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Instructor - Salman Abubakar Bugvi

Assistant Professor –


Project is defined as a unique, temporary, multidisciplinary endeavor which is undertaken to achieve set
deliverables under the constraints of time, cost, quality, safety and scope. As a group of three students you should
evaluate a major project undertaken at the global Level provided as attachment.

The aim of this CEA exercise is to apply the theoretical,

numerical and computational aspects of the practical
project clearly and concisely after due study. The data is
secondary and should be analyzed as per clear
methodology and approach. The proposed requirements
should be met completely. Data and concepts selected
from report should be reliable and relevant on which
solid analysis on the principles of Project Management
will be made. The technical details and documentation in
the form of text, figures, graphs, diagrams have been
presented in the attached report. You are required to
study and understand the entire report and present the
following concepts in your own original, condensed and
clear work report and short presentation. To be submitted before final examination.

-The Project Life Cycle Analysis should be conducted starting from the initiation stage, planning, executing,
monitoring and closing.

-Prepare a Stakeholder identification, interaction and requirement section. The roles of the stakeholders who are
working in an integrated manner should be investigated.

-Give an analysis on the External Environmental Concerns for the project given.

-Give the technical and engineering requirements of the project. What engineering product or process innovation
is being performed. What benefits will arise for the customers or end users.

-Prepare a detailed work Break Down Structure highlighting the major deliverables and then preparing the
hierarchy of work steps. The responsibility matrix should also be established along with the Organization
Breakdown structure.

-Explain the constraint parameters of the project and their tradeoff across cost, time, scope, safety, quality etc.

-Evaluate the Risk Management Process and the mechanisms to identify, assess, remove and monitor the project

- Summarize the ethical, gender, social, climate, community and safety requirements generated due to the project.
What occurrences are there and how they are being handled or planned to be handled.

-The monitoring and control of the project to see that everything is on track should be investigated. What control
mechanisms were in place and how they detected and corrected the fluctuations of the project.

-The closing stage mechanisms of any renewable energy project should be analyzed. What steps were undertaken
to close, handover, commission the selected project. What were the post transition steps and milestones?

Instructor - Salman Abubakar Bugvi
Assistant Professor –
A comprehensive, clear, concise, logical and precise report of around 20-25 pages in Times New Roman 11 Font
covering the above mentioned analysis points should be submitted. Plagiarism will be strictly monitored and
penalized towards all members of the group if occurred.


Learning Outcome PLO-10 (Communication) PLO-11(Project Management)
CLO-1 KP3 (Course Fundamentals)
CLO-2, CLO-3 KP4 (Specialist Knowledge)
CLO-1, CLO-2 KP 7 (Societal Roles)
CLO-4 KP9 (Related Skills)
Un Satisfactory (1) Satisfactory (2) Good (3) Very Good (4) Comprehensive (5)
Demonstrates the
Begins to demonstrate the
Demonstrates an Demonstrates a ability to construct a
ability to construct a Demonstrates the ability to
inability in limited ability in problem statement
Problem problem statement with construct a clear and
identifying a identifying a with evidence of most
Definition evidence of most relevant insightful problem statement
problem statement problem statement relevant contextual
CLO1-PLO11 contextual factors, but with evidence of all relevant
or related or related factors, and problem
problem statement is not contextual factors.
contextual factors. contextual factors. statement is adequately
Demonstrate the ability
Begins to demonstrate the Demonstrate the ability to
to select, collect the
Demonstrates an Demonstrates a limited ability to select, collect the select, collect the data
data through correct
Data Quality & inability to select, ability to select, collect data through correct through correct sources, in
sources, in correct
Collection collect and present and present data sources, in correct format correct format and present
format and present
CLO4-PLO10 data related to the related to the selected and present data related to data related to the selected
data related to the
selected project. project. the selected project project clearly and
selected project
incompletely. insightfully.
Implement the
Relevant Unsatisfactory Implements the Implements the relevant Implements the
Implements the relevant
Standards/ understanding of the relevant codes codes but ignores relevant relevant codes with
codes perfectly.
procedures code procedure. incorrectly. contextual factors. minor mistakes.

Analysis is adequate
Analysis is not Analysis is performed Structural model is
Analysis/ Results with minimal mistakes Analysis performed
performed or done but Structural model is reasonable but with
CLO2-PLO11 in defining the perfectly.
entirely wrong. inaccurately defined. mistakes.
structural model.

Design/ detailing of Design/ detailing of Design/detailing of

Design/ detailing Design/ detailing of Design/ detailing of components done without components done with components done with
of components components not done components done with mistakes but no unclear tables/ complete
CLO3-PLO11 or wrongly done mistakes tables/detailing details/figures/ graphs tables/figures/details/graphs
figures/graphs etc. etc. etc.
Poor communication Average Ideas communicated with Concepts and ideas
Clear , concise and logical
Communication skills, presentation communication skills, limited skill however presented in report and
pattern ideas which are
Patterns/ Report with inability to presentation with words, sentences and the communication
pleasing and effective in
CLO4-PLO10 communicate limited ability to concepts can be patterns are above
evaluated concepts present logical ideas understood. average.
*This CEA problem comprises of the following components WP1(Depth of Knowledge)-WP2(Conflicting Requirements)-
WP6(Stakeholder involvement with requirement level)-WP7(Interdependence)-WP8(Consequences)

Rules of Submission

- In case of Non submission of CEA document zero marks will be awarded.

- The CEA document file has to be submitted before exam to the instructor in both soft and hard form.
- The deadline of submission will be enforced strictly and no late submission will be accepted.
- CEA document file will also be uploaded on TURNITIN Software Link to be provided for plagiarism check.

Instructor - Salman Abubakar Bugvi
Assistant Professor –
- Plagiarism limit is fixed at 20% due to accidental or unintentional similar words.
- Students are advised to check plagiarism limit of their report themselves before submission.
- CEA of Project Management has a total of 15 marks towards your subject score.

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