Suggestion Letter

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Punong Barangay

Camagong, Cabusao, Camarines Sur



I’m a student from Sta. Lutgarda National High School and we are given a task to write a suggestion
letter. I decided that I have things to say about here in the Barangay of Camagong and I would likebto
give an advice about the importance of knowing the cause and effect relationship between different
types of power and consequences of power, which is our lesson for the semester.

You have the power to achieve a desired outcome and power to do something on your barangay. Your
title gives you the ability to influence the behavior of your people, having the power over people and
ability to punish or reward. Having these, you can implement things that will advantage yours barangay.
I would love to discuss with you the Dimensions of power that you can use for your lead. The Power as
Decision Making is your conscious actions that in some way influence the content of decisions. Your
power in your barangay that gives your opinion considered and upheld in decision making. That can lead
to the Agenda that is you can prevent some issues from being aired in the first place. Last for the
dimensions of power is the Thought Control, it is the ability to influence another by shaping what they
think, wants or needs.

Next is the types of power. First, the reward power. Where the specific person complies in order to
obtain rewards they believes are controlled by someone. 2 nd, coercive power that the target complies in
order to avoid punishments. The Legitimate Power complies because they believes that the agent has
the right to make the request and the target person has the obligation to do so. The Expert Power of the
target person complies because of the belief that that agent has special knowledge about the best way
to do something. Lastly, the referent power complies because of the admired identifies with the agent
and wants to gain someone’s approval. The consequences of your power to reward is something valued
by your target person. The commitment is the consequence when the power used are referent and
expert. The common way to exercise referent power is merely to ask someone with whom one has a
friendship to do something. Lastly for the resistance, it is likely outcome when coercive power is used in
a hostile or manipulative way.

The presence of power makes a particular social behavior or activity distinctively political. Politics under
this view is in essence power or the ability to achieve a desired outcome. I hope this can help you for
your leadership in your community.

Thank you for the patience!

Respectfully yours,

Faith Belleca

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