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Jimma University

Jimma Institute of Technology

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Construction Engineering and Management Chair

Construction Management (CENG 5194) ASSIGNMENT

Dear students please give the correct answers for the following questions
1. What does it mean construction industry?
2. What does it mean that construction industry is inter-sectorial?
3. Define the following terms that indicates the uniqueness of Construction Industry from
the other industries:
a. Fragmented Industry
b. Unpredictable Work Load
c. Long Production Cycle
d. Subject to Environmental Impact
e. Transient Organization Nature
4. What is the difference between management as practice and management as theory?
5. What is the purpose of using SOWT in an organization?
6. List and discuss managerial functions
7. What are the difference between project management and construction management?
8. What type of activities should be done from employer side in order to achieve the labor
relation objectives?
9. Define the term construction law and list its application in construction.
10. Define the term environmental law?
11. What does it mean sustainable development and its effect on the next generations?
12. There are different environmental proclamation which were formulated by FDRE so
form those proclamations which one has a direct relation with construction activities?
What is the necessity of labor law? And list things which should be determined under
employment contract?
13. As you know different public utilities like, water line, electric line, sewage line and
others are destroyed by newly constructed infrastructures, therefore to alleviate this
problem there is Proc. No. 10/1995, which was formulated by FDRE. According Proc.
No. 10/1995, Article 8(3); how far any new construction of infrastructures should be far
away from different public utilities which are already installed?
14. What are the purposes of business registration?
15. List down the types of business organization?
16. What are institutions that are relevant for the Construction Business to be formalized and
17. What is the difference between planning and scheduling?
18. List and discuss the differences of types of scheduling.
19. Which scheduling type is more useful for complex projects?
20. Develop a network diagram for a factory project with the following information and
identify the critical path, compute the completion time &floating times of activities.
21. What is the difference between inspection and supervision?

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