ODB - Nursing Thera 2 (NLE)

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Proverbs 12:25

An anxious heart weighs

a man down…

 Hypothalamus controls body’s temperature  Do not allow the client to lie on a “constant heat source”
 Temperature is the balance between heat production and such as heating pad or aquathermic pad
heat losses  Do not apply heat to an edematous area until the reason for
 Factors that affect temperature are BMR, Age, thyroxine edema has been determined
output, Hormones, time, stress  Gel packs provide more aggressive cooling than ice bags, so
 Alteration in temperature includes pyrexia (38.1C above), deserve grater caution
hyperpyrexia (41C) and hypothermia (35 C below)  During cold therapy, erythema will occur
 Tympanic temperature reading best reflect core  The four stages of cold progression are cold, stinging,
temperature burning, numbness
 Pulse is control by the Autonomic Nervous System  Discontinue cold therapy upon numbness
 Factors that affect pulse rate are age, gender, position,  Never apply a fully cooled cold packs directly to the skin
medication, stress  Bony areas usually requires half the treatment time as fatty
 Apical pulse should be assess on a lying position areas
 Carotid pulse is assessed for cardiac arrest for adult and  Do not apply an instant chemical pack to the face and never
brachial pulse for infant and child. use pins to secure pack
 Defibrillation kills the heart temporarily  Elderly clients are more susceptible to injury from heat and
 Respiration is controlled by Medulla oblongata and Pons cold therapy as a result of physiologic changes or medical
 Factors that affect respiration are age, environment, conditions
altitude, stress, medication  Vital signs and frequent assessment may need to be carried
 Blood pressure is determined by blood volume, elasticity of out during heat and cold therapy as vasodilation from heat
the blood vessels, hematocrit level and peripheral or vasoconstriction from cold can cause changes in cardiac
resistance function and blood pressure
 Orthostatic Blood pressure measurement is used to monitor  Pressure sore is caused by three basic factors: pressure,
the drop of blood pressure. friction, shearing force
 Physical assessment is used to confirm, validate and refuse a  Factors that might be at risk in developing a pressure sore
data are: malnutrition, increased temperature, decreased
 Cephalocaudal approach is used when doing physical protein intake, decreased sensation, decreased mental
assessment capacity, immobility
 The four modes of physical assessment are Inspection,  Pressure ulcer are graded from stage 1 to 4
palpation, percussion and auscultation  The three major phases of wound healing are inflammation,
 Consent must be obtained for physical assessment proliferation and maturation
 Privacy should be observed in conducting physical  The RYB (red, yellow, black) classifies open wounds that are
assessment healing by secondary or delayed primary intention in both
 Thermotherapy increased superficial temperature and local acute and chronic wound
metabolic rate,  The three types of wound healing are primary, secondary
 Heat therapy is contraindicated for acute muscle injury, and tertiary intention
impaired circulation, sensory impairment, bruises and open  The goals of wound healing includes: remove necrotic
wound tissue, prevent infection, absorb drainage, maintain a moist
 In most hospital, the water temperature is controlled at a environment, protect wound from further injury
temperature not to exceed 43.3 C to prevent injury  Ensure that skin is kept clean and prevent it from getting
 Petroleum jelly may be used to prevent tissue damage when too dry
hot packs are applied  Provide a balanced diet high in protein, vitamins and
 Monitor Vital sign frequently when systemic cold is applied mineral for tissue repair
 When using hypothermia blanket, use towel to wrap hands  Ensure a fluid intake of 2,000 mL/day for adequate
and feet to protect skin from injury hydration
 Observe skin for purplish color, and check client for numb  Do not elevate head of the bed more than 30 degrees
feeling after cold application are removed

DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 - 1 -

 Reposition a bedridden client at least every 2 hours and a  For occult blood examination, the client should be
chair bound client every hour instructed to avoid dark-colored food, red meat, iron and
 Common fecal elimination problem includes constipation, hemoglobin rich food for 48 – 74 hours
diarrhea, incontinence, flatulence  Avoid collecting specimen during menstrual period
 Lack of exercise, irregular defecation habits, bland diet and  Sputum specimen is best collected early morning to help the
overuse of laxative are all thought to contribute to client expectorate all the secretions that has been
constipation accumulated at night
 Sufficient fluid and fiber intake are required to keep feces  Method of sputum collection includes deep breathing and
soft coughing exercise, suctioning and chest physiotherapy
 An adverse effect of constipation is straining during  Blood test are the most commonly used diagnostic test and
defecation can provide valuable information about the hematologic
 An adverse effect of prolonged diarrhea is fluid and system and other body system
electrolyte imbalances  Walker promotes more stability compare to cane and
 When inspecting the client stool, the nurse must observe its crutches
color, consistency, shape, amount, odor, and the  Crutches observes different gaits such as: 4 point gait, 3
constituents point gait and 2 point gait, plus swing to and swing through
 Digital removal of an impaction should be carried out gently  Cane should always be places on the stronger side of the
 Enema is used to relieve constipation, fecal impaction, body
flatulence and is also used for evacuation and in lowering  Client should always be free from restraint
body temperature  Reason for placing the client on a restraint includes:
 Proper positioning must be observed in doing enema. Left disruptive behavior, procedure and transfer
lateral position for adults and dorsal recumbent position for  Never anchor the restraint on the side rail
child and infants  Free movement should be provided when placing the client
 Urinary elimination depends on normal functioning of the on a restraint
urinary, cardiovascular and nervous system  Two types of visualization are direct and indirect. Direct
 Alteration in urine production and elimination includes methods make use of gadget or instrument to visualize a
polyuria, oliguria, anuria, frequency, nocturia, urgency, body area/organ. Indirect methods make use of dye,
enuresis, hematuria, incontinence and retention electrical impulses
 Incontinence can be physically and emotionally distressing  KUB X-ray (kidney, ureters, bladders) are painless
to client  For voiding cystourethrogram films are taken before, during
 Clients with urinary retention is at risk for tract infection and after voiding
 The most common cause of urinary tract infection is  Retrograde pyelogram (RPG) outlines the pelvis and ureters.
invasive procedure Epinephrine at the bedside should be prepared
 Goals for client with problems with urinary elimination  A pink tinged urine is normal after cystoscopy because of
problems includes maintaining or restoring normal the irritation of the mucus membrane
elimination patterns and preventing skin breakdown  Distending bladder for KUB ultrasound is done for better
 Urinary catheterization is frequently required for clients imaging
with urinary retention but is only performed when all other  A 24 hours bed rest after renal biopsy is encouraged to
measures to facilitate voiding fails prevent bleeding
 Gradual decompression should be done in doing straight  Blood Transfusion is used to improve the oxygen carrying
catheterization capacity of the blood and restore the blood volume
 Fr 16 – 18 is used from male client and Fr 12 – 14 is used for  0.9% NaCl is the only fluid solution allowed for blood
female client for catheterization transfusion
 For retention catheter, inflate the balloon with 5 ml of  Label the blood and warm the blood at a room temperature
sterile NSS  Use needle gauge 18 or 19 for BT to allow easy flow of the
 For client with retention catheter, acidifying urine is a must. blood
Food such as meat, fish, eggs and cereals  Do not mix medication with blood transfusion
 Normal pH of urine is 6 or a range of 4.6 – 8  Stop the transfusion immediately for any complication that
 Clean voided specimen is used for routine urinalysis might occur during blood transfusion
 Midstream urine specimen is used for urine culture
 Timed urine specimen collection is used to assess the ability
of the kidney to concentrate and dilute urine; determine
level of specific constituents; determine disorders of glucose
 If the client or staff forgets and discard the client’s urine
during times collection, the procedure must be restarted
from the beginning
 To collect a stool specimen for infant, the stool is scraped
from the diaper

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