,cg-es ,n the соrrесt orderyou usually hear / saythem.
fulоз :э. э,d heIp with ideas. Conduct feedback in open class.
Aim 1 А = сusiсп-,еl, 4 А = customer
То introduce talking about going to restaurants. 2 А = custome!, 5 A=waiter/waitress
З A=waiter,'r.,;ai:;,ess 6 A=waiter/waitress
Step 1 Ask students which is their favourite restaurant and Correct оrdеr = 4. !. 6, з. 5, 2
why. Model first Ьу givingyour own example. Put students in
grоuрs of three оr four to discuss the questions in А. /Иопitоr 8 е 11А see Ъасlеi"s notes р. 141,
and correct апу language problems. Conduct brief feedback.

Vосдвu tARy Resta u rа nts
Aim То develop listening fоr genelal апd specific information.
То present and practise expressions Telated to restaurants.
Step 1 Tell students they аrе gc ^::э ];sten to two English
Step 1
Put students in pairs and tell them to use the extra people in а restaurant in Frапсе, ald _о oecide which
information in 1-6 in А to try and guess the meaning of six questions from Vocabulary exe:c,se ;\ ihey hear and
the words in bold. in which оrdеr. Play the recording. D;t siudents in pairs
to соmраrе answers before checkir:8 .п ореп class. lf
Step 2 lп а multilingual class, ask students to translate the necessary, рlау the recording again.
sentences in their оwп language and then without look!ng
at the originals, translate back into English. Ask them what Answers
similarities / difГerences they notice, ln а monolingual 1 Сап we have а table for two, please?
class, get students in pairs оr threes to соmраrе their 2 Haveyou booked?
translations.Then telI them to check the words in the З Сап we see the mепu, please
Vocobulary Builder page 42. Check answers in open class. 4 Would you like any dessert?
5 Сап we have the bill, please?
Answers 6 Does this include service?
гOепu = list of food iп а restaurant
Ьil/ = piece of рареr saying how much to рау фLl.L
service = tip included as part of the billto give to the А: HelIo. l'm sorry Do you speak English?
waiter for serving you В: А little,yes.
tip = to give extra money to the waiter for service А: Creat. Сап we have а table for two, please?
starters = smallamount of food at the start of а mеаl В: Have you booked?
mаiп course = the biggest part of а meal А: No, l'm afraid we haven't.
table = the place you sit at in а restaurant В: Ah.We are very busytonight. Сап you wait ten minutes?
booked = made а reservation in advance А: Yеs.
dessert = the sweet раrt of а meal С: Сап we see the menu, please?
order = tell the waiter what you want to eat and drink В: Of cou rse.

88 oUTcoMEs
С: Ah. Yоu don't have English menus? DHvB lopl lvc coNvE RsATIoN5 Checkin g
В: We don't. l'm sorry, but lcan helpyou.This is chicken,
this is fish - but l don't know the паmе of the fi5h in Aim
English - this is steak, this is soup and this is а bird - То introduce and practise using checking questions to
l don't know the паmе - it is similar to а chicken, but clarify what someone has said.
smaIler. lt's very, very good. l recommend this.
С: Oh. l'd like to try that, please. step 1 Read out the explanation Ьох to students and check
В: Сеrtаiпlу, madam. And for you, sir? understanding|How сап We check iпfоrmоtiоп? (Ьу using
А: The fish, please. negative sentences), What's the word order? (su bject + don't
В: l'm sоrrу, sil but the fish is finished,We don't have + verb), What hарреПs to our voice? (it goes u р). дЛоdеl а пd
any more. drillthe intonation.
А: Oh, right. WelI, сап l get а steak, please? Well
cooked. No blood, Step 2 Tell students to write negative sentences -ls,.lg
As you рrеfеr. the verbs in exercise А. Do the first one as ап ехэ..рlе. Put
Сап l take your plates? them in pairs to соmраrе апswеr5.
Thank you, That was delicious.
Would you like апу dessert?
No, l'm fine. l'm really full. Сап we have the bill, please?
Step з Either individually or in the same pairs, ask _i .- iэ
match а-е to 1-5 in exercise А. Ask them to check - :; r.s tben
Of course. One moment. play the record ing to check. Cond uct brief feedba ск'. : : с - с asS,
Неrе you а rе.
Thanks. Does this include service? Answers А
Yes, We add 15 реr cent. 1 You don't eat meat?
ОК. Thank you. 2 You don't take cards?
З You don't want апу dessert?
Step 2 Put students in pairs to discuss the questions iп В. 4 So you don't have any free tables?
Then tell them to listen and read the audioscript оп 5 So you don't drink alcohol?
178 to check their ideas. Play the recording again. Check Answers В
answer5 in open class. аЗ Ь1 с4 d5 е2
Answers azLL,2
1 they haven't booked а table, the menu isn't in English, conversation 1
the fjsh is finished А: l'm а vegetarian.
2 the woman orders а bird similar to chicken and the В: Oh realiy? You don't eat meat?
mап orders а steak А: No. No ,rneat, по fish. Nothing that moves!
3 they might, but service (the tip) is already included in
the bill conversation 2
А: ::'s cash опlу, l'm afraid.
Step 3 Put students in pairs and get them to discuss the В: You don't take cards?
points in D. /Иопitоr and соrrесt any language problems, А: No, l'm afraid not. We don't have а machine.
cond uct brief feed back.
conversation 3
Note lfyou are teaching in trапсе, gei studen:s tc А: l'm rеаllу fulI.
taIk about their favourite Frепсh iocC cr- 'i;.зl, -з; -1 В: Yeah? You don't want апу dessert?
international visitor wha+ thp, t.,^ А: No, l'm fine. Really. l can't eat anything eIse.

Tip Cet students to look at the аud эsс.;э: on page 17В convelsation 4
and underline апу useful expressicns cr-,,vcrds they А: We're very, vеrу busy tonight.
don't know. lп pairs they соmраrе апс heip each other В: So you don't have апу free tables?
with meaning, then put them in groLr!s of four to do the А: Not at the moment. Сап you wait ten гпiпutеs?
same. Д4опitоr and listen for any common expression
they аrе not sure of. lп open class get them to share the conversation 5
new expressions and clarify any they аrе поt sure ol А:l'd just like something non-alcohoiic.
В: ОК. So you don't drink alcohol?
А: No. l don't like the taste.
Nдтlчг 5пEAKER Ешсllsн соп l get ,?
Step 4 Put students in pairs to practise the conversations.
Ask students to read the Ьох and check they understand Ьу ДЛопitоr and help out with any problems with the
asking What's onother (mоrе iпfоrmаl) way of soying 'Сап intonation. Conduct brieffeedback Ьу getting а selection of
l have .,. ?'= l'd like or Сап l get... ? Ask them if they have students to have their conversations in ореп class.
similar expressions in their language.
1]. госD 89

Step 2 Write salt / sugar / pepper / spices / water опthе
Со г.tчв RSATl о N pRAcTl сЕ board and ask students which word does not go in the group.
(Water =rhеу аrе аll things you add forflavour, except water.)
Aim ln pairs tell students to decide which word doesn't go iп each
Iо pTovide contTolled conversation pTactice of ordering group in 1-8 and use the sentences to explain why. M\onitor
iп а restau_Tant. and help out with any ideas. Conduct feedback in open class.

Step 1 ЪlI students they аrе goin8 to have а similar Answers

::-,.,ersaiion to the one iп Listening. Ask students to 2 basic foods except crearT
-;.vldually write а menu for а restaurant in their country, 3 dairy products except wlле
э-с;о include starters, main courses and desserts. /йonitor 4 fruit except eggs
э,d help out with any language problems, 5 drinks except ccrrots
6 vegetables except /ernons
Step 2 Put students in АВ pairs, Student А is the customer 7 meat except tomatoes
and student В |s the waiter / waitress. Ask them to look at 8 beans except chlcken
ihe plan in В and give them three minutes to decide what
io say. When students аrе ready, tell them to have their Step 3 Ask students in pairs to look at the photos and say
conversation,Then they change roles and repeat. which foods in 1-8 they сап see iп the pictures. Conduct
brieffeedback iп ореп class.
Optional activity Bring in а selection of menus from local
restaurants оr download them from the lnternet. cive Answers
students the dishes on separate pieces of рареr and they 1 beef, steak, lamb, chicken
have to decide if they аrе starters, main courses оr desserts. 2 potatoes, tomatoes, onions, broad beans (fresh)
They could then use them as ideas for their own menus. If 3 apples, оrапgеs, Ьапапаs, kiwis
you have а stronger grоuр, you could get them to write their 4 nothing
favourite menu for homework and then use this to start the 5 cheese, butter, milk, cream
next class (they tell each other and say ifthey like it). 6 nothing
7 broad beans (dried), peas, soya
Tip With а weaker class, ask them to read the audioscripi 8 nothing
on ра8е 178 to help them with the Ianguage needed. 9 beer, wine, water, milk, fruit juice, tea, соfГее

Step4 Put students intoAB pairs.TellStudentAto lookat

the pictures in File б on раgе 167 and Student В to look at
the pictures in tilе 8 on раgе 168.Tellthem to individually
Next class Make photocopies of think about how to describe and draw the food.Tell them
11В р. 165. to use the example in D to help. Cive them time to рrераrе.

When they аrе ready, tell them to take it in turns to describe

and draw their food to their partner who writes the паmе of
each food in their own language. When they have finished,
VОСДВЧLАRY FOOd they look at each other's drawings and say if they wrote
down the соrrесt паmе in English. Conduct brief feedback,
То present and practise expressions related to food. Tip With а weaker class, you could put all the Student As
and Bs together and they help each other рrераrе.
Step 1 Ask students what their favourite food is and if
there is anything they don't like to eat.Tell students in pairs Optiona| activity ln grоuрs get students to write their own
to match the kinds of food in А to the pictures 1-9. Check group of words with one word that doesn't go.Then they
understanding: seafood = fish that comes iп а shell, e.g. swap lists and identify the word that doesn't go.
lobster, Jish = animal that lives iп water and swims. Monitor
and help with апу problems. Check answers iп ореп class. Step 5 Write the examples in Е оп the board and check
u ndersta nd ing: Whеп we 5ау'mе neither' are we agreeing

Answers with а positive or negative statement? (negative, e,g. l don't

1 meat 6 nuts like potatoes),And mе too (with а positive statement, e.g. /
2 vegetables 7 beans love apples).TelI students to individualIy write three positive
З fruit 8 fish and three negative statements about their taste in food, ln
4 seafood 9 drinks pairs they tell each other and their раrtпеr has to respond
5 dairy products using mе too / mе neither, fulodel Ьу asking а strong student
to say their sentences and you respond. Monitor and соrrесt
any language problems. Conduct brief feedback.

90 oUTcoMEs
Step 2 Tell students to individualIy decide if the words in
Rддоlпlс itaiics in 1-6 iп д show the same оr different quantity, апd
when the quantities аrе different, which quantity is less.
Aim Do the first опе а5 an example, e.g. а lot of / а bit o/show
То develop Teading skills for detailed information. different quantities, а bit of is less. /Иonitor and help with
апу problems. Cet students to compare answers in pairs
Step 1
Ask students if апу of them аrе vegetarian (don't eat before checking in ореп class.
meat), оr if they knowа пуопе who is and to say why. Tell

students they are going to read an article about people who Answers
don't eat meat.Tellthem to individually read the quotes from 1 different, о bit of is less
famous people and to tell each other if they think they аrе 2 different, алу is less
completely true, partly true or not true. Check understanding: З different, апу isless
healthy = sоmеопе who eats well, the way to go = the best 4 the same
th i n g to do, I ead i пg са ules = most i m porta n t reasons,fa ctory 5 the same
farming = where animals аrе kept in small spaces to produce 6 different, some is less

meat cheap|y. Conduct feedback in open class.

Step 3 Tell students in pairs to complete the rules in В using
optional activity ln small grоuрs students discuss what the examples in А. длопitоr and help out with апу problems
they know about the different famous people in the using the past simple. Check answers in ореп class.
quotes. Conduct brieffeedback in open class.
Note was а Russian writer,famou s for War апd
Leo Tolstoy 1alotof
реасе, ceorge Веrпаrd shaw was ап lrish writer and Nobel 2 mапу
prize winner, Раmеlа Anderscn is а Сагаdiап
aciress. sne 3 much
starred in the TV рrоgrаr.rпе З;;.,,э-:,- ]:. -:,.. s _. э-
American ruппеr.
?,z-.r.э. rе'еrепсе cn оаяе 160 if
. =.:_ :::
Step 2 TelI students io read ine a:t с.. э-э э=--:= . _i
iп В аrе true or not. lп pairs they соmраrе ar:5t..els э:.:.-
checking in open class.
exa-i,:. :,i, -. j.,, 2:: :. -,: , : ,
optional activity cet students iп pairs to correct the false
statements. (Answers included below.) which words сап v]e Jse? - э- _, . ',' .-
Ia nguage problems. Cond l;ct ieec ээ :.l
1 true Answers
l true 1 mапу
3 false - most people become vegetarians for moral reasons 2 abitof
4 false -the WHO has recommended that people 3 afew
should eat а minimum of five portions of fruit and 4 muсh
vegetables every day 5 much
5 false - only around ЗО% of Britons eat the 6 afew
recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables
6 true Step 5 TelI students to look at the words in the Ьох and to
declde how much / mапу of them they eat оr drink, as in
the example. Monitor and he|p with language problems.
Gкдммдк put students in
8roups ofthree оffоur to tell each other
qlot oJ some, апу, muсh, mапу, о bit of and decide who has the best diet. conduct brieffeedback_

То present and pTactise determiners of quantity; а
Ф8 11В see Теасhеr's notes р.141.
of, sоmе, апу, muсh, mапу, а bit of .

Step 1 Read the explanation Ьох and check understand!ng

Whеп do we u5е а lot oJ some, апу? (before nouns to show
quantity). Whеп do we usе'muсh'апd'mапу'? (in negatives
and questions), What do we оftеп use instead of 'а lot oJ'?
(much апd mапу); апd instead of 'some'? (а bit of, а

11 EooD 91
VосдвчlАRy Cooking N Nicoletta; D = Domi; F = Frапk
N; Would you like апу more, Domi? Frапk?
Aim D: No, thanks. l'm rеаllу full.
То pTesent and practise diffeTent ways of cooking. F: Ме too, but it was lovely, Nicoletta. Really delicious.
Would you like mе to put the plates iп the kitchen?
Step 1 Ask students to look at the pictures and decide two N: Thanks. Just put them iп the sink. l сап do the
foods you do each thing to. Do the first one with them. washing-up later.
Monitor and help out with any ideas. ln pairs they соmраrе D: So how did уоu cook the potatoes? They were
ideas and see ifthey thought ofthe same foods. Conduct really, really good.
feedback in ореп class. N: They're very easy to do. You just wash them, and
then slice each one into five or six pieces. Put them
Suggested answers оп а plate and put some o|ive oil and some salt
1 fry: steak, onions and pepper оп them. Chop some gar|ic and add
2 gril|: chicken, рерреrs that and then roast everything in the oven for
З boil: potatoes, pasta about 45 minutes.
4 roast: meat, vegetables F: And how about the lаmЬ?
5 stuff: chicken, courgettes N: Well, you chop some onions and fry them for ten
6 chop: carrots, garIic оr fifteen minutes - in butter. Then chop the lamb
7 slice: potatoes, meat and some tomatoes and fry them for five mоrе
8 stir: соfГее, soup minutes_ Add some salt and рерреr - and it's ready
to eat-
Step 2 Tell students to individually think about who does F: You make it sound easy.
the cooking in theirfamily / home and which cooking N: lt is easy_ Would you like me to email you the
methods in the pictures they use every day, sometimes, not recipe?
very often or never. When students аrе ready, put them in F: Please_
pairs to tell each other. Conduct brieffeedback. N: Oh, Ьу ihe way, l'm going to have а little party next
Saturday for mу birthday. Would you two like to
Step 3 Put students iп АВ pairs, Tell Student В to cIose соmе?
their books. Student А acts the eight ways of cooking and D: lt depends. Аrе you going to cook?
Student В says the word from memory.Then they change
roles. lt's not necessary to conduct feedback on this activity Step 2 Cet students to
put the sentences in В in the order
iley heard them. ln pairs they соmраrе ideas. Рlау the
reccrding again and get them to check. lf necessary, play
LlsTBпtlluc ihe recording again. Check anSwers in open class.

Aim Answers
То develop listening foT general and specific infoTmation. b,f,d,c,a,h,e,g

Step 1 Tell students they are going to listen to three Step 3 Put students in pairs and get them to dlscuss what
friends at someone's house and they аrе talking about the six words iп italics in В refer to.Then get them to check
what they've had for dinner. Tell them to listen and ап5wеr their ideas with the audioscript оп page 179. Conduct brief
the questions in А. Рlау the recording. lп pairs they compare feed back.
answers before checking in open class. lf necessary, play the
recording again. Answers
а them = onions с one = potato d they = potatoes
Answers е it = the cooking f them = plates h it's = the lamb
1 potatoes and lamb
2 slice, chop, roast, fry Step 4 Tell students to think about the questions iп D. Cive
them time to рrераrе. When they are ready, put them into
grоu р5 of th ree о r fоu r to d iscu ss. Cond uct brief feed back.

92 oUTcoMES
LдтrlсчдсЕ pATTERNs 1f 2е зd 4с 5а бь
Aim фtL.4
То dTaw students'attention to some соmmоп patterns 1
using send апd, emailfor exchanging information. А: Would you like to try а piece of this cake?
В: Yes, please. lt looks delicious. Did you make it yourself?
Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentences in the
ьох and notice the simi!arities. Ask them to translate 2
these sentences into their own language and notice А: Would you like me to do the washing-up?
any difГerences. ln monolingual classes, ask students В: No, it's ОК, Don't worry lcan do it later.
to соmраrе their translations. ln multilingual classes,
ask students to wоrk in pairs and tell each other if the з
sentences wеrе easy to transIate and whether they were А: WouId you Iike to go out for dinner sometime?
able to translate them word for word. В: Yes, ОК. Where do you want to go?

Step 2 Ask students to cover the English translations 4

and translate the sentences back into English using their А: Would you like а starter?
translations. Then ask them to соmраrе their translations В: No, thanks. l'm just going to have а mаiп соursе.
iп pairs against the book.
Alternatively If you prefer not to use translaiicn. as< siuder:is А: Would you like mе to cook for you опе evening?
to notice the pattern = чеrЬ + рrопоuп оr поuп, Check В: Oh,yes, please. l've печеr tried lranian food before.
understanding:What verbs do we чsе whеп we ехсhапgе
iфоrmаtiоп? (email or send),What word comes aJter the verb? 6
(personal рrопоuп = mе,уоч,оr поuп = а letter). А: Would you like а cup of cofTee?
В: No, thank you. lt stops me sleeping!

GпдммдR lnvitations and offers Step 3 Put students in АВ pairs and get them to praci:se
asking and answering the questions, swapping roles.
Aim Monitor and correct апу problems with pronunciation.
То present and practise inviting someone to do lt's not necessary to conduct feedback on this activity.
something от offering to do something for someone.

Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох and sрвдкllчс

check understanding: How do we iпvite sоmеопе to do
something? (Would you /lke to + verb ... ?), How do we offer to Aim
do something for sоmеопе? (Would you like mе to + verb ... ?). То provide fluency pTactice in the language learnt so faT
How do we often offerJood or drink? (Would you like .., ?) in the unit.
Whеп do we usе'апу'? (with plural почпs),апd b'(with
singular nouns). Tell students to complete the questions in А Step 1 Tell students they are going to have а similar
wilh Would you like,Would уоu like mе to or Would you like to, conversation to the опе iп Listeпing, Tell students to spend
ln pairs they соmраrе апswеrs before checking in open class. five minutes thinking about how to cook thеir favourite
dish, оr а typical dish from their country and to use as
Answers many words from the unit as they can. ДЛопitоr and help
1 Would you like to 4 Would you like with any problems with language оr ideas.
2 Would you like me to 5 Would you like mе to
З Would you like to 6 Wouldyou Iike Step 2 Put students in pairs and get them to decide who is
the cook and who is the guest, and to have а conversation
Direct students to the 8rаmmаr reference оп page 160 if about the meal.Tellthem to stагt with = Mmm.This is
they still seem un5ure. delicious, How did you cook it? Then they cha nge roles and
have а similar conversation. /иопitоr and take notes оп the
Step 2 Tellstudents to individually match the answers соrrесt and incorrect language for а correction slot at the end.
in В to the questions in А. /Иопitоr and help out with any Conduct feedback in ореп class оп the dishes and language.
problems. lп pairs students compare answers. Tell them
they аrе going to listen to six conversations to check their Tip lf possible put multilingual pairs together to соmраrе
answers. Рlау the recording and then check in open class. their countries.

11 tооD 9з

Next class Маке pnoTocopres oi (l| Я фL2.1

12Ар.166. I€ Е1i conversation 1
А: Are you ОК?
В: Yeah, l'm ОК. Му stomach hurts а bit.
Llsтвlчlпtс А: МауЬе you should lie down.
В: No, it's ОК. I think I'm.';ust hungry.
Aim А: Аrе you surе?
То develop listening for general and specific information. В: Honestly, l'll Ье fine after l have something to eat.

Step 1 Put а picture of а body on the board (оr drar.", о:е' ConveTsation 2
and get students to identify the different рапs oiihe ээ0,.,, С: Hi, it's jоhппу.
e.g. arm,foot, back, leg, hand, stomach, head апс с.е5|. D: Jоhппу! How are you?
С: Basically, l'm ОК, but lfell оff my bike and l've
Step 2 Put students in pairs and teIl iге:: ic icok ai the Ьrоkеп mу arm!
pictures and say which person has а эlоЬiеm with each D: Oh dеаr. МауЬе we should cancel the meeting for
part of the body in the Ьох. Moniicr and help with ideas. tomorrow.
Conduct brieffeedback in ореп ciass. С: No, it's ОК. lt's my left arm,so lсап write.
D: Аrе you sure?
Suggested answers С: Yeah, honestly, it's fine. lt doesn't really hurt.
а leg, back
Ь stomach conversation 3
с stomach Е: Аrе you ОК?
d аrm, head F: No, l feel а bit sick.
е hand, foot Е: МауЬе you should go out and get some fresh air.
f chest F: Yes, lthink lwill. l'll Ье back in а moment.
Е: ОК. Take уоur time. There's по rush.
Step 3 Tell students they are going to listen to five
conversations with people who have different health conversation 4
problems, and to match them to the pictures.Tell them there Н: [coughs]
is опе picture they do not need to use. Play the recording. С: Are you ОК?
Н: Yeah, yeah.
Step 4
Put students in pairs to соmраrе answers before С: Have you Ьееп to the doctor?
checking in open class. lf песе5sаrу, play the recording again. Н: No. lt's just а cold.
С: Аrе you sure? You have а very bad cough. l really
Answers think you should see someone. /ИауЬе it's а chest
1 pictu rе с i nfectio n.

2 picture d Н: Honestly, it'll Ье fine in а couple of days.

З picture Ь
4 picture f ConveTsation 5
5 pictu rе а l: Аrе you ОК?
J: Yeah l'm fine. Му back hurts а bit, that's all.
l:МауЬе you shouldn't play tennis then.
J: lt's ОК. l told Kevin l'm going to.
l:Yeah, but are you sure you сап play?
]: Yeah, mу back's just stiff. l'Il Ье fine after lwarm up.
94 oUTcoMEs

Step 5 TelI students to look at the pair of words in С. Check iфесtiоп = iilness caused Ьу а virus or bacteria; cold
understandin g: sick = not feeling weIl in genera l; а bad = an infection in the nose and throat; а cough and а
cough = the noise we make from оur lungs when we have temperature; sick = а poiite way to say vomit,
а cold; hurts = to feel physical раiп (раiп is the noun); stlf =
your muscles hurt, Step 2 TelI students to individually complete the sentences
in А with the words from the Ьох. /Иопitоr and help out
Step б Put students in pairs get them to decide which with апу |anguage prob|ems. lп pairs students соmраrе
conversation each pair of words goes with and to try and апswеrs before checking in ореп c|ass.
explain what they said. ДЛопitоr and help with ideas.
Step 7 Теll students to listen again and read the 1 headache
audioscript on ра8е 179 to check their ideas, Play the 2 burnt
recording, then conduct feedback in среп class, З stiff
4 cough
Answers 5 cold
а conversation З 6 hurts
ь conversation 4 7 infection
с conversation 1 8 cut
d conversation 5 9 hungry
е conversation 2 10 sick

Step 3 Put students in groups ofthree / four ano'tell them

LдпlсчдсЕ pATTERNs to look at the questions in В. Cive them а coupie oi rnInutes
to think about what they want to say.When they а,е rеэdу,
Aim ask them to discuss the questions. Monitor ancl co:.reсt апу
То dTaw students'attention to some common patterns anguage prob|ems. Conduct feedback in ореп class_
llsingbe fi.пе.

Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentences in the GкдммдR should / shouldn't
ьох and notice the similarities. Ask them to translate
these sentences into their оwп language and notice Aim
any difГerences, lп monolingual classes, ask students То pre sent and practise should / shоuldп' t to give advice.
to соmраrе their translations. ln multilingual classe5,
ask students to work iп pairs and tell each other if the Step 1 Cei siudents to read the explanation Ьох эlэ clecK
sentences were easy to translate and whether they were undersiandin g: Whеп do we use'should / shouldn т ? -с
able to translate them word for word. give advice), What do we say whеп we think it's а асээ j:a
to do the action? (should),Whot do we say whеп,,.,. :,- .<
Step 2 Ask students to сочеr the EngIish translations it's а bad idea to do the асtiоп? (shouldn't),What у",,э,э
and translate the sentences back into English using their comes феr'shоuld / shouldn't'? (чеrЬ without to).
translations.Then ask them to соmраrе their translations
in pairs against the book. Step 2 Ask students if they rеmеmЬеr the health :,:э erns
the speaker had tп Listeniпg,e.g.l her stomach h;::s. 2 ne
Alternatively lf you prefer not to use translation, ask Ьrоkе his аrm,3 shefeels а bitsick,4she has а сс J 5.еr
students to notice the pattern = lt'll / l'll ЬеJiпе +verb + back hurts а bit, With а weaker class you couId v,,l :е :.ese
time expression, or феr + rеаsоп. оп the board.

Step 3 Put students in pairs,Tell them to sa1,, tie advice

Vосдвч LARv Неа lth problems the speakers gave in the five conversations iэ lisтепiпg.
Monitor and help with апу probIems. Cei s;ucents to look
Aim at the audioscript on page 179 to check tneir ideas, Check
То pтesent and practise explessions rеlаtеd to health in open class.
Step 1 Ask students what they do when they have J. you should lie down
а headache, for example, take an aspirin, drink some 2 we should cancel the meeting
water, etc. Tell them they аrе going to look at some З you should go out and get some fresh air
health problems and to read the words in the Ьох. Check 4 you should 5ее sоmеопе
understanding:burnt = to Ье hurt byfire оr extreme heat; 5 you shouldn't play tennis

12 FEEL Nc5 95
Step 4 Put students \п pa\Ts to \h\пk о{ опе пеw р\есе of Step 2 Те\\ studentsto stand up and have а conversation
advice for each реr5оп in the pictures iп Listeпing using about their рrоЬlеm with а partner. Then they change
should / shouldп't. Do the first опе а5 ап ехаmрlе. Monitor раrtпеrs апd have апоthеr сопчеr;аtiоп ustng а diffеrепt
l and help with language. Check in open class. рrоЬlеm. ДЛопitоr and take notes оп their use of correct
arrd \псок кес\ \апguаgе.
5uggested answers
picture а = you should do а more relaxing sport,you Step 3 Conduct brieffeedback and hold а correctic, ; ::
shouldn't pick up а heavy bag on their use of language.
picture Ь = you should go home
picture б = you shouldn't miss meals
picture d = you should Ье more careful when cycling,

you shouIdn't ride so fast
picture е = you should Ье more careful when cooking, Next class Make photocopies of
you shouldn't touch hot things 12В р. 167.
picture f = you should have а rest

Direct students to the 4rаmmаr reference on page -5_ lf VосдвчLАRy Feelings

they still 5eem unsure.
i q 12А see Теасhеr's notes р. 141. То present and practise positive and negative
expressions Telated to feelings.

DBVBlOPI NG CONVERsATIОN S Step 1 Cet students to look at the picture and say how the
person is feeling ,* happy Ask students when was the last
Rejecting advice and ofiet,s time they felt happy and why. TeIl Ihem happy is а positive
Aim feeling and elicit the opposii,e = sad
То introduce and practise giving Ieascns лтhег. rejecting
advice and оffеrs. Step 2 Cet students to read the Ьох and check
understandin $: аппо|еd = to feel slightly irritated; excited =

Step 1 Tell students to reaб :he ехэ э,э: ., ::. :, ,=.: а strong feeling of happiness; апgrу = а strong feeling
it out to them. Check undersianding: :iy'rlat 5э,,.. r: of being annoyed; divorced = to legally end а marriage.
whеп we reject ап o|fer or piece of advice? (r,ve э _=- _= . =
а reason), How do we usually respond? (Are уа,-, s,"=' Step 3 Tell students to individually complete the sentences
Practise the conversation iп the Ьох with а strc:g j:-::-: in А with the words in the Ьох. /\Лопitоr and help out with
in open class. апу language problems. ln pairs they compare answer5
before checking iп open class.
Step 2 Put students in pairs to write four similar
conversations starting with sentences 1-4.Tellthem io Answers
look at the plan for help.They should reject the advice / 1 sad
offer and add ideas from the table. ДЛопitоr and help with 2 angry
ideas. ln groups offour they read the conversations to eacr 3 happy
other. M\onitor and correct апу language problems. lt's not 4 tired
necessary to conduct feedback. 5 annoyed
б stressed
7 relaxed

Aim Step 4 Tell students we can usually tell how someone is

То provide conversation pTactice of the language lеаrпt feeiing Ьу looking at their face * model Ьу looking happy
in the unit so far. and ask students how you are feeIing. lп pairs students take
turn5 to act the different feelings iп А and their partner
Step 1 Tell students they are gоiпg to have conversations gue55es the word. Conduct brieffeedback in open class.
with different students following the plan iп Conversation
practice.Iell students to individually think of two оr three Step 5 Cet students to look at the situations in the Ьох iп
problems they could have (tell them to look back at the D and check understanding:lookforward to = Ье excited
different activities / their notes оп the unit to decide). about something that is going to happen; shout -_ to speak
ДЛопitоr and help with any language problems. very loudly; have to wait = Ье forced to wait.

96 oUTcoMES
Step б ln pairs get students to say which emotion(s) the 5 |п the аftеrпооп, l went to see 5ome clients. lt was
situations in the Ьох are connected to. Do the first one а successful аftеrпооп. l sold а few things, and it's
as an exampIe. ДЛопitоr апd help with ideas. Conduct always nice meeting people.
feedback iп ореп class. 6 Back iп the office, l had to ап5wеr about 30 emaiIs. lt
was slow and not чеrу interesting.
Suggested answers 7 After work, I had to wait for the bus for ha]f an hour
cry = sad, апg(у and then it was full, so lcouldn't sit апd rеаd.
lookforward fo = excited, happy 8 When l got home, l went for а run with my friend, Viv.
doatest=stressed Wе'rе going to go on holiday together so we talked
fall asleep = reIaxed, tired about that. lt was а lovely warm evening.
smile = happy, excited, relaxed 9 After dinner, l watched the news on TV l wanied to
lie оп а Ьеасh = relaxed, happy watlh а film as well, but lfell asleep оп the юfа
shout = апgrу, annoyed, stressed
have to rлzаit = stressed, angry, annoyed Step 2 Tell students to individually decide rvh,.,sle iei:
each emotion. Do the first опе as an ехаm! е. ,\'э" :о. and
Step б Tell students to choose fcl,r i.'.qs , r-сгп the Ьох heIp out with ideas. ln pairs they compare:le . :::;. ,l:,l
and think about the last time they d,d i.e.r 1olv they felt tell them to listen and check their ideas. PIa_y:-: .;сэriiпg
and what happened. fulопitоr and heip \.,.,.i а,ч эr,оЬlеms again. Check апswеr5 in open class.
with language оr ideas. Conduct brief iееэээс<.

l S8 rZB."" Tuucher's notes р. 141. 1 happy because she got а seat and could rеа; -е, :ээк
2 her boss shouted at her and told them tney .::;ei ic
work harder
3 she got а headache
LlsTBrvlпlc 4 her aunt always makes her smile
5 it was а successfuIafternoon, she solci а fe,.,. _, -g;
Aim 6 she had to answer 30 emails, it was slor.v
То develop listening for general and specific i nteresti ng
information. 7 sne had to wait З0 minutes for the bus. i: ,,.эs ', э,а
sne couldn't sit and read
Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to listen to а woman 8 she went for а run with her friend and lэ t.;
talking about nine different things she did yesterday and thеir holiday
to choose how she felt from the options in А. Play the 9 she feII a5leep on the sofa
recording, Put students in pairs to соmраrе answers before
checking in open class. lf necessary, рlау the recording again Tip With а wеаkеr class get students lс'э:
audioscript on раgе 179 to check their а,;.
1 happy Step 3 Tell students they are going tc ces., := .,, -,:

2 апgrу didyesterday and tothink aboutwha:.,-_, . .,,,-.

3 stressed spoke to and how they felt about еас- ., , = .-:_, : ; a ,.,е
4 happy them time to prepare. M\onitor and l^c : : -: ,,. _- .- . jeas
5 positive оr language.
6 bored
7 annoyed Step4 When students э-.|1,:" , :,.,.з
are read,v.
8 excited / relaxed of three оr four to discuss thеl:-сэ_. = _-=-- .: ;-. се
ч tlrerl who had the best day. Д,Лопitо, э,..:-,-:. j-_. э,gJаgе
problems, Conduct ieedbaci , ]]:, - ; j_:
1 l got the bus to work. l was lucky because there was
а seat. lsat and read mу book. |twas quite а nice Nдтlчв sрЕдкЕR ENGLlSH -ipser
2 When l got to work, we had а meeting.The boss was Step 1 Ask students .. .:э] i-i ]] l. Cl:eck that they
quite angry. Не shouted а bit and told us we need tc understano Ь_y эs,l'г::,',,, j: : r- э,,чау of saying we
work harder. lwas а bit upset, but ltried noi to сrу. jeel sod,,,^,,arri.C с, э.,сl=i эсэ_l: sопlеthiпg? (Upset).How
3 After the meeting, l sat and thought about eveфhing daes тЬе D€rsэг, _:=з г 1-2 _: r51 sепtепсе? (sod),And iп the
l had to do. l got а headache. l sent а few emai]s апd secaca? зггс,,,эi .!гз г 11^2 |hird? (worried),And iп the
tried to concentrate. fatirtt,? _аrгэ),a3.
4 l had lunch withmy aunt. She Iives пеаr work.5he
always makes me smile. lfelt better after seeing hеr.

]"2 FEELLNcS 97
Rвдоllчс Rвдоlrчс
Aim Aim
То develop leading skills foT detailed information. То develop Teading skills foT general and detailed
Step 1 Ask students in pairs to look at the pictures and say
how the people are feeling (1 not happy 2 tired, stressed Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to read three short
3 happy а happy). Ask them to tell the class what makes newspaper articles and to match each of the headlines
them not happy, stressed оr tired. Tell students they are to one of the groups of words in 1-З in А. Check
going to read а magazine article about economics and understandin g: heavy rain = rаiп of а great force; looked
happiness. Tell them to individualIy read the article and after = to саrе for 5оmеопе; raised mопеу = to make mопеу
decide what they think is surprising, not surprising and Ьу doing something; sailor = а person who works on а ship;
а good idea and а bad idea. ln pairs they соmраrе before floods = а large amount of waterthat covers an аrеа vеrу
sharing ideas in open class. qu ickly.

Suggested answer5 Answers

1 spending time with relatives made them happier 1 = Lost mапfinds his mission
than spending time with children 2 = Fast-food figure goes fast
2 less happy at work / doing housework 3 = Heavy rаiп
З increase taxes оп higher salaries
4 don't change education, healthcare, etc. too much Step 2 Put students in эа;l,s ancj ask ihem to explain their
decisions alc cisc;:s l,. пэt :пеу th jnk each article is about
Step 2 Tellstudents to read the article again and to make us n? :,e g,]-эs :i,.,.,эlсs. Monltor and help out with
а list of the four things that make people the happiest, Pu: ;:эs- С,::< э^sr,\,еls iг ореп class.Then tell them to read
them in pairs to discuss their ideas and ask them to trt,э"j :,- а,- : es ard see ifthey guessed correctly.
а8rее оп the same choices.
Step 3 Tell students to read the article again and to try
Step 3 Conduct feedback in ореп c]ass э-: lo rеmеmЬеr what happened in each story. Cive them
optionS as the answers аrе suэ-е::,.: three minutes to do this. ln pairs students then say what
happened in each story using the words in А to help.
Conduct feedback in open class.

Tip With weaker class, put students in groups of three.


sрвдкlrчс Two students tell the story using the words in А and the
third student looks at the article and helps with ideas. Then
Aim they change roles.
То provide fluenry practice of talking about positive
news stories. Step 4
Put students iп pairs and tell them to discuss how
mапу of the articles they think describe positive news and
Step 1 Ask students if they па,,,е read апу positive news ехрlаiп why. ДЛопitоr and help out with any problems with
stories recently.Tell them they are going to read а short ideas or language. Conduct brieffeedback in open class.
article about а newspaper callec Positiye iVer,lzs. Check
understandin g: соmе gц| = published. Tell students to read Suggested answers
the questions in А and think about rvhat they want to say. The text about Creg lйortenson is positive
Cive them а couple of minutes to do this. Monitor and help
with ideas.

Step 2 When students are ready, put them into groups of

four or five to discuss the questions. Monitor and correct
апу language problems. Conduct brief feedback.

98 oUTcoMEs

GпдммдR Ргеsепt реrtЪсt i sрвдкlпlс
Aim Aim
То present and practise the present peTfect to talk about То provide flчепсу practice in talking about news
actions that happened before now with а present result. stories.

Step 1 Write the sentence оп the board from the explanation Step 1 Put students in pairs and tell them they аrе going
Ьох Over 1,000 families have lф their homes.
= to write а news story about опе of the sentences in
Ask students: Whеп did they leave their homes? (some time Grаmmаr exercise В and to choose сге sentence.Tellthem
in the past), ls it rесепt? (yes), Do we kпоw whеп? (по, not to use the sentence they've chosen as :"е starter and then
exactly), What's the present result? (they have nowhere to live). to explain it in more detail, then finisn ,,.,,:;^ е concluding
sentence. Tell them to write а headline 'э. :lеir story, refer
Step 2 Cet students to read the expIanation Ьох and tell them to the headlines iп Rеаdiпg exercls. :, э.,с ask What
them that when we talk aoout actions that happened tепsе do they use? (present simple), Do liз, э ,.. d 5ummаrу
sometime before now, but have а эl,еsепt result, we use of the article? (yes). ДЛопitоr and help !.., i. ;-_. эrоЬiеms
the present perfect and that rve doa': -se it with past time with language or ideas.
expressions. Check the form of:he D,eseli perfect Ьу asking,
How do weform the present рефст? lh6,,,2 / has + past Tip You might like to give them а wоrс l;r _ :'_]-jO
participle), What's theform of the past асrт с,1;/з? (regular Word5.
verbs = чеrЬ + -ed, оr irregular verbs, e.g_ i.aa, e_iT, eic.).
Step 2 Put two pairs together and get iг.- :: -=э;.Ьеir
Step 3 Ask students to individually find six more :хапрlеs news stories to each other. Do theythinK:-:_. э-: .]s : ve
with the present perfect in the articles. Iйопliсг эlс Ье , оr negative stories, why? fu\onitor and taKe -:..: .- :-:]r
with апу problems. Cet students to соmраrе ansir ers l use of correct and incorrect language for,э ::--=:: :- j эi
pairs before checking iп open class, at the end.

Answers Step 3 Conduct feedback in ореп class сг :-: :...

article 1 = has raised, has helped, has opened, has also students' use of language noted from ycul -. - .:.

article 2 = have died, has closed Optional activity This activity could Ье ех.с-]=: .., э:, .g,
article 3 = have now left the соuпtrу students to individually choose another s.-.=-:: э-: .... ie
а ne\,vs story based оп it for homework,l-:- _;: .-: .
Step 4 Tell students to individually complete the sentences stories ;о sta rt the next ]esson.
in В with the present perfect fоrm of the verb5 in the Ьох.
ДЛопitоr and help with any problems forming the present
perfect. ln pairs they compare answers before checking in
open class.

1 have saved
2 have sent
з have started
4 have died
5 have gопе up
6 have arrested
7 have escaped
8 has raised

Direct students to the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе оп page 1б1 if

they still seem un5ure.

].2 aEEL_ NCS 99

СОШЧВКSАТIОN PRACTICE & and how useful it is fоr students in helping them to
understand text and express themselves fluently.
АСТ OR DRAW This activity helps develop students'awareness of
Fоr aims and suggested procedures see Review 01 collocation in the natural generation of language.
То Tevise and practise some common collocations from
Oulz Units 11 and 12 and to give students leaTner training in
using the Vocabulary Builder.
Fог aims апd suggested procedure see Review 01
пп ]а ]О Step 1 Put students in pairs and ask them to take turns to
iesl each other оп collocations. опе should look at unit 1]_

Answers .'-.'^е \,/ccabulory gцil4r, and read out а collocation, with

1 You сап carry а handbag, backpack, money, \,./а =:-
э ;ээ .,, -е,е :^el,e ,s а '-'. They should say'blah'for the
pu rse, etc, ;.: э,.:-= , ээ,.п.I slo,;id saythe missing word,then
2 Yes. lf you recommend something, it rnea^; :; ;::: :-= ,,.,: :"эS: ;,e_t сс,-l с io 6-8 collocations and then
З lf something rises, it goes up. -!.,.э: a, j j: :-Ё Sэте \\, :г -, : -2,
4 The police arrest people when sопеэ-: ,:;
committed а crime.
5 Vegetarians don't eat mеэi. PRONUNCIATION rong vowel sounds
6 Things that make реоэlе stressed э,е ? .::',.,,о,(,
not having enough :i:г:, э s :-э: :- ::е,./ сэ.: Aim
control, То revise and practise long vowel sounds.
7 If something hurts,,.]- ]э- ]эr€ э- эsrlriп,оrоthеr
medicine. l
Step Cet students to read the explanation Ьох, оr read it
8 Diппеr courses э,е: s:a,:e!,, rnain course, dessert. out to them. Рlау the recording and get students to say the
о You leave а tip , е .э'е ct, restaurant, because the words and the sounds.
service ol, ic:c .,. эs Е-,э;.
10 People feei arg.., ':^с1, have ап argument. They ф R6.1
might shout сr:э < э;dl5,. meat /ill youth /u:/ hurt /з:/
11 lf you comeflrst , а ,ace,you get а gold medal. wаrm /э:/ аrm /а,^/
12 Yоu roast fooci :lе. с\,е..
1з No, soft drinks dc .с: г,аче aIcohol in them. Step 2 ТеlI students to listen and saythe first sound and
74 То improve taste ус" сап add, salt, рерреr, spices, etc the say the second sounds and make sure the second
15 lf you are looking forward to something, you feel sound is longer and then say the words.
happy and excited.
/i/ lil/ /bill/ lЬеап/
Fдsт wRlTER lullu,^/ /cook/ lsoup/
/е/ /з,^l lbedl /bird/
Fоr aims and suggested procec-i,c;ee Revleul 01 /л/ /а,^/ /cut/ /heart/

рр.28-29. lo/ /)i/ /chop/ /course/

Step 3 Put the students into pairs and tell them to take
СоllосдтlоN5 turns to try and say the words in С. Рlау the recording and
get students to check in the audioscript оп page 179. Then
Overview get them to listen again and repeat the words.
Collocations are words which usually go together
such as watch TV,have а big TU, turп оп the ТV, а ТV фR6.з and Answers
programme, Until relatively recently the concept 1 stir З asleep 5 interview 7 statue
of collocation was not an area that was covered in 2 pork 4 farming 6 seafood 8 approve
vocabulary teaching. HoweveT, TeseaTch has shown
what an important force collocation is in language

100 oUTcoMEs
Step 4 Put students in pairs and get them to practise conversation 4
saying the sentences iп Е апd decide who has good С: Yоu iook happy.
pronunciation and which sounds are difficult for them, Н: lam. l passed mу exams and lgot good grаdеs.
Conduct feedback оп the sounds that they foun d difficult. С: Really? Well doneI
Н: l сап do the degree l want now.
Note llsteniлg and the rest of the review unit could Ье G:That's great. What are уоu going to study?
used as а progress test. The suggested scores аrе given Н: Law.
below each exercise, A|ternativeIy, these exercises could Ье
done iп pairs or individually then checked in pairs, оr you
could put students in teams and conduct them as а quiz Gкдммдп
/ competition, lf students need help,you can direct them
to the relevant pages of the grаrпmаr rеfеrепсе оr the Answers
Vocabulary Builder. Exercise А
1 has broken 4 Have they included
2 have raised 5 Have you added
Llsтгlчllчс з haven't ordered 6 have ta ken

Aim Exercise В
То give practice in listening for gist алd detaii, 1 afew 4 alotof
2 much 5 апу
Answers 3 us to drive 6 lhad
1 afalse Ьtruе 3 а truе Ь raise
2 atrue bfalse 4 а false Ь fa:se Exercise С
1should 4 mапу
2me 5 some
фR6,4 3 have 6 апу

conversation 1 Direct students to the grаmmаr reference on

А: Are you ready to order? they flnd this difficult.
В: l think so. What's the'mussel chowder'?
А: lt's а kind of potato soup with seafood.
В: оК. l'Il have that_ ABl BcTlvBs
А: Anything else?
В: ] ust а glass of water, please. Answers
1 bcred 5 delicious
conversation 2 2 full 6 healthy
C:This is пiсе. What's in it? з scientific 7 annoyed
D: Potatoes, а bit of оп!оп, some chee5e, and the 4 excited 8 high
outside is bits of bread.
С: ОК. How do you make it?
D: Yоu boil the potatoes and, when they're soft, you соllосдтlоNs
mix them with the onion and cheese, and then
you cover it all with small bits of bread and fry it. Answers
lt'site еа sy.
qu 1_ escape 5 leave
С: WelI, it's delicious. 2 boil 6 аfГесt
З prove 7 stop
conversation 3 4 save 8 cancel
Е: Are уоu ОК?
F: No, lfeel а bit sick and my stomach hurts,
Е: Oh dear. Why don't you lie down? VОСДВЧ LARY
F: lthink lwill. l had some seafood today. МауЬе that's
the problem. Answers
Е: fu\ауЬе you should go to the doctor. 1 weight 5 fat
F: l'll Ье ОК. l just need to lie down. 2 boil б rеDогt
3 oil 7 disease
4 vegetables 8 after

06 REViEW 101

Next class Make photocopies of Optional activity ln а monolingual class, put students in
13А р, 168. ээirs and ask them to decide on а season and draw а map
.' :1е;r cou ntry а nd draw sym bols for the d ifГerent types
:i ,.,. еа:Ь r, ih еп s h ow it to а n other ра ir who guess the
,,.eai.e, эпd season. In а multilingual class, get them to
:]-ээ:е iheir countries'weather in difГerent 5еа5оп5.
То present and practise describing expressions to ал
уY 13А see Теасhеr's notes р. 142.
describe the weatheT in different seasons.

Step 1 Write the four seasons on the board = аutumп, Llsтнlчlпtс

winteц spring, summеr апd ask students what their favouri:e
season is and why, Cet students to look at the verbs iп the Aim
Ьох and check understanding: ice = rаiп оr snow that has То develop listening foT general and specific information.
frozen; rлzet = the opposite of dry, after th е rаiп; warm = пс.
too hot оr cold, in the middle; storm = heavy rаiп and siro-: Step 1 Cet students to look at the Ьох and check
winds,Tell them in pairs to use the words in the Ьох to understandin g, How do we ask about the weather?
describe the weather in the photos. Monitor and help rr,,:- (What's the forecast for today / tоmоrrоw etc.?) How do
any problems. Check answers in ореп class. we reply? (lt / They said ... .) Tell students they аrе going to
listen to three conversations to find out the forecast, and
Answers what the people decide to do. Play the recording. lп pairs
1 cold, ice, snow students соmраrе answers before checking in open class. lf
2 windy, sunny, warm necessary, play the recording again Ьеfоrе checking.
3 rain, cloudy, storm
4 hot, dry, sunny Answers
Conversation 1 forecast = quite hot, З5 degrees; decide
Step 2 Put students in pairs and tellthem to decide lvhich to = go to the swimming pool and have lunch in the cafe
weather they think goes with each season in В. Мопitоr апd conversation 2 forecast = rain this morning but dry this
help with ideas. Check ап5wеr5 in open class, and accept а afternoon; decide to = relax this morning and take the
пumЬеr of options as it will depend on your local conditions саr and go for а walk iп the hills this afternoon
Conversation 3 forecast = cold, mауЬе snow; decide to =
5uggested answers do some shopping for Christmas
autumn = rаiп, cloudy, wet, warm, windy, storm
winter = snow, rain, ice, cloudy, cold фLз.L
Sрriпg = rain, sunny, warm, windy conversation 1
Summer = hot, dry, storm А: What do you want to do tomorrow?
В: l don't know. What's the forecast?
Note Yоu might like to point out that in the U5 аutumп is А: lt's going to Ье quite hot. They said it might rеасh
called falL 35 degrees.
В: Really? Why don't we go to the swimming pool?
Step З Put students in groups ofthree / four and tell them А: We could do. Which опе?
to discuss which parts of the country have the best / worst В: The open-air опе - and we сап have lunch at the
weather and why. Monitor and correct апу problems with саfё.
voca bu la rу. Conduct brief feed back. А: оК. Let's do that

102 oUTcoMES

conversation 2 Answers
С: What do you want to do today? 1 might
D: l don't know. What's the forecast? lt looks а bit 2 are going to
cloudy. 3 might
С: lt said it might rаiп this mоrпiпg, but it's going to 4 might, it's (definitely) going to
Ье dry this afternoon. 5 it's going to, might
D: ОК. Well, why don't we relax this morning and then
go for а walk this аftеrпооп? Direct students to the grammar rеfеrегсе оп page 162 if
С: Could do. Where? they still seem uпsurе.
D: How about taking the car and going to the hills?
С: ОК. Let's do that. We haven't Ьееп to the hills recently. Step 2 Put students in pairs and tell then- :о sэ_\,iПе
weather forecast for today / tоmоrrоtл", 1 :-: ,....e,lend
conversation З usingmight / Ье going to. ДЛопitоr and ne : :_.:,..,,til апу
Е: Do you want to gо away at the weekend? problems with language оr ideas.TelIthe-- :.=. :эn make
F: l'm not sure. What's the forecast? u р the forecast if they're not su rе, Cond cic: : - .. ..сс iэack.
Е: lthink it's going to Ье cold.They said it might snow.
F: Really? Why don't we just stay here? ldon't want to Step 3 Write l might go to the beach at tlэe ,,,::..,-i :- ile
drive if there's snow оr ice on the roads. board and elicit reasons why, e.g. becouse itе,':,.:э: _:з'j it
Е: Hmm. That's true. ДЛауЬе we should do some isgоiпg to Ье hot this weekend. Tell studenis :. - . , :. -z \!
shopping for Christmas. write four things they might do in the next \,1,,:-^ ----:-
F: We could do, When exactly? оr уеаr аnd why they аre.just possibilities, п.э. :: :: :э -;=
Е: Еаrlу on Saturday morning. We can take the train. of the weather, mопеу, other реорlе оr 5огпе :.-:- .:jj:-,
F: Can we Ье back before the footba]l starts? ,\4onitor and help with апу language рrоЬlеrг;,
Е: ДЛауЬе, What time?
F: lt starts at three. Step 4 When they аrе ready put them into Еr. _,:; :- .-.::
Е: l guess -
if we go еаrlу. оr four to expIain their ideaS to each other агэ S== . _-.,
t: оК. Let's do that. We have to do it sometime. have anything in соmmоп. Conduct brief fееэ:.:.

Step 2 Tell students to look at the audioscript оп page 18О

and practise reading the conversations in pairs. ДЛопitоr and LДШСUАGЕ PATTERNs
help out with any language problems. lt's not necessary to
cond uct feed back. Aim
то draw students'attention to some соmmоп Da:teIns
Tip Cet students to read the audioscript and underline usingWhy dоп't... ?to make suggestions / offeTs.
any newwords / expressions.They сап check them iп the
Vocabulary Builder or their оwп dictionaries. lп open class Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentenc€j - i
they share their пеw expressions / words. Ьох and notice the similarities. Ask thеrг ic _.: - j :.-
these sentences into their own language а.] -_-. _.
any differences. lп monolinguat classes, as\ s:-::- j
GRAMMAR miglэt апо Ье goitlg to to соmраrе their translations. In multiiiгq-; : э j j:;
ask students to work in pairs and tell еас. .:-=- .:^=
Aim sentences were eaSy to translate and tn,r.:-.-:,-:. ...:].a
То present and pTactise might апd Ье gоiпg to to talk able to translate them wоrd for word.
about possibility and certainty in the future.
Step 2 Ask students to сочеr the Englis- :-:-j :: .-s
Step 1 Ask students to read the explanation Ьох and and translate the sentences back into:-_= s- -; 1: iheir
check u ndersta nding: Whеп do we use'be gоiпg to'? (То talk translations.Then ask them to согпrэ.. ..-: .-.э-s,аiiопs
about certainty in the future ) Whеп do we use'might'? in pairs against the book.
(То talk about possibility in the future.) How do weJorm'be
gоiпg to'? (Ье gоiпg to + verb), а пd 'might' (might + verb). Tell Alternatively lf you рrеfеr not to use:l;-s atlon, ask
students to compiete the sentences in А with might оr the students to notice the language Dai]:r" = ч'/hу don't +
соrrесt form of Ье going to. Do the first one as an ехаmрlе, sublect + verb. Check understandin= . ,_' , say'Why don't
e.g. ls it possible or certaiп the реrsоп is gоiпg shоррiпg? we go to the swimming рооl?'аrг, l ,r^,akttlg а suggestion?
(possible), How do we kпоw? (t'm поt sure), so the answer is? (yes).lJ lsay'Why don't l do it fсrусu?'аm lo|fering to do
(might). /Иопitоr and help with any problems. Cet students something for you? (yes). Haw do we mаkе suggestioпs or
to соmраrе in pairs before checking iп ореп class. offer to do sоmеthiпg? (Why dan't + subject + чеrЬ).

13 N]AiUilE 10з

step 2 Tell them to have their conversation and then
DBvB lopl NG coNvE RsATloN5 change roles. conduct brieffeedback Ьу asking а selection
of students to tell the cIass their plans.
Short questions
То iлtroduce and practise using short questions to ask
about alternatives.
step 1 to read the explanation Ьох and check
Tell students
;nderstandin g:When do we use short questions without Aim
conversations). What does'Which опе?' rфr to?
,,,erbs? (ln то develop Teading skills for geneTal and detailed
1r,vhich swimming рооl couId we go to?). Write example 1
оп the board;
А: Why don't we go and see а film? Step 1 Ask students if they read blogs = people's online
В: Where? What film? What time?' webpage where they write their ideas and opinions.
Elicit responses for each alternative, e.g. Where? = the Why might people read them? Fоr example they сап Ье
паmе of а cinema, WhatJilm? = the name of afilm,What interesting, funny, etc. Tell students they аrе going to read
time? = а time of the day.Tell students to read the whole а btog called Six reasons поt to .... Ask them to read the
conversation in 1-6 and to use the third liпе to choose the introduction and complete the title. ln pairs they соmраrе
best short question to complete each one. lп pairs they answers before checking in open class.
compare answers before checking in open class.
Answers Six reasons not to live in the countryside.
1 What time? 4 How long for?
2 Who with? 5 Why? Step 2 Tell students tc'nc:,.,:ouaiiy read the questions in
З What for? 6 How? В and to think about \,;,iэi il-)/,"vant tо say, Cive them а
coupte of m:nэ:cs :э сэ this. When students аrе ready, put
Step 2 Put students into pairs and tell them to practise them in Dа'lj:э J sa;ss iheir opinions. Monitor and correct
having the conversations, /ИоdеI the activity in open class апу lапяlэ:е э,ээ,еl,гs. Conduct brief feedback.
with а strong student. /V\onitor and correct any language
problems. lt's not necessary to conduct feedback. Step З
<,, s:;dents to read the rest ofthe blog and find
с-::;з s х rеаsопs the writer gives. ln pairs students
Step 3 Remind students ofthe three options from the .с-ээ,е ideas before checking in open class.
board and tell them to think about difГеrепt options fоr
each of the short questions in exercise А. Cive them а Answers
couple of minutes to do this. Put students in пеw pairs: the smell, the cows, the shops, the people, the dirt,
Student А says the first line,5tudent В uses а diffеr,егт the scenery
short question, and Student А gives ап апswеr.Тпеп :hey
Conduct brief feedback. Step 4 Tellstudents to individuaIly read the blog again and
cha nge roles.
decide if the statements in 1-6 аrе true оr false, according

а weaker class, revise the use of tl^e ci;ierenT to the writer. /V\onitor and help out with any problems with
Tip With
question forms. Fоr example, Where = а рiасе, |//по with = ideas. lп pairs they compare answers before checking in
а реrsоп, How = iп what way, Whеп = а da_y сr а iime- ореп class.

СошчвпsАтlоN pRAcTlcE 1 false - farmers put chemicals in the fields i

2 true
Дm З true
То provide conversation practice using the language 4 faIse -your choice of friends is limited
practised in the unit so far. 5 true
6 true
Step 1 Tell students they are going to have similar
conversations to the ones iп Listening, Put students in pairs Optional activity ln pairs get students to correct the
and tell them to Iook at the ideas iп the рlап and to think false statements. /йonitor and help out with ideas. Check
about what they аrе going to say. Cive them а minute to answers (above) in ореп class.
do this. Model the task Ьу getting а strong student to Ье
Student В and you Ье Student А.

104 oUTcoMES

Step 5 Put students in pairs to tell each other which fields convenient
reasons they think are funny, stupid, true, wrong, cottage shopping centre
interesting оr strange, М\опitоr and help out with any hunting enterta in ment
language problems. When students have finished, put two SloW park
pairs together to соmраrе ideas. Conduct brief feedback. soi l factory
cropS noisy
Optional activity Put students in groups of three or four hills traffic
а nd get them to look at the end of the blog = Bgggr1
,.rrr, horse crowded
Six reasons поt to have а boyfriend,etc. Cet them to choose grа 55 polluted
one of the options оr decide on а different topic.Then tell
them to write their own rеаsоп5 on а large piece of рареr Step 2 Tell students they are going totake turns to act or
or make а poster. Мопitоr and help with апу problems draw the words in А. cive them time to think about how
with ideas or language. When students have finished, get they want to do this. When they are ready put them in pairs:
them to display their poster аrоuпd the room. The other Student А acts оr draws and Student В says the rvord.Then
students go around and decide ifthey agree оr not and they change roles. fu\onitor and help with any рrоЬlеms
which reasons they think аrе funny, stupid, true, wrong, with |anguage. Conduct brief feedback in ооеп c:ass.
interesting оr strange. Conduct brieffeedback iп ореп class.
Step 3 Tell students to individually compleie i|]e:\vo
descriptions in С with words frоm А. /Иопitоr.апс re]o with
Nдтlчв spEAKER Ешсllsн Not а hope any language problems. ln pairs they compare als,,\e|,s
before checking in open class.
Ask students to read the Ьох and check they understand
Ьу asking What's another way sауiпg something is totally Answers
impossible? (Not а hope оr They don't have а hope), Дsk 1 1 block of flats
them if they have а similar expression in their language. 2 convenient
з entertainment
2 4 cottage (note the answer can't be'farm'because ci
VосдвuLАRy Country and city the preposition = iп а cottage, оп а farm)
5 peaceful
Aim 6 agricultural
То present and practise expTessions to describe places 7 crops
and things in the country and city. 8 hunting

Step 1 Ask students what words they think of when ihey Step 4 Tell students to individually read the ques. --- jr
say'the country', e.g, relaxing, beautiful and'the cityl e.g. in exercise D and to think about what they wапt :: sэ.-
exciting, lots of opportunities. Cive them three оr four minutes to do this. Whe" :-:_, а.е
ready, put them into small groups to discuss the . :э - эпs
Step 2 Put students in pairs and ask them to look at the Мопitоr and take notes on their use of language'--- э
words in the Ьох and put them into two groups - country correction slot at the end.
and city, and that there should Ье 12 in each group. Check
block of flats = а big building where people live in difГerent
flаts;сопvепiелt = wel1-1ocated оr situated;farm = large
аrеа of land with а building that is used fоr growing fruit
оr vegetables оr raising animals; епtеrtаiпmепt = things Next class Make photocopies of
people do for pleasure, e.g. shows, performances, films; 13В р. 169.
fields = areas of land used for growing fruit оr vegetables;
cottage = а Small house; huпtiпg = chasing of animals
Ьу people as а sport or for food; soil = lауеr of land that VосдвчLАRy Animals
pIants grow iп; crops = а plant that is grown regularly in
fields, e.g. potatoes, carrots, etc; crowded = а lot of people Aim
together with not much space; polluted = make water, То pTesent and practise talking about animals.
air оr atmosphere dirty usually Ьу using chemicals. Check
answers in open class. Step 1 Ask students ifthey have апу pets, what аrе they
and to tellthe class one thing about them, e.g. l have а cat
Answers апd she likes to lie оп the sofa with mе whеп l watch TV.
Country City Tell students to look at the animals in File 7 on page 168.
agricultural traffic lights Tell them to look at the questions in А and think about
farm b|ock of flats their answers for each animal. Then put them in groups to
peacefu l сrimе discuss their ideas. /Иопitоr and correct any problems with
language. Conduct feedback iп ореп ciass.
13 NATURE ].05
Suggested answers Camels also provide milk. We believe the milk is
эl r"."аis that hunt - cats, bear, Iion, dog very good for you and stops you getting ill. Camel
эl rгаls that run fast - dog, cat, horse, lion, bear meat is eaten Ьу some реорlе too. lt's high in protein
эl'r"rаls that eat meat * cat, dog, bear, lion and low iп fat. Саmеl skins аrе sometimes made into
э^'rаls found iп the wild - bear, lion, horse, rabbit leather as well.
Camels also provide entertainment. Camel racing is
Step 2 Put students in pairs.Tell them to close their books very popular here, though people аrе now asking if it
э,d see if they can remember all nine animals. Check in is right to use foreign chiIdren to ride them.
:эen c|ass. One problem with camels is that they can really
damage your саr if you hit them!That's why many
Answers саrs now have camel radar - machines to tellyou if
cat, dog, cow, horse, pig, sheep, bear, lion, rabbit camels are пеаrЬуI

LlsTBlчllчc The national tree of Brazil is called Pau Brasi|.1l is
often said that we took the паmе of our country from
Aim this tree. lt grows uр to 15 mеtrеs high and has lovely
То develop listening for general and specific information. yellow flowers.
ln the past, it was found all along the Atlantic
Step 1 TeIl students they аrе going to listen to two people coast, but there was quite а big рrоЬlеm because lots
talking about the national symbols in the photographs. of trees were cut down, The rvood from the trees is
Tell students to look at the words iп the Ьох in А and check very beautiful- it's а loveiy orange-red colour - and
that they understand them. Cet them to look at page 52 it's vеrу valuable. lt's used to rnake bows - to play
inlheVocabulary Builderfor help. Put students in pairs to lnstruments like vioiins rv.:n.
discuss which words they think are connected to which А red dye was aIsc Dl,оэ;сеi from the tree and
photo and why. Check ideas in open class. sold, but in the ninetee,:h century they started
using chemicals to rге<е :^ese ciyes in factories. That
Step 2 Tell students to listen to each speaker and check probably saved t;e :,се.
their ideas. Play the recording. ln pairs they discuss which Раu Brasilhas s:l,c,g с;,iurаl, economic and
r,vords are connected to which picture and how. If necessary, historical irпрсl:эrсе'эl us Brazilians. lt's protected
olay the recording again Ьеfоrе checking answers, Ьу law no,,v and .,.,е reaily don't want to Iose it

Answers Step З Ъ ;.-;--:s:э read the notes in С and to Iisten

Camels: aga;l э,: :]^-: ::=:lem. Playthe recording. ln pairsthey
leather = they use camel skins to make leather ссп, !э,: э -; .,.:,: :е;сrе checking in ореп class.
radar = cars have а camel radar to tellyou if they аrе
пеаrЬу because they сап damage your саr ifyou hit them Answers
the desert = the camels сап travel for days across the 7 15 metres
desert without food or water 2.,.,э:еl 8 AtIantic coast
епtеrtqiпmепt = they аrе used for camel racing 9 orange
рrоtеiп = camel meat is high in protein 10 red
Рач Brasi! tree: ] camei skins 11 nineteenth century
:ut dоwп = there was quite а big рrоьlеm because lots 6 Toreign children 12 Ьу law
э'thе pau Вrаsil trees were cut down
э)/е = а red dye produced from the tree and sold, but in
:-е rineteenth century they started using chemicals to GкдммдR Passives
--э<е the dyes in factories, it probably saved the treeI
:,э,:cted = the tree is protected Ьу law now а viоliп Aim
j j,,. = ine wood from the tree is used to make bows То pTesent and practise passive veTbs when the person
оr thing we are talking about is not important.

Step 1 Ask students to read the explanation Ьох and check

understanding,When do we use passives? (lf we don't know
; э,='сuпd across north апd east Africa, and who does an action оr if it's not important who did it.)
:: =
:эs:. iп Kuwait, the came] is our national How do we form the passive? (/ + а past participle), Ноw
-.э ]э-: s are very important for us: they can
, do we form the past porticiple? (regular verbs = verb + -ed,
.: ':, ээ. s эсl,оss the desert without food оr irregular verbs are different, e.g. made,Jound).
:-a; :z, саrrу rnore than horses can, and they
.:., э,r -сl-е intelligent as well.
Step 2 TelI students in pairs to say the past participles of contractions оr weak forms of was апd were апd to
the verbs in the Ьох. Monitor and help with any problems listen and repeat. play the recording. pause аftеr each
with the fоrm. Check answers in open class, statement and ask students to repeat.

Answers ф7з.з and Answers

cut down, found, eaten, sold, introduced, hunted, used, 1 The towels аrе changed every day.
The towels аrе changed every day.
2 We were met at the airport Ьу а friend.
step 3 Tell students to individuaIly complete the sentences We were met at the airport Ьу а friend.
in В with the соrrесt form of the verb to Ье and the З The tree's mainly found in the mountains.
past participle ofthe verbs in brackets. lп pairs students
The tree's mainly found in the mountains.
соmраrе answers before checking in ореп class. 4 The game was won Ьу Canada.
The game was won Ьу Canada.
Answers 5 The skins are soId for leather.
1 is used The skins are sold for leather,
2 was introduced 6 Most of the work was done Ьу mу dad.
3 аrе found
Most of the work was done Ьу my dad.
4 аrе sometimes eaten 7 Дz\у bank card details wеrе stolen.
5 were hunted, are protected ДЛу bank card details were stolen.
6 were cut down, was 8 The meat's usually eaten with rice.
eaten with rice,
Direct students to the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе оп page 162 if 'n.]TYsualIy
they still seem uп5urе. step 2 Ъll students to listen again and write the
Sentences they hеаr. Play the recording and pause after
step 4 cet students to read the explanation Ьох and elicit each statement to allow students time to write the
when we use Ьу = to sometimes show who does ап action, sentence. lп pairs they соmраrе answers before checki"g
e.g. Ьу some people. put students in
раir5 to discuss who in open class.
they think did each of the actions in С. Do the first one as
ап example, e.g. Ьу а police officer / the police. Monitor and
help with апу language problems. Check answers in ореп 5рвдкllчс
class and accept different options as appropriate.
Suggested answer5 то provide fluency practice of talking about national
1 а police officer, the poIice symbols and to practise the language used so fаr.
2 the government
3 my соmрапу, my parents Step 1 Tell students to read the questions iп А апd ic think
4 the Chinese,Tsai, Lun about what they want to say. Check understanding of
5 а woman, JK Rowling пqtiопаl dish = typical mеаl. Monitor and help with icieas.
when students аrе ready, put them into groups of four.or
Step 5 Tell students to individually write three questions five to discuss their opinions. Monitor and take notes оп
that they know the answer to using the pattern iп the their use of correct and incorrect language for а correction
speech bubble. /иопitоr and help with ideas. put students slot at the end. conduct brieffeedback.
in groups of four or five and get them to ask each other
their questions. Conduct brieffeedback iп open class. Tip ln а monolingualclass, put students in pairs and ask
them to decide оп what they think should Ье thеir national
symbol and why. lп а multilingual ClaSS, get them to tell
Рпош U NclATloN passives
each other their national symbols and See if they have any
simila rities.
то present and practise pronouncing conttactions апd,
Optiona\ activ'ý Cret students to рtоduсе а poster
wеаk toTms ot wcs апd, weTe ш\rеrп using passives. show\ng а пumЬет of d\fferent symbo\s to терrеsепt their
соuпtrу. Then iп groups they show each other their posters
Step 1 Read the explanation Ьох to students and elicit and say why they have chosen the different people, things,
why is it often difficult to hear the forms of Ье iп passives etc.Then display the posters аrоuпd the rооm. (Or they
= because We ч5е contractions of is апd are, e.g. /ti, could do this fоr hоmеwоrk and Ьriпg to the next class.)
they're апd weak forms of was / was / and were / we /.)
Tell students they аrе going to hear eight sentences using

13 NАгURЕ 1о7
L4 oplNloNs

Next class Make photocopies о{ Answers

14А р, 170. 1 funny 6 brillia nt
2 sad 7 terrible
З yioIent 8 strq ngq
sредкlпlс 4Lqцrу 9 dep ressi ng
5 predictabIe ]_0 entertaining
То provide fluency practice of talking about films, plays Step 3 Э-i stucients in pairs and tell them to decide
апd musicals. ,.,,,hicl с, :ne sentences in 1-10 in А аrе positive, which are
.еgэiivе and why. Check answers in open class.
Step 1 Ask students if there are any good films on at ihe
сiпеmа and to tell the class about them. put studenis ', Answers
pairs and tell them to discuss the questions in А- fulc, ::: positive = 1funny, it reaIly made me laugh; 6, brilliant,
and соrrесt any language problems. Conduct Ьriе' jе:эээ:<, опе ofthe best things l've ever seen; 8 strange, very
unusual;10, entertaining, l rеаllу enjoyed it
Answers negative = 2 sad,l cried а lot at the ending; 3 violent, there
а film = we watch at the cinema, а play = \\,е ,.,.,эiсh at was а lot of killing and а lot of blood iп it; 4, scary, l spent
the theatre, а musical = а play оr film thai lises singing half thefilm hiding behind the sofa; 5 predictable,After
and dancing as part of the story, а сопсегt = а ji,le ten minutes,you know how it's going to епd;7 terrible,
реrfоrmа псе Ьу m usicia ns one of the worst things l've seen in а long time; 8 strange,
very unusual;9 depressing, l feit sad for days afterwards

VосдвчLАRy Describing fr lms, Optional activity Put students in pairs. Cet them to read
the sentences in А and decide on а film, play оr musical
pIays and musicals
they have seen recently that fits the description.
То present and practise using adjectives to give S Ф 14А see Теасhеr's notes р.142.
opinions and describe films, plays and musicals.

Step 1 Cet students to look at the ad_lectives in the Ьох Llsтвпlllчс

and check understandin g: predictable = when you know
r,vhat is going to happen пехt; depressiлg = extremely sad; Aim
iчппу -- something that makes you laugh and feel happy; То develop listening for geneTal and specific information,
scary = when you feel afraid; terrible = vеrу bad.
Step 1 Tell students they are going to listen to two
Step 2 Tell students to individually complete the sentences conversations. lп the first, the people talk about а fiIm
in А using the adjectives in the Ьох. ДЛопitоr and help wlth and in the second theytalk about а musical.Tell them to
any vocabulary problems. ln pairs students compare answers. read the questions in А and to listen and answer them
Cneck answers in open class and drill the word stress. about each conversation. Play the recording. lп pairs
students соmраrе answers before checking in open class.
lf necessary, play the recording again before checking.

108 oUTcoMES
Conversation 1 = 1 опlу the man saw it LДШСЧДСЕ PATTERNS
2 it was brilliant, really scary, it's great, а very clever fiIm
з по, sounds terrible, not her kind of film Aim
conversation 2 = 1 both speakers saw it То draw students'attention to some common ways of
2 the man said it was ОК, nothing special, entertaining using the vetbfind,
iп places but story was stupid, the wоmап thought it
was brilliant, dancing and music wеrе great and very Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentences in the
funny, she cried at the endiлg ьох and notice the similaritjes. Ask them to translate
these sentences into their own language and notice
фL4.1 апу difГerences. ln monolingualclasses, ask s:udents
conversation 1 to compare their translations. lп multiJing;a c asses,
А: Have you ever seen а film cailed 28 Days Later? ask students to work in pairs and tell eacil о:lе. l: ihe
В: No, l haven't. l've heard of it, but I've never seen it. sentences wеrе eaSy to translate and whet"e.:-.\,/ \,1./ere
What's it like? able to translate them word for word.
А: lt's brilliant. lt's reaIly, really scary. It's about а
terrible disease that makes реорlе hungry for Step 2 Ask students to coverthe English ira-s э::-;
blood, and they want to kill. and translate the sentences back into Englls. -; - _= :.=;.
В: RealIy? lt sounds very violent! translations.Then ask them to соmраrе thelr .-э-; :: :.s
А: Yеаh, it is, but it's great! lt's а very сIечеr f!lm. ]t's in pairs against the book.
not а поrmаl horror movie. lt's also about the
environment and politics and everything. Alternatively lf you рrеfеr not to use trans]a: :- ,..
В: lt sounds terrible - definitely not my kind of film] students to read the Ьох and check uпdеrsiаr-э -,. ,' :э, t
А: No, it's great! Honestly! iaund it really sad'am ltelling you mу орiпtоrti .=: = ,э,,
'l сап'tfiпd mу keys?' аm l telling you l've lоst sсг;=.,,
fiпd'? \ftпэ - _: =:_ -
2 (Yes,) How do we give орiпtопs using
С: Haveyou seen that пеw musical Dogsyet? adjective, e.g,lJound it reaIly difficult).
D: Yes, l have. l saw it last week, actually.
С: Oh, really? We went to see it last night. What did
you think of it? Dвчг цорl NG coNvE RsATIoN 5
D: lt was ОК. Nothing special. lt was quite
entertaining in places, l suppose, but the story What's it like?
was stu pid. Aim
С: RealIy? Do you think so? t thought it was brilliant - То introduce and practise using I4lhat is / was i i iike? to
one of the best things l've seen in а lопg time. ask for а description of something оr sоmеопе,
D: Yeah? оК.
С: The dancing and the muslc were great апС it r,vas Step 1 Tell students to read the explanation сэi ,-:
very funny. l couIdn't stcp !! elicit when we use What is / was.., /ike? = to а;., j--. -:--
D: But what about the ending? It was so prediciablel to describe something ог sotrre опе:Д re we as< . J ,' :,-=
С: Not for me! lfound it really sad. lstarted crying! реrsоп likes something? (по), How do we rе5рог,э :: .-.
D: Really? Oh well. l suppose we just don't share the questioп? (we usuallygiveouropinion usi-;:- 1__:_-: .:,
same tastes. Tellstudents to match the questions 1-8 io:-=.- j..,:.s
a-h. ln pairs they compare ап5wеrs before ci:e:i -= -
Step 2 Tell students to look at the sentences in В and try to open class.
complete them. ln pairs they compare answers.Then play
the recording to check, pausing after each conversation. Answers
lf necessary, play the recording again. Check answers in 1d 2с 3f 4а 5h бЬ 7g 8е
open class.
Step 2 Put students into АВ pairs and tei] ii:enl io practise
Answers the conversations. Student А asks the oues' ons 1-8 and
1acalled bof clike dsounds eHonestly Student В reads the answers in a-h.Then tney change
2aof bplaces cdancing dелdiпg efound roles.5tudent В asks the questions and Siudent А invents
their own answers. ДЛопitоr and correct апу language
Step 3 Put students in pairs to discuss the questions in С. problems. lt's not necessary to conduct feedback.
/Иопitоr and correct апу problems with ianguage. Conduct
brief feed back_ Step 3 Tell students to indlvidually write three What is /
was... like? questions for other students in the class. Cive
them time to do this. ДДопitоr and help with ideas.

14 oi]iN]()NS 109
Step 4 When students аrе ready, tell them to stand up and
ask difГerent students in the classroom their questions LlsTBltt l lчс
and note down their answers. Mlonitor and соrrесt any
problems with language. Conduct brief feedback. Aim
То develop listening for general and specific information.
Optional activity When students have finished
interviewing each other, tell them to sit down and in Step 1 TelI students they are going to listen to а
pairs tell each other what they found out about the other news rероrt. ln pairs tell students to discuss in which order
students. Then get them to write а short group profile the different kinds of news in the Ьох usually арреаr on
for homework. news reports. Check understanding of show business пеw5 =
news about celebrities and famous реорlе.

Сопlчr пsАтlоN pRAсTlcE Suggested anýwers

lnternational news, national news, financial news, sports
Aim news, show business news, the weather forecast
То provide conversation practice using the 1anguage
practised in the unit so fаr. Step 2 Tell students to Iisten and put the difГеrепt kinds of
neivs items in А into the order they hear them. Tell them
Step 1 TeIl students they аrе $оiгЕ;з -з, :-а: there ls опе they don't need. PIay the rесоrdiпg. lп pairs
conversations to the ones г / i:-. ,-j : :-:_..э-rэi,е апswеrs and say how they decided. Check
make а list of six fi]ms, p|a,.,s э..,- -..z з э-;.,.:,- , ээеl ciass. lf necessary, playthe recording again.
and concerts they have эЁ:. :: - :-- эs:
Step 2 Put them iп Dai|,s апG ieI] тпеrп to take turns aski,:g 1 гэ: :, э ,=,.,.; electior)
if their раrtпеr has seen the things on the list. lf necessary 2 financla: lle,.,,s .э],,],]iагч iost 385 million dollars
put these conversation starters оп the board: Have you lэсi
,gJ!JgU,/rrаэ r'
sееп / Ьееп to ...? Tell them that if their partner ha5n't З international (abroac. сеэсе Ta]ks between..,)
sееп it, they ask What was if /ike? lf they have seen it, they 4 show business news (Shaneez has got engaged to
ask What did you think of it?rell them to continue the TV ldol winner)
conversations for as long as they са n. Д4опitоr а nd соrrесt 5 sports news (Frапсе's World Cup match against Brazil)
any language problems. Conduct brief feedback. *news
item not needed = the weather forecast

Tip With а weaker class, you could get them to u5e the
structure in the audioscript оп page 180. 1 Tomorrow's general election is expected to Ье
the closest in mапу years. Both the People's Party
and the Popular trопt аrе optimistic and say they
expect to win, but most people think that they
will probably have to share power, Voting starts at
Next class Make photocopies о{ seven in the morning and cIoses at ten, with the
I 14В р. 171. final result expected еаrlу on Monday morning,
2 The country's largest chemicalcompany, NBE, has
announced that it is going to cut five thousand
SрндкIпtс jobs. The соmрапу lost 385 million dollars Iast year
and now plans to close its two biggest factories in
Aim the поrth ofthe country.
То provide fluency practice of talking about news and З Abroad, реасе talks between Adjikistan and
newspapers. kamistan have failed and there are worries that
war will now follow. The two countries disagree
Step 1 Ask students ifthey ever read newspapers online, about where the border between them should Ье,
which ones and why / why not. Put students in groups Both countries receive funding and military help
ofthree оr four and tell them to discuss the questions in from their powerful local neighbours.
5реа ki пg. Cond uct brief feed back. 4 Next, рор music. Last year's TV ldol wiппеr, Shaneez,
has got engaged. The singer is рlаппiпg to mаrrу her
Answers boyfriend of two months, actor and model Kevin Smith
picture 1 = Нumап interest story, with war damage 5 And finally, Frапсе go into their important World
picture 2 = end of а sports tournament, award being Cup match against Braziltonight without their
given out captain and star рlауеr, Flоriап /Иепdу. ДЛепdу
picture З = celebritywedding injured himself in training yesterday and may now
miss the rest of the competition.

110 oUTcoMES
Step 3 Cet students to look at the group of words in D Step 2 Write the comment from А оп the board, e.g. This
and teil them they come from the news stories. Teil them will Ье terriblefor the whole area and check understanding:
to listen again and take notes оп how the words аrе Does the speaker thiпk it is сеrtаiп or probable? (Yes.) What
connected. Play the recording, pausing аftеr each news сап we say to make а prediction iп thefuture? ('ll (= will) +
story to allow students writing time. lп pairs they discuss verb, e.g. This willbe.) Cet students to read the explanation
how the words аrе connected. cet them to read the Ьох. Ask How do we Jorm the negative? (wоп't = witl поt).
audioscript оп раgе 181 to check their answers. Check in TelI them we can also use Ье (поt) gоiпg to + verb in all the
ореп class. examples in exercise А instead.

Answers Step 3 Tell students to complete the sentences in С with

1 Both the People's Раrtу and the Popular Front аrе will or won't.Iйonitor and help with апу problems. Cet
, optimistic, but most people think that they will students to соmраrе iп pairs before checking in ореп class.
probably have to share starts at seven in
the mоrпiпg and closes at ten. Answers
NBE is goingto cutfivethousandjobs becausethe 1 won't 5 won't
| соmрапу lost З85 milliоп dollars last year, апd рlапs 2 wоп't 6 will
', to close its two biggest factories. 3 won't 7 will
З Реасе talks between Adjikistan and Kamistan have 4 won't 8 will
failed - they disagree about where the border should
Ье, both countries receivefunding апd miIitary help Note We usuaIly follow / thinkwith а negative prediction
from their powerful neighbours. апd l don't think with а positive prediction.
4 TV ldol winne1 Shaneez, has got engaged,she plans to
marry her boyfriend of two months,actor апd model Step 3 Read the explanation box.Tell students they are
kevin smith. going to hear eight sentences repeated twice and to repeat
5 Frапсе go into their important World Cup match them. Play the recording, pausing after each sentence so
against Brazil without their сарtаiп who injured students can repeat.Then playthe recording again and get
himself in training yesterday and may поw miss the them to write the sentences they hear. Pause after each
rest of the competition. sentence to allow writing time. Check апswеr5 iп оDеп class.

Step 4 Tell students to individualIy read the questions in F. ф ]4.2 and Апswеrs
Cive them time to think about what they've read recently. 1 lt'Il Ье fine.
When they аrе ready, put them in groups of three оr four to 2 l рrоЬаЬlу lvon't vote ih,s уеаr.
discuss recent news stories. conduct brieffeedback. 3 Ii tvon'i Ье easlr
4 ii ,.vcr:-i
cos: 1,,]ljc|].
Tip You might like to do the Native Speaker Епglisп ссх 5 I i^inK he'li have а few prob|ems
before бrаmmаr, as the expression co.nes Lр . :ie 6 We'Il рrоЬаЬlу Ье а bit late.
rst activity.
fi 7 We won't win.
8 lt won't killyou. You'll live.

GкдМмдR will / wоп't for predictions Note Each sentence in the audioscript is said twice.

Aim Step 4 Put students in pairs to ask and answer the

То present and practise utill l wоп't to talk about questions in F.TelI them to use the answer5 in the speech
pTedictions that are certain or probable in the future. bubbles: Yes, defiпitely / probably, МауЬе, No. Model the
activity first. Conduct feedback iп open class.
Step 1 Ask students to read the five comments from chat
rooms on the radio station's website. Put them in pairs to Step 5 Tell students to write two predictions of thelr own
match each comment to one of the five stories they heard about what will / won't happen in the future. Monitor and
and decide which аrе optimistic оr pessimistic. Check help with any problems wlth language оr ideas.Then put
answer5 in open class. students into groups of four оr five to explain their ideas
and see ifthey others agree. Conduct brieffeedback оп
а = story 2 (pessimistic) what they agreed on.
Ь = story 4 (pessimistic)
c=story5(optimistic) Direct students to the grаmmаr reference on page 16З if
d=story3(optimistic) they still seem unsure.

14 oPlNloN5 111
Nдтlчв 5pEAKER Еrчсllsн Step 4 ln pairs students write one mоrе thing that might
Ье an example for each ofthe sentences 1-6 in exercise А,
mаkе а differeпce as in the example given. ДЛопitоr and help with апу
Ask students to read the Ьох and check that they language problems. lп groups they read the things they
understand Ьу asking: What's another way saying wrote and the other students guess which of the sentences
something changes а situation iп а good way? (...makes in 1-6 it is about. Monitor and correct апу language
а dtflerence), Дпd iJ it dоеsп't сhапgе the situation iп апу problems, Conduct brief feedback iп ореп class.
way? (...doesn't make апу dtfference). Ask them if they have
а similar expression in their language.
Y*3 14В see Teacher's notes р. 142 То develop reading skills for general and detailed

VосдвчLАRy Society Step 1 Write the title, Д New Life, оп the board and elicit
ideas from students оп what the article could Ье about.
Aim Tell them they аrе gоiпg to read what two immigrants
То present and practise expressions to describe changes say about the difГerent countries they have moved to.
in society. ln pairs get them to read the questions iп А and discuss
their opinions. Monitor and help with апу problems with
Step 1 TelI students to look at sentences 1-6 in А anc language оr ideas. Conduct brieffeedback.
check understanding: uпеmрlоуmепt = the пumЬеr cf
people who don't have а Jobiwages = the mопеу paio =с: э Step 2 Tell students to individually rеаd the questions in В
job, usually weekly; murder = to kill someone deliberaie ,r and give them time to think about what they want to say.
stealing = to take someone's property illegally; lock уочr Tгen p,;t them in pai!,s io discuss their opinions. Monitor
door = lo close your door with а key to make it safe; keep а.с сс.:,ес an_v iэnguage problems.
themselvestothemselves = not socialise much with other
people; treatment = the medical care given when you аrе iIi Step 3 r-: ::-:e.lis inio two grоuр5:А and B.Tell Croup А
фiсiепt = do something welland successfully;ltamilies ore :э ,=э;:,.:ехi са ihe opposite раgе,Д New Life and Сrоuр В
c/ose = see оr speak to each other often. 1:,:эr:-е:ех: iп File 5 on раgе 167.TelI them to read
:-a ,::}:s ald decide how the writer would answer the
Step 2 Tell students to decide individually which itallc ]-:s: э,s ir] exerci5e В. M\onitor and help with any ideas.
ending to sentences 1-6 goes with each ofthe sentences
Step 4 pairs to соmраrе
in а-с. Do the first опе а5 an ехаmрlе. /V\onitor and help '.;: students in same letter
with апу language problems. lп pairs students compare э,s,,, е15 and to decide which country they think the writer
answers before checking in ореп class. .s"эr and where they are living now.

Answers Step 5 Тпеп put students in new, АВ pairs.Tell them to

1 а quite weak Ь strong с strong in:erview each other using the questions iп В, without
2 а very bad Ь very bad с not а probIem lco< ng at their texts during the interview. Check answers
3 а not чеrу ореп Ь very friendly с поt very ореп in ооеп class.
4 а good Ь not very пiсе с not very nice
5 а quite рооr Ь very good с very good
6 а very good Ь not very good с very good

Step 3 Tell students to individually spend two minutes

remembering sentences 1-6.Then put them in АВ pairs.
Student А keeps their book open and says sentences а-с.
Student В closes their books and says the соrrесt sentence
1-6. Then they change roles. Model with а strong student
before they stагt,уоu are Student А, /Иonitor and help with any
problems with language. Not necessary to conduct feedback.

112 oUTcoMEs
Answers step 2 Ask students to read the explanation Ьох and
Group А: check understanding: what do we do if we wапt to make
1 five уеа rs а verb the subject oJ а sепtепсе? (we use ап -iпg form
2 to work and start the sentence with it, e.g. walking iп the streets
З yes, l really like it here is dangerous).Tell them We can also use il + Ье + (поt)
4 they are very relaxed and open adjective + (поt) to + infinitive to mеап the same thing. Ask
5 likes it, it's basically warm alIyear round, but if you them if they have similar grаmmаr in their language.
want snow уоu can go to the mountains and ski
6 the facilities are fantastic, very efficient (as long as step 3 Tellstudents to individual|y rewrite the sentences in
you have medical insurance) в using опе of the patterns in the explanation tэox.,Monitor
7 good, there аrе lots of jobs iп computers and and help with апу language problems. ln pair-s students
technology and wages are high соmраrе anSwers before checking in open ciass,
8 in the big cities there аrе а lot of murders and
walking the streets is dangerous, but l've пеvеr seen Answers
anything like that 1 lt's easy to find work hеrе.
9 по, maybe_lust to visit my family for а holiday 2 Meeting реорlе was difficult
З lt's helpful to learn the locaI language.
The writer is probably from ап extremely northern 4 lt was good to meet people in the same situa:,c".
or southern country. Не says they don't have long, 5 Sitting and having а coffee Ьу the river is nicc.
dark winters where he is поw, he's probably in the u5 6 lt's important not to criticise people if уоu want
because of the climate and the healthcare situation. to do well.

Group В: Direct students to the grammar reference on page .

1 а fewyears ago
they still 5ееm unsure.
2 because of the war iп my country
3 lt's ОК, but l miss mу friends and family Step4 Tell students to individually write true sente-::;
4 they are nice and polite but it's difficult to really about themselves about the place they live or wori
know them using the sentence starters in С and the
раttеrпs lп :-:
5 l like it, it rains quite а lot explanation Ьох. д.4опitоr and help with languag е. г. эz .з
6 it was good, when l arrived l needed treatment and they соmраrе sentences and see ifthey have anyth -: -
the doctors were kind and efficient common, Conduct brlef .'eedback.
7 good, l've always found work
8 уе5, mу house was robbed once but it's not dangerous
to walk the streets sрвдкllчс
9 not sure. l like the weather and the wages аrе good.
but misses family Aim
То provide fluency practice of the language practised, iп
The wrjter is probably frоm а country thai was rесепtlу the unit so far.
at war, he's probably in the UK because of the people
and the weather. Step 1 Tell students to read the things in the Ьох :- +, С ,.,с
them time to think about what they want to say. icer э.-;:
Step б ln the same pairs teil students to decide which them into groUp5 of four orfive to discuss thеir.сэ . ;.s,
of the two writers has а better quality of Iife and why.
д4опitоr and help with апу language problems. conduct Step 2 ln the same grоuр5 get them to discuss r.., lэt
brief feedback iп open class.There аrе no wrong оr right they know about other cities or countries and hc,.,., :геу
апswеrs, but just ask students to explain their reasons. соmраrе with their country. длопitоr and take no:ei on
thejr use ofсоrrесt and incorrect language fоr э co:tection
slot at the end.
GRДММДR Vеrп patterns wrtn ad;ectives
Tip With а monolingualclass,you could put tnem iп
Aim groups and ask them to a8ree оп the things in the Ьох.
То pTesent and practise verb patteTns with adjectives to With а multilingual class, you could get them to соmраrе
make our opinions stronger. their two countries in раir5,

Step 1 Write the two sentences from the explanation Ьох

on the board and ask students ifthe sentences mean the
same thing = yes,

14oi)l\;o\, 113
СошчвпsАтlоN pRAcTlcE & Ркош u NclATloN
:э, alms and suggested procedures see Review 01 То Tevise and practise consonants pronounced with а
ээ.28-29 little air or from the throat.

Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох, оr read it

Qu lz out to them. Play the recording and get students to say the
words and the sounds.
Fоr aims and suggested рrосеdurе see Revietry 01
IrD. 28-29. фR7.1
hide /h/
Answers mе /m/
1 You find grass in а garden оr park. rаiп /п/
2 /\Лапу answer5 possible. Suggestions: 5hakespeare, sing /1/
Оsсаr Wilde (any playwright). lock /l/
З You see а cottage iп а village. rest /r/
4 lп а general election you elect а пеw government. wild /w/
5 You might miss your friends and family when you - yel /j/
or they - аrе away from home,
6 The рrоЬlеm if there is а lot of unemployment is
there isn't enough work and the есопоmу is not Step 2 Teii s:-]e-:j': э,эс:'sе sayingthe words with / h /
in exercise 3 :: :,:- :э эrеаthе lightIy.Then tellthem to
_- _ ]
7 You get а wage for working. nrf .il<= :1 - - --= . ^.,"]s in С and tell them to use their
В Farmers use chemicals to help their fruit оr псs... --:.i::,e scund Ьу holding their nose and saying
vegetables grow, li-
, л.--

9 There is ice оп the road when it's very cold.

10 The opposite of noisy is quiet. Step З Э-:
Lne students into pairs and tell them to take
11 Тhrее kinds of entertainment are: cinema, theatre, :-": :э :ry and say the words in D. Рlау the recording and
musicals, muSeumS, concerts etc. ::: s:;dents to check in the audioscript on page ]"81.Then
12 А political party might have to share power lvi:e1,1 я=i ihem to listen again and repeat the words.
опе party didn't win the election with а mаlоr :,,l
13 Реорlе have nightmares when they аrе siееэ -g. OR7.2 and Answers
They feel unhappy / scared. 1 huge
14 lf there аrе lots of dark clouds it's going:c :aln, 2 опсе
15 Places that often get crowded аrе any эJэliс З young
transport, buses, trains etc. оl,сопсепs. 4 ending
5 protein
6 unusual
Fдsт wRlTER 7 valuable
8 econom ic
:or aims and suggested proceclure see Re,.,,c,.,l 0*
ро 28*29. Step 4 Put students in pairs and get them to practIse
saying the sentences in F and decide who has good
pronunciation and which sounds are difficult for them,
СоllосдтIоNs Conduct feedback оп what sounds they found difГ]cult,

:о. a tTs allci sr_rgяested рrосеdurс see Revietr,05

no. iCC-.01.

114 oUTcoMEs
Note listепlлg and the rest of the review unit couId Ье
used as а рrоgrе55 test.The suggested scores аrе given Gпдммдп
below each exercise. Alternatively, these exercises could Ье Exercise д апsйъii
done in pairs оr individually then checked iп pairs, оr you 1 is produced 4 was cut down
could put students in teams and conduct them as а quiz / 2 were hunted 5 was that book written
competition. lf students need help,you сап direct them 3 are protected 6 was this made
to the rеlечапt pages of the grammar reference оr the
Vocabulary Builder. Exercise В answers
1 going 4 might
2 will 5 gо
Llsтвпlltчс Зtо 6 Coing

Aim Exercise С answers

То give practice in listening for gist and detail. 1 l won't do it before Eriday.
2 lt's easy to find work there.
Answers З l mightn't go to the party.
Exercise А 4 l think they'll miss hеr а lot.
аЗ Ь1 с2 d4 5 lt isn't / lt is not usually served with rice.
6 Do you think they'll win?
Exercise В
6д +а hз
Direct students to the grammar rеfеrепсе on 9э:a
they find this difficult.
1 А mап has appeared in court for shooting ап eagle.
The mап, а fаrmеr, said the bird was kiliing chickens AolBcTlvBs
on his farm. The eagle is protected Ьу law and the
farmer might go to prison. Answers
2 А пеw musical called rhе Field has closed after just 1 wild 5 optimistic
three weeks. The theatre was almost empty after 2 dangerous 6 peaceful
reports said the story was strange and depressing and з economic 7 predictable
the songs were terrible. The theatre says it has lost 4 varied 8 crowded
five million doIlars,
3 Temperatures fоr the holiday weekend mау reach 40
degTees.The po\ice ате expect\ng а \ot о{ tTatt\c аs (ot t-ocдTloNS
people try to escape the city and go to the beaches
and countryside.The Department of Health has said Answers
people should not stay in the sun too long and should 1 invite 5 steal
use 5Un сrеаm. 2 vote 6 fail
4 fhе рор singer,5haneez,is going to divorce her З soive 7 mаkе
husband, the actor and model Kevin Smith. The couple 4 grow 8 damage
got married in Las Vegas four months ago. Shaneez
was recently seen with the trепсh footbali star, Flоriап
/vlendy, VОСДВ U LARY
1 cottage 5 enterta iп ment
2 neighbour 6 horse
3 soil 7 hunting
4 provide 8 fresh

07 RE\"/ EW 115
15 тЕсн Nolocy

VОсдвu LARY IИасh i nes а nd tech nology LlsTBпl l lчс

Aim Aim
Тоpresent and practise vocabulary Telated to machines То develop listening for specific information.
and technology.
Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to listen to three
Step 1 Ask students which machine or piece of technology conversations about technology and in each conversation,
they could not live without and why. Cet students to somecne гпаkеs а rесоп:mепсjаt!оп. cet them to read
label the pictures with the words in the Ьох in А. Monitor the tаэiе iп A.TeIlthem to listen and complete the table
and help with апу vocabulary problems, ln pairs students the kind of machine and what's good about it. Play
соmраrе answers. Check answers in ореп class and drillTne ihe recording. ln pairs students соmраrе answers before
word stress. checking in ореп class. lf necessary, play the recording
aga in, before checki ng.
l qligital cam.era 5 mgbile рhопе Answers ]
z washing machine 6 dishwasher kind of mасhiпе Brand What's good about it?
з Laptap- 7
hаirdryеr |aptotop

4 gqдlе5 console 8 vacuum сlеапеr too heavy, battery

lasts а long time
Step 2 Tell students to read the quesrions iп В and check 2 smart phone Kotika does everything а
understandin g: brands = а produC( made Ьу а well-known small Iaptop does,
соmрапу; оиlп = poSSeSs. Cive them а couple of minutes to easyto use,full
think about what to say. keyboard, good ifyou

Step 3 When they are ready, put students in groups of

three оr four to discuss. Monitor and соrrесt апу language games, sound is
problems. Conduct brief feedback in ореп class. great, Iooks great оп
the screen,l, lnot
Ll lc )LlLcl lvl too
, --,-'l
Step 4 Cet students to check lndividually that they ехреп5lV€
understand the words in bold in exercise С. TeIl them they
can look at page 58 in the Vocabulary Builder for help. ln
pairs they look at the pictures again апd take turns to point фLS.L
to the items and say the word. Conduct brief feedback. conversation 1
А; Do you know much about computers?
Answers В: А bit. Why?
1 а cable = picture 7, 8 А: l'm thinking of buying а laptop. Сап you
2 а screen = picture 3,4,5 recommend anything?
3 а plug = picture 7,8 В: Well, it depends. How much do you want to spend?
4 а keyboard = picture 3 А: l'm not sure - about five оr six hundred pounds.
5 turn on,turn оfГ= all ofthem В: ОК. Well, for that price, try а Bell. They have quite
6 battery = picture 1 а lot of memory, they're not too heavy and the
7 buttons, press = all ofthem battery lasts quite а long time
А; That sounds perfect.Thanks.

116 oUTcoMEs

conversation 2
С: What happened to your рhопе? GкдммдR Ье tlэitlking of + -iпg
D: Oh, ldropped it last night and broke the screen.
С: Oh no] How annoying! Aim
D: l know. l'll need to replace it, but l'm actually То present and pTactise Ье thiпkiпg of + -iпg to talk
thinking of getting опе of those smart phones. about plans we are not 100% sчrе about.
С: Oh, оК.
D: Do you know much about them? Step 1 Read the explanation Ьох агd creck understanding:
С: Yeah, а bit.The new Kotika one is great. lt's What сап we say whеп We are паa iaa','. sure about our рlапs?
amazing. lt сап do everything that а small laptop (Ье thiпkiпg ofl, Whot form is the ,iэrс a_ler'of'? (-iпg, e.g,
does. lt's very easy to use and it has а full keyboard, Ьuyiпg, startiпg, etc). Tell students tc :эп, э'ete the sentences
so it's good if you send а lot of emails. in А with the correct form of Ье tliir,i . i э'а г с] th е ve rbs in
D: Wow. ОК. l'll try to have а look at that опе. brackets, IИonitor and help with апу э,:э .-s, Cet students
to соmраrе апSWеr5 in pairs before ci,.:.: ,q',, ODen class.
conversation 3
Е: Hi. How're you? Answers
F: Oh hi. What're you doing here? 1 am thinking of buying
Е: l'm trying to find а birthday present for my brother. 2 isthinking ofdoing
lt's taking me аgеs. З are thinking of going
F: What kind of thing аrе you looking for? 4 am thinking of changing
Е: Well, !'m thinking of buying him а games console, 5 аrе thinking of buying
but I don't know anything about theml 6 аrе thinking ofgoing
F: Well, Bonny does а really good опе. You сап use 7 аm thinking of getting
lots of online gаmеs with it, the scuncj is great, 8 is thinking of studying
it looks great оп the screen and it's not too
expensive either. Direct students to the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе ',
Е: ОК. WelI, lhat sounds good. they still 5eem unsure.

Step 2 Put students in pairs to discuss the cuestions Step 2 Put students in АВ pairs.Tell Stude,_ - ._- ;:_. .э:п
iп exercise В. /Иопitоr and соrrесt any problems with sentence in Aand then ask Сапуоч rесаrгг,,.,, j j,,_,.,, .з 1
language. Conduct brief feed back. anywhere? Student В hasto rесоmmепс;.---.- -_=:,
somewhere. Then they change roles, ДЛсо. -., = э --- . 1;
Tip Cet students to read the audioscript on page 181 and with а strong student first. Conduct briei'.:::,:.
underline апу new expression or words. lп pairs they share
ideas and see ifthey can help each otherThen check in Tip With а weaker class, check they kncl,. .,. - э. .: :;.,
ореп class, епсоurа8е other students to help with mеапiпg. after the sentences 1-8, e.g, Сап you recc",-:- j
(1 anywhere 2 anywhere 3 anything / а.,;.,.,^=,= 4 э,;:, пз
Optional activity Cet students to think of two kinds of 5 anything б anywhere 7 anything 8 аг_ч.,. -:,-
machines they have at home and what's good about it.
ДЛопitоr and help with any language probIems. ln pairs Step З Ask students to individually wrl:: .-,-- ;
they tell each other about their machines, Conduct brief that they - or people they know - аrе ii -.. -; :' j. |,g.
feed back. Then putthem in pairstotell each oil:e,'.':- .:, :,= . l-]se
of language for а соrrесtiоп slot at the .-:

Nдтlчв spEAKER ЕrчсtIsн ages

DBvB lopl пlс сопlчг пsдтl о tч s
Ask students to read the Ьох and check they understand
Do you kпоw muсh abotlt ... I
Ьу asking: What's another way saying а lопg time? (ages).
ls thisformal or iпfоrmаl? (lпfоrmаl.) What сап we say if Aim
we wапt to emphasise the duratioп of time? (for ages), Дsk То introduce using Dоуои hпоw muсh about ... ? to find
them if they have а similar expression in thelr language. out how much people know about general topics.

Optional activity Cet students to write three sentences Step 1 Read out the explanation bcx.Ask: Whеп do we
чsiпg ages / for ages, e,g. l haven't Ьееп to the сiпеmа for use'Doyou kпоw muсh obout... ?'= tofind out how much
d9e5. /\Лопitоr and help out with language. ln pairs they реорlе know about general tooics, e.g. computers, How do
share ideas and see what they have in common. Conduct we апswеr? (No, поt really / А bit / Yеаh, quite а lot). What
brieffeedback. does'a Ьit'mеап? (а little).

].5 iia No.ocy 117

Step 2 n :hern то look at the topics in А and think about
,.:. - -.- ;hey know about them and what would Ье their VОСДВuLАRy Computers and the lnternet
Step 3 ihen tell them to stand up and go around the rооm То present and practise expressions related to using
in the computers and the Internet.
=,э'..с people who know а lot about the things
:эх. conduct brief feedback on who knows а lot.
Step 1 Ask students to say what things they use the
Step 4 Write Australia'on theboard and elicit extra Internet for, e.g send emails, read newspapers online, etc.
]-estion you could ask someone who knows а lot about it, Tell students to look at the sentences in А and use the
e.g.What's the capital? What's the паtiопаl symbol? etc. extra information to guess the meanings of the words in
bold. /Иonitor and help with any language problems. Ask
Step 5 Put students into АВ pairs and tell them to think students to try and translate the words into their own
cf extra questions to ask each student they talked to who language, Соmраrе iп pairs then check with the class.
seemed to know а lot about each topic in the Ьох. Cive
them а couple of minutes to do this and monitor and help Step 2 With а monolingual class, tell students to translate
out with any problems with language оr ideas.Then they the words in their own language on а piece of paper. Tell
stand up and find the student and ask their extra questions them to close their books and, in pairs, to point at each of
to find out how much the реrsоп rеаllу knows. M\onitor and their partner's translations and the other student says the
соrrесt any Ianguage problems. Conduct brief feedback. word in English.

Tip With а multilingual class, ask pairs to tell each other

СошчвпsАтlоN pRAcTlcE which words wеrе еа5у / difficuli to translate.

Дm Alternatively lf you рrеfег noi io use translation, get

То pTovide conversation practice using the language students to check the t,,,crd s iг the vocabulary Builder оп
pTactised in the unit so far. page 59.They could rvri.e эп example оr mime the word and
the other studeni ias ic say the word in English. Then they
Step 1 Tell students they are going to have similar change roles, fuic-,:cl-and heip with language problems.
conversations to the ones iп Listening.rell students to
individually think of two technology items they're thinking Step 3 Те:: si;cents io individually read the questions in С
of buying (оr would like to buy) and decide how much they and gi,.,e l^e- Iime to think about their answer5.
want to spend on them. Cive them а couple of minutes to
do this. Step 4 Pui students in groups offour or five to discuss
:heir ideas. Monitor and correct any language problems.
Step 2 When students are ready, tell them to talk different Ccnduct brieffeedback in ореп class.
students in the class and explain what they're thinking
a\ ,t 15А see Теасhеr's notes р.143,
of buying and why, and ask for / make recommendations. t, \4
Monitor and correct any language problems.

Step 3 When they have finished, put them in pairs to iell LДШСЧДСЕ PATTERN5
each other who gave them the best advice. Conduct brief
feed back. Aim
То draw students'attention to some соmmоп ways of
Tip With а weaker class,you could get them to use using i/sentences.
Conversation ]_ from the audioscript on page 181 as
а model. Step 1 Ask students to look at the sentences in the
ьох and notice the similarities. Ask them to translate
these sentences into their own language and notice
апу difГerences. ln monolingual classes, ask students
to compare their translations. ln multilingual classes,
Next class Make photocopies о{ ask students to work in pairs and telleach other if the
15А р. 172. sentences wеrе easy to translate and whether they wеrе
able to translate them word fоr word.

Step 2 Ask students to cover the English translations

and translate the sentences back into English using their
translations. Then ask them to compare their translations
in pairs against the book,

118 oUTcoMES
Alternatively lf you prefer not to use translation, ask ф]-5.3 апdдпswеii
students to notice the language pattern = result = l'll / 1
уоu сап / tell mе + cond ition = if + want, пееd, it's. Check А: WWW.peiterzХ.co.8u. That's p-e-i-t*e-r-z-x dot с-о
understanding:lf lsay'l'll check if you like'Am loffering to dot g-u.
do something for you? (Yes.) /s 'if you like' а condition? (Yes,) В: ОК, p-e-i-t-e-r-z-x dot со dot g u.
ls'l'll check'the result of the сопditiол? (Yes). А: Yes.

Ркош U NclATloN Spel li ng add rеssеs А: nomashy@j ma That's n-o-m-a-s-
М\у еmа i l's
h-y at j-m-a-l dot com.
Aim В: ОК. n-o-m-a-s-h-y, that's all опе word, right?
То pTesent and practise the pronunciation and spelling А: Yes. At jmal dot com.
of Internet and home addresses.
Step 1 Tell students they are going to hеаr seven groups А: Flat four, 65 Farquhar Drive. That's f-a-r-q-u-h-a-r
of letters and to listen and rереаt them.Tell them to look and d-r-i-v-e,
at the speech bubbles in А if they need help rеmеmЬеriпg. В: ОК. Flat four, 65 tarquhar Drive f-a-r-q-u-h-a-r
Play the recording and pause after each group and get А: That's right.
students to repeat. lf necessary рlау the group of letters
aga i n. Step б Tell students to individually write а r,чеэs,:е. ап
email and а home address,TeIlthem they can г:э<::,i-,lеsе
фL5.2 up if they don't feel comfortable giving their rеэ ээ5rеs!е5.
1 bcdegptv
2 f lmnsxz Step 7 Put students in pairs to say their addresses э^i
3 аhjk spell them fortheir partnerto write down,Then :,=.
4 quw check the spelling and change roles. /V\onitor апс ,- э
5 iy with spelling and pronunciation. Not necessary to ccrC,c:
бо feed back.
Step 2 Write the alphabet in the cc1,1,ec: order on the Llsтвlчltчс
board (а, Ь, с, d, е, l g, h, i,.1, k, |. r,,. г о D q, 1 s, t, u, ч w, х,у, z)
and drill the pronunciation. Р-: s:jre.:s lп pairs to take Aim
turns saying the letters of Tne э э,аэеr. Monitor and heIp То develop listening for gепеrаl and specific information.
with pronunciation. Ask then ,.,.,^'сг leiiers аrе the most
difficult for them to say and :е, iiern to use the sound Step 1 Tell students they аrе goingto listen to and alsrver
symbols in А to heIp thern а questionnaire about computers and technology. in oalrs
tell students to read the possible answers and discuss
Tip Cet students to make а poster ofthe sound groups what they thin k the questions а rе. Then play the record ing
and display them оп the waiis cf ihe cIassroom. Then you to check their questions, pausing after each question,
can rеfеr to them in future ciasses rvhen students аrе Cive them time to change оr write the соrrесt quesTron
having problems with spelling оr oronunciation. before playing the next question. lп pairs they соmоаrе ihe
questions before checking iп open class.
Step 3 Write а website address оп the board and ask
students how we say it: е.g. www / dot / name of the ry L5,4 and Апswеrs
website / dot / со, com, net, org, etc. 1 How mапу computers do you have iп your home?
2 How long is your computer оп every day?
Step 4 Cet students to Iook at the Ьох in В and check 3 How often do you check your email?
understanding.Write'@'on the Ьоаrd and elicit how we 4 How many emails do you get every day?
say it = at. Tell them they are going to hear three different 5 What k!nd of mobile phone do you have?
addresses and to complete the information iп С. 6 What do you use уоur phone for?
7 Have уоu еvеr done anything stupid оп уоur
Step 5 Play the recording and pause after each address to com puter?
allow time to write. lf necessary, play the recording again. 8 lf you buy а пеw piece of technology, like а digital
ln pairs students соmраrе their answers. Check anSwer5 camera, how do you lеаrп to use it?
in ореп class Ьу asking students to read out what they've 9 What do уоu do if you have а problem with а
written and write these on the board. machine оr piece of technology?
10 How often do you buy а new piece of technology?

15 Tl-( H Noi ocY 1].9

Step 2 Ъi' 5ii-jбents to listen to the whole questionnaire 9 What doyou do if уоuБ., problem with а
э- j . :< (../) ihe ап5wеr that is best for them. Рlау the machine or piece of technology?
,::a,j' pairs they соmраrе their answers and decide а Cet angry, shout and jump up and down - until

.,. (es iechnology more. Conduct brief feedback. sоmеопе tells mе l need to plug it in.
Ь Check it's plugged iп and, if it is, call someone to
repair it.
]_ How mапу computers do you have iп your home? с Check everything is plugged in. Turn it off and оп
а Nопе. again - and if it still doesn't work, l repair it myself.
D опе.
с Two оr mоrе. 1О How often do you buy а new piece of technology?
а Hardly ever. Why do l need it when my old things
2 How long is your computer оп every day? work?
а МауЬе an hour оr two - if l turn it оп. Ь Sometimes. Some things аrе better, and l change
Ь Fоur оr five hours. Most of the evening. when my old things break.
с l печеr turn it оfг. с Allthe time, l like to have allthe latest things,

3 How often do you check уоur email? Step 3 Tell students to individually think about two реорlе
а МауЬе опсе а day, maybe less. they know - one who loves technology and опе who hates
Ь Two оr three times а day. it, and to give examples of horv they love / hate it. Monitor
с l check it alI the time through my phone. and help with ideas. When ihey are ready, put them iп
different pairs to tell еасг с;hеr about the two реорlе
4 How many emails do you get every day? they know. Monitor anci correci апу language problems.
а 0-]"0 conduct feedback in ссе, ciass.
ь 10_з0
с З0-100

5 What kind of mobile phone do you have?

а The most basic pay-as-you-go phone. NexT class lJ,a{e рпотосорlеs от бri Я
Ь Quite а good саmеrа phone. 15Вр.173. Ld Y
с Опе ofthe best, latest phones.

6 What do you use your phone for? sрвдкllчс

а What do you mеап? Phoning people of course!
ь l use the саmеrа, music, and l sometimes play Aim
8ameS. То provide flчепry рrасtiсе аЬочt different ways of
Apart from the camera, l use the diary, FасеЬооk, selling thi.ngs.
mар5 - all kinds of things. l can't list them all.
Step 1 Asr s:.Genis what influences them when they buy
Have you ечеr done anything stupid on your sorne:: r: e.g. ап advertisement.Tellthem to look at the
computer? prrc:cs эrс cecide on the different ways of selling things.
а Yes. l've deleted files оп my computer Ьу mistake. Chec. :еэs rn open class.
ь Yes. l sent ап email to the wrong реrsоп опсе.
с No, of course not. Апswегs
i а woman selling things in а market, she's shouting
lf you Ьuу а new piece of technology, like а digital about the products
camera, how do you lеаrп to use it? 2 а poster
э l ask someone to show mе the very basic things. 3 а calI сепtrе, people callyou at home to sellyou things
n l read the instructions and lеаrп to do а few things. 4 ads in the newspaper
l'm not interested in the complicated things.
i just start playing about with it and teach myself. Step 2 Tell students to read the questions and give them
Ъ find out more detailed things, l look at the time to think about what they want to say. Put students
;lstructions or their website. into groups ofthree or four to discuss their opinions.
/Иопitоr and correct апу language problems. Conduct brief
feed Ьа ck.

120 oUTcoMES

Rгдоllчс GкдммдR Adverbs
Aim Aim
То develop reading skills for geneTal and detailed То present and practise adveTbs to say how we do
information. things.

Step 1 Tell students they are going to read ап article about Step 1 Ask students to read the explanation Ьох and check
using technology to sell things. Ask them to individual|y understanding:What do use if we wапt to soy how we do
read the first extract (the introduction) and then discuss things afrer а verb? (we use ап adverb,e.g. quickly),Where
the questions !n exercise А iп pairs. Monitor and help with do they usually соmе iп а sепtепсе? (аftеr the verb), How do
problems with language or ideas. Check answers iп ореп weform ап adverb? (usually Ьу adding -/у to the adjective,
class. e.g. s/ow = slowly), What are the irregular
forms? (fast, late,
early well, hard).
Step 2 Tell students to individually read the rest of the
article and see if their answers in exercise А agree with the Step 2 Tell them to find seven examples in the апiсiе
article. lп pairs they compare answers before checking in about viral marketing and underline which чеrэ:-еч come
open class. after. M\onitor and help with any language
рrсЬiетs_ lп
pairs they соmраrе answers before checking iг сэе- ciass.
1 because it spreads like а virus on the computer Answers
2 you get messages or videos on уоur computer from mоче quickly spread news mоrе quickly and mcre
websites оr individuaIs оп sites like Fасеьооk оr widely, move quickly and easily, uses these new гпеthоds,
YоuТuЬе often very creatively, itworks badly
З because it spreads quickly and mоrе widely, and
targets the right people Step 3 Tell students to individually complete ihe s:-:erces
4 with cheaper products that people buy without in exercise В Ьу adding the adverb form of the аб ::: . es
thinking too much in the Ьох. Monitor and help with any problems ,.:, :-
5 depends оп students language. ln pairs students compare answers Ье;э.:
6 mапу people see it as no different from junk mail checking iп open class.
and don't want to click оп unknown links, people
may misunderstand or not realise it's connected to Answers
а product 1 late
2 quietly
Step 3 Put students in pairs and tell them to look at the З quickly
words in boId in the article and decide if they аrе verbs, 4 early
nouns or adjectives and discuss what they mеап. Do the 5 hard
first опе as an exampIe.Tellthem to look up the words in 6 well
the VосаЬulаrу Builder on раgе 59. Monitor and help with 7 slowly
апу problems with language. Check answers in ореп class. 8 badly

Direct students to the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе сп ээз*э _61 if

Answers they stlll 5ееm uпsurе.
target = verb
methods = поuп Step Put students in pairs and get thern ;о as< each
joined = почп other the questions in С. Tell them they shc;ic use the
junk emails = nou п answers in the speech bubbles. Model the ac:iviiy with а
unknown = adjective strong student Ьу asking them two of tne oLlestions first.
misu ndersta ndi пg = yg76 Monitor and соrrесt апу language problems. Conduct brief
feed Ьа ck.

Step 4 Tell students to individually r,vrite two similar

questions to the ones in С. When they're ready, ask them
to stand up and ask as many students as they can. fu\onitor
and correct any problems with language. Conduct brief
feed back.

88 15В see Теасhег's notes р. 143.

].5 TECHNolocY 121

16 LovE

Next class Make photocopies of Answers

16А р, 174, girlfriend / boyfriend =а date + asked me out, live
together + move iп
wife / husband = married + wedding, anniversary +

VОсдвuLАRY Love and mаrriаgе mаrriеd, divorced + jealous,

in-laws + аррrоче
Aim either = Ьrоkеп up + getting оп, pregnant + ЬаЬу
То pTesent and practise ways of describing expressions
related to love and marriage. Step 4 Cet stucjenis to individualIy complete 1-8 in С
i,vith the pairs of words in В. Monitor and help with апу
Step 1 Ask students ifthey know апуопе or апуопе ianguage рrоЬlеms. Put students in pairs to соmраrе
famous who got married recently, what do they kгсl,., answers before checking in open class.
about it? cet students to rеаd the Ьох and check
understandin g: What word сап we use insteod cj Answers
boyfriend / girlfriend? (partner). lп pairs gei siudег;s :; 1 аппiчеrsаrу + married 5 divorced + jealous
discuss the questions in А. /Иопitоr and heIp rvlth any 2 pregnant + ЬаЬу 6 live together + move iп
problems, Check answers in open class. 3 married + wedding 7 broken uр + getting on
4 а date + asked me out 8 in-laws + аррrоvе
1 а girlfriend is someone а mап is seeing romantically, Step 5 Ask students what would they say in response to
wr;le is someone а mап is married to,a partпeris good news =fontastic, etc. and to bad news = oh dear, eIc.
5оmеопе we live together with оr have been together Tellstudents to individually spend five minutes wrlting
for а long time (may оr may not Ье married) r,vhat they would say, or апу questions they would ask in
2 the equivalents for mеп are girlJriend = boyfriend, response to the people in exercise В. When students аrе
wtJe -- husband, partner = partner ready, put them in pairs to take turns saying the sentences
and their раrtпеr responds using their ideas.Tell them to
Step 2 TeIl students to look at the words iп the Ьох and try to continue each conversation together for as long as
check understanding: wedding = the сеrеmопу when you they can. ДAodel the activity with а strong student iп ореп
get married; q date = а romantic meeting with someone; class. Monitor and correct any problems with language.
asked mе оut = to invite to do something because уоu Conduct brieffeedback iп open class.
а re interested rоmа ntica lly; Ьrоkеп up = to sepa rate

in а romantic relationship;9etting оп = having а good 5uggested answer5

relationshipwith someone;jealous =feel it is unfairthat 1 Fantasticl What аrе you going to do for them?
sоmеопе has done something and you аrе ап8rу about it; 2 Creat! Do you know if it's а Ьоу or а girl?
in-laws = the parents of your wife оr hчsьапd; рrеgпапt = 3 lU love to! When is the wedding?
to Ье having а ЬаЬу. 4 Really! Where are you going?
5 Oh dear, how is she feeling?
Step 3 ln pairs get students to discuss if the words iп 6 Creat! Doyou need апу help moving?
the Ьох refer to а girlfriend / boyfriend, а husband / wife 7 Oh no! WouId you like to talk about it?
or either. Do the first опе а5 an example - married апd 8 Really! Why didn't they approve?
wedding = husband / wife,
Optional activity Bring in some photos of famous реорlе
and put students in groups ofthree оr four. Cet them to
select two photos of two famous people and tell them to

122 oUTcoMES
write а story about а reIationship between the two people conversation 4
and try to use as mапу words f rоm Vocabulary. Мопitоr С: Did ltellyou l have а date on Friday?
and соrrесt апу problems with language,Then students Н: No. Who with?
show their photos and read their stories to the rest of the С: А guy iп mу Frепсh class.
class. Cet the class to decide оп the best story. Н: 5о what's he like?
С: Не seems very nice. He's quite quiet, but he's funny,
&@} 16А see Teacher's notes р. 14З.

ji. Н: Is he good-looking?
С: Yeah, not bad. He's quite talI апс] he has iove{y eyes.
Н: ОК. So what are you going to do?
Llsтвlчlпlс С: We're going to have а drink togetner and then
wе'rе going to meet some of his fr'eгds for karaoke.
То develop listening fоr general and specific Step 2 Put students in pairs to choose t::e сэ..:сl \,\/ords in
information. B.Then tellthem to listen again to checK I-: .':сэs, Playthe
recording. Check answers in ореп class. if г..::sэ._,, l эу ihe
Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to listen to four short recording again and pause after each сопче..э _ : - .э :leck.
conversations and in each опе someone gives news
about а relationship.Tell them to listen and decide who Answers
the peopIe talk about and what's going to happen. Play 1 а have they been Ь good-looking
the recording. In pairs students соmраrе answers before 2а sometime Ь What's
checking in ореп class. lf neces5ary, рlау the recording 3а tell Ь shame
again, before checking. 4а guy Ь
Answers Tip With а weaker cla5s,you could get then- :: --э. .--
1 Owen and his girlfriend, he's going io move iп wjth hеr audioscript on раgе 182 to check their anstr.,:.;
2 Cerrard, he's getting married next Мау
З Fiопа and Kieran, they are getiing divorced Step 3 Tell students to read the questions ',-, С э^ : ]_ ]- -r
4 а guy in hеr French class,iheyare going оп а date about their opinions, give them а couple of .^ - _.:=. _: ::
this. iV\onitor and help with апу ideas or lanE-;:= ,'. -=-
оу L6.L students are ready, put them in groups of thrэс _ .
conversation 1 discuss their opinions. Д4опitоr and соrrесt эг,. ,,
А: Did l tell you Owen's going to move in with his problems. Conduct feedback in open class.
girlfriend ?
В: ldidn't know he had а girlfriendI How long have
they Ьееп together? Nдтlчв spEAKER ETvGllsH . .

А: Two or three months. l think.

В: That's not long! What's she like? Ask students to read the Ьох and сhесk:[э_ _-.
А: She's nice, and she's very good-looking! understand: What's апоthеr way saytng а гiэ.'
В: Lucky him. So where аrе they going to live? there а similar expression for а wоmап? (по . :;.
А: Pickwick somewhere. they have а similar expression in their iапЕ-э:.

conversation 2
С: Did l tellyou my brother Сеrrаrd is going to get mаrriеd? DBvBlopl NG соNчЕ RsATI;N s
D: No. When's the wedding?
С: Next fulау sometime,
How lопg,,.?
D: That'Il Ье nice, So what's his раrtпеr like? Aim
С: She's quite annoying, actually. We don't really get оп. То introduce and practise using Horv lопg ...? to find out
D: Oh dear. the duration of something.

conversation 3 Step 1 Tell students to read the o: Ьох and check
Е: Did tellyou Fiопа and Kieran are goingto get divorced?
l understanding:When do we usе'Но,,у iаг,g...?'(tо find out
F: No! Why's that? the duration from the past to no,,v). i,izhai tense do we use
Е: lthink she wanted kids, but he didn't, with it? (the present perfect), Hav^l do ,,ve fоrm the рrеsепt
F: Oh, that's sad! How long have they been married? рефсt? (have / hos + past ра rt сlр le), How do we апswеr?
Е: Not very long. Fоur years, l think. (with just the time, оr with а рhrэsе like поt (very) tопg).
F: What а shame. They're both such nice people.
Е: l know. l hope we сап stay friends with both of them.

16 OVr 12з

Step 2 Teilstudents to individually put the words in А in Step 2 When ready, tell students to ask two difГerent
tbe ccrrect orcjer to make questions. Д/lопitоr and help with students in the class their question Did ltellyou аЬоut...?
,.,,э,с olce.. in pairs they соmраrе answers. And the other student should ask questions to help
continue the conversation. Model the activity with а strong
I L6.2 апd Answers student first. fu\опitоr and соrrесt any language рrоЬlеms.
- А: How long have уоu been together? cond uct brief feedback.
В: Three years.
2 А: How long have you been married? Optional activity if there is time, ask а selection of
В: J_5 years now, students to hold their conversations in front ofthe class.
З А: How long have they known each other?
В: Not very long. А few months, l think.
4 А: How long have you lived in this house?
В: All my IifeI
5 А: How long has she worked there? sрвдкlпlс
R. Досс
6 А: How long have you had your саr? Aim
В: Two weeks. То provide fluency practice of talking аЬоut love at fiTst
Step 3 Tell them to listen and check tneir anstvers. Play
the recording and pause аftеr each que5iicn iо creck. lhen Step 1 AsK students ifthey have read оr heard of any
tell them to listen again and write the ans\\/e!,i. Р'эr,:;е s:эr'еs 'l,] Ti"e ner.vspapers where famous people have
recording and pause after each dialogue to ci]eci. s:э,:е; э net,,, l,eiaiionship.What do they rеmеmЬеr? Put :. g.c!Ds cithree оr four and tell them to discuss
Step 4 Put students in АВ pairs and ask them tc ,,эс: j= :,е qr",;esiior:s iп Speokiпg, check understanding of fall iп
saying the questions and answers:Student А asks i"e оуе = the moment you begin to love someone. M\onitor
question and Student В anSwers, then they change .. =. эпd соrrесt any language рrоЬlеms, Conduct brief
lt's not necessary to conduct feedback. 'eed back.

Step 5 Tell students to individually write two differen: -с.,,

lопg...? questions.Then, put students in groups of three с, LlsTг пl l lчс
four and get them to ask each other their questions and
to give true answers. M\onitor and correct any language Aim
рrоЬlеms. Conduct brief feedback iп open class. То develop listening for general and specific information.

Step 1 Cet students to look at the photos and in pairs

СошчвкsАтlоN pRAсTlcE d:scuss how each picture might Ье connected to the idea
cf Iove at first sight. Conduct brieffeedback оп their ideas,
То provide conversation practice using the language Step 2 Tell students they are going to listen to three
practised in the unit so faT. people talking about their experiences of love at first sight
and to check if thеir ideas about what each person fell in
Step 1 Tell students they аrе going to have similar love with were right.Tellthem to match each реrsоп to
conversatlons to the ones iп Listeniпg,Tell students to а picture. Play the recording. lп pairs they соmраrе the
individually write а piece of news about а relationship questions before checking in open class.
starting Did l tell you...? Tell them it сап Ье true or invented,
and they can look at the audioscript оп page 182 if Answers
they need to and under!ine the questions реорlе use to 1 third picture: she fell iп love with the house
continue the conversations. Cive them а couple of minutes 2 first picture: he fell iп love with а guitar
to do this. ДДопitоr and help with апу рrоЬlеms with З second picture: she felI in love with someone she met
language оr ideas. in second Life

124 oUTcoMES
ф76.з Step 4 TelI students to individually read the questions in
1 Vanessa D and give them time to think about what they want to
ivly husband and l spent two years iooking for the say.Mlonitor and help with ideas оr language. When they
right place to live. We weren't iooking seriously аrе ready put them iп pairs to discuss their ideas. conduct
to begin with, but then l got рrеgпапt and we feedback in ореп class,
had to find somewhere fast. we saw five houses
every weekend for four months, but didn't like Tip Cet students to read the audioscript оп page 183
апу of them. One day, we were driving home from and underline апу new words оr expressions. lп pairs they
another appointment when suddenly we saw it
- соmраrе and see if they can help each other with meaning.
the house of our dreams! And, incredibIy, it was for Then they do the same in groups of four Ьеfоrе checking
sale. We knocked at the door and offered the price meaning in ореп class.
they were asking for it immediately.

2 E|i
GКДмМДR The past continuoLis
When l was growing up, l always loved music and
musical in5truments. Fоr my twelfth birthday, my Aim
uncle gave me а guitar- and it was love at first то present and practise the past continuous to show
sight. Не was playing in а band at the time, and that опе action started, but didn't finish befoTe another
this had а big influence оп me. After that, the action started in the past.
guitar became the centre of my world. J played it
24 hours а day, seven days а week. Latel l studied go опliпе meet future husband
music at university and now l make guitars for а
living. All because of that speciaI dayl

З Roberta
l love Second Life, an online worid where you create
virtual characters -you design them, choose their step 1 write the timeline and the sentence in tгс
names and then create lives for them. Last
уеа1 l was explanation Ьох on board and check understanc:-i: ,',.:.
spending а lot of time online and, опе night, l met did lsрепd а lot of time опliпе? (lаstуеаф, |//65 ii 5зп--1г rg
my future husband. l was working iп а second Life l did опсе or оJtеп? (often), Was it something iп
nightclub, he came iп and it was love at first sight. (Yes), Did something hарреп during this process?
His'character' soon asked my'cha rасtеr' to ma rrу What? (уоо met your future husband).
hlm and l said yes. We were married online in .Iuly.
Не then asked me in the rеаl world and l accepted. Step 2 Ask students to read the explanation Ьох э-;
We haven't actuaIly met yet, but he's the опе for me. check understanding: Whеп dO we usе the past ссг: . _,э-,S?
(to show that опе action started but didn't finisb :=.:..
Step 3 Tell students to listen again and decide which another action in the past), What tепsе is the оt,.z, э:: эп
sentences iп С аrе true. Play the recording. In pairs they lп? (the past simple), How do weform the post сс|-| ээL5? ,^

соmраrе their answers before checking in ореп class. lf (was / were + -ing,e.g, lwas sрепdiпg).
песе55аrу, play the recording again and pause after each
реrsоп to check. Step 3 Ask students to complete the sentences.r.:-
Li stеп i п g using the соrrесt past contin uous ;с r-- j э. :; с
Answers verbs in brackets. длопitоr and help with а:_у а-q-эqе
1 а true problems. ln pairs they соmраrе answers elc .еэ. :ne
Ь false - they were driving home from another audioscript on раgе 183 to check their idеэs С-е:<
appointment when they saw it, the house of answers in ореп class. conduct feedback э. :"е r use of
their dreams language noted white monitoring.
с false - they offered the price they were asking
2 а true Answers
Ь true 1 weren't looking
с false - he makes guitars for а living 2 were driving
З а false - Second Life is ап опliпе worId where З was playing
create virtua l cha racters 4 was working
Ь false - it was ап online nightclub
с true Step 4 Tell students to individually conrplete the sentences
in exercise С with the correct past continuous forms of
optional activity ln pairs get students to rewrite the false the verbs in the Ьох, /Иопitоr and help with any problems
statements so that they are true (answers above). Check with language. lп pairs students compare answers before
а nswers in open class.
checking in ореп class.

1,6 ioVE 125

.,.:,е паVlпg
.,. эs sTaying
.,.эs coening Next class Make photocopies of
.,.,еlе visiiing 16В р, 175.
.,.э> coing
.,.,aS sрвдкlпtс
Е ,.vas listening
] ,:ci students to the grammar reference on page J"65 if То provide fluency practice in talking about promises.
:lеу still 5ееm unsure.
Step 1 Write the two quotes оп the board (Promise little,
do а lot and /t's better to break а promise than печеr make
РКОШ U NCIATION опе) апd check understanding: promise = say to 5оmеопе
you wlll definitely do it. Elicit ideas on what the two
sentence stress and weak forms sentences mеап, е.g. lt's better to do things than make
Aim оrспэisеs, lt's good to make promises but dоп't worry iJ you
То present and practise pronunciation of using sentence ian't do them. Then ask them which of the two ideas they
stress and weak f,orms in the past continuous. ln pairs tell students to discuss the two questions.
i,,iэ,,tоr and соrrесt any language рrоЬlеms. Conduct
Step 1 Cet students to read the explanation Ьох and check l.':'ieed back.
understandin g: Do we stress'was' апd'wеrе' iп positive past
сопtiпuоus sепtепсеs? (по), How do we рrопоuпсе them?
(was = / waz /, were = / wэ /), Do we stress'was' and'were' GпдммдR will / wotl't fог ргоmisеs
iп negative past сопtiпuоиs sепtелсеs2 (yes),
Step 2 Tell students that the stressed sounds аrе in bold in То preserr.t and practise the чsе of wiII / wоп't when we
1-6 in А. Put them in pairs to practise saying them. M\onitor make promises.
and help with рrопuпсiаtiоп problems,Tellthem to listen
and check their pronunciation. Рlау the recording. Pause Step 1 С=: ):JOe.iS ic rеэс the explanation Ьох and check
аftеr each one and drillthe sentences, paying particular a-,з:э- э ,g: ';','.aa ic we say whеп we make promises?
attention to the sentence stress.
S:-:=-:; - :э ,; э^о;еIlthеm to make promises using
ф L6.4 and Answers
1 Sorry. l wasn't listening. z,;,э;-:,.э e.l]s. Check ideas in ореп class.
2 She wasn't feeling very well, so she went home.
З l couldn't hear because you were talking. Answers
4 We weren't getting on 5о we broke up. - ,.,,эп'i
cali iaie1 l promise.
5 l was working in Grеесе when we met. 2 Tell anyone, l promise.
6 l lost because lwasn't trying. 3 .; il-v harder, l promise.
_1 rчсп't De late, l promise.
5 . t.lon't make а mess, l promise,

sрвдкllчс 5 :'il tellyou when l hear more news, l promise.

Aim Step 2 Cet students to read the expIanation Ьох

То provide fluency practice of the language used in the anc check understanding What do we say as а short
unit so far. rе5роп5е whеп we promise something? (l will / l wоп't),
Ъli students to individually read the statements 1-6 in В
Step 1 Tell students individually to read the questions and think about how to answer, give them two minutes
, Д эпd think about what they want to say, give then to do this,
:.,ее -linutes to do this. Tell them to try to use the past
cc.: r!ous and to refer to Сiп crammorfor some ideas. Step 3 Put students in pairs and tell them to take turns
,\]сг :с. and help out with ideas and language. to say and respond to the statements in exercise В. fulodel
the activity with а strong student in ореп class. /\4оп itor
Step 2 Wnen students are ready, put them in groups of and correct any language problems. Check answers iп
four оr fjve to discuss the questions. NЛопitоr and correct ореп class.
any language problems. Conduct brief feedback.

126 oUTcoMES
1 I won't
2 lwilI
З lwill
то provide fluency pTactice of the language used
4 |won't in the
unit so faT.
5 lwilI
6 lwon't
step 1 Tell students to read the questions iп А and
think about what they want to say. when students аrе
Direct students to the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе on page 165
if ready, put them into groups offour оr five to
they still seem unsure. discuss their
opinions. Monitor and take notes on their use of
and incorrect language. conduct brieffeedback оп
opinions about the ideas, and their use of |anguage
Rвдоllчс while monitoring.

step 2 ln pairs tell students to think of promises
то develop reading skills fоr general and detailed сr threats
that the people in В might make. Monitor and hеIэ
information. rvlth
ideas and language. put two pairs together and
se: :пеm
to share their ideas. Conduct feedback in onen г';.<
Step 1 Ask students ifthey ever read poetry, оr ifthey
any favourite poets or poems. Tell students they
аrе going Suggested answers
to read some short poems based on promises.Tell students
а couple who are iп love = l'll love you
to individuaIly read the poems and match them to опе Jorever, l'll alvloys
of trust you
the titles in A.Then teIlthem to match the bold words
in а child tO а parent = l'll respect
the роеm with the meanings in В. Check answers. You, l wоп't eat rп)/
vegeta bles
а student to а teacher = t'll do mу homework, l tlоr':
Note Check the answers for the words опlу at this stage, Ье
they will discuss their choices fоr titles later,
Iate Jor class
а teacher = l'll епсоurаgе you to do better, l'l!
homework оп time
а boss = l'll double your salary if you work hаrdец i','
respect your орiпiоп
2 let go
а politician = l'll do mу bestfor the соuпtrу, l'll rеdцсе
З encourage
4 fade
5 slip up
Step З TelI students to individuaIly choose опе о.:-е
6 tend
situations in В, оr choose their оwп ideas, and wr':: э
7 weeds -.^эr:
роеm using the pattern of one of the poems the,., .=э:,
8 remain Мопitоr and help out with апу ideas оr language. -
9 trust :э :s
they read their poems to each other. Then gЪt ,ir..-
_= ."
read out their poems to the class and vote for
Step 2 put students in pairs to explain their choices of the э:s: Эпе,
and agree on the same ones, tel| them to decide who is
Tip You could get students to do this for hоmеt^.,эl-< ;ld
making the promises and who to.
bring as а starter to the next class.

step 3 Then put students into groups offour or five and

16В see Теасhеr's notes р.
see if they all agree оп the same things in exercise С
and discuss the questions iп D. Monitor and correct апу
рrоЬlеms with language.

5uggested answer5
1 New Ьоrп - а parent to а пеw child
2 Breaking up - а couple where опе partner is talking to
the other
З lп mеmоrу - а husband or wife talking to their
partner who has died
4 А threat kept - а friend talking to another friend

16 LOVE 127
СошчвкsАтlоN pRAcTlcE & Ркош u NclATloN word stress


Fоr aims and suggested procedures see Review 01 То revise and practise word stress.

рр.28 29.
step 1 cet students to read the explanation Ьох, оr read it
out to them. Play the recording and get students to repeat
Ou lz thewords and make surethey use а weak / е / or / т / for
the unstressed sounds.
Fоr а ims а nd suggested proced u rе see Revicr,v 01
Е R8.1
Answers machine
1 The opposite of advanta ge is disadvantage. target
2 Musical instruments: рiапо, guitar, flute, etc. рrotect
3 Yоu might have а date with someone you like rеmоче
rоmа ntica lly, marriage
4 You have appointments with professional реорlе, e.g. роWеr
doctor, dentist, accou nta nt. method
5 Yоu say'what а shame'to express sympathy or
d isa
Step 2 Put the studenls .":с ээ.,s and teIl them to take
6 Couples break up because they don't get оп апуmоrе turns to try and say the ,.,.,э,Js ]г ts, Play the recording and
or they have argued, get students to chec< ', :,е э.-;сj оsсriрt оп page 18З.Тhеп
7 Yоur in-law's аrе уоur wife's or husband's parents. get them to listen аgэ , э,с r,epeat the words.
8 ln а nightclub you dance, drink, Ье with friends.
9 То accept ап оffеrуоu сап say, Yes,thanks. and Answers
10 You replace а battery when it has ruп out. 1 threaten
1_1 А computer has а keyboard. 2 remain
]_2 !f something is complicated it means it is difficult. 3 developгneli
1з you сап download music, films, podcasts from the 4 effeci]ve
l nternet, 5 advan;age
14 you сап епсочrаgе someone Ьу saying: yоu сап do it! 6 diar-y
Gо оп! Yоu'rе dоiпg well! etc. 7 document
15 Clothes, e.g. jeans, photographs, colours, light and 8 negotiate
memories can allfade.
Step 4Put students in pairs and get them to practise
sэуlrg ihe sentences in D and decide who has good
Fдsт wRlTER эlспi.lпсiаtiоп and which sounds are difficult for them.
conduct feedback on the sounds they found difficult.
:ог alms and suggested рrосеdurе see Rev,:,.,,,0l
эD, 28-29. Note |lstелlпg and the rest of the review unit couId Ье
used as а рrоgrеSs test.The suggested scores are given
below each ехеrсisе. Alternatively, these exercises could Ье
СоllосдтlоN5 done in pairs or individually then checked in pairs, оr you
could put students in teams and conduct them as а quiz
:., . -"s alld suggested procedr-rre see Review 06 / competition. lf students need help, you сап direct them

::, _Ji-lOi, to the relevant pages of the grаmmаr reference or the

Vocabulary Builder.

128 oUTcoMEs
Llsтrшlпlс Gпдммдк
Aim ] Anr*"r,
то give pTactice in listening for gist and detail. Exercise А
1am 4 are
2 was 5 аrе
Answers 3 were б was
1 а false Ь fa|se з а false Ь false
2 а true Ь faise 4 а false Ь true 1
Exercise В
1 l can't rUn VеrУ quickly because l have а bad ieg.
2 Не works too hard.
, R8.3
З Can you swim well?
4 l didn't do bad|y in my ехаm.
conversation 1 5 We arrived еаrlу so that we could get а seat.
А:What's that burning sme|l? 6 lt only worked successfully for а while.
в: lt'sthe hairdryer. lt just has some dust оr diгt iп it. lt
sometimes has that smell, but then the smell goes. Exercise С
А: Really? Are you sure it's safe? 1 were 4 getting
В: Yеs, it's fine. l don't need а пеw опе.
2 Iate 5 won't
З wasn't бЬе
ConveTsation 2
С: Do you know anything about computers? Direct students to the grаmmаr rеfеrепсе on .
D: А bit, Why? раяе _6J
iney find this difГicult.
С: Му laptop is quite slow and it always has а
when l use this software. Nочшs
D: l don't know. МауЬе you have а virus оrуоu don't
have enough mеmоrу for the Answers
С: Длауье | need а пеw computer. can you recommend ,1anniversary
i anything? 2 sight 6 diary
D: Not really.
з influence 7 method
4 email 8 brand
conversation 3
Did ltellyou Jack and Cayle аrе thinking of moving?
1 F: Really? How long have they Ьееп thеrе?
Е: Not long. They опlу got married last
уеа1 but they're
thinking of having а ЬаЬу. Answers
1 F: Right. Do уоu know where they're going to mоче to?
1 rесеiче 5 slip up
Е: Not far. They just want sоmеthiпgЪiggЪr,
2 promise 6 preSS
З plant 7 .1oin
conversation 4 4 move 8 а р рrоVе
r С: Did l tellyou Rebecca's
Н: No. Really? lthought she and Clive were breaking upli
С: No! They're fine. They had а big argument а few vосдв ч lдпy
months ago, but they're getting on fine now.
Н: Obviously! So when is the ЬаЬу due? Answers
С: Next March. 1 threatened, go 3 argued, dishwasher
Н: Wow, that's great news.
2 trust, broken 4 turn, plug

08 REV|EW 129
, :;]is section we will look at two broad reasons for writing in For the real world The second broad reason for writing
э 'creign language: to practise and play, and for the rеаl world. isthat students need to write а specific kind of text for
'.\/е ехрlаiп what we mean Ьу them and how they mау
difгer ап assessment or for а 'rеаl life'task such as sending an
,n ieaching, tasks and feedback. email.These texts are generic in some way.They often have
specific vocabulary (including large chunks оr expressions) оr
Practice and play The first reason for writing iп а foreign grаmmаr connected with them.They aIso have rules about
language is simply to practise new language, experiment апd the way they are presented, how they are paragraphed and
lеаrп more English. Writing mау have significant benefits for, oriered, and other aspects of discourse. The problem for
students learning English. ln contrast to speaking, students 'э,еigп Iearners of English is that these rules of discourse
have time to рlап what they want to say; they can Iook lvords -- g": эе cjlfferent in their languages. Unlike speaking, where
up in а dictionary, they can check and re-r,vrite grаm",lаr ani s.:,.,s :T,ght accept errors because they сап see other
they may Ье mоrе аЬlе to notice how Engiisn tt,cr(s, -Ьа: :- ,:s :о heIp rnterpret the message, with writing а reader
might then give benefits in terms of their буgr;1l 66--n=-:,-, -э_. - sunderstand а message or еvеп Ье offended when the
,- .' c|-conveniions of а genre are broken. Fоr this rеаsоп,
in English.
;.-эепis need carefuI preparation for writing such texts, and
Writing for the purpose of practice and рlау does гэ: :-:=,. '::jэасk should Ье mоrе thorough,
on any particuIar genre or standard organisation i, ,.,.,: -=
it could Ье short sentences, paragraphs, dialogues, elc., :
-.е,,vriting units in the student's book aim to provide this
could Ье about anything the student wants оr it cou,c эе э :эl-еiul preparation.They are based on gепrеs соmmопlу
theme the teacher chooses; it couId Ье random connec: :-_, --' ::sied in internationaIexams such as КЕт оr on functional
sentences - true оr imagined. Some grаmmаr and чосаэ; э,_. tasks we mау perform at work оr when studying in ап

tasks in the student's book are of this nature, with stuce,_; :гglish-speaking context.
having to complete sentences using their own ideas, Ве,с.,.
are some mоrе tasks. The ideas focus on revising language.
but it doesn't have to Ье so. Here аrе 5ome ideas уоur Wндт's aN OUTqoMEsWRlTlNG UNlT5?
students could try:
:эсh double-page spread teaches а different style of writing.
; эu сап follow them in any order оr do them аftеr every two
. Write а diary about уоur day, trying to include new words с:
structures that you've iearnt. -^ is in the mаiп Student's book.The units contain:
. Write five lines of English every day about anything you like
. Write а poem оr storY using а new word you've learnt. Speaking The units aim to Ье interactive. Speaking activities
. Write а conversation based оп one you had with 5оmеопе :rovide а warmer, relate to the topic, discuss the text types оr
during the class. .]эу Ье part of planning for writing.
. Write an imagined conversation wlth someoneyou know
based оп а topic you've studied. Writing The writing sections present model texts, While there
-ау Ье some basic comprehension questions around these,
As these kinds of writing tasks are unconnected to апу :ne main focus is noticing useful language for the genre and
ng' or prepa ration, nor,v the texts are organised.
ра rticu lа r gen rе, they requ i re no'teachi
апd can Ье set at anytime. ln terms of feedback,you may
want to simply write а personal response to what the student Кеу words This section focuses оп words / expressions which
wrote such as,Thts really made mе lough оr That's interestiпg. link sentences and cIauses and give texts coherence.They
Alternatively,you could епgаgе iп а dialogue with the student foilow а similar pattern to grаmmаr exercises, with а short
Ьу asking them genuine questions, which they answer in explanation or guided questions and а controlled practice.
writing. You mау want to correct aspects of the key structure
оr words that they practised, or u5e соmmоп errors from Vocabulary and grammar There are often short grаmmаr
different students а5 а way to re-teach language in class. оr vocabulary sections if there is а close relation to the text
However, we feel correction should Ье kept to а minimum type. Note there's по link to the grаmmаr reference оr the
with these kinds of texts. The aim isn't assessment: it is to Vocabulary Builder.
епсоurаgе students, to engage with them and get them to
рlау with language. Students at this level can опlу deal with
'si m ple, stra ightforwa rd information'.

130 oUTcoMEs
practice This is а task for students to write а similar kind advantage ofteaching students the correct language (though
of text to the опе they looked at iп Writing and try to note they mау still Ье unclear why it was wrong). lt may also
iпсоrроrаtе some ofthe other laпguage they have lеаrпt iп ье tlrne-consu miпg for you апd demoralising for students if
ihe unit.This section сап Ье set as homework or Ье done in they see lots of crossing out.
:lass. Doing the practice ln class can Ье interactive, particularly
' using а'process writing' approach. ln this case - апd indeed with all cases of teacher feedback
you need to strike а ЬаIапсе. At Elementary, don't expect
Process writing accuracy. Students should Ье able to deal with а very basic
)rocess writing approaches focus
on the fact that good set of text types, and Ье aware of informal anc formal
.,,iriters often go through several stages to produce а good registers. Students should Ье аЬlе to structure чеrу basic
эiесе of writing. They may: writing texts.

. brainstorm ideas Content and structure When you mark the tехrs
_,,,c-.r couid
. write а plan ignore'grammar' and individual vocabulary misla ies э гС
. write а draft focus only оп whether the writing answers the c.,;:s: cl and
. discuss their draft with someone is organised well. You simply write comments оп
. write а second draft
'-: ,...,l-,.;ng
оr at the end. This is often quicker for you, the teac::=.,
. put it through а spell-checker
. have corrections made bv 5оmеопе Д,Лаrkiпg this way trains students to appreciate ih.
. write the finaIdraft importance of these aspects of writing over bas;c э.:--_::_. .

Readers in fact willoften ignore mistakes if the с,...

Obviously, we don't always go through these siaEes \.1.,.-п \../е structure ofthe text is clear and the content is rе:.:-:
write, but iп the case of our studenTs, hач'пя с fеlегt :.:ges iсgiсэ] and / оr interesting.
and allowing for more than опе сirа.+l giveS mС!.е OPPCr_Jn,i)'
for teaching and lеаrпiпg. ln fact, brainstorming and ptanning ic\.ve\/er stucents lvijIwant to know if their writ -; j ::..:::
stages are оftеп included in Practice оr at some other stage of uniess ус; cieariy rчаrп them beforehand that yol, :- . .=.
ihe lesson. However, there is no reason why any of the stages with con;ent and structure.
above shouldn't Ье done in pairs iп class. Another wayyou
might want to incorporate а process approach is to give the Peer correction 5tuder:ts сап also give feedback. Се:.-:--
Practice task fоr homework before they do the actuai writing to read each other's wrlting and evaluate the texts а.: ..
esson.They then re-write their work in light of what they learn. suggest changes.TO do thiS they reallY need a'mark SC-:--.
this could Ье а list of statements they tick оr adapt s]:- эs
Marking and feedback . l enjoyed this.
There аrе а пumlэеr of options available to teachers
to mark . l wanted to kпоw more obout...
эпd give feedback оп students'writing. . l didn't uпdеrstапd the bit about...
. Yоu used some words / grаmmаr l didn't kпоw 1.1o,,,, _э _,::
Using symbols You can mark essays using symbols above the
nappropriate word or 8rаmmаr. Here are some examples: Another way is to give them marking criteria frогr: а.
established source such as the КЕТ exam. Check ti:e, .. -::
о t=wrongtense too difГicult for your students.
. wf = wrong word form (e.g. поuп not ad;ective)
. соl = wrong collocation (e.g. the noun is the right meaning Thе аdvantage of рееr соrrесtiоп is that it's interaс: ,.: э, с
but doesn't go with the verb) based on genuine readers'responSes. lt's also eaS\,]- :-.
. Voc = you have the wrong word (it makes no sense hеrе) teacher| Ноwечеr, it is not so good for dealing \\]i.i э.=L,еgе _
. рrер = you need а difГerent preposition apart from general statements - as students ma,,, - э: :,.-l5t
. pI = plural is wrong or should Ье plural each other's judgement-often with good rеаSсг. -;,..,ever, it
. Sp = wrong spelling is а useful stage and mау saveyou time Ьу rесuс .; T;;takes
. wo = the word order is wrong or inconsistencies before уоu соmе to mark ine lex'>.
. art = the article is wrопg or absent

-he idea of doing this is to make students notice their errors and
тrу to find answers.You could do this as а pair activity in class. lt WKlTlNG AND poRтFollos
may help them to Ьесоmе more aware of their common еrrоrs
and edit their own work more carefully.The difГiculty is that Whichever way you choose to соrrесt the students'texts, we
.nistakes don't fit neatly into categories and students may still
suggestyou get students to re-write ihem.This would
get the language wrong.You should mark the text again. guarantee that the students focus on their errors and produce
ап improved text which they could then keep in а portfolio.
Re-formulation Yоu may simply want to cross out and Portfolios of work are recommended Ьу the СЕF and сап
rewrite th ings that а re 'wrопg' in the text. Th is may have the provide evidence of the students' progress а nd level.

дi! lNlRoDUC-|oN Io!Vli TlNC ]N оUIсол4г5 131

Answers В
tоR/иs 1 Brazilian footballers
2 Japanese women in kimcnos
З ltalian food (pizza)
Vосдвu LARY Com mоп q uestions 4 Chinese writing
5 Сеrmап саr (Mercecies-3enz)
Answers А 6 scottish mап in е kiit
1 what's your first name? 7 Russian folk clancing
2 what's your surпаmе? 8 Frепсh bread
3 do you have а middle паmе?
4 where аrе you from?

5 where doyou live?
б what's your telephone пumьеr? 02 pEN FRIENDs
7 when wereyou Ьоrп?

WRITlNG Looking for а pen friend

WnlTl lчс Com pleti пg form5 _
Answers А
Answers А 1 first
5URNAME: Abbott 2 full
FlRST NAME: David З usually
Iиl DDLE NAME: Sebastian 4 foreign
CENDER: male 5 student
NAT|ONALITY: Canadian 6 part-time
DATE оF BlRTH: 4/10/1980 7 meeting
ADDRESS:25 Cook Street, Dublin 8 playing
TELEPHON Е N UMBER: 077 9\-77 з-L19 9 brothers
10 parents

Vосдвu lARy Nationa l ities

Квy wопDs FoR WRlTl NG апd
Answers А
Country: Canada, Scotland, Australia, Thailand, Japan, Answers А
ltaly, Poland, Spain, /йехiсо, Egypt 1 l play volleyball and golf.
Nationality: American, lrish, lndian, English, Chinese, 2 Bangkok is realiy crowded and po|luted.
Frепсh, Сеrmап, Russian, Brazilian, Turkish З l like reading, |earning languages and computers.
4 Му brother lives in Dubai and mу sister lives in lstanbul.
5 l live with my mum, dad, sister, аuпt and grandmother

13z oUTcoMES
03 cARDs 04 /иАкlNс ARRANсE/иENTs

sрвдкllчс WKlTl lчс

Tip Check understandin$: а let well sооп card = acard you Answers А
send it to someone who is sick / ill. 1 what l

2 where
Answers А 3 four
1 а wedding card 4 that
2 а Mother's Day card 5me
3 а christmas card
4 а valentine card Answers В
5 а birthday card 1 near
6 а get well soon card 2on
З from
4 easy
VОСАВUtдRy Beginning and ending cards 5 сап

Answers А Answers С
1 Dea r а Bedford Road
2 Best ь the station
з and с clarendon street
4 love d саfё blue
Е best

GПДМмДR The рrеsепt simple to talk

Кву wопDs оF WRlTlNG hope
about the future
Answers А
1d Answers А
2с 1 do you finish
зf 2is
4ь з don't stагt
5а 4 leaves
бе 5 doesn't ореп
6 arrives
Suggested answers В 7 closes
1 IйауЬе the person wants to go to а restaurant. 8 ends
Yes, or mауЬе they want to go to dancing.
2 IйауЬе there is bad weather.
Yes, or maybe the public transport is поt working Кгу wопDs FоR WRtTlNG which
З /ИауЬе the реrsоп is giving а present. Answers А
Yes, or maybe the person is cooking something, 1 l work in Leeds, which is about З0 kilometres from mу
4 /ИауЬе they аrе talking about а football match. house.
Yes. Or maybe they are talking about а water polo 2 l соmе from Cabon, which is in central Africa.
8ame. 3 The party is iп Menteng, which is in the сепtrе of the
5 МауЬе they are waiting to see the doctor. city.
Yes, or mауЬе they аrе оп public transport and there 4 There's an ltalian restaurant пеаr the сiпеmа, which
is а delay. does really good pizza.
5 l want to see а film called Departures,which starts at

WRlTiNc LESSoNS 1_8 133

05 vlslTlNc FRlENDs 06 DEscRlBlNc FooD
Апswев А
:- -,aг WKlTlNG Food from my country
: Sэ-j
: :z.iery Answers А
1 typical
е oeach 2 healthy
'rvateгfaIl З red
g castle 4 grill
h mosque 5 pork
ilake 6 pasta
7 heard
8 share
WПlTlNG 1 Arranging to visit а friend
Answers А Кву wопDs FoR wRlтlNG
еVеп though ...
2 like
З Сап
4 when Answers В
5 where 1 l got thelob, even though l didn't have апу
6 while ехреriепсе.
2 l got а job in Japan, even though l don't speak any
Answers В jа
ра nese.
Hi_ 3 Even though l didn't study, l passed mу exam.
|'m planning to come to ... 4 Ечеп though l'm not very good at cooking, l love it.
ld like to visit you in if possible
..., 5 They're going to move to ltaly, even though they don't
Сап you send me ап emaiI to ... speak ltalian and they haven't got апу work there.
lf and when lсап visit.
Also, where else do you think l should go while l'm in ...

.,. going to stay for about three weeks


WПlTlNG 2 ДДаkiпg recommendations

Answers А
1 really pleased
2 чоu like
З ОК with you
4 it depends
5 you prefer
6 the weather's nice

Квy wопDs FoR wRlTlNG tr

Answers А
1d 2е Зс 4Ь 5а

Answers С
1 like
2 oossible
з necessarv
--- J

4 weather

1з4 oUTcoMEs
о7 DEscRlBlNc pHoTos 08 тЕхт /иEssAcEs AND NoTEs

WпlTl lvc VосдвчLАRy Texting

] Answers А Answers А
1 her ta il, cheer up, cute 1 l'm eighteen.
2 orotec :ted, forest, wolves 2 See you later today.
З Are you ОК?
4 Апуопе there yet?
Кяу wопDs FoR wRlT!NG so 5 Thanks for your help,
6 Just arrived. Сrеаt to Ье here!
Answers А
Text 1: l'm feeling а lot better now 5о l might go back to Answers В
school ... 1cu2moro/morrow
Text 2: l live in Vancouver so we often go there; ... а 2 rufrеепоw?
warm day, so we didn't get cold З сап u Ь / Ье here asap
so to mеап yery: so wet 4 on mу way. need nething?

Answers В
1 l look so strange in this photo. Wпlтllчс
2 lt was his birthday, so l made him а cake.
3 lt rained а lot, so we spent most of the hoIiday Answers А
indoors. 1j
4 l was so happy when l opened the present. 2ь
5 Yоu can't see hеr very well in the photo because it За
was so dark. 4с
6 We missed our plane, so we had to wait in the аirроrt Чо
for six hours. бh

Answers С 8d
1 You look so young there! 9i
2 lt snowed, so we didn't go. 10f
З l wanted to show you mу dog, so l took а photo.
4 Yоu look so bored. Were you?
GКДММДR Notes and missing words
GпдммдR Linking vеrЬ5 Answers А
j Thanks for the present. lt's great, but (it's) too rni.;ch!
Answers А Ь Do you want to meet for lunch?
1 looks bored а That's а good idea, See you at twelve.
2 tasted horribIe с l've gone to lunch.
З got really cold
4 seemed nice Answers В
5 look stupid 1 Melissa phoned, Coing to Ье late.
6 sounded great 2 Сап you go to shops? Need milk and packet of pasta.
3 Had to go out, Dinner in fridge. Heat up iп microwave.

WR T]Nc lESSONS,l 8 1з5


1А Wндт's мy JoB? 2А FlND soмEoNE wнo...

Aim Aim
То consolidate чосаЬulаrу related to jobs. То practise asking and answering questions using verb
Before class
r\4ake one сору for each student. Before class
ДЛаkе опе сору for each student.
ln class
А То introduce the activity tell students you аrе thinking of lп class
а job and they should guess what job it is Ьу
(e.g. doctor) А То introduce the activity r,vri,ie the first example on the

asking questions about where you work. Elicit questions board and elicit the question iс,з,.,Dоуоч like рlауiпg
they can ask, e,g. Do you work iп ап office? Do you work computer gomes?Tel] studег:s .c,,r,rite questions for alIthe
iп а haspttol? etc. statements and comp eie 7 э,с Е r,.,,th their own ideas.
В Put students iп АВ pairs and hand out the worksheet. В Demonstrate the асtiчi:,r,э,, э.i lg а student the first
Tell them to take turns asking each other questions question, if they say }€s. r.,,, .: :,c'r iагпе on the sheet, if
uslng the рrеsепt simple and to guess what each other's they say no, ask anoti,e,;:--:,. -r:ll опе ofthem says
job is. yes.Tell students lh:,, ,-..: .- ;.::с lp and ask people
С Extend the activity Ьу getting а volunteer to sit in front questions untii,t"e,, '- j ja--acle r,vho answersyes.
of the board.Write а different job on the board, (e.g. They write the ,e,s:, ; -э-= lext to the phrase.
journotist) оп the board and tell the student to ask the С Tellthem tc ,-l^c.: ,:_,-; .;,: гg different students until
rest ofthe class questions to find out the job оп the tl^ey hav= -': --: :_ -, :_,='t" each question,
board (make sure the student sitting doesn't turn round D Extend :i,: .:. . __. :, i-:i ng students to form groups
to look at the word). Then change volunteers and repeat, Of т'''== :: . : -': Э': '.'='a'SWerS,

1В ItчтвпчlЕw5 2В THlNGs IN тнЕ cLAssRooM

Aim Aim
То pTovide fuTther pTactice of asking and answering То rerycle vocabulary related to things in the classroom.
questions in the pTesent simple.
веfоrе class
Before class '.':.,: -,i сору for each pair of students,
ДЛаkе one сору for each student,
Iп class
lп class А Ъ l siudents they're going to do а crossword in pairs.
А lntroduce the activity Ьу putting the ans,,,.,el ic ...' ,s- ;xpiain that they have to find the words using the clues
question оп the board, e.g, at 8 o'clock апd 5 a'cla:,: э,о and the words can gо across or down.
elicit the question (What time do you start апd jiпisil В папd out the photocopy and tell them to do the
work?), Tell the students they are going to intervletv rti,o crossword in pairs. Cet fast finishers to help each other.
other students in the class. Hand out the photocopies, С Extend the activity Ьу getting students to write two
В Ъ]l students to stand up and interview two other definitions of а vocabulary word from the unit and
students in class and to write the students'names and giving them to their partner to guess,
make notes оп their answers. When they have finished,
эlt them in 8roups of three to tell each other what they Answers
fcu nd out, e.g, дlех starts work at 9 апd finishes at 6. Across Down
С Extend the activity Ьу getting students to write 3 tiSSUe 1 window
senTences about опе ofthe students they interviewed 6 dictionary 2 seat
,"viiio;t rvriting the паmе оп а separate piece of paper. 7 rubber 4 scissors
Тhеп collect the pieces of paper iп and redistribute them 10 реп 5 board
around the class. Ask each student to pick опе and read 8 blind
it out, the other students guess who it is. 9 ruIer

136 oUTcoMEs
3А SpoT тнЕ DlFFERENсE 4А HolloAys ARouND тнЕ woRLD
Aim Aim
То revise pTepositions of place.
то revise months and dates.

Before class
Before class
длаkе enough copies of picture А for half the class and
Make one сору fоr each pair of students.
enough copies of Picture В for the other half
ln class
lп class
А lntroduce the activity Ьу asking students what
А lntroduce the activity Ьу showing it to the students and
important holidays they know. Check that they know
ask them what you have to do, e.g. find difгerences.
how to say the dates correctly e.g. 21 December the
в put students in pairs and
tell them not to show their twenty-first o/December.Tellthem they а.е gоiпg to

picture to their раrtпеr. Te|l them they have to describe

complete holidays around the world with .he caie and
the picture to each other using There is + building +
the country in pairs,
preposition of place. Put this on the board.
в put them in Ав pairs and give
each studeni а" А сr В
с when ready they descrrbe their pictures to each other
photocopy. cive them а couple of minutes io эrасilsе
and find eight difгеrепсеs. The first pair to finish are the
saying the dates and countries.
winners. TeIl them to write the eight differences. Tell
С Tell them to complete the missing informat'c- с^ ;heir
them to try and use а difГеrепt preposition of place to
handout Ьу listening to their partner.Their par::.. reads
describe each difference. Check anSwers in open class.
the information at the bottom oftheir handc-_ эia i.e
other student listens and completes.Then :ге\,, .-эl9е
roIes. Monitor and make sure they аrе saying _-. ...],
Picture А
correctIy.The first раir to finish is the winner.. Nоtе:.эt
1 The bank is opposite the post office. а comp|ete set of answers, look at Student А эг; 3 :эlсs.
2 The cinema is next to the supermarket. page 150.)
3 The сiпеmа is оп the right of the shoe shop.
4 The big department store is on the соrпеr.
Picture В
4В ВодпD oulz
5 The cinema is opposite the lnternet саfё.
6 The department store is оп the right of the Aim
_ То pTactise questions in the past simple.
/ l пе restaurant is оп the соrпеr.
8 The supermarket is next to the lnternet саfё Before class
дЛаkе one сору fоr each group ofthree оr fol: S:-:..:S.

3В Wопоs тнАт соiйiтнвп You'll also need dice and counters fоr each gr.э-э

|п class
Aim А Put students in groups of three / four апi q,,.,e сэ:r
То recycle collocations.
8rоuр а photocopy of the grid and the quеs:lэ-s_ Ъil
them to choose а different counter and tc;э.le,: ,n
Before class
turns to throw the dice and move their сс.-lег:hе
fu\аkе one сору for each pair of students.
пumЬеr of squares on the dice. If the sq;are:hey ;and
on says cs( they choose а student in the gr,ээо and ask
lп class
the question with the number in the squJ.e, lithey land
А lntroduce the activity Ьу writing the following sentence оп answer, another student asks them r|-e question with
on the board, lhardly ever
_mуalarm clockto get up the пumЬеr iп the square.
iп the mоrпiпq. Elicit the missing Verb:set. Tell students в TelIthem that they get а point if their ansr,ver is
to individually complete the sentences using verbs оr grammaticaIly correct. TelI the other students to ask
nouns from Vocabulary Collocations, and that they have two mоrе questions each time. If their.questions аrе
the answers for their раrtпеr. grammatically correct, they get а poini too. Then they
в when they have finished, tell them to read their answers play the game. The first person to reach the finish iп
to their partner who marks and corrects them. when each group ends the game. The student with the most
they have finished, check answers in open class. points is the winner.

StudentA l putson 2 turn ... up З towel 4 washes
Student В l sink 2 share 3 cut 4 cupboard


5А Wндт Ам l DolNG? бА Wопо5ЕАRсн
Aim Aim
То give pTactice in the pTesent continuous. То consolidate vocabulary Telated to adjectives, subjects
and languages.
Before class
\1ake one сору for each group ofthree / four students and Before class
cui the activities into опе set. ДЛаkе опе сору for each pair of students. Make а large сору
of the wordsea rсh to use on the Ьоа rd for feed back.
lп class
А lntroduce the activity Ьу miming an action, e.g,studying ln class
and ask students What аm l dоiпg? Cet students to А Explain to students they are going to do а wordsearch.
ask questions about what you аrе dotng,e.g.Are you They should find nine words. Words gо across or down.
readiпg? Answer using, lVo, l'm notorYes, lam,Civethe В Put students in pairs, and give out the wordsearch. Cive
card to the students who guessed correctIy. Drill the them а time limit of four minutes.The first pair to find
question forms and short answers. all пiпе аrе the winners. Then teIl them to complete the
В Put students in groups of three оrfоur and give them sentences using the words from the wordsearch.
а set ofthe cards.Tell them to take it in turns to take С Conduct feedback in ореп class and check they have
а card and mime the action, The other students ask capital letters for the languages.
questions, and the student miming the activity answers ,м
with short answers. They give the card to the student F)N т А в I

who guessed correctly. They play until the cards аrе llB А А R о в
finished. The winner is the student with the most cards. ш lp т S А R F
NIo н к в N
IlN TlE]R;EtS_ /т N G
5В WHlcH FLooR l5 lT oN? Sтг о lTlA R р N\C\GI lt
шJт R тб URKlSH
То revise vocabulaTy related to department stores.
lM Р оl RiT А N Т GN
Before class GLRR Е LUoN SS
/Иаkе enough copies of picture А for half the class and т в в т N о
enough copies of picture В for the other hall
ln class : interesiing 4 maths 7 Arabic
А lntroduce the activity Ьу asking students where things 2 iTpcrtant 5literature 8 Turkish
are in the school e.g. Where are the totlets? Оп every 3 Ьоriпg 6 history 9 Finnish
floor, Drtll the questions for singular and plural nouns
and the answers.
В Put students in pairs and give each ап А оr B.Tell тhеrп бВ Wндт'5 тнЕ RtGHT oRDER?
they have to find which floor the items in the Ьох are
on the floor plan of the department store Ьу ask,rg Aim
each other questions, but tell them they аrе по: ailowed То practise writing statements in the present simple.
to show their раrtпеr their picture. When they have
finished they соmраrе their flооr plans. Before class
IИаkе one сору of the card set per grоuр of three / four.
Answers Cut them up and place them in piles on уоur desk.
Basement Kitchen and Bathroom Accessories & Toilets
Ground floor Accessories & Beauty products lп c|ass
First floor Menswear & Sports А lntroduce the activity Ьу putting the following sentence
Second floor Womenswear & Beauty Salon оп the board and elicit the correct order: lfind / thап
Third floor Children's Wear & Toys Thai / Chinese / more difficult (l find Chinese more
FочЁh floor Computing and Саmiпg & The саfё difficult than Thai).
Fifth floor Home Entertainment & Restaurant Divide the class into grоuрs of three / four. Put their sets
of sentences оп the table in front ofyou.
Nominate а ruппеr in each group. The runner comes to
the teacher's desk and gets а mixed up sentence from
уо u. They ta ke it back to thei r
grou р а nd they have to
re-write it in the correct order, then they соmе back and

138 oUTcoMEs
get another strip. Опlу let them take one sentence at а В Hand out the grid and put them in pairs to complete it.
time, The first group to finish shouts 'stop'. They read out Д4опitоr and help the weaker students with matching
their sentences and as а class check they аrе all соrrесt. the difГеrепt parts. Cet fast finishers to help each other.

Answers Answers
1 fu\у teacher this year is better than the previous one,
i 1 Му mum works all day and then she has to come
2 Му son gets higher grades now because he studies home and cook dinner.
every evening. 2 l сап stay |ater tonight, I don't have to Ье home at 1О.
3 Laura is faster than me at reading the books оп our lt's the weekend.
literature course. 3 School's getting harder this year, we have to study for
4 The French course is getting mоrе difficult than last
уеаr, the final exam.
5 Paul's пеw computer was mоrе expensive than the 4 lt's not fair, my sister doesn't have to help out at home
last опе. now that she has а job.
6 lИу English is getting worse, l need to practise every day. 5 Some parents don't have rulеs, the kids don't have to
7 Jчап is mоrе helpful when working in pairs than last do апу housework. They're lucky!
term- 6 l sometimes have to look after mу sister's children.
в The weather this week is worse than it was last week
С Extend the activity Ьу getting students in pairs to make
their own grid for four statements of their оwп. Then
7А Fдмlrч MEMBER5 they give it to another pair to match.

То provide practice of talking about family members. 8А ТнЕ RlGHT oRDER
Before class Aim
M\ake enough copies so that each student has ап А оr В то Tevise соmmоп activities with чеrь and почп
pict u re. collocations.

lп class Before class

А Elicit what family members the students сап rеmеmЬеr. Д4аkе one сору for each pair of students.
Glvе each pair а сору of picture А or В, Tell students
to imagine names, ages and family relations fоr each lп class
person in their picture. Cive them some time to do А lntroduce the activity Ьу writing the following оп Tne
this and tell them they сап take notes, ifthey want to. board: gofro а lkwa iп the park and elicit the соrrесt
Monitor and help with any language problems. letter order for the two words not in the correct let;er
В Demonstrate the activity Ьу describing опе of the or6gy =for,walk.rell them they have to аrrапgе the
pictures, Put two pairs together.Tell them to take turns letters iп bold to make а соmmоп activity.
to describe their picture, When they have finished,
they swap pictures and tell each other what they can Answers
rеmеmЬеr about the реорlе. 1 get а taxi home 2 do my maths homework З have а
romantic dinner with mу boyfriend 4 go to а library to
get some books 5 write ап emailto myfriend iп the US
7В RulBs lN тнЕ FAMlLy 6 go fishing in the river 7 go for а ruп in the park пеаr
mу house 8 play footbal| with my friends
То revise hаvе to / dоп't hаvе to- В Extend the activity Ьу getting students to write :hree
mоrе jumbled sentences. They then give them to
Before class another раir to unscramble. lf they need help, direct
ДЛаkе опе сору for each pair of students. them to Vocabulary More соmmоп activities on page 58

lп class
А lntroduce the activity Ьу asking the students what 8В WНДТ ARE YOU DOlNG АТ ТНЕ
things they have to do at work and at home and write
an example of have to апd has to on the board.Then
divide the sentence into three, e,g. Му sister / has to / Aim
work а lot this week, l / have to / take the rubbish out То revise Ье gоiпg to + verb foT definite future plans.
every пight,rеll students they аrе going to read six
sentences that have been split into three sections and Before class
they have to match them to make а complete sentence, Make опе сору for each pair of students.


ln class ln class
А -:,э;;се the activity Ьу asking the students what А То introduce the activitywrite ' is really boring'
:-е:: э|апs аrе for the weekend and why. Cive your own оп the board. Дsk'lп your орiпiоп what is Ьоriпg? Elicil
ехэrпоiе first, e.g. l'm gоiпg to go to а restaurant, it's mу why. Write the question on the board. Hand out the
_', end'5 birthday. С
jve the students а set of cards and tell photocopies and get students to complete it with their
:-eгn to put them face down оп the desk. own ideas.
В Dui students in groups ofthree / four.Tell them they're В When they аrе ready, remind them of the question on
going to play а mеmоrу game. Tell them to take turns to the board and erase the adjective: lп your орiпiоп what
iake а card and say where they are going and why, and ls_? Put students in pairs and tellthem to ask each
place the card face up оп the desk. The next student has other the question for all five sentences and to ask why.
to pick another card and say their pIans and repeat the С То extend the activity ask students to write опе of
previous student's plans e.g. l'm going to go to а сфё their sentences on а slip of paper. Collect them in and
апd have а coffee апd read the paper,you are gоiпg to go redistribute them to the class. Tell each student to read
shopping апd buy some пеw shoes. The first student who their piece of paper and elicit the question to find the
can remember all the plans is the winner. per5on, e,g. lп your орiпtоп is surfing exciting? Then they
stand up and find the person who wrote it,

9А РпвsвNт рЕRFЕст cAslNo

10А BtocKBusTER5
То revise the use of present peTfect for ехреriепсеs. ým
То rечisе collocations with the topic of transport.
Before class
Make one сору fоr each group of three / four Before class
'"э(е э.: сээу fo:, each раir of students.
ln class
А lntroduce the activity Ьу asking students what реоо,е lп class
do at а casino,e.g.they play mопеуоп the roulette.Te,, А llroduce the activity Ьу putting the following on the
them we caIl this а bet апd that they have to make be:s ээаrd: Му bike broke dоwп.lhеп erase letters so that
on each sentence Ьу deciding ifthe sentence is соrrесi эпlу the first letter is on the board: М В В D. Elicit how
оr not. Cive them 100 points to begin with. :|]еу can explain the words е,g. lИу bicycle doesn't work.
В Put students in groups of three orfour. Hand outthe В -and out the photocopies and put students in same
photocopies and check that they understand the e;ter pairs.Tell them they have expressions they need to
instructions, e.g. tell them to read the first sentence, decide ccrnplete, and the answer5 for their раrtпеr. lп pairs they
if it's right оr wrong and рlасе а bet on it. /Иonitor and check :hinK of how to explain or mimе the expression without
that they know what to do.Then tell them to do the same the words. /Иопitоr and help with ideas.
with the other sentences. Cive them 100 points to stаrt. С Put students into АВ pairs. Student А says C.IB and
С Read each answer one Ьу one and get each group to add Siudent В has to explain оr mime. 5tudent А has to
оr subtract points. The group with the most points wins. guess and then write the expression, then they change
roles. Monitor and check that they know what to do.The
Answers first pair to finish is the winner. (Note: for а complete
1 Have уоu ever Ьееп to China? set of answers, look at both worksheet student А and
2 соrrесt Student В page 162.) Conduct brieffeedback.
З l've fallen оff my bike twice this уеаr.
4 We've never seen the Tower of London,
5 соrrесt 10В 5upERLATIvE BlNGo
6 Chris has wоп the lottery, but only €10
7 l've never stolen anything in my life. Aim
8 соrrесt То consolidate supeTlative adjectives,

Before class
9В Rвдllyl Make enough copies so that each раir has а Set А, В or С.

Aim ln class
То consolidate adjectives to descTibe feelings and А Ask students if they рlау bingo and what the rules are.
ехреriепсеs. lf necessary do а demonstration оп the board. Hand out
the photocopies. Tell them you are going to read some
Before class sentences that ехрlаiп the statement оп their cards, e.g
Make one сору for each student. People don't feel safe to go out at night = lt's the most

140 oUTcoMEs
dangerous city.|f they think the statement corresponds complete set of answers, look at both worksheet Student
to their sentence, they cross it out. А and Student В page 164.) Conduct brieffeedback in
в Read out the sentences below at random and wait until ореп class.
students have found the statement. lf necessary read it
again (answers аrе in brackets).The fist pair to cross out
alI their sentences shouts,'Bingol,, Check their answers. lf 11В Апг you HEAtTHy?
they're right, thеу'rе the winners.
Sentences: То consolidate the use of quantifieTs before почпs.
1 lt took less time to get home. (lt's the fastest way to
t rave l.) Before class
2 /Иilап is а great city, better than others I've visited. /йаkе one сору for each student,
(The best place l've visited)
3 lt costs less than the all the other hotels in the city. ln class
(lt's the cheapest рlасе l've stayed in.) А lntroduce the activity Ьу asking the students ivhai iney
4 l've never Ьееп to а citywlth so much crime. (lt's the eat or drink to Ье healthy and how much, e g i drink а lot
most dangerous city.) of wаtец two litres а day. Напd out the photoccp_v а nd
5 flight from Lопdоп to Auckland took 24 hours.
/Иу get students to read and check for understanc .g.
the longest time l've 5pent on а plane.)
(lt's В Tell students they have to stand up and ask it..,c ;
6 l can't understand how to work this machine, it's students in the class the questions,Tell them -: -sе о lot
impossible. (lt's the most difficult thing to operate.) oJ some, апу, much, mапу апd а bit of iп their э.s,.,.,:l-s
7 Jарап in spring is great, with all the сhеrrу blossoms. С Do brief feedback, and extend the activity Ьу ge* ._=
(The best time to visit) students to write sentences about the two sr;c:-:s :rey
l always have paella when go to Vаlепсiа.Тhеу
I interviewed using the quantifiers from Сrоrг,п.J,.=эr
really know how to make it. (The best food in town) example, Maria doesn't drink much coffee.
The queues to get into the Louvre were so lопg.
People realIy like the museum. (The most popular
pIace for tourists) 12А DocToR! DocтoR!
10 l've печеr had such bad service. (The worst experience)
11 Some parts of the city wеrе built bythe Romans, Aim
they're so old! (The oldest monuments in the country) То consolidate use of shouId / shouldn't to give advice.
12 l left the cinema аftеr ten minutes, it was so dull.
(The most boring film) Before c|ass
]_З Winter there is really cold and people don't go out Make опе сору for each pair of students
much. (The worst time to visit)
J_4 Compared to other parts of the country, more people lп class
live there. (The most populated city) А lntroduce the activity Ьу writing а health эlсэ :- с. li,le
1_5 Ечеrуопе celebrates Thanksgiving, all families get board, e.g. l broke mуfiпgеr апd elicit роss,э : s: -: эls,
together. (The most important day) е.g.уоu should gothe hospital,you shauicir | п^э.э :.
16 l don't like working in August, the temperatures аrе В Put students in АВ pairs and hand out lhe э,:::::э),, Tell
so high. (The hottest time of the уеаr) them they have to match the рrоЬlеm io:,: sc -:,эп.
С Still in their pairs, ask students to write::e'. .,,,.:
solutions to the problems using should i s.эL эп't.!п
11А Wндт'5 тнЕ woRD? ореп class they decide which is the bes; s. -i:cn

Aim Answers
То consolidate vocabulary Telated to restaurants. 1с 2е зd 4f 5ь od

Before class
IИake one сору for each student. 12В WHEN wAs тнЕ LAsT TIME?
А write restaurqnt on the board and elicit а definition, Aim
eat.Hand out the
e,g, lt's а place where you go to То consolidate use of adjectives and verbs to describe
photocopies and tell students they have the definition in feelings.
bold for а word used in а restaurant.
В Put students in АВ pairs and tell them to take it in Before class
turns to read their statement and their раrtпеr has to Ма ke one сору for each grou р of fou r students. You'll need dice
guess the word. lf they get it right they get а point.The оr slips of рареr with numbers 1-6 for students to pick from.
student with the most points is the winner. (Note: for а


Iп class questions and the true answers.Tell students they
А lntroduce the activity Ьу telling students they аrе going have to write а false answer for each question, using а
to рlау а board game and they will need а different passive. Мопitоr and help with апу language probIems.
counter each, e.g. а coin, а pen top, etc. С Put two groups together and they take turns to read the
Put students in groups ofthree оr four, Hand out the question and the two possible answers. The other group
photocopy and tell them to take turns to throw the dice has to decide which is the correct апswеr; if they get it
and move the number ofsquares from the START square. right they get а point. lf not, the other team gets а point
TeIl them they have three options: answer the question, The group with the most points is the winner.
miss а turn оr go forward to another square. lf they
land оп а question,they have to answer it and the other
students decide if it's correct оr not. ДДопitоr and help if 14А Wндт'5 тнЕ ADJEcTlvE?
there are any problems with deciding.The first student
to reach the FlNlSH square is the winner. Aim
Extend the activity Ьу getting students to choose опе То revise the use of adjectives to describe films, plays
of the questions and write а short ап5wеr of about 20 and musicals.
words.Then put the students in different groups and
they read their texts to each other. Their partners guess Before class
which question they answered. NЛаkе one сору for each pair.

lп class
13А Wндт's тнЕ wEATHER? А Tell students they're going to do а crossword lп pairs.
Explain that they have;o find the words using the clues
Aim and the words сап go эсrоss оr down.
То revise expressions related to weather. Hand out the рhоtссоэ_t,апС iellthem to do the
crossword in pairs. Cet ias; finishers to help each other.
Before class Extend the activlty Dу ge:ii.g siudents individually to
Make enough copies of Student А for half the class and think of the name of а f i,n. piay оr musical that matches
enough copies of Student В for the other hall each ofthe adjectlves rг:hе grid. lп groups ofthree
or four they telI еэсп c:re!,ihe film, etc. and the other
lп class students have to guess ine ad.lective.
А То introduce the activity, ask students what the weather is
like today and ask them to mime it. Hand out the photocopy, Answers
and put students into pairs.Tellthem to take turns to mime Across Down
the weather, their ра гtпеr has to guess the word. ДДоп itor 3 brilliant 8 dерrе55iпg 1_ predictable 4 terrible
and correct any language problems. Conduct brief feedback. 5 violent 9 scary 2 sad 7 funny
В То extend the activity put students in groups offour and 6 strange
they each think of а season.Then they tell the others the
typicaI weather ofthe season in their country and the
others have to guess what the season is. 14В Мy LlFE lN тнЕ FuTuRE
13В РдsslчЕ5 oulz То practise v,lill / wоп't for predictions.

Aim Before class

То revise the use of passives. опе сору for each student.
,\ia ке

Before class lп class

',1ake one сору for each group of three or four. А |ntroduce the activity Ьу asking the students what they
predict about their future plans for studying, elicit both
lп class positive and negative statements and write them on
А з,rcduce the activity Ьу telling students you're going to the board, e.g. l'll pass the ехаm at the епd of term, l
эs<:hem two questions and they have to choose which won't have time to study every еvепiпg, Hand out the
э.s,,,,,еr they think istrue.What do Рiпоссhiо апd Jопаh photocopies and tellthe students to complete each
.э,з г, соmmоп? = l They were both еаtеп Ьу а whale. prediction with their оwп ideas. /\Лопitоr.
сr 2They were both boys with lопg noses.Write В Put students into groups offour or five and collect their
iie апs\.чегs on the board and ask students what the slips of рареr. Redistribute the slips to another group.
fo,^r с; tne verb is = passive.rell them they аrе going to Tell each grоuр they have to read the statements and
do а qi.;iz rvhere they have to use the passive. decide who in the other grоuр it belongs to and to write
В Put siudenis in groups ofthree оr four. Hand out the the name at the top of the slip,When they have finished,
photocopies and check that they understand the
142 oUTcoMEs
they hапd back the slips of рареr to the оrtgiпаl group 16А NочGнтs AND cRo55E5
and check how mапу the group got right. The group
with the most correct answers is the winner. Aim
С Extend the activity Ьу getting each group to write опе То pTactise expressions related to love and maTriage.
question to ask each mеmЬеr of the other group about
their predictions. Then put them together to ask each Before class
other their questions. ДЛаkе опе сору for each group ofthree students.

ln class
15А Сцs5 тЕснNоLоGv 5uRvEy А lntroduce the activity Ьу telling students they аrе going
to play'noughts and crosses'. Draw the grid оп the Ьоаrd
Aim and explain the rules, e,g. each рlауеr needs to get three
То practise expTessions related to technology. answers in а line (vertical, horizontalor diagcna|). One
student is symbol 'Х' and the other'O'. On ihe grid оп the
Before c|ass board demonstrate Ьу writing get рrеgпапt and eIicit а
ДЛаkе опе сору for each student. sentence with the word that makes the meanlng clear,
e.g. Му sister is рrеgпапt, the ЬаЬу is due пехt ,.l,eek.
lп class В Hand out the photocopy to each group. Stuoe-i А is а
А lntroduce the activity Ьу telling the students you have nought, Student В а cross, and Student С is:ге -igе
made some statements about them butyou're not sure who checks the sentences аrе correct, They lhel :эке ii
if they а rе truе о r fa lse. write the first state ment оп the in turns to choose an expression and use it :г э :сr:епсе.
board and elicit the question, Have you checked your The first student to get а liпе wins.
emails today? Hand out the photocopies and in pairs С They can SWap and рlау again, оr extend the ас:,,. т,,,
students work out the questions for each statement. Ьу getting students to make their own gricl г.,i:. .,. c:cs
Check the questions in open class. from the unit and swap with another group.

2 Do you have уоur mеmоrу stick with you? 16В SшдкЕ5 AND LADDERs
3 Do уоu have your own website?
4 Have you deleted emails Ьу mistake this week? Aim
5 Have you downloaded апу music today? То provide fuTtheT practice of the past continuous.
б Do you have mоrе than one email address?
Before class
В Tell students they have to ask the whole class each Make one сору for each group of three or fоur s:-;--:s ',с;
question.Then they stand up and interview еvеrуопе, will also need dice for each group. lf you don't ha,.e J ::, JSe
When finished they соmраrе their results in pairs and slips of рареr with numbers 1-6 for students tc э'с< ..э:r,.
decide if the statements are true оr false.
lп class
А lntroduce the activity Ьу telling students tne_r, а.= ;: ng
15В Тндт'5 тнЕ wАy то Do lT to рlау snakes and ladders and they wiil пеес : 5'-erent
counter each, e.g. а соiп, а pen top, etc.
Aim В Hand out the photocopy and tell them to iai<e TU:r5 io
То provide further practice of adverbs. throwthe dice and move the пumьеr of soua:es;.cm
the START square. lf they land on а ladder.ihe,v gc lp and
Before class оп а snake they go down. lf they land оп а sсuэrе ,.vith
Make опе сору for each group of students. а sentence they have to decide if it's correc: or. :ot. lf it's
not соrrесt they have to correct it.,Moniior-and heip if
lп c|ass there аrе апу problems with deciding. The first student
А Put write ап emoilon the board. Tell students you аrе to rеасh the FINl5H square is the winner
going to mime the action iп different ways and they
have to use ап adverb to tellyou howyou are doing it, Answers (lncorrect sentences)
e.g. quickly, badly. Put the students in groups of three or 3 They were having а date and the waiter dropped
four and tell them to write an action on а slip of paper. the plate,
В Redistribute the slips of рареr to another group and 8 l was spending
а lot of time in the саfё when I met
give them the cards with the adverbs on. Tell them to my boyfriend.
put the cards face down: each student picks up а card 12 She had her bag stolen when she was walking home
and mimes the action in the style of the adverb and the 15 Iwas listening to music and didn't hear the door belI.
other students have to guess action and the adverb. E.g. 17 They saw the museum when they were walking
You are walking slowly,rhe first grоuр to finish wins. through the streets.


1А Wндт's My JoB?

r receptionist r teacher lshop assistant r nurse

r police officer l designer rcivil serrant rwaiter

r receptionist rteacher lshop assistant r пчrsе

r police officer r designer rcivil serrant rwaiter

@ HeinIe, Сеп8аgе Learning 2012

1lи outcomes
1в lпtтгкчlвws

l What time do you sta rt а nd fi п ish work?

z Do you work at the weekends?
з What does your brother or sister do?
4 Where do you live?
5 Do you speak any other languages?
6 Do you travel to work Ьу car?
7 Do you get u р before 7 o'clock?
8 Do you go to bed after ll o'clock?

l What time do you start апd finish wоrk?
z Do you work at the weekends?
з What does your brother оr sister do?
4 Where do you live?
5 Do you speak апу other languages?
6 Do you travel to work Ьу са r?
7 Do you get up before 7 o'clock?
8 Do you go to bed after ll o'clock?

.ir.:!tз}4ЪД1!+З+__+.a_+З.a+]-11,!-|.}.t- l.!

1What time do you start and finish work?

2Do you work at the weekends?
3 What does your brother оr sister do?
4 Whеrе do you live?
5 Do you speak any other languages?
6 Do уоu travel to work Ьу са r?
7 Do you get up before 7 o'clock?
8 Do you go to bed after ll o'clock?

'l46"+д+а9длд9rр.щt*r+чt++++++ч+ +*+l;+f+фЁ++ъвr*a +;9+.++s

What time do you start and finish work?

2 Do you work at the weekends? 4:.
3 What does your brother оr sister do? *
4 Where do you live? Ji
5 Doyou speak any other languages? f
6 Do you travel to work Ьу са r? r;
] Do you get u р before 7 o'clock?
8 Do you go to bed after ll o'clock? i
r+a+фsfo+*. aд+,+"lf
з+:+*д, +. +.+.r*д'&*ьс*ё*.щ.+++Р!i

@ Неiпlе, Сепgаgе Learning 2012

сомллUN cATloN ACT|VLTlES 145

2А Flшо soMEoNE wнo...

Fiпd sоmеопе
i l likes
lik playing computer 8ames
i.z doesn't like watching TV
:з thinks going to the cinema is expensive
i.ц doesn't think swimming is boring
:S loves
lo, shopping for clothes
ib thinks meeting new people is fun


Fiпd sоmеопе
likes playing computer gаmеs
doesn't like watchingW
thinks going to the сiпеmа is expensive
doesn't think swimming is boring
loves shopping for clothes
thinks meeting new people is fun

Fiпd sоmеопе
likes playing computer games
2 doesn't like watching TV
3 thinks going to the сiпеmа is expensive
4 doesn't think swimming is boring
5 loves shopping for clothes
6 thinks meeting new people is fun

sоmеопе whо ...

likes playing computer games
doesn't like watching ТV
thinks going to the сiпеmа is expensive
doesn't think swimming is boring
loves shopping for clothes
thinks meeting пеw people is fun

О Heinle, Сепgаgе Learning 2012

146 outcomes
2В Тнlшс5 lN тнЕ ctAssRooм
Gomplete the crossword. l Gomplete the crosswoId.

Across ф Down В l Across + Down о
з Doyou have а _ l Frоm the
з Do you have а _? l Frоm the
l need to blow my nose. my cIass,,"ve сап 5ее l needto blow my nose. my ciass, ге с., :е:
You use this if you don't the catПed.a: l 6 Yоu use this if you don't the cathed lэ

knowthe meaningofa This is а general i.,,cri for l know the meaning ofa z This is а gегс,э ,,.a,a'э,
new word. any klnd o'tlinq,.,,,е siI on, пеw word, any kind о::- -: ,..: s : эr,],
when lmakea mjstake 4 l cut the piece cf оарэl,
7 When t maG а mistake 4 I cut the рlе:: :' :.::.
l сап erase it with а wjth some l l can era5e it with а with some
5 White ones-are
more l 5 White onesE---:,=
l have three ofthem, соmmоп buI sometimes
lо l have thrее ofthem, а соmmоп Ь-,- _.. ^-.. .-:,
а biack one, а blue they are bIack. oIack опе, а blue опе they are Ьiас<
one and а red one. В When it's sunny, the teacher I апс'а red опе, 8 When lt'\ !-^-. ]-: ]: j],'tl
asks me Lo close the l asks me to с a:: : -:
9 ln my .naths class t use а 9 ln my maths : :;:
to draw lines. to с.; .,,

€д-, ----J
Gomplete the сrоsswоrd. l
Gomplete the crosswold.
Across .) Dоwп о l Across ф Down i
з Doyou have а _? l Frоm the ln
l з Do you have а _? l Frоrп tile ln
l need to blow my nose. mу class, we сап see l need to blow my nose. my class l,,.e can See
6 You use this if you don't the cathedral. l You use this if you don't the саtгеir-эi,
know the meaning of а This is а general word for I knowthe meaningofa This ls а gепеrаl word for
new word. any kind of thing we sit on. new word. any kiгd of thing we sit on.
7 When l make -а mistake I cut the piece of paper
when lmakea mistake l cui the piece of рареr
l сап erase it with а wjth some l can erase it wjth а with some
white ones are rпоrе l Wh;te ones-are
lo l have three ofthem, а соmmоп but sometimes l1o l have three ofthem, а соmrпоп but sometimes
black one, а blue one they are black. black опе, а blue опе they аrе black.
and а red опе. When it's sunny,the teacher l
and а red one, When it's sunny,the teacher
askb mе to close the l asks me to close the
lп mу maths c'ass l use а l ln my maths cIass l use а
to draw lines, to draw lines.
О Неiпlе, Сепgаgе Learning 2012
соллfulUN CATioN ACTIV т Е5 147

Picture А ъ




, BA},IK


ж ж


п Е

О HeinIe, cengage Learning 2012

148 Outcomes


Stчdепt А Stчdепt А

'l Му sister always some make- l 1 Му sister always some make-

up before she leaves the house. up before she leaves the house.
2 l can't hear the TV, can you _ it ', z l can't hear the ТЧ can уоч _ it
3 l really like your beach _, where l 3 l really like your beach _, where
did you buy it? did you buy it?
-?'? l
4 Му dad always his hair 4 Му dad always his hair
every day. l every day.

Апsччегs fог student В Апswегs fог student В

1 Yоч can put the dirty dishes in the sink. 1 You сап put the dirty dishes in the sink.
2 l want to share а flat with my boyfriend. 2 I want to share а flat with mу boyfriend.
З Ве careful with the scissors, you сап 3 Ве careful with the scissors, уоч сап
cut yourself. cut yourself.
4 Рчt the dishes in the cupboard оп 4 Put the dishes in the cupboard оп
the left. the left.



Student В student В
1 Yоч сап put the dirty dishes in the
1 You сап put the dirty dishes in the
2 lwant to _ а flat with my 2 lwant to _ а flat with mу
boyfriend. boyfriend.
З Ве careful with the scissors, you сап 3 Ве careful with the scissors, you сап
_ yourself. _ yourself.
4 put the dishes in the on 4 put the dishes in the on
the left. the left.

Апswегs fог student В Апswегs fог stчdепt В

1 Му sister always puts оп some make-up 1 Му sister always puts on some make-up
before she |eaves the house. before she leaves the house.
2 l can't hear the TV, can you turn it up? 2 l can't hear the ТV, сап you turn it up?
3 l really like your beach towel, where did З l really like your beach towel, where did
you buy it? you buy it?
4 Му dad always washes his hair every day. 4 Му dad aIways washes his ha]r every day.

О He]nle, Сепgаgе Learning 2012

сомдлUNlсАтlоN Аст VlT ES 149

Rеаd these sепtепсеs to уошr раilпеr.

lz April is Children's Day in Bolivia.

...... is National Day iп ...... z l December is World A|DS day all around the world.

з ...... is St Patrick's Day, а big celebration iп ...... з 7 September is National Day in Brazil.

...... is Santa Lucia Day, where ечеrуопе wear 4 z8 DесеmЬеr is April FооlЪ Day in Spain.
white iп......

...... is April Fool's day in ...... 6 FеЬruаrу is Waitangi Day, ап important national
holiday in New Zealand.

,... is Children's Day iп ...... 6 б December is lndependence Day in Finland.

Rеаd these s€пtепGеý to уочr partnвn

t 4.July is lndependence Day in the US.

z lz ОсtоЬеr is National Day in Spain.

17 March ls St Patrick's Day, а big celebration

iп lrеlапd-

4 ...... is April Fool's Day in ...... 4 rз DесеmЬеr is Santa Lucia Day, when everyone
wears white in sweden.

...... is Waitangi Day, ап imроrtапt nationaI 5 l Арril is Apri| tооl's day iп the UK.
hoIiday in ......

6 ...... is lndependence Day in ...... 6 5 Мау is Children's Day in Japan.

4В ВодпD oulz

Stагt Ask lo l
)o,n, дпswеr 6 Дпswеr g Ask
Дпswеr 7
ГiпisЬ) 2

Ask 6 Дпswеr 4 Ask z дпswеr tо дпswеr 8 Ask 4

л л
v v

Ask 7 дпswеr t Ask 8 Дпswеr 9 Ask з Ask 9

What did you do at the weekend? 6 Who was the |ast реrsоп you saw before class?
2 Whеrе did you go оп holiday last уеаr? 7 Did you go to the thеаtге last уеаr?
З Did you watch ТV last night? 8 How much did you spend оп holiday?
4 What did you buy уоuг best friend fоr thеiг Ьiгthdау? 9 Which friends did you see Iast night?
5 Was the weather good last week? 10 What did you have fоr lunch?

Staгt orn , Ask ro

) дпswеr 6 Дпswеr g Ask r

Дпswеr 7
Finish 2

Ask 6 Answer 4 Ask z дпswеr lo дпswеr 8 Ask 4

v v

Ask 7 дпswеr t Ask 8 Дпswеr g Ask з Ask 9

1 What did you do at the weekend? 6 Who was the last реrsоп you saw Ьеfоrе class?
2 Whеге did you go оп holiday last уеаr? 7 Did you go to the theatre last уеаr?
З Did you watch TV last night? 8 How much did you spend on holiday?
4 What did you buy уоur best friend fоr their birthday? 9 Which friends did you see last night?
5 Was the weather good last week? 10 What did you have fоr lunch?

О Hein]e, Сепваgе Lеагпiп8 2012

соллl\лUN lсATIoN ACTIVlTl ES 151
5АWндт Ам l DolNG?

swim m ing SWlm m lng

studying studying

d rin king d riп king

shopping for clothes shopping for clothes

playing tennis playing tennis

watching а film at the cinema I watching а film at the сiпеmа


reading а book rеаdiпg а book

sleeping оп the sofa sleeping оп the sofa

having dinner having dinner

walking in the park walking in the park

О Heinle, Cengage Learnin8 2012

152 outcomes
5В WHlcH FtooR 15 IT oN?

Stчdепt А

Find which floors these departments are on:

s Fifth floor Ноmе Entertainment &

4 Fourth floor Computing and Caming &

з Third floor Children's Wеаr &

z second floor womenswear &

1 First floor N4епswеаr &

G Ground floor & Beauty prod;cLs

в Basement kitchen and bathroom accessories &

Find which flooTs these departments are оп:

& Restaurant
4 Fourth floor & The саfё

3 Third floor

2 & Beauty SaIon

G Ground floor Accessories &

Basement & Toilets


О Heinle, Сепgаgе Lеаrпiпg 2012

Соr\lлЛUN jСАIlоN AcT]V]TlES 15з
бА Wопо5ЕАRсн

I lI

Fiпd three adiectives, three subiects апd Fiпd three adiectives, thrее subiects and

three languages. l three lапgчаgеs.

















iпtегеstiпg maths Агаhiс

iпЕегеstiпg maths АгаЬiс

imроfЁапt laЁегаtчrе

imрогtапt litеrаtчrе Tunkish l

histогу Finnish

Ьогiпg histогу Fiппish

рчt the wогds in the sentences Ьеlоw.


2 Рчt the wоrds in the sепtепGеs hеlоw. lс

'] ',]. оr,оthеr studies Chemistry, he think it's rеаllу
lr'y ьrоthеr studiе]

lT*,,lý,"""u l .l don't, l think it's Ьоriпg.


i^e,leareally exam tоmоrrоw.

2 lhачеагеаllу ехаm tоmогrоw. I

.лла llnacc

l hope l pass, I
wP9 PqJal

З Some of the books we study аrе rеаlIу


З Some of the books we study аrе rеаllу
. l find it difficu!t not to fall asleep I . l find it difficult not to fall asleep.

4 оur teacher is rеаllу good at L \JUr tеасhеr is rеаllу good at

explaining how to do аlgеЬrа. expIaining how to do аlgеЬrа.

5 We аrе studying the rоmапtiс poets in my 5 We аrе studying the rоmапtiс poets in my
coUrSe, coUrSe.

6 l can't decide which period of 6 l can't decide which period о{

l рrеfеr, but l do like the ancient Grееk period, l рrеfег, but l do like the ancient Grееk реriоd.

When l see writing, l love the 7 When l see writing, l love the

way it flows frоm

-.- right to left. way it flows frоm right to left.

Веfоrе we go оп holiday to lstanbul, l want to В Веfоrе we go оп holiday to lstanbul, l want to

1еаrп some lеаrп some

is very different frоm other is чеrу different frоm оthеr

European languages.

Еuгореап languages, !


О Не]п е, Сепgаgе Lеэгпiпg 2012
154 outcomes
бВ Wндт's тнЕ RlGHT oRDER?

l is better than / this уеаr / М\у teacher / the previous опе /
2 еVеrуеvепiпg/ Mly sоп /now/ because he studies /gets highergrades /

3 the books /than me /Lаurа isfaster / оп оur literature course/ at reading /

4 lastyear /The Frепсh course / difficult than / is getting mоrе /

6 5 than the / computer was / Paul's new / mоrе expensive / last one /
а б еVегу day /М\у English is /,l need / getting WоrSе / to practise /
7 than lastterm / Juап is mоrе /iпраirs / helpfulwhen wоrkiпg/
6 8 than it was / this Week / last week/ is wоrsе / The weather /

1 is Ьеttеr than / this уеа r / Му teacher / the previous опе /

everyevening/ M\yson / now /because he studies /gets higher gгаdеs /

the books / than me / Laura is faster / on our literatuгe соursе/ at reading /

last уеаr / The Frепсh соUrSе / difficult than / is getting mоrе /

than the / соmрutеrwаs / Paul's new / mоrе expensive / last one /

еVегу day / М\у English is /,l need / gettin8 WоrSе / to practise /
than last tеrm / JuаП is more / iп pairs / helpful when working /
8 tha n it was / th is week / last week/ is wоrsе / The weather /

l is Ьеttеr than / this year /длу tеасhеr / the previous опе /
о- 2 еVеrу еvепiпg / ДЛу son / now / because he studies / gets higher grades /

3 the books / than mе / Lаurа is faster / оп оur literature соursе/ at reading /

4 last уеаr /The trепсh соursе / difficult than / is getting mоrе /

5 than the / соmрutеr was / Paul's new / mоrе expensive / last опе /
ar7- -
б еVеrу day /М\у English is /,l need / getting Worse / to practise /
б 7 than last tеrm / Juап is mоrе /iп раirs / helpfulwhen working /
-oZ- -
6 8 than it was / this week / last week/ is wоrsе / The weather /
О Heinle, Сепgаgе Learning 2012
Coл"4N4U\]]CAIloN AC |LV]T Е5 155
7А Fдмlty MEMBERs

Рiсtцrе А Рiсtчlе В

Picture д Рiсtчrе В


О Heinle, Сеп8аgе Lеаrпlпg 2012

].56 out(omes
7В RuLE5 lN тнЕ FAMlty

i М\у mum works allday and

Ье home at lo. It's the
then she .. have to

z l сап stay later tonight, l . has to. help out at home now that
she has а job.
з School's getting harder this
.. don't have to.- come home and cook dinner.
уеаr, We

4 |t's not fa ir, mу sister . have to...

do а ny housework. They're
5 Some parents don't have
rules,the kids ... doesn't have to study for the fi na | еха m.

6 | sometimes ... don't have to .. Iook after my sister's children.

i mum works all day and

Ье home at lo. lt's the
then she have to

z l сап stay later tonight, l has to .,.

help out at home now that
she has а job.
з School's getting harder this
year, We . don't have to... соmе home and cook diппеr.

4 lt's not fair, my sister do апу housework. They're

... have to...
5 Some раrепts don't have
rules, the kids . doesn't have to studyforthefinalexam.

6 l sometimes don't have to look аftеr my sister's children

l ДЛу mum works all day and

Ье home at lо. It's tne
then she have to ..

z lcan stay latertonight,l . has to. help out at home по\.1,, :-;:
she has а 1оэ.
з School's getting hаrdеr this
We . don't have to.. come home and ссо< dilпеr.
уеа r,

4 lt's not fa ir, my sister do а ny house\,\,ol,n. Тhеу'rе

have to...
5 Some parents don't have
ru Ies, the kids . doesn't have to study fоr the final exam.

6 l sometimes don't have to .. look аftеr my sister's chi]dren.

@ Heinle, Сепgаgе Lеаrпiпg 2О12

COiVlдлUN сА,lON ACI]V]T]ES 157


l gte а xiat home

z do my maths mwoehork
з ahev а comintra dinner with my boyfriend
4 go ot а byaTTil to get some books
5 ritew ап milea to my friend iп the US
6 go gfihnsi in the river
7 go rof а чпт in the park пеаr my house
8 ylpa football with myfriends

l gte а xiat home
z do my maths mwoehork
з ahev а соmiпtrа dinner with mу Ьоуfriепd
4 go ot а byarril to get some books
5 Titew а п milea to mу friend in the US
6 go gfihnsi in the riчеr
7 go rofa чпт in the park пеаr my house
8 ylpa football with myfriends

l gte а xiat home
z do my maths mruoehoTk
з ahev а comintndinnerwith my boyfriend
4 go ot а byarilto get some books
5 ritew ап mileato myfriend in the US
6 go gfihnsi in the riчеr

7 go rof а чпr iп the park пеаr my house

8 ylpa football with myfriends

l xiat home
gte а

z do my maths mwoehork
з ahev а comintra dinner with mу ЬоуГriепd
4 go ot а byaTril to get some books
5 ritew ап mileato myfriend in the US
6 go gfihnsi iп the river
7 go rof а чпr in the park пеаr my house
8 ylpafootball with myfriends

@ Heinle, Cengage Learning 2012

158 Outcomes
8В Wндт ARE yоU DolNG Ат тнЕ wEEKEND?

а cinema l а clnema
а саfё
-l- -
а basketball court l а basketball court
а clothes shop I
а clothes shop

а museum l
а museum
а park

а park

а crnema '
_ _l_
а cinema
а саfё .
а саfё
* l
а basketball court 1 э. basketball court
* l-
а clothes shop l а clothes shop
а mчsечm l а museum
а park l
а park

О Heinle, Сепgаgе Lеаrпiпg 20]2

со/!1ллUNlсАт oN ACT|VlTlE5 159
9д PKcsENT qERFEсT сл5tNо

Present perfect casino l

Present pelfect Gаsiпо
Read each sentence. Decide if the present регГесt is Read each sentence. Decide if the present perfed is
correct,then рlасеуоur bet.You have loo points to I
correct,then placeyour bet.You have loo points to
staft. lfyou аrе right, add your bet to the total. lf l stагt. lf you аrе right, add уоur bet to the total. lf
you're wrопg, subtractyour bet from the total.You l уоu'rе wrопg, subtract your bet from the total. Yоu
get zo ехtrа points if you сап соrrесt the wrong l get zo extra points ifyou сап соrrесt the wrong
sentence. Remember! Yоu must bet оп every sentence. l sentence. Remember! You must bet on every sentence.
l Haveyou evergoto China? _
Bet l l Haveyou еvеrgоtо China? _ Bet

z Peter has neverfailed ап exam. Bet _

z Реtеr has печеr failed an exam. Bet _

з l've felt off my bike twice this year. Bet _ l з l've felt off my bike twice this уеаr. Bet _
4 We've lways seen the Tower of London. Bet _
l 4 We've always seen the Тоwеr of London. Bet _
5 ДЛу dad has broken his аrm three times. Bet _ 5 ДЛу dad has broken his alm three times. Bet _
6 Chris has win the lottery but опlу clo. Bet _ l 6 Сhris has win the lot]:ery, br-rt only clo. Bet _
7 l've печеr stole anything in my life. 7 l've печеr stole anything ll пlу iife,
Bet _ Bet _
В /Иу boss has worked in five different l В ДЛу boss has workec ln {,,,,е different
соu ntries. Bet l cou ntries. Bet

Рrеsепt pelfect casino Рrеsепt perfect casino

Read each sепtепсе. Decide if the present perfect is Read еас, ;:, _е,се, Decide if the present регfесt is
correct,then placeyour bet.You have loo points to ccrre-:;:, э асеуоur bet.You haveloo pointsto
start. lf уоu аrе right, add your bet to the total. lf sia i, ' : ,. э l,е l, ght, add уоu r bet to the tota l. lf

vc"r ,е ,э:i, subtract уоur bet from the total.You

уоu'rе wron g, s u btract you r bet from the tota l. You

get zo extra points ifyou can correct the wrong qе: 2э exil,a points ifyou сап correct the wrong
sentence. Remember! You must bet on every sentence. sen.el.c. Remember! You must bet оп every sentence.

l Haveyou еvеr 8о to China? _

Bet : Have you еvеr gо to China? _ Bet

z Peter has never failed ап exam, Bet _ z 2etel-has neverfailed ап exam. Bet _

з l've felt off mу bike twice this уеаr. Bet _ з I've felt оfГ my bike twice this уеаr. Bet _

4 We've always seen the Тоwеr of London. Bet _ 4 We've lways seen the Tower of London. Bet _

5 ДЛу dad has Ьrоkеп his аrm three times. Bet _ 5 ДЛу dad has broken his arm three times. Bet _
6 Chris has win the lottery, but only clo. Bet _ 6 Chris has win the lottery but опlу clo. Bet _
7 l've печеr stole anything in my life. Bet _ 7 l've never stole anything in my life. Bet _

8 Му boss has worked iп five different В ДЛу boss has worked in five different
cou ntries. Bet countries. Bet

О Не nIe, Се!gаgе Learning 2012

160 outcomes
9В Rвдllуl

i Gomplete the sепtепсеs below with Gomplete the sentences below with
i уочr оwп ideas. уоцI оwп ideas.
rn mY OPrnrOn... In my opinion...
i ,_

is really rеlахiпg. is really relaxing.

i _is 2 rеаllу annoying. is rеа|lу annoying.
i _
3 is really stressful. is rеаllу stressful.
i 4 _is real|y exciting. is rеаl|у exciting.
i 5 _ is rеаllу scary. is rеаllу scary.

l ,.,...............,.

;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;,.;;.; ;;;;;;;; : Gomplete the sепtепсеs below with

уOцI оwп ideas. ; уочr оwп ideas.
In my opinion... i In mу oPrnlon...
1 is really relaxing. ,]
is really rеlахiпg.
2 is really annoying. 2 is really аппоуiпg.
з _ is rеа lу st ressfu
l l.
3 is rеа|lу stressfuI.
4 is rеаllу exciting. is really exciting.
5 is rеаllу scary.
5 _ is rеа lly sca ry.

i Gomplete the sепtепсеs below with i : i Gomplete the sепtепсеs below with
; уочr оwп ideas i : i уоцr 0wп ideas.

i: l :, in my opinion...
i 1_ is rеаllу rеlахiпg.

ii l: i! l_
'_isreallyrelaxing. annoying.
, isreallv
is rеаllу relaxing.

ii .2 rеаllу аппоуlп8.
really 15
ii :l :i z
z. annoying.
is rеаllу аппочiп
, l J-
is rеа l|y stressfu l.
i : i з_ is rea lly stressfu
rеаllу exciting.
i l.

i 4 -is i : i +_ is rеаllу exciting.

i 5-isreallYScary.

i:, :I ii s---isreallyscaDl

i J-,-,--",J",-,J,


О Heinle, Cengage Learning 2012

соl\лдлUN CATloN ACT|V l ES 161
10А Вlосквu5тЕRs

off mу bike

myflight is

дr.D. а taxi MJ.B. miss

driver the bus

R./и.в. G.OJ.B.get
ride mу bike offthe bus

off mу bike

myJlight is

R.M.B. C.OJ.B.get
ride mу bike offthe bus

@ Heinle, Сепgаgе Learning 20],2

162 outcomes

lt's the fastest way lt's the longest time |'ve The hottest time of
to travel. spent оп а plane. the уеа r.

lt's the cheapest place l've

The best time to visit. The best place l've visited.
stayed in.

The oldest monuments

The most populated city. The most important day.
in the country.

The most lt's the most difficult lt's the cheapest place
important day. th ing to ореrаtе. |'ve stayed in.

lt's the fastest way

The best time to visit. The best food iп town.
to travel.

lt's the most

The worst experience. The worst time to visit.
da ngerous city.

lt's the most d ifficu lt lt's the most lt's the cheapest р|асе
thing to ореrаtе. da ngerous city. |'ve stayed in.

The best р|асе The most рорulаr place

The most boring film.
|'ve visited. fоr tou rists.

lt's the longest time l've

The best food in town. The most populated city.
spent оп а рlапе.

О Hein]e, Сепgаgе Learning 2012

содлдлUN CATloN Аст VlTlE5 163
11А Wндт's тнЕ woRD?

l lt's the list of all the food а restaurant offers.

l when you finish уоur meal,you askthe waiter
fоr this. (The bill)
2 z lfyou аrе happywith the service,you leavethis
lt's what а restaurant adds to the bill for bread,
for the wa iter. (А tip)
table etc. (Service)
3 lt includes things like, cakes,fruit etc. (Dessert)
3 lt includes things like soup, salad etc. (Starters)
4 This is the middle part of the meal and includes
4 Another word fоr making а reservation. (Book)
meat, fish etc. (Main course)
5 When you know what уоu want to eat this is
5 Some people like to have one of these пеаr
what you do. (Order)
the window. (А table)

Student А l
1 when you finish уоur meal,you ask the waiter
l lt's the list of all the food а restaurant offers. l
for this. (The bill)
(Menu) l
2 z lf you аrе happy with ine service,you leave this
lt's lлуhаt а restaurant adds to the bill for Ьrеаd, l
for the walter, (А tip)
ta ble etc. (Service) l
3 lt includes things iike, cakes,fruit etc. (Dessert)
З lt includes things like soup, salad etc, (Starters) l
4 Th is is the m idc le ра rt of the mеа l а nd includes
4 Another word for maklng а reservation. (Book) l
meat, fish etc. (Main course)
5 When you know what you want to eat thrs is I

5 Some peopie like ic ra,"le one of these пеаr

what you do. (Order) I

l the windorry. (А table)


l lt's the list of all the food а restaurant оffеrs.

' \,\/1,1ег you finish your meal,you ask the waiter
fог this. (The bill)
2 z you аrе happy with the service,you leave this
lt's what а restaurant adds to the bill fоr bread,
r, t h е wa ite r. (А tip)
ta ble etc. (Service)
3 lt incIudes things like, cakes,fruit etc. (Dessert)
3 lt includes things like soup, salad etc. (Starters)
4 This is the middle part of the mеаl and includes
4 Апоthеr word for making а reservation, (Book)
meat, fish etc. (Main course)
5 When you know what you want to eat this ;
5 Some people like to have one of these пеаr
what you do. (Оrdеф
the wlndow. (А table)

l lt's the list of all the food а restaurant offers.

1 when you finish your mеаl,уоu ask the waiter
fоr this. (The bill)
z z lf you аrе happy with the service,you leave this
lt's what а restaurant adds to the billfor bread,
for the wa iter. (А tip)
ta ble etc. (Service)
3 lt includes things like, cakes, fruit etc. (Dessert)
3 lt includes things like soup, salad etc. (Starters)
4 This is the middle part of the meal and includes
4 Another word for making а reservation. (Book)
meat, fish etc. (Main course)
5 When you know what you want to eat this is
5 Some people like to have one of these пеаr
what you do. (Order)
the window. (А table)

О Heinle, Сепgаgе Learning 2012

164 Outcomes
11В Акв you HEAtTHy?
k two students the questions and record the апswеrs. Stчdепt А i student В
,i " "" " " " " " " "" " " " "" " "

l How much fruit do you eat а day?
z How many sweets do you eat а week?
з How many eggs do you eat every day?
4 How mапу cups of coffee ortea doyou driпk а day?
5 How much fish do you eat а week?
6 How much fat is in уоur diet?
7 How much sugar do you put in your tea оr coffee?
8 How much water do you drink а day?

д:I l*9 :lч9:llт ald recgld а-_T*.Ir:
Ih9 9чеs!|9ry |hg _S!цdgп[ В
l How much fruit do you eat а day?
z How mапу sweets do you eat а week?
з How mапу еggs do уоu eat every day?
4 How mапу cups of соfГее оr tea do you drink а day?
5 How much fish doyou eat а week?
6 How much fat is iп your diet?
7 How much sugar do you put in уоur tea оr coffee?
8 How much water doyou drink а day?

Ask two students the questions апd апsr_еl]:

1есо1! |he .
i ouestions
l"""""""""""", .i

l How much fruit do you eat а day?


z How mапу sweets do you eat а week?

з How mапу eggs do you eat every day?
4 How mапу cups of coffee оr tea do you drink а day?
5 How much fish do уоu eat а week?
6 How much fat is in your diet?
7 How much sugar do you put in your tea оr coffee?
8 How much water doyou drink а day?

Ask two stцdепts the questions апd record the апswеrs. i Stцdепt А "
i ouestions ;" "" " " " "" "" "" "" " "

! l How much fruit do you eat а day?

i z How mапу sweets do you eat а week?
i з How many еggs do you eat every day?
i +Но* manycupsofcoffee ortea doyou drink а day?
i s Но* much fish do you eat а week?
i б How much fat is in уоur diet?
i 7 How much sugar do you put in your tea оr coffee?
8 How much water do you drink а day?

О Не]п е, Сепgаgе Lеаrпiпg 2012

coNлллUNlcATloN ACTiVlTlES 165
12А DocтoR! DocToR!

l l've got а headache. l can't concentrate, а She'Il Ье ОК in а couple of days.

z /Иу arms аrе stiff. l played too much tennis yesterday, ь you should take her to the doctor.
з l have а throat infection. l can't talk too much. с You should take ап aspirin.
4 /Иу foot hurts а lot after l fellyesterday. d you should drink lots of water,
5 l\Лу daughter cut her finger on а piece of glass. е you shouldn't do too much exercise.
6 The teacher isn't here today, she has а cold. f You should get some rest.

l l've got а headache. l can't concentrate. а She'll Ье ОК in а соuрlе of days.

z /Иу аrms are stifГ. l played too much tennis yesterday. ь you should take her to the doctor.
з l have а throat infection. l can't talk too much. с You should take an aspirin.
4 Iйу foot hurts а lot after l fell yesterday. d you should drink lots of water.
5 IИу daughter cut herfinger on а piece of glass. е you shouldn't do ioc much ехеrсisе.
6 The tеасhеr isn't here today, she has а cold. f You shourd get some rest.

l I've got а headache. l can't concentrate. а She'll Ье ОК in а couple of days.

z ДЛу arms are stiff. l played too much tennis yesterday. ь you should take her to the doctor.
з l have а throat infection. l can't taIk too much. с You should take ап aspirin.
4 /Иyfoot hurts а lot after l fell yesterday. d you should drink lots of water.
5 lйу daughter cut hеrfiпgеr on а piece of glass. е you shouldn't do too much exercise.
6 The teacher isn't here today, she has а cold. f You should get some rest.

l l've got а headache. l can't concentrate. а She'll Ье ОК in а couple of days.

z ДДу arms are stifГ. l played too much tennis yesterday. ь you should take hеr to the doctor.
з l have а throat infection. l can't talk too much. с You shouId take an aspirin.
4 Myfoot hurts а lot аftеr l fell yesterday. d you should drink lots of water.
5 ДЛydaughtercut herfingeron а pieceof glass. е you shouldn't do too much exercise,
6 The teacher isn't hеrе today, she has а cold. f You should get some rest.

О Heinle, Сепgаgе Learning 2012

166 outcomes

Е1 2 3 4
when was the last What do you do to
Go forward three squares. What made you
time you were angry? feel relaxed? smile Tecently?

5 6 7 8
Miss Ноw do you feel when you Talk about what makes
а turn! Go foTward two squares.
have а lot of woTk to do? you happy.

9 1о 11 12
What are you looking What do you do to
Miss а tuTn! when was the last
foTward to doing? fall asleep? time you felt boTed?

13 t4 15 16
Go forward four squaTes. What has surprised What do you do when How do you feel when
you recently? you feel tiTed? you do а test? Н

Ё 1 2
3 4

when was the last What do you do to What made you
time you were angry? Go forward three squares.
feel rеlахеd? smile Tecently?

5 6 7
How do you feel when уоч Talk about what makes
Miss а tuTn! Go forward two squares.
have а lot of work to do? you happy.

9 1о 11 12
What are you looking What do you do to
Miss а tuTn! when was the last
forward to doing? fall asleep? time you felt boTed?

13 t4 15 16
Go foTward four squares.
What has surprised What do you do when How do you feel when
you Tecently? you feel tired? youdoatest? Н

О Heinle, Cengage Lеаrпiпg 2012

13А Wндт'5 тнЕ wEATHER?

5поw sчппу cloudy dry warm ice

rain cold dry storm hot wet windy

5поw sчппу cloudy dry warm ice

rain cold dry storm hot wet windy

snow sчппу cloudy dry warm ice

rаin cold dry storm hot wet windy

snow sunny cloudy dry warm ice

rаin cold dry storm hot wet windy

@ Heinle, Сепgаgе Lеаrпiпg 2012

168 outcomeý

l What happened to Winona Ryder iп Saks Fifth Avenue?

z What do US presidents Liпсоlп, Carfie|d, M\cKinley and Kennedy have in common?

3 What do the Swedish, Czechoslovakian (по lопgеr exists), ltalian and Сеrmап national
footballteams have iп соmmоп?

4 What happened to Charlie Chaplin's body on lst /Иаrсh,l97В?

l She was arrested for shoplifting

z They wеrе all assassinated.

They wеrе all beaten Ьу Brazil in the World Cup final.

lt was stolen.

l What do Аппе Воlеуп and Catherine Howard have iп соmmоп?

z What happened to Jonah while he was sailing to Tarshish?
з What do the tiger and the elephant have in соmmоп?

4 What are spaghetti westerns?

l Theywere both beheaded bythe King HenryVlll.

z Не was eaten Ьу а whale.

з They аrе both protected.

4 They аrе films made in Europe about the Wild West

@ Heinle, Сепgаgе Learning 2012


14А Wндт's тнЕ ADJEcTlvE?
Gomplete the clossword. l
Gomplete the crossword.

Across ф Down .0 - Across + Down +
з Another word that l This is when you know in
'l з Another wоrd itlat Th]s is tvhen you know in
means fantastic. the first lo minutes how the means fantastic. :le irst lо minutes how the
5 People fight а lot in th js film is going to end. l 5 People fight а iot iг Tl s 'lT ls gcing to end.
type of film, z This is the type of film that . tvoe of fiim, : -:,l; ; the type of frIm that
6 Апоthеr word that makes you cry, ь лпоtпеr \voIc :l.:: .l э tles уо u сrу,
means unusual. 4 Му brother really likes l mеапs Llпi]Sll? : \11r рl6ilз'. really likes
в l don't like films like this, musicals. I don't, l think l 8 ,dor't,е:*..-:'; :,t-l1_1sicaIs, i don't, lthink
they make mе so sad for
ays. 7
they're _.
Ihaven't laughed so much
,'_l':\'lTjr:-,_:_ :],j'_'
They're _.
ihaven't laughed so much
l а iio':;:.;:c;l:ep

9 l find it hard to sleep in ages. lt WaS 5о

l ::,
in аgеS. lt WaS so
after watching this type , -, ,- iYP-
of film. l :-= ^-

с--- -г-
Gomplete the I Comptete the closswold.

Across ф Down с Across о Down о

з Another word that l This is when you know in з Another word that l This is when you know iп
means fantastic. the first lo mlnutes how the means fantastic. the first lо minutes how the
5 PeopIe fight а lot in this film is going to end. 5 People fight а lot in this film is going to end.
type of film, z This is the type of film that type of film. z This is the type of film that
6 Another word that makes you cry. 6 Another word that makes you сrу.
means unusual. 4 ДЛу brother really likes means unusual. 4 ДЛу brother really likes
8 I don't like films ljke this, musicals. l don't, l think в l don't like films like this, musicals, l don't, 1think
they make me so sad for they're _, they make me so sad for they're _,
days. 7 l haven't laughed so much days. 7 lhaven't laughed so much
9 l find it hard to sleep in ages, lt wa5 so 9 lfind it hard to sleep in ages. lt wa5 5о
after watching this type аftеr watching thls type
of film, of film.
@ Hein]e, Сеп8аgе Lеаrпiпg 2012

170 outcomes
14В Мy tlFE lN тнЕ FuTuRE

Hobbies or sports Hobbies or sports

lwill lwill

Work Work
lwill _ lwill _
lwon't lwon't

Hobbies or sроЁs Hobbies or spoЁs

lwill lwill

О Heinle, cen8a8e Learning 2О12

coMMUNlcAT|oN AcTlVlT|Es 171
15А Сlдss TEcHNoLoGy 5uRvEy


InteTview other students and put а tick ( V ) in the Ьох чпdет
yes оt поfоt each question.
Yes No

@ Моr" than three people have checked their emails today п п

@ Two people have their mеmоrу sticks with them. п п

@ 'о опе has their own website. п п
@ Пziоr. than two people have deleted emails Ьу mistake this week. п п
@ Гоur people have downloaded music today. п п
@ Tt,,r.. people have mоrе than опе email address. п п


Interview other students and put tick ( V ) in the Ьох чпdеr
yes й поfоt each question.
Yes No

@ ЛЛоr. than three people have checked their emails today. п п

@ Two people have their mеmоrу sticks with them. п п

@ 'о опе has their own website. п п
@ Моr. than two people have deleted emails Ьу mistake this week. п п
@ Гоur people have downloaded music today. п п
@ Tt,.rr.. people have mоrе than опе email address. п п

О Heinle, Сепgаgе Learning 2012

172 очtсоmеs
15В Тндт's тнЕ wAy то Do lT

bad ly ha rd

well qu ickly

slowly qu ietly

bad ly hard

r welI qu ickly

r slowly




bad ly hard

r well qu ickly

slowly qu ietly

О Heinle, Сепgа8е Learnin8 2О12

coMMUNlcATloN AcTlvlTlES 173
16А NочGнтs AND cRossEs

move rn break up get on


annlversary get married ask someone out

wedding have а date approve of

move In break up get on

annlversary get married ask someone out

wedding have а date approve of

О Heinle, Сепgаgе Learning 2012

174 outcomes

2l 22
She was visiting
2з 24 25
her sister when she FlNlsH
met her boyfriend, \N
2о 19 18\ I7 Iб
We were getting
оп we]l, and
then he stonoed
They were seeing
the musetlm
when they wеrе
f у
catlinBie -,i[::-l!:H,W

11 |2 13 l4 15

She had her bag lWere liStenin8
stolen when she \ to music and
walking home. ]i l d id n't hea r the

door bell,
1о 9 8 ,6
lwas sitting in l spending а lot of
,/м lWas Stayjng at mу
reception when time in the саfб friend's house lvhen
she walked iп, When l met my the accident
boyfriend. h а ррепеd.

2 3 They were
haveing а date
4н 5
and the waiter
dropped the plate.

2l 22
She was visiting
23 24 25
her sister when she FlNlSH
met her boyfriend. t\\\
2о 19 18\ I7 Iб
We were getting They were seeing
оп well, and {frt
the museum
then he stoooed \\ when thev were

f у
carrinB пiе walking tЙrоughf
the streets. /iY

11 t2 13 15
She had her bag lwere listening
stolen when she
to music and
walking home. t didn't hear the
door bell,
1о ,6
IWaS Sitting in
9 8
l spending а lot of
,/м lWaS Staying at my
reception when time in the саfё friend's house when
she walked iп, when l met my the accident
boyfriend. happened,

2 3 They were
haveing а date
4ff 5
and the waiter
dropped the plate

О Heinle, cengage Learning 2012

сом[лUNlсАтlоN AcTlVlTlES 175

PLU RALS Exercise 1

2 He's 16. / Не is 16.
Exercise 1 3 М\у sister's а doctor. / Iйу sister is а doctor.
1 Doyou have any pens? 4 /\Ду children аrе both girls.
2 we have three children. 5 Тhеу'rе late. / They а rе late.
З There аrе three big factories пеаr here. 6 lt's six o'clock. / lt is six o'clock.
4 l want three bottles of water, please. 7 l'm not hungry, / lam not hungry.
5 Men don't talk about howtheyfeel. 8 We're not married. / We аrе not married.
6 Не is six years old, 9 lt isn't very expensive. / lt is not very expensive
10 Are you very tired?
А/АN/SолАЕ 11 ls it nice?
12 How old аrе they?
Exercise 1
1 some 5 some REVlSloN
Zd od
3 some 7ап Exercise 1
4ап 8 А, some 1 parents
2 houses
4 children
D)N'T / Do 5 babies
6 factories
Exercise 1 7 people
1 Don't talk to him. 8 cars
2 She doesn't like me. 9 mеп
3 l don't like her. 10 apples
4 We don't go to the cinema а lot.
5 Не doesn't work. Exercise 2
6 Do you like tea? 1а бНis
7 Where do you work? 2 His 7 some
8 Which one do they want? Заm 8she
9 Does she playtennis? 4them 9 Do
10 When does the class finish? 5an 10 some


1 Howareyou?
Exercise 1 2 Ask him.
1l 3 l likeyou.
2mу 4 She wants some coffee.
3 She 5 Whеп does your class start?
4it б l don't watch sport.
5 him 7 /Цу brother has а nice car.
6 their 8 Не doesn't talk to her.

176 oUTcoMEs
Exercise 4 Exercise 2
1Do 5is 1do 5do
2 does бis 2 does б does
З Аrе 7 Are 3 does 7 do
4do 8do 4 does 8 does
Exercise 5 REVlSloN
1am ба
2mу 7is Exercise 1
З аrе 8 His 1 l don't like Frепсh food.
4 live 9 she 2 l'm not hungry.
5an ]_0 them З She doesn't work here.
4 They're not /They aren't from this country.
01 PEoPtE AND PtAcES 5 l don't work at the weekends.
6 He's not / Не isn't in the office today.
ТНЕ VERB ВЕ 7 They don't live together.
8 lt's not / lt isn't cold today.
Exercise 1 9 There aren't any shops in the village.
1 l'm cold. 10 There isn't апу sugar in the kitchen.
2 Yоu'rе in C|ass 1.
3 He's not hеrе today. Exercise 2
4 She's my sister. 1 doesn't like
5 lt's not / lt isn't very nice. 2 аrеп't
6 We're on holiday. З do, leave
7 They're late. 4 isn't
5 aren't /'re not are
Exercise 2 бls
]_ А:are B:'m am
,/ 7 has
2 А: аrе, Are B:'m / am ,'m / аm 8 Аrе
3 А: are,Are B:'relare 9 don't understand
4 д: is, ls B:'s,'s 10 does, live
5 A:'s / is B:'m / аm, is
Exercise 3
THERE lS... /THERE дRЕ... 1 аrе
2 does
Exercise 1 3 has
1 There аrе 4 аm /'mis
2 There isn't 5 doesn't / does not
З There's 6 don't
4 There aren't 7 is, works
5 There's 8Do
6 There aren't 9 has, don't
7 There's 10 Does
8 There are
02 FREE т!мЕ
Exercise 2
1 There are no cheap hote|s. VERB toRMlS
2 There aren't any jobs here.
3 There's / There is а lovely river iп the town Exercise 1
4 There is / There's а lot of noise. 2 to go out
5 There is а lot of traffic in my hometown. З togo
4 dancing
6 to study
Exercise 1 7 рlауiпg
1 has 4 don't 8 to decide,to have
2 like 5 doesn't
3do 6 has


Exercise 2 Exercise 3
1- Му brother likes to read а lot. 1 Doyou have апу white рареr?
2 Does she speak English? 2 Does he have а job at the moment?
3 Му parents say they want to have mоrе time. 3 Do you want а tissue?
4 don't really enjoy working iп an office.
l 4 Do you need ап alarm clock?
5 l always try to go to bed before 11. 5 Doyou have апу scissors?
6 l need to finish my homework before l go out. 6 Doyou need any help?


Exercise 1 PREPoSlTloN5 оF рцсЕ
1 sometimes 4 usually
2 hardly ever 5 never Exercise 1
3 печеr 6 a|ways 1at
Exercise 2 Зоп
1 l often sleep until 12 оп Sunday mornings. 4оп
2 Му parents hardly ever do sport. 5in
3 l don't go shopping very often. 6 next
4 l never decide what to do in my family, 7оп
5 А: Doyou ever gо out dancing? 8in
6 A:What time doyou usually get up? 9 between
10 оп, оп
Exercise 1
]_а 4 апу Exercise 1
2а 5 апу, ап 1 parents' 5 youl Simon's
3 any 2 Melanie's brothers 6 My,yours
3 dad's car 7 friend's flat
Exercise 2 4 mother's 8 my, her,Their
1 опе 4 some
2 some 5 some Exercise 2
3 опе 1 her rооm
2 your раrепts
REVl5loN 3 Му mum's раrt
4 theiraddress
Exercise 1 5 Му boyГriend's sister
1 love + usually 6 her friепdъ
2 hardly ever + need 7 the government's ideas
3 want + very often 8 mу grandparents'house, theirs
4 often + like
5 hate + пеvеr CAN / CAN'T
6 hate + always
Exercise 1
Exercise 2 1 Сап you mоче? l can't see the board.
1 l like meeting new people. 2 l can't do this exercise. Can you help me?
2 l want to buy а computer game. 3 Сап you turn it up? l can't hear the CD.
3 Doyou like listening music? 4 l can't come to the class. Can you tell mе the homework?
4 l hardly ever go to the cinema. 5 l can't read the board. Can l sit пеаrеr?
5 l sometimes chat on the lnternet, 6 Can l go to the toilet? l can't wait.
6 | usually play tennis оп Wednesdays.
7 What time doyou usually get home? Exercise 2
8 Do you еvеr gо out dancing? 1can't 4 can't
2 can't 5 can
3 can 6 can, can't

178 oUTcoMEs

Exercise 1 Exercise 2
1 А: there В: one opposite / behind 1 What did you do last night?
2 А: iп В: on, next 2 What film did you see?
3 В: lt, front, оп З Was it good?
4 Who did you go with?
Exercise 2 5 Where did you buyyour shoes?
1his 5 theirs 6 Wеrе they very expensive?
2 his 6 yours 7 Did you get anything else?
З theirs 7 ours 8 Do you usually shop in Jensons?
4 the school's 8 hers
Exercise 2
Exercise 3 а2 е8
1 А: can't В: оп, between А: Сап ьб f1
2 В: оп, mУ, his А: Son'S, can't с7 g4
dз h5
Exercise 1
Exercise 1 1 worked 9 stopped
1 l went shopping and got some пеw boots, go, get 2 met 10 tried
2 | was lucky. l found €20 on the pavement. Ье,fiпd 3 made 11 saw
3 l slept badly because l drank too much cofFee. 4 moved 12 walked
sleep, drink 5 wanted 1З played
4 we met at school. l sat next to her in class. mееt, sit 6 stayed 14 studied
5 l spentthreeyears in Japan. ltaught English there. 7 put 15 could
spend, teach 8 sat
6 l saw heryesterday and she said hello toyou.see,say
Exercise 2
Exercise 2 1а go Ь went
1 went 9 was 2а left Ь leave
2 made 10 loved 3а feel Ь felt
3 sat 11 swam 4а had Ь Have
4 ate 12 were 5а was Ь is
5 talked 13 got ба get Ь got
6 told 14 had 7а know Ь knew
7laughed 15 slept 8а sleeps Ь slept
8 watched
Exercise 3
PAST SIMPLE NECAT|VES 1А: Where did you go on holiday?
2 В: We went to the Czech republic.
Exercise 1 З А: Did you stay in Prague?
1 didn't 6 didn't 4 В: No we didn't. We rented ап apartment Ьу а lake in
2 wasn't 7 didn't the mountains.
3 didn't 8 wasn't 5 А: Was it nice?
4 weren't 9 weren't 6 В: Yes it was. We had а great time.
5 wasn't ]_0 didn't 7 А: What did you do?

Exercise 2
8 В: We didn't do much.We read we swam iп the lake -
just relaxed,
1 l didn't go to school last week because l was ill 9 А: Did you like the food?
2 The weather wasn't very п ice yesterday. 10 В: Yes we loved itl We ate out а lot,
З l didn't have а coffee this morning. 11 А: How long were you there?
4 There wasn't time to finish. ]_2 В: Two weeks. We arrived back yesterday.
5 l did nothing at the weekend,
6 l couldn't swim when lwas at school.



Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 Сап you give mе that book очеr there? 1 lt's quite cold iп here. Сап we turn on the heating?
2 Where are those реп5 you gave me for my birthday? 2 Thanks fоr inviting us.We had а rеаllу great time.
3 Whose is this? lt's not mine. 3 lt isn't very varied.We always do the same things.
4 Those jeans are nice.Where did you get them? 4 He's nice, but he's а bit strange,
5 Which doyou prefer? These boots or those ones? 5 He's really good at science. Не gets А grades.
6 This cheese is really пiсе. Сап l have some mоrе? 6 ДЛу teachers were quite helpful, so that made the
course easier.
Exercise 1
1 Сап you come back later? l'm / l am talking to someone. Exercise 1
2 Where's he / is he going? 1easier
3 Тhеу'rе / They аrе building some flats пеаr my house. ) hiоорr
4 Аrе you looking fоr something? З mоrе popular
5 I'm / l am not going outside now. lt's / It is raining. 4 friendlier
6 She's / She is chatting to her mother on the phone. 5 worse, colder
7 ShhhIThe baby's / is sleeping. 6 better, mоrе varied
8 He's not ready, He's / is getting dressed. 7 mоrе difficult


Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 This 6 those 1 The fiIm's not very good.
2 this 7 that 2 The class was not very interesting.
З these 8 that З The school's not very big.
4 This 9 that 4 l'm notverywarm.
5 these 10 those 5 The ехаm was quite difficult.
6 The rent for my flat is quite cheap.
Exercise 2 7 The school l work fоr is quite пеаr here.
1 Who isTamara talkingto? 8 Не got quite low grades.
2 l am looking for а job at the moment.
З l am not feeling very well. Exercise 2
4 Are you waiting fоr someone? ]_ better
5 You are making а mess. Clean the table when 2 warmer
you finish. 3 worse
6 Не went into town. Не is doing some shopping. 4 mоrе expensive
7 Непrу and Terry are not соmiпg 5о we can start the 5 bigger
meeting now.
Exercise 3
Exercise 3 1 Yоur class is а higher level than miпе.
1 We're staying in the Сrапd Hotel. 2 you аrе better at sciences than mе.
2 l am not working at the moment. з chinese is mоrе useful than Frепсh.
3 What's she doing in Australia? 4 /Иу daughter is taller than mу son.
4 Are you staying here а long time? 5 fulу dad is tidier than my mum.
5 He's running in а marathon today. 6 Thisyear is mоrе difficultthan lastyear.
6 They're having а meeting. 7 ItЛу exam results аrе worse than yours.

180 oUTcoMES
Exercise 4
1 quite / very 4 than 08 PLANS
2is 5 very
3 bit 6 quite / very ВЕ GоlNG Iо + VERB
07 FAM|LYAND FR|ENDS Exercise 1
1 l'm not going to do anything special tonight.
AUXlLlARY VERBS 2 How are you going to get home?
3 Where are they going оп holiday this year?
Exercise 1 4 What isyour sister going to study?
1 can't 5 How much is it going to cost?
2ldld 6 l'm going to have dinner with my parents tonight.
4 l'm not WOULD LlKE То + VERB
5 didn't
бdо Exercise 1
7 сап 1 l would / wouldn't really like to spend а year iп
South America.
HAVE то / D)N,T ндVЕ то 2 Would you like to have children?
З She would like to change jobs sometime soon.
Exercise 1 4 l wouldn't like to Ье famous!
1 have to 5 Му brother would like / wouldn't like to lеаrп
2 has to how to cook.
з don't haveto 6 Would you like something to eat?
4 has to 7 Would you like to come shopping with me?
5 don't have to 8 Would you like а drink?
6 Do l have to
7 don't have to REVlSloN
8 does he have to
Exercise 1
REVlSloN 1is 5 would
2to бtо
Exercise 1 3 like 7 аrе
1is 4 аrе 8 not
2 does
З didn't Exercise 2
4 can, can't 1 working
5 isn't 2 to get,to invite
6 did 3 to finish, to start
7 сап't 4 to travel, flying
5 to retire, to move
Exercise 2
2dо Exercise 3
Зdо 1 l'm notgoingto
4 did 2 ld liketo
5 does з ld liketo
6 did 4 l wouldn't like to
5 l'm going to
Exercise 3
1 l have to go. Exercise 4
2 Не has to work late. 1 this weekend
З Doyou haveto pass it? 2 later this afternoon
4 She doesn't have to travel farto get to work. 3 sometime in the future
5 Do we have to stay? 4 this summer
6 We don't have to get up very early tomorrow 5 sometime in the next few weeks
6 later th is even ing
7 sometime in the next fewyears
8 sometime in the next three or four months




Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 Haveyou seen 1 too many 4 too
2 Did you see 2 too much 5 too much
3 А: Haveyou Ьееп 3 too 6 too mапу, too much
В: l went
4 А: l've never Ьееп 5UPERLATIVES
В: Have you tried
С: l went, Exercise 1
l didn't like 1 correct 5 the hottest
2 busiest 6 the most difficult
PRESENT PERFECT 2 3 the worst day 7 the tallest
4 соrrесt 8 соrrесt
Exercise 1
1 Haveyou evertried Mexican food? REVlSloN
2 she has been here before.
3 Has he ечеr had ап accident? Exercise 1
4 lost my mobile severaltimes.
l have 1 There are too mапу cars parked оп mу road.
5 Haveyou booked yourflight? 2 Тhеrе wеrе too mапу реорlе оп the train.
6 We have печеr asked for anything before З They knocked down the house because it was
too dangerous,
REVlSloN 4 The service they provide is great - it's very fast,
5 There is too much rubbish оп public transport.
Exercise 1 6 lt's good because there аrе lots of buses at night.
1 bought
2 choose Exercise 2
3 come 1 cheapest 5 nearest
4 cut 2 quickest 6 most exciting
5 done 3 funniest 7 hottest
6 drove 4 most interesting 8 nicest
7 feel
8 got (US gotton) Exercise 3
9 known 1 the 5 best / nicest
10 leave 2 much 6 very
11 put 3 too 7 worst
12 sell 4 lots 8 too
14 took 11 FooD
Exercise 2 А LoT oF,S2ME,ANY, MUCH, мдNY
1h 5ь AND А BlT оF
2с бg
3е 7f Exercise 1
4d 8а 1 any
2 many
Exercise 3 З any
1 have you visited 4 few
2 did you arrive 5 some
3 haveyou been 6 lot
4 Did you enjoy 7 Quite
5 Haveyou looked

182 oUTcoMEs
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 Would you like something to eat? 1 should see
2 Would you like me to set the table? 2 shouldn't drive
3 Would you like to play tennis next week? з should Ье
4 Would you |ike me to do the washing up? 4 should take
5 Would you like some chocolate? 5 shouldn't eat
6 Would you like to come to mу birthday party? 6 shouldn't саrrу

REVlSloN Exercise 2
1 haven't / have not finished
Exercise 1 2 haveyou been
1 а lotof 4 апу 3 have risen
2 апу 5 а lot of not mапу 4 Haveyou read
З quite а lot of 6 some, а few 5 have cooked
6 haven't / have not had
Exercise 2
1 Would you like to go to that restaurant? Exercise 3
2 Would you Iike апу / some cake? ]_ We've been
3 Would you like me to cook dinner? 2 l've hurt
4 Do you want fish or meat for dinner? 3 l've been
5 Doyou want us to phone him? 4 l've never spoken
6 Would you like us to bring something to eat? 5 Have you tried
7 Would you like me to drive you to the airport? 6 We haven't Ьееп
8 Doyou wantto staywith us whileyou'revisiting? 7 lsaw
8 has travelled, visited
Exercise 3
1 some 5а 13 NATURE
2 lot 6 much
3а 7 like м/GнrАND вЕ Gо\NGто
4 few 8me
Exercise 1
12 FEEL|NGs 1 going to
2 possib|y
SH)ULD / SH)ULDN,T 3 We might
4 lt's going to
Exercise 1 5 She may
1 You should
2 You shouldn't PASSlVES
3 Не should
4 We should Exercise 1
5 They shouldn't 1 are 4is
6 Yоu shouId 2 was 5 were
З are 6'm/аm
Exercise 1
1 l'че broken my arm so I can't write. Exercise 1
2 l'm sоrrу l have forgotten your паmе. 1 They said it might rain later.
З l've Ьееп to Spain eight оr пiпе times in my life. 2 l might not Ье iп the office tomorrow.
4 l've already done my homework so can l watch ТV? 3 She might callyou this afternoon.
5 l saw that film last year, 4 lt said there's / there is going to Ье а storm tonight.
6 l haven't Ьееп to that restaurant yet. ls it good? 5 We're / We аrе going to go to Bulgaria for оur holiday
th is уеа r.

6 Му dad's / Му dad is going to drive us to the station.


Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 grown 1 to read
2 imported 2 Eating out
3 found 3 willlose
4 served 4 to trачеl
5 stolen 5 moving
6 stopped 6 won't i will not happen
7 kitled 7 to find
8 built 8 will make

Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 l might not see you tomorrow. 1 lt was lovely to see you again.
2 We are going to finish the work byTuesday. 2 lt won't cost too much.
З Most of the wine here is imported. 3 Watching the news can Ье very depressing
4 lt is made in Vietnam. sometimes.
5 They might possibly move to the country next year. 4 What will you do with the mопеууоu won?
6 We climbed that mountain last уеаr. 5 Was it difficult foryou to learn Russian?
6 lt isn't / is not easy to rеmеmЬеr people's names.
14 oP!NloN5 7 lt's easyto make mistakes. Everyone does it.
8 lt's not rude to talk about mопеу in my country.
W|LL / W)N,T FоR р REDlCTloNS 9 Living in the city is rеаllу stressful.
10 lt's not / lt isn't difficult to do this exercise.
Exercise 1
1 they'll 15 TEcHNoLoGY
2 there'll Ье
3 willthe meeting start ВЕТНlNКlNG оF + -lNC
4 won't
5 won't Ье Exercise 1
6 you'll 1 |'m thinking of.joining а gуm.
7 probably won't 2 What brand are you thinking of buying?
8 will З They are thinking of moving sometime next year.
4 l hope he isn't / is not thinking of leaving the company.
VERB PATTERNS FОR ADJECT|VES 5 Who аrе you thinking of asking?
6 They said on ТV that they аrеп't / are not thinking of
Exercise 1 changing the price.
1 to find 7 Which university is she thinking of applying to?
2 Walking 8 l'm / l am thinking of trying to make my own computer.
З to park 9 Why is he thinking of retiring? He's only 48.
4 Reading 10 Please tell me you're not / you aren't thinking of
5 offering marrying him.
6 to notice
7 to wоrrу ADVERBS
8 voting
Exercise 1
REVlSloN 1quietly
2 hard
Exercise 1 3 well
1 They won't win. 4 creatively
2 Will he get the job? 5 badly
3 |t wasn't difficult to laughin that situation. 6 late
4 l рrоЬаЬlуwon't see you before Christmas,
5 l don't think the есопоmу will improve this year.
6 |s it easy to find work?

184 oUTcoMEs
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 ls she thinking of changing jobs? ]" lwon't
2 We aren't / We're not thinking of making our 2 You won't
own website. з 1,1l
З l'm thinking of having children. 4rп
4 He's thinking of buying а new опе. 5 1,1|
5 l'm not thinking of applying for а Master's. 6 lwon't
6 Аrе they thinking of selling the company? 7 lwill
Exercise 2 REVlSloN
1 confident
2 slow Exercise 1
З late 1 Не wasn't workingyesterday.
4 slowly 2 Were you living there when you two met?
5 good 3 l won't tell him.
6 well 4 They weren't paying attention.
7 bad,hard 5 l'll do it for you.
8 well, awful 6 Were you waiting а long time?
7 We were listening when he said the address.
Exercise 3 8 l was driving too fast when l crashed.
1 Не speaks really quickly!
2 Where areyou thinking of moving to? Exercise 2
з l'm thinking of complaining to the соmрапу about it.
1 was playing, hurt
4 You look really nice in that suit. 2 found, was walking
5 He's studying hard for his exams at the moment. З met, were waiting
6 The camera works perfectly поw 4 was playing, went
7 We're thinking of getting married soon. 5 moved, was growing up
8 You drive too fast. 6 was cycling, hit
7 wasn't enjoying, decided
16 LovE 8 were visiting, happened
1 l'll callyou tonight. I promise.
Exercise 1 2 В: lwon't.
1 l was talking to someone оп another line. 3 В: l don't know. Iwasn't listening. Sorry
2 What wereyou doing when you heard the news? 4 lwill always loveyou.
3 lt wasn't / was not working very well so l took it back 5 What wеrе уоч doing?
to the shop. 6 l was running down the street and lfell.
4 We were having dinner when my sister suddenly told 7 when l went into the classroom, the children were all
us she was pregnant! studying quietly,
5 They weren't / were not getting on Vеrу well, so they 8 Someone stole my bike when l was buying а
decided to break up. newspaper in the shop,
6 We were sitting iп the сiпеmа when he suddenly tried
to kiss mе, lt was horrible!



VOCABULARY Numbers 1 Student В = а coffee -f2.15,ап orange juiсе-f2.З7,

а bottle of water - f 1.50, а cheese sa ndwich -
Exercise А an iсе-сrеаm - f 1.89, а рогtiоп of chips - t2.0t'3.05,
опе VOCABU IARY Com m оп verbs
three Exercise А
fоur 1gо 9 play
five 2 read 10 say
six З write 11 put
Seven 4 listen 12 open
eight 5 close 1З look
пiпе 6 work 14 talk
ten 7 stагt 15 think
eleven 8 finish 16 eat
twenty Exercise В
thirty 1listen 6 write
fifty 2gо 7 put
а hundred 3 read 8 work
4 talk 9 finish
READING Family 5 ореп 10 think

Exercise А GRAMMAR Su bject рrопоu ns

Exercise А
Exercise С
1 three,four З brother 5 mother siпяulаr plu rа l

2 sister 4 father 6 ЬаЬу l We

you you
tlsTENlNG he (mап / Ьоч)
she (woman / girl) they
Exercise А it (thiпя)
two, З9, опе, 12, eight, 25
Exercise В
2 she, he б She
Exercise А З They 7 You
1 а cola 7 а bottle of wаtеr 4We
2 atea 8 an ice cream
3 ап orange juice 9 а chicken sandwich VOCABULARYTime and days of the week
4 а coffee 10 а hamburger
5 а рогtiоп of chips 11 а grееп salad Exercise А (Suggested answers)
6 ап apple 12 а cheese sandwich 7 б o'clock and 12 otlock
8 1 o'clock and б o'clock
Exercise С 9 10 o'clock and 5 otlock
Student А = а tea - t1.20,a cola - f1.95,
а grееп salad - f 3.54, а chicken sandwich - fЗ.19,
а hamburger - f3,36, ап apple -47р (pence)

186 oUTcoMES
VOCABUIARY Numbers z GRAMMAR don't / doyou ...?
Exercise С Exercise А
1 four 1 l don't have а brother.
2 seven Doyou have а brother?
З twelve 2 ldon't likefootball.
4 twenty-four Do you like football7
5 thirty-one 3 l don't drink beer.
6 sixty Doyou like Ьееr?
7 sixty 4 l don't speak Frепсh.
8 three hundred and sixty-five Doyou speak French?
5 ldon't playtennis.
DEVELOP|NG CONVERSAT|ON5 Ouestion s Do you play tennis?

Exercise А VOCABULARY Adjectives

].е бj
2с 7f Exercise Е
зd 8g 1 l аm tired.
4ь 9i 2 l have а пеw саr.
5а 10h З Му teacher is good.
4 This is an easy book.
VOCABU LARY Everyday th i n gs 5 Му flat is small.
6 l have an expensive mobile phone.
Exercise А
а paper GRAMMAR The С ra m ma r reference
Ь phone
с book Exercise А
d beer 1 page 146 = The past simple
е camera 2 page 152 = Present perfect I апd 2
f ticket 3 page L57 =Wiil / Wоп'tfоr predictions,Verb patternsfor
g pen adjectives а nd Revision
hTV 4 page 158 = Ве thiпkiпg of+ -ing,Дdverbs and Revision
i chocolate
j money

Exercise с
2 mопеу
З paper
5 Ьееr
6 chocolate
7 book
8 pen
9 phone
10 ticket


cD1 cD2

1 titles 48 1 1 t it les 51 1-5.4

2 SU 1.1 49 2 2 9.1 15.5
SU1.2 50 3 3 1 5з 1
3 9.2
51 4 4 2 54 2
4 SUl.з 16.1 )
9.з tЕ
5 sU1.4 52 1 5
53 5.1 2 6 10.1 56 4
6 SU2.1
54 з 7 1-0.2 57 1-6.2
7 sU2.2
55 52 8 10.3 58 1
8 SU2.3 о
56 5.3 R 5.1 59 16.з 2
9 1.1
57 5.4 10 R 5.2 60 3
10 1.2
58 1 11 R 5.з 61 16.4
11 1.з
59 5.5 2 1 62 R8.1
12 L.4 60 3 af 2 бз R8.2
1з 1 ь1 1 L4 з 64 1
1-4 2 62 6.1 2 15 4 65 2
1.5 R8з
15 3 бз з ]_6 11.1 66 3
16 4 64 6.2 \7 tL.2 67 4
17 2.7 б5 6.з 18 11.з
18 1 66 Rз.1 19 11.4
2? 20
19 2 67 R 3.2 1

20 2.з 68 Rз.3 21- 2

27 24 69 1 22 \2 1 з
70 2 2з 4
22 R1.1 Rз.4
71 з 24 5
2з R1 2
72 4 25 72.2
24 R1. з
7з 1 26 R61
25 1
74 7.\ 2 27 R6.2
26 2 )J
R1.4 75 28 R6.з
27 ]
76 7.2 29 1
28 4 77 l.э 30 2
29 1
78 1 31 з
з0 )1
).l 2 79 2 з2 4
з1 з 80 3 зз 1
з2 1 б1 4 з4 1з.1 2
]f з-2 2 82 1 35 з
з4 з бJ 8.1 2 36 1
з5 3.з 84 3 з7 2

36 1 85 8.2 з8 1з.з
з7 86 8.з з9 1
2 147
38 3
8] 1 40 2
88 2 41 L4.2
39 4 8.4
89 з 42 1-4.з
40 4.2
90 4 4з R7_1
41 4_з
91 R4.1 44 R7.2
42 1
92 R42 45 R7.3
4з 4.4 2
9з R4.3 1
44 з
94 1 47 15.1 2
45 R2.1 95 2 48 3
R4.4 до
46 R2.2 96 3 \5,2
47 R2з 97 4 50 15.3

188 oUTcoMES
Outcomes is а completely пеw general English
course in which ...
Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary
help students to succeed iп social, professional
and academic settings
СЕF goals а rе the focus of com m u п ication
activities whеrе students lеаrп and рrасtisе the
language they need to have conversations in
Е nglish

Clear outcomes in еvеrу lesson of еvеrу unit

provide students with а sense of achievement
as they ргоgгеss through the course

lSBNl0: 1-1l-]-07-125-Х
.l S В N l 3 : 97 В-1 -111, о7 125 -J


tr CENGAGE Lеаrпiпg
Heinie, а part of Cengage Lеаrпiпg, is а 1eading pi,ovider of materials for Eng ish апguаgе
teaching апс1 iearning throughout the r,^lorId,

Visii Heinle at Visit оur co:-porate rvebsite at , ||шJш

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