Corona Warriors: Submitted By-Devansh Harjai Class - 10 Sec - A3 Roll No - 43

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Submitted By- Devansh Harjai
Class- 10th
Sec- A3
Roll no- 43
 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly
discovered coronavirus.
 Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to
moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special
treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are
more likely to develop serious illness.
 The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed
about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect
yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol
based rub frequently and not touching your face.
 The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge
from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important
that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a
flexed elbow).
 To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID-19, do the

• Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-
based hand rub.
• Maintain at least 1 meter distance between you and people coughing or
• Avoid touching your face.
• Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
• Stay home if you feel unwell.
• Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.
• Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying
away from large groups of people.
How have People from medical profession
helped the world during this pandemic…………
 It is not only the doctors and nurses who are serving the infected
patients but a lot of other medical staff also such as intensive care
unit and coronary care unit technicians and scavengers are working
together as a team.
 As the death toll continues to rise, frontline health workers face a
dire risk of contracting the virus.
 Health-care professionals have been reported to be struggling with
different issues such as continuous workload, extended shifts of
work, overworked, burnout, threat of being evicted from their homes
for fear of community spread, amidst the most fearful threat of
getting infected while on their jobs.
 Reports have also been found about the incidents of violence on
health-care workers in terms of response to testing, resistance
behavior toward maintaining guidelines, and grief over loss of family
 Health workers especially doctors and nurses are always committed
and render selfless service to the treatment of their patients, but
during a pandemic like COVID-19, it is also been hard for them to
fight a prolonged battle against a deadly, highly contagious illness
with no known cure.
 Health workers providing their service to patients suffering from COVID-
19 are making each person of this country to feel and understand their
dedication toward their profession, determined to push through and help
 They are the warriors who are fighting this disease on the frontlines and
are putting their lives at risk along with staying away from their loved
ones for long periods of time to keep others safe including their family
members and continue with providing their selfless services.
 They showcase their services and duty for the country, to protect
people, and that is why it is said that health workers are there in a
position to make a difference.
 The COVID-19 pandemic has re-established the role of health workers,
especially frontline health workers to our society.
 In these grim times, when the pandemic has pushed millions of people
across the world into hospitals, frontline health workers have tougher
tasks at hand and have displayed tremendous strength, commitment,
and compassion in these uncertain times.
 Health workers are the most valuable resource of our society, not only
during an outbreak but also in our day-to-day life because of their
bravery and skill needed to save lives.
 The services provided by doctors and health workers all over the world
during this pandemic reflect their selfless and responsible attitude
toward their profession and the community, and these unsung heroes
fighting the battle against coronavirus on the frontline deserve our
unending respect and gratitude.
How have various NGO’s helped middle
class people……
 Mission Oxygen-
Mission Oxygen began as a overnight initiative by a community of
founders and entrepreneurs across Delhi/NCR to aid and assist
hospitals that were running out of oxygen to treat Covid19
 Gautam Gambhir Foundation-
The Gautam Gambhir Foundation is extending their support to the
marginalized, by assuring that their health care workers stand at
the first line of defense. These activities involve the distribution of
Ration Relief Kits, Cooked Meals, Personal Protective Equipment
Kits, N-95 Masks, Nourishment Supplements, Bedding Kits, etc.
 Breathe India-
A group of IIT alumni, in coordination with SaveLife foundation
have started a fund collection drive for oxygen .concentrators to
be setup in and around Delhi NCR region.
 Spoorthi Foundation- Coronavirus Relief Fund-
Spoorthi creates a safe and secure haven for our children to
learn, improve, and bloom into who they really are so they can
grow up to afford themselves the dignity and strength they need
to break free of the cycle. As an organization, we work to erase
the barriers between the kids and their potential. This campaign
can help provide basic nutrition and vitamin and mineral tablets,
dry fruits along with sanitary products like masks, gloves and

 Sakina Foundation-
‘Sakina’ – Peace for one and all – Sakina Foundation strives for
this very humane yearning. Since last year they are involved in
covid relief measures majorly in Telangana and different parts of
India. They are accepting donation in the form of oxygen
cylinders, Remdesivir injections, covid medicines, masks,
sanitizers, gloves, PPE, grocery.
How Policemen served the country
during pandemic…….
• Purchasing protective gear such as infrared thermometers,
nitrile gloves, masks, hand sanitizing wipes, and hand
• Working to supply departments with hygiene kits, towels,
and cell phone chargers for round the clock operations
• Funding professional decontamination of police facilities
and equipment
• Providing sanitizer stations for police facilities
• Securing alternative housing for officers who are sick or
need to isolate themselves from family members at
greater risk of complications if infected with COVID-19
• Securing a COVID-19 testing center for exclusive use by first
responders and other essential local employees
• Installing mobile trailers equipped with cameras and license plate
readers to address areas with an uptick of crime due to no schools in
session Coordinating meal and snack donations and deliveries to
first responders
• Providing barbers and shoe shiners safely to ensure officers still can
maintain uniform standards during this time
• Helping to promote messaging to the community on behalf of their
police agencies and/or local community government, including
promoting compliance with public health orders
• Promoting messages of gratitude and support for law enforcement
through social media campaigns
• Providing teachers and/or parents with workbooks and coloring
pages from officer-friendly programs for home schooling.

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