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Review Article 2018,3{4} ?

74-283 Advanced Materials Proceedings

Symmetrical and unsymmetrical squaraine

sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells:
Present day advances and future challenges
Sultan A Al-hcraibi, S.T, Gaikwad, Aniali S -Raibhoi*

Department of Chemistry, Dr- Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada {fniversity, A*rangabad, Maharashtra 4il0il,India
*Corresponding author

DOI: I 0.5 I 85/amp .2A181826

The reguirernent for enerry is ever increasing in the past few years due to the need for the innovation of clean energy
ec+.friendly technologies.-3ynr*etric and asymrnetric SQdyes have received increasing attention and great potential for use
as Se-sersitizers for application in dye sensitized sclar cells (DSSC).This review article gives a synopsis of the
advanLrents on Se-sensitizers io the domain of DSSC and the chance used to enhance thet overall energJ conversion
efficieocy. Specifically, the primary factors in charge of the low values of open-circuit voltage (Z*) short-circuit
pn*ocurrent i"fs4 ana An factor (fF) ms debated in detail. Future orientations in rese"arch and expanded absorptions of near-
infrared.egion NfRl by development organic substances aud tleir ryplications ae suggested from a prsonal point of view.
Copyright @ 2018 VBRI Press-

Keywords: Dye-sensitized solar cell; synr?netric aad asyrmetric squaraine dyes; energy convetsion.

Introductisn (D-A-D) zwitterioaic molecular structure having squaric

aeid center fls acceptor. SQ-dyes have wavelength that
Solar radiatioa is the plentifirl source af erergy se etrth- caa be begua &em:risible light spectrum to rear infrared
Dye seasitized solar cell is orle ofpromisirg clean €a€rgy wavelelgth regicn relying on wise molecular design with
sourc€s due to the sua wkich supplies about 120,{H0 TW various daacr-moieties to extended zt-conjugation [6]'
of energy to the earth's surface, &*t ma*s 6,ffi times DSSC are buift of a SQdye absorbed broad band gap
more than tle curred rate cf the \rorld's euergy semicon ductor such as tit*nium dioxide(Ti0z) or Zinc
exhaustiol. The traditional silicon cells tlat rely st solat oxide {ZnO}, liquid electrolyte containing the iodide/
cells are aot prefered l:rrgely due r5 &e higler mst of triiodide G/L-) redox, aad a Pt-soated counter electrode
productioa and effective manufacttriag tectriquas- Dye [7-14], (FgJ].The ele.tru] irjecticn into the TiO: and
sensitized solar cells (DSSC) have acquired coc$id€rable dye renewal qdth bole transport to the redox couple,
attention because it envkorxnenBlly *iedly rature, called sstr$itirer iil which is oae of the most critical
attractive appearaace, low cf csst, ease of manufacture, c<>mponent the light hervesting and the charge
to for 'SSC
flexible a*d it doesa't need ta cornplex fahrication separation process [1 5J,
procedures. In 1991, Ctratzel md O'Regan presented the Ilr the ffear-IR region the photoelectric conversion
notion of low cost, high efficiency DSSC by relying on efficiency of DSSC is i*suffcient, so troreover studies
t}re mesoporous nanapa*icles of TiQ [1i. Siece the tiae are ceedd te develop new sensitizers to irrprove light-
of a large number of erganometallic ad orgaoic firc* harvesting ia fulI area of the spsctra of sunlight, including
which were utilized h BSSC have been desiryd [2-3] visible and NIR regiots [6]. Squaraine dyes (SQ) are
and in a kied endeavor te mmr:factwe solsr eells:rit} viewed as oae of the best substitutes betweea tle different
expand power diversioa efficiencies (PCEsXa]- ESSC Ru-ftee orgaaic dyes available. They have higher molar
have been used tremendo*s in tle previous decade extinc*ion cesfficierts ad much cheaper Ru-free orgaaic
because their poteatial use in low-east ouryIs Gf dyes {e.g- exfensicq c*efEcient ofsquaraine is -3 x 105
renewable resource and i& large-area, celourlirl, M-icn*l) [17-19], &an conventiocal dyes (Ru complexes
lightweigtrt device [I]. In 1965, T'rib€s st a] [5], fir* is -l x t# M*tc,m-l) [20]. They have ability to absorb
reported about squaraine dyes- Sguaraine dyes seirsitirers photo*s with a kmg waveleng& &om 500 to 700 rm. In
are oae of the poteatial filters due to thek slap aad addition, S*seasitizers are utilized to aggregate very
intense absorption to light ia rrear iaferred md visible easily orl the Ti*z wfacq which dimiaish the solar cell
region. They essentially eadme a &nor- acceptor{oa*r efficiency {21,227 aad ttreir absorption band is very tight

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Review Article 2818,?(4|27+283 Advanced Materials Proceedings

compared to Ru-complexes [1?-19]- will be huge It in the order of (CHzlSOfy> CI{zCll:z OH > CH:upon
challenge to evolve novel SQ-seasitizers in erhancing and changiag the substituent on the heterocyclic N-atom. A
generation of high efficieacy DSSC. similar way, fhe SQ-dye3 show the performance better
thau 1 and2 with a conversion efficieucy of 2.16%[26].

Fig.1 Tbe processes i* operational DSSC- Blue arrows indieate

beneficial procsses ad real arows i*dicate mdesircd *osses-

Squar*i*e structares for Dye-sensitiwd solsr cglls

SQdyes were initially applied ia ZnO pletoc*rd*ctors,
non-linear optics, ard optical data storage [23]-
Kamat and co-workers were observed that the iaitially
to invastigate the sensitive behaviour of SQ-sensifizers for
the cells structure by utiliziag these sensitizers had a very
low incideat photon-to-curreni transfereqce efficiency The carboxl groups in four SQ-dyes &om 4-Tcontain
[241. dialkyi-substihrted anilines avail as the anchor and donor,
Ia 1999 Zhao et al introduced symrnerical squaraine and studied &e effects of tle length of the alkyl halides
as sensitizers dyes in DSSC [25J- chain of tte dialkyl-aminophenyl unit on the dye-
Since 2010 there has b€e'r1 wid€ atte!*ion in seasitized solar cells performance 127]. Tltey fou:rd that
utilizing SQdyes as sensitizers dyee in dye-secsitized &e SQ-dyes 6 and 7 have shorter spacer leng& led to
solar eells. higLer IPCE valaes because their increased absarption
intensity and vigorous light harvesting i* the near in&ared
SymmArical sqaaroine dyes as sensitiwrs region (NIR), iadsced by H-aggregation in the green and
Symmetric SQ-sensitizers are synthetic via intensifrcation blue regions of visible light reftecting tlat the methyl
of one equivalsat cf 3,4-dihydroxy -cyclobut-3-eae-1,2- carboryl acceptors groups dialkyl-substituted anilines
dione {squaric acid) with two equivalents of a quaternized may improve the interactions betweea dye molecules with
methylene base such as 2-(N-methyl-N-pheaylamino) TiOz thus leading to more efficient electror injection..
acetic acid and 2-metlylbeazo[d]thiazole, indole .dlso, SQ-dyes 5 and Tcaused to higher /oc due to the
derivatives (Scheme 1). Struct*re can be achieved by restrain of charge recollection between I:- and the
using various preflrs€)rs of a quaternized methlene base electrcrx injected on fhe TiOz by the long alkyl chain on
witl squaraic acid. anili*e. The SQ-sensitizer 7 based on solar cells has ry
vatue of 3.4lYo, and the iacident photon to converted
o elecfon valu€ rerched vp to 72.9'/t at 671 *m.
\__/ I I tu = quaterdzed mgfryleo€ hase
_ a,
Ad}- e,
l-l nhmanol\oluenef l:l volua) -{( V

Scheoe 1. General method proce&re for syxmeirical sqraaine

Zhao atd. co-workers syn&etic 3dyes *f SQ-
sensitizers 1-3 and utilized them ia DSSC- The )
absorption spectra of SQ-sensitizers were progressi -vcly COOH HOOC

Convriohi (o 2018 VBRI Pre-s:s ,75

Review Article 2018,3(4) 274-283 Advanced Materials Proceedings

Asy**effiml ry*araine dyes ** senxilizers

\ Asym*icat SQ-seasitizers caa be synthetic from
( dibr*yl esquarateby 3-steps (scheme 2). In the initial step
the dibr$tl quarate reacts with one equivalent of
\: ) rel}yle,ts base or an aniline derivative with
-) ahasolin paticipation cf the triethylamiae which act
cataiyit to grve &e corresp-cadiagmonosquaraine.
\ Hydrolysis of tle rnonosqua -raine by NaOII and HCi
yields marc-squaraine tllrich when reactedwith another
\*, ) mstlyleae base leads to ccrrespoading asymmefic SQ-

Newly, Yao and his colleagues reportd 3-Slioeline

based oo symmetrical SQdyes from 8-1O [29]- In these
SQdyes, the aovel acceptor groups arc coajugative
coryrected to tlre quiaolire do*ar moiet -ies The e&ct of
various acceptor groups and additionally the level of
conjugation between -COOH acceptor grosps and -CH: Seheme 2" Geoeral sylthetic metlod for unsymmeaical squaraine
donor groups on the photo-physical and photo-chemical sensitizers.
properties. Maximum absorption of,SQdyp 10 reached qp
77A trrn afrofrEthese three SQdyes sensitizers because of In 2005, Alex et al. Meihodically shdied &e variance
iongest zr-electroa conjugation leng& and its highest befwee* different symmetrical a*d unsynmetrical SQ-
polarity. In light of experimental and their theoretical that sensitizers (11-17)t311. The rese -archers found that the
studies quinolioe-based SQ-sensitizers with a stronger effrciencies of dye-sensitized solar cells based on
acceptor group, greate{ coajugpted &ameworh and highel asymmetric SQ-seositizers are beuer than those
polarity are valuable for the conversion efficiency of symmetrical sensitizers- The aggregatiol of the
DSSC because of an increase io the &iving force fcr synrmetrical SQ-sensitizer on the TiOz surface lead to
photo-hduced eleckoc-injection and a diminishment in decrease the performaaee of DSSC. Notwi&standiog, tbe
electron recombination likelihood. In spite of tle best ry electrons of the excited state of asymmetric SQ-
obtained of result just 0-41% under AM 1.5G solar sensitizers exhibit in one direction flow that lead to more
iradiation, it reveals some SQ-dyes desrgn rules on such efftcient charge separation and higher performance for
sort ofsensitizsrs. DSSC. The DSSC based on SQ-sensitizerl6 showed the
best performance with an efficiency up tc ?.-081ok-

ReviewArticle 2018,3{4i 274-28.3 Advanced Materials Proceedings

oaly a short augrnentation of the molecular spine, the

\Alr absorptio* ard rnolar extinction coefficient were
\"oo, especially enhmced which lead to improved light
karvesting a*d expsnd IPCE runge. The excited state
electron distributioa of22 is delocalized on the indolium
moiety beariag the COOH acceptor group that brought
about a streng electronic coupting with &e conduction
band (CB) cf TiCz and subsequemtly a high efficiency of
elmtron-injection At last, 4 : 5-48%, correspoods to
excess of Tlt/o as conkasted to 21 mder the similar
coaditions. The struetaral advantages of SQ-dyes lead to
their tight absorptioa at almost 600-800 nm and then it is
Otsuka aad othcr researchers have modified the necessary to excess the absorption intensity in the short-
structure of
asymmetric SQ-dyes by synthesiziag 3- wavelength to enhance scope ofthe sun spectrum.
dyes(18-20) and utilized themis nanocrystalliae TiOr
based DSSC [32]. By introducirg long-chai* kryl alkyl
to the 2, 3, 3-trimethyl-3H-indolium rnaiety, H-
aggregation of SQ-sensitizer 2B ld to higher lpCE'thac
dye 18 which to based an DSSC. Finaltn the DSSC based
on 20 as a sensitizer with long carboxylic acid as a co-
adsorbent gave a q of l-51% wi& alsc of 4.$4aAcm-2, a
Voc of 4.62 Y, and a FF of 0-63, which are aktr$st
correspond the efEciencies of the BSSC based on yeliow
and purple-colared sensitizer dyes.

Beveri*a et aL selected the residues ofthe diethyl the

obarbites as the electron-pull group instead an oxygen
atom of the SQ<ore which provide aa additional high
energy absorpdon baad and improve the cis-shape Se-
dye sersitizer 23[35]- The DSSC based on SQ-dye 3 as
sensitizer prsdBced a higher Jsc vaiue (11.87mAcmr)
than that based on dye 2l t1O.5 mAcm2) and an improved
r7 of 4.7Ye as coopared te 4.5%o in the dye Zl-based dye-
sensitized sola cells. Another strafegy is to extend the n-
conjugatioo lergth of the molecular backbone for
bathochromically shiftiag the absorptior spectra of Se-

I* 2047, Yum et al reported penetratioa work on

improved asyrmtetric SQ-seasitizers for irylernertation //1N
in DSSC [33]. They irrrrroved a*d syu&esized &e novel
SQ-dye 21 which contaired a novel rnolecular desip ts
directly link a cartarylic acid grerry to thn Z, 3, 3-
trimethyl-3H-indolium moiety. The electrm de*sfu
distributions are useful fcr electrer iajectiom aad efficier*
charge separation- Finally, the DSSC based on 2l oxhibits
a peak in tle IR region at 650 nm abt$t IPCEup to 85%.
The ./sc value obtained was 10.50mAcm-2. The tr oc was The asymmetrical dimeric SQ-dye 24 reported by
0.603V, and the Ff was 0.72, correspondent to an overall Kuster et al [36]. The absorption of SQ{ye 24 reached up
ry of 4.52Ya, which vras the highest value reported for a to 725 nrn because ofthe expanded linear a-conjugation,
DSSC basedon SQ{ye. sEucture and the executed planar of tle naphthalene
Geiger et al. syntletic of novel asyrmnetric Se- moiety. Also, the extinction coeffic -ient amounted to
sensitizer dye22, which red-shifted the absorption 389000 Lmol-rcm-l, because of the existence of two
spectrum of SQ-dye 21 by adjusting tle molecular chronro -phoric units in the molecule dye 24. However,
structure [34]. Io SQdye 22, one of l-ethyl-2,3,3- the cell performance 8/a) is small although the
trimethyl-3H-indolium moiefy was substift]te by a {7-3
excellent absorption spectr -um because of intense H-
benzindoli -um moiety which ca:r be displayed on the Ieft aggregation, that arises from the broadly extended zr-
side ring of the indoiiurl structrre. ln spite of if comprises backbone.

Copyright @ 2018 VBRI Press 277


ReviewArticle 2018,3{4} 27+283 Advanced Materials Proceedings

Choi et al. introduced a massive hexyloxyphenyl motif

i*to &e SQdyes fltructsre and developed three SQ-dyes,
36-iSI4Si- Dye aggregation was efficiently stifled
because ef&e introduction ofgreat steric groups' A very
high rate af 52lo/o xas achieved ia DSSC based on
magnificeatJscof 13,93 rn Acm-z.


Pandey et al. methodically str:died t&e sfrn:chrre prop -

erfy relationships of asym -uetrical and symmekical SQ-
dyes through the iotegraticn of various alkyl and
fluorinated-alkyl substi -tueat [37]- Dye-seasitized solar
cells based on aqrmmetrical squaraine 28 atrd 29 gave
higher ry values than tlose of 25, 26 Ml 27- Tfu
efficiency of SQ-dye 29 (3 -35%t is a little Sreats *raa thc A similar research grcup firther iatroduced another rc-
dye 28 {3.1W becatse of the utilized of leugthy chain spa€er stnrchtre into &e SQdy*, ia rfris way developing
substitueat, that efectively suppressed H-aggregaiioa sensitizers 37 end 38 1411. The absorption peaks ofthese
between SQ-sensitizers. In view of the exlreri:neltal datg, SQsensitizers rached rry arormd 665 nm. By improving
tle autlors proposed that the Yalue of &17 eV between the caneentratifir of carlorylic acid aad TiOz film
the highest occupied molecular o*ital {HO&{O} and the thickness, DSSC based ol dye 37 had m efficiency of
oxidation/ reduction potential- AIso ktween &e lowest 6.298/o {Jx::13.93 mAcs', Yoc : 0.61 E FF : A.74).
rmoccrryied molecular (LUMO) d CB of TiOr is The DSSC based on dye 37 achieved an overall r7 of
adequate for dye regeneration aad elestrotr injectioa, 1.95%- Both vala+ wers between the highest efficiencies
respectively. sbtair€d at that time utilizing SQdyes. In spite of the
Maeda and collegues jained heterocyclic c<xnpo*ds conversioil efficimcy of tte DSSC based on the dye- 38
rich in electrons, for example quinoliniue, benz[cd] dye was less ttan 37o/o. The previous cell showed
indoliunr, and benzopyrylium groups, into tle strucfere of lolg term when aa ioaic liquid
excelleaa stability over f&e
SQ-dyes to afford dyes 3&-33[38]- In spite cf the was utilized as &e electrolyte. Iocrease efftciency to
absorptioa peaks are broadly red-shifted as contrasted to 3.01% ol the iaitial value of 2-4T* a*$ 1000 hours of
their parallei &ye 21, &e highest general 4 betweet the light soeki*g at 60t due to hexylory anrl ditferent equity
fonr squaraine dyes {abraiaed with 34} wz* iu$t L.62yu group direfhylfluorene srbstitrted *mino prevent €ofitact
: 8.20 mAcm-2, l/oc4-4t Y, -FF: 0.5*} beeause of of &e accqltor wi& TiOz surface resulting in a decrease
the low IPCE'response &om the Eear-iafrared {f{IR.} to in the dark currert.
the visible region-
For SQ-dyes 34 aad 35, benzothiazole rqiacernents
were introduced into the sensitizer sfirchre
[39]. Solid-state DSSC based oa fhese two-dyes showed
total r7 : 0.90 and A.68ys, reryectively.

Copyright @ 201 I VBRI Press 278

ReviewArticle 2A18,3(4) 274-283 Advanced Materials Proceedings

Li et aI" A similar skategy was chosen to achieve a introduction of rich electron 3, 4-ethylenediox
panchromatic respoos€ of asymmetric SQdyes by ythiophene moiety, tleaufhors additionally synthesized
introducing a rich electron 3y'-ethylenedioxythiophene two new unsymmetrical SQ-seusitizers, 43 and 44, by
IEDOT) and bithiopheae(BT) u:dt$ betweea the certsr of chaaging the indolium unit to quinoline so as to extend
squaraine and the hexyloxyphenylamino [a2]- The lhe IPCE response into the long-wavelengfh system [43].
resulting dyes 41 md 42 had a maximum absorption at Of conrse, the IPCE response was shetched out to 1050
690 and 655 arn, respectively. A small sEuctural change, nm for DSSC based on both of the two SQ-dyes.
which is a 3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene ring replacement .4 values were 1ow e1.9%)
Nevertheless, the overall
in dye 42 by bithiopheae {BT) moiety resulted in a blue- becsuse of &eir low Yoc aad lcf'. Maeda and co-workers
shift of 39 nm and a loqrer molar extiactioa coefrcient. created tlree novel NlR-absorbiag SQ-sensitizers (45, 46,
The higher -rsc (11.12rnAcm-] and 4 values (?.-61Y9 af a*d 47) with a linearly extended a-conjugated structure
the DSSC based on dye 39 is due to a seperior light- tbrougb Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions utilizing
harvesting ability- This finding uncovered the iryact of stannylcyclobutenedienes [44].
spacer groups on the photocurreat ard efFrciency though The absorption peaks of these SQdyes were situated
improvement of tle spectra. Based on the supert light- at 777, 779, and 800 nrrt, respectively, Nevertheless, the
harvesting performaace of 41 as a result of the total 4 values reduced *om 2.26Yo n dye 44,2.81% ia,
dye 45, tD 1.82% in dye 46. The humble ef&ciency values
are *re ts &e decrease is Yrx, aad electoa traasfer again
w&, j$ values are u*expectedly Iow resulting from the
aggregatioa of dye-molecules.
Warnan et al. A novel molecular procedure for
obtaining a panchromatic SQ- dye was discovered by
covalent linking ofsquaraine dye aad boradiazaktdac -ene
{BODIPY}, which brought about the first tri-
ckcrcph*ric dye ,*9[45]. The SQsensitizer 49 has
abscrptio* spira at 66*, 528 and 42?, allid 552 nm,
whieh are set in shifts cf the squaraine, a*d the BODIPY
chromophores. The similar states of DSSC creation, the
phatocurrent aad the photo- coaversiorr efficiency showed
a progressive fucremelrt in the followirg ofier 47<48<49.
In spite of tke efficiency of &e DSSC by dye49 was just
3.Y/a,tbexe $ufcqrrles affirmed that sr:ch a design strategy
to join the covalent tiree diverse dyes is successful in
imgrove panchrcmatic SQ-sensitizers.

Copyright @ 2018 VBRI Press ?79

Review Article 2018,3{4} 274-283 Advanced Materials Proceed ings

In 2011, Shi and colleagues crated an aslannretric

bis(indoline) SQ-sensitizer 5ll far use ilr SSSC[46J. In
this novel SQ-sensitizer structnre, ore fhiophee rcit was
covalently cormected to an i*dalium mcie{ which
prompting the band to gai* additio*al posrer absorptioa.
Besides, utilizirg a stronger electron pull the
carboxycanorinyl group also resulted &om tle acc€ptor
rather than the COOOH in a very Doppler shift of 23 am
for maximum absorptior comp*red ta 2&- T\e IPCE
curve for dye 50 was observed, surpassing 5{Plu ia &e
wavelength range of 42!-735 n* and reaches aboul 67%
at 710 nm in a standard iodine-based solution cell- The
fraal 4 of 6.76% was obtained with a Jsr:: 14-7 mAcm',
a Yac of t.651 Y, and a FF of A-73. At once, by utiliring
the presence oforgaaic hole once, transfer ofsolids state In 2$15, Seong Hee Biae et *l lrla,re synthesized
rather thsn electroll'te liqui{ the efEciency af Z.68Yo bas asyrnmetrical SQdye 55 and utilized as sensitizers dyes
been achieved. This plan metlodology is by all accounts for DSSC wi& changiag r-bridge units, based on the D-z-
extremely e*couragiag and indicates that both the A SQ{yes. The phenothiazine was used as a doaor group
maximum absorption of the red shift and the csrmected to a squaraine certer unit by different
panchromatic absorption can be. thiopheae derivatives. SSsemitizer has a cyanoacr -ylic
Funabiki et al. qmthetic Z-SQ{yes, 51 and 52, acid {C+H:NO) as an electron accepti:rg group wilh
coryrising 2, 3, 3-trimethyl-3H-indole unit as the donator greater vigor and joiaed directly to SQdye. These SQ-
that is directly related to 3, 4-dihydroxycyclo $ut-3-ene- sensitizers showed intease absorptior: ia tle NIR region
1,2-dione without any linker group [47]. aad powerful fluorescence. Consequently, a DSSC based
oa the SQ-seir.sitizer dye 55 iaclude a thiophene unit as a
r-bridge unit and -COOH group as aa electron-aachoring
graup show &e best photovoltaic performance of 6,01
mAsa41*, 447 rnY *f Yo, atd 0.73of FF to give total
conversioo effi ciency ?, af 2 -A1% 1491.
Fadi M- Jradi aad co-w+rkers reporkd eight SQ-
selsitize{s 5ffi3 with thiophene, zr-bridges with
clmoacetic acid 5G59 and cyaaophosphon -ic acid 60-63
contaias donor/ accep{or glo$Fs synthesized to extend the
absorSioa af SQ-seasifizers- SQ-sensitizers with
cyaaoacsfic add 5t59 acceptor groups have higher
power conversioll efficiencies compared to
cyaaoplesphoric acid 6S{3, with the highest bero:g8.9oh
for t}e SQ-seusitizer 59, this is because of high short'

In2014, Chi Hwan Lee and cs-work€rrElorted a nenr

strategy to promote ths transfer of charge for SQ-dyes and
TiOz by increasirg the acceptor gror4x.
Symmekical (53) alrd asymmetrical SQ-54 dyes wi&
various anchoring gor+s- SQ-se*sitezer 53 coataining a
two anchoring groups displays wirh TiGz elecfror:ic
coupling better thaa the SQ-sensitizer 54 dye which
contain mono-bridge that lead$ 53 to show better
photovoltaic performaace- The opiaaized SQ-53
sensitized solar cells displays 7-7{ mAc*-z sf 1,., *.61V
af Y,", and 0.64 of FF, to give overall conversion
eflrcieucy of 3.19il/a, rrhich is apprcxinxtely 25% higtrer
than the SQ-54 sensitized solar cells [48].

Copyright O 2018 VBRI Press 280

Review Article 2018,3{4} 274-?83 Advaneed Materials Proceedings

circuit currents (Jsc) and increased open circuit voltages stucture. Nonetheless, modern shrdies have cast
(Yoc). SQ-sensitizers with cyanophosphonic acid suspicion about the coaclusioa that asymmetric structures
(CHNO3P) 60-63 anchoriug goups showed lower Jsc outcome in DSSC with ii:rproved perform -ance in
of diminished charge injectioa efEciency, as
because comparisoa wilh sym:netric structares. Park and co-
determined by femtosecond impermanent absorption wsrkers accurately coryared the symmerrical SQ{ye 64
spectroscopy. This study suggests that out-ofplare bulky wftL ia uasymmetrical coogerer 2l [51], The researchers
substituent may increese dye sensitized solar cells found that the symmetric dye # generany bad to a higher
performance by increasing open circuit vollages {ltoc) and totAl 4 : 4.6lYa tha* dye 21 4 : 4.22Yo ua*er
short circuit curreots (Jsc) through decreased aggregation the saae test situafions.
onTio:/electrolyte recombination [50].

Madad co-worters. specified that a symmekic SQ-

dye ca
led to b€{rsr DSSC perfermnce. The researchers
lord tlat tk SQ{ye 65 pve a high€r total ry of 3.58%
Goryared with its asymmetric peer SQdye 66 4 of 2.8Yo
[52]-The Js *atue of the DSSC based on 65 was
isreasd W 35% (ftom 10-3 - 14.2 mAcm2) with
sryad to dye #- Tk rsffiek referred that the
ircr€se in lsc cot only to fhe effect of panchromatic
abso{Sion but also to tk decrease ic erergy loss caused
by the *oto isomers. Thme results have revealed
signifiaut effecs on DSSC perforoance by refiniag the
steric $nrcttre of &e SQ{yes. From now on, we should
csfiifire to consider various vsiaats for the design of
ilew mleccles SQ*ye in the firture.

Slrmmetrk verfius asryfitelric sqa*r*i Squaraide dyes for C*sexsitized DSSC
The development of the SQ-dye &om the molecular
structure of the symmetric to the asymmefic cae has been To esharce aad evolve the efficieacy of DSSC, many
transformed. As previously meatioued, two research rmeschers have focused their attention or the
groups studied tle different effests af asymmetric a*d parrchrumaticdyes to exgand the absorption of SQdyes
symmetric sensors (dyes 1}-19 arad27-31) oa ltre DSSC &sm700-2500 nm [53]. The SQ-sensitizer is an excellent
performance. The two groups conckrded &at asyrunetric promi$ng flter for utilize as a co-sensitizer to expand and
structures were help*rl for en&aacing aad irqJrraving ircreeeat the light-harvestiag at near-in&ared
DSSC performance. wavelugths regicn as a rosult of its very high molar
Yuu et al. firtber displayed that the asynrmetrical exfi*ction coefficienl in the long-wavelength region.
SQ-dye 2l gave good conversio* effieieacy bec*r:se cf Below ve LigLlight a few cases io whieh SQ-sensitizers
the directional electron transfer iE *ie type of m*lecula dyes xere *ilized as co-sen$itizers b DSSC-

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Revierry Article 2018,3(4) 274-283 Advanced Materials Proceedings

Chen and his colleagues co-sensitized SQdye 26 With the global increasing request for energy saving aad
with yellow merocyanine (CzeI{:zN:NaOrS) dye 00 a"d alternative energy, technologies, will contioue the search
red hemicyanine fluorescent dye {R) 1541. T\e IPCE for best organic materials for aa enhancing arrd
display high values greatff than TOYo with a broad band developmert tle DSSC by using SQ- seasitizers.
range of400-800 run, due to the contributian from three Coasidered &e SQ- dyesa very promising
dyes with various absorption properties- This patl lead to tle near-
candidates due to high absorption coefficietts in
total q of 6.5To with a Jsc 15-8 m/$m-2, a Yac of 0.525 IR regior aad stable *ea-IR abso*ing so should be
V and a FF of0.63. nsing ia &e technology erd l&eir applicatioas for
conskucting futegrated photovoltaics. It is important and
')'-"""' feasible to seach ad eadeavor to get on asrs high
efficiency SQ-sensitizers for dye sersitized solar cells. So
\ the absorpioa of pmchro -matic with bigh absorptior
/L// //-- csefrsierts of the visible to near-IR spectral area of SQ-
scssitiz€rs dyes remairu a major challenge for scientists'
research in &e comilg yers.
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