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Course Title: Planning and Staffing

Course Code: HRM-401

Prepared For:
Tasnuva Rahman
Assistant Professor
FBA, Eastern University
Prepared By:
Sadman Sakib
Mid Term Examination, Spring 2021

ID : 181200081 - 4E71 Faculty : Business

Name : SADMAN SAKIB Program : BBA
Course Course Name Attendanc Credit Code
HRM 401 Human Resource Planning and Staffing e 50% 3
HRM 402 Industrial Relations 0% 3
HRM 403 Training and Development 68.75% 3
MGT 401 Project Management 41.67% 3
STS 201 Business Statistics II 58.33% 3
Instruction for Examinees:
* Examinees should enter the examination room / hall before 10 minutes of starting of the examination
* No examinees shall be allowed to sit for the examination without Admit card
* No Examinees shall be allowed to carry any papers except admit card
* Cellular phone will not be allowed in the examination room / hall

80% class attendance is mandatory to sit for examination.

(Controller of Examinations)
a) The labor supply is calculated below:

Sales Assistant Distribution Sales Store In- Exit

Manager Sales Manager Associate Charge
Sales 70% 20% 10%
(n=20) 14 4 2
Assistant 13% 76% 11%
Manager 6 35 5
Distribution 19% 75% 6%
(n=16) 3 12 1
Sales 6% 54% 10% 30%
(n=250) 15 135 25 75
Store In- 3% 17% 60% 20%
(n=30) 1 5 18 6
Forecasted 23 63 16 140 33 89

So, 23 employees will stay in the sales manager position; 63 employees will stay in the
assistant sales manager position, 16 employees will stay in the distribution manager position,
140 employees will stay in sales associate, 33 employees as store in charge and 89 employees
will exit.
b) The differentiation of two techniques are written below:

Delphi Technique Nominal Group Technique

1. It is a process used to arrive at an 1) It relies on the moderator who
opinion by surveying a panel of records everything during a
experts. brainstorming session of
2. It relies on questionnaire. 2) It relies on ideas gathered during a
3. Experts are encouraged to provide 3) Each idea is solely discussed.
feedbacks or commentary.

4. The ideas of experts are ranked. 4) The ideas are voted to determine the best
5. The questionnaires are provided in 5) Decision makers vote using index cards
rounds. to rank. A score of five means the highest
and a score of 1 is the lowest.
6. The questions grow progressively 6) The ideas are persuaded in order to the
and focuses on small subset. priority levels.

c) Economic conditions refer to the Macroeconomic trend and variables of any country
at any point of time. There are factors that affect influence manpower in a company,
are written below:
1. Supply and Demand: Supply refers to the amount of products that are available for
purchase. Demand is how eager people are to purchase the product. Supply and
demand aren’t constant. Sometimes it decreases and increases. For example there
is a company that sells oranges and potatoes. If potatoes get rotten then there will
be no potatoes to purchase in the market but customers still want to buy potatoes.
Because of that the company will lose profit and cut employees to make up for the
profit they lost. Which will make up their profit and the company will be in a no
positon to hire more employees until they make the profit they lost in potatoes.
2. Inflation: Prices of goods get higher over a year or over months. When prices go
higher fast instead of steadily. Which shifts the curve higher and the purchase
power decreases. As inflation rises, the purchase power decreases. For example,
the wage rates per hour in California is $15. But in a year the state increased it to
$20. This is a situation where the company will have to increase the price of
products or decrease employees to get over the situation.
3. Interest rates: When borrowers borrow money they borrow it with interest. The
interest rate determines how much they will have to pay in addition with interest
rates. Rising interest rates can affect business in several ways. The business will
look less capable of paying its bills and makes difficult to pay its bills. To make
up for it they higher the price, cut employees or hire less employee to make room
for profit.
4. Foreign exchange rates: It is a rate at which one currency converts to another.
Investors invest more in a country where the exchange rate is higher. For example,
the currency of US has an exchange rate of $1 = 80taka in Bangladesh. In result
the investor will invest more. In doing business, the business owners of
Bangladesh will have to export products to the US and the charge of cargo will be
higher in the rates of Bangladesh. Because of it they will face difficulties.

The economic condition of a country isn’t constant. It changes rapidly. Not only it
affects the talent pool, it also affect the ability to hire anyone at all.

d) Applicants and organization are two joint participants in the process. The 3 main
components of staffing are written below from the perspective of an applicant:
1. Recruitment: Organizations are dominant but applicants are aggressor. The
applicants find jobs from advertisements, job fair, headhunters or through internal
sources. If they identify a job that matches their skillset and attract them with the
package, what the organization is offering, salary, holidays and autonomy then
applicants send their resume to the mailbox of the organization. Applicants
attempt to make their qualification attractive to the selector.
2. Selection: As the organization is shortlisting employees, the applicant is assessing
and evaluating the information that he/she got from the representatives of
company, informal ways like relatives, visualization like videos, worksite tour or
written information found on the brochure. As he/she assess and evaluates the
information, the applicant also prepares for the final process.
3. Employment: Its decision making and final match for both applicant and
organization. The applicant goes through the self-selection process whether to
continue the selection process or drop out. If the applicant stays till the final
process then the applicant has chosen to continue. Now he/she is waiting for the
job offer then negotiation, autonomy and the final decision regarding the offer.

e) The number of employees that I want to recruit from 2002 to 2008 are written below:
Let’s, Sales/Index (Sales divided by Index)

Year Sales Index Number of Employees

2002 2800 18.06 155
2003 3050 17.83 171
2004 3195 19.25 166
2005 3300 18.64 177
2006 3500 18.64 188
2007 3600 18.64 193
2008 3800 18.64 204

f) Succession planning for AltuFaltu bank is written below:

Department: Branch: N/A N/A
Marketing Dhaka

Position: Years in Job Overall Overall

Marketing Performance Performance
Manager Rating Rating
Rayhan Ahmed 8 Exceeds Below
Expectation :Yes Expectations: N/A
Meets Expectation:

Promote To: Promotabilit

Chief Marketing y Rating
Ready Now Ready In 1-2 Not Promotable
Yes N/A N/A


Position: Years in Job Overall Overall

Market Performance Performance
Research Expert Rating Rating
Shoumen Roy 3 Exceeds Below
Expectation :Yes Expectations: N/A
Meets Expectation:

Promote To: Promotabilit

Marketing y Rating
Ready Now Ready In 1-2 Not Promotable
N/A Yes N/A


Position: Years in Job Overall Overall

Market Performance Performance
Research Expert Rating Rating
Ridhita 4 Exceeds Below
Chowdhury Expectation :Yes Expectations: N/A
Meets Expectation:

Promote To: Promotabilit

Marketing y Rating
Ready Now Ready In 1-2 Not Promotable
Yes N/A N/A

Succession planning depends on replacement plan and directly tie into leadership
development. AltuFaltu bank has the option of replacing their Chief Marketing Officer with
Rayhan Ahmed. If their Chief Marketing officer decides to leave company then they can
replace him/her with Rayhan Ahmed, who has an experience of 8 years working as
Marketing Manager. Now, to fill the position of Rayhan Ahmed, the bank has 2 options,
Shoumen Roy, who is a Marketing Research Expert, has experience of 3 years, ready to
promote in 1-2 years and Ridhita Chowdhury, who is a Marketing Research expert,
experience of 3 years and ready to promote.

g) Strategic staffing based on levels for the university are written below:
1. Determine your business goals: Determine goals for the university. Where the
university want to be in 5 years.
2. Current Workforce: Determine the workforce. How many faculties are there for
how many students and if they are enough. How many teachers are needed to
fulfill the need for students?
3. Have a clear information about teachers who are going to retire, applied for
maternity leaves, teachers who are about to leave the job, upcoming promotions
that requires succession plan and individuals who are giving average performance.
4. Create a long term projection of staffing. Share the vision and strategy with the
stuff and give a complete view to them about their roles and how they will
5. Review the plan regularly. Is it going according to plan or not? Are there any
obstacles or changes that requires to reshape the plan.
h) Ways to determine if I’m fit for an organization or not:
Company culture: Find about the culture of the company. Is the culture fits for you? If
not then how to adapt? If there are no ways to adapt then the culture of the company
isn’t fit for you. Culture defines the workplace and how you will gain experience.
Ask questions: Ask questions about the company’s policy in the interview, about their
vacation policy, work hour, overtime and then ask yourself if the company is right
choice for you or want a better culture and policy.
Visual Scan: Arrange a tour or as your interviewer for a tour. Is your workplace has
enough space or 3 people working in the corner in untidy space. Now, think about the
place you visited, how is the space and other things that makes you fit.
Network: Find if there are anyone you know working at the company. Or you’re
going to work in a company where you’re unknown, talk to employees and find if
they are friendly or not.

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