Understaning Indonesian Culture

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Seftika1), Miftahul Janah2), Wuri Syaputri3)

STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung, Indonesia
STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung, Indonesia
STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung, Indonesia

Abstract: Learning English as a foreign language usually related to learning culture of the
target language. However, for maintainning local culture and fostering Indonesian unity,
the researchers try to use local cultural material in teaching English. This study aims to
know students’ understanding toward Indonesian culture, and to know their English
speaking improvement after inserting local culture knowledge in Learning. The culture
focused on this study are lampungnese, javanese, sundanese, padangnese, and
palembangnese ethnic since these ethnics are dominant in students’ environtment. This
study used quasy-experimental design. The participants were the second semester students
of English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu. In collecting the data the
researchers employed speaking test for measuring students’ speaking skill and open-ended
quetionnaire for knowing students’ understanding on local culture. The result shows that
transmitting local cultural knowledge through English learning makes students to be more
familiar and understand the local culture. Moreover their awareness of cultural diversity
are improved due to the fact that they more appreciate on the differences that cause an
effective communication in social life. Consequently, students’ speaking skill are improved
through practicing English as means for transferring local culture knowledge.

Keywords: Local Culture knowledge, English Learning.

1. INTRODUCTION less understand their culture. Less

Indonesia is rich of culture which the understanding of other cultures can cause
society should be tolerance to cultural misunderstanding in society even causes
diversity exist in their environtment. It in harmonious in social life. That is why
also occured in students’ surrounding in learning English as a foreign language,
where at school they meet friends from it is a need to make an English class as a
different cuture bacground. As Moechram place for students to learn various culture.
(2014) stated that students are expected to EFL teacher shoud use learning process
respect differences existed in society and as one of ways to conserve konwledge
to give emphaty to the society from the culture for young generation. In some
different culture. In reality, many young cases, learning English as a target
generation do not really understand language in Indonesia perspective is not
culture surrounding even they do not merely learning culture of target language.
understand their own culture. How can Moreover, language is part of culture.
they comprehend others culture if they Teaching a language can not be

ELT- Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol 4, No 2, Agustus 2017


saparated from culture. Then in language cultures that are integrated into the
learning, culture is also classified as the practice of English language learning. The
fifth skill after listening, reading, results of the study showed that
speaking, and writing (Aly: 2014). In participants argued that the various
language learning, knowledge of local cultures represented in English language
culture and foreign language have to be learning have improved their cultural
introduced to the learners for inreasing understanding and their intercultural
students culture awareness and enhancing competence. While Choudhury (2014) in
their communication competence. his research entitled "The Role of Culture
Regarding to the conditions many in Teaching and Learning of English as a
researchers have proven the relationship Foreign Language" examines cultural
between cultures and language. The relations and language and its role in
relevance of cultures and learning of learning English as a foreign language. In
English as a foreign language has been this case the culture in question is the
researched by some previous research. culture of the target language.
Suciani et al (2012) has been investigating In contrast to previous studies, this
the concept of learning English research is focused on enhancing the
contemporary Balinese culture for understanding of the culture of the
elementary school students (SD) in Bali. archipelago through the contextual
This research aims to develop global English language learning. The local
culture as well as facilitate students in culture refers to the participant culture of
learning English because the material they the various tribes in STKIP
learn is familiar for students. The subject Muhammadiyah Pringsewu. Based on the
of English-language lessons based on survey results, although most of the
Balinese culture can accelerate the students are born and live in Lampung,
mastery of students' English because the not all students come from the Lampung
lessons are based on local wisdom. tribe. Given Lampung is a heterogeneous
Furthermore Prastiwi (2013) examines area. This area is inhabited by various
the use of folktales or folklore as a tribes such as Lampung, Java, Sunda,
medium for teaching English as a foreign Betawi, Bali, Palembang, Padang, and
language. The study aims to help students Batak. In the English classroom the
master the target language is English and material presented were connected to local
facilitate teachers in teaching local culture such as norms, values, habits, and
culture. This research has been conducted customs held by the students. Then in
in Solo, Central Java. The results of the terms of mastery of the target language is
study identified that the introduction of English, the focus of research is to
Indonesian citizens facilitates students in improve students' speaking skills. In order
mastering English and makes them to help students understanding of the
comfortable in using new languages. In Indonesian culture and this research used
addition to the introduction of various the 'Speaking' (speaking) class as a form
cultures, values, and ethnic characteristics of English learning to help improve
through folklore, cultural awareness is students' understanding of the culture, in
able to build the spirit of Bhinneka this case the depths are Lampung, Java,
Tunggal Ika. Sunda, Padang, and Palembang. By using
The importance of knowledge about this 'Speaking' learning, students are
cultural differences in the context of expected to be able to speak or
English learning has also been done by communicate by considering the culture
foreign researchers. Chinch (2013) of the other person. Hall (2002) mentions
examines the perspectives and attitudes of that communicative competence does
Vietnamese learners against the different consider cultural aspects of language

ELT- Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol 4, No 2, Agustus 2017


learning with more emphasis on language This research used quassy

use, but in practice, language is still experimental research design. The
regarded as a homogeneous system treatments that were given to the
separate from the interaction of speakers correspondent in this research is
in everyday life. About communicative contextual speaking learning of local
ability, Zheng (2014) says that effective culture. The design of this study used only
communication between cultures requires one group. The subject of this research is
intermediaries to gain intercultural the 2nd semester students of the STKIP
communicative competence or in English Muhammadiyah Pringsewu that consist of
it is called intercultural communicative 23 students where their cultural
competence (ICC). backgrounds are varied, such as
Lampungnese, Javanese, Sundanese,
In speaking, Burns (quoted in Goh: 2013) Padangnese, and Palembangnese. To
categorizes two approaches in speaking obtain the data, the instrument used is a
teaching: First is a direct approach. This test consisting of pre-test and post-test.
approach focuses directly on the The test type was speaking test that aims
development of isolated speech skills and to determine the students 'speaking
relates to the precision of sentence ability.Then observation and open ended
structure and other forms of language, quiestionnaire were also employed to
especially the pronunciation. Then, the know students' understanding and
second approach is called the indirect perception of the culture existed in their
approach. This approach focuses on environtment.
speech production during communicative The research procedures are firstly, the
activities, such as group work or in pairs, researcher gave pre-test in speaking. The
and it is more related to the fluency of researcher held a dialogue with the
speech. Burns (in Goh: 2013) adds that participants one by one. They were asked
this approach involves students in about their own culture and others culture.
practicing the language used for specific Secondly, the researcher gave information
purposes and functions. As an example. and delivered teaching material about five
Students are asked to describe an image to cultures in general. Thirdly, the
their partner who has not seen the image. participants were asked to describe their
The basic assumption of this indirect own culture. Having told about their own
approach is that when students practice culture, they have to describe other
how to speak in class effectively, they will cultures. Fourthly, the participants told
transfer the development of their speaking about legend, myth, fairy tale, and fable
skills through communicative activities to both from their culture and others culture.
the real situation. This study is about Fifthly, the participants delivered
improving students' understanding of argument and opinion related to cultural
Indonesian culture through contextual diversity. Sixthly the researcher provided
English learning in the 2nd semester post-test in form of monologue speaking.
students of STKIP Muhammadiyah Lastly, participants answered open-ended
Pringsewu Education Year 2016/2017 questionnaire.
academic year. By using this English
learning ('Speaking' learning), students are 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
expected to be able Enhance their Students understanding on Indonesian
understanding of some cultures in culture
Indonesia, as well as improve their ability The result of observation and
to speak and recognize texts in English. questionnaires showed that before
treatment most of the participants could
2. METHOD not explaind their culture in detail. They

ELT- Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol 4, No 2, Agustus 2017


also do not care to their friends’ culture. “Siger”. I could say nothing. Eventhough
Sometimes they viewed others only from I know that it is famous but I could not
their own perspective without considering explain the meaning of Siger.(Dell)
the reason why their friend who has People who live in Lampung does not
different culture acts differently. Having automatically understand about famous
talked about various cultures. The symbol in Lampung. The topic given in
participants are able to identified their speaking class has fostered Dell’s
own culture. They also explain about awareness to learn and understand the
traditional food, instruments, custom, and characteristic of Lampung ethnic.
habit. They conducted discussion about
cultural diversity, the role and the Excerp 4
influence of culture. Having listened When my lecturer said that the speaking
various information of cultures, they got topic was about Indonesian culture. we
language input. Therefore they get were very excited. But when we were
cultural knowledge, they can explain other asked to talk about our culture. It was
cultures and respect the cultural more interesting. We were enthusiastic
differences. involved in speaking class. All of us got
turn to speak up. (participant)
Excerp 1 The participants expressed their pleasure
At the first, I though Padangnese people when talking local culture in speaking
are stingy. After geting information from class. They assume that this kind of
my friends that people from Padang is not learning material gives stimulus for them
stingy but they manage expending to speak up. Then, they are challenged to
carefully because most of Padangnese master the material related to local culture
people are businessman. I understand because they think that it would be
them and more respect them. (Im) embarrasing if they could not accomplish
The participant shows possitive attitude the task well. They tried hard to transmit it
toward custom from other cultures. She in English. In other words bringing local
has changed her negative perception into culture as a material in learning English
possitive perception after getting has fostering students motivation in
information and detail explanation about Learning English.
persons’ character from certain ethnic.
Students’ speaking skill
Excerp 2 The chart below shows the pre-test score
I never go to east java, but I know Bromo of experimental class:
mountain from my friend’s story. It gives
me prior knowledge about the history of
Bromo, the condition and its description. chart 1 Pretest Score of
It is really interesting. I am interested to Experimental Class
go there. (May)
A Javanese participant described a
famous destination in east Java. She
5 Real Score
described in detail and showed the picture
to the class. Consquently, it is attracting

her friends, May, to visit Bromo


Excerp 3 The chart above shows that students’

I was born and grow up in Lampung. capabilities in speaking skill are fair to
When my lecturer asked me about poor. There were five students who got

ELT- Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol 4, No 2, Agustus 2017


score 36-43. There was no student who

got score 44-51, three students gained 52- 10
59, ten of them got 60-67, and five 8
students earned 68-75. The mean score of 6 Pretest
experimental class pretest score was 4
58.98. 2
The chart below shows the post-test 0
score of experimental class: 36-43 52-59 68-75 81-87
Chart 2 The Post-test Score of
Experimental Class Based on the chart, it can be seen that
there are no significant differences
10 between pre-test and post-test in
5 experimental class. There were some
Real Score improvements in the score of post-test. It
was shown that the lowest score in pre-
test was ranges 36-43 while in post-test it
was ranges 60-67. Only some students
showed an improvement from lower to
From the chart, it can be seen that middle score such as from ranges 36-43 to
students’ ability in speaking is excellent to 60-67. There was no students who got
very good category. The students who got score 76-94 in pre-test, but in post-test
score 60-66 were five. The number of some of students got it.
students who gained 67-73 was five. The result of participants’ score
There were six students who got 74-80, identify that they made impresive
five students earned 81-87, and two of improvement in speaking skill. At the
them got 88-94. The mean score of preliminary phase, they have less
experimental class posttest was 75.17. The difficulty in grammatical sentence, and
table and the chart below shows the have big problem in pronunciation and
difference between the pre-test and post- content. Moreover their vocabulary
test: mastery was also limited. Having
practiced to speak about local culture.
Table 1. The Data Analysis of Pre-Test They got enhancing in speaking. Because
they keep practicing to pay attention on
and Post-test in Experimental Class
their friends’ speaking, they got language
Data Scores input such vocabulary and the way how
Description Pre-test Post-test their friends pronounce the words
Number of 23 23 proprely. Then each participants have
Subjects (N) chance to speak up. Thus, the participants
Mean (M) 58.98 75.17 obtained many vocabularies that assist
Standard of 11.52 48.52 them elaborate their content when talking
Deviation about local culture and they are able to
Ranges 39 34 improve their pronunciation.
Maximum 75 94
Scores Students Understanding in Recognizing
Minimum Scores 36 60 Genre Text
Having practiced speaking during the
Chart 3. The Difference between Pretest lesson. The participants are able to
identify the generic structure, language
and Posttest of Experimental Class feature, and social fucntion of descriptive

ELT- Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol 4, No 2, Agustus 2017


text, narrative text, and hortatory Language Teaching Journal, 6(4), 1-

exposition. They can describe people, 7.
thing and place well. They are able to tell
the story related to the cultures. They have Choudhury, U Rahim. (2014). The Role
ability to explain something and give of Culture in Teaching and Learning
argument to the topics given. This finding of English as a Foreign Language.
supports previous research (Aly, 2014; International Journal of Multi
Prastiwi, 2013). Disciplinary Research, 1(4), 1-20.

4. CONCLUSION Goh, C.M. Christine. (2013).

The findings reveal that culture and Globalization and Teacher
language are always contiguous. Learning Development for Spoken English
a target language (English) not merely Instruction. Indonesian Journal of
associated with the culture target language Applied Linguistics, 3(1), 29-38.
but also related to cultural background.
Learning English based on local culture Hall, J.K. (2013). Teaching and
content is beneficial to socialize and Researching: Language and Culture.
conserve local culture. It is required to New York : Routledge.
develop language learning material. For
instance, all of learning material including Moechram, Y Niecke. (2014). Let’s Talk
text, dialogue, monologue, and the and Tolerates: Strengthening Students
exercise cover topics related with local Cultural Awareness through
culture. Thus, transmitting local cultural Literature Circles. Indonesian
knowledge through English learning gives Journal of Applied Linguistics, 3 (2).
some advantages. It makes students to be 117-127.
more familiar and understand the local
culture. Moreover their awareness of Prastiwi, Yeni. (2013). Transmitting
cultural diversity are improved due to the Local Culture Knowledgethrough
fact that they more appreciate on the English as Foreign Languagea (EFL).
differences that cause an effective Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary
communication in social life. Students’ Studies, 2(3), 507-513.
speaking skill are improved too through
practicing English as means for Suciani, N Ketut. (2012). Pembelajaran
transferring local culture knowledge. Bahasa Inggris Berkonteks Budaya
Bali: Suatu Strategi Pengembangan
Budaya Global. Stilistetika, 1(1), 45-

Aly, M A Safaa. (2014). Enhancing Zheng, Jing. (2014). Assessing

English Prospective Teachers’ Intercultural Communicative
Presentational Communication Skills Competence in College English
and Intercultural Competence: Post- Teaching. International Journal of
Process Based Program. Internatioanl English Language Teaching, 1(1), 73-
Journal of English Language 77.
Teaching, 2(3), 15-36.

Chinch, D Nguyen. (2013). Cultual

Diversity in English Language
Teaching: Learners’ Voices. English

ELT- Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol 4, No 2, Agustus 2017

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