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Noor Zainab

Senior Runner Up 2
Sparkles International School

"Digital Technology: How does it improve your life? What do you

think should be done with digital technology for the progress of the
country and citizens?" closer interactions with urban people. That leads to evolution of the society and
It is rightly said by Richard Stallman “Sharing is good and with digital
“I dream of a digital India where access to information knows no barrier” said
technology, Sharing is easy. “
our Prime Minister i.e. Narendra Modi. What is digital technology? Digital
technology is a base to process. Digital information is recorded in binary code of Due to digital technology schools will have access to faster wi-fi services.
combinations of the digits 0 and 1, also called bits, which represent words and Villages too will have access to fast broadband services. I would say that security,
images. These two binary numbers change the world into modern and digital protection of data, protection of interests of a citizen, information security and
world. The technology, today has advanced rapidly, so we all should go with pace national data security are matters of utmost importance. These all things are
in technology. looked at before implementing Digital Technology (DT) in government
departments, who use modern technology. I would like to conclude my essay by a
As of now, we are talking about better India. So, let us say India of today has
quote of Sir Arthur C i.e. "Any sufficient technology is equivalent to magic”.
some difficulties. These difficulties are in terms of population being large,
illiterate, unskilled in new technologies, poor, large unemployment and less
modernisation in rural areas.
These are difficulties in terms of access to services of various government
services, let it be health, food security, FDS, birth and death registration,
examinations, taxes, obtaining licences, renewing them, etc. There are difficulties
in terms of delays, imperfections, handling of document in hard copies and files
which can be reduced by implementing digital technology So, it is said that:
"technology connects us, technology unites us and technology amplifies our
Digital technology can digitize hard copies of documents. The internet allows
one to learn online any technology or other knowledge. Digital and telecom
hardware and software development is essential to bring the entire nation on one
framework. Social networking could possibly make the life of rural people with


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