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SaTy Description

01 ust.Independent Req
AA Promotion Order
AE Qtn from Serv. Order
AEBO Standard order
AEBQ Offer
IN Inquiry
QT Quotation
AP Project Quotation
AR Repair Quotation
AS Service Quotation
SI Sales Information
AV Quotation f.Contract
B1 Reb.Credit Memo Req.
B1E Exptd RebateCredMemo
B2 Rebate Correctn Rqst
B2E Rebate P.Correctn Rt
B3 PartRebSettl.Request
B3E Exp.PartRebSettl.Req
B4 Reb.Req.f.Man.Accrls
BIND Indir. Sales Rebate
BK1 Agrmt Cred.Memo Req.
BK3 Agrmt Cred.Memo Req.
BM1 Agrmnt Deb.Memo Req.
BM3 Agrmnt Deb.Memo Req.
BV Cash Sale
CH Contract Handling
CLRP Requests + Returns
CMDM Standard Order
CMR Standard Order
CMRC Standard Order
CMRP Standard Order
CRMC CRM Complaint
CRMR CRM Returns
DHU SlsDocTypeDelyHUmvmt
DL Order Type Sched.Ag.
DLR Ord.Type Returns Del
DMRB Standard Order
DMRP Standard Order
DMRR Standard Order
DZL Dec. Dely Order Type
ED Issue by Ext. Agent
EDKO Correction f.ExtAgnt
CR Credit Memo Request
G2WT Credit Memo Req. Val
GCTA Standard Order
GK Master Contract
KA Consignment Pick-up
KAZU ConsignPick-up CompS
KB Consignment Fill-up
KE Consignment Issue
FD Deliv.Free of Charge
CQ Quantity Contract
SD Subs.Dlv.Free of Ch.
KR Consignment Returns
KRZU ConsignReturn CompS
DR Debit Memo Request
L2DM Expense:DebitMemoReq
L2DP Expense:Payment Req.
L2WT Debit Memo Req Value
LA Ret.Packaging Pickup
LK Sched.Agreement ExAg
LN Ret.Packaging Issue
DS Scheduling Agreement
LV Deb.MemoReq. f.Ctrct
LZ Sched. Agr. w/ Rel.
LZM SchedAgrt w/Dly Ord.
LZS SA:Self-bill w/Inv.
MAKO Dely Order Correctn
MV Rental Contract
NL Replenishment Dlv.
OR1 Standard order
PLPA Pendulum List Req.
PLPR Pendulum List Ret.
PLPS Pendulum List Cancel
PV Item Proposal
RA Repair Request
RAS Repairs / Service
RE Returns
RK Invoice Correct. Req
RM Delvy Order Returns
RTTC SPE Return to Cust.
RTTR SPE Return Over.
RZ Returns Sched.Agrmnt
SO Rush Order
OR Standard Order
TAF Standard Order (FPl)
TAM Delivery Order
TAV Standard Order (VMI)
TSA Telesales
TSC CRM Sales/Complaint
UPRR Used Parts Returns
UUPR New Parts Returns
WA Rel. to Value Contr.
WK1 Value Contract- Gen.
WK2 Matl-rel. Value Cont
WMPP WM Prod.Supply
WV Service and Maint.
ZBI KR Back Up Stk Inv
ZBP Billing Plan Order
ZBU KR Sales Back Up Stk
ZCC Cost Centre Orders
ZCCO Comm. Credit Only
ZCCR CRM Credit Memo Req
ZCEC Contract Exchange
ZCLR CRM Return Order
ZCO Commission Credit
ZCQ Qty Contract Order
ZCR Credit Memo Request
ZCRP Commercial Replacemt
ZCXC Chargeable excg Repl
ZD Returns re-direction
ZDI OEM Approval Release
ZDL I/c OrdTypeSched.Ag.
ZDR Debit Memo Request
ZDR2 Service invoice req.
ZDS OEM Approval Shipmnt
ZDW Debit Memo Request
ZEDR Express Ship Charges
ZEXC Service exchange
ZFA Consignment Pick-up
ZFS Consign Field Serv
ZG2W Edwards Crdt Memo RQ
ZGAS Gases Sales Order
ZIN Sales Inquiry
ZINR Service request
ZINS Enq generate by i2
ZIQ Internet Sales Quote
ZIS Internet Sales Order
ZKA Consignment Pick-up
ZKAC Kachina QISSIT order
ZKB Consign Fill-up Serv
ZKE Consign issue-Invoic
ZKF Consignment Fill Up
ZL2W Edwards Dbt Memo RQ
ZL2X Edwards Dbt Memo RQ
ZL2Y Edwards Dbt Memo RQ
ZLE Loan Order
ZLI Loan Order & Invoice
ZLR Literature Requests
ZOR Standard Sales Order
ZPI QualApprovalInvoice
ZPIN Project Inquiry
ZPOR Project Order
ZPQT Project Quote
ZPR Flex Exch & Repair
ZPS QualityApprovalOrder
ZQA Annual Sales Quote
ZQF Flex Service Quote
ZQF2 CRM Flex Service QT
ZQS Service Quote
ZQT Sales Quotation
ZR1C CRM Chargeabl Repair
ZR2C CRM Chrgrep-contract
ZR3C CRM Warranty repair
ZRAS Warranty repair
ZRCC Ret. Commercial Cr.
ZRCR Chargeable repair
ZRE Warranty return
ZREP Chargeable repair
ZRFC Flex Ret.Comm.Cr.
ZRI Pick RTN 150 Ptype
ZRMR Non-Comm. Returns
ZRN Return - no Credit
ZRPL Warranty replacement
ZRRC Chargrepair-contract
ZRTN Returns
ZSCO Intercompany Orders
ZSD2 Service invoice req
ZSDR Hub Service DR
ZSI S or R Release Order
ZSO Rush & Kachina Order
ZSR Sale or Return Order
ZTSV Edwards Service Orde
ZWCO Wty Credit Only
ZWDR CRM Hub Service DR
ZWK1 Value Contract
ZWNR WarRet wCrdt No Repl
ZWRI Warranty replacement
ZWRO Wty Replace only
ZWRP Wrny replace no inv
ZWRR Wty Repl Only Ze InV
ZWRZ Wrny replace no inv
ZWV Serv. / Maintenance
ZWV2 Serv. / Maint. 2

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