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Combined-Cycle Water Treatment System

Power | Case Study

The Client The Client’s Needs

Northeastern USA – A The client was in need of both a raw water and wastewater
Northeastern USA utility converting treatment system for its new 1,100-megawatt (MW) natural gas-
a 400 MW coal-fired power station fired combined cycle power station that was being built to replace
to a new 1,100 MW natural gas- an existing 400-MW coal-fired plant that had been decommissioned
fired, combined cycle power plant. previously.

The Solution
The client contracted Veolia Water Technologies to engineer,
procure and supply a 6,000 gallons per minute (GPM) raw water
treatment system and a 1,200-GPM wastewater treatment system.

The raw water system utilizes two Actiflo® clarification units treating
up to 6,000 GPM of water from the local river. The treated water will
be used for both cooling tower make-up and service water for the

The wastewater system will treat 1,200 GPM of cooling tower

blowdown prior to discharge back to the river. It is processed in a
Key Figures two-step treatment consisting of two chemical reaction tanks for
coagulation, precipitation and flocculation followed Veolia’s patented
• 6,000-GPM raw water treatment Hydrotech™ Discfilters.
system for cooling tower make-up
• 1,200-GPM wastewater treatment By utilizing Veolia’s packaged technologies, such as Actiflo and
system for cooling tower Discfilter, the client not only was able to meet performance
blowdown expectations but also reduced its total project installation cost.

Key Benefits
• Ability of ballasted clarification to
handle changing river water
quality and cold water temperature
• Low total installed and operating
cost of both packaged Clarifier
and Discfilters

Veolia’s Actiflo Clarification System

Veolia Water Technologies
1-800-337-0777 • WATER TECHNOLOGIES

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