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Power Plants -Lab

Experiment No. 05
To determine the overall electrical efficiency of mini Steam turbine power plant
with super heater

Mini Steam turbine power plant


Figure 1- Mini steam turbine power plants


1. Put the power plug in the Socket, switch it “ON” and Switch “ON” ELCB & CB
2. Open the tap water valve for opening the Condenser cooling water flow
3. Adjust the cooling water flow rate at 4 Lpm from cooling water flow meter regulator
4. Open and the LPG cylinder and adjust the cylinder pressure at 0.5 kg/cm2
Power Plants -Lab

5. Start the burner of boiler after a little opening the boiler LPG flow (less than 1 Lpm)
when the burner is ignited then increase the boiler LPG flow to the 3.5 Lpm and wait for
10 minuts so that boiler guage pressure increased to 3 kg/cm2
- Make sure that valves V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, are closed
6. When the boiler guage pressure become 3 kg/cm2 then open the V1, V3 and start the
superheater burner by little open the superheater LPG regulator, when burner is ignited
then increase the superheater LPG flow rate to maximum at 25 cc/min.
7. When boiler guage pressure become 5kg/cm2 then decrease the boiler LPG flow rate to
the about 1 Lpm to delay reaching the required pressure
8. Now, Do purging of water/water vapours by little opening the V5 and both pressure
guages purging valves to maintain the boiler pressure at 5kg/cm2
9. Wait until T3 is at 160 C, when T3 is 160 C then decrease the superheater LPG flow rate
from regulator to minimum at 5 cc/min.
- Note: for upto T3, 160 C it will take long time but after 160 C the temperature will
rise rapidly,
- If boiler pressure become more than 5 kg/cm2 then open the V5 for releasing little
steam for some time to maintain the pressure
- If boiler pressure become less than 5kg/cm2 then close V5 and slightly increase the
boiler LPG flow rate
- Controlling superheated steam to a stable temperature requires a little practice and
experience as the burner does not have an automatic control device
10. At 160 C start open the turbine flow control valve to adjust turbine inlet pressure at 0.6
11. At steady operation, for No electrical load condition, note down the temperatures (T1, T2,
………T10) , Speed and observed fuel volumetric flow rates, see the corresponding
values of enthalpies from steam table
12. Start to apply the electric loads (Switch ‘ON’ LED load) gradually and note the values of
thermodynamic parameters at each load.
Power Plants -Lab
Power Plants -Lab

Useful relations:
Actual Volume and mass Flow rate of LPG

pf 1
q fb =q fob
√ √
p sa S .G

q fbis actual fuel flow rate of the boiler

q fobis observed fuel flow rate of the boiler

pf is abs. pressure at LPG regulator

psa is standard atm. Pressure

S.G =
ρ air


pf 1
q fs =q fos
√ √
p sa S .G

q fsis actual fuel flow rate of the superheater

q fosis observed fuel flow rate of the superheater

Total Mass flow rate of LPG fuel to the boiler and superheater
m ft =q ft ρ Lpg

mft =(q fb +q fs ) ρLpg

q ft is total actual fuel volume flow rate to boiler and superheater

m ft is total actual fuel mass flow rate to boiler and superheater

ρ Lpg = 2.34 kg/m3 at 0 Co (Propane: Butane ratio= 20:80)

ρ Air = 1.161 kg/m3

Total heat input by LPG fuel

Q ¿ =m ft ×Q f

Power Plants -Lab

Q ¿is Heat input by LPG fuel

m ft is total mass flow rate of LPG fuel to the boiler and super heater

Q f is low heating value of fuel

Electrical power output

Poe =V × I

Overall Electrical efficiency of mini power output

ηoe =

Table and observations:

Operating parameters
pf = psa + plpg =1.03+¿

Pboiler =5 kg /cm2
q water =4 LPM

Qf =45.7× 106 J / Kg

S Spee Observed Pressu Heat Outp Outp Outp ηoe

r. d Volume Flow re of input ut ut ut (% )
N N Rate of LPG LPG Qin=(mft)*Q Volta Curre powe
o ( rpm ) PLPG LPG ge nt r
(kg/cm ) V I Poe
(V ) ( A) (W )
Boiler Super
Qfob heater
LPM Qfos

Power Plants -Lab
Power Plants -Lab

Specimen Calculations:
Power Plants -Lab

How to improve Efficiency of Steam turbine power plant?
Power Plants -Lab

University of Management & Technology

School Of Engineering Program BS(ME)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Title: Power Plant Lab Course Code: ME 432 L Semester: Spring 2020
Student Name: Student Id: F2016134 Section:
Experiment No 05: To determine the overall electrical efficiency of mini Steam turbine power plant with super
S. Criteria Allocated Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Total
No Marks (0%) (25%) (50%) (75%) (100%) Obtained
Manipulate the Nature of errors in manipulating are:
1 controlling 3 Severely Highly Fairly Negligibly None
parameters critical Critical Critical Critical
0 0.75 1.5 2.25 3
Accuracy in tracing optimum conditions:
2 Trace optimum 2 Unacceptable Poor Acceptable Good Excellent
conditions 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Sub Total 5 Sub Total marks Obtained in Psychomotor (PO)

S. Criteria Allocate Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Total
No. d Marks (0%) (25%) (50%) (75%) (100%) Obtained
Display the Procedure displayed is
1 procedure to meet 3 Unacceptable Poor Acceptable Good Excellen
the task t
0 0.75 1.5 2.25 3
Sub Total 3 Sub Total marks Obtained in Affective (AO)

S. Criteria Allocate Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Total
N d Marks (0%) (25%) (50%) (75%) (100%) Obtained
Summarizing is:
1 Explain and 2 Not Poor Acceptable Good Excellent
summarize performed
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Sub Total 2 Sub Total marks Obtained in Cognitive (CO)

Resource Person : Waqar Anjum Total Marks: 10

Resource Person Signature: Marks Obtained (PO + CO + AO):

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