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Max Planck and the genesis of the energy quanta in historical context

Article  in  Current Science · September 2008


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Rajinder Singh Dr.

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg


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Max Planck and the genesis of the energy quanta in historical context
Rajinder Singh

The German physicist Max Planck (1858–1947) is considered as the founder of quantum mechanics as he had
proposed the quantum nature of energy. On 29 November 1937, the German Ministry of External Affairs in-
formed Planck about the travelling possibilities to India. This was in connection with an invitation of the Indian
Science Congress Association at its 25th anniversary. The document KultW 17804 II dated 10 December
1937 suggests that Planck declined the invitation as he was too old for such a journey. On the occasion of
Planck’s 150th birth anniversary, the following note is intended to give a short review about his life, scientific
achievements and in particular the genesis of energy quanta hypothesis. Indian scientists came in contact
not only with Planck, but also with other European theoretical physicists. In the end a brief review about the
development of theoretical physics in India in the first half of the 20th century is given.

Some of the renowned German physicists Max Planck was appointed professor of theoretical
such as Arnold Sommerfeld, Werner physics. Planck later recalled that he was
Heisenberg and Max Born visited India Max Planck was born in Kiel. In 1867, the not happy with the position as it was not
in the 1920s and 1930s. During this pe- family moved to Munich due to pro- due to his scientific capabilities, but the
riod Indian physicists had close contact fessional reasons. After finishing school- connections of his father with Gustav
with the German scientific community. ing, Planck studied physics and mathe- Karsten, a professor of physics6. He gave
S. N. Bose wrote ‘Planck’s law and the matics. In 1877/78, he spent a semester lectures on electricity, optics and ther-
light quantum hypothesis’1. This led to in Berlin and came in contact with great modynamics. These topics in combina-
the foundation of Bose–Einstein statis- scientists of that time, such as Herman tion with Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory
tics. In the 1950s, Bose visited Planck’s von Helmholtz and Gustav R. Kirchhoff. formed the basis of his researches on
student Max von Laue (1879–1960), who His Ph D thesis and postdoctoral work radiation theory.
called 14 December 1900 as the ‘birthday (Habilitation) dealt with thermodynam- After Heinrich Hertz who discovered
of quantum theory’ as on that day Planck ics, in particular entropy – a topic which electromagnetic waves declined the post, in
introduced the energy quantum hypothesis. interested him throughout his life. In January 1888 Planck was offered profes-
On the occasion of the 100th death anni- 1920, Planck reformulated Nernst’s theo- sorship at the Freidrich Wilhelms Uni-
versary of Italian scientist Alessandro rem, which later came to be known as the versity, Berlin7. Hertz died at the begin-
Volta, renowned physicists like Niels third law of thermodynamics. It states ning of 1894. Planck intensively researched
Bohr, Max Planck, Arnold Sommerfeld that it is impossible to reach a tempera- on Hertz’s scientific work. As a conse-
and Meghnad Saha were invited to Como ture of absolute zero degrees. Planck also quence he learnt to apply thermodynamics
(Figures 1 and 2). During his lifetime contributed to the statistical physics. His on the emission and absorption proc-
Planck became a legendary figure. After well-known work is the Fokker–Planck esses. It was the beginning of his research,
the Second World War, in 1948 the Kaiser equation, which describes the time evolu- which later led to the derivation of
Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of tion of the probability density function of Planck’s law.
Science (founded in 1911) was renamed the position of a particle. Planck occupied many important posi-
as Max Planck Society (in German, Max Planck did not follow the advice of his tions, such as Secretary of the Prussian
Planck Gesellschaft – MPG). Today the Ph D supervisor Philipp von Jolly to not Academy of Sciences, President of the
MPG has 80 research institutes with continue work in theoretical physics as, Kaiser Wilhelm Society and Chairman of
more than 12,000 workers2. On the occa- with the discovery of the two laws of the the German Physical Society. He was
sion of Planck’s 150th birth anniversary, thermodynamics, there was nothing new awarded honorary doctorates by different
it will be worth knowing under what cir- to discover3. He decided to work on the national and international universities. In
cumstances the hypothesis came into exis- new theories of electrodynamics and 1918, he was awarded the Nobel Prize ‘in
tence. It was one of the important factors thermodynamics. At the end of the 19th recognition of the services he rendered to
for the development of atomic physics and century ‘the question at the heart of the the advancement of physics by his discovery
quantum mechanics. Interestingly, it was debate was whether time-honoured New- of energy quanta’. Planck was Fellow/
the period during which Indian physicists tonian mechanics could still be held as Member of different science academies
like Bose, C. V. Raman and Saha appeared the valid description of all of nature’4. such as those at Vienna, Uppsala, Copen-
on the international stage and interacted Planck was impressed by Rudolph Clau- hagen, Dublin, Rome, Stockholm, London,
with the Western scientific community. sius, who had introduced ‘entropy’5. Now, Amsterdam, Athens, Edinburgh, Boston
In this note Planck’s biography and the second law of thermodynamics could and Washington8.
scientific achievements are given. At the be formulated to state that the entropy of Planck’s private life was troubled and
end a brief review about the contribution an isolated system always remains a con- tragic. In March 1887, he married Marie
of Indian scientists to theoretical physics stant or increases. Merck. They had four children – two boys
and development of the field in the first Between 1880 and 1885 Planck worked and two girls. During the First World
half of the 20th century is provided. as an unpaid lecturer in Kiel. In 1885, he War Planck’s elder son was killed and


Genesis of energy quanta

When Planck had started his scientific

carrier, it was believed that physics had
reached a peak and there was nothing
new to discover. Light and electricity
were accepted as waves due to the vibra-
tions of a body. In 1871, the British sci-
entist J. C. Maxwell proposed laws which
explained the wave nature of electro-
magnetic radiation. Thermodynamics
was supposed to be complete. Heat was
seen as energy that could be changed into
different forms. The last step in this di-
rection was the second law of thermody-
namics. It stated that thermal processes
are irreversible, i.e. heat flows from
higher to lower temperature and not vice
versa. However, J. W. Gibbs, USA and
the Austrian scientist, L. Boltzmann had
proved that the law depends on the num-
ber of atoms in a physical system, and
thus had shown the limits of the law8.
The scientific community was divided
into two groups: one preferred to work
with the term ‘energy’, while the other
tried to explain phenomena in terms of
Figure 1. Signatures of the participants who attended the conference on the occasion
of the 100th death anniversary of Alessandro Volta at Como. Max Planck, D. M. Bose
‘atoms and molecules’. Mechanics and
and M. N. Saha are emphasized. Courtesy Centro Stampa Comunale, Como. chemistry were considered as part of
thermodynamics, and to be interpreted in
terms of atoms, molecules and their
movements. At the end of the 19th
century, the question was whether it will
be possible to find a theory which could
be applied to phenomena in terms of
‘energy’ and ‘atoms’.
Long before Planck started his scien-
tific carrier, in 1860 G. R. Kirchhoff
proposed the definition of a black body –
a body which absorbs whole of the inci-
dent radiation10. The radiation emitted by
such a body is independent of the mate-
rial of the body and depends only on
temperature. In the following years, fur-
ther studies led to the invention of different
radiation laws, e.g. Wien’s displacement
law. It made possible the calculation of
energy density (radiation energy density
per unit frequency) for all temperatures,
if it is known for one temperature. In
Berlin, O. Lummer and E. Pringsheim
Figure 2. Como conference participants – September 1927. Max Planck, D. M. Bose undertook experimental studies of Wien’s
and M. N. Saha are encircled. Courtesy Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen. law. They observed that though the law
held good for short wavelengths, it failed
his younger son Irwin was taken prisoner elder daughter died in 1917. His second for long wavelengths.
by the French. Later, he became an daughter died two years, also during Planck once recalled that he decided to
influential figure in German politics. childbirth. After the death of his first wife, become a physicist because the law of
Planck suffered a personal tragedy when Planck married his niece Marga von conservation of energy (that is, energy
Irwin was executed for an unsuccessful Hösslin, who bore a son. During the last can neither be created nor destroyed)
attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler9. While weeks of the Second World War, Planck’s fascinated him. For him the physical
giving birth to her first child, Planck’s home was destroyed by bombing. laws of science had solid foundation as


they are objective, their existence is Theory15. Some historians of science plained. In 1921, the periodic system was
independent of thoughts and wishes6. give credit to Albert Einstein for being finally explained by Bohr with the appli-
Planck, who believed in the existence of the founder of quantum mechanics, while cation of the atomic theory. Other scien-
universal laws of nature, was not satis- others take the side of Planck. One of the tists who contributed to atomic physics
fied with Wien’s derivation that contai- arguments against Planck is his letter and quantum mechanics were Sommer-
ned statistical elements like molecular from 1931, in which he stated that the feld (Figure 3) and Born. All the three
disorder. He wanted to have a formula energy quanta was a purely formal as- physicists had close contact with Indian
free from the molecular or atomic con- sumption and ‘I really did not give it scientific community. It will be worth to
cept, but based on more a general term much thought except that no matter what see, whether these contacts influenced
like energy. His intention was to formu- the cost, I must bring about a positive re- the development of theoretical physics in
late a law that justified his entropy con- sult’4. Elsewhere, energy quantum hypo- India?
cept, which was fundamental to the thesis has been called ‘lucky guessed
second law of thermodynamics. In 1897, interpolation’16. A special issue of the
Planck chalked out a grand programme popular journal Spektrum der Wissen- Theoretical physics in India
and started a series of five memoirs on schaft brought out in co-operation with the between 1900 and 1950
irreversible radiation processes11. In 1899 MPG has been entitled as Max Planck –
he found an expression for the entropy of Revolutionär wider Willen (Max Planck – In the beginning of the 1910s, the so-
an oscillator using which he could derive Revolutionary against his will). Here, called old quantum theory was developed
Wien’s radiation law12. However, experi- Planck has been compared with Christo- by Bohr and Sommerfeld. But it ‘not only
mentalists like Lummer and Pringsheim pher Columbus and Nicolaus Copernicus, failed to work in the cases of the two-
had shown that Planck’s derivation did who missed their targets but found some- electron helium atom and of more com-
not hold for long wavelengths13. Later, thing new which changed the history. plex atomic systems, but eventually failed
Planck derived the following expression After proposing the energy quanta hypo- even to explain the behaviour of the hydro-
for the spectral distribution: U (ν, T) = thesis, neither Planck nor his contem- gen atom under the influence of particular
αν3[exp(βν /T ) – 1]–1. This expression holds poraries were aware about this revolu- forces’18. Quantum mechanics was esta-
for long as well as short wavelengths. The tionary hypothesis, until in 1905, Albert blished between 1925 and 1932 by Born,
factors α and β are constants. Later β Einstein showed that not only energy, but W. Heisenberg, E. Schrödinger, W.
was replaced by a constant h. In also light needs to be seen as quanta in Pauli, P. Dirac and others. This theory
November 1900, Planck related entropy radiation processes. In order to explain was able to give solutions related to the
to molecular disorder. In order to find the black-body spectrum in terms of atomic constitutions of matter. A study
this molecular disorder, he had to find a Wien’s law, Einstein applied the concept by A. Kozhevnikov and O. Novik19 shows
way to divide the total energy among dif- of light quanta. He had shown that the that 203 papers were published on quan-
ferent oscillators. This he did by energy of the oscillator responsible for tum mechanics between July 1925 and
introducing the term ε (= hν) for the the emission and absorption of light March 1927 with 120 and 30 respectively,
energy of an individual oscillator. In the would change as multiples of hν. Ein- contributed from Germany and England17.
expression, h was a universal constant stein’s hypothesis of light quanta (later The following Indian physicists either
and ν the frequency of the radiation. This named as photon) had to face opposition contributed to modern physics or inter-
distribution was called quantanization. in the scientific community (in particular acted with the Western scientists who
With this the fundamental principle of by Planck), as it was against the theory were related to this field20: G. D. Deodhar,
the classical mechanics was opposed, of the wave nature of light, which was M. K. Ghosh, D. S. Kothari, C. V. Raman,
according to which the energy of a being applied successfully until then17. B. B. Ray, H. Rau and Saha. In order to
mechanical system was seen as a conti- However, phenomena like specific heat get better insight into the contributions
nuum. The paper regarding the process at low temperature and ultraviolet spec- of Indian physicists, further research is
of quantanization was presented to the trum in X-rays could not be explained needed. However, we have one case
German Physical Society on 14 Decem- using the classical theory. Such discus- study of the physicist B. B. Ray, who
ber 1900. H. Ruben and F. Kurlbaum at sions on the quantum problem on the oc- worked with the Nobel laureates Bohr
Berlin showed that among all the known casion of the first Solvay Conference and M. Siegbahn21. On 6 March 1926
laws of radiation (due to Wien, M. Thi- (1911) were the starting point for a new Ray wrote to Bohr from Berlin: ‘ . . . per-
esen, Rayleigh and Planck), Planck’s law field of research, namely quantum theory sonally I shall not be sorry if the whole
fits best to the experimental obser- (later named as quantum mechanics by outbursts of Born and Jordan is com-
vations14. M. Born). pletely withdrawn and I fear if the
In 1913, Bohr proposed an atomic atomic physics had to progress on the
model for which he applied Planck’s hypo- line of Born and Jordan, you will find
From energy quanta to quantum thesis. According to the model the elec- very few people left in the atomic phys-
mechanics trons revolve around the nucleus of an ics circle’. It seems Ray’s attitude to-
atom at defined distances. When they wards theoretical physics did not change
A number of excellent books and articles jump from one orbit to the other, a defi- in future. In 1992 an Indian historian ob-
deal with the advent of energy quanta, nite amount of the energy is radiated or served: ‘The impact of the discovery of the
light quanta and quantum mechanics. absorbed. With it a new field, that is, quantum dynamics was felt quite late in
Planck’s own version about the discovery atomic physics began, and also the ob- India in the field of solid state phys-
is to be found in A Survey of Physical served spectroscopic data could be ex- ics . . . B. B. Roy (Ray) . . . professor


physicists Schrödinger and Born to India,
but without success27.


Scientific ideas are not a matter of chance.

They come from a deep understanding of
the subject matter. At first sight, intro-
duction of energy quantum hypothesis by
Planck looks like a ‘shot in the dark’.
However, the analysis of his scientific
work and discussion of the prevailing re-
search fields of the time, clearly show
that it was due to far-sightedness that the
hypothesis came into existence.
In the first three decade of the 20th
century Indian scientists interacted not
only with the British but also with other
European scientists. In particular, they
Figure 3. From left to right: K. S. Krishnan, A. Sommerfeld and C. V. Raman. In 1928,
Sommerfeld visited India on an invitation from Raman and Saha. Courtesy: Raman Re-
were welcomed by German and Italian
search Institute, Bangalore. scientists. This was due to their achieve-
ments as well as due to ‘political sympa-
thy’ with scientists from the British
working with X-rays at Calcutta Univer- published on quantum mechanics remains A field of research can get established
sity, did not look kindly at all on the below 60. in a country only if it is supported by the
quantum mechanics of Heisenberg, Born In the beginning of the 20th century, regime and the countrymen. During the
and Jordan22. Indian mathematicians were better organized colonial period theoretical physics re-
In general theoretical physics began in than the physicists. In 1907, the ‘Analyti- mained an unwanted subject, as it was of
India at the end of the second decade of cal Club’ was founded (later named no use to exploit colonial resources.
the 20th century. On the occasion of the as Indian Analytical Club) and finally
25th anniversary of the Indian Science renamed as the Indian Mathemati-
Congress Association, Saha wrote a re- cal Society26. In 1934 the Indian Mathe- 1. Bose, S. N., Z. Phys., 1924, 26, 178–181.
2. Breuer, P. R., Spektr. Wiss. – Biogr.,
port on the ‘Progress of physics in India matical Society published its Silver Jubi-
2008, 1, 84–95.
during the past twenty-five years’. While lee Commemoration Volume. So far as 3. Hoffmann, D., In Lexikon der bedeu-
dealing with theoretical physics, he theoretical physics is concerned, in June tenden Naturwissenschaftler (eds Hoff-
placed his paper from the year 1917 in 1953 the first issue of the Indian Journal mann, D., Laitko, H. and Müller-Wille,
the first place. Other names listed are: S. of Theoretical Physics was published. In S.), Elsevier Spektrum Akademischer
N. Bose, K. C. Kar, R. C. Majumdar, N. general India’s contribution to theoretical Verlag, München, 2007, vol. 3, pp. 150–
S. N. Nath, N. R. Sen and H. J. Bhabha23. physics and in particular to quantum me- 155.
Other sources showing the development chanics, though not negligible, was only 4. Kragh, H., Phys. World, 2000, 13, 31–35.
of theoretical physics in India are two meagre. One of the reasons was colonial 5. Müller, I., Phys. J., 2008, 7, 39–45.
bibliographies24,25 on the ‘ . . . physics, education system for the exploitation of 6. Vogel, H., Zum philosophischen Wirken
Max Plancks, Akademie Verlag, Berlin,
astronomy, astrophysics and geophysics the colonies’ resources. Practical and ex-
1961, pp. 85–86.
in India: 1800–1950’. They are based on perimental work was the central point. 7. Lemmerich, J., Phys. J., 2008, 7, 35–37.
the analysis of 151 national and interna- This is evident from the Irvine Commit- 8. Hartmann, H., Max Planck – Als Mensch
tional journals and periodicals. The re- tee which in the 1930s gave report on the und Denker, Verlag Karl Siegismund,
searches in ‘Quantum mechanics and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Berlin, 1943, p. 13; 116–131.
quantum statistics’, and ‘Wave mechan- While opposing the appointment of a 9. Pufendorf, von A., Die Plancks – Eine
ics and wave statistics’ are taken as sub- faculty for theoretical physics, the com- Familie zwischen Patriotismus und
parts of general physics. According to mittee expressed its opinion as follows: Widerstand, Propylaeen Verlag, Berlin,
this classification, in the first half of the ‘Modern mathematical physics, with its 2006, p. 10.
twentieth century Indian authors pro- attractive fields of speculation and ex- 10. Kirchhoff, G., Ann. Phys. Chem., 1860,
19, 275–301.
duced only 35 and 19 papers respectively, periment, has little direct contact with
11. Jammer, M., The Conceptual Develop-
in the two fields. The authors have listed industry, . . .’27. ment of Quantum Mechanics, McGraw-
the two important papers of Bose related Indian physicists like Bose and Saha Hill, New York, 1966, pp. 1–61.
to the derivation of Planck’s law on quan- could not afford to work in theoretical 12. Planck, M., Ann. Physik Chem., 1900, 1,
tum mechanical basis under the category physics, they were forced to choose ex- 69–122.
‘optics and radiation’. Even if we include perimental work. In the 1930s, Raman 13. Lummer, O. and Pringsheim, E., Ann.
these papers, the total number of papers tried to bring the famous theoretical Phys., 1901, 6, 192–210.


14. Ruben, H. and Kurlbaum, F., Ann. Phys., losophical Society, Philadelphia, 1967, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I thank Prof.
1901, 4, 649–666. pp. 162–171. Falk Riess, University of Oldenburg, Germany
15. Planck, M., A Survey of Physical Theory, 21. Singh, R. and Riess, F., Sci. Cult., 2000, for providing research facilities. I thank the
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19. Kozhevnikov, A. and Novik, O., Acta 1934, 20, 10–17.
Hist. rerum Nat. Necnon Techn., 1989, 27. Singh, R., Nobel Laureate CV Raman’s Education, History and Philosophy of
20, 115–159. Work on Light Scattering – Historical Science, PO Box 2503, 26111 Olden-
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of Quantum Physics, The American Phi- Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2004, p. 135; 150. e-mail:

Edited and published by P. Balaram, Current Science Association, Bangalore 560 080.
Typeset by WINTECS Typesetters (Ph: 2332 7311), Bangalore 560 021 and Printed at Printek Printers, Bangalore (Ph: 2328 7763)


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