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Council Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water

intented for human consumption. Adopted by the

Council, on 3 November 1998:
Chemical parameters

Parameter Symbol/formula Parametric

value (mg/l)

Acrylamide C3H5NO 0.0001

Antimony Sb 0.005

Arsenic As 0.01

Benzene C6 H6 0.001

Benzo(a)pyrene C20H12 0.00001

Boron B 1.00

Bromate Br 0.01

Cadmium Cd 0.005

Chromium Cr 0.05

Copper Cu 2.0

Cyanide CN = 0.05

1,2-dichloroethane Cl CH2 CH2 Cl 0.003

Epichlorohydrin C3H5OCl 0.0001

Fluoride F 1.5

Lead Pb 0.01

Mercury Hg 0.001

Nickel Ni 0.02
Nitrate NO3 50

Nitrite NO2 0.50

Pesticides 0.0001

Pesticides - Total 0.0005

PAHs C2 H3 N1 O5 P1 3 0.0001

Selenium Se 0.01

Tetrachloroethene C2Cl4/C2HCl3 0.01

and trichloroethene

Trihalomethanes - 0.1

Vinyl chloride C2H3Cl 0.0005

Indicator parameters

Parameter Symbol/ Parametric value


Aluminium Al 0.2 mg/l

Ammonium NH 4 0.50 mg/l

Chloride Cl 250 mg/l

Clostridium 0/100 ml
perfringens (including spores)

Colour Acceptable to consumers and no

abnormal change

Conductivity 2500 μS/cm @ 20 C o

Hydrogen ion concentration [H ]
≥ 6.5 and ≤ 9.5

Iron Fe 0.2 mg/l

Manganese Mn 0.05 mg/l

Odour Acceptable to consumers and no
abnormal change

Oxidisability 5.0 mg/l O2

Sulfate SO 4 250 mg/l

Sodium Na 200 mg/l

Taste Acceptable to consumers and no

abnormal change

Colony count 22 o
No abnormal change

Coliform bacteria 0/100 ml

Total organic carbon (TOC) No abnormal change

Turbidity Acceptable to consumers and no

abnormal change

Tritium H 3 100 Bq/l

Total indicative dose 0.10 mSv/year

Microbiological parameters
Parameter Parametric value

Escherichia coli (E. coli) 0 in 250 ml

Enterococci 0 in 250 ml

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 0 in 250 ml

Colony count 22 Co

Colony count 37 Co
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