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B re a s t M R I m a g i n g :

Normal Anatomy
Sara C. Gavenonis, MD

 Breast MR imaging  Normal anatomy
 Structural anatomy  Functional anatomy

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers PROTOCOL: TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS
in American women, with the American Cancer
Society estimating more than 200,000 women Breast MR imaging has the ability to depict both
being newly diagnosed with breast cancer in structural and functional anatomy of the breast.
2010.1 As an adjunct to mammography, breast Breast MR imaging protocol uses a multiplanar
magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has emerged imaging approach as well as the use of intrave-
as a powerful and useful tool in the detection and nous gadolinium to achieve the goals of anatomic
evaluation of breast cancer. Dynamic contrast- depiction. This discussion focuses on the protocol
enhanced breast MR has sensitivities reported as currently used at the Hospital of the University of
approaching 100% for invasive breast cancer.2–4 Pennsylvania (HUP), with reference to general
Given this sensitivity, breast MR imaging is principles of breast MR imaging techniques.
increasingly being used in both screening and At present, the standard clinical protocol for
diagnostic breast imaging applications. In 2007, breast MR imaging at this institution is acquired
the American Cancer Society published guidelines with a 1.5-T magnet with a dedicated bilateral
for the application of screening breast MR imaging breast coil. A minimum field strength of 1.5 T is
in women with an elevated risk of breast cancer, recommended for optimal breast MR imaging. It
either by family history–based calculation or is important that there is good magnetic field
because of prior medical history.5 The use of homogeneity across both breasts, to allow for
breast MR imaging in specific diagnostic scen- optimal in-plane image resolution and signal to
arios such as evaluating the extent of disease in noise ratio per pixel. Also, this allows for optimal
a patient with breast cancer has also been fat suppression across both breasts.
studied.6–11 As the applications of breast MR The importance of patient positioning should be
imaging increase and are refined, an under- emphasized. For breast MR imaging, the patient is
standing of the normal anatomy of the breast on positioned prone with the breasts pendant. It is
MR imaging and the basic rationale behind the essential that the technologist positioning the
imaging of this structure is invaluable. Only with patient is aware of the pitfalls sometimes associ-
a strong foundation of knowledge of the “normal” ated with use of the breast coil and prone posi-
can pathology be recognized appropriately. tioning. For example, lateral and axillary breast
The goals of this article are as follows: tissue is often excluded from the coil, and this is
sometimes only apparent during localizer sequ-
1. Review a basic protocol for breast MR imaging ences (Fig. 1). This situation can lead to nonvisual-
2. Review normal structural anatomy of the breast ization or suboptimal evaluation of the excluded
3. Review expected range of normal functional portions of the breast. Such malpositioning may
anatomy of the breast, as seen on dynamic limit the visualization of not only the structural
contrast-enhanced images of the breast. anatomy of those portions of the breast(s). It

Funding: Not applicable.

The author has nothing to disclose.
Breast Imaging, Department of Radiology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 1 Silverstein, 3400 Spruce
Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
E-mail address:

Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 19 (2011) 507–519

1064-9689/11/$ – see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
508 Gavenonis

on localizer sequences. If necessary, the patient

should be repositioned (see Fig. 1; Fig. 3).
At the author’s institution, sagittal plane imaging
is performed for all precontrast series and dynamic
enhanced series. A delayed axial postcontrast
series is also obtained for multiplanar reference
purposes, as well as for delayed enhancement
information. The ability to cross-reference between
planes is useful in establishing the 3-dimensional
characteristics of any finding. Sagittal image acqui-
sition is chosen at HUP to maximize the in-plane
spatial resolution of the images, thus optimizing
morphologic assessment of any findings. Axial
dynamic image acquisition is an alternative option,
and can provide excellent temporal resolution
(fewer total slices to image both breasts) and also
provides the ability to compare symmetry on the
same image. There are pros and cons to each
Fig. 1. Axial localizer sequence. The patient is posi- approach; one compromise solution is to obtain
tioned prone, with the breasts pendant in the dedi- dynamic enhanced series with isotropic voxels, so
cated breast coil. Asterisks indicate tissue that is not
that reconstruction in the imaging plane of choice
fully within the chambers of the coil. Stepoffs of tissue
between breast within and outside of the chamber can occur with postprocessing. The essence of
are seen (blue arrows), created by the patient’s weight any breast MR imaging technique with regard to
on the breast. On the left side, breast parenchyma is imaging plane is to ensure there is some capability
in the region of this stepoff (red arrow), and the of multiplanar assessment and cross-referencing,
weight on this portion could theoretically obscure so that any enhancement can be properly assessed
structural anatomy as well as have an effect on the in terms of 3-dimensional morphology.
vascular enhancement of this region (thereby The phase-encoding direction is chosen to mini-
affecting the functional anatomy). Ideally, this patient mize artifact from cardiac pulsation. This direction
should be repositioned. will vary based on the chosen imaging plane. For
example, the phase-encoding direction will be cra-
must be noted that the pressure from the patient’s niocaudal in the sagittal imaging plane and trans-
weight on the portions of the breast excluded from verse in the axial imaging plane. Although in the
the coil also alters the vascular flow dynamics of axial plane this results in some cardiac pulsation
those areas. Thus, the functional anatomy of those artifact in the axillary regions, it is preferable to
portions of the breast is also not optimally evalu- obscuring the medial portions of the breasts (which
ated, which can lead to false-negative results is what would occur if the phase-encoding direc-
(Fig. 2). tion were chosen in the orthogonal axis).
Positioning is also of paramount importance After localizer sequences, at HUP a sagittal T2-
during MR imaging–guided breast interventional weighted turbo spin-echo sequence is acquired
procedures. Although this topic is beyond the (see Table 1) with fat saturation (Fig. 4). The T2
scope of this article, it is important to be aware signal intensity of an MR imaging finding has
of the impact of positioning on the potential been reported to be useful as an adjunct to
success of any MR imaging–guided breast proce- morphology and kinetic information.12 Although
dure. Consideration should be given to physical there are many benign MR imaging findings that
access to the target site and to the impact of have increased T2 signal, such as cysts and
altering the enhancement dynamics to the target fibroadenomas,12 it is important to remember
site during such procedures. that malignant lesions can also have increased
The patient’s arms are variably positioned either T2 signal. One study reported that 30 of 480
above the head or at the sides, depending on cancers displayed increased T2 signal relative to
patient mobility, patient comfort, and ability to surrounding parenchyma on fat-suppressed T2-
image or access the target region of the breast. weighted imaging.13 Increased T2 signal intensity
The patient’s peripheral intravenous access is of a finding can thus support a benign assessment
connected to the injector before imaging, to mini- if morphology and enhancement is otherwise also
mize any subsequent patient motion. benign, but the increased T2 signal intensity of
Localizer sequences are first performed (Table 1). a lesion should not trump suspicious morphology
In addition, patient positioning can also be assessed or enhancement kinetics.
Normal Anatomy - Breast MRI 509

Fig. 2. Altered vascular dynamics: positioning effect. Initial MR imaging study. In this patient, the superior aspect
of the breast parenchyma is not fully included in the coil, and the patient’s weight is on this excluded tissue.
There is a lesion (blue arrow) in this excluded tissue, which does not demonstrate enhancement on this MR
imaging study. (A) Sagittal T1-weighted image, no fat saturation (FS), pre-gadolinium (Gd) contrast. (B) Sagittal
T1-weighted image, with fat saturation, post contrast (second time point is representatively shown). On a subse-
quent MR imaging study, obtained with more optimal positioning, the indicated lesion demonstrated suspicious
morphology and enhancement. Subsequent biopsy demonstrated invasive ductal carcinoma. In this figure, the
positioning of the patient resulted in altered vascular dynamics of the suspicious lesion, as the lesion was
excluded from the coil and the patient’s weight was on this tissue. This case highlights the importance of posi-
tioning of the patient and its effect on vascular dynamics.

Subsequently, a sagittal T1-weighted series acquisition, false-positive areas can be seen on

without fat saturation is obtained (see Table 1) the subtraction series. Therefore, to minimize the
(Figs. 5 and 6). This series provides a useful potential effects of even small amounts of patient
overview of the architecture and fibroglandular motion on the diagnostic quality of the subtraction
tissue distribution of the breast. When used in series, fat saturation is used for this portion of the
conjunction with the subsequent fat-suppressed breast MR imaging examination at the author’s
T1-weighted series, this series is also useful in as- institution. In addition, the use of fat saturation
sessing the fat content of any structure, which optimizes the dynamic range of the image, making
becomes especially useful in the characterization any true enhancement more conspicuous on the
of fat necrosis or lymph nodes (Fig. 7). postcontrast source images.
A sagittal T1-weighted series with fat saturation Intravenous injection of gadolinium contrast
is then obtained (see Table 1) (Fig. 8). This series agent is then administered with a power injector
highlights any areas of intrinsic T1 high intensity (2 mL/s), followed by a 20-mL saline flush. At
that are not fat. For example, material in proteina- HUP, MultiHance (gadobenate dimeglumine) 529
ceous cysts and areas of hemorrhage are identi- mg/mL (Bracco Diagnostics, Princeton, NJ, USA)
fied. This series also serves as the baseline mask is used, dosed based on the patient’s weight, for
for subtraction after the postcontrast series are a dose of 0.1 mmol/kg. Consideration to recent
obtained. Although theoretically fat saturation is renal function laboratory tests is also given, as
not essential for obtaining information from patients with impaired renal function may not clear
subtraction series, such an approach also the gadolinium dose optimally and thus be more
assumes there is no patient motion. If there are susceptible to nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.
areas of intrinsic T1 hyperintensity and there is Renal function is assessed by glomerular filtration
patient motion during the dynamic series rate (GFR), with a full dose given for a GFR greater
Table 1
Breast MR imaging protocol at the author’s institution (1.5 T)

Imaging Series
Sagittal T1-Weighted GRE
Multiplanar Sagittal Sagittal T1- (pre- and 3 postcontrast Axial T1-
Parameter Localizer T2-Weighted Weighted GRE series at 90-s intervals) Weighted GRE
Concatenations — 2 2 1 1
TR (ms) 20.0 6530 9.76 14.6 8.13
TE (ms) 5.00 86 4.76 3.61 3.83
Fat saturation No Yes No Yes Yes
Flip angle 40 180 20 30 15
Field of view (mm) 400 240 240 240 320
Matrix 256 256  256 512  512 512  512 512  512
No. of sections 1 each plane 58 88 88 160
Slice thickness (mm) 10.0 3 2.9 2.9 1.5
Voxel size (mm) 3.1  1.6  10.0 1.3  0.9  3.0 0.7  0.5  2.9 0.7  0.5  2.9 0.9  0.6  1.5
Bandwidth (Hz/pixel) 180 129 180 280 200
Relative SNR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Imaging time (min:s) 0:12 3:57 1:37 1:24 (4) 1:42

Subtraction images generated using precontrast series as a mask (3 sets of sagittal subtraction series generated).
Abbreviations: GRE, gradient recalled echo; SNR, signal to noise ratio; TE, echo time; TR, repetition time.
Normal Anatomy - Breast MRI 511

Fig. 3. Axial localizer sequence. The patient is posi- Fig. 5. Sagittal T1-weighted image without fat satura-
tioned prone, with the breasts pendant in the dedi- tion. Adipose tissue is of high signal intensity, and
cated breast coil. With larger breast sizes, the breast fibroglandular elements appear relatively
anterior portions of the breast may abut the inferior intermediate to dark. Representative structures are
aspect of the coil chamber (arrow). indicated. N, nipple; S, skin; V, vessels; F, fat; P, breast
parenchyma (fibroglandular tissue); C, Cooper’s liga-
ment; M, pectoralis muscles.

than 45 mL/min/1.73 m2 and a half dose given contrast-enhanced breast MR imaging cannot be
for GFR between 30 and 45 mL/min/1.73 m2. performed in patients with GFR in that range.
GFR less than 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 is consid- These rules are based on Food and Drug Adminis-
ered the threshold at HUP as a contraindication tration guidelines, which can be viewed at the Web
for gadolinium administration. Thus, dynamic site (

Fig. 6. Sagittal T1-weighted image without fat satura-

Fig. 4. Sagittal T2-weighted image with fat satura- tion, in a different case. This representative slice is
tion. Fat appears dark while breast parenchyma more medial than the image in Fig. 5 (note the ribs
appears intermediate to bright. Representative struc- are viewed more in cross section). S, skin; F, fat; P,
tures are indicated. N, nipple; S, skin; V, vessels; F, breast parenchyma (fibroglandular tissue); M, pector-
fat; P, breast parenchyma (fibroglandular tissue). alis muscles; R, ribs; I, intercostal muscles.
512 Gavenonis

Fig. 7. Lymph node. (A) Sagittal T1-weighted image, no fat saturation. A crescentic structure with a T1-
hyperintense central hilum is seen (arrow). On this image without fat saturation, the fatty hilum of the lymph
node is hyperintense, and the relative signal intensity of the cortex is lower. (B) Sagittal T1-weighted image,
with fat saturation, no contrast. The signal from the fatty hilum of the lymph node is nulled, as is fat elsewhere
in the breast. On this image with fat saturation, the relative signal intensity of the cortex to the hilum is higher.
Also, the relative signal intensity of fibroglandular elements then becomes intermediate to bright, given that the
fat appears dark. F, fat; P, breast parenchyma (fibroglandular tissue).

Dynamic postcontrast T1-weighted series with the axillary, pectoral, and intramammary regions,
fat saturation are then obtained in the sagittal which are important in evaluating for lymphade-
plane, with 3 series obtained at 90-second intervals nopathy in cases of breast cancer. However,
(see Table 1) (Fig. 9). This timing is based on many extramammary structures are also visual-
studies indicating that optimal temporal resolution ized, though not optimally. It is important to assess
is achieved when imaging occurs at 60- to 120- these structures as well: for example, the heart,
second intervals after gadolinium injection.4,14–16 liver, and chest wall musculoskeletal structures,
An axial delayed T1-weighted series with fat and the anterior lung fields (see Fig. 10).
saturation is then obtained (see Table 1) (Fig. 10). Subtraction images are generated using the
This series permits a larger field of view to visualize combination of the dynamic postcontrast sagittal
series and “subtracting” the baseline mask of the
precontrast sagittal T1-weighted series with fat
saturation (Figs. 11 and 12). These images are
often viewed as linked series so that the temporal
characteristics of the enhancement can be best
It can be helpful to use both the source precon-
trast and postcontrast images in addition to the
subtraction images in the interpretation of breast
MR imaging, as an important pitfall to avoid is
the absence of intravenous (IV) gadolinium. This
situation could occur secondary to a failure in the
IV line, a leak, or a contrast extravasation not
immediately detected. When no gadolinium is
actually administered IV but image acquisition
continues, there can be the appearance of minimal
background enhancement in the breast, but there
will also be no enhancement in the great vessels
and no contrast in the heart. It is important to avoid
Fig. 8. Sagittal T1-weighted image, with fat satura-
this pitfall by assessing the expected locations of
tion. The relative signal intensity of fibroglandular contrast in the great vessels and heart, to ensure
elements is intermediate to bright, given that the that contrast has been administered appropriately
fat appears dark (fat signal is nulled). F, fat; P, breast (see Fig. 9C). Otherwise, the study would be
parenchyma (fibroglandular tissue). deemed nondiagnostic.
Normal Anatomy - Breast MRI 513

Fig. 9. (A) Sagittal T1-weighted image, with fat saturation, post gadolinium contrast, time point 1 (90 seconds
after contrast injection). F, fat; P, breast parenchyma (fibroglandular tissue). (B) Sagittal T1-weighted image,
with fat saturation, post gadolinium contrast, time point 2 (180 seconds after contrast injection). F, fat; P, breast
parenchyma (fibroglandular tissue). (C) Sagittal T1-weighted image, with fat saturation, post gadolinium
contrast, time point 3 (270 seconds after contrast injection). Note the subtle but observable change in contrast
in the heart as the time points progress and circulation of contrast agent occurs (H). F, fat; P, breast parenchyma
(fibroglandular tissue); H, heart.

NORMAL ANATOMY axilla. Blood vessels are present within the breast
Structural Normal Anatomy and the axilla (see Figs. 10 and 12). Lymph nodes
are routinely present in the axillary region (see
In gross anatomic terms, the perimeter of the adult
Figs. 7 and 10B), and occasionally also within
breast is skin at the anterior, medial, and inferior
the breast. A normal intramammary lymph node
aspects. Posteriorly, the chest wall is the boundary
will have the same morphology and MR imaging
of the breast (pectoralis major and pectoralis
signal characteristics as lymph nodes elsewhere,
minor with associated fascia, ribs, and intercostal
generally including an overall crescentic shape
muscles) (see Figs. 4–6). At the upper outer
and a fatty hilum (see Fig. 7).
boundary, breast tissue variably extends into the

Fig. 10. (A) Axial T1-weighted image, with fat saturation, post gadolinium contrast, delayed time point (approx-
imately 2 minutes after last subtraction image). F, fat; P, breast parenchyma (fibroglandular tissue); M, pectoralis
muscles; St, sternum; D, hepatic dome; H, heart; V, vessel, axillary. (B) Axial T1-weighted image, with fat satura-
tion, post gadolinium contrast, delayed time point (approximately 2 minutes after last subtraction image), more
superior slice than that shown in a. Ax LN and blue arrows, axillary lymph nodes; V and yellow arrows, vessels,
internal mammary; H, heart; L, lung; A, aorta.
514 Gavenonis

Fig. 11. Sagittal subtraction series. (A) Subtraction 1 5 Postcontrast time point 1 Precontrast 5 (9A 8). (B)
Subtraction 2 5 Postcontrast time point 2 Precontrast 5 (9B 8). (C) Subtraction 3 5 Postcontrast time point
2 Precontrast 5 (9C 8).

The mature female breast has glandular compo- in each breast. Each segment is arrayed about
nents (ducts and lobules), fibrous supporting a major lactiferous duct. The major ducts form
elements (Cooper’s ligaments), and surrounding from tributaries within each segment called duct-
adipose tissue (see Figs. 4–6). The fibroglandular ules, each of which has associated lobules. A
elements of the breast are organized into terminal ductule with its associated lobules is
segments, with approximately 10 to 20 segments termed a terminal ductule-lobular unit or TDLU.
The TDLU is the site where many breast cancers
Normal anatomic components of the breast can
be visualized and distinguished on MR imaging by
assessing signal intensity. On T1-weighted imaging
without fat saturation, adipose tissue is of high
signal intensity and breast fibroglandular elements
appear relatively intermediate to dark (see Figs. 5
and 6). The presence of fat can be confirmed by as-
sessing the same region on T1-weighted images
with fat saturation, where adipose signal would be
expected to be nulled (see Fig. 7). In T1-weighted
images with fat saturation, the relative signal inten-
sity of fibroglandular elements then becomes inter-
mediate to bright, given that the fat appears dark
(see Fig. 7B). Similarly, on T2-weighted series
with fat saturation, fat appears dark while breast
parenchyma appears intermediate to bright (see
Fig. 4).
On T1-weighted fat saturated images, intrinsi-
Fig. 12. Internal mammary vessels, sagittal subtrac- cally T1-hyperintense material such as proteina-
tion series. A representative image from a second ceous fluid in ducts is highlighted. Moreover, on
time-point subtraction series is shown to demonstrate T2-weighted fat saturated images intrinsically T2-
the prominence of the internal mammary vessels on hyperintense material or lesions, such as fibroade-
these images (V). Given that branches of the internal
nomas or simple cysts, are accentuated.
mammary vessels can sometimes take a tortuous intra-
mammary course, a pitfall to avoid when viewing
a single image in a single plane is mistaking the Functional Normal Anatomy
appearance of a vessel en face (or seen obliquely) as
a discrete lesion. Cross-referencing between axial There is wide variation of normality in fibroglandu-
(Fig. 10B) and sagittal planes, and scrolling through lar composition of the breast, and in mammog-
sequential slices can clarify the finding as vascular, raphy the breast density percentage is classified
thus avoiding this pitfall. and reported as per BI-RADS (Breast Imaging
Normal Anatomy - Breast MRI 515

Fig. 13. Minimal background enhancement. Precontrast images without fat saturation demonstrate a large
amount of fibroglandular tissue. (A) Axial localizer. P, breast parenchyma (fibroglandular tissue). (B) Sagittal
T1-weighted image, no fat saturation. F, fat; P, breast parenchyma (fibroglandular tissue).

Fig. 14. Minimal background enhancement. Sagittal source images, T1-weighted with fat saturation, demon-
strate minimal background enhancement of the breast parenchyma. Fat appears dark, and breast parenchyma
(fibroglandular tissue) appears as intermediate to bright signal. (A) Precontrast. (B) Postcontrast time point 1
(90 seconds after injection). (C) Postcontrast time point 2 (180 seconds after injection). (D) Postcontrast time point
3 (270 seconds after injection).

Fig. 15. Minimal background enhancement. Sagittal subtraction images highlight the minimal background
enhancement of the breast parenchyma. (A) Subtraction 1 5 14B 14A. (B) Subtraction 2 5 14C 14A. (C) Subtrac-
tion 3 5 14D 14A.
516 Gavenonis

enhancement (Figs. 13–15). Also, depending on

the context, a patient can have marked back-
ground enhancement that is normal physiologic
enhancement. Correlation with the clinical context
and the patient’s menstrual cycle is important in
the interpretation of these studies.
Examples of background parenchymal enhan-
cement can be seen in Figs. 16–19.
Background enhancement varies not only
between individuals (see Figs. 17 and 18) but
can also vary as a function of when a patient is
imaged during her menstrual cycle.20 Having the
background enhancement of both breasts is
useful for comparison of symmetry. Bilateral
studies may raise the theoretical potential for false
positives in the breast contralateral to the one of
interest, but the potential benefit of being able to
compare breast background enhancement is
Fig. 16. Mild background enhancement of the breast often invaluable. Thus the author prefers to obtain
parenchyma is demonstrated on this representative bilateral studies as per routine at HUP, rather than
sagittal subtraction image (representative third time unilateral studies.
Enhancement Kinetics
At HUP, dynamic postcontrast images are ob-
Reporting and Data System).18 It must be noted tained at 90-second intervals for 3 time points after
that there is also a variable functional anatomy of injection (see Fig. 9). This action permits the eval-
the fibroglandular tissue, which manifests as uation of the enhancement kinetics of any focal
enhancement on postcontrast images. This findings.
component of the enhancement pattern is termed Initial enhancement can be assessed by
background enhancement, and has been classi- comparing the precontrast and the first postcon-
fied as none/minimal, mild, moderate, and trast series, and is described as rapid, interme-
marked.19 diate, or slow.21–23 Lesions that have relatively
It is of paramount importance to note the higher vascularity (for example, malignant lesions
distinction between fibroglandular density and with associated neoangiogenesis) would be ex-
background enhancement. For example, depend- pected to have a rapid rate of initial enhancement.
ing on the hormonal status of the patient or other The second and third postcontrast series can be
factors such as prior radiation treatment, a breast used to assess if the pattern of enhancement is
that appears extremely dense on mammography gradually increasing (Type 1, persistent), stabi-
can theoretically have minimal to mild background lizing (Type 2, plateau), or decreasing (Type 3,

Fig. 17. Moderate background enhancement is demonstrated in this patient, on serial sagittal subtraction
images. Note that the enhancement pattern is persistent, and the background enhancement has a relatively
confluent appearance globally. (A) Subtraction 1. (B) Subtraction 2. (C) Subtraction 3.
Normal Anatomy - Breast MRI 517

Fig. 18. Moderate background enhancement, in a different patient to the one shown in Fig. 17. This patient had
multiple prior MR imaging examinations, and this pattern of enhancement had been stable compared with prior
studies. Note that while the background enhancement is still classified as “moderate,” the morphology of the
background enhancement is distinct from the patient in Fig. 17. (A) Subtraction 1. (B) Subtraction 2. (C) Subtrac-
tion 3.

Fig. 19. Marked background enhancement. Note that the enhancement pattern is persistent. (A) Subtraction 1.
(B) Subtraction 2. (C) Subtraction 3.

Fig. 20. Multiple fibroadenomas. This patient had a history of prior surgical excision of multiple fibroadenomas.
MR imaging examination demonstrated multiple round and oval circumscribed masses, which were T2-
hyperintense and which demonstrated persistent enhancement. The findings appeared stable compared with
prior MR imaging examinations. The MR characteristics of the findings, in combination with the patient’s history
and the stability, are all in keeping with benignity. FA, fibroadenomas. (A) Subtraction 1. (B) Subtraction 2. (C)
Subtraction 3. (D) Sagittal T2-weighted image with fat saturation.
518 Gavenonis

Fig. 21. Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). (A) Subtraction 1. A representative image from the first sagittal subtrac-
tion series demonstrates rapid and heterogeneous enhancement of this irregular mass, which was biopsy-proven
malignancy. (B, C) Subtraction 2 and subtraction 3. There are components of the mass that demonstrate washout

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