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Parul Sharma

Junior Winner
Sainik Public School

"Describe your views on how cleanliness impacts national

development and health and how you can encourage your locality
and city to adopt cleanliness and promote healthy living" We must place dust bins outside the hospitals, in historical places, on the
road side and where it is possible. So that people must throw garbage in bins and
not anywhere.
By above mentioned things we can encourage people to adopt cleanliness
Clean India means healthy India.
and promote healthy living.
Cleanliness is very necessary for life. When a country is clean, its citizens
Clean and healthy country means healthy citizens and healthy citizens
are healthy. Cleanliness is associated with the development of our country. If
means developed nation.
cleanliness and healthy living are promoted and practiced, our atmosphere and
environment will become clean. Pollution level will decrease and if our
environment will become clean the health of people will improve. With good
health, people can do more work and they can earn more money with this money
they can improve their living standards. They are able to educate their children so,
therefore an educated generation means a developed and progressed nation.

Cleanliness impacts national development as cleanliness is important for a

person’s health. A healthy person can lead the people of country tomorrow.
Cleanliness helps in growth of economy of our country. If we make India a clean
and healthy place to live, the tourist level will grow in country and the economy of
country ultimately grow. Then our country will have some money to do
development. So it means cleanliness impacts development of our country.

So, inorder to promote healthy living and to encourage our locality to

adopt cleanliness we should go hand in hand. We should educate people of our
locality and city and make them aware about the harmful effect of uncleanliness
and good health effect of cleanliness. We should make others aware about
environment issues that cause adverse effect of human life and other living


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