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5th semester

Modern-Day Treasures Hunters

Geocaching is a game played worldwide – even though it only began in 2000! Geo is
from the word geography, and caching (pronounced “cashing”) means hiding a
container with “treasure” inside. The purpose of geocaching is to use GPS technology
to find a hidden cache – some people call it high-tech treasure – hunting game.
Technophiles love it because you need technology. Hikers love it because you may
have to walk a long way. And looking for treasure is fun, so it’s also great for
It isn’t difficult to become a geocacher. First, buy a small handheld GPS device. Next,
search online for a geocaching website and choose a cache to look for. Some caches
are in beautiful locations, such as river valleys, mountains, or beaches. For each
cache, websites list coordinates – numbers that give an exact geographical position
(for example, 48°51.29’N, 02°17.40’E is the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Input the
coordinates for you cache into your GPS device, and you’re ready to go!
Your GPS device will identify the exact location of your cache. That’s the easy part.
The hard part comes after you get to the location – finding the cache! Some caches are
hidden under stones, in trees, or even in water. And what will you find in your cache?
If you’re looking for gold or diamonds, you’ll be very disappointed. Most caches
contain inexpensive things like books, toys, coins, or DVDs. There’s also a logbook
and pencil for you to record the date you found the cache and make comments. The
real prize is the pleasure of saying, “I found it!”
Geocaching etiquette allows you to take whatever you want from the cache, but you
must replace it with something of the same or higher value. Don’t forget to bring
some treasure for the next geocacher!

Read the article. Check true or false for each statement. (10 scores)

1. Geocaching is a new low-tech game.

2. Geocaching is popular in many countries.
3. You need information from websites.
4. Your GPS device gives you coordinates.
5. Your GPS device finds cache locations for you.
6. Caches contain pencils as well as treasure.
7. Geocaches usually find gold.
8. Geocaching is about giving and taking.
9. The game is inappropriate for children.
10. Most caches contain cheap objects.

Film vocabulary (5 scores)

Match these words with their definitions below:
Star director scene critic review
1. Somebody who reviews new films
2. A very famous actor or actress
3. What a critic writes about a new film
4. The person who tells the actors and actresses what to do
5. One small part of a film

Put these words into the sentences below: (5 scores)

Screen subtitles row trailers credits
1. Let’s sit at the back. I don’t like being too near the
2. I like to sit in the front
3. I find trying to read ______________ very annoying. I prefer dubbed films.
4. I like seeing all the _______________for the new films that are coming out.
5. I usually stay at the end to read the______________ because I like to know who some of the
less important actors were.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. (6 scores)

1. “We need some milk and butter. Don’t forget ___________at the store on your
way home.” (stop)
2. “Edgar introduced us at a party, and it was very embarrassing. She obviously knew me, but
I didn’t remember _____________ her.” (meet)
3. “Oh no! I forgot ____________ the garbage out! It’ll have to wait until
4. “It’s getting late. Let’s not stop _____________ we can have dinner when we
get home.” (eat)
5. “Alice is so beautiful—I will never forget ____________ her for the first time.” (see)
6. “Do you expect ______________ a pay raise? Well, it looks like you’re going
to get one!” (get)

Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. (4 scores)

a) My boss is SO/SUCH an idiot.
b) There was SO/SUCH much traffic this morning.
c) The line was SO/SUCH long.
d) It was SO/SUCH a beautiful day yesterday.

KEYS: such so so such

Find and correct six errors in the diary. (6 scores)

Usually I don’t mind studying, but last night I was so sick of do homework that I
decided to go out with Amy. She felt like go to the movies, so I suggested to go to a
romantic comedy. But Amy said she hates romantic movies and suggested watch an
action movie instead. But I can’t stand so much violence, so finally we chose seeing
that new Japanese animated film. We both really enjoyed to watch it, and we had a
wonderful time.

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