Christian Garcia - Activity 6 - Identifying Statistical Tests

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MAF 203 Statistics

Inferential Statistics

Name Garcia, Christian F. Date July 30, 2021 Score

06 Activity Sheet
Identifying the Appropriate Statistical Test

Guided by the visual organizer above, identify the appropriate statistical test
for data analysis based from the information given. (Tests of Difference)

1. A researcher wants to investigate whether first-year male and female

students at a university differ in their memory abilities (measured as the
number of words recalled).
*Independent t tests

2. A researcher wished to determine whether reaction time (the length of

time taken for a person to respond), measured in milliseconds, differed
in under 21 year olds versus those 21 years old and over.
*independent t tests
3. A researcher wished to understand whether there was a mean difference
in dieters' daily calorie consumption before and after a six-week diet
*dependent t test

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MAF 203 Statistics
Inferential Statistics

4. A researcher wished to determine whether there was a mean difference

in one’s reaction times under two different lighting conditions in a room
(i.e. "blue light" versus "red light").
*sign t test
5. A researcher wished to understand whether salaries differed based on
educational level (i.e., "high school" and "college"). The distribution
appeared to be positively skewed.
*mann-whitney test
6. A researcher wished to understand whether attitudes towards pay
discrimination, measured on a five-point scale from "strongly agree" to
"strongly disagree", differ based on gender.
*mann-whitney test
7. A researcher wished to determine whether there was a difference in
reaction times, measured in milliseconds, under two different lighting
conditions in a room (i.e. "blue light" versus "red light"). Normality
requirement is not met.
*wilcoxon signed-rank test
8. A researcher wished to determine whether there was a difference on the
level of self-esteem (i.e. "low" and "high") of the participants before and
after a series of counselling sessions.
*dependent t test
9. Dana wishes to assess whether vitamin C is effective in the treatment of
colds. She obtains 30 volunteers from undergraduate classes to
participate. She randomly assigns an equal number of students to three
groups: placebo (group 1), low doses of vitamin C (group 2), and high
doses of vitamin C (group 3). Students in all three groups are monitored
to assess the number of days that they have cold symptoms.
*One way anova
10. A researcher wished to understand whether there is a difference in
salary based on degree subject (i.e. "business studies", "psychology",
"biological sciences", "engineering" and "law").
*one way anova
11. A researcher wished to understand whether salaries, measured
using a continuous scale, differed based on educational level (i.e., "high
school", "college" and "graduate"). Normality requirement is not met.
*brown-forsythe test
12. Marvin is interested in whether blonds, brunets, and redheads
differ in their extroversion. He randomly samples 18 men from his local
college campus: 6 blonds, 6 brunets, and 6 redheads. He then
administers a measure of social extroversion to each individual using a
scale (1 to 10 levels).
*one way anova

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MAF 203 Statistics
Inferential Statistics

13. A researcher wished to understand whether there is a difference in

cigarette consumption among heavy smokers after a hypnotherapy
program (e.g., with three time points: cigarette consumption
immediately before, 1 month after and 6 months after the hypnotherapy
*one-way repeated measures anova
14. John is interested in the development of visual attention in infants
and whether it differs for novel and familiar stimuli. He collects
measures of visual attention for novel and familiar stimuli from 60
infants at four time periods: three months, four months, six months, and
eight months. Visual attention is measured using a visual attention test.
*friedman test
15. Consider an experiment where two drugs were being given to
elderly patients to treat heart disease. One of the drugs was the current
drug being used to treat heart disease and the other was an experimental
drug that the researchers wanted to compare to the current drug through
comparison of cholesterol concentration in the blood of the elderly
patients. The researchers also wanted to understand how the drugs
compared in low- and high-risk elderly patients.
*two way/ three way anova
16. A researcher wished to determine whether there was a difference
on the participants’ sense of safety (i.e. "safe" or "not safe") when
carrying a rod, an alarm or nothing at all.
*Cochran’ Q test
17. A researcher wished to determine whether there is a difference in
cigarette consumption among heavy smokers after a hypnotherapy
program (e.g., with three time points: cigarette consumption
immediately before, 1 month after and 6 months after the hypnotherapy
program). Assumption of normality is markedly violated.
*wilcoxon signed-rank test
18. Mary, a developmental psychologist, is interested in how girls’ self-
esteem develops over time. She measures 25 girls at ages 9, 11, and 14,
using a self-esteem Likert scale (1 to 5 levels).
*kruskal-wallis test
19. Dan wished to examine the effects of various study strategies on
learning. Thirty students from different sections of an introductory
psychology course were randomly assigned to one of three study
conditions: the think condition, the write condition, or the talk
condition. At the completion of the study session, all students took a quiz
consisting of recall, application, analysis, and synthesis questions.
20. A researcher is interested in determining whether there were
differences in the performance of male and female police officers in
dealing with violent crimes and crimes of a sexual nature taking into
account a citizen's gender. *manova

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MAF 203 Statistics
Inferential Statistics

Guided by the visual organizer above, identify the appropriate statistical test
for data analysis based from the information given. (Tests of Relationship)

1. A researcher wished to determine whether employee’s salaries and

length of employment in a firm, measured in days, are linearly
*pearson correlation
2. A researcher wished to determine whether there is an association
between exam performance and time spent revising. Parametric
assumptions are not satisfied.
*spearman correlation
3. A researcher wished to determine whether there is an association
between level of depression (i.e. none, mild, moderate and severe) and
length of unemployment (i.e. short-term, medium-term and long-term
*kendall’s tau
4. A researcher wanted to predict lawyers' salaries based on the number of
years they have practiced law.
*linear regression

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MAF 203 Statistics
Inferential Statistics

5. A researcher wanted to understand whether exam performance can be

predicted based on revision time, test anxiety level, lecture attendance,
course studied and gender.
*multiple regression
6. A researcher wanted to predict whether students will pass or fail an
exam based on the amount of time they spend revising, whether English
is their first language and their pre-exam stress levels.
*linear regression
7. Researchers conducted a simple study where they presented participants
with the statement: "Tax is too high in this country", and asked them how
much they agreed with this statement. A researcher wanted to predict
the belief that tax is too high (i.e., measured on a 4-point Likert item
from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree"), based on three independent
variables: age, income and the political party someone last voted for.
*multinomial logistic regression
8. A teacher wants to know the answer to whether the outcome of a
mathematics test is related to the gender of the person taking the test.
Or in other words, she wants to know if males show a different pattern of
pass/fail rates than females.
*logistic regression

9. An educator would like to know whether gender (male/female) is

associated with the preferred type of learning onmedium (online vs.
*chi square test
10. Researchers want to know if education level and marital status are

*linear regression


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